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Community Project Proposal

Project Title


Address of Proposed Community Venue:

Brgy. 60-A Old Road Sagkahan, Tacloban City

Project Rationale

Reading is fundamental to the development of children and crucial for the educational
advancement of students, serving as a fundamental skill that lays the groundwork for lifelong
learning and success. However, access to reading materials is not always readily available,
particularly in underserved communities like Brgy. 60-A Old Road Sagkahan. Recognizing the
importance of literacy and the transformative power of books, our proposed community project
aims to establish a mini library within the premises of the Brgy. 60-A barangay hall. With the
rapid advancement of technology, it is more important than ever to instill a love for reading
and provide access to learning materials. The mini library will serve as a beacon of knowledge
and a sanctuary for intellectual growth within our community.

The barangay hall serves as an ideal location for the mini library due to its central accessibility
and familiar presence within the community. Placing the library here ensures that it is easily
accessible to residents of all ages, especially children and students who can benefit greatly
from regular exposure to books and educational resources. Additionally, the barangay hall
provides a safe and welcoming environment conducive to learning, making it an ideal setting
for the mini library. The need for mini-libraries like the one proposed in Brgy. 60-A is evident
in the lack of access to educational resources and reading materials within the community.
Despite the advancements in technology, many households in Brgy. 60-A may not have access
to the internet or electronic devices necessary for digital learning. Furthermore, the
proliferation of screens and digital distractions has led to a decline in reading habits among
children and adults alike. Our mini library seeks to counteract this trend by providing a
tangible and welcoming space for reading, learning, and intellectual engagement. Many
households also may not have the means to purchase books regularly, and public libraries may
be located far from residential areas, making it challenging for residents to access them
regularly. By establishing a mini library within the barangay hall, we aim to bridge this gap
and provide a readily available resource for residents to explore a diverse range of books and
learning materials. Residents can freely borrow books, access educational materials, and
engage in enriching activities that promote literacy and intellectual growth.

Beyond the tangible benefits of access to books, the mini library also serves as a catalyst for
community engagement and involvement. By creating a space where residents can gather,
interact, and exchange ideas, the library becomes more than just a repository of books—it
becomes a hub for social connection and empowerment. By involving residents in the
planning, setup, and maintenance of the mini library, we foster a sense of ownership and pride
within the community, ensuring its sustainability and impact for the generations to come.
Volunteers can also contribute their time and skills to curate the library collection, organize
literacy programs, and facilitate reading sessions for children. Through these collaborative
efforts, we not only promote literacy but also strengthen social bonds and cohesion within
Brgy. 60-A.

In essence, our proposed mini library project is more than just a collection of books; it is a
symbol of our commitment to education, lifelong learning, and community development. By
providing access to books and educational resources, we not only aim to nurture a love for
reading and learning among residents of all ages, but we also hope to empower individuals,
enrich lives, and strengthen the fabric of our community. This will serve as a testament to the
power of community-driven initiatives in creating positive change.

Long-Term Objectives

❖ To support lifelong learning and personal development by offering resources for skill-
building, career exploration, and self-improvement.

Short-Term Objectives

❖ To provide access to a diverse collection of books and educational resources for

children and youth in the community.
❖ To support academic achievement by offering materials for research, study, and
supplementary learning.
❖ To provide a supportive environment for children and youth with special needs or
disabilities to access books and participate in educational activities.
❖ To promote civic engagement and social responsibility among children and youth by
offering books and resources on civic education and community issues.
❖ To promote health and well-being by offering books and resources on topics such as
mental health, nutrition, and personal hygiene.
❖ To evaluate and monitor the impact of the mini-library project on the educational
outcomes, social connectedness, and overall well-being of children and youth in the
Budget Proposal

Name of Item Quantity Price Total Amount

Plywood (¾”) 2 pieces 1,500/piece Php 3,000

Wood (2”x 2”) 3 piece 90/piece Php 270

Wood glue 1 piece 120/piece Php 120

Nails (4”) 1/2 kilo 90/kilo Php 45

Varnish 2 glass bottle 150/glass bottle Php 300

Glass door 1 set 1,000/set Php 1,000

Door handle 2 pieces 21/piece Php 42

Caster wheel 4 pieces 260/piece Php 1,040

Stainless Steel 10 pieces 25/piece Php 250

Angel/Corner Bracket

Hinge 2 pieces 10/piece Php 20

Record book 1 piece 70/piece Php 70

Labour 1,000 Php 1,000

TOTAL Php 7,157

Plan of Activities
The team chose 10 youth representatives, 3 youths will be tasked to acquire books from
donations, 3 youths will conduct the canvassing of the materials that will be used, 2 youths will
organize the books, and 2 youths will be tasked to visit the designated area and monitor the
progress of making the said project. It will take days to finish these activities.

The main activities are the acquisition of books, the construction of the bookshelf, the
organization of the books, and the implementation of the project.

The set of activities will comprise merely 2 days for the acquisition of books, 2 days for the
construction of the bookshelf, and the remaining day for the organization of the books and the
implementation of the project at the designated area. This will be a 5-day activity.

Project Sketch
Timeline of Activities

1 April 3, 2024 Acquisition of books

2 April 4, 2024 Acquisition of books

3 April 5, 2024 Construction of the bookshelf

4 April 6, 2024 Construction of the bookshelf

Organization of the books

5 April 8, 2024 Implementation of the project

Evaluation by NSTP Coordinator / Instructor


NSTP Instructor NSTP Coordinator

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