Eng508 1

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BS English Applied Linguistics

Semantics and Pragmatics (ENG508)

Fall 2023
Assignment No. 1
Total Marks: 20
Lessons: 27-31

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Q. Presuppositions are assumptions or implications that a sentence makes about the world.
The trigger is the part of the sentence that causes this assumption or implication.
Different triggers create different types of presuppositions. Understanding these can help
in analyzing and interpreting language more effectively. It could be a word, a phrase,
or a particular structure in the sentence. Your task is to identify these triggers and
classify them according to the type of presupposition they create.

Analyze the following sentences and identify the type of presupposition (Is it existential,
factive, lexical, structural, or counterfactual?)
Sr Sentence and the
Presupposition trigger in each sentence
Presupposition and fill
in .the required columns with appropriate responses. Trigger Marks: 4(2+1+1)*5=20

The king of France is There is a king “The” Existential

bald. of France.

1 She didn’t pass her driving

test again.
2 If you had studied, you
would have passed the

3 The teacher didn’t give

any homework.

4 John stopped smoking.

5 Before you leave, can you

take out the trash?
Good luck!

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