Lesson Plan

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Subject: TLE

Grade Level: Grade 8

Objective: Understanding recycling, Create recycled project

Learning within and across curriculum:

- Within:

1) Science: Understanding the chemical processes involved in recycling materials

2) Math: Calculating the environmental impact of recycling efforts

3) Social Studies: Exploring the global impact of recycling on sustainable


- Across:

1) English: Writing a persuasive essay on the importance of recycling

2) Art: Creating recycled art pieces to raise awareness about recycling

3) Physical Education: Designing a fitness routine using recycled materials


[Teaching Strategy: Brainstorming]

[Instructional Materials: None]

Anecdote 1 - Sharing stories of how our ancestors practiced recycling through

"paglalako" or barter trading

Anecdote 2 - Recounting how Filipino communities come together during

"bayanihan" to recycle and repurpose materials for various needs

[Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning]

[Instructional Materials: Recycled materials, scissors, glue]

1) Idea - Conduct a hands-on workshop where students create recycled paper crafts

2) Idea - Organize a recycling challenge where students design and build functional
items using recycled materials


Activity 1: Recycled Paper Making Workshop

[Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning]

Materials - Used paper, blender, water, mesh screen, towels

Significance - Understanding the process of paper recycling

Instructions -

1) Tear used paper into small pieces and soak in water

2) Blend the soaked paper until it forms a pulp

3) Drain the pulp on a mesh screen to dry and form recycled paper


- Creativity - 20 pts.

- Craftsmanship - 15 pts.

- Presentation - 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) What are the benefits of recycling paper?

2) How can recycled paper help reduceorestation?

3) Explain the steps involved in making recycled paper.

Activity 2: Recycled Fashion Design Challenge

[Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning]

Materials - Various recycled materials (fabric, plastic, paper), scissors, glue, sewing

Significance - Promoting creativity and sustainability through fashion

Instructions -

1) Divide students into groups and assign each group a theme

2) Task students with designing and creating a fashion piece using only recycled

3) Organize a fashion show to showcase the creations


- Design Concept - 20 pts.

- Execution - 15 pts.

- Presentation - 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How can fashion contribute to environmental sustainability?

2) What challenges did you face in creating a fashion piece from recycled materials?

3) Discuss the importance of upcycling in the fashion industry.

Inclusive Activity 3: Eco-Friendly Song Composition

[Teaching Strategy: Music and Lyrics]

Materials - None

Significance - Encouraging creativity and environmental awareness through music

Instructions -

1) Task students with composing a song about recycling and sustainability

2) Emphasize the use of recycled materials in the lyrics

3) Showcase the songs in a mini-concert or recording


- Lyrics Creativity - 20 pts.

- Musical Composition - 15 pts.

- Performance - 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How can music be used as a tool for environmental advocacy?

2) What message did your song convey about recycling?

3) Discuss the impact of music in promoting social change.


Activity 1 - The teacher will demonstrate the process of paper recycling, explaining
each step and highlighting the importance of recycling paper to reduce waste.

Activity 2 - Students will engage in group discussions to analyze the challenges and
successes of creating fashion pieces from recycled materials.

Activity 3 - Students will present their eco-friendly songs to the class, explaining the
inspiration behind their lyrics and music composition.

[Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing]

Task 1 - Role-play a scenario where students act as environmental advocates

promoting recycling in their community.

Task 2 - Conduct a mock recycling drive where students organize and implement a
recycling program in school.

Supporting Material 1 - Article on the economic benefits of recycling for communities

Supporting Material 2 - Infographic on the impact of plastic pollution on marine life


[Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning]

[Instructional Materials: Assessment sheets]

Question 1 - How does recycling contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions?

Question 2 - Discuss the challenges faced in implementing recycling programs in

urban areas.

Question 3 - Analyze the role of government policies in promoting recycling



Question 1 - Explain the concept of a circular economy and its relationship to


Answer 1 - The circular economy aims to minimize waste by reusing, recycling, and
repurposing materials in a continuous cycle, reducing the need for raw resources.

Question 2 - Evaluate the social implications of improper waste disposal on


Answer 2 - Improper waste disposal can lead to environmental pollution, health

hazards, and social inequality, impacting vulnerable populations disproportionately.

Question 3 - Propose innovative solutions to enhance recycling rates in urban areas.

Answer 3 - Implementing incentivized recycling programs, increasing public

awareness through education campaigns, and improving waste segregation systems
can help boost recycling rates.

[Teaching Strategy: Case Studies]

[Instructional Materials: Case study scenarios]

Use-case 1 - Students analyze a case study on a successful community recycling

program and propose recommendations for its expansion to other areas.

Use-case 2 - Students examine a case study on a failed recycling initiative and

identify the key factors that led to its ineffectiveness, proposing alternative strategies
for improvement.


1) Research Assignment: Task students with investigating the recycling policies of

different countries and presenting a comparative analysis.

2) Creative Project: Students will design a sustainability plan for their school,
incorporating recycling initiatives and waste reduction strategies.

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