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20:32 03/04/2024 ENGLISH TEST

1 
the word Palette
with the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
A. Artificial
01 02 03 04 05 06
B. Particular
07 08 09 10 11 12
C. Initiate
13 14 15 16 17 18
D. Suitable
19 20 21 22 23 24
A. artificial
25 26 27 28 29 30
B. particular

C. initiate


D. suitable

2 Which of the following has the different stressed syllable?

A. proceed

B. resource

C. return

D. ethical

3 Every society needs scientists, __, and writers.

A. education

B. educated

C. educational

D. educators

4 Choose the synonym for "tired":

A. Exhausted

B. Energetic

C. Refreshed

D. Invigorated

5 Choose the antonym for "heavy":

A. Weighty

B. Light

C. Massive

D. Dense

6 They get _______ comments than me

A. much

B. most 1/6
20:32 03/04/2024 ENGLISH TEST

C. more

D. must

7 What is this _______ thing on the cake ?

A. round Palette
disgusting pink

B. disgusting round pink

01 02 03 04 05 06
C. pink disgusting round
07 08 09 10 11 12
D. disgusting pink round
13 14 15 16 17 18

8 Let 19
me help
20 21you 22
with23your24homework, _________?
25 I 26 27 28 29 30
shall we

will you 

aren't I

9 She _____ all morning and now felt like relaxing with a cup of coffee
A. will be shopping

B. had been shopping

C. had shopped

D. shopped

10 When we came, a party _________ in the hall.

is being held

had being held

will be held

was being held

11 Students ____________ to type their assignments in a cell phone message and send them to their
A. could be allowed

B. can be allowed

C. would be allowed

D. will be allowed

12 _______________________, I won’t go camping near the lake with my friends. (Choose the WRONG
A. In case it's sunny tomorrow

B. If it isn't sunny tomorrow

C. Should it not be sunny tomorrow

D. Unless it's sunny tomorrow

13 So ill___________ that she couldn't talk. 2/6
20:32 03/04/2024 ENGLISH TEST

A. she wasn't

B. she was

C. wasn't she

 Question Palette
D. was she

14 Mr. Alex said, “I must join the meeting.”

01 02 03 04 05 06
A. Mr. Alex said that he had to join the meeting.
07 08 09 10 11 12
B. Mr. Alex said that it was must that he join the meeting.
13 14 15 16 17 18
C. Mr. Alex said if he must join the meeting.
19 20 21 22 23 24
D. Mr. Alex said that he would join the meeting.
25 26 27 28 29 30
15 The photocopier still worked. but I thought it needed a serivce. You know what they say: ' a ___ in
time saves nine" and all that


A. repair

B. adjust

C. stitch

D. needle

16 asked Alejandro if I was being considered for the position, but I couldn’t get a _______ answer out of
A. solid

B. level

C. straight

D. direct

17 In Microeconomics, What does DWL stand for?

A. Deadweight loss

B. Deadweight Lost

C. Dead Weight Loss

D. Dead Weight Lost

18 To examine how the nationals are contributing to the country’s economy, the best index would be




19 A firm in a competitive market is producing at the level of output that maximizes profit. At this
output level:
A. marginal revenue equals price

B. marginal revenue equals marginal cost

C. average revenue equals marginal cost 3/6
20:32 03/04/2024 ENGLISH TEST

D. all the above

20 Which of the following expenditures to enhance productivity is most likely to emit a positive
A. A bank buys a new computer
 Question Palette
B. You paying off your tuition fee

C. General Motors buys a new drill press.

01 02 03 04 05 06
09 a new
10 oil11field.12
13 14 15 16 17 18
21 From the example of Bob, what is the opportunity cost of Ann?
19 20 21 22 23 24
0:0025/ 0:3626 27 28 29 30

A. Her cost of producing 1 banana is 1 fish


B. Her cost of producing 1 fish is 3 bananas

C. Her cost of producing 1 banana is 2 fish

D. Her cost of producing 1 banana is 3 fish

22 How many legal ways could immigrants apply to get allowance to live permanently in the US?

0:00 / 0:11

A. 5

B. 3

C. 2

D. 1

23 How many did a mid-career software engineer could get?

0:00 / 0:25

A. 126,000$-190,000$

B. 126,000$-180,000$

C. 116,000$-190,000$

D. 116,000$-180,000$

24 Opting for a cheaper, less robust AI solution may seem like a good idea in the short term, but it can
turn out to be penny_____,_____foolish, as it may lack the capabilities and scalability needed for
long-term success.
A. Smart, money

B. Wise, pound

C. Gain, pound

D. Wise, money

25 The economic_______caused by the global pandemic resulted in widespread job losses and
financial hardships for individuals and businesses alike. 4/6
20:32 03/04/2024 ENGLISH TEST

A. Downturn

B. Downward

C. Downtrend

 Question Palette
D. Downtime

26 What is a common objective of actions taken to regulate AI?

01 02 03 monopolization
A. Encouraging 04 05 06 in the AI industry
07 08 09 10 11 12
B. Promoting unchecked proliferation of AI applications
13 14 15 16 17 18
C. Ensuring AI systems are accountable and transparent
19 20 21 22 23 24
D. Limiting access to AI technologies for developing countries
25 26 27 28 29 30
27 Artificial intelligence, or AI, is any type of computer that can learn how to do tasks on its own.
Artificial intelligence is starting to become very common in everyday life. Phones and tablets often


come with ________ digital assistants. Streaming platforms use AI to recommend content to their

0:00 / 0:20

Your answer

28 While AI brings many benefits, it also comes with challenges. Let's explore the disadvantages.
Automation through AI can lead to job loss in certain industries. Machines might _________ some
tasks traditionally done by humans affecting employment. The collection and use of personal
information can raise privacy concerns, as it may lead to the misuse of sensitive data

0:00 / 0:23

Your answer

29 The payment that a person receives after retirement is called _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Your answer

30 In spite of some difficulties, I'm going to _______ down on my investment in this startup.
A. Pay

B. Triple

C. Double

D. Decrease

Complete and submit 5/6
20:32 03/04/2024 ENGLISH TEST

CLB Cộng đồ ng Tiếng Anh - NEU English Community là câu lạc bộ học thuật trự c thuộc Đoàn Thanh niên Trườ ng Đại
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ngữ này, 
đã gắn kết Palette
và tạo nên cộng đồ ng với hơn 1.800 thành viên
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