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Vol à l’étalage Shoplifting

Procureur du district District attorney

Procureur (sens générique) Prosecutor

Engager des poursuites To bring a proceeding

déclarer quelqu'un coupable to find someone guilty

intenter une action au civil to bring a civil action

responsabilité délictuelle tortious liability

vol (en responsabilité délictuelle) Tort theft

dommages et intérêts damages

amende pour excès de vitesse speeding ticket

violation violation

agression / voies de fait battery

disculper, innocenter to exonerate

Condamner (à une peine) To convict

Acquitter To acquit

Négligent Careless

Procès, action en justice lawsuits

Compétence juridique jurisdiction

Norme, critère Standards

Droits civiques Civil rights

Loi (issue des institutions législatives) statute

Promulguer enacted

Tribunal Court

Enfreindre Violates

Délit, infraction Offense / Minor crime spree

Amende Fine

Détournements (de fonds) Embezzlement

Agression à mains armée Aggravated assault

Poursuivre en justice prosecuted

injustice, tord, abus wrong

Peine d’emprisonnement Jail time

Dommages & intérêts Damages and interests

Actus reus material element of crime and will vary from one offense to
Mens rea the essential mental element of the crime

GBH Grievous Bodily Harm (Blessures corporelles graves)

“Self-defense” something which justify use of the force against people who
are armed or people attacked you without reasons

“Stand-your-ground” Self-defense can be exercised even outside the home, but it

must be necessary and subsidiary. it is better to choose the
option of retreat / flight if possible.
“Castle doctrine” Give people in their own homes the legal presumption of
self-defense if they harm an intruder.

“Duty to retreat” Flight and no harm the other person

Conduite en état d’ivresse Drunk driving

Founding Fathers Refers to the political leaders who established the United
States, such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and
NRA Refers to the National Rifle Association, a prominent gun
rights advocacy group in the United States.
AR-15 Refers to a popular semi-automatic rifle.

Heller v District of Columbia Refers to a landmark case in 2008 where the Supreme Court
ruled that the Second Amendment protects an individual's
right to possess a n arm for lawful purposes, such as self-

Liberté conditionnelle (sortir de prison) Liberté conditionnelle

Liberté surveillée (ø de prison) Probation

Procédé malhonnête, combine Schemes

Avocat attorney

Au nom de / pour le compte de On behalf on

Crime financier (« en col blanc ») White collar crime

Insignifiant Petty

Avocat commis d’office Public defender

Peine sentence
Procès Trial

Devoir Duty

Casier judiciaire / antécédents Prior convictions

Travaux d’intérêts général Community service

Subpoena A legal document to summon people to come to the
courthouse to testify as witnesses under oath.

tort Any type of legal wrong

objection When a question seems inappropriate, the lawyer of the

opposing team may object to it. If the judge agrees,
he/she will sustain it. Otherwise, it will be overruled

affidavit The signed written declaration of a witness

exhibit Any document that may be presented during the trial to

support a claim:
deposition Any answer or testimony given by a witness outside the
courthouse or before the trial begins:

indictment A formal accusation

perjury When someone knowingly gives a false testimony under

sidebar When the attorneys are called by the judge to come
closer in order to have a private conversation:

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