Assignment 11 Solution

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NPTEL Online Certification Course

< Operation and planning of power distribution systems >

<Assignment Number 11>: Detailed Solution
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Q1. Which of the following cannot be an objective in the optimization formulation of

distribution network reconfiguration?
a) Minimization of switching cost and service restoration, and maximization of
number of switching

b) Minimization of switching cost and number of switching, and maximization of service


c) Cost of optimal feeder sizing

d) Cost of reactive power compensation

Q2. Which of the following are advantages of integrating distributed generation in a

distribution network?
a) Enhanced reliability and improved power quality
b) Reduced power flow in the distribution lines
c) Reduction in network power losses
d) All of the above
Q3. Mark the option in which both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are correct.
a) Assertion (A): Maintaining voltage levels within specified limits is not crucial for
distribution networks unless thermal limits of distribution lines are violated.
Reason (R): Voltage levels outside the specified range can lead to equipment
malfunction, reduced efficiency, and an increased risk of electrical failures.
b) Assertion (A): Voltage rise problems become more pronounced in distribution
networks with a high penetration of renewable energy sources.
Reason (R): The intermittent nature of renewable energy sources decrease the load
demand and thus elevate node voltages.
c) Assertion (A): The node voltage deviations in distribution networks are more
sensitive to active power injections as compared to transmission networks.
Reason (R): The R/X ratio of distribution networks is high as compared to the
R/X ratio of transmission networks.
NPTEL Online Certification Course
< Operation and planning of power distribution systems >
<Assignment Number 11>: Detailed Solution
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

d) Assertion (A): Node voltage rise violation due to high DG integration can occur in
only meshed distribution networks and not in radial distribution networks.
Reason (R): Radial networks never allow reverse power flow thus node voltages are
always below the nominal value.

Q4. Study the two statements labelled as Assertion (A) and Reason (R).
Point out if:
1. Both, A and R, are true and R is the correct explanation of A
2. Both, A and R, are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
3. If A is true but R is false
4. If A is false but R is true

Assertion (A): DG integration notably renewable energy sources in a distribution network

can pose challenges related to voltage regulation.
Reason (R): The bidirectional flow of power and potential islanding conditions associated
with distributed generation require advanced protection and control mechanisms to ensure
network stability and safety.
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Q5. Which of the following statements is true about the static planning and dynamic planning
of power distribution networks?
a) Static planning only considers load growth while as dynamic planning considers load
growth as well as addition of new nodes into the existing distribution network.
b) Both static and dynamic planning consider expansion planning, while as dynamic
planning also considers load growth in the network.
c) Static planning is a one-step planning which considers peak demand in the
existing distribution network while as dynamic planning also considers future
load growth as well as expansion planning.
d) Static planning only considers the addition of new nodes in the network (expansion
planning) while as dynamic planning considers peak load demand as well as future
load growth.
NPTEL Online Certification Course
< Operation and planning of power distribution systems >
<Assignment Number 11>: Detailed Solution
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Q6. Which of the following forms of renewable energy holds maximum share in installed
capacity in India?

a) Wind energy
b) Solar energy
c) Small hydro
d) Bio energy
Q7. How does the implementation of Distributed Generation contribute to grid resilience from
a techno-economic perspective?
a) By increasing energy losses
b) By reducing the need for grid maintenance
c) By providing backup power during grid outages
d) By decreasing the need for energy storage
Q8. Which of the following can typically be a range for the power generation capacity of
medium-distributed generation units?
a) 5kW -50kW
b) 5MW - 5GW
c) 5GW - 50GW
d) 5 MW - 50MW
Q9. A distribution network with peak load demand of 3.5 MW is integrated with installed
renewable power capacity of 2.8 MW. The total energy supplied by the renewable sources
over a year is 9.10 GWh with average penetration of 52%. At a given time instant ‘t’, the
renewable sources supply 2 MW out of the total 2.7 MW load demand. Determine the
instantaneous penetration at time instant ‘t’ and total energy supplied to the load over a
a) Instantaneous penetration = 74.07% ; Yearly load consumption = 17.50 GWh
b) Instantaneous penetration = 57.14% ; Yearly load consumption = 12.28 GWh
c) Instantaneous penetration = 80% ; Yearly load consumption = 11.375 GWh
d) Instantaneous penetration = 74.07% ; Yearly load consumption = 12.28 GWh
Instantaneous penetration at time “t” = 2/2.7 = 0.7407 = 74.07%
Total energy supplied over a year = 9.1/0.52 = 17.5 GWh
NPTEL Online Certification Course
< Operation and planning of power distribution systems >
<Assignment Number 11>: Detailed Solution
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Q10. Which of the following can be present in the conventional radial distribution network?
a) Bi-directional power flow in the feeders
b) Grid integration of renewable energy sources
c) Grid integration of renewable energy sources as well as bi-directional power flow in
the feeders
d) Neither grid integration of renewable energy sources nor bi-directional power flow in
the feeders

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