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Region IV-B MIMAROPA- Palawan

In Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements


Micro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality

Abanilla, Grasie V. (02000259062)

Bautista, Akisha Mae S. (02000356396)

Martinez, Michelle B. (02000323406)

Manalo, Carmela M. (02000342055)

Reyes, Ashley M. (02000363418)

BSTM 1.2 E

February 27, 2024


1. Your instructor will divide you into groups of five (5).
2. Work with your team to accomplish the following:
• Choose any tourist destination in the Philippines (e.g., Region IV-A Calabarzon – Rizal).
• Research, observe, and identify three (3) important stakeholders that help boost your chosen
tourist destination's tourism and hospitality industry. Ensure to search from reliable sources
to get accurate information.
• Identify any lacking stakeholder/s needed to improve the destination.

3. Submit a written output containing the following:

o Title Page: (The Tourist Destination)
o Background of the destination, its products, and services offered
o The three (3) important tourism stakeholders and reports on their contributions to the
o Stakeholder/s needed to improve the destination

4. Adhere to the following formatting for your output:

Typeface: Arial Font Size: 12
Margin: 1.0" all sides Spacing: Double-space

5. Submit your written report by Week 4.

6. Create a PowerPoint presentation of your output to be presented in the same week. You will be
given 10 minutes to present your output, including questioning.
7. Your group will be graded based on the following rubric:
The output contained complete and accurate information
Content 40
based on the requirements and reliable sources.
There is a clear assessment of the destination, with detailed
Organization of
information on the necessary stakeholders required to 40
improve the area
The points are expressed clearly and logically. 10
Presentation All group members were able to report/present a portion of
the presentation.
Total 100

02 Performance Task 1 *Property of STI

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The Last Ecological Frontier of the Philippines, Palawan, boasts pristine beaches,
lush jungles, and breathtaking landscapes with its rich biodiversity and vibrant culture,
Palawan offers an unparalleled adventure for those seeking to explore the wonders of
nature. Some destinations in Palawan are El Nido, Puerto Princesa Subterranean River
National Park, Coron island, and Bugsuk Island.
Palawan's beauty is enhanced by accommodations that showcase its rich cultural
heritage, catering to attractions like island-hopping tours, snorkeling adventures, and
jungle treks. Tourists can purchase exquisite handicrafts and unique souvenirs,
supporting the local economy and taking home a piece of Palawan's culture. The region's
culinary offerings, including the unique mollusk dish Tamilok, provide a taste of the sea
that complements the unforgettable landscapes.
1. Government- Governments play an essential role in planning, policy making,
development of destination, and management of events. One of these events is the
three- day Tourism Travel Fair in Puerto Prinsesa City, organized by Rey Felix Rafols,
president of Palawan Tourism Council. The event showcased local tourism that
emphasize the importance and maintenance of the historical tours for Palawan’s
tourism economy despite the pandemic challenges.
2. Tourists- Tourists have helped boost Palawan's destination by contributing to its
economy through spending on accommodations, dining, tours, and souvenirs.
According to a report by the Provincial Tourism Promotions and Development Office
(PTPDO), Palawan soared in 2023 with 1,527,159 visitors, generating a hefty income
of 57.2 billion pesos.
3. Tourism Establishments and Enterprises- Establishments and enterprises have
boosted the Palawan destination is through the development of responsible tourism
activities. Establishments like Tao Philippines have boosted Palawan by offering
responsible tourism activities, fostering cultural immersion experiences while
providing sustainable livelihoods for locals.
1. The Government should prioritize the promotion of sustainable tourism practices,
while also allocating sufficient funds for advertising and attracting more tourists, which
will contribute to the region's economic growth.
2. Tourists should show respect for the local culture and environment, provide support
to local businesses, and practice responsible travel behaviors, especially considering
the large numbers of visitors.
3. Tourist establishments and enterprises in Palawan should prioritize environmental
sustainability, provide authentic and high-quality experiences, and actively engage
with the local community to contribute to the improvement of the destination.

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