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Egg Drop Experiment

The classic ‘egg drop’ experiment has been a standard in science instruction for many years.
Essentially, students are asked to construct some type of container that will keep a raw egg from
cracking when dropped from a certain elevation.

There should be three (3) teams coming from each grade level. Teams may consist of up to six
(6) members of their choice. For grade level with two (2) sections, members must be equally

Materials: Each team will have the following:

 Raw Egg
 10 plastic straws
 2 sheets of short bondpaper
 2 pcs balloons
 Scotch tape and Scissors
Note: All materials will be provided by the STEM team. Only the materials provided may be


Design Phase: Each team will have a set amount of time to plan and design their egg drop
contraptions. They can brainstorm, sketch, and gather materials.
 One (1) minute is allotted for the participants to check if the materials acquired are
complete. This must be done silently.
 For four (4) minutes, they can strategize their design on a piece of paper.

Construction Phase: Once the design phase is over, each team will start building their
contraptions using the provided materials. Be strategic in choosing materials that will absorb
impact and protect the egg.
 Teams will have 20 minutes to build a protective structure that will prevent the egg from
cracking when dropped from a predetermined height.
 During the construction phase, teams may opt to negotiate between each other to trade

Testing Phase: Each team will have the chance to drop their contraption from a predetermined
height. The goal is for the raw egg to remain intact after the fall.
 Once the time is over, all participants must keep their hands off their works and submit
the contraptions to the facilitator.
 The facilitator will drop each contraption from a predetermined height (parallel to the
basketball ring).
 The goal is that the egg must not crack after multiple drops.


Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Satisfactory (3) Inadequate (1)
Improvement (2)
The egg may The egg has The egg is
The egg remains The egg is
have minor significant cracks completely
Survival of the intact with no broken, but some
cracks but or damage but is shattered, with
Egg visible cracks or parts are still
remains largely not completely no identifiable
damage. recognizable.
intact. broken. parts.
The design
The design is
demonstrates The design shows The design lacks The design is
Creativity exceptional creativity and creativity and unimaginative
creative but lacks
creativity and originality. innovation. and generic.
The container is The container is
The container is The construction
exceptionally well-constructed The construction
adequately is flawed, leading
Construction well-built with with a good is poor, with
constructed but to significant
Quality sturdy materials balance of evident
may have some weaknesses in the
and precise strength and structural issues.
weaknesses. design.
construction. weight.
The team presents
The team presents The team
their design The team presents The team fails to
their design struggles to
confidently and their design effectively
clearly and present their
articulately, adequately, but present their
Presentation confidently, with design, with
effectively there are notable design,
some minor significant issues
communicating gaps in hindering
communication in
their choices and communication. understanding.
issues. communication.

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