Unit 24

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1. admit (v) /ədˈmɪt/ to agree, often unwillingly, that It was a stupid thing to do, I admit. - thừ a nhậ n
something is true
2. arrest (v) /əˈrest/ if the police arrest somebody, the A man has been arrested in connection - bắ t giữ
person is taken to a police station and with the robbery.
kept there because the police believe
they may be guilty of a crime
3. charity (n) an organization for helping people in Many charities sent money to help the - tổ chứ c từ
/ˈtʃærəti/ need victims of the famine. thiện, từ thiện
4. commit (v) to do something wrong or illegal Most crimes are committed by young - phạ m, phạ m
/kə'mit/ men. tộ i
5. court (n) /kɔːt/ the place where legal trials take place Her lawyer made a statement outside - tò a á n
and where crimes, etc. are judged the court.
6. criminal (adj, n) connected with or involving crime; a They were charged with criminal - thuộ c tộ i
/ˈkrɪmɪnl/ person who commits a crime damage phạ m, tên tộ i
phạ m
7. culture (n) the customs and beliefs, art, way of life The film examines the culture clash - vă n hó a
/ˈkʌltʃər/ and social organization of a particular between the generations.
country or group
8. community (n) /kə all the people who live in a particular The local community supported us from - cộ ng đồ ng
ˈmjuːnəti/ area, country, etc. when talked about the start.
as a group
9. familiar (adj) /fə well known to you; often seen or heard I couldn’t see any familiar faces in the - quen thuộ c
ˈmɪliər/ and therefore easy to recognize room.
10. government (n) the group of people who are The government announced further - chính phủ
/ˈɡʌvənmənt/ responsible for controlling a country or austerity measures.
a state
11. habit (n) /ˈhæbɪt/ a thing that you do often and almost You need to change your eating habits. - thó i quen
without thinking, especially something
that is hard to stop doing
12. identity card (np) a card with a person’s name, date of Have you got your identity card handy? - thẻ chứ ng
/aɪˈdentəti kɑːd/ birth, photograph, etc. on it that proves minh nhâ n dâ n
who they are
13. illegal (adj) /ɪ not allowed by the law She promised to crack down on illegal - bấ t hợ p phá p
ˈliːɡl/ immigration.
14. politics (n) the activities involved in getting and She is aiming for a career in politics. - chính trị
/ˈpɒlətɪks/ using power in public life, and being
able to influence decisions that affect a
country or a society
15. population (n) all the people who live in a particular The country has a total population of 65 - dâ n số
/ˌpɒpjuˈleɪʃn/ area, city or country; the total number million.
of people who live there
16. prison (n) a building where people are kept as a She went to prison for tax evasion. - nhà tù
/ˈprɪzn/ punishment for a crime they have
committed, or while they are waiting
for trial
17. protest (v, n) the expression of strong dislike of or The riot began as a peaceful protest. - biểu tình, cuộ c
/ˈprəʊtest/ opposition to something; a statement biểu tình
or an action that shows this
18. resident (n) a person who lives in a particular place The proposals sparked concern among - cư dâ n
/ˈrezɪdənt/ or who has their home there local residents.
19. responsible having the job or duty of doing Mike is responsible for designing the - có trá ch
(adj) /rɪˈspɒnsəbl/ something or taking care of entire project. nhiệm
somebody/something, so that you may
be blamed if something goes wrong
20. rob (v) /rɒb/ to steal money or property from a The tomb had been robbed of its - cướ p
person or place treasures.
21. routine (adj, n) the normal order and way in which you In school, I quickly fell into the routine. - lịch trình, thó i
/ruːˈtiːn/ regularly do things quen
22. schedule (n) a plan that lists all the work that you I have a hectic schedule for the next few - lịch là m
/ˈʃedjuːl/ have to do and when you must do each days. việc/họ c tậ p
23. situation (n) all the circumstances and things that There is no doubt that the current - tình huố ng,
/ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃn/ are happening at a particular time and situation is very serious. hoà n cả nh
in a particular place
24. social (adj) connected with activities in which She has a busy social life. - thuộ c về xã
/ˈsəʊʃl/ people meet each other for pleasure hộ i
25. society (n) /sə people in general, living together in She believes that the arts benefit society - xã hộ i
ˈsaɪəti/ communities as a whole.
26. steal (v) /stiːl/ to take something from a person, shop, I'll report you to the police if I catch you - trộ m, lấ y trộ m
etc. without permission and without stealing again.
intending to return it or pay for it
27. tradition (n) /trə a belief, custom or way of doing This region is steeped in tradition. - truyền thố ng
ˈdɪʃn/ something that has existed for a long
time among a particular group of
people; a set of these beliefs or
28. typical (adj) having the usual qualities or features This is a typical example of Roman - điển hình, tiêu
/ˈtɪpɪkl/ of a particular type of person, thing or pottery. biểu
29. vote (v, n) /vəʊt/ to show formally by marking a paper, How did you vote at the last election? - bầ u chọ n, sự
raising your hand, using a voting bầ u chọ n, bầ u
machine, etc. which person you want cử
to win an election, or which plan or
idea you support
30. youth club (np) a club where young people can meet She gives talks at local schools and youth - câ u lạ c bộ
/ˈjuːθ klʌb/ each other and take part in various clubs. thanh niên

1. break in(to) - enter illegally The thief broke into the building. - độ t nhậ p
2. catch up with - reach the same point/level as Go on ahead. I'll catch up with you. - theo kịp
3. get away with - escape punishment for He was lucky to get away with only a fine. - thoá t khỏ i sự phạ t
4. get up - leave your bed I always get up at 6 a.m. - thứ c dậ y
5. move in - start living in a new house, etc Our new neighbours moved in yesterday. - chuyển đến
6. put away - return sth to where it belongs I'm just going to put the car away. - để lạ i chỗ cũ , cấ t đi
7. wake up - stop being asleep Wake up! It's eight o'clock. - thứ c giấ c
8. wash up - wash plates, cups, cutlery, etc I didn't wash up the pans. - rử a chén bá t

1. against the law It is against the law to steal. - vi phạ m phá p luậ t
2. at the age of He left school at the age of 18. - và o/ở độ tuổ i
3. in public He rarely appears in public these days. - ở nơi cô ng cô ng, nơi cô ng chú ng
4. in response to I am writing in response to your enquiry. - trả lờ i
5. in touch (with) It is important to keep in touch with the latest - liên lạ c vớ i
6. in your teens/twenties, etc You reach puberty in your teens. - trong độ tuổ i thiếu niên, ...
1. angry (with sb) about The passengers grew angry about the delay. - giậ n dữ (vớ i ai) về
2. guilty of parents who feel guilty about the small amount of - tộ i lỗ i về
time they spend with their children
3. accuse sb of She practically accused me of starting the fire! - buộ c tộ i ai đó
4. blame sb for She doesn't blame anyone for her father's death. - đổ lỗ i cho ai vì điều gì
5. blame sth on Police are blaming the accident on dangerous driving. - đổ lỗ i cá i gì lên ai đó /cá i gì
6. criticise sb for She has been sharply criticized for her comments. - phê bình, chỉ trích ai vì
7. forget about In the excitement I forgot all about my little brother. - quên về
8. forgive sb for I'll never forgive her for what she did. - tha thứ cho ai vì
9. invite sb to Have you been invited to their party? - mờ i ai tớ i
10. punish sb for She will be punished for her crimes. - phạ t ai vì
11. share sth with Sue shares a house with three other students. - chia sẻ cá i gì vớ i
12. smile at She smiled at him and he smiled back. - mỉm cườ i vớ i ai
1. agree /əˈɡriː/ (v) đồ ng ý
2. agreement /əˈɡriːmənt/ (n) sự đồ ng ý
3. disagree /ˌdɪsəˈɡriː/ (v) khô ng đồ ng ý
4. belief /bɪˈliːf/ (n) niềm tin
5. believe /bɪˈliːv/ (v) tin tưở ng
6. believable /bɪˈliːvəbl/ (adj) có thể tin đượ c
7. unbelievable /ˌʌnbɪˈliːvəbl/ (adj) khô ng thể tin
8. courage /ˈkʌrɪdʒ/ (n) sự can đả m, sự dũ ng cả m
9. courageous /kəˈreɪdʒəs/ (adj) can đả m, dũ ng cả m
10. elect /ɪˈlekt/ (v) bầ u, quyết định
11. election /ɪˈlekʃn/ (n) sự bầ u cử , cuộ c tuyển cử
12. equal /ˈiːkwəl/ (adj) ngang bằ ng, bình đẳ ng
13. equality /iˈkwɒləti/ (n) sự ngang bằ ng, sự bình đẳ ng
14. unequal /ʌnˈiːkwəl/ (adj) khô ng bình đẳ ng
15. life /laɪf/ (n) cuộ c số ng
16. live /lɪv/ (v) số ng
17. alive /əˈlaɪv/ (adj) cò n số ng
18. nation /ˈneɪʃn/ (n) quố c gia
19. nationality /ˌnæʃəˈnæləti/ (n) quố c tịch
20. national /ˈnæʃnəl/ (adj) toà n quố c
21. international /ˌɪntəˈnæʃnəl/ (adj) toà n thế giớ i
22. peace /piːs/ (n) hò a bình, thá i bình
23. peaceful /ˈpiːsfl/ (adj) yên bình
24. peacefully /ˈpiːsfəli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch yên bình
25. prison /ˈprɪzn/ (n) nhà tù
26. prisoner /ˈprɪznər/ (n) tù nhâ n
27. shoot /ʃuːt/ (v) bắ n
28. shot /ʃɒt/ (n) phá t sú ng, phá t bắ n, tiếng sú ng
29. shooting /'∫u:tiŋ/ (n) sự bắ n bị thương, sự să n bắ n

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