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List of Philippine Presidents and their Contribuons

1.General Emilio Aguinaldo

(January 23, 1899 – April 1, 1901).

The president of the rst Philippine republic (1899). He started as a member of the Magdalo
Chapter of theKapunan in Cavite, then was elected president of the revoluonary government
at the Tejeros Convenon onMarch 22,1897, and, later, Biak-na-Bato Republic. He proclaimed
Philippine independence at Kawit on June 12,1898. His capture foreshadowed the end of large-
scale armed resistance to American rule.• rst (and only) president of the First Republic (Malolo
Republic)• signed the Pact of Biak-na-Bato, creang a truce between the Spanish and Philippine
revoluonaries• known as the President of the Revoluonary Government• led the Philippines
in the Spanish-Philippine War and the American-Philippine War• youngest president, taking
oce at age 28• longest-lived president, passing away at 94
2. Manuel L. Quezon (November 15, 1935 – August 1, 1944)

The rst Filipino president of the Commonwealth of the Philippines under American rule. He
was president of the Philippines from 1935 to 1944. For advocang Filipino-language
amendments to the 1935 Constuon, heis known as the “Father of the Naonal Language.”•
rst Senate president elected as President of the Philippines• rst president elected through a
naonal elecon• rst president under the Commonwealth• created Naonal Council of
Educaon• iniated women’s surage in the Philippines during the Commonwealth• approved
Tagalog/Filipino as the naonal language of the Philippines• appears on the twenty-peso bill• a
province, a city, a bridge and a university in Manila are named aer him• his body lies within the
special monument on Quezon Memorial Circle
3.Jose P. Laurel (October 14, 1943 – August 17, 1945)
The 3rd among Philippine presidents to assume oce during the era of the Japanese occupaon
of World WarII, Jose P. Laurel is the only Filipino president in his me to have been shot outside
of combat.• since the early 1960s, Laurel considered a legimate president of the Philippines•
organized KALIBAPI (Kapisanan sa Paglilingkod sa Bagong Pilipinas, or Associaon for
Service to the NewPhilippines), a provisional government during Japanese occupaon• declared
Maral Law and war between the Philippines and the U.S./United Kingdom in 1949
4.Sergio Osmeña (August 1, 1944 – May 28, 1946)

Sergio Osmeña was the second president of the Commonwealth. During his presidency, the
Philippines joinedthe Internaonal Monetary Fund.• became president at 65, making him the
oldest person to hold oce• rst Visayan to become president• joined with U.S. Gen. Douglas
McArthur in Leyte on October 20, 1944 to begin restoraon of Philippinefreedom aer
Japanese occupaon• Philippine Naonal Bank was rehabilitated and the country joined the
Internaonal Monetary Fund duringhis presidency• Bell Trade Act was approved by the U.S.
Congress during his presidency• appears on the 50-peso bill
5.Manuel Roxas (May 28, 1946 – April 15, 1948)
He was the h Philippine president but was considered as the third and last president under
theCommonwealth era making him the next rst leader of the Third Republic of the Philippines
(R.P.). Shortlivedas he served for some reason, he only assumed oce for a very short period of
1 year, 10 months and 18 daysto be exact.• inaugurated as the rst president of the new Republic
aer World War II• reconstrucon from war damage and life without foreign rule began during
his presidency• under his term, the Philippine Rehabilitaon Act and Philippine Trade Act laws
were accepted by Congress• appears on the 100-peso bill
6. Elpidio Quirino (April 17, 1948 – December 30, 1953)
Elpidio Quirino served as vice president under Manuel Roxas. When Roxas died in 1948,
Quirino becamepresident.• Hukbalahap guerrilla movement acve during his presidency•
created Social Security Commission• created Integrity Board to monitor gra and corrupon•
Quezon City became capital of the Philippines in 1948
7. Ramon Magsaysay (December 30, 1953 – March 17, 1957)
President of the Philippines from 1953 to 1957. He had been President Quirino’s secretary of
defense who wasinstrumental is suppressing the HUK rebellion. As president, he persuaded
Congress to pass the AgriculturalTenancy Act (1954). It was during his term that the Retail Trade
Naonalizaon Act was passed. He securedrevisions in the Bell Trade Act and was the rst
president to revise the US Military Bases agreement to bring itmore in line with Philippine
interests.• Hukbalahap movement quelled during his presidency• chairman of the Commiee on
Guerrilla Aairs• rst president sworn into oce wearing Barong Tagalog during inauguraon•
presidency referred to as the Philippines’ “Golden Years” for its lack of corrupon
• Philippines was ranked second in Asia’s clean and well-governed countries during his
presidency• established Naonal Reselement and Rehabilitaon Administraon (NARRA)
among other agrarian reforms
8. Carlos P. Garcia (March 18, 1957 – December 30, 1961)
A lawyer, poet, and teacher, Carlos P. Garcia also served as a guerrilla leader during the Pacic
War. Born inBohol, Garcia serviced as vice president under Ramon Magsaysay and as secretary
of Foreign Aairs for fouryears. He was among the founders of the Associaon for Southeast
Asia (1963), the precursor of theAssociaon for Southeast Asian Naons (ASEAN).He became
president when Magsaysay died in 1957.• known for “Filipino First Policy,” which favored
Filipino businesses over foreign investors• established the Austerity Program focusing on
Filipino trade and commerce• known as the “Prince of Visayan Poets” and the “Bard from
Bohol”• cultural arts was revived during his term• was the rst president to have his remains
buried at the Libingan ng mga Bayani
9. Diosdado Macapagal (December 30, 1961 – December 30, 1965)
Born in Lubao, Pampanga, Diosdado Macapagal was a lawyer and professor. His daughter Gloria
MacapagalArroyo was the 14th, and second female, president of the Philippines. It was during
his presidency thatIndependence Day was moved from July 4 to June 12, the date when General
Aguinaldo proclaimed Philippineindependence in Cavite.• established the rst Land Reform
Law, allowing for the purchase of private farmland to be distributed ininexpensive, small lots to
the landless• placed the Philippine peso on the currency exchange market• declared June 12,
1898 to be Philippines’ Independence Day• signed the Minimum Wage Law• created the
Philippine Veteran’s Bank
10. Ferdinand Marcos (December 30, 1965 – February 25, 1986)
Born in Sarrat, Ilocos Norte, Ferdinand Edralin Marcos was a lawyer and Senate President for
three years. He was president for 21 years. He ruled under maral law and his dictatorship was
known for its corrupon andbrutality. Marcos was removed from oce aer the People Power
Revoluon.• rst president to win a second term• declared Maral Law on Sept. 22, 1972•
increased the size of Philippine military and armed forces• by 1980 the Philippine GNP was four
mes greater than 1972• by 1986 the Philippines was one of the most indebted countries in Asia•
built more schools, roads, bridges, hospitals, and other infrastructure than all former presidents
combined• the only president whose remains are interred inside a refrigerated crypt
11. Corazon Aquino (February 25, 1986 – June 30, 1992)
President of the Philippines from 1986 to 1992. With Salvador Laurel as running mate, she led
the opposionthat overthrew the authoritarian government of Marcos, who went into exile aer
the successful People’sPower revoluon of 1986. She rst established a revoluonary
government under the Freedom Constuon,


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Later replaced by the Constuon of 1987, which served as the basis for reestablishing
democracy• rst woman to be president of the Philippines or any Asian country• restored
democracy• abolished the 1973 Marcos Constuon and ushered in the new Constuon of
the Philippines• reorganized the structure of the execuve branch of government• signed the
Family Code of 1987, a major civil law reform, and 1191 Local Government Code,
whichreorganized the structure of the execuve branch of government• iniated charitable and
social acvies helping the poor and the needy• named “Woman of the Year” in 1986 by Time
magazine• on the new 500-peso bill together with her husband Benigno AquinoReceived honors
and awards including:• 100 Women Who Shaped World History• 20 Most Inuenal Asians of
the 20th Century• 65 Great Asian Heroes• J. William Fulbright Prize for Internaonal
12. Fidel V. Ramos (June 30, 1992 – June 30, 1998)
A military general in his me when the former rst female president resumed power over
EDSA revoluon, thepopular name for this Philippine president is FVR. He was the chief-of-
sta of the Armed Forces of thePhilippines during Cory’s regime before he became president. A
civil engineer by college career, Ramos is aPMA bred elite. He brought back economic growth
and stability in the country in spite of the Asian FinancialCrisis in 1997. He is the rst and only
non-Catholic (protestant) president of the Philippines.• oversaw Philippine economic growth•
presided over celebraons of Philippine Independence Centennial in 1998• received Brish
Knighthood from the United Kingdom by Queen Elizabeth II (Knight Grand Cross of the
Orderof St. Michael and St. George)• hosted the fourth Asia Pacic Economic Cooperaon
Leader’s Summit in the Philippines in 1996• Philippine Stock Exchange became an
internaonal favorite during his presidency• death penalty reinstated while he was in oce•
signed peace agreement with the rebel Moro Naonal Liberaon Front
13. Joseph Estrada (June 30, 1998 – January 20, 2001)
Erap para sa mahirap is his popular slogan. Joseph Ejercity Estrada is the rst lm actor to
become president ofa country next to Ronald Reagan. His presidency was controversial. During
his years in oce economic growthwas slow and he faced impeachment proceedings. He was
ousted from the presidency in 2001. He was laterconvicted of stealing from the government but
was pardoned. He ran unsuccessfully for president in 2010• during his presidency Moro Islamic
Liberaon Front headquarters and camps were captured• joined other leaders and policians to
try to amend the 1987 Constuon• cited as one of the Three Outstanding Senators in 1989•
among the “Magnicent 12” who voted to terminate the agreement that allows for U.S. control
of ClarkAirbase and Subic Naval Base


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14. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (January 20, 2001 – June 30, 2010)
President of the Philippines from 2001 to 2004. She served as vice president under President
Estrada andbecame president when he was forced to step down for malfeasance, through the
People’s Power II revoluon.PGMA has confronted some of the same obstacles as did her
father, President Diosdado Macapagal, when hetried to clean up corrupon in government•
second female president of the country• rst and only female vice-president of the Philippines so
far• rst president to take oath outside Luzon• former Economics professor at the Ateneo de
Manila University, where current president Benigno Aquino IIIwas one of her students• ex-
classmate of former U.S. President Bill Clinton at Georgetown University’s Walsh School of
Foreign Service,where she maintained Dean’s list status• oversaw higher economic growth than
the past three presidents before her• peso became the best-performing currency of the year in
Asia in 2007• eVAT Law was implemented under her term• currently on the 200-peso bill
15. Benigno Aquino III (June 30, 2010 – 2016)
Popularly known as PNoy, he is the son of the rst female Philippine president and of Asia –
Corazon CojuangcoAquino. Real name is Simeon Benigno Aquino III a.k.a. NoyNoy or PNoy
joined the House of Representavesand the Senate before his presidency.• created the no
“wang-wang” (street siren) policy• appointed statesman Jesse Robredo to serve as secretary of
Interior and Local Government in 2010, whereRobredo served unl his death in 2012• iniated
K-12 educaon in the Philippines• renamed the Oce of the Press Secretary to Presidenal
Communicaons Operaons Oce and appointednew ocers• suspended allowances and
bonuses to Government Owed and Controlled Corporaon and GovernmentFinancial
Instuon board members• oversaw 7.1% growth of the Philippine economy in 2012
16. Rodrigo Duterte ( June 30, 2016 – present )
Current president of the Philippines. Was elected to a six-year term in May 2016. Took oce on
June 30.Known by the nickname Digong. A lawyer and poli cian of Visayan descent from the
southern island ofMindanao.• Passport validity extension to ten years• Driver’s license validity
extension to ve years• Ser penales for hospitals refusing to treat paents• The indenite
ceasere between the MNLF, MILF, CPP NDF and the government (held in Norway)• RA
10931 promotes universal access to quality ter ary educa on by providing free tui on in
stateuniversi es and colleges.• Duterte also signed RA 10969 providing free irriga on service
for local farmers who own eight hectares of


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Land or less• Other priority measures are RA 11032 on promong ease of doing business and
ecient delivery ofgovernment services,• RA 10968 or an act instuonalizing the Philippine
Qualicaons Framework and RA 11035 or actinstuonalizing the Balik Scienst program.•
President Rodrigo Roa Duterte signed into law Republic Act No. 10963, otherwise known as the
Tax Reformfor Acceleraon and Inclusion (TRAIN) Act,

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