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Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1.......................................................................................................................5

The Problem and Its Scope.............................................................................................5

Introduction................................................................................................................. 5

Review of Related Literature and Studies.................................................................7

Conceptual Framework...............................................................................................9

Theoretical Framework..................................................................................................10

Figure 2. Theoretical Framework Venn Diagram....................................................10

This study is grounded in two prominent theories that offer insights into the
relationship between social media advertising and consumer purchase
intentions among senior high school students.....................................................10

The “Imitative Desire Theory” invented by Rene Girard in the 20th Century.
According to the “Imitative Desire Theory”, advertising has the potential to
profoundly influence the minds of consumers, particularly high school
students. This theory posits that individuals often aspire to become someone
they perceive as famous, beautiful, or powerful, as depicted in advertisements.
However, it recognizes the inherent impossibility of fully realizing these desires,
which sustains the desire itself. In the context of the study, this theory suggests
that social media advertising can exert a significant influence on the purchase
intentions of senior high school students by showcasing aspirational figures
and products. The theory underscores the importance of understanding how
these advertising strategies can shape the desires and intentions of high
school students.........................................................................................................10

Mediation Reality Theory by Antoine Hennion, 1989. The Mediation Reality

Theory asserts that the success of advertisements is not solely determined by
the content of the ads but also by the seamless integration of these
advertisements within the media and environments in which they are presented.
It emphasizes the need for advertisements to merge real actions with fictional
elements, creating a sense of authenticity and engagement. In the study's
context, the Mediation Reality Theory implies that the effectiveness of social
media advertising in influencing the purchase intentions of senior high school
students is not solely reliant on the content of the ads but also on the extent to
which these ads integrate with the social media platforms where these students
spend their time. Successful integration creates a sense of authenticity, making
the advertising more persuasive and relevant to the target audience.................11

In conclusion, this study delved into the intricate relationship between social
media advertising and consumer purchase intentions among senior high school
students, drawing insights from two prominent theories: the "Imitative Desire
Theory" by Rene Girard and the "Mediation Reality Theory" by Antoine Hennion.
The "Imitative Desire Theory" illuminated how advertising can profoundly
influence the desires and aspirations of individuals, particularly high school
students, by showcasing aspirational figures and products. It emphasized the
importance of understanding how advertising strategies shape the intentions of
this demographic. On the other hand, the "Mediation Reality Theory"
highlighted the significance of seamlessly integrating advertisements within the
media environments where they are presented, emphasizing authenticity and
engagement. Together, these theories underscored the multifaceted nature of
social media advertising's influence on high school students' purchase
intentions, suggesting that effectiveness relies not only on content but also on
integration with the platforms where these students spend their time. This study
contributes to a deeper understanding of how social media advertising impacts
consumer behavior among high school students and provides valuable insights
for marketers seeking to engage this demographic effectively............................11

Statement of the Problem............................................................................................. 12

Significance of the Study......................................................................................... 13

Scope and Limitation of the Study..........................................................................14

Research Participants.............................................................................................. 15

......................................................................................................................................... 15

Research Design.......................................................................................................16

Research Environment.............................................................................................16

Research Instrument................................................................................................ 17

Research Procedure................................................................................................. 17
Statistical Treatment of Data....................................................................................17

Operational Definition of Terms...............................................................................18

Chapter 2........................................................................................................................ 20

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data......................................................20



The Problem and Its Scope


In today's digital age, where information constantly flows through social media

platforms, the impact of advertising on consumer behavior has become a subject of

great interest. Many studies have investigated the connection between social media

advertising and consumer purchasing decisions across different age groups, but there's

a significant gap in research when it comes to a specific and important demographic:

senior high school students. Taclobo National High School, is a prime example of this

demographic. It's essential to comprehend how social media advertising influences the

purchasing intentions of senior high school students because they represent a unique

group of consumers who are highly impressionable and have the potential to shape

future market trends.

The study seeks to bridge an important gap in our understanding of the dynamic

relationship between social media advertising and the purchase intentions of senior high

school students. In today's digital age, where social media platforms have become

integral to the lives of adolescents, investigating how these online advertisements

shape their consumer behavior is crucial. This research aims to shed light on this largely

unexplored area and contribute valuable insights to both academia and marketing


The reasons why this research was conducted were to discover and seize

opportunities, acquire knowledge, and reach people. Research makes it simpler and
seizes fresh opportunities. Whether the researchers are professionals, students, or

entrepreneurs, research can help you identify emerging trends and promising

development areas. The researcher can identify new opportunities for professional and

personal improvement by staying current with research, which can help you achieve

your goals.

In this research, the researcher's most profound aspiration is to gain a genuine

understanding of how social media advertisements manipulate influence over the

shopping desires of senior high school students at Taclobo National High School. The

researcher's major mission is to reveal the specific kinds of ads that deeply connect with

these students and to distinguish whether these connections translate into tangible

purchases. entrepreneurs, research can help you identify emerging trends and promising

development areas. The researcher can identify new opportunities for professional and

personal improvement by staying current with research, which can help you achieve your


In this research, the researcher's most profound aspiration is to gain a genuine

understanding of how social media advertisements manipulate influence over the

shopping desires of senior high school students at Taclobo National High School. The

researcher's major mission is to reveal the specific kinds of ads that deeply connect with

these students and to distinguish whether these connections translate into tangible

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Social media advertising has emerged as a powerful tool for marketers to reach

and engage with their target audience (Smith & Zook, 2017). With the proliferation of

social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, advertisers

can tailor their messages based on user demographics, interests, and behaviors, thereby

creating personalized advertisements that resonate with consumers' preferences and

needs (Smith & Zook, 2017). Among social media users, teenagers constitute a

significant portion, spending considerable time browsing various platforms daily

(Vannucci, Flannery, McCauley, Ohannessian, & Sargent, 2016). Research indicates that

adolescents are particularly susceptible to the influence of social media advertising due

to their susceptibility to peer pressure and desire for social acceptance (De Vries,

Gensler, & Leeflang, 2018). As a result, advertisements appearing on social media

platforms can shape teenagers' attitudes and perceptions towards brands, products, and

services, ultimately impacting their purchase intentions (De Vries et al., 2018). Studies

have found that exposure to social media advertisements positively influences

adolescents' purchase intentions, especially when the advertisements are perceived as

relevant and engaging (Lee & Hong, 2019). Factors such as ad content, format, and

platform play crucial roles in shaping consumer behavior among teenagers (Wang &

Sun, 2018). Marketers often employ various advertising strategies to effectively target

teenagers on social media platforms, leveraging principles of social influence such as

social proof, scarcity, and authority (Chen, Fay, & Wang, 2020). Additionally, interactive

and visually appealing content formats, such as videos, stories, and interactive ads, are

commonly used to capture teenage audiences' attention and stimulate their interest in
products and services (Hajli, 2017). However, ethical concerns arise regarding the

manipulation of vulnerable populations, such as teenagers, for commercial gain

(Livingstone et al., 2017). Regulatory bodies and policymakers are exploring measures to

protect teenagers from deceptive or harmful advertising practices on social media

platforms (Livingstone et al., 2017). Understanding the mechanisms through which social

media advertisements affect consumer behavior can help marketers and educators

develop strategies to promote critical thinking and digital literacy skills among

adolescents, empowering them to make informed decisions in the digital marketplace.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Input Process Output

The researchers focused on senior high school students at Taclobo National

High School and conducted a study to examine the impact of social media advertising

on consumer purchase intentions. They began by obtaining approval from the school

principal and creating and proofreading research questionnaires. To ensure a

representative sample, they conducted a sample test on non- respondents.

Subsequently, they administered the survey questionnaire to the respondents and

collected data. After data collection, they collated, analyzed, and interpreted the

information. Based on their findings, the researchers formulated conclusions and

recommendations, which included suggesting programs on various social media

platforms and how social media advertising influences purchase decisions

Theoretical Framework

Figure 2. Theoretical Framework Venn Diagram

This study is grounded in two prominent theories that offer insights into the relationship

between social media advertising and consumer purchase intentions among senior high school


The “Imitative Desire Theory” invented by Rene Girard in the 20th Century. According to

the “Imitative Desire Theory”, advertising has the potential to profoundly influence the minds of

consumers, particularly high school students. This theory posits that individuals often aspire to

become someone they perceive as famous, beautiful, or powerful, as depicted in advertisements.

However, it recognizes the inherent impossibility of fully realizing these desires, which sustains

the desire itself. In the context of the study, this theory suggests that social media advertising can

exert a significant influence on the purchase intentions of senior high school students by

showcasing aspirational figures and products. The theory underscores the importance of

understanding how these advertising strategies can shape the desires and intentions of high school

Mediation Reality Theory by Antoine Hennion, 1989. The Mediation Reality Theory

asserts that the success of advertisements is not solely determined by the content of the ads but

also by the seamless integration of these advertisements within the media and environments in

which they are presented. It emphasizes the need for advertisements to merge real actions with

fictional elements, creating a sense of authenticity and engagement. In the study's context, the

Mediation Reality Theory implies that the effectiveness of social media advertising in influencing

the purchase intentions of senior high school students is not solely reliant on the content of the ads

but also on the extent to which these ads integrate with the social media platforms where these

students spend their time. Successful integration creates a sense of authenticity, making the

advertising more persuasive and relevant to the target audience.

In conclusion, this study delved into the intricate relationship between social media

advertising and consumer purchase intentions among senior high school students, drawing insights

from two prominent theories: the "Imitative Desire Theory" by Rene Girard and the "Mediation

Reality Theory" by Antoine Hennion. The "Imitative Desire Theory" illuminated how advertising

can profoundly influence the desires and aspirations of individuals, particularly high school

students, by showcasing aspirational figures and products. It emphasized the importance of

understanding how advertising strategies shape the intentions of this demographic. On the other

hand, the "Mediation Reality Theory" highlighted the significance of seamlessly integrating

advertisements within the media environments where they are presented, emphasizing authenticity

and engagement. Together, these theories underscored the multifaceted nature of social media

advertising's influence on high school students' purchase intentions, suggesting that effectiveness

relies not only on content but also on integration with the platforms where these students spend
their time. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of how social media advertising

impacts consumer behavior among high school students and provides valuable insights for

marketers seeking to engage this demographic effectively.

Statement of the Problem

The main problem of this study is to investigate the influence of social media

advertising on the purchase intentions of senior high school students at Taclobo National

High School.

Specifically, this study attempts to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of exposure of the respondents on social media advertising?

2. How often does social media advertising influence the purchase intentions of

senior high school students?

3. Which social media platforms and advertising techniques have the most

significant impact on consumer purchase intentions among the respondents?

Significance of the Study

This study may benefit the following:

Online sellers: This study's interventions and recommendations will help online sellers

better understand the requirements and preferences of their customers. They will be

able to improve their relationships with their consumers and their communication skills

through this study.

New entrants’ business: This study will be helpful to new businesses because it may

provide them with knowledge about how to successfully segment their consumer base

according to the products they are offering. Then let them use the results to assess the

advantages and disadvantages of online commerce or digital marketing.

Customers: The results of this study will be useful to customers. Online vendors and

companies may offer clients a better online shopping experience and enhance product

quality and service as they become aware of the areas that need development. They

will be better able to choose the precise goods or services they wish to buy

Researchers: The researcher will gain from this study by receiving knowledge that is

useful and will enable them to understand the pattern of current marketing initiatives in

promoting and selling a product using the internet. Additionally, they will be able to learn

about the purchasing preferences of future internet clients.

Future researchers: Future researchers may use this study as a reference for

conducting research on consumer behavior and decision-making in connection to digital

marketing and online shopping

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The primary purpose of this research was to investigate and analyze the

influence of social media advertising on consumer purchase intentions among senior

high school students of Taclobo National High School. The study focused on the

impact of social media advertising on the purchasing decisions of senior high school

students. It explored various aspects, including the types of social media platforms,

content, and strategies employed by advertisements. The data for this research was

gathered from senior high school students at Taclobo National High School, located in

Barangay Batinguel, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental, Philippines. This institution

represented the target population for the study. The population of interest for this

research included all senior high school students at Taclobo National High School. A

sample of respondents was selected to represent this population. The sample size

was large enough to ensure the findings could be generalized to the entire population.

The data for this research was collected over a specific time frame, from November

2023 to January 2024. This period allowed for the examination of trends and changes

in social media advertising and its impact on consumer purchase intentions among

senior high school students

The study focused exclusively on senior high school students at Taclobo

National High School and did not generalize to other age groups or educational levels.

It primarily examined the influence of social media advertising and did not consider

other external factors that could affect consumer purchase intentions. The study's

findings were subject to potential biases due to self-reported data from respondents.

Due to budget constraints, the research did not cover an exhaustive list of social

media platforms, but it focused on those most commonly used by the target

population. The study's conclusions were based on the data collected during the

specified time frame and did not account for long-term changes or evolving advertising

trends beyond that period.

Research Participants

The study involved the participation of 193 senior high school students from

Taclobo National High School, selected through a meticulous process. Utilizing the

Slovin's formula, researchers determined the total number of participants. Selection was

achieved through probability sampling, employing a multi-stage approach. Initially, a

stratified random sampling method was applied to ascertain the number of students per

section eligible to receive questionnaires. Subsequently, lottery sampling was utilized to

select specific students for questionnaire distribution. Regarding demographic

information, the sole criterion for inclusion was senior high school enrollment, without

further specification.

Strata Population Percent share No. of sample units

ABM 38 10.30% 22
GAS 69 18.70% 37
HUMMS 217 58.81% 113
STEM 22 5.96% 12
TVL 23 6.23% 8
Total 369 100.00% 192
Research Design

The researchers will use quantitative research and descriptive methods in

interpreting the responses of senior high school students at Taclobo National High

School, which will be based on a phenomenological approach. The study will focus on

the influence of social media advertisements on the purchase intentions of senior high

school students. The research instrument that will be used is a checklist survey

questionnaire, wherein the respondents will be asked to answer the questionnaires

after receiving their permission. The study aims to examine the influence of social

media advertisements on the purchase intentions of senior high school students at

Taclobo National High School.

Research Environment

The research was conducted at Taclobo National High School in Dumaguete

City, Negros Oriental, selected for its pivotal role as a prominent institution of

secondary education within the region. Taclobo National High School's

comprehensive array of educational programs and facilities, coupled with its diverse

student population, rendered it an apt locale for the study. The strategic positioning of

the school within Dumaguete City facilitated access to requisite resources and

fostered opportunities for collaboration with local stakeholders. Consequently, the

choice of Taclobo National High School as the research site was made to ensure the

relevance and applicability of the study's outcomes within the context of secondary

education and community development.

Research Instrument

The instrument the researchers used to collect data was the survey

questionnaire. The questionnaire is a set of orderly arranged questions carefully

prepared to be answered by a group of people and designed to collect data. A

questionnaire will be given to a sample of the senior high school students at

Taclobo National High School.

Research Procedure

The researchers sought first the approval of the school principal, Dr.

Claudio Sun, and the Practical Research 2 adviser, Mrs. Dulcegin Ojastro. For

formality and awareness, the researchers conducted this study within their

authority. The researchers ensured the questionnaire's dependability by

assessing the reliability coefficient through Cronbach's alpha. Following a trial

run, adjustments were made based on feedback, and the refined

questionnaire was then shared with 193 Senior High students. The

researchers personally handed out the survey questionnaires, later collected

and meticulously reviewed the responses, concluding with an insightful


Statistical Treatment of Data

The quantitative analysis of data pertaining to the daily exposure of senior high

school students at Taclobo National High School to social media yielded valuable

insights into their engagement levels, critical for gauging the potential impact of social

media advertising on their purchase intentions. Descriptive statistics served as the

primary analytical tool to summarize the central tendency and variability of daily

exposure. The mean daily exposure was computed, accommodating the diverse durations

reported by respondents.

Furthermore, the dataset illuminates the distribution of the most frequently

utilized social media platforms among participants, represented as a percentage of the

total. This statistical treatment is integral to the research endeavor entitled "Influence of

Social Media Advertising on the Purchase Intentions of Senior High School Students at

Taclobo National High School."

Operational Definition of Terms

1. Social Media Advertising: social media advertising refers to paid

promotional content disseminated through various social media platforms,

including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and

TikTok. This encompasses sponsored posts, advertisements, influencer

endorsements, and other forms of commercial messaging aimed at

reaching and engaging senior high school students at Taclobo National

High School.

2. Purchase Intentions: the predisposition or inclination of senior high

school students at Taclobo National High School to buy products or

services advertised on social media platforms within a specified time

frame. This includes expressed interest, willingness, or likelihood to

engage in future purchasing behavior based on exposure to social media

advertising content.

3. Senior High School Students: senior high school students refer to

individuals enrolled in grades 11 and 12 at Taclobo National High School.

This includes students typically aged 16 to 18 years old who are

undergoing secondary education at the said institution.

4. Influence: in the context of this research, refers to the impact or effect of

social media advertising on the purchase intentions of senior high school

students at Taclobo National High School. This includes both direct and

indirect effects of exposure to advertising content on students' attitudes,

perceptions, and behavioral intentions related to purchasing decisions.

Chapter 2

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Table 1. Hours per day spent on social media

Quantitative analysis of the data reveals that, on average, the respondents

exhibit a daily exposure of approximately 3.08 hours on social media. This calculation

takes into account the distribution of responses, with 15% spending less than 1 hour,

31% spending 1-2 hours, 28% spending 3-4 hours, and 26% spending 5 or more

hours per day on social media. This information provides valuable insights into the

level of engagement and exposure of senior high school

students to social media, which is crucial for understanding the potential influence of

social media advertising on their purchase intentions.

Table 2. Most used social media platforms

The data provided reveals the distribution of the most used social media

platforms among respondents, expressed as a percentage of the total. In the context

of the research titled "Influence of Social Media Advertising on the Purchase

Intentions of Senior High School Students at Taclobo National High School," the

quantitative analysis is as follows:

Facebook: 49%

Nearly half of the respondents favor Facebook as their most used social media

platform. This indicates that Facebook holds a significant role in shaping the exposure

of senior high school students to social media advertising.

Instagram: 19%

Instagram emerges as the second most utilized platform, with a considerably

lower percentage than Facebook. Nevertheless, it still represents a notable portion of the

respondents, underscoring its importance in social media advertising exposure.

TikTok: 27%

TikTok captures a relatively high percentage, signaling its popularity among the

respondents. This platform is likely to play a significant role in influencing the exposure of

senior high school students to social media advertising.

Twitter: 4%

Twitter has a smaller percentage compared to other platforms. Although not as

influential as Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok, it still maintains a presence among the


Snapchat: 1%

Snapchat holds the lowest percentage, indicating it is the least used platform

among respondents. Its impact on social media advertising exposure appears limited

compared to other platforms.

Table 3. Frequency of encounters of advertisements

These percentages represent the distribution of responses across different levels

of exposure to social media advertising. It indicates that the majority of the respondents

(48%) always come across social media advertisements, suggesting a high level of

exposure. Additionally, a significant portion (13%) experiences frequent exposure, while

22% encounter advertisements sometimes. A smaller percentage of respondents (12%)

rarely come across social media ads, and only 5% claim never to encounter them.

This quantitative analysis provides insights into the varying degrees of exposure

among the respondents, which is crucial for understanding the potential impact of social

media advertising on the purchase intentions of senior high school students at Taclobo

National High School.

Table 4. Number of students that made purchases influenced by social media advertising

Based on the provided data from senior high school students at Taclobo National High School:

- 45% of respondents have made a purchase influenced by a social media advertisement.

- 55% have not made a purchase influenced by social media advertising.

This suggests that a significant portion of senior high school students at Taclobo National

High School have not been influenced by social media advertising in their purchase decisions.

Further analysis could involve exploring specific factors that contribute to this influence and

understanding the types of products or services that are more likely to be influenced by social

media advertising for this demographic.

In light of informal interviews conducted by the researchers regarding the reasons behind

students' reluctance to make purchases influenced by social media advertising, a predominant

theme emerged. Many respondents expressed apprehension about potential scams, while others

cited financial constraints as a barrier.

Table 5. Frequency of purchases based on social media advertising

Based on the given data from senior high school students at Taclobo National High School:

• 19.79% of students reported making purchases on

social media advertisements very often.

• 10.42% indicated they often make purchases through social media advertising.

• 20.31% reported making purchases occasionally.

• 27.08% stated they rarely make purchases based on social media advertisements.

• 22.40% mentioned never making purchases through social

media advertising.

This quantitative analysis provides insights into the frequency of social media advertising

influencing the purchase intentions of senior high school students at Taclobo National High


Most purchased products and services due to
Frequency Percentage
social media advertising

Clothing/Fashion 124 45.93%

Electronics/Gadgets 34 12.59%

Beauty/ Healthcare products 46 17.04%

Food/Restaurants 32 11.85%

Entertainment (movies, concerts, etc.) 34 12.59%

Total 270 100%

Table 6. Types of products or services purchased

 Clothing/Fashion: Among the surveyed senior high school students, clothing and fashion

items emerged as the most commonly purchased products through social media

advertising, constituting 45.93% of the total responses.

 Electronics/Gadgets: Electronics and gadgets accounted for 12.59% of the purchases,

indicating a notable but comparatively lesser influence on purchase intentions.

 Beauty/Healthcare Products: Approximately 17.04% of the respondents reported

purchasing beauty and healthcare products promoted through social media channels.

 Food/Restaurants: Food-related purchases, including restaurant visits, represented 11.85%

of the total responses, showcasing a significant yet moderate impact of social media

advertising in this category.

 Entertainment: Entertainment offerings such as movies and concerts garnered a similar

share of 12.59% in influencing purchase decisions among senior high school students.
The quantitative analysis reveals a varied but substantial influence of social media advertising

on the purchase intentions of senior high school students at Taclobo National High School. These

findings provide valuable insights for marketers and educators alike in understanding the

preferences and consumption patterns of this demographic group in response to digital advertising


Table 7. Most Influential Social Media Platform

Based on the given data, the quantitative analysis reveals the following breakdown of social

media platforms influencing purchase intentions among senior high school students at Taclobo

National High School:

• Facebook is the most influential, with 48% of respondents finding its advertisements

appealing or effective.

• TikTok follows closely, with 39% indicating its influence on purchase intentions.

• Instagram has a moderate impact, as 9% of respondents find its advertisements appealing

or effective.

• Twitter and Snapchat have the least influence, with 3% and 1%, respectively.

In summary, Facebook and TikTok stand out as the predominant platforms affecting the

purchase intentions of senior high school students in the context of this research.


8. Most Effective Advertising Technique

Based on the provided data, the researchers analyzed the quantitative results as follows:

 Video Advertisements: 42.28%

This indicates that a significant portion of respondents believe that video

advertisements have the most significant impact on their purchase intentions. It

suggests that visual content, possibly engaging and informative videos, is an

influential factor.

 Influencer Endorsements: 21.30%

While not as prominent as video advertisements, a notable percentage of

respondents still consider influencer endorsements to be impactful. This suggests

that the involvement of influencers in advertising may positively influence the

purchase intentions of the target audience.

 Sponsored Posts: 13.27%

Sponsored posts have a lower percentage compared to video advertisements and

influencer endorsements. However, they still represent a considerable portion of

respondents who believe that this advertising technique has a significant impact on

their purchase intentions.

 User Reviews/Testimonials: 16.67%

User reviews and testimonials have a substantial percentage, indicating that a

significant number of respondents find personal experiences and recommendations

from other users to be influential in their purchase decisions.

 Interactive Ads (e.g., polls, quizzes): 6.48%

Interactive ads have the lowest percentage among the options provided. This

suggests that while some respondents find interactive elements engaging, it may not

be as influential in shaping purchase intentions as other techniques.

Video advertisements seem to have the highest impact on consumer purchase

intentions, followed by influencer endorsements, user reviews/testimonials, sponsored

posts, and interactive ads.

Chapter 3

Summary of Findings, Conclusions, Recommendations

Summary of findings

The research titled "Influence of Social Media Advertising on the Purchase Intentions of

Senior High School Students at Taclobo National High School" aimed to investigate the

impact of social media advertising on the purchasing behavior of senior high school

students. The study addressed three specific questions:

1. Level of Exposure:

 On average, respondents reported a daily exposure of approximately

2.95 hours on social media.

 Facebook emerged as the most used platform (49%), followed by

TikTok (27%), Instagram (19%), Twitter (4%), and Snapchat (1%).

 Nearly half of the respondents (48%) reported always encountering

social media advertisements, indicating a high level of exposure.

2. Frequency of Influence:

 Among senior high school students, 45% claimed to have made a

purchase influenced by a social media advertisement, while 55% had


 Various frequencies of purchasing influenced by social media ads

were reported: very often (19.79%), often (10.42%), occasionally

(20.31%), rarely (27.08%), and never (22.40%).

3. Influence of Social Media Platforms:

 Facebook and TikTok were the most influential platforms, with 48%

and 39% of respondents finding their advertisements appealing or

effective, respectively.

 Instagram had a moderate impact (9%), while Twitter and Snapchat

had the least influence (3% and 1%, respectively).

4. Influence of Advertising Techniques:

 Video advertisements were perceived as the most impactful, with

42.28% of respondents considering them significant for their purchase


 Influencer endorsements, sponsored posts, user reviews/testimonials,

and interactive ads followed, with percentages of 21.30%, 13.27%,

16.67%, and 6.48%, respectively.

In summary, the findings suggest that senior high school students at Taclobo

National High School are highly exposed to social media advertising, and a significant

proportion has been influenced in their purchase decisions. Facebook and TikTok are

identified as the primary influential platforms, while video advertisements are considered

the most impactful advertising technique.

The study provides valuable insights for understanding the dynamics of social

media advertising and its effects on the purchasing behavior of this specific



The research on the "Influence of Social Media Advertising on the Purchase

Intentions of Senior High School Students at Taclobo National High School" has yielded

insightful findings, providing a comprehensive understanding of the interplay between

social media exposure and purchasing behavior among senior high school students.

1 . The study, addressing three pivotal questions, reveals that students at Taclobo

National High School maintain a significant daily exposure to social media, averaging

around 2.95 hours. Facebook emerges as the predominant platform, playing a crucial

role in shaping the social media landscape for this demographic. Notably, almost half of

the respondents consistently encounter social media advertisements, underscoring the

pervasive exposure to advertising content. Furthermore,

2. 45% of senior high school students reporting influenced purchases. The varied

frequencies of influence, ranging from very often to never, offer nuanced insights into the

extent of social media's impact on purchasing decisions.

3. Facebook and TikTok are identified as the most influential platforms, with video

advertisements recognized as the most impactful technique. Additionally, other strategies

such as influencer endorsements, sponsored posts, user reviews/testimonials, and

interactive ads contribute to shaping purchase decisions, albeit to varying degrees. In

essence, the study contributes valuable insights to marketers, educators, and

policymakers seeking to navigate the complex dynamics of advertising to this specific

demographic, fostering a deeper understanding of the intersection between social media,

advertising, and consumer behavior among young individuals.


 Integrate Digital Literacy Education: Policymakers should prioritize the integration of

digital literacy education into the curriculum of senior high schools. This education

should encompass critical thinking skills and awareness of the persuasive techniques

used in social media advertising. By equipping students with the necessary knowledge

and skills, policymakers can empower them to make informed decisions and resist

potential manipulation from advertising content.

 Develop Tailored Social Media Advertising Strategies: Given the significant daily

exposure of senior high school students to social media, marketers should design

advertising campaigns specifically tailored to this demographic. Strategies should focus

on engaging content formats and platforms, particularly Facebook and TikTok, which

emerged as the most influential platforms in shaping purchase intentions.

 Utilize Video Advertisements: Video advertisements have been identified as the most

impactful technique among senior high school students. Marketers should prioritize the

creation of engaging and visually appealing video content to effectively capture the

attention and influence the purchasing decisions of this demographic.

 Further Research: Given the evolving nature of social media usage and consumer

behavior, further research is recommended to validate and expand upon the findings of

this study. Future studies could explore additional factors influencing the effectiveness

of social media advertising, such as cultural influences, peer interactions, and brand

perceptions among senior high school students.


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