Rebellions 1486-1509 Table - Completed

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Establishing the Tudor Dynasty: Threats to Henry VII’s throne 1486 – 1509

Use the table to assess the different threats to Henry VII’s throne:

How great was the threat to Henry VII? How significant

Why was Henry able to
Support within Quality of was this threat?
Foreign support overcome the threat?
England Leadership
Lord Lovell and the
Staffords – 1486
Lovell escaped
Thomas Stafford (younger brother of
Lovell was a key supporter North Riding of Yorkshire from the king’s
Humphrey Stafford) was pardoned, so
of Richard III. He tried to and the Midlands were forces to
that Henry VII appeared reasonable.
raise support in the North None Yorkist Areas, but there Burgundy, but
There was little enthusiasm for the
Riding of Yorkshire in was little enthusiasm for Stafford was
uprising, even in traditional Yorkist
Easter 1486. Humphrey Richard III captured and
Stafford simultaneously executed
tried to raise forces in the
Lambert Simnel and Many leading Irish
Henry exhibited the real Earl of
magnates supported the
the Earl of Lincoln – Warwick in London for everyone to see
Yorkists. Simnel was They did not
1486-87 crowned as King Edward raise enough
that he was still alive
in Ireland in May 1487 troops –
Leading Yorkists realized Lincoln fled to Burgundy to join Lovell
Lincoln had
they needed to change to plan the army of mercenaries*.
Margaret of Burgundy 8,000
their strategy: a figurehead The Yorkist gentry of the Henry had plenty of notice of the
(sister of the Yorkist compared to
who could claim to be a North Riding were conspiracy. He reinstated the Earl of
kings) was angry at what Henry VII’s
Yorkist Prince; and reluctant to commit Northumberland (had led a large part
had happened to her 12,000. This
financial support to themselves, and Lincoln of RIII army at Bosworth) to the north,
brother Richard III. meant that
generate a substantial was not able to add helping to neutralize RIII’s old power
Burgundy was alarmed Henry won the
military threat sufficient numbers to the base and ensuring the Yorkist Howard
that France had supported Battle of Stoke
army of mercenaries with family did not join the conspirators. He
Henry VII in gaining the Field in 1487
Simnel, a boy from Oxford which he had landed in reinforced coastal defences in East
throne → Margaret
who was tutored in courtly England Anglia. Henry’s army was led
sheltered Simnel and Lincoln died in
manners by a priest, effectively by the Earl of Oxford. The
Lincoln, and raised an the fighting;
Richard Symonds, Earl of Lincoln was killed at the Battle
army of 2,000 mercenaries Lovell died
impersonated the Duke of of Stoke Field in 1487
who travelled to Ireland in soon
York (Richard, the younger April 1487. From there, afterwards
of the princes in the Simnel was captured at the Battle of
they travelled to the
Tower) and then as the Stoke. He was spared by Henry VII,
northwest coast of
How great was the threat to Henry VII? How significant
Why was Henry able to
Support within Quality of was this threat?
Foreign support overcome the threat?
England Leadership
Earl of Warwick (who was England and started to who gave him a job in the Royal
held in prison by Henry gather support in the kitchens
VII). North Riding of Yorkshire
This battle brought to an end the Wars
Lincoln (John de la Pole, of the Roses
nephew of Edward IV and
Richard III) put together Henry was relatively mild in his
the conspiracy. treatment of those who had rebelled,
winning over some Yorkists who had
previously opposed him. Only 28 were
attained, and not lots of land was
distributed. He began to develop the
policy of using bonds of good
behaviour (a lump sum, that did not
have to be paid back if the receiver was
obedient) to ensure well-behaved
landowners who might otherwise face
financial ruin
November 1492 – Henry VII and
This was a major foreign
Warbeck was Charles VIII of France signed the Treaty
policy concern in the
able to win of Etaples, the French agreeing not to
1490s. Warbeck went to
some foreign shelter rebels
France in 1492, and
support but it
Burgundy in 1493, where
Perkin Warbeck - In 1494, conspirators were was not
Warbeck was trained as a
found in government – Sir sustained. He Henry was informed of Warbeck’s
1491-99 potential Yorkist prince
William Stanley, Henry’s had failed intentions to invade England in 1495 by
step-uncle. He was attempts to one of his royal agents. Warbeck was
A cloth trader from Tournai Many Irish lords refused
executed in February 1494 invade England quickly defeated and fled to Scotland*
in Flanders who to back Warbeck
in 1495, 1496
impersonated Richard, the Overall, there was not and in 1497 The Truce of Ayten with Scotland
younger of the princes in *He was welcomed in
enough support in England during the meant that Warbeck had to flee
the Tower, from 1491 in Scotland by James IV in
for Warbeck to be Cornish Scotland for Ireland and then Cornwall,
Ireland 1495. A small Scottish
successful Rebellion. In where he failed and was arrested
force crossed the border
1497 his troops
on Warbeck’s behalf in
were crushed After his defeat of Warbeck in 1497,
1496, but quickly
by Henry’s Henry first allowed Warbeck to stay at
retreated. James gave in
troops court but then placed him in the Tower
to Henry’s offer of
when Warbeck tried to escape

How great was the threat to Henry VII? How significant
Why was Henry able to
Support within Quality of was this threat?
Foreign support overcome the threat?
England Leadership
marriage to his daughter,
Margaret. In 1499, the Earl of Warwick was
beheaded, having being accused of
plotting with Warbeck and attempting
an escape in 1498

Maximillian sheltered the

de la Poles in 1501. They
extorted £250,000 in the In 1501 Henry arrested associates of
form of ‘loans’ that were the de la Pole family: Sir William
never repaid to Henry VII. Courtenay, William de la Pole (younger
brother). Executed James Tyrell,
The de la Pole Family Archduke Philip of governor in Calais and Sir John
This could have
– 1499-1506 Burgundy (Maximillian’s
been strong,
son) used Henry’s
had there been
The Earl of Suffolk had fled insecurity about Suffolk to He gave £10,000 to Maximillian, which
to Flanders in 1498. He force trade concessions There were potential helped prevent him supporting an
was persuaded to return from England supporters in England, invasion
after a short exile but in including a younger
support. Spain
1501 fled to the Court of Philip, however, agreed to brother (William) In January 1505, Henry suspended
and Italy were a
the Emperor Maximillian give up Suffolk in the trade with Burgundy and the Holy
distraction to
Treaty of Windsor in 1506, Roman Empire who were sheltering the
the foreign
Richard de la Pole was who was imprisoned in the Earl of Suffolk. Following the Treaty of
also in exile in Europe Tower of London (Philip Windsor, Suffolk was imprisoned in the
had been sailing to claim Tower of London. He was executed for
the Spanish throne after treason in 1513. Richard de la Pole
the death of Isabella of died fighting for the French forces at
Castille, when he was the Battle of Pavia in 1525
blown onto the English

Which threat from rebellion was most significant to Henry VII and why?

Why was Henry able to survive the threats to his power from rebellion?

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