Expalanation Meningitis

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Laboratories and Diagnostic

When doctors suspect meningitis, they do some tests to find out what pathogenic agent is causing
the infection. They analyze samples of spinal fluid and blood to check for pathogenic agent using a
test called Gram staining. They also look for certain substances in the spinal fluid to confirm if it is
bacterial meningitis.

Sign and Symptoms

Meningitis can cause symptoms like:

- Severe headache from irritation of the protective membranes around the brain

- High fever that stays high during the sickness

- Stiff neck

- Kernig’s sign (legs can't fully straighten with bent thigh) and Brudzinski’s sign (hip and knee flex
when neck is bent)

- Sensitivity to light which is photophobia

- Seizures from increase pressure inside the head

- Feeling tired and not having much energy

Medical management

When someone has a Meningitis, it's important to give them antibiotics early on to stop the bacteria
from spreading. This usually involves giving strong antibiotics through a vein to make sure they reach
the infected area in the right amount. To help with dehydration and shock that can happen with this
infection, doctors may give fluids to increase their volume. If seizures occur, they can be controlled
with a medication called phenytoin. If the pressure inside the head increases, it's important to treat
that as well. So, the key things in the medical treatment of this infection are giving antibiotics early,
managing dehydration or shock with fluids, controlling seizures if they happen, and treating
increased pressure inside the head.

Nursing management

In simple words, in nursing management, the team, including nurses, doctors, and respiratory
therapists, work together to care for critically ill patient with Meningitis. Nurses monitor the patient's
vital signs and neurological status, and use tools like pulse oximetry and arterial blood gas tests to
quickly identify any issues with breathing or oxygen levels. In some cases, the patient may need to be
inserted with endotracheal tube (or tracheotomy) and mechanical ventilation may be necessary to
maintain adequate tissue oxygenation. Nurses also keep an eye on the patient's blood pressure to
prevent shock and ensure proper fluid intake. Fever also will increase the workload of the heart and
cerebral metabolism. increased intracranial pressure will increase in response to increased cerebral
metabolic demands. Therefore, measures are taken to reduce body temperature as quickly as
possible. Ensuring the patient is safe from harm during seizures or when their awareness is affected.
Preventing problems like bedsores and lung infections due to not moving much. Following extra
precautions for contagious illnesses until antibiotics have been used for a day.


When someone in the family gets very sick all of a sudden, it can be really hard for everyone. The
person is usually in a serious condition and their future health is uncertain. The family should be kept
informed about what is happening with the patient and be allowed to visit them, even though the
focus is on providing the patient with urgent care. Nurses play a crucial role in helping the patient
and supporting the family during this difficult time, as well as helping them find additional support
from others.

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