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. Technology (Science) 2-2 Intro. to SEO (Search Engine Optimization )

I rnahon ~ ::.___ __.:::c___ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:..__ _ _:::.....__ _:__ _ - : - _
Introduction to SEO (Search
2 Engine Optimization) sEO : page Structure Optimization
·, .:rtrLE>

SEO Keywords SEO Social Bookmarking

SEO ke ywords are the impo rtant Socia l bookmark ing is
, , Meta-description
words an d phrases related to -a p owerful tool in
, t-1eading Tag the developed website content
, 1rnage Tags w ith ALT attribute promo ting web site
\ Chapter at a Glance 2.4 Optimizing Website
5EO Social Media Optimization SEO-Backlinks Other factors of SEO
2.1 Introduction
Deals.with e nhancing websites Backlinks are th e lin ks o n • Speed of the Website
SEO is a tech nique u sed for designing and developing rilnking, using interactive communities the website that, w h en clicked, • Mobile Frlendly
a webs ite to be rank hig h in search engine. like Facebook, etc take the u ser to another side • Creating Robo t .b<t
( 2.2 Types of SEO ] 2.5 SEO Audit
II An SEO audit h elps to fi n d out wha t could be done to improve
t r
ran king on search engines so th a t consumers could find
th e website wi th greater ease.
On-Page SEO
' Off-Page SEO "
Concern wilh information to
Concern w ith Website-Web site
be dis p layed to the end user Relationship SEO ptimer
., '--
SEOptimer is a free SEO Audit Tool
that will p e rform a detailed SEO Analys is
2.3 Techniques of SEO
White Hal SEO Bla ck Hat SEO
IT~chniquc that search engines recommend Techniques uses for optimiz ing
,,s a part o f Good dcsi~n the \Vebsite are n1anipulativc
~ --- . --~
TPS Info rma tion Techno logy (scie nce
) 2-3 Intro. to SEO (Search Engin 0
e Ptilllii .
.. ~
ation Technology (Science ) 2_4
Intro. to SEO (Search Engine Op tim ization)
. Fill in the Blanks ~
~JIS· : Define

Answer Briefly
SEO. State types o~ SEO. . . .
1· The full form of SEO is· -·-- - ~' (') SEO stands for Search
· f Engme
f • Optim12ation' which is the prac·ti•ce o f.mcreasmg
.- th e
Ans.: Search Engine Optim1zahon . . J quantity and quality o tra fie to your website through organic search engine results.
- - - - are the links on the website that, when clicked, take the user to,~
~,oth. ('') Thus SEO is useful in increasing the number of v1s1
· ·tors to a website.
. ·
2. -
s1'd e. . - ~
~fiJiil~ .
iii) There are many strategies and techniques adopted to optimize thewebpage.
Ans. : Backhnks . . . · ( O f SEO : There are two types of SEO ._
_ One of the optimizing factor to improve images 1s by usmg ___ attribute. (iv) Types . . . . ·
3 On-Page SEO : This mcludes Prov1s10n of good content, good keywords selection
Ans. : al t · 1 (v ) d 1 · · · • '
helps to find out what you can be done to improve ranking on putting keywor s on correct P aces, giving appropriate title to every page etc.
4. An - -so-
b . 'th
that consumers can find the we site w1 greater ease.
(vi) On-Page SE0.1sdcon~ei:ned w~'th inf .
. ormation that is displayed to the end user, such as
Ans. : SEO Audit text, images an we site navigation. .
S. . file tells search engine which page you want to exclude from indexing. (vii) off-Page SEC? : It includes _link ~uilding, increasing link popularity b y submitting
Ans. : Robots.txt ____ rf»fflt!q open directon~s, search engmes, link ~xchange etc.
(viii) Off-Page SEO 1s concerned with Website - Website relationship.
I Match the Following =-=:J ~ Which are the different SEO techniques.
Ans. :
(1) (i) SEO techniques are classified into two broad categories, which are White Hat SEO
'A' 'B'
and Black Hat SEO.
Image Optimization (a) meta tag (ii) White Hat SEO : Techniques that search engines suggest as a part of good design are
Links to Twitter, Facebook (b) SEO technique called White Hat SEO.
(c) alt attribute (iii) It contains proper and well labeled images according to the content .
3. Description about author
(iv) It is in the form of Standard-compliant HTML.
4. White Hat Strategy (l~!mllM!ll (d) Social Media Optimization
(v) Blad~ Hat SEO : Techniques that search engines do not approve and those techniques
Ans. : 1. - (c), 2. - (d), 3. - (a), 4. - (b)
which are used for optimizing the website are called Black Hat SEO.
Choose correct answers from the following ( 2 correct) (vi) It mainly contains duplicate contents. Such websites are mainly used to redirect users
to other websites and cause traffic.
1. The page content optimization can be done by using keywords in tlMttfUfl 3. Explain in short White Hat technique. tt~ m1•n►JJi
(a) <font> (b) <title> Ans. :
(c) <hr> (d) <meta> (e) <input> (i) Techniques that search engines suggest as a part of good design are called White Hat
Ans. : (b), (d) SEO.
2. Other factor to rank the website higher are (ii) It contains proper and well labeled images according to the content.
(a) Desktop friendly (b) Speed of the website
(iii) It is in the form of Standard-compliant HTML.
(c) Creating robots.txt (d) No backlinks
(e) N o external links (iv)
The page titles are unique but relevant at the same time.
Ans.: (b), (c) (v)
It has Complete sentences with good spelling and grammar
·T ,. ...
- --Jnfo
-- lion
- Techno
- - - logy
~- (Science) 2-5
-- - -- -- -- Intro.
- -- - - - - -to
EO_(Se arch E .
_ _:.:..:__:-_ng,ne Phlll;latt
o . ~, rn forn
, ation Techno logy (Science) 2-6 Intro. to SEO (Search Eng,·ne O ptimization)
~rs ---~~ •
Explain in short Black Hat technique.
4. fill in the Blanks
Ans. :Techniques that search engines do not approve
(i) and those techniques Whi
for optimizing the website are called Black Hat SEO. ch are~
2.1 Introduction I
(ii) It mainly contains
. 1 · duplicate contents
d· dwhich mostly
· · are stolen from other
1 1,
SEO stands for . . · .
h Engine Ophm1zahon
creators main y without any ere its an perm1ss1ons. Origiii, s . searc
(iii) Such websites a,e =inly used to redi«cl us«s to othe, websites and J\!1 . . SEO is subset of .
(iv ) Links from such sites ' " i,rnlevant and didn't show the actual """"•lit 2. . Search Engine Marketing
Websites like these contain invisible text and stuffed keywords J\!1 5 • • is a sul:>set of Search Engine Marketing.
search content
3. -
s. Explain in short SEO Keyword search. J\!15 ·: SEO is useful in increasing number of visitors to a website. \Mt1fllf49*-if)
4, -
Ans.: ;\ns. : _
i) SEO keywords are the important words and phrases related to the developed Websi _ _ _ is a teehnique 1s
· used f or d es1grung
. . and d eve Iopmg
. a web site
. b e to r ank
( 5
content. \ · high in search eng~e r_es~t.
(ii) A list of keywords, need to be carefully chosen to optimize the search ]( ns. : Search Engine Ophm1zabon
Research and Analysis is an important part of the Search Engine Optimiz~ti eywor'. J\ _ _ _ _ is an online program or a software that helps users to search for
as well as "Search Engine Marketing". 6
on (SE~ · . information on world wide w eb .
(iii) · For "Search Engine Marketing", one can pay for certain keyvvords. ;\ns. : Search Engine
(iv) There are various online Keyword Planner tools (such as Google Add w .
Keyword Planner) to shortlist keywords. or~ [ 2.2 Types of SEO
This is more useful to compare the cost of various keywords, if the website desi SEO include Provision of good content good keyword.
opts for Paid Search En~ine Marketing. · gill Ans.: On-Page
6. Explain any two Page content optimization points. ti►1fflffll 8. SEO include link building, increasing link popularity b~ submittini
Ans. :
open directories. ~mjlf.uf-l'-
(i) TITLE : Title is the first thing that user notices in search result list while usingG~ Ans. : Off-Page
for searching. Contents should be up to 60 characters (spaces included) 9. _ _ _ _ _ SEO is concerned with information that is d isplay ed to the end user.
(ii) Meta-description Tag: While creating a w eb page, Meta d escription should beu.<ti Ans. : On-Page
to boost your On-Page SEO. Meta Description should be between 7-0 and I~ 10. _ _ __ _ SEO is concerned w ith website - w ebsite relationship.
characters (spaces included) that others are interested to know about the conteri Ans. :
11. _ _ __ is concerned with how good is your network..
from your website.
Ans. :

Explain how could you optimize images.

Image Tags with ALT attribute: The alt attribute gives information about th e~!
Ans. : Off-Page SEO
12. The ~ - - SEO technique is used to disp lay relevant content on a w
ebs ·
ti► · 11~•►!1]
Ans. : White hat
so even if the image does not download, it can make the viewers under5lan
image related in formation. f~
(ii) Image Tag with Title attribute : The title tag of images show the keywo
rd 0 [ 2.3 Techniques of SEO J
image when mouse is hovered above the image. . ~ ~- - - - - SEO techniques that search engines d o n ot approved.
. .
(iii) Image compression : The images w hich are compressed load faster v-,hich give~ ns. : Black Hat. .
good friendly experience. 1\ d . SEO Techniques tha t search eng ines recommends as ar rt of ~ood
(iv) Images can h ave Caphon .
keywords : Certain images can have k e ywords on. A es1gn. .Uft!ltf •fifj
image to make it relevant for user to know about it. ns. : White Hat
, , _...... )
27 .
Intro. to SEO (Search Engine Optin,i>a t·
> TP5 Inform
ation Technology (Science) 2-8 Intro. to SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

_.- , TP
. S Information Technology (Science ~ r d , . Research and is an important part of the Search Enlfae
content. tft,
33. Optinuzat10n.
White hat strategies include -
15, f\JtS· : Analysis
Ans . relevant . d content. sEM stands for _ __- - - -
. . Black hat strategies me 1u e - .
16 · 'th good spelling and 34· s . Search Engine Marketing
Ans. : duplicate . . 1 de complete sentences w1 granuna, AJt · · J(eyword _ and Analysis is an important part of the Search Engine
strategies me u .
1 . - strategies. 35. optimization.
Ans. : While hat the part of_ _ _ __
1s. Well-labeled images are . AJtS· : Research . .
is a powerful tool lI1 promotmg a website.
Ans. : While hat ff d keywords are part of - strategies.
stu 36.
Ans, : -Social boo k mark'1ng. .
_ Invisible text and e
19 _ SEO socia_l bookmarking IS very useful for _ _ _ _ SEO optimization.
Ans . Black hat . . sed to display duplicate content o nweb ~a a
.. SEO tecluUque is u t 37 n1t►•,..nt4-•1t'"@"'•t"'i""'4l
20. The- · ,
Ans, : Off-Page ·
_ _ _ _ _ are website links that are stored for future references.
2.4 Optimizing Website
[~An=s=.:=Bla= ck=H=at======~~~~;;;;;i;;~~=======~~~~ - f\JtS, : Bookmarks . ·
_ _ Service allows you to save '. organize and share bookmarks w ith other
[ 39
_ Html programs should start w i t h - · -- users.
21 Ans. : Bookmarking
Ans, : <!DOCTYPE html> o. ____ are the important SEO factors to rank a website higher in the search
_ Singular tag should be - - - - - - 4
22 engine.
Ans.: Self enclosed. . . f t to improve images is by using ___attribute.
3, One of the optmuzmg ac or [ma Ans. :.External links
2 41. Using _ _ _ _ you can quickly create high-quality backlinks.
Ans · ·· alt
. .th attribute also contribute to op t·muza
· ti on.
Ans. : Social bookmarking
24. <llllg> tag WI - -
Ans. :alt
42. SMO Stands for _ _ __ , [l®tmilf1•titl
tag with alt attribute also contribute to optimization. Ans. : Social Media Optimization
43. _ _ _ _ deals with enhancing the website's ranking , using interactive
is the first thing that user notices in search res uJ t Ii st w hi! e using
· Goog Ielcr
26 communities.
search. Ans. : Social Media Optimization
Ans. :Title 44 · - - - - - are the links on the website that, when clicked, take the user to another
27. Title contents should be up to _ characters. side. (March 2022, 23)
Ans. : 60 Ans. : Backlinks
28. Meta description should be used to boost your _____ SEO. 45. Website's h as b ecome a ranking factor for Google ..
Ans. : On-Page Ans. : mobile friendliness
Meta Description should be between 70 and _ _ characters.
29. 46 •
Ans.: - - - fil e t e Us search engine which page you want to exclude from indexing.
Ans. : 160
30. Meta Description should be between_ and 160 characters. ~ Mtm@ffi
Ans.: 70 A • . is a powerful tool in promoting a website.
31. _ __ Description should be between 70 and 160 characters. ns. · Social bookmarking ·
48 · Social b km
Ans.: Meta
. 1 dW~
An .
s. · 0 ff-Page
0 ° . .
arking IS very useful for _ _ _ _ SEO optirnizaticin. (March 2022, 23)
32. are th e important words and phrases related to the deve ~
=~t . ~ 49.
Ans.: ~ k : r e website links that are stored for future references.
Ans. : SEO Keywords
·on Technology (Science) · 2-10 In tro. to SEO (Search En gine O ptimi zation )
rrs [rlfor nia b
~ e SEO include provision of good con tent, good keyword . rM@ffihfJej,..j,Jj
5 sEO Audit :OTr~;age SEO include link building, increasing link popularity.
f\ J1 S•
2, Jd be d on e to unprove rankin
10. n
t what you cou bsite with greater ease. g 0n
helps to ftnd ot~rs can find the we A ns · : off-Page
f alse SEO .inc1u d e link b u ild m
' g, mcrea
. ·
smg Iink popularity.
50. An - - o that consurn 11-
sea1ch eng111es, s b tes health. True0

AJ1S· · on-Page SEO is concerned with information tha t is displayed to the end;;.,;;u,.s e,.r...
. SEO Audit aJyze the we si 11 . ...,,...!'II
Ans- · is used to an · f rrn a d eta iled SEO An~sis !
12. Cl®tfft411.l•fill
51. __.---:, I that will per o .
. SEO Audit SEO Audit Too · 1 -True
Ans, · is a free AJ1S , • Off-Page SEO is con cerned with website - website relationship.
52, __.;..-
. s scan a website. ~ .

cAns, : T

_ e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ,
. s EOptirner b hich search engine
Ans. · is a process Y w .
53. -----:-- are the tools to detemune the heal~ 2.3 . Te~hniques of SEO
Ans, : Crawhng 'k SEOptiJner and - ~
A SEO audit tool Ii e . ~ _ White Ha t s trateg ies include d u plica te content.
•54· of the websi te. 14
Ans, : False .
Ans. : Seornator
_ White Hat strategies includ e relevant content. ti&tM'4M,n►iAl
Ans. : True

~ ------- ------- ----

2.1 Introduction ]
_ Invisible text a nd stuffed keyword are p art of Black Ha t Strate gies.
Ans,: True ·
Well-labeled images a re part of White Hat Stra tegies.
[ · Optimization. Ans.: True
i s. White Ha t SEO techniques that search en gine recommends as apart of good d esign.
SEO stands for Search Engme
Ans.: True
Ans. : True • o timizing
2.. SEO stands fo r Search Engine P . 19. SEO techniqu es are classified into three categorie s .
Ans. : False
. d . .
SEO is a technique used for: esigrung an
d developing a web site to be
1 .
Ans. : False
20. Black Hat SEO techniq u es are u sed for op timizing the web site. ti\% tff4 M,llflJI
sea rch engine results. Ans.: True
Ans.: True 21. White h a t SEO is a techniq u e tha t search engine do n o t approve. ti@FffiliJll►itl
4. SEO is a subset of search engine marketing. Ans. : Fals e ·
Ans. : True .
5. SEO is usefu l in decreasing the number of visitors to a w ebsi te. 2.4 Optimizing Web s ites
Ans. : False 22 · Singula r tag like <im g > is sh o uld be self en closed like this-</img>.
. tion ~,
6. Search engine is an offline p rogram that helps users to search for inf[Uft!E!Jll Ans. : False · ·
23 ·
www .
Ans.: False
Singular tag like <img> is sh o uld be self enclosed like this-<img /> .
Ans. : True
7. Examples of search engine include Google, Yahoo and Bing. 24
A · Most of th e times recently open ed tag w ill b e closed first.
Ans.: True
r - - - - -- - - - ::J ,ns. : True
25· Meta d · ·
• escnption ·
is th e firs t thing .tha t u ser notices in search result ljst w hile using
2.2 Types of SEO _ G oogle for search .
8. Off-Page SEO include provision of good content, good keyword . Ans. : False
Ans. : False
•~ w• ►
•, =~""~'
TPS Infurmat,on


T tle content shou
Ans • True
.. Meta description
Ans . : false
)d be up to

should be u
60 characters

sed to boost yo

t1on should be between

Intro. 10 SEO (Search Engine Optin,;z,r

ur Off-Page SEO.

d 160 characters
<I\) TPS 1nforrn a 0 .

also rank the websites higher.

. 'frue
c ___hn_o_I_
ogy::::..._:__<S_c_ie_n_ce_:)_ _ _ __2_-_12_ __::_In

EO ti_rner provides clear and actionable recommendations that can be taken to

P ve your online presence.

n _)

28 . Meta Descnp t on about unage.

Ans.: True

The src attnbu g
Ans. : false .
te ives mforrna I
1 contributes
th alt attribute a so
to opt1nuzat10n. c=EO Audit does not h elp to
45. S
s:~w::::: h ealth. a:~~yze 1M(ffilfMH!
30. <1mg> tag w1 . ort~t part of SEO 5 . false
An • • SEO Audit helps to find o ut what could b e done to improve r_anking on search
Ans. : True h and Analysis is an unp
K yword Researc EO O hini f
46. engines,
An . so that consumers could find the website with greater ease. 1@tff§lfJtfJt1
31. e fu1 for Off-Page S p za ion.
Ans. : True l B kmarkmg is very use ~ Ans.:True OA d. T I
32. SEO SoCJa oo ~ 47
_ SEOptimer is paid SE u 1t oo . (G1ttNIIJ•f!A)
J\nS. : false
d f0 r future references.
Ans. : True b ·t )inks that are store
33. Bookmarks are we s1 e
~CQ (One Correct A n s w e r ~
True when clicked, take the user to another site
Ans.: . links on one website that, ~
34. Backlinks are ~
Ans • True · ed for optimizing the webpage.
[ 2.1 Introduction
•• . I dia Jinks and backJinks are not u s SEO Stands for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3s. Socia me 1. li~ttNMJ•f!Al
(a) Search Engine Optimization
Ans.: True .
36. Website's mobile friendliness JS no
t important factor in ranking. mm& (b) Search Engine Option
(c) Search Engine Optimizing
Ans.: false kin the websites. (d) Search Engine Organizing
37. Mobile friendliness is only used for ran g Ans.: (a)
2. SEO is a subset of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Ans.: True . . ou want to include from indexing. II\% Hff 1'1•fitJ
38 _ Robots .txt file tells search engine which pages Y (a) Search Engine Optimization
(b) Search Engine Marketing
Ans. : false nkin s~· (c) Social Media Optimization
39. Social Media Optimization deals with enhancing the website's ra g, u '
interactive communities. (d) Search Engine
Ans. : (b)
Ans. : True d t the develo~ 3. SEO is u seful in _ __ ___ the number of visitors to a website.
40. SEO keywords are the important words and phrases relate 0
(a) decreasing fi►iHff MJHfJAl
website content. (b) increasing
(c) removing
(d) analyzing
Ans.: True Ans.: (b)
41. Social bookmarking is a powerful tool in promoting a website. 4.
- is an online program or software that helps users to search for information
Ans. : True on World Wide Web.
42. With social bookmarking you can quickly create hig h quality backlinks- (a) Search Engine (b) Website
(c) Application (d) API
Ans. : True Ans.: (a)
1n tro . to SEO (Sea rch Engine OpHn-,·
. ll,ti°'1)
► ff5 [!1~
rnatio n:,__T_e_c_hn
_ o_lo_g_y_(_S_c i_en_ c_e_) _ _ _ _ _2_-_
14_ _ _1_n _tr_o _. t_o_S_E_O--'-
=--·n_ e_
O_p_ti_m_i_z_a h_· o_ n_ )
;.,------ . contents sho uld be up to _ __ _ characters in searching method.
O 1
Types of S E . / - -.- - - - - - 14- Tit e

c== (a) 40
. (b) 50 (c) 60 (d) 70 "
b ·te relationship - ~ J\!lS· : (c)
is concern with
. Website - We s1
(b) off-Page
O 2.4 O p timizing Websites
~ P a ge SEO
i:~ White Hat SEO
(d) Black Hat SE
. d ' layed to the end user.
atioll that is isp
. singular tag for eg<img> it sh ould be self enclosed like
15- If it is img>
(a) <
(b) < /img> (c) < /> (d) <I> !MtffllfMHI
AJ1S . : (b) 1·s concern with 1J1forrn (b) Off-Page SEO s . (c) Id b t
EO All · · . contents sh ou

~ P a ge SEO (d) BlackHatS 16. 'fit1\o (b) 60
e up o _ _ _ .
(c) 70
WJ,ite Hat SEO (d) 80
(c) (a)
t good keywords selection etc. . (b)
b) . . f good conten , • All 5 • • eta Description should be between _ ____
Ans. : (
is includes proviswn (b) On-Page SEO 17. ~) and 100 (b) 100 an d 200 (c) 70 and 160 (d) 50 and 100
· (a)Off-Page SEO (d) Above-Page SEO ~ 70
c) Over-Page SEO All 5 · : (c) a e tag with _ _ _ _ a ttrib ute gives information about the image
h link exch ange etc. 18
Ans.:_ (b) . I d slink building, searc SEO
· Im(a) ~It (b) src (c) heigh t (d) wid th \MtmliWW
s. - l.!1C u e (b) On-Page An 5 • : (a) keywords are the important words and p hrases related to the d evelop ed
(a) Off-Page SEO (d) Above-Page SEO 19. ~ o ntent.
(c) Over-Page SEO ( ) S ch
(a) SEO (b) Structure c ear (d) Web Design
~A~~n~s~.:~(a~l'._,_______ -:~---:;::;:
· :-::::;~;;--=
2.3 Techniques
of SEO ========J _
Ans. : a ()
_ _ _ is a powerful tool m promoting a web site.
. . .
[ _ _:.:=.---- --- 1111
9 1 20
@1!!11!:!ijfil (a) . Black links (b) Social b ookmarking (c) Speed
ti& tffi¥4•f1Al
(d) Media
9. include relevant content. (b) Off-Page SEO Ans. : (b)
~ age SEO
(c) White Hat SEO
(d) Black Hat SEO 21. are website links tha t are stored for fu ture referen ces. !Mtffl@WJJI
(a) Web page (b) Bookmarks (c) Web site sp eed (d) Media op timization .
Ans. : (c) Ans.: (b)
include duplicate content.
Off-Page SEO 22. SMO stands for _ __ _
(a) On-Page SEO (b)
(a) Social Med ia Optimization
(c) White Hat SEO (d) Black Hat SEO (b) Service M edia Optimization
(c) Search Media Optimization (d) Sound Med ia Optimization
Ans.: (d) Ans. : (a)
11. is concern with White Ha t SEO . 23. - - - - d ea ls with enhan cing the web sites ranking, using interactive communities
(a) Well-labeled images (b) Duplicate content
(c) Invisible text (d) Stuffed Keyword like facebook, twitter e tc. 1!3ffij@m}Jj

(a) Social M e dia Optimization (b) Sea rch Engine Optimiz ation
Ans. : (a) . type of straleg)' (c) Backlinks (d) Speed of website
12. Cloking or redirecting the user to an other site or p age IS - -- - Ans. : (a)
(a) White Hat SEO (b) Black H at SEO 24.
(c) Blue Hat SEO - are links on one web site tha t, when clicked take the user to another site.
(d) REP Hat SEO
Ans. : (b) f ood desigf' (a) Backlinks (b) Frontlinks (c) Blacklinks
13. _ __ are techniques that search engines recommends as a part O g Ans. : (a) (d) Whitelinks
(a ) Black Hat SEO 25.
(b) Off Page SEO
(c) White Hat SEO (d) Red Hat SEO
- represent a "vote of confide nce" from one site to another rj.$tffl@W:ifi
Ans.: (c) Ans. : (a)
Frontlinks (b) Blacklinks (c) Backlinks (d) Whitelinks
SEO (Search Engine Opnn,·. ation Technology (Science) 2-16
_ lntro. to ------. .:.__ '' ali"'1) Intro. to SEO (Search Engine Optimizatio n)
2 15 -rrSil1f~
/ . n Technology
'-ich pages yo1.
i want to exclude from indexing
1/ ·ch is a process by which search engines crawler/s pide rs/bots scan
a website
i1'S Inforrnatto ngine W'' WlU
34, and co
Uect details about each page? IMffNlfWif)
26, - -
file teUs search e (b) file. txt (IMtt/h:t~ C (b) Social advertisin g
) inyfi\e.txt
(d) Robots.txt ~ (a) r
okmarkin g (d) Search engine analysis
(a ch txt ico n to UR~L (c) B o
(c) sear . the in
wser by clicking - . oo e
. (d) k in the bro Alls·: (a)
J\flS, . bookrnar I
27, To save the ) irnportant ~ w o Correct Ans wers )~
~) i.ncogi.nitive
(a) star ( 2.1 Introduc tion
(c) save \so rank the website higher
which factor a C - S E O is a techniqu e used for _ __ and _ _ _ _ a web site to be rarik high in
Ans, : (al 1. The .
s rnobile fnendhness (b) SEoptuner
28, Apart frorn thi k t' g
a search engine. Cl& ttNtiJ•tiAI
-- (a) Designing (c) Monitorin g (d) Analyzing
(a) Speed . (d) Sooal rnar e in (b) Developin g

So cial Book Marking Ans.: (a), (b)
Ans.: (bl ogle i s - - · mm:&D 2._2_T~y~p~e_s_o_f_S_E_O_ _ _ _ _ _ -====. . .
Ranking factor for go . (b) robots .txt
29. ebs1te _ Types of SEO are _ _ __ _
(a) speed of thew_ 2 (March 2022, 23)
(d) SHO
(c) mobile friendliness (a) On-Page SEO (b) White Hat SEO (c) Off-Page SEO (d) Black Hat SEO

[·=~~~~======~~J}=~~~~~! ==============Jr
~s. : (cl

30 ·
SEO Audit analyze website s - · . .
25 SEO Audit

(d) rank
[Ans.: (a), (c) 2.3
Techniq ues of SEO
(b) health (c) visitors 3
(a) users Technique s of SEO are classified into _ _ _ _ and _ _ __ (March 2022, 23)
helps to find out what could be done to improve rank(~@i. Jffi, (a) O n-Page SEO
(c) Off-Page SEO
(b) White Hat SEO
(d) Black Hat SEO
(b) SEO Audit Ans. : (b), (d)
(a) SEO Search
(d) SEO optimiz atio n
(c) SEO Speed
2.4 Optimiz ing Website s
Ans.: (b)
32. is a free SEO Audit Tool that w ill perform d e t ai·1e d SEO analysis. 4• The page content o ptimizatio n can b e done b y u sing keywords in
_ _ _ and _· _ _ .
(a) SEO Audit (b) SEO Search (a) <font> (b) < title>
(c) SEOptimer (d) SEO Tool (c) <hr> (d) <meta>
Ans.: (c) Ans. : (b), (d)
33. SERP stands for _ __ . 5.
other feictor to rank the website higher are _ · _
(a) Search Engine Results Page (b) Search Engine Resource Page
_ and _ _ .
(a) Desktop friendly (b) Speed of the website
(c) Search Engine Rank Page (d) Search Engine Represent Page
(c) Creating robots.txt (d) No backlinks
Ans.: (a) Ans.: (b), (c)
ation Technology (Science) 2-18 Intro. to SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
SEO (Search Engine Optinr . 1pS JJ1f~
2-17 Jntro. to . . 'Zalio,,I ;.------- _, """e SEO includes _ ___ .
. Techf!ologY
. the website's ranking ~ sin
·t1 enhanclJlg · . iii.;;;,._ z, link building (b) link exchange
TPS Jnforination . f on deals WI 1 (a) ai n es (d) good content
(c) search enb--
. Optir111za 1 (f) title
· l Media bsite's e) keywords
6. Sooa rrunerce we ( ( )
and - - · (b) ECo_
f\JlS·: (a), (b ), ~ EO is con cerned with informa tion th a t is displayed to the end user such

(a) Biogs l< (d) Banking d characters.
faceboO · an - 3 On-Page . and - - - -· .
(c ) d be between - (d) 120 · as____, (c) Spee d
N twork - (b) text
/\JlS,: (a), (c)
Meta Tag
(a) 70
description shoul
(b) 80
(c) 160

ding tag from -

to idJ U;L (e) image (f) website navigation
(c) de roper hea . I
. ---~~ ~
Ans.: (a), a e should inclu P (d) <title> 5 . (b), (e), (f) IMWi:r:1 M11
i\0 · · le of search engme are _ _ _ _
8. The P ~ (c) <h6>
G le (b) Yahoo (c)
reqUU'e · (b) <hl> . . . (a) oog
(a) <head> f the Search Engine Opturuzation. (d) Java (e) Internet Explorer
) () . ortant part o
Ans.: (b, c and - is an unp (b) Analysis ,'\ns,: (a), (b ), (c)
9. - K ord Research (d) Website Speed 2.3 Techniques of SEO
(a) eyw
(c) SEO Structure mm&! C
- - - -. d -~-----:---
Black H a t Strategies me u es _ _ _ _
(March 2022, 23)
Ans . (a), (b) d PlaMer Tools are
.. nliJ1e l<eywor (a) duplicate con tent (b) relevant content (c) invisible text
10 _ Various o (b) Keyword PlaMer
(d) stuffed keywords (e) page titles (f) relevant keywords
(a) Browser (d) Google AdWords
(c) URL
Ans- : (b), (d)
ma Ans.: (a), (c), (d)
6. Whi te Hat Stra tegies include _ _ __ (March 2022, 23)
11 factors for SEO are (b) Web Browser (b) relevant content (c) well-labeled images
· (a) Speed of the website (a) duplicate con tent
(d) URL (e) duplicate keyword s (f) stuffed keywords
(c) Mobile friendly (d) relevantlinks
Ans. : (a), (c) Ans. : (b), (c), (d)

2.5 SEO Audit

[ th1t#UIWffl 2.4 Optimizing Website
12. SEO Audit Tool are - - and - -· 7. Important parts of Search Engine Optimization . fl~ trtfllit•lltili
(a) SEOptimer (b) SEOptimizer (a) Keywords (b) Research (c) Analysis
(d) SEO Audi tor
(c) Seoma tor (d) Information (e) Con version (f) Parameters
Ans. : (a), (c) Ans. : (a), {b), (c)
· Other fac tors to rank the web site higher are
J MCQ (Three Correct Answer~ (a) Desktop friendly (b) Speed of website (c) Mobile friendly
(d) Creating robots.txt (e) Broken links (f) On page links
2.2 Types of SEO Ans. : (b), (c), (d )
9· Foll ·
1. On-Page SEO includes provision of _ _ _ . owing are the ways to optimize the webpage for SEO are _ ___ .
(b) good keywords selection
(a) good content (a) Page structure optimization (b) labeled images
(c) putting keywords on correc t places (d) link b uilding (c) SEO k .
() eywords (d) Duplicate content
(e) directories (f) search l\ns.: (e ) SEO Social Bookmarking
a, (c), (e)
(f) Unique page titles ti@tt#lfllfiJJ
Ans. : (a), (b), (c)
SEO (Search Engine Optitni . ation Technology (Science) 2-20 Intro. to SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Intro. to ~ - - ----.:....~ z,tt°'1j rrsJnforr!l
e for SEO in HTML b ~ seful in increasing the number of visitors to a website.
. thewebpa g ~
(l.i) SE re two types o f opturuzahon
. . .
w~ ~ P ~ There a .
du . , g tags . (iii) _page SEO : This includes Provisio~ of good content, good keywords selection,
(b) hea
, 1 g;;, tagW
ith alt attribute
(jv) On . g keywords on correct places, gwmg appropriate title to every page etc.
content? (d) < U1 d consistency puttin
title tags (f) keywor . e SEO : It includes link building, increasing link popular ity by s ubmitting
(a) . break tag off- Pa g · link exch ange etc.
(v) directories, search engmes,

(c) \U1e
(e) docurnent open_---------~-------------------7
2.2 Types of SEO
. SEO State types of SEO. (March 2022, 23)
_ De f ine · .
Duplicate content 2
file that tell which pages you want ~ /\11 ·: tands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the practice of increasing the
exclude from indexmg (i) ~:an~ity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine
links when clicked , take the user to results.
another site
(ii) Thus SEO is useful in increasing the number of visitors to a website.
3. (iii) There are many strategies and techniques adopted to optimize the webpage.
(iv) Types of SEO- There are two types of optirnization:-
~ tegy
White a ~~rr:j i ~ l !i ~~~m~et;a~t~a~g~~ ======= ===I
(e) alt attribute
4. (v) On-Page SEO : This includes Provision of good content, good keywords selection,
Black hat Strategy (f) Social Media Optimization
s. putting keywords on correct places, giving appropriate title to every page etc.
6. Robots.txt tQMtiBfWJJl (g)
Relevant ~ontent (vi) On-Page SEO is concerned with information that is displayed to the end u ser, such
7. SEOpt:imer (h) determine the health of the website as text, images and website navigation.
8. Bacl<links (vii) Off-Page SEO : It includes link building, increasing link popularity by submitting
(i) SEO Audit Tool
SEO Audit tL,§hf.J•fD - open directories, search engines, link exchange etc.
9. (j") Good keywords
On-page SEO (h!@lfW"'11 (viii) Off-Page SEO is concerned with Website-Websi te relationship .
(k) $_POST
11. Used to get data from form
. --11rgP11,&~¥!1
"'tl~-«""l@• 1\
2.3 Techniques of SEO
Page speed 3. Which are the different SEO techniques.
12. factors of SEO 1M@lfW¥U tl..4) (1) (March 2022, 23)
Ans. :
3. = (d) 4.= (g) 5.= (a) (i)
1. = (e) 2. = (f) SEO techniques are classified into two broad categories, which are White Hat SEO
6.= (bl 7. = (i) 8. = (c) 9. = (h) 10. = (j) and Black Hat SEO. .
11. =(k) 12. = (I) (ii)

Answer in Brief > White Hat SEO : Techniques that search engines suggest as a part of good design
are called White Hat SEO.
(iii) It contains
proper an d well labelled unages
. .
accordmg to the content .
L _______ ____2::-~l_I::n::.:t:.:r::::o.:d~u:.:c:.:ti:.:o:..:n;__ _ _ _ _ _- : ~ (iv) It is· th
m e form of Standard-comp liant HTML.
1. Define SEO. ~ (v) Black t hni
Hat SEO .
: Techniques that search engines d o not approve and those
Ans. : . . for desigiu'. ec ques which are used for optimizing the website are called Black Hat SEO.
{i) SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is a technique used . g (vi) It ma in! .
and developing a website results. It is a subset of search engine marketll1 · us Y contams duplicate contents. Such w e bsites are mainly used to redirect
ers to 0th er w eb sites and cause traffic.
Jn tro. to SEO (Search Engine Optirnii,r,
► rnation Technology .(Science) 2-22 Intro. to SEO (Search Eng,·ne Optimization)
~ .

(Science) .. '[he pages should include proper heading tags from <hl > to <h6>wherever
. Technology (vJJ) uired. .
dS 1nformat1on .fl• t technique. req . . inf
. tWh1te a d . The alt attr~bute gives or1:1ation about the image, so even if ilie image does not
. in shor t of good es1gn are called I.In
understand the image related information.
E"pla1n t as a par "ni~ (viii) download, 1t can make the viewers
4. engines sugges
AJIS,: es that search- ding· to the content.
(iX) Exarn:!p :.:.le=:--:----;=:-;::-- -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - ~
. Techn1qu es accor <!doctype html>
(1) Hat SEO and well labelled im~nJL. <html>
proper phant ,. .
(ii) It conta1.11s of Standa1d-com t the same time. <head><title> Page structure with
(iii) It is 1.11 the forrn uJilque but relevant a II ng and grammar appropriate order of opening and
The page titles are s with good spe I '..!'!-- - - - - - : - -71[1iijiijij;.;;;-..
. closing tags</ title>
(iv) lete sentence
(v) It has cornp Bl k Hat technique. </head>
. hort ac
Explain ins ,e and those techniques which are l¾J <body>
5_ . es do not appro, <hl>Let us understand SEO</hl>
Ans. : that seai ch engin d Black Bat SEO
(l) Techn1qu':s the website are calle hich mostly are stolen from other ongu,i <p > Webpage optimization helps for higher ranking in search engines.
for optlrnlzin~ains duplicate contents :. errnissions. <b> There are number of ways to optimize the pages
(il) It rnainly c~~'y without any credits an p rs to other websites and cause traffic .<i>Even the Social media plays an important role!!!</i>
creators rnau u d to redirect use </ b>
b t s are rnairtlY use d 't show the actual search content
(Ill) Such we s1 e relevant and on <Ip>
(1v) Jinks frorn such sites are If visible text and stuffed keywords. </body>
Websites like these contain in . </ html >
Optimizing Website Explain in short SEO Keyword search? - (March 2022, 23)
2.4 8.

. SEO Page content optimization points?

mma · Ans.:
. . . (i) SEO keywords are the important words and phrases related to the developed
6. E"P 1am
. tices in search result list while IL'!r\ website content.
f' t thing that user no . 1 d d)
Ans. .
(i) TITLE : Title is t_he irs uld be up to" 60 characters (spaces inc u e . (ii) A list of keywords, need to be carefully chosen to optimize the search. Keyword
Google for searchi11g. Contents sho . b age Meta description should be QI Research and Analysis is an important part of the Search Engine Optimization
(SEO) as well as "Search Engine Marketing".
(ii) Meta-description Tag : While cr~~gie::i[tion, should be between 70 and 1,
to boost your On-Page SEO. e ah e interested to know abou«d@S (iii) For "Search Engine Marketing", one can pay for certain keywords.
characters (spaces included) that ot ers ar . (iv) There are various online Keyword Planner tools (such as Google Add Words
from your website. d' ta whenever required. Keyword Planner) to shortlist keywords.
(iii) Heading Tag: Page should include proper hea ~g ~ rmation about the imag1 (v) This is more useful to compare the cost of various keywords, if the website designer
(iv) Image tag with ALT attributes: ALT attribute gives o opts for Paid Search Engine Marketing.
Explain Page Structure Optimization?
9· Explain SEO-Social Media Optimization and SEO-Back.links ? rj&t1f41fWJM
Ans. :
Ans. : (i)
. (i) Html programs should start with<!doctype html>. It deals with enhancing the website's ranking, using interactive communities like
. 1 e this-<irng />
d J'k facebook, twitter, biogs, forums and so on.
(ii) If it is singular tag eg <img> it should be self enclose (ii)
When these communities have links to the created website it builds familiarity and
(iii) Order of tags should be proper. trust about the website.
in Googlri (iii) to another site.
(iv) Most of the time recently opened tag will be closed first. . Backlinks are links on one website that when clicked ' take the user
(iv) B . '
(v) Title is the first thing that user notices in search result
list while us g acklinks are especially valuable for SEO because they contnbute to the overall
strength and value of the content.
=rr~g r~
(vi) While creating a web page, Meta description should be used to boo you
t0 SEO (Search Engine Optirnizar
► tion Technolo gy (Science) 2-24 Intro. to SEO (Search Engine Optimiza tio n)
_ Jntro. =-:--- ---=- -~ ~::::::::::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.
2 23 •on)
(Science) te to another
Techno Iog Y " f om one si 2 SEO Audit
r'S tnforrnatto n f confidence r guies that others are interested t

• . resent a "vote o al to search en SEO Audit in detai1? .S
They also rep our website are a sirwebsite
(v) BacklinkS to y ontents from yo 13- CIMHNtt,Ofitl
(vi) ,,~ow about the c ptirnize images. An 5 · : SEO Audit _helps to find out what could be done to improve
uld you O ranking on search
lain hoW co inf · (i) Art jnes, so that consum ers could find the website with
greater ease.
10 . Exp Th alt attn'bute gives h ormation .
about th
e etnang alyses the websites health. SEO audit helps to identify
LT attribute : e l d it can make t e viewers understand I tags in the SEO process.
Ans, : Tags with A. does not down oa ' ii) Audit
(iii) is a checklis t created for SE<? to be followed .
(') rrnage ·f the image (iv) Once the list is
t unage, so even ,d information. h k complet e we may find ~ur website moving up the rank.
. 1 tag of images show t e eyword of the (
. e relate 'b t . The ht e Audit Results will have followm details :
the ,rnag 'th Title attn u e . the jmage.
..,) image Tag w1 . hovered above . . (v) Overall Ranking of the site
(1 . when mouse is mpresse d load faster which give user Recomm endation s for improve ments
. s which are co
unage ression : The image Search Engine Optimiz ation Usabilit y of the website
(iiil image comp . nee . images can have keyword s on the
d fr' endly expene . ords : Certarn . Perform ance of website Social links
goo I have Caption keyw knO"W :::._ _ _ _ _ _7 rr:tWinm~
"!-3_a~b~o'.'.:u:'.t~i.t. Connect ed social account s
(iv) rrnages can Security paramet ers
. .
to make 1t re levant for user to ~ rf►,@fi\i\lWf p
unage . ..._ SSL Enabled HTIPS Redirect
. 1 Bookmarking.
Ex lain SEO SoCla . Email Privacy Header·content recomm endation s
11, P . . romotin g a website .
Ans. : . . a werful tool Ill P . . Title and Meta descript ion Body Content
. Social Bookmarking is p 0 EO o tiffiizahon.
(,) . eful for off-page S Header Tags Body content recomm endation s
P d for future referenc es.
(ii) It ts very kus website links _that are store . e and share bookma rks with other Keywor d Consiste ncy Amount of content in the pa es
(iii) Bookrnar s are . ou to save, orgaruz
. ' Bookmarking service allows y Links Number of backlink s
(I\ l . .
users. .
· t high quality backlink s. Broken links Friendly links
ou can quickly crea e
(v) With social bookrnarkmg, y On page links Technol ogy list which is used in the
Explain following factor~ for SEO. website
· (l) Speed of the website

Ans. :
(2) Mobile friendly
(3) Creating Robots.txt. I~S_e_I_f _A_s_s_e_s_sm_e_n_t___>
(l) Speed of the website . . d . n content and as man, Time: 1 Hour
(i) While creating a website, attention is given on the esig Marks: -40
' 1. Fill in the blanks
visuals as possible. (05)
. uct usability . 1. _ _ _ is the process of boostin g eontent and technica
(ii) However , all this can slow down the website and obstr l setup of the website.
2- Compan ies commu nicate with their audienc e through
(2) Mobile friendly _ _ __ marketin g,
· 1 3· - - - SEO involve s looking for ways to improve user
(i) Website's mobile friendliness has become a ran k'mg factor for goog e. experien ce ethically
. f . dly I~ and genuine ly.
· ·s mobile nen
(ii) It is very important to ensure that the created web s~te
i 4
maximum exposure and to improve the websites rankmg . · - - - - - strategi es include relevant content.
~ One of the optimiz ing factor to improve images is by using
___attribute .
Creating Robots.txt.
· indeXillg• ~m~
(i) This file tells search engine which pages you want to exclude . ~
from d w,1 1. Device Renderi ng is an interacti ve media technolo
(ii) For example, if you do not want a certain page or image . indexe , gy that makes sites
bemg _ mteresti ng.
you can restrict that page from being indexed . 2
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimiz ation.
v~~~i .
SEO (Search Engine Optimizau -rrs!ft!orflla
tion Techno logy (Scien ce) 2-26 Intro. to SEO (Sea rch Engine Optimiza tion)

1ntro, to · On)
~ b ~ arnples of search engines are- - - -
science) ed file size of a given we page z.
\ / r ec1, nologY ( tl download ts visitors that the web p (a) Website (b) Google (c) C++
·' u,lorrn•oon SEO refers to , e d a message to i ag, (d) Yahoo (e) Jav a (f) Bing
S J.11 the ,_1,, that sen dia platforms and websites l
page 1ze re t)ie luu--S (03)
3. Black Links a of social ine o ~ the Follo wing.
4 no tonger eJosts arketing is the use 6- A B
Social n,ed1a : ct or service (OS) a) concerned with W ebsite-Website
5 ote a pro u . 1. SEO relationship
pro!ll eel alterrtative, f ood content.
off-Page SEO thitttt4tf4•►itl
MCQ o!le corr 1 des prov1s1on o g b) tool used in promoting w ebsite
JJ1C u
b) Googe I o ·awler z. c) Free SEO Audit Tool
1 Social Bookrnarking
a) SEO d) off Page SEO to search for information on 3. d) Search Engine Optimization
c) Oil page SEO ftware that helps t),e users 4. SEO optimizer e) Helps to find out what could be don e to
is an so 5. Backlinks improve ranking on search engines ·
2. ~ web. . (b) Paid Search .
f) Links when clicked , take the user to
(a) Mobile Marketing (d) email Marketing . 6. SEO Audit
[!►iffl§- another site
(c) Search EngJJ1e arch engine marketing. (10)
is a subset of se d) CRM Answer the following
3. - - GPS c) SEO a) Explain White Hat technique. (Refer Page No 2.21, Q .4).
a) MIS b) . rornoting a website.
is a powerful tool in p . b) Explain SEO keyword search. (Refer Page No 2.22, Q .8)
4. - . . b) Social impact c) Define SEO. (Refer Page No 2.19, Q.1)
a) Social Distancing S 1
d) oc1a Bookmarking
. . .
. d) Explain SEO technique. (Refer Page No 2.20, Q .3)
c) Social GatherJJ1g , which page you want to exclude from mdexmg.
file tells search engine e) Explain On Page SEO. (Refer Page No 2.20, Q.2)
5. - (b) Robots.pptx
(a) Robots.docx
(c) Robots.txt
(d) Tobots.txt (II!) I .Ariswer of Questio~ s
4. MCQ two correct altemative. mmm 1. Fill in the blanks
l. Types of SEO are - 1) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 2) Email
N P SEO (b) On Page SEO
(a) o age (d) All Page SEO (e) One Page SEO 3) White Hat 4) White Hat ~) Alt
(c) Off Page SEO and _ _ _ _ is an important part of SEO. 2. True or False
Keywords _ __ _
2. l) False 2) True 3) True 4) False 5) True
(a) Module (b) Resource (c) Planning . ~at~i~v~e..:._::.::__.:..:.._~::::.__ _:-'_!__~~~ - -- -- - - -- -
(d) Research (e) Analysis
1) C 2) C 3) C
_ _ _ and _ __ are the major factors to optimize th e web page. 4) D 5) C
3. 4.
(b) Hyperlinks (c) Social media links MCQ two correct alternative
(a) Crawling
1) (b; c) 2) (d, e) 3) (c, e)
(d) No Links (e) Back links -----i 5.
MCQ th ree correct alternative
5. MCQ three correct altemative.
1.Page structure optimization includes _ _ __ _
~ (a, d, e) 2 ) (b, d , f)
(c) Conversion . Match the Following .
(a) <title> (b) bold
(f) No tags 1-ct 2-a 3cb 4-c 5-£ · 6-e
(d) Heading Tags (e) Image Tags

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