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Power Consumption in Telecommunication Networks: Overview and

Reduction Strategies

Article in IEEE Communications Magazine · July 2011

DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.2011.5783986 · Source: IEEE Xplore


203 21,184

10 authors, including:

Ward Van Heddeghem Margot Deruyck

Ghent University Ghent University


Bart Lannoo Wout Joseph

Ghent University Ghent University


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VEREECKEN LAYOUT 5/19/11 9:11 AM Page 62


Power Consumption in
Telecommunication Networks:
Overview and Reduction Strategies
Willem Vereecken, Ward Van Heddeghem, Margot Deruyck, Bart Puype, Bart Lannoo, Wout Joseph,
Didier Colle, Luc Martens, and Piet Demeester, Ghent University

ABSTRACT consumption of telecommunication equipment

[3, 4]. Next to the characterization of the power
One of the main challenges for the future of consumption, we also give an overview of the
information and communication technologies is optimization strategies. In [5] the authors sug-
reduction of the power consumption in telecom- gest the introduction of sleep modes, and [6]
munication networks. The key consumers are the suggests component optimization and power
home gateways at the customer premises for management as power saving strategies. Howev-
fixed line access technologies and the base sta- er, currently new approaches or variations on
tions for wireless access technologies. However, the suggested approaches are emerging. We
with increasing bit rates, the share of the core introduce the different network architectures
networks could become significant as well. In and the design parameters that define their
this article we characterize the power consump- power consumption. Based on these parameters
tion in the different types of networks and dis- the power consumption is then quantified. We
cuss strategies to reduce the power consumption. elaborate on approaches for the reduction of
power consumption.


In the last decade the attention on environment- Figure 1 gives an overview of the different types
friendly solutions has drastically increased. Espe- of network architectures we consider. We make
cially due to the debate concerning climate a distinction between fixed line and wireless
change, every emerging technology is scrupu- access networks and core networks.
lously evaluated on its carbon footprint. This is
also the case for information and communica- ACCESS NETWORK ARCHITECTURE
tion technologies (ICT). It is estimated that ICT The purpose of access networks is to provide a
is accountable for 2–4 percent of worldwide car- connection to users through which they access
bon emissions. The power consumption during the Internet. They are usually organized in tree
the use phase of the equipment accounts for structures. All users are connected to a central
roughly 40–60 percent of the carbon emissions. office in which the traffic is aggregated and
The work described in this By 2020 these emissions are expected to double transferred to a core network. This connection is
article was carried out if no initiatives are taken to reduce this foot- provided through different branches of the tree.
with the support of the print. A significant part of these emissions, Depending on the used technologies, the tree
BONE project (“Building about one sixth, is attributed to telecommunica- has different aggregation levels at intermediary
the Future Optical Net- tion networks [1]. nodes. In the access networks we distinguish
work in Europe”), a Net- Worldwide, the growth rate of Internet users between wireless and fixed line access networks
work of Excellence funded is about 20 percent per year. In developing coun- (Fig. 1).
by the European Commu- tries this growth rate is closer to 40–50 percent. In fixed line access networks the user connects
nity’s Seventh Framework; Thus, the share of greenfield deployments in through a physical wire. Three main types of
the IBBT-project telecommunication networks will be significant. technologies are currently used.
GreenICT and the Consequently, emerging technologies need to be First, there is digital subscriber line (DSL),
STRONGEST project, evaluated on their environmental impact. Also, which uses the twisted pair copper cables from
funded by the European ICT is being regarded as a solution with the the old telephone lines. Several technology
Community’s Seventh potential to eliminate about 15 percent of the flavours exist, varying in bit rate and maximum
Framework Programme global carbon footprint [2]. If the sector wishes range. Asymmetric DSL (ADSL) and very high
FP7/2007-2013 under to realize its ambitions, it will also need to bit rate DSL (VDSL) flavors are best known.
grant agreement no. demonstrate that it can reduce its own footprint. A second technology is coax cable technology
247674. Different research efforts analyze the power on which the Data Over Cable Service Interface

62 0163-6804/11/$25.00 © 2011 IEEE IEEE Communications Magazine • June 2011

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In fixed line access

Wireless technologies the
Core access
network network largest power
consumer is the
home gateway,
which can easily be
DSLAM OLT Base station optimized with
FTTB relatively easy
network approaches. For
OLT wireless access
technologies the
largest power
consumer is the base
GPON DSL station.
access access
network network

Figure 1. Network overview.

Specification (DOCSIS) standard is used. These work. Because of this large user aggregation, the
networks are typically built starting from legacy power consumption per subscriber of the devices
television broadcasting networks. in the backhaul of the access network will be
Presently, optical technologies are emerging. negligible.
These technologies are already used deeper in VDSL uses an extended frequency spectrum
the network where higher bit rates are required. compared to ADSL, resulting in higher bit rates
At present, optical technologies are starting to but lower ranges. Consequently, the first aggre-
appear at the user edge of the network. They are gation is closer to the user. This also means that
built with either a dedicated connection to the a larger backhaul network is necessary, and the
user (point-to-point), an intermediary active power consumption of that backhaul network is
splitter (active star), or intermediary passive more significant.
splitters (passive optical network, PON). Optical fiber technologies allow for both
Depending on the offered bit rate and traffic higher bit rates and ranges. The bit rate can go
aggregation, the technologies can be used togeth- up to 10 Gb/s for a single optical fiber with a
er in an access network. When aggregating the maximum range between 10 and 20 km. Current-
bit rates of VDSL, only optical technologies are ly, these bit rates are too high for a single sub-
able to handle the aggregated traffic load. There- scriber. Therefore, point-to-point connections
fore, cable access networks are constructed with are mainly used in the backhaul network to
an optical backhaul and denoted hybrid fiber aggregate large amounts of traffic. In active star
coax (HFC). Also, optical access networks can be and PON architectures the bit rate capacity is
terminated with a VDSL node with limited range distributed over large numbers of users. For
and are called fiber to the building (FTTB), fiber PONs split ratios of 32 (range = 20 km) and 64
to the cabinet (FTTC), or, more generally, fiber (range = 10 km) are common. The most fre-
to the x (FTTx). Note, however, that FTTx also quently used standard is GPON (Gigabit PON).
includes fiber to the home (FTTH), which Current implementations do not provide large
denotes full optical access networks. numbers of fiber connections on the optical line
In this analysis we focus on the optical and terminal (OLT). Usually, between 4 and 72
DSL technologies. fibers can be connected.
Traffic in the access network is bursty and In wireless access networks the user connec-
highly variable. The equipment used in the tion is provided through a wireless link. The
access network, on the other hand, has a power user’s devices use radio signals to connect to a
consumption that is largely constant in time and base station, which is then further connected to
thus load-independent. Therefore, when evaluat- the central office through a backhaul network.
ing power consumption in the access networks, Different technologies are available varying in
we consider the power consumption per sub- transmission power, transmission frequency,
scriber as a metric. modulation scheme and multiplexing technique
ADSL used to be the main access network and thus providing different access bit rates to
technology, providing downstream speeds from 8 the users.
Mb/s (ADSL) to 24 Mb/s (ADSL2+) and The three main emerging wireless technologies
upstream speeds of 1 Mb/s. The maximum range are mobile Worldwide Interoperability for
is between 1.5 and 5.5 km. The largest range Microwave Access (WiMAX), high-speed packet
corresponds with the lowest bit rate capacity. access (HSPA), and Long Term Evolution (LTE).
This range allows for large numbers of users to Mobile WiMAX is based on the IEEE 802.16
be aggregated in the first node of the access net- standard. It operates in the 2–6 GHz band, and

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wireless network interface card in a computer,

Trend or a home gateway. For wireless technologies
we therefore use the more generic term mobile
Clients Clients Clients station.


IP Access networks aggregate the users in a certain
IP area. In order to interconnect these areas core
IP networks are used. A core network consists of a
Core Core
ATM node node number of core nodes that are interconnected
WDM tx/rx through wavelength-division multiplexed (WDM)
cards optical fiber links, usually in a mesh or ring
SDH topology.
WDM WDM tx/rx WDM Current core networks are typically a mix of
link cards link Optical several layers of technologies on top of each
WDM tx/rx switch other, such as IP-over-ATM-over-SDH (Internet
Protocol, asynchronous transfer mode, syn-
chronous digital hierarchy), as illustrated in Fig.
Example of IP-focused Optical bypass 2a. However, there is a trend to move to more
current architecure architecure architecure
homogenous architectures where IP is routed
(a) (b) (c) directly over WDM links (Fig. 2b). Given this
trend, we focus on the latter architecture only.
Figure 2. Core network node architecture. (Figure 2c will be discussed later).
From a high-level view, core nodes are opti-
cal-electrical-optical-based. This means that all
optical traffic is converted to the electronic
is developed for mobile wireless applications and domain and processed by the node, whether the
allows people to communicate while they are traffic is terminated at this node or not. In gen-
moving. The highest supported bit rate is approx- eral, a node consists of a number of WDM trans-
imately 70 Mb/s. mit and receive cards, also referred to as
HSPA is the successor of the widely deployed transponders or transceivers, which are connect-
universal mobile telecommunications system ed to an IP router. The IP router in turn can be
(UMTS, also known as third generation [3G]). connected to a number of access routers.
HSPA provides increased performance by using WDM fiber links carry a number of wave-
improved modulation schemes and refining the lengths, each typically having a capacity of 10 or
protocols by which handsets and base stations 40 Gb/s. Forty to 80 wavelengths/fiber are com-
communicate. The end-user experience is further mon. Optical amplifiers are necessary at inter-
improved by increasing the peak data rates up to vals of about 80 km to make up for signal
14 Mb/s in the downlink. HSPA uses the 2.1 attenuation. With the finite range of light paths
GHz band. (depending on the line rate and technology
LTE is the newest wireless broadband tech- employed, this is on the order of 1000 to 4000
nology. LTE is marketed as the fourth genera- km), long links require regeneration of the opti-
tion (4G) of radio technologies. Targets for the cal signal.
bit rate are to have peak data rates from 10
Mb/s up to 300 Mb/s in the downlink. However,
in practical implementations 300 Mb/s rates have QUANTIFICATION OF
not yet been achieved. LTE uses the 2.6 GHz
band. However, in the future LTE may use the
800 MHz band. In this section we quantify the power consump-
Contrary to fixed line access networks, the tion of the architectures described above. The
determining factor in wireless access network quantifications in this section are based upon
design is the area covered by the base stations. equipment data sheets, own measurements and
The covered area is related to the input power external literature sources.
of the base station antenna and the bit rate [3].
The input power determines the reach of the FIXED LINE ACCESS NETWORKS
signal and thus the area covered by a base sta- In fixed line access networks each subscriber
tion. Current technologies allow different modu- (Subs) has a dedicated connection. Thus, the
lation schemes to be used, determined by the power per subscriber is a stable metric. In DSL
signal-to-noise ratio. Therefore, higher bit rates technologies the last node before the subscriber
will be achieved at smaller ranges from the base is the DSL access multiplexer (DSLAM). ADSL
station. equipment consumes 1–2 W/Subs; VDSL equip-
ment roughly consumes 3–5 W/Subs. VDSL
CUSTOMER PREMISES EQUIPMENT equipment power consumption is slightly higher,
At the customer premises the access networks although trends indicate this technology is being
connect to customer premises equipment. For optimized.
fixed line networks this is usually a home gate- Optical network equipment currently con-
way, which then further connects to other sumes 10–20 W/port. However, using GPON
equipment such as a notebook or set-top box. technology, this can be further distributed. The
For wireless access networks this equipment is OLT consumes 0.2–0.8 W/Subs. Due to the small
more diverse. It can be a mobile phone, a range of VDSL technology, it is possible that

64 IEEE Communications Magazine • June 2011

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Minimal user Power/subs

Technology Range (km) Bit rate (Mb/s) Users/node density (with PUE)
(subs/km2) (W/subs)

ADSL 81 4–8
5.5 1.5 384–768 2–4
ADSL2+ 241 50–100

VDSL 1.0 261 5–60

0.3 551 16–192 50–700 6–10
VDSL2+ 0.3 100 50–700

GPON (32) 20 2488/32 (4–72) * 32 0.1–2

GPON (64) 10 2488/64 (4–72) * 64 0.8–14

Mobile WiMAX 0.340 (3 Mb/s) 1–70 2722 N/A 273

HSPA 0.240 (3 Mb/s) 1–14 2252 N/A 683
LTE 0.470 (3 Mb/s) 1–300 1802 N/A 183

1 Downstream 2 Simultaneous Active Users 3 Modelled for 300 subscribers per km2

Table 1. Properties of different access network technologies.

VDSL equipment with a small number of con-

nections are used. For example, for a VDSL 1000
DSLAM with 16 connections, the power con-
sumption of the optical backhaul is 0.01–0.05 HSPA(*)
When evaluating the power consumption of Mobile WiMAX(*) Point-to
100 -point
Power consumption (w/subs)

these devices, one needs to consider that the optical

premises where they are located often need to
be cooled. Also, measures are taken in order to
prevent power failure. This overhead is
expressed in power usage effectiveness (PUE), 10 VDSL
which denotes the factor by which the equip-
ment power consumption is to be multiplied in Core (100Mbps)
order to know the total power consumption (i.e., GPON
equipment + overhead). The PUE is typically a 1
factor two. This means that in reality the above Core (8Mbps)
mentioned numbers need to be doubled to esti-
Average bit rate Peak bit rate
mate the full power consumption.
The total power consumptions, including the 0.1
PUE and delivered bit rates, are summarized for 1 10 100 1000 10000
the different technologies in Table 1 and Fig. 3. Access bit rate (Mbps)


Figure 3. Power consumption per subscriber of different network technologies.
In wireless access networks, the highest power
consumer is the base station. The power per sub-
scriber is largely dependent on the subscriber
density in the area covered by the base station. consumption, 3.7 kW/base station, and the
Hence, we first evaluate the power consumed largest range, of approximately 470 m. HSPA
per base station and then translate that to the has the lowest range, 240 m, of all the consid-
power consumption per user. ered technologies and a power consumption of
A base station is here defined as the equip- 3.7 kW/base station, which is comparable to the
ment needed to communicate with the mobile power consumption of LTE.
stations and the backhaul network. For the base In urban and suburban areas it is fair to con-
stations we assume outdoor placement in a sub- sider subscriber densities between 100 and 300
urban environment at a height of 30 m, covering users/km 2 . When we assume a density of 300
three sectors, and a mobile station at a height of users/km2 and compare the power consumption
1.5 m. per user, we see that LTE performs the best
In order to make a fair comparison between with a power consumption of 18 W/Subs, fol-
the considered technologies, we define a bit rate lowed by Mobile WiMAX with a power con-
per active user of approximately 3 Mb/s. We sumption of 27 W/Subs. The power
consider the total power consumption of the consumption per user is lower for LTE because
base station, which includes the PUE overhead. of its larger range. HSPA has the highest power
Mobile WiMAX has the lowest power con- consumption per user, 68 W/Subs, caused by its
sumption of approximately 2.9 kW/base station, lower range. Note that these numbers are relat-
and a range of 340 m. LTE has the highest power ed to the considered subscriber density. When

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gated capacity. As can be seen, high-end routers

are more energy-efficient than low-end routers:
Core network power consumption while consuming more in absolute values, the
power required to transfer a bit decreases with
increasing router capacity. Current routers con-
sume between 0.1 and 0.01 W/Mb/s. On average,
Link IP router taking into account that near the edge of the
10% 90%
core are a higher number of low-end routers,
core routers consume about 0.05 W/Mb/s. These
values already include a correction for PUE.
PS SF RE IP router In [4] a calculation method is suggested to
10% 10% 5% 75%
estimate the power consumption per subscriber of
the Internet. Based on this method, we estimate
that at ADSL access bit rates (8 Mb/s) the core
L12MI Forw Eng / SF interface consumes about 0.24 W/Subs. When accounting
25% 75%
for an increase in access bit rate to 100 Mb/s, this
will increase to approximately 3 W/Subs. We have
PS = Power supply + fans indicated these values in Fig. 3. At present, the
SF = Switch fabric L12MI = Layer 1 and 2 media interface
RE = Routing engine power consumption in core networks is signifi-
cantly lower than that in the access network. With
increasing bit rates due to the adoption of PON
Figure 4. Generalized core network power consumption distribution.
technologies, the absolute power consumption of
core networks will increase. However, evaluating
the power consumption in Watts per transferred
we consider half of the subscriber density, the bit, router technologies are expected to become
estimated power consumption per subscriber more efficient. This is illustrated, for example, by
doubles. Cisco’s CRS router series, where its most recent
For wireless access networks the parameters member (CRS-3) appears to consume less than
are also summarized in Table 1 and Fig. 3. half of its six-year-old predecessor (CRS-1). Thus,
the figure of 3 W/Subs is an upper bound, which
CUSTOMER PREMISES EQUIPMENT can be lowered by the adoption of power opti-
Next to the power consumption of the access mized technologies. These technologies are dis-
network, the power consumption of the cus- cussed next.
tomer premises equipment is important as well.
At present, for fixed line technologies, the
home gateway (e.g., a DSL modem) consumes POWER CONSUMPTION
5–10 W, which is higher than the power con- OPTIMIZATION
sumption in the access network. Home gateways
for optical networks also tend to have higher SWITCHING OFF COMPONENTS
energy consumption than their DSL counter- Presently, telecommunications networks are
parts. This is a problem since it can annihilate designed to handle peak loads, and little consid-
the potential power reduction benefit of adopt- eration is given to medium and low load situa-
ing GPON technology. In wireless networks the tions. Designing adaptable networks, able to
power consumption of the mobile stations is switch off elements when demand is lower, will
much lower since these are designed for mobile lead to networks that consume less power.
applications, which require low power consump- In core networks this can be achieved with
tion for long autonomy times. dynamic topology optimization. This means from
the multiple possible topologies that satisfy the
CORE NETWORKS traffic demands, the topologies with lower over-
As shown in Fig. 4 the major share, about 90 all power consumption should be preferred.
percent, of core network power consumption is Dynamic optimization typically exploits the daily
concentrated in the nodes. The WDM links, by or weekly alterations in traffic load, where off-
way of optical amplifiers, make up only around peak volumes are potentially lower than 50 per-
10 percent or less of the power consumption. cent of peak volumes. When employing
We used datasheets on Juniper T-series core multilayer traffic engineering (MLTE) and
routers to determine the power consumption dis- changing the MLTE strategy to optimize power
tribution among the components. The line cards consumption, reductions of more than 50 per-
that provide input/output interfaces and apply cent during off-peak hours can be achieved [7].
the packet forwarding logic are the major power MLTE adapts the topology to optimize power
consumers. The line cards’ layer 1 and 2 media consumption, thereby increasing the number of
interface provides framing, line speed signaling, inactive line cards, which can subsequently be
and physical connection to a specific network switched off and thus save power.
media type such as ATM, synchronous optical In fixed line access networks, a similar strate-
network (SONET), SDH, or Ethernet. The pur- gy is possible by using dynamic bandwidth allo-
pose of core networks is to transfer traffic cation (DBA) in PONs. DBA is currently used
streams between different sites. Thus, power as a way to allow users to have increased bit rate
consumption in the core network is typically while other users on the same medium require
expressed in Watts per transferred bit. Figure 5 lower bit rate. The same strategy could also be
plots the maximum power consumption of a used to create dynamically adaptable OLTs,
number of Juniper routers against their aggre- which utilize less ports on which a higher split

66 IEEE Communications Magazine • June 2011

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ratio is applied during periods of low traffic.

This allows elements to be switched off in the s s
bp bp
OLT and leads to reduced power consumption. /M /M s
In wireless access networks optimization can
100 W W bp
1 01 /M
0. W
be achieved by the utilization of hybrid hierarchi- 1

Power consumption (kW)

cal base station deployment. When using base sta-
tions with differentiated cell sizes and wireless
network technologies, a basic access network can
be created that provides a low bit rate but high
coverage to users. In the hierarchical layers
above, base stations with smaller cell sizes but
higher bit rates can be utilized to provide high-
bandwidth connections when these are needed.
The advantage is that the higher layers can be
put to sleep and only need to be activated with
high traffic demand. 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
For example, LTE-Advanced, the successor Throughput (Gbps)
of LTE that is under development, will support
advanced repeaters. Repeaters are active ele-
Figure 5. Power consumption of a set of mid-tier and high-end routers.
ments without full base station capabilities. Cur-
rently, repeaters are designed as always-on
devices. However, in LTE-Advanded the trans-
mission power of these repeaters will be con- intended for the intermediate node remains in
trolled by the network and activated when users the optical domain and is not processed by the
are present in the area handled by the repeater. core router. The light path is switched, using
The WiMAX next-generation standard, optical add/drop multiplexers (OADMs) or opti-
802.16m, includes handover support between cal cross-connects (OXCs), from an incoming
femto base stations, which are designed for resi- fiber link directly to the appropriate outgoing
dential or business environments and may fiber link. This allows the capacity of the router
enhance indoor coverage, and macro base sta- and the corresponding power consumption to be
tions. They typically have a range on the order reduced. Optical bypass is possible at single-
of 1 to 10 m. wavelength or waveband granularities (requiring
Finally, it is important to optimize the power less ports in the OXC or OADM since multiple
consumption of the home gateway. These are wavelengths are switched simultaniously). Wave-
individual devices that only need to be active length conversion can be employed to optimize
during periods when the user is active. At other fiber utilization and resolve contention. Depend-
times, it can in principle be switched off, ing on light path utilization and network size,
although in reality this rarely happens. In legisla- the power saving potential of optical bypass is up
tion concerning standby power consumption to 45 percent [8].
standards of 0.5 W are emerging. Implementing
this on home gateways will already lead to large OPTIMIZING POWER CONSUMPTION OF THE
REDUCING LOAD When the networks are optimized and the load
With the idle components in the telecommunica- is minimized, the power consumption of the ele-
tion networks switched off, the next step is to ments should be reduced.
reduce the load on the remaining components. In next-generation PONs (NG-PONs), OLTs
This strategy will be especially important in will be designed for higher bit rates (up to 10
access networks since we already pointed out it Gb/s per port) and higher split ratios (up to
is difficult to switch off elements. 1:128 or even 1:256). Additionally, the range of
Adaptive link rate is a strategy in which differ- the signal will be increased, supporting up to 60
ent line rates are supported on a link. The lower to 100 km. In itself, a higher range will lead to
line rates are assumed to consume less power higher power consumption per OLT and can
and thus power can be saved. At the customer require active remote nodes, which add addition-
premises this can be used to reduce the power al power demands. However, in large operator
consumption of the home gateway. In different networks there is an ongoing trend of node con-
access network technologies this strategy is solidation, reducing the number of central offices
showing potential. However, mainly the higher and leading to long-reach access areas. This net-
link rates on the order of 1–10 Gb/s have signifi- work consolidation can enable important power
cantly higher power consumption than lower link consumption reductions.
rates. Second, the algorithms for adaptive link The energy efficiency of wireless access net-
rate use larger packet buffers. These larger works can be improved by increasing the ranges
buffers also require hardware that needs to be of the base stations. Thus, larger areas can be
powered. In core networks it makes less sense to covered by a single base station, and fewer base
use adaptive link rates since the traffic shows stations are necessary. This can be done by the
less variation. use of multiple transmitting and receiving anten-
In core networks a promising technique to nas. This technique is known as multiple-input
reduce power consumption is optical bypass, multiple-output (MIMO). When using, for exam-
which is already in use for cost reduction and ple, 2 transmitting and 2 receiving antennas (i.e.,
router capacity offloading (Fig. 2c). Traffic not 2 × 2 MIMO), the range increases by 66 percent,

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while the power consumption increases only by 2 present, in core networks the power consump-
In wireless access to 4 percent, resulting in higher energy efficien- tion is relatively low. Nonetheless, due to the
cy. In the next-generation technologies, LTEAd- expected increase in traffic volumes, power opti-
networks many vanced and WiMAX 802.16m, up to 8 mizations are welcomed here as well.
optimizations can still transmitting and 8 receiving antennas can be
be implemented. used. REFERENCES
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feasible low-power approach for the next decade.
It is not yet clear if the technique of optical
burst switching is a viable alternative, the main W ILLEM V EREECKEN (
received his M.Sc. degree in electrotechnical engineering
issue being the relatively low throughput requir- from Ghent University, Belgium, in July 2005. He is a Ph.D.
ing an overbuild. student with the INTEC Broadband Communication Net-
For continent-sized core networks, increasing works (IBCN) research group in the Department of Informa-
the maximum optical path length (i.e., not tion Technology at Ghent University/Interdisciplinary
Institute for Broadband Technology (INTEC UGent/IBBT). His
requiring regeneration of the optical signal) can research is funded by a Dehousse Ph.D. grant. His main
reduce power consumption. For a pan-European research interests are the environmental impact of ICT sys-
network, savings could be up to 10 percent. tems and the design of energy-efficient network architec-

CONCLUSION W ARD V AN H EDDEGHEM received his Master’s degree in

applied engineering electromechanics from Hogeschool
The number of Internet users is fast increasing, Gent, Belgium (1999), and his M.Sc. degree in computer
and these users demand increasing bit rates. science engineering from Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
(2009). He is a Ph.D. student in the IBCN research group at
Meanwhile, the carbon footprint of ICT has to INTEC UGent/IBBT. His research interests are in the environ-
be reduced. Saving power in telecommunication mental impact of ICT and energy-efficient network archi-
networks is becoming an important challenge. tectures.
Emerging technologies can lead to reduced
MARGOT DERUYCK received her M.Sc. degree in computer sci-
power consumption, but the design of these ence engineering from Ghent University in July 2009. Since
technologies needs to be applied with low power September 2009 she has been a research assistant in the
consumption in mind. This means switching off Wireless and Cable (WiCa) research group at INTEC
components where possible, reducing the loads UGent/IBBT. Her scientific work is focused on green wire-
less access networks with minimal power consumption and
on the networks, and optimizing the power con- minimal exposure of humans.
sumption of the network elements.
Currently, the main share of that power con- B ART P UYPE received his M.Sc. degree in electrotechnical
sumption lies near the customer. In fixed line engineering in 2002 and a Ph.D. degree in 2008 from
Ghent University. He is working as a researcher in the IBCN
access technologies the largest power consumer research group at INTEC UGent/IBBT. His main interests are
is the home gateway, which can easily be opti- in the field of communication networks, focusing specifi-
mized with relatively easy approaches. For wire- cally on the design and evaluation of multilayer IP-over-
less access technologies the largest power optical networks.
consumer is the base station. BART LANNOO received his M.Sc. degree in electrotechnical
In fixed line access networks power consump- engineering from Ghent University in July 2002. He received
tion optimization is focused on the technology his Ph.D. degree in May 2008. Since August 2002 he has
shift toward full optical networks. In particular, been working with the IBCN research group of the Depart-
ment of Information Technology at INTEC UGent/IBBT,
PONs provide low power consumption and are where he is a postdoctoral researcher in the field of fixed
still being optimized. In wireless access networks and wireless access networks. He is currently active in the
many optimizations can still be implemented. At European projects ICT-ALPHA and ICT-OASE.

68 IEEE Communications Magazine • June 2011

VEREECKEN LAYOUT 5/19/11 9:11 AM Page 69

WOUT JOSEPH [M’05] received his M.Sc. degree in electrical of measurement systems for that application from Ghent
engineering from Ghent University in July 2000. In Septem- University in 1986 and 1990, respectively. Since January
ber 2000 he became a research assistant and postdoctoral 199, he has been responsible for research on experimental
researcher in the WiCa research group at INTEC UGent/IBBT. characterization of the physical layer of telecommunication
Since October 2009 he has been a professor in the experi- systems at INTEC UGent. Since April 1993 he has been a
mental characterization of wireless communication sys- professor of electrical applications of electromagnetism.
tems. His professional interests are electromagnetic field
exposure assessment, propagation for wireless communica- P IET D EMEESTER [M’89, SM’98, F’09] received an M.Sc.
tion systems, antennas, and calibration. degree in electrical engineering and a Ph.D. degree from
Ghent University in 1984 and 1988, respectively. In 1992
D IDIER C OLLE [M’01] received his M.Sc. degree in elec- he started a new research activity on broadband communi-
trotechnical engineering (option: communications) from cation networks resulting in the INTEC IBCN research
Ghent University in 1997. Since then, he has been working group. In 1993 he became a professor at Ghent University,
as a researcher in the IBCN research group at INTEC where he is responsible for research and education on
UGent/IBBT. His research led to a Ph.D. degree in February communication networks. His research focuses on several
2002. His work focuses on optical transport networks to advanced research topics: network modeling, design, and
support the next-generation Internet. He has been involved evaluation; mobile and wireless networking; high-perfor-
in several European projects like NOBEL, LASAGNE, and mance multimedia processing; autonomic computing and
TBONES, and COST actions 266 and 291. networking; service engineering; content and search man-
agement; and data analysis and machine learning. This
LUC MARTENS [M’92] received his M.Sc. degree in electrical research resulted in about 50 Ph.D.s, 1250 publications in
engineering and his Ph.D. degree for his research on elec- international journals and conference proceedings, 30
tromagnetic and thermal modeling and the development international awards, and 4 spin-off companies.

IEEE Communications Magazine • June 2011 69

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