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Ejercicios de condicionales en inglés

1. If I ______ (know) the truth I wouldn’t have said that.

2. If you don’t hurry up, you _____(be) late.
3. If I ______(win) the lottery, I would travel around the world.
4. Water _____(boil) if you heat it enough.
5. If he ______(speak) better English, he would move to London.
6. If Peter ______(study) more, he would have passed the exam.
7. If Anna was taller, she _____(not wear) heels so much.
8. _______you_____(go) to the park if it doesn’t rain?
9. I would be so happy if I _____(be) to get married.
10. If we miss the plane, we ______(go) by bus.

Posibles Soluciones:

1. Had known
2. Will be
3. Won
4. Boils
5. Spoke
6. Had studied
7. Wouldn’t wear
8. Will / go
9. Was
10.Will go

MATRIZ: Mitad del Mundo, Calle 29 de Mayo y Manuel Camacho OE5-91

TELEFONO MATRIZ: 2397-798/0995458184/ 0983952355
Material elaborado por la profesora Luisa Bolaños 7 de agosto 2023

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