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Monday, May 6th--in Caudle’s room--rm. 5407

@ 11:16 am (FLEX Time)

Jerome Cannon
Talon Aviation at Twin Lakes Airport in Davie County
I am the Flight School Manager for Talon Aviation at Twin Lakes Airport in Davie County. I am a
Certificated Flight Instructor with an Instrument Rating. I am also a Multi-engine Commercial Pilot and
work as an independent Contract Pilot. I was a High School History teacher for 31 years until 2017. This
is my retirement job.

● This Lunch & Learns is capped at 33 students.
● Do NOT register if you are not sure if you can make it. (Pay attention to the day of the week
and other commitments you may have during FLEX.)
● Students who register should check email to find out if they are actually registered, OR if they
have been put on the waiting list because the cap has been met.
○ Do NOT just show up to the room. Check email for verification. (Check spam/junk folder.)
● Students who are attending will be placed in the Lunch & Learn class for this date in EdFiciency.
● Please be on time! We need to begin as soon as the tardy bell rings.
● Be prepared to ask questions and take part in the Lunch & Learn.
● Email if you registered but CANNOT attend. Someone wants your spot!

DEADLINE IS [Thursday, 5/2 @ midnight]

Click here to sign up!

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