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MDA Prerequisite Requirements Summary Form

Full Name

Undergraduate Degree

Estimated overall average out of 100 OR average as a letter grade over the last 2 years of undergraduate degree

How does your education and background make you a good fit for the MDA program ? (500 words or less)
List course name & number, grade received and course description
in the following courses from your undergraduate degree:

Linear Algebra
Course Name & Number
Grade Received (mark out of 100 or Letter Grade)

Course Description

Calculus Course #1
Course Name & Number
Grade Received (mark out of 100 or Letter Grade)
Course Description
Calculus Course #2
Course Name & Number
Grade Received (mark out of 100 or Letter Grade)
Course Description

Computer Programming Course #1

Course Name & Number
Grade Received (mark out of 100 or Letter Grade)
Course Description

Computer Programming Course #2

Course Name & Number
Grade Received (mark out of 100 or Letter Grade)
Course Description
Probability (Calculus-based)*
Course Name & Number
Grade Received (mark out of 100 or Letter Grade)
Course Description

Statistics (Calculus-based)*
Course Name & Number
Grade Received (mark out of 100 or Letter Grade)
Course Description

Mathematical Maturity (course at the 2nd year undergraduate -level or above

Course Name & Number
Grade Received (mark out of 100 or Letter Grade)
Course Description

*Statistics and Probability courses that provide a sufficient technical foundation for the MDA program are not first-year level courses
and are not "Introduction to Probability and Statistics" courses. They generally are second-year or higher courses which require
Calculus as a prerequisite and for which methods from Calculus (derivatives and integration) are actually used in the course. Such
courses should cover topics such as moments (including expectation and variance for general random variables and for linear
combinations of random variables) and maximum likelihood estimation, for example.
Only complete this section if you are applying to the
Artificial Intelligence Specialty Field
Data Structures & Algorithms
Course Name & Number
Grade Received (mark out of 100 or Letter Grade)
Course Description

Software Tools & Systems Programming and/or Software Engineering

Course Name & Number
Grade Received (mark out of 100 or Letter Grade)
Course Description

Logic for Computer Science

Course Name & Number
Grade Received (mark out of 100 or Letter Grade)
Course Description

Thank you for completing the MDA Prerequisites Requirement Form. Save this form as a pdf file
and upload it with your application as a supplemental document in Student Centre

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