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Portfolio website

A Project Report
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the
Requirement for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Science
Science) By
Deepak Ravindrasingh Baghel
Under the esteemed guidance of
Ms. Pritam Kamble
Assistant Professor


B. K. Birla College, Kalyan
(Empowered Autonomous Status)

(Empowered Autonomous Status)

This is to certify that the project entitled “Portfolio Website ” submitted by
“Deepak Ravindrasingh Baghel”, Seat Number “63241001” is record of
bonafide work carried out by them, under my guidance, in partial fulfillment
of the requirement for the award of the Degree of B.Sc. in Computer Science.

Place: Kalyan

Date: 29-04-2024

Project Guide External Examiner Head of Department

Computer Science


I would like to express our deepest gratitude and appreciation to

Ms. Pritam Kamble for her invaluable guidance, support, and
encouragement throughout the duration of this project. Her dedication to
helping us understand the intricacies of the subject matter and her
unwavering commitment to our academic growth are truly commendable.
I would like to express my gratitude towards all the respected teachers &
Head of the Department Mr. Vinod Rajput of computer science department
and principal Prof. Dr. Avinash Patil sir and vice principal Mrs. Esmita
Gupta of B.K. Birla College of Science Commerce and Arts (Autonomous) for
their kind cooperation and encouragement which helped me in completion
of this project.
I would also like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all our professors who
have imparted their knowledge and expertise to us. Their teaching,
mentorship, and continuous encouragement have played a significant role
in shaping our understanding of the subject and enhancing our skills. Their
commitment to our education and their passion for teaching have been
instrumental in our development as aspiring data scientists.
Their support and guidance have been instrumental in our growth as
students and researchers. Without their involvement, this project would
not have been possible.


I hereby declare that the project entitled, “Portfolio System”

COMMERCE KALYAN (AUTONOMOUS), has not been in any case
duplicated to submit to any other university for the award of any
degree. To the best of my knowledge other than me, no one has
submitted to any other university.

The project is done in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

submitted as a final semester project as part of our curriculum.

Name & Signature of the Student

Deepak Ravindrasingh Baghel

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction..........................................................................4
1.1 Background............................................................................................5
Chapter 2: Requirements and Analysis...................................................7
2.1 Objective of the study..............................................................................8
2.2 Significance of the study........................................................................9
Chapter 3: Requirement of System......................................................12
3.1 Software requirements.........................................................................12
3.2 Hardware requirements........................................................................13
Chapter 4: Implementation and Testing...............................................14
4.1 Code 14................................................................................................19
4.2 User Interface.......................................................................................25
Chapter 5: Conclusion, Future Scope...................................................26
5.1 Conclusion............................................................................................27
5.2 References............................................................................................29

This document outlines the design and functionality of a Portfolio
Management System (PMS). The system aims to empower users with the
tools to effectively manage a collection of financial assets. By consolidating
data, facilitating analysis, and enabling informed decision-making, the PMS
seeks to optimize portfolio performance and achieve user-defined financial

Keywords: Portfolio Management, Investment Management, Financial

Analysis, Risk Management, Decision Support System

Portfolio Management System
This document provides an abstract overview of a portfolio management
system (PMS).


 Briefly explain portfolio management as the process of overseeing

and managing a collection of investments to meet financial goals and
risk tolerance.

What is a Portfolio Management System?

 Define a PMS as a software tool designed to streamline and facilitate

portfolio management activities.

Key Features:

 Highlight functionalities like:

o Investment tracking and monitoring
o Performance analysis and reporting
o Asset allocation and diversification tools
o Rebalancing capabilities
o Integration with market data feeds for real-time information


 Emphasize the advantages of using a PMS, including:

o Improved decision-making through data-driven insights
o Increased efficiency and organization
o Risk management and mitigation strategies
o Enhanced portfolio performance tracking

Target Audience:

 Briefly mention the intended users of a PMS, such as individual

investors, financial advisors, or wealth management firms.

Background of Portfolio Management Study
The concept of managing a portfolio to achieve financial goals has a long
history, but the formal study of portfolio management really took off in the
mid-20th century. Here's a breakdown of some key points for the
background of your portfolio management study:

Early Practices:

 Investors have intuitively diversified their holdings for centuries,

spreading risk by holding various assets.
 However, a structured approach to portfolio management wasn't
widely explored until the 20th century.

Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT):

 The turning point came in 1952 with Harry Markowitz's introduction

of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT).
 MPT emphasized the importance of diversification in reducing risk
without sacrificing returns.
 It laid the foundation for mathematically analyzing risk-return
relationships within a portfolio.

Growth of the Field:

 MPT sparked further research, leading to the development of various

portfolio management models and strategies.
 These models incorporated factors like asset class correlations, risk
tolerance, and investment objectives.
 The field of portfolio management became increasingly sophisticated,
incorporating quantitative analysis and optimization techniques .

Factors Influencing the Study:

 The evolution of financial markets with new asset classes and

investment vehicles has necessitated continuous development of
portfolio management strategies.
 Technological advancements have played a significant role, enabling
real-time data analysis, automated portfolio management tools, and
complex risk modeling.

 Regulatory changes and globalization of financial markets have also
influenced the study of portfolio management, requiring adaptation
of strategies and risk management practices.

Focus of Your Study:

 Briefly mention the specific area of portfolio management your study

will address.
 Is it applying a particular strategy to a specific investor type?
Evaluating the effectiveness of a new portfolio management tool?
 Highlighting the specific area will provide context for the background

Portfolio Management System
A Portfolio Management System (PMS) is a software platform or
application designed to assist individuals or organizations in
managing their investment portfolios effectively. It provides tools and
features that enable users to monitor, analyze, and optimize their
investments across various asset classes such as stocks, bonds, mutual
funds, and alternative investments.

Key components of a portfolio management system typically include:

Portfolio Tracking: The system allows users to input and track their
investment holdings, including quantities, purchase prices, market
values, and performance metrics. It provides a consolidated view of all
investments in one place.

Performance Analysis: PMS provides tools for analyzing the

performance of the portfolio over time. Users can assess returns,
compare against benchmarks, and generate reports to evaluate
investment strategies.

Risk Management: It assists in assessing and managing the risks

associated with the portfolio. This includes tools for measuring
volatility, analyzing asset correlations, and identifying potential
sources of risk.

Asset Allocation: PMS helps in optimizing asset allocation by

recommending portfolio diversification strategies based on user-
defined objectives, risk tolerance, and investment preferences.

Research and Analysis: Many PMS platforms offer research tools and
resources such as market news, financial reports, and fundamental
analysis to support investment decision-making.

Transaction Management: Users can execute trades, rebalance

portfolios, and manage cash flows directly within the system. Some
PMS platforms may also offer integration with brokerage accounts for
seamless execution of trades.

Tax Management: Advanced PMS platforms may include features for
tax optimization, such as tax-loss harvesting and tax-efficient asset
allocation, to minimize tax liabilities and enhance after-tax returns.

Client Reporting: In the case of institutional investors or financial

advisors, PMS often provides customizable reporting capabilities to
communicate portfolio performance and investment strategies to

Overall, a portfolio management system serves as a comprehensive

tool for investors to monitor, analyze, and optimize their investment
portfolios, ultimately aiming to achieve their financial goals efficiently
while managing risks effectively.

Background of a study on portfolio management
The background of a study on portfolio management systems typically
encompasses several key aspects:

Evolution of Portfolio Management: Understanding the historical evolution

of portfolio management provides context for the development of portfolio
management systems. This includes the evolution of investment theories,
strategies, and techniques from traditional methods to modern portfolio
theory and beyond.

Technology Advancements: The rapid advancement of technology,

particularly in the field of finance and investment, has significantly
influenced the development of portfolio management systems. This
includes the adoption of computing technology, data analytics, artificial
intelligence, and machine learning algorithms in investment decision-
making processes.

Market Dynamics: The dynamic nature of financial markets, characterized

by volatility, uncertainty, and complexity, underscores the need for
effective portfolio management systems. Understanding market dynamics,
including macroeconomic factors, regulatory changes, and market trends, is
essential for designing robust portfolio management systems.

Investor Preferences and Behaviors: Studying investor preferences,

behaviors, and objectives provides insights into the requirements and
expectations for portfolio management systems. This includes
understanding risk tolerance, investment goals, time horizons, and asset
allocation preferences of different types of investors.

Regulatory Environment: Compliance with regulatory requirements and

industry standards is critical for portfolio management systems,
particularly in the context of investor protection, transparency, and
accountability. Understanding the regulatory environment and compliance
obligations informs the design and implementation of portfolio
management systems.

Challenges and Opportunities: Identifying the challenges and opportunities

associated with portfolio management, such as market volatility, changing
investor demographics, technological disruptions, and competitive
pressures, helps in designing effective portfolio management systems

Objectives of a study on portfolio management systems
The objectives of a study on portfolio management systems can vary
depending on the specific context, research questions, and the target
audience. However, some common objectives include:

Evaluation of Existing Systems: Assessing the effectiveness, efficiency,

and usability of current portfolio management systems available in
the market. This involves evaluating features, functionalities, user
interfaces, and performance metrics of different systems.

Identification of User Needs: Understanding the requirements,

preferences, and challenges faced by investors, portfolio managers,
financial advisors, and other stakeholders regarding portfolio
management systems. This includes identifying user priorities, pain
points, and areas for improvement.

Technology Assessment: Analyzing the technological capabilities,

trends, and advancements relevant to portfolio management systems.
This involves examining emerging technologies such as artificial
intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, and big data analytics and
their potential impact on portfolio management.

Risk Management Analysis: Investigating the role of portfolio

management systems in risk identification, assessment, and
mitigation. This includes examining risk management features,
methodologies, and tools integrated into portfolio management
systems to manage various types of risks effectively.

Performance Measurement: Studying the methodologies and metrics

used to evaluate portfolio performance within portfolio management
systems. This involves analyzing performance attribution,
benchmarking, and reporting capabilities to assess the success of
investment strategies and decision-making processes.

User Experience Enhancement: Exploring ways to improve the user

experience and usability of portfolio management systems. This
includes identifying user interface design principles, customization

options, and interactive features that enhance user satisfaction and

Compliance and Regulation: Investigating the compliance

requirements and regulatory considerations relevant to portfolio
management systems. This involves understanding regulatory
frameworks, data privacy laws, security standards, and industry best
practices to ensure compliance and mitigate legal risks.

Integration and Interoperability: Assessing the interoperability and

integration capabilities of portfolio management systems with other
financial platforms, data sources, and third-party applications. This
includes examining APIs, data feeds, and integration protocols to
enable seamless data exchange and workflow automation.

Cost-Benefit Analysis: Conducting a cost-benefit analysis to evaluate

the economic feasibility and return on investment of implementing or
upgrading portfolio management systems. This involves assessing the
costs associated with system acquisition, implementation,
maintenance, and training against the potential benefits in terms of
efficiency gains, risk reduction, and performance improvement.


Use Case of Portfolio Website

Requirement Of System

Software Requirements for Next.js, React.js, and Tailwind CSS


 Node.js: Version 16.14.2 or higher

 npx: Included with Node.js
 React.js: Version 18.2.0 or higher
 Tailwind CSS: Version 3.2.4 or higher
Hardware Requirements for Next.js, React.js, and Tailwind CSS

 Operating System: Windows 11 or Windows 10 (64-bit)

 Processor: Intel Core i5 or equivalent
 Memory: 8 GB RAM or more
 Storage: 20 GB free disk space or more
 Display: 1280x768 or higher

resolutionAdditional Recommendations:

 A solid-state drive (SSD) is recommended for

 A dedicated graphics card is recommended for working
withlarge or complex projects.
Installing the Software Requirements

To install Node.js, Yarn, and npx, visit the following links:

 Node.js:
 npx:

To install Next.js, React.js, and Tailwind CSS, open a terminal
window and run the following commands:

npm install next react-dom tailwindcss

This will install the latest versions of Next.js, React.js, and

TailwindCSS to your local machine.

Creating a New Project

To create a new Next.js project with React.js and Tailwind CSS,

runthe following command:

npx create-next-app my-project

This will create a new Next.js project in the my-project

directory.Running Your Project

To run your Next.js project, navigate to the my-project

directoryand run the following command:

npm run dev

This will start a development server on port 3000. You can

now open your web browser and navigate to
http://localhost:3000 to view your project.

Using Tailwind CSS

To use Tailwind CSS in your Next.js project, you will need to

create a tailwind.config.js file in the root of your project
directory. This file will contain the configuration options for
Tailwind CSS.

For more information on Tailwind CSS, please visit the official



















In conclusion, portfolio management systems play a crucial role in

modern investment practices, providing investors, portfolio
managers, and financial advisors with tools and capabilities to
effectively manage and optimize investment portfolios. Through
this study, several key insights and conclusions emerge:

Enhanced Decision-Making: Portfolio management systems

enable informed decision-making by providing access to
comprehensive data, analytics, and insights. By leveraging
advanced technologies such as data analytics, machine learning,
and artificial intelligence, these systems empower users to
identify opportunities, assess risks, and optimize portfolio

Improved Efficiency: The automation of various portfolio

management tasks, including portfolio tracking, performance
analysis, and risk management, enhances operational efficiency
and productivity. By streamlining workflows, reducing manual
efforts, and automating repetitive tasks, portfolio management
systems enable users to focus on higher-value activities such as
strategic planning and client servicing.

Effective Risk Management: Portfolio management systems

facilitate proactive risk management by enabling users to identify,
measure, and mitigate various types of risks associated with
investment portfolios. Through sophisticated risk assessment
tools, scenario analysis, and stress testing capabilities, these
systems help users navigate volatile market conditions and
protect portfolio value.

Customization and Flexibility: The ability to customize portfolio

management systems according to user preferences, investment
objectives, and regulatory requirements enhances their
adaptability and scalability. Whether catering to individual
investors, institutional clients, or financial institutions, portfolio
management systems offer flexibility in portfolio construction,
asset allocation, and reporting functionalities.

Compliance and Regulation: Compliance with regulatory

requirements and industry standards is paramount in portfolio
management. Portfolio management systems facilitate
compliance by incorporating features such as data encryption,
audit trails, and reporting capabilities to ensure data integrity,
confidentiality, and regulatory adherence.

Continuous Innovation: The landscape of portfolio management

systems continues to evolve rapidly, driven by advancements in
technology, changing market dynamics, and evolving user needs.
Continuous innovation in areas such as data analytics, artificial
intelligence, and user experience design will shape the future of
portfolio management systems, offering new capabilities and
opportunities for users.

In conclusion, portfolio management systems represent a critical

component of modern investment practices, offering
comprehensive solutions for managing investment portfolios
effectively. By leveraging advanced technologies, enhancing
operational efficiency, and facilitating informed decision-making,
these systems empower users to achieve their investment
objectives while navigating the complexities of financial markets.
As the industry continues to evolve, portfolio management
systems will remain indispensable tools for investors and
financial professionals alike, driving innovation and efficiency in
portfolio management practices.


 React.js
 React.js blog:
 React.js community forum: CSS:

 Tailwind
 Tailwind
 Tailwind CSS blog:
 Tailwind CSS
community forum:


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