Final Test - 2019 - 4

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COURSE: Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

SUBJECT: Fluid Mechanics FDM260S

Evaluation: Final assessment

DATE: 2019

TIME: 3 hours = 180 Min

TOTAL: 95 Marks = 100%



REQUIREMENTS: Examination Books, Pen, Pencil & Scientific Calculator


1. Answer all questions

2. Pocket calculators may be used
3. Use the provided data, formula sheet and Moody chart
4. Clearly show your work
5. You are NOT allowed to help another student, try to get help or
6. You may NOT have any book(s), notes, documents, or other papers, which may
be of help during the test in your possession

TRUE OR FALSE: If the answer is false, you must say why (i.e. provide the correct answer)

a) Shear stress approaches zero at pipe walls and is greater at the centre of a pipe. (2)

b) For transmission of power by a pipeline the power increases indefinitely. (2)

c) In laminar flow between two parallel flat surfaces vmax is the velocity that is used for
determining the Reynolds number. (2)

d) Hydraulic mean depth is the ratio of the cross sectional area of the fluid to the wetted
perimeter of the pipe in which flow occurs. (2)

e) For laminar flow in circular pipes, the Darcy’s friction factor, f is equal to 32/Re. (2)



Gravity fed piping system

Water at 20C flows from a large reservoir to a smaller one through a cast iron pipe that is
5 cm in diameter (see figure above). Taking all losses into account determine:
a) The friction factor using the Moody chart, if the flow rate is 6 litres/s (4)
b) The elevation Z1 (7)
c) The power lost during the transmission (2)

Note: Loss coefficients on figure.


Castor oil (absolute viscosity is 0.65 Pa.s) is pushed through the narrow gap formed between
two plates. The distance between the plates is h and the width and the length of the plates is b
and L respectively. Assuming that the flow is laminar, derive a formula for the volumetric
flow rate, Q. (7)

In the case above b is 0.10 m and h is 0.0008 m. A pressure difference of 195 kN/m² is
applied over a distance of 0.3 m. Using the formulas derived above determine the following:

a) The maximum velocity that occurs in the centre plane of the gap (1)
b) The mean velocity (1)
c) The rate of cubes per hour (2)

A reservoir, which has a surface level that is 58 m above a datum is supplying a junction box
with water via a 300 mm diameter pipe that is 1450 m long. From the junction box two
300 mm diameter pipes that are each 1450 m long feed respectively into two reservoirs whose
surface levels are 32 m and 15 m above datum. Take f Darcy for all pipes as 0.01 and determine
the quantity of water entering each reservoir. Ignore minor losses. [14]


Engineers are designing an aeroplane, it is necessary for them to predict the lift produced by
their new wing design. By dimensional analysis, find an expression for the lifting force (F).
This force will be dependent on the fluid velocity (v), the chord length (L), the fluid density
(), the fluid viscosity (µ), the speed of sound in the fluid (c), while alpha (α) is the angle of
attack of the wing. (Hint: Ignore the variable alpha) [12]

A water supply pipe is being designed. The elastic pipe will be anchored all along its length.
It will have a valve at its downstream end. This valve will be able to close in 2.5 seconds.

Pipe material: Carbon steel

Young’s Modulus: 205 GPa
Poisson’s ratio: 0.3
Yield strength: 320 MPa
Length of the pipeline: 5.7 km
Outer diameter of the pipe: 600 mm
Wall thickness of the pipe: 25 mm
Maximum flow rate: 2100 m3/ hour
Average temperature of water: 20 °C

a) Calculate the maximum possible pressure in the pipe after the valve closes. (6)
b) Is the pipe strong enough? (4)


Main All dimensions in mm



The figure above shows a main pipeline carrying an unsupported branch A, which is
connected through a contracting bend to another pipe B; the joint C between the elbow and
pipe allowing pipe B to expand freely. Water, at a temperature of 18 °C runs through the main
and also through pipe B. The pressure in pipe A is 251 kN/m 2, and the velocity in pipe A,
which has a diameter of 120 mm is 2.15 m/s. Pipe B has a diameter of 95 mm. Neglect friction
and shock losses and the weight of the pipe, and find the resultant force on the main pipeline.

A series of vanes moves at a linear velocity of 16 m/s when struck by a jet which is 30 mm
in diameter. The jet velocity is 26 m/s and it makes an angle of 20o with the direction of motion.
The relative velocity at outlet is 0.85 times that at inlet due to friction. The vane outlet angle
is 25o. Sketch the velocity triangles and calculate:

a) The vane inlet angle for no shock at entry (7)

b) The jet outlet angle (7)

TOTAL 95 Full Marks 95 = 100 % TIME = 180 Min

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