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1. apologise (v) /ə to say that you are sorry for doing He wanted to publicly apologize to his - xin lỗ i
ˈpɒlədʒaɪz/ something wrong or causing a victims.
2. boyfriend (n) a man or boy that somebody has a She's got a new boyfriend. - bạ n trai
/ˈbɔɪfrend/ romantic or sexual relationship with
3. close (adj) /kləʊs/ near in space or time I had no idea the beach was so close. - gầ n
4. confident (adj) feeling sure about your own ability to She was in a relaxed, confident mood. - tự tin
/ˈkɒnfɪdənt/ do things and be successful
5. cool (adj) /kuːl/ used to show that you admire or Doesn't she look cool in those - ngầ u, thờ i trang,
approve of somebody/something sunglasses? đẹp
because they are/it is fashionable,
attractive and often different
6. couple (n) /ˈkʌpl/ two people or things I saw a couple of men get out. - cặ p đô i
7. decorate (v) to make something look more They decorated the room with flowers - trang trí
/ˈdekəreɪt/ attractive by putting things on it and balloons.
8. defend (v) /dɪˈfend/ to protect somebody/something from The role of the military is to defend - phò ng vệ, phò ng
attack the country. thủ
9. divorced (adj) /dɪ no longer married because your Many divorced men remarry and have - li hô n, li dị
ˈvɔːst/ marriage has been legally ended second families.
10. flat (n) /flæt/ a set of rooms for living in, usually on They're renting a furnished flat on the - că n hộ
one floor of a building third floor.
11. generous (adj) giving or willing to give freely; given The gallery was named after its most - hà o phó ng, rộ ng
/ˈdʒenərəs/ freely generous benefactor. lượ ng
12. girlfriend (n) a girl or a woman that somebody is He’s got a new girlfriend. - bạ n gá i
/ˈɡɜːlfrend/ having a romantic relationship with
13. grateful (adj) feeling or showing thanks because Thank you for doing this. I really am so - biết ơn
/ˈɡreɪtfl/ somebody has done something kind grateful.
for you or has done as you asked
14. guest (n) /ɡest/ a person that you have invited to your They only use the dining room when - khá ch
house or to a particular event that you they have guests.
are paying for
15. independent confident and free to do things Going away to college has made me - tự do, độ c lậ p
(adj) /ˌɪndɪˈpendənt/ without needing help from other much more independent.
16. introduce (v) to tell two or more people who have The lead singer introduced each - giớ i thiệu
/ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs/ not met before what each other’s member of the band.
names are; to tell somebody what
your name is
17. loving (adj) feeling or showing love and care for She chose the present with loving care. - yêu thương
/ˈlʌvɪŋ/ somebody/something
18. loyal (adj) /ˈlɔɪəl/ remaining constant in your support of He is one of the president's most loyal - trung thà nh
somebody/something supporters.
19. mood (n) /muːd/ the way you are feeling at a particular She's in a good mood today - tâ m trạ ng
20. neighbourhood (n) the area that you are in or the area We searched the surrounding - hà ng xó m, vù ng
/ˈneɪbəhʊd/ near a particular place neighbourhood for the missing boy. lâ n cậ n
21. ordinary (adj) having no unusual or interesting The meal was very ordinary. - bình thườ ng
/ˈɔːdnri/ features
22. patient (adj) able to wait for a long time or accept You'll just have to be patient and wait - kiên nhẫ n
/ˈpeɪʃnt/ annoying behaviour or difficulties till I'm finished.
without becoming angry
23. private (adj) belonging to or for the use of a Those are my father's private papers. - riêng tư, cá
/ˈpraɪvət/ particular person or group; not for nhâ n
public use
24. recognise (v) to know who somebody is or what I recognized the voice immediately. - nhậ n ra
/ˈrekəɡnaɪz/ something is when you see or hear
them or it, because you have seen or
heard them or it before
25. relation (n) /rɪ the way in which two or more things Her work explores the relation - mố i quan hệ
ˈleɪʃn/ are connected between technology and culture.
26. rent (n) /rent/ an amount of money that you I earn just about enough to pay the - tiền thuê
regularly pay so that you can use a rent.
house, room, etc.
27. respect (v) /rɪ to have a very good opinion of I respect Jack's opinion on most - tô n trọ ng
ˈspekt/ somebody/something; to admire subjects.
28. single (adj) not married or having a romantic The apartments are ideal for single - độ c thâ n
/ˈsɪŋɡl/ relationship with somebody people living alone.
29. stranger (n) a person that you do not know There was a complete stranger sitting - ngườ i lạ
/ˈstreɪndʒər/ at my desk.
30. trust (v, n) /trʌst/ to believe that somebody is good, He has shown that he can't be trusted. - tin tưở ng
sincere, honest, etc.

1. bring up - take care of a child until he or she She brought up five children. - nuô i nấ ng
becomes an adult
2. fall out (with) - have an argument with sb and I fell out with my friends last night. - khô ng cò n là m bạ n nữ a
stop being friends
3. get on (with) - have a good relationship (with) She got on well with her boss. - hò a hợ p
4. go out with - be the boyfriend/girlfriend of Tom has been going out with Lucy - trở thà nh bạ n trai/gá i củ a
for six weeks.
5. grow up - become older (for children) Their children have all grown up - lớ n lên
and left home now.
6. let down - disappointed He let me down by saying nothing. - là m thấ t vọ ng
7. look after - take care of She looks after her pets. - quan tâ m, chă m só c
8. split up - end a relationship They split up last Sunday. - chia tay, kết thú c



1. by yourself How long were you by yourself in the house? - tự mình, mộ t mình
2. in common (with) We have a lot of things in common. - có điểm chung
3. in contact (with) We're no longer in regular contact. - có liên lạ c, kết nố i
4. in love (with) She was in love with him. - có tình cả m, yêu
5. on purpose I know she did it on purpose. - có chủ ý, có mụ c đích, cố ý
6. on your own You should study on your own. - tự mình là m

1. fond of She is fond of playing golf. - thích
2. jealous of She's jealous of my success. - ghen tị
3. kind to You are very kind to us. - tố t vớ i
4. married to She is married to a rich man. - kết hô n vớ i
5. proud of My parents are proud of my success. - tự hà o
6. admire sb for I admired him for his intelligence. - ngưỡ ng mộ ai vì
7. apologise (to sb) for He apologised to me for being late. - xin lỗ i (ai) vì
8. argue (with sb) about We argued with the boss about his unfairness. - tranh cã i (vớ i ai) về
9. care about I always care about my future. - quan tâ m về
10. chat (to sb) about They chatted to their friends about studies until 10. pm. - tá n gẫ u vớ i ai về
11. an argument (with sb) about We had an argument with our children about travelling. - có cuộ c tranh cã i vớ i ai về
12. a relationship with I have a relationship with my friend. - có mố i quan hệ vớ i

1. able /ˈeɪbl/ (adj) có thể, có khả nă ng
2. ability /əˈbɪləti/ (n) khả nă ng
3. disabled /dɪsˈeɪbld/ (adj) tà n tậ t, khuyết tậ t
4. unable /ʌnˈeɪbl/ (adj) khô ng thể, khô ng có khả nă ng
5. admire /ədˈmaɪər/ (v) ngưỡ ng mộ
6. admiration /ˌædməˈreɪʃn/ (n) sự ngưỡ ng mộ
7. care /keə(r)/ (v) quan tâ m, lo lắ ng
8. careful /ˈkeəfl/ (adj) cẩ n thậ n
9. careless /ˈkeələs/ (adj) bấ t cẩ n
10. confident /ˈkɒnfɪdənt/ (adj) tự tin
11. confidence /ˈkɒnfɪdəns/ (n) sự tự tin
12. forgive /fəˈɡɪv/ (v) tha thứ , bỏ qua
13. forgave /fəˈɡeɪv/ (v) độ ng từ V2 củ a forgive
14. forgiven /fəˈɡɪv.ən/ (v) độ ng từ V3 củ a forgive
15. forgiveness /fəˈɡɪvnəs/ (n) sự tha thứ , sự bỏ qua
16. honest /ˈɒnɪst/ (adj) thà nh thậ t
17. dishonest /dɪsˈɒnɪst/ (adj) khô ng thà nh thậ t
18. honesty /ˈɒnəsti/ (n) sự trung thự c, sự thà nh thậ t
19. introduce /ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs/ (v) giớ i thiệu
20. introduction /ˌɪntrəˈdʌkʃn/ (n) sự giớ i thiệu
21. lie /laɪ/ (v) nó i dố i
22. liar /ˈlaɪər/ (n) kẻ nó i dố i
23. lying /ˈlaɪɪŋ/ (v) hiện tạ i phâ n từ củ a lie
24. person /ˈpɜːsn/ (n) 1 ngườ i
25. personal /ˈpɜːsənl/ (adj) cá nhâ n, riêng tư
26. personality /ˌpɜːsəˈnæləti/ (n) tính cá ch
27. relate /rɪˈleɪt/ (v) liên quan, liên hệ
28. relative /ˈrelətɪv/ (adj) tương đố i, có liên quan về
29. relation /rɪˈleɪʃn/ (n) mố i quan hệ, sự liên quan
30. relationship /rɪˈleɪʃnʃɪp/ (n) mố i quan hệ

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