Philip Lombard's Medical Miracle

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philip lombard’s medical miracle

philip lombard was one of the most seductive doctors in the world. he was extremely attractive and
he was married to a young woman named vera claythorne-lombard, who was about a decade
younger than him. she was known to suffer from münchausen syndrome, giving her a poor
reputation. she was manipulative yet charming, using her looks and twisted stories to get her way.
marriage didn’t stop lombard from hooking up with women frequently.
lombard never reconnected with these women, as they were all either bad in bed or riddled with
sexually transmitted diseases.
there was one woman who lombard quite frequently hooked up with. she was the same age as
philip, and she was clean, pure, and obsessive over lombard. she was a strange woman, many even
called her a stalker. she loved to watch people, noting the way they behaved. lombard thought she
was the prettiest woman alive, and loved her obsessiveness. he loved how she clung to him like a
little puppy, constantly asking him questions with the innocence and curiosity of a small child. her
name was clarisse mcclellan, and she was philip’s little secret.
there was a phenomenon that had been on dr. lombard’s mind recently, that being age regression.
cases of age regression filled him with rage and curiosity alike. a part of him wanted to study age
regression, in fact he even found it to be very…attractive. there was something about the
vulnerability of a grown adult completely relying on him for care that really tugged at his heart.
however, he was also disgusted by age regression. the thought of a grown adult acting like a child
freaked him out, especially knowing that some of them required diapers. there had been several
cases of age regression recently, the last one being a man who tried to commit suicide by driving
off a bridge, only for the hypoxia and near drowning to cause severe neurological damage, leading
to age regression. that was about 5 years ago, and apparently he was doing well with his husband’s
cousin. his husband, who was an arranged marriage, was in jail.
it was john beatty’s last day in prison, he was finally getting released. prison had made him realize
what a terrible person he had become. he was a nasty, abusive man with an addiction to alcohol and
child pornography. he loved montag for the sole reason that he was soft, sweet, and innocent, these
traits further exacerbated by his age regression. beatty felt waves of regret shock his body,
remembering the day that montag tried to kill himself, the event that caused his age regression.
it was later discovered that montag had severely uncontrolled diabetes. beatty hoped that his
cousin faber remembered how to give him his shots.
beatty had called faber to pick him up, as not only was beatty’s house next door to faber’s, but
because he wanted to see his little boy. he wanted to know montag was safe. upon arrival, beatty
nervously greeted faber. it had been five years since they had seen each other. their conversation
was awkward and restrained until they arrived home.
mildred and montag were both trusted enough to be left home alone for short periods of time. they
were good, sweet, well behaved angels. they would both sit in front of the television and watch
whatever the wallscreen played, giggling and calling each other “gyat ohio sigma skibidi rizz” in
each other’s arms.
this particular time, the two were watching walter white from breaking bad twerking on the stripper
pole with skibidi toilets getting brazilian butt lifts in the background. montag was sprawled out on
the sofa, his legs wide open and his thumb in his mouth, while mildred rested her head on montag’s
lap, sucking on her grimace shake plushie.
faber slowly opened the door, as montag and mildred’s eyes both lit up with joy. montag was
especially happy when he noticed beatty, who he missed so dearly. faber recalled nights where
montag sullenly sat in his bed, whining for beatty. he cried and cried no matter how much faber
consoled him.
there was a beatty shaped hole in his heart that was finally getting filled.
montag excitedly hopped off the sofa, flinging his arms around beatty’s neck.
he straddled his legs around beatty, which was awkward due to his height.
“daddy missed you kitten.”
faber was secretly glad to have montag gone. he was such a burden that faber did not want to deal
with. he was an inconsolable mess who cried and whimpered, who paced around knock kneed and
had staring fits, who urinated a waterfall in his pants in the middle of the night, a disgusting
awkward grown child who faber would not miss.
he was sweet, he was innocent, he was pure, and he enraged faber.
“he cried every night because he missed you,” said faber dryly.
beatty smiled and collected all of montag’s belongings to bring home.
“sweetheart are you ready to come home with daddy? i heard you missed me!”
montag nodded.
“i miss you bee’ie i wan you back pweas!”
there was a slight unintentional moan in montag’s words.
tears flooded from beatty’s eyes, as he was overjoyed to see montag again. he grasped montag’s
hand and headed to the small house next door.
philip lombard was busy at work when his “little secret” knocked on the door of his office. he was
preparing a pill to cure age regression that had just finished being tested. he looked up at clarisse,
who was leaning against the door on her elbow.
“well hello there, clarisse.”
lombard smirked, watching clarisse get closer and closer until she was practically pinning him
against the wall. taking the hint, lombard began to unzip his pants slowly. he wanted things to go
slow, to watch clarisse grow impatient, knowing she would.
clarisse was the type of girl to want to go fast and rough, but lombard wanted to take his time.
clarisse tried to pull lombard’s pants off, only for lombard to grab her hand roughly.
“naughty girl!”
he chuckled softly, smirking. he reached his hand up clarisse’s skirt, feeling for her panties.
clarisse’s knees knocked together as she flinched, blushing. lombard’s hand slowly guided her
panties down until they sat on top of her feet. she flung them off, allowing her legs to spread. for a
while, she stood there with nothing under her skirt as lombard teased her. his fingers reached up as
if they were to finger her, only for him to retract them. clarisse grew more impatient, waiting for
lombard to begin touching her.
“w-what’s taking you s-so long?”
clarisse whimpered. suddenly, everything was hot as lombard’s finger slowly crawled upwards,
feeling every crevice.
lombard quickly cemented his finger up her main hole, feeling the warmth and wetness.
“what’s rushing you?”
lombard smirked, looking at clarisse’s sweaty forehead.
clarisse arched her back as lombard tactfully shoved another finger up her hole. she moaned a few
times, each one getting louder the farther lombard went. she threw her head back, approaching
“philip- oh, oh ph-ph-philip why-why m-must you do t-this to m-me!”
lombard knew it was wrong to have sex on the job, especially when he had something very
important to address with clarisse, but let her finish. he watched her pant and whimper as the
adrenaline slowly wore off. he smirked at her, helped her dress again, and prepared himself to ask
her a question.
“clarisse, how would you like to be the test subject for my age regression pill?”
“but i don’t have age regression?”
“well, the thing is, if you aren’t age regressed the opposite effect should take place, meaning that
i’m going to induce age regression to see if it works.”
“oh so you want me age regressed?”
lombard didn’t care if his pill worked, but he really wanted clarisse to be age regressed. he wanted
her as a child to take care of with vera, even if she was technically a grown woman. clarisse filled
out the consent form and eagerly took the pill, which took a few hours to kick in.
clarisse woke up in a bright room. it took a second for her eyes to adjust to the light. she was afraid,
but then saw lombard who was softly stroking her hair.
“hi clarisse! how do you feel?”
clarisse felt sick but didn’t have the words to describe what was happening.
she incoherently mumbled a bit, as lombard cupped her chin with his hand.
“you’re okay baby, you’re okay..”
it was almost like an innate sense of protection that clarisse felt in lombard’s presence, as if she
knew he had good intentions. she also realized that she was wearing a diaper and a little nightgown.
“do you wanna go home with mommy and daddy?”
clarisse slowly nodded. the words “mommy” and “daddy” made her feel comfortable. she wanted to
be loved by mommy and daddy. lombard carried clarisse away from the hospital and loaded her into
his truck, driving her home. his marketing team would take care of marketing his anti-age regression
pill to the public, so that lombard could cure this epidemic once and for all….while still having one
specimen to himself.
it had been two weeks since beatty reconnected with montag, and things were finally getting back
to normal. beatty never realized how much he enjoyed having montag to take care of, but he did
miss his grown up self. as much as he loved taking care of montag, dressing him up in onesies,
feeding him bottles, etc., he felt bad that montag wasn’t really living, only passing time as a child in
a grown body.
he admired montag as he sat sucking his thumb while watching hazbin hotel finger family cookie
swirl c jojo siwa elsa gate unboxing. the wallscreen cut to a commercial of an anti age regression pill
that could be bought at the local pharmacy over the counter. the commercial immediately struck
beatty’s attention, making him wonder if this new pill would really work. he decided to leave the
house and pick up a bottle of these pills to try out. if the pills worked, montag would have a true
shot at life. if not, it would be okay. beatty would still love him.
the bottle had a large warning on it that read: THIS PILL MAY CAUSE A RARE CONDITION CALLED
beatty ignored this warning. it was rare, and it probably wouldn’t happen.
montag was still on the sofa watching skibidi toilet five nights at freddy’s in roblox. his long legs
were sprawled out as he drooled all over himself. he had a pacifier that was so worn down that there
were little punctures it the rubber. he messily chewed on his pacifier, his eyes glued to the
beatty filled montag’s baby bottle with some warm milk and slipped the pill under his tongue. the pill
was rather large, especially for a “child” to be taking.
“can you swallow this like a good boy?”
montag was initially confused as the large pill sat in his mouth. beatty put the baby bottle up to his
mouth, slowly pouring the warm milk into his mouth. montag drank the milk, therefore swallowing
the pill.
“good job baby, i know that was hard to swallow, but you did wonderful!”
beatty ruffled montag’s hair reassuringly as his attention returned to the television. slowly,
montag’s eyes began to close as he softly fell asleep on the sofa. beatty lowered the volume on the
television and gently carried montag to bed, giving him a light kiss on the forehead.
the next morning, montag woke up to the sunlight shining in through the window. he had the
inevitable sense that something was terribly off. he couldn’t remember what had happened to him in
a while, but he had an understanding of where he was. he sat up in bed, wiping the sweat off of his
he felt a sticky wetness in his pants but couldn’t pinpoint what exactly it was.
beatty knocked on the bedroom door softly.
he remembered beatty. he remembered all of the terrible things that beatty did to him. he
remembered the suffering, the torture, the agony that beatty’s selfish tendencies caused him.
“what do you want, beatty?”
montag felt another warm and sticky fluid in his crotch area, too afraid to move. there was a feeling
of disgust that accompanied this fluid, whatever it was, that made montag feel utterly stupid, but at
the same time feel infatuated with beatty. he wanted to have sex.
beatty smirked at montag, looking at the bedsheets.
“you don’t know what just happened, do you? you know..”
montag looked at the sheets between his legs, horrified to see a massive puddle of blood. his
crotch hurt terribly, his head was spinning, but the true horror began when he realized where the
blood was coming from.
“what the hell beatty?! why am i BLEEDING out my DICK?!”
beatty was unsure how to explain that after taking the anti age regression pill, he developed the rare
condition known as man period.
“well, monty, erm, you developed man period after taking a pill..”
“what did you just call me?”
“sorry about that, guy. that was a nickname i called you when you were age regressed.”
“i was WHAT?”
“yeah, funny story, you tried to commit suicide, but you got saved instead. catch is however, you got
some severe brain damage, making you act like a baby!”
“for how long?”
“long enough for me to get imprisoned and released…oh! and you’re also diabetic now so be sure to
take your shots six times a day!”
“god beatty, you really know how to screw up my life!”
“shhh, it’s okay baby, calm down.”
beatty tried to stroke montag’s forehead, to which montag slapped his hand away.
“get away from me! i better get changed out of this filth. can’t believe you.”
“wait-“ beatty handed montag an adult diaper. “you’re gonna need this for the bleeding.”
“beatty i’m not sure what kind of disgusting kink you have, but there’s no way in hell you’re going to
get me to wear a DIAPER!”
“c’mon guy, do you want to bleed in your pants?”
“no but i’m not wearing a GODDAMN DIAPER!”
“but you’re gonna bleed all over yourself!”
“fine. just don’t make it sexual ugly bitch.”
montag stripped down and put on the diaper, disgustedly cringing at himself.
beatty couldn’t help but blush. he thought that montag looked absolutely adorable and vulnerable in
a diaper, reminding beatty of his days of age regression. beatty smirked and locked eyes with
montag. montag rolled his eyes, also blushing.
beatty got him so flustered sometimes, something that montag absolutely despised. he couldn’t
avoid beatty’s charm and charisma, no matter how much he tried.
“you know guy, you got way hotter since i was in prison. like damn you’re so fine now that you’re not
acting like a baby.”
montag winced at him.
“you’re more disgusting than i remember.”
“you just don’t know how hot you are!”
montag pulled up his pants.
“listen here, you better not tell anyone about my…period, or else you’re done for.”
“why not? i think it’s pretty hot, especially when you’re in that diaper!”
that was when beatty slipped and told montag his fetish.
montag left the bedroom and sat on the sofa, turning on the television. beatty sat next to him,
grasping the button on his pants, trying to get his pants off.
“the hell is wrong with you?”

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