Step Tom 6

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I. Find the upper case and lower case and color the pairs in
5 colors (red, blue, yellow, green, pink)

V u d W

m o
g i L s p e

r a H
w v
y U Z

II. Circle the correct word.

1. My mom likes to ( bake / make ) a cake.

2. She buy new clothes in that ( store / room ).

3. Kangaroo has a ( walet / pouch ) on their tummy.

4. Mrs. Nora is a ( dentist / shopkeeper ). She sells thing.

5. They are eating dinner in this ( night / morning ).

III. Write the number in words.

33 12 81 19 56

IV. Rearrange the sentence!

1. are going we movie to the

2. my pillow this purple is

3. is my she lovely teacher

4. pretty is sister my

5. 2 bolster are there my in bedroom

V. Sort by the group!

 Puding  Pear
 glue  Fox
 corn  Paper
 cake  Frog
 Guava  Mushroom

Animals Food Fruit Vegetables Things

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