Assignment-3 Final

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Assignment 3: Mental Health


Congratulations to all those who have completed the second module of the Kectil Program on
Good Governance! We are pleased that the Good Governance Assignment has enabled you to
broaden your understanding of crucial governance issues in your country and around the globe.
We have received numerous excellent and well-written submissions, all of which can be found
on the Kectil Colleagues Website ( under the Forum: Assignment
2 Submission. We urge you to read your colleagues' amazing work and leave some thought-
provoking comments, regardless of whether or not you submitted your second assignment. This
is an opportunity to learn about the breadth of perspectives on Good Governance from a range
of Kectil youth leaders worldwide.

It is now time to begin the third module of the Kectil Program, which focuses on Mental Health.
This module was one of the most well-liked assignments among last year's cohort, and we hope
you will enjoy it as well. The Mental Health Assignment is a significant aspect of the Kectil
program because we believe mental health is a crucial component of overall health and well-
being for youth leaders in developing countries.

You cannot help others until you are truly healthy yourself. We mentor Kectil colleagues
to understand the importance of

1. recognizing the significance of mental health and its impact on young people in
developing countries,
2. breaking down the barriers in dealing with mental health issues,
3. acknowledging that mental health issues should be addressed openly instead of
stigmatized and hidden,
4. understanding mental health issues such as depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety,
addiction (of sex, social media, alcohol, drug, violence), stress, alcohol, social media,
violence, etc.
5. helping yourself and other youth to get to and stay on a platform of mental wellbeing.

Mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, addiction, and stress have become
increasingly prevalent among young people in developing countries, and the consequences can
be severe.
The statistics on mental health demonstrate the importance of focusing on mental disorders,
because they are more common in society than most recognize, and they can be silent or hidden.
Around one billion people worldwide, 11-18% of total population, have one or more mental or
substance use disorders and in fact the numbers are much higher than reported because most
people do not want to report metal health issues. The U.S. National Institute of Mental Health
(NIMH) reports that 70% of all adults have experienced at least one traumatic event in their
lives, and 20% of these people will develop PTSD. The World Health Organization reports that
depression is a serious medical disorder affecting billions of people globally of all ages.
Anxiety disorder, the most common mental health issue, affects approximately 4% of people
globally. The fact that one in four individuals will experience a serious mental health issues in
their lifetime underscores the urgency and importance of addressing mental health concerns.
Studying mental health can help you develop effective prevention strategies, leading to better
outcomes as an individual. It can also help you understand ways to reduce the stigma associated
with mental illness and promote greater understanding and empathy for those affected.

When long lasting and with even moderate intensity or severe intensity, depression can become
a serious health condition. It is a leading cause of disability and if not treated can lead to suicidal
thoughts and ideation which can progress to suicide as well as addiction. According to WHO,
suicide is the second leading cause of death globally in 15–29-year-olds. Mental health is a
serious issue because it can have a significant impact on a person's overall well-being, including
their physical health, social relationships, and ability to function in daily life. Mental health
conditions can range from mild to severe and can affect people of all ages and backgrounds.


Instructions for Colleagues

1. Please ensure that you answer all questions given as per the instructions.

2. When a word limit is specified, take note of it.

3. Proper citations must be provided for all external sources used.

4. All submissions must be made through the forum.

5. This assignment must be submitted by June 16, 2023, 11:59pm (EST).

At Kectil, we value punctuality and expect our colleagues to submit their assignments on time.
Our goal is to teach you to present original work and avoid plagiarism. We use plagiarism
detection software and will notify you if any issues arise. We do not accept plagiarism at all.

If you require an extension for a valid reason, please contact your Regional Coordinator and
explain the reason before the deadline.

If you fail to submit your assignment on time, you will miss out on the opportunity to expand
your knowledge, so share your ideas and perceptions, if not your colleagues will also miss out
on reading your excellent work. Moreover, you will not be able to achieve the High-Level
Performance Certificate at the end of the program.

To upload your submission, you can either click link or go to FORUM > ASSIGNMENT 3 and
upload it there. Please only submit your assignment one time. If your submission shows
"pending moderation," do not worry, as it will soon appear on the forum.

We look forward to receiving quality submissions from you.

1. Shining a light of Mental Health

Kectil goal is to shine a light on mental health. Talking about mental health should be
normalized. We aim for a stigma free environment where people do not have to hide their
mental health problems and suffer in silence.

Mental health refers to a state of emotional, psychological, and social well-being, in which an
individual is able to cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively, and contribute to
their community. It involves the ability to manage emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in a
positive and adaptive manner, as well as to form and maintain healthy relationships with others.

Mental health encompasses a wide range of factors, including one's emotional and
psychological resilience, ability to handle anger, disappointment, failure, ability to navigate
life's challenges, and overall sense of self-worth and purpose. It also includes the ability to seek
and receive help when needed, access appropriate resources and support, and maintain a sense
of connection and belonging within one's community.

There are many different types of mental health disorders that can impact a person's thoughts,
emotions, and behavior such as

1. Anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and phobias

2. Mood disorders, such as major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder

3. Personality disorders, including borderline personality disorder and narcissistic personality


4. Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders

5. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

6. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

7. Eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa

8. Substance use disorders, including addiction to drugs or alcohol

9. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

10. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

11. Dissociative disorders, such as dissociative identity disorder (DID)

12. Sleep disorders, including insomnia and narcolepsy

13. Sexual disorders, such as sexual dysfunction and gender dysphoria

14. Neurocognitive disorders, such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

15. Suicidal thoughts and ideation problems

This is not an exhaustive list and there may be other mental health disorders that are not listed
here. Additionally, many individuals may experience a combination of different mental health
disorders, and each person's experience is unique. Watch the following videos that will help
you define mental health.

Answer the following questions in (300) words.

Can you explain what mental health means to you? Are you willing to talk about mental health
or addiction issues with those in your family, friend group, or community? Why or why not?
How would you differentiate between social drinking and addiction? How would you identify
personality disorder in day-to-day life? Are there sufficient resources and support systems in
your community to deal with mental health concerns? Please provide more details. What are
the obstacles that prevent people in your community from sharing and seeking assistance for
their mental health issues? How can these hurdles be overcome?
2. Understanding the Situation of Mental Health in Your Country

The Figure below displays the percentage of people who suffer from a mental health or
substance use disorder. By choosing a particular country, you can examine how this percentage
has changed between 1990 and 2017. Kindly check the proportion of the population in your
country who have reported mental health disorders and consider whether you think that the
numbers are accurate or even underreported and why.

You can access an interactive version of the chart at

with-mental-and-substance-disorders. The same data is available in the excel file attached.
Answer the following questions in (300) words.

What proportion of individuals in your country do you believe experience mental health issues,
and do you agree with the reported figures? Do you think that the presented data is valid or do
you think it is under- or over-reported? Can you observe any trends or changes in the
occurrence of mental health and substance use disorders in your country over the previous
year’s according to the reported data? Do you think that mental health and substance use
disorders are linked to different economic, social, and political factors in your country? What
do you think are the causes of mental health disorders in your country? How frequently do you
believe individuals hide their mental health issues? What are the reasons behind it? How do
you think a society can do fight the stigmas around mental health? What and how can you help?
3. Finding the Roots of Mental Health Issues

The causes of mental health problems are intricate and can differ from one person to another.
Possible factors that could contribute to the emergence of mental health issues comprise
genetics, environmental elements like early life encounters, childhood abuse, bullying, feeling
of failure, lack of self-worth, traumatic experiences, stress, and substance abuse. Mental health
also depends on the choices people make in their lives.

The question of whether mental health is genetic, habit, or personality is a complex and ongoing
debate among experts. Some studies suggest that genetics plays a significant role in the
development of mental health issues, while others argue that environmental factors and lifestyle
habits are more influential. There is evidence to suggest that certain personality traits, such as
neuroticism, may make individuals more susceptible to mental health problems. However, it is
essential to recognize that mental health is a multifaceted issue with numerous contributing
factors. Identifying these factors and their respective roles in mental health development is
crucial for effective prevention and treatment strategies. Watch the following videos that
address the underlying factors of mental health issues.

Dr Jordan Peterson: Is Mental Health Genetic, Habit, or Personality?

Dr David Collier: Mental illness - what we learnt from 100,000 genomes

Dr Dan Banos: 8 principles to achieve optimum mental health

Dr Todd Grande: Nikola Tesla, Mental Health & Personality
Answer the following questions in (200) words.

Can genetic factors alone account for mental health problems? How much control do
individuals have over their mental health through habits and lifestyle changes? Are certain
personality traits more susceptible to mental health disorders? Which personality traits are
linked with better mental health outcomes? Do you believe that medical treatment such as pills
can target genetic factors of mental health? Do environmental factors, such as upbringing and
life experiences, play a role in mental health? Can mental health issues be prevented through
education and early intervention? What can individuals do to prioritize and maintain their
mental health wellness, regardless of genetic, habitual, or personality factors?
4. Social Media and Mental Health Issues

The number of social media users worldwide was more than 4.26 billion in 2021, and it is
expected to rise to nearly six billion by 2027. Given that virtually all young people with internet
access now participate in some form of social media, the impact of social media on the mental
health of young people has become a growing concern. Numerous studies have been conducted
on this subject, with some indicating that social media use could increase the risk of anxiety,
depression, and other mental health problems among young people. Some research suggests
that social media may also have positive effects on mental health by providing a sense of
community and support. However, there are serious concerns about cyberbullying and its
negative impact on mental health. Experts recommend that young people use social media
moderately and mindfully and seek assistance and support if they are dealing with mental
health issues such as low self-esteem, self-harm, anger toward others.

Moreover, social media has been associated with increased rates of depression, anxiety, and
other mental health problems in young people. Social media use can lead to feelings of
isolation, as young people may compare their own lives to the curated and often idealized
images presented on social media. Social media platforms can also expose young people to
cyberbullying and harassment, which can have long-lasting effects on mental health. Young
people must be aware of the potential risks associated with social media use and use it
responsibly and healthily.

Please review the following 4 articles and Kectil Fifteen Rules for social media.

Sherri Gordon: Excessive use of social media

Dr Brian Primack: Negative v. positive social media experiences and depressive symptoms

Geoffrey Morrison: How to turn depressing social media into a positive influence

Jacqueline Nesi: Impact of social media on youth mental health challenges and opportunities

The Kectil Program: Kectil fifteen rules for social media

Answer the following questions in (300) words.

How was your experience between social media and mental health? Does social media give
you positive or negative mental effects? Have you or someone you know experienced
depression, cyberbullying, or other negative results of using social media? How was it
handled? What is the youth social media culture in your country? Does it affect mental health
of youth in your country positively or negatively? Do you think you can follow Kectil Fifteen
Rules for social media? How many minutes/hours a day do you spend on social media
platforms? What activities have given up spending that much time on those platforms? Do you
feel better after spending that much time on social media? Should you commit to a social media
diet or detox? When you do use social media, how can you change your behaviour to make
other feel better about themselves and add to their mental health?
5. Poverty, Education, Employment and Mental Health

Moreover, social, and economic circumstances like poverty, prejudice, and healthcare
accessibility can also influence the development and worsening of mental health issues.
Typically, mental health issues result from a combination of these factors. Therefore, it is
crucial to approach mental health care holistically by considering all facets of an individual's
life. Challenges like poverty, lack of education, unemployment, and inadequate healthcare can
result in mental health issues such as anxiety, lack of self-worth, inability to escape, exposure
to abuse, unemployment, lack of basic needs such as food, clean water, shelter, depression, and
stress in young people. These issues also have negative impacts, including poor academic
performance, substance abuse, and suicide.

Prioritizing the mental health of young people in developing countries is not only the right
thing to do but also economically required. Mental health problems can lead to increased
healthcare expenses, lower productivity, and reduced economic growth. By investing in mental
health, young people can become positive contributors to society and the economy. Improving
mental health among young people can also benefit their families and communities. Enhancing
mental health can lead to stronger relationships, improved communication skills, and reduced
conflict, resulting in healthier and more prosperous communities.

It is important to recognize that mental health is a fundamental human right. Every young
person, regardless of their socioeconomic status, should have access to mental health services
and support. However, mental health resources are often scarce or non-existent in developing
countries. Therefore, prioritizing mental health can ensure that young people have the resources
they need to live healthy and fulfilling lives. Watch the following videos that address the
underlying factors of mental health issues.

Crick Lund: Mental health & Poverty: Unlocking the potential

Jordan Wells: How Can We Improve School-Based Mental Health Support?

Tom Oxley: Workplace Mental Health - all you need to know

Tine Bortel: Human Rights in Mental Health: a Global Necessity

Every three years, the Mental Health Atlas compiles data from countries worldwide on their
mental health policies, financing, and service utilization. It serves as a tool for countries to
develop and plan their mental health services. The 2020 edition of the Mental Health Atlas
contains information on progress towards meeting global mental health targets set by the
WHO's Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan. New indicators on service coverage,
mental health integration into primary care, emergency preparedness, and mental health
research are included, as well as new targets for 2030. Review the report attached.

Answer the following questions in (250) words.

How does poverty affect mental health in your country? Did the availability of education
opportunities impact the mental health of young people in your society? Do you think lack of
formal education or unemployment lead to mental health problems? Why or why not? In what
ways can protecting human rights promote better mental health outcomes? Do people recognize
mental health as basic human rights in your country? Do you think addressing poverty,
education, employment, and human rights can result in better mental health outcomes? Are you
satisfied with your country’s efforts in addressing mental health issues? What steps can you
take to improve the overall mental health of your society while addressing issues related to
poverty, education, and employment?
6. Finding the Solutions for Mental Health Issues

Now that you have learned, mental health issues is a global concern, affecting millions of
individuals of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. It is time to explore the effective solutions
crucial for improving the well-being of individuals and society.

One key solution is increasing access to mental health services. Many individuals with mental
health issues may not seek help due to stigma, lack of resources, or other barriers. Increasing
access to mental health services, including counseling, therapy, and medication, can help
individuals manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life. Governments can play a
critical role in increasing access to mental health services by investing in mental health
programs, reducing stigma, and ensuring that mental health care is covered by insurance or
other health plans.

Another solution is improving mental health education and awareness. Many individuals may
not know how to recognize the signs of mental health issues or may not know how to access
treatment. Increasing awareness of mental health issues and how to seek help can empower
individuals to take control of their mental health and seek the help they need. Education can
also help reduce stigma and promote understanding and empathy towards those with mental
health issues.

Additionally, promoting healthy habits and lifestyle changes can effectively solve mental health
issues. Research has shown that regular exercise, healthy eating, and adequate sleep can all
positively affect mental health. Encouraging individuals to engage in these healthy habits can
help them manage stress, reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, and improve their
overall well-being.

Finally, addressing social and environmental factors contributing to mental health issues is
crucial for finding solutions. Poverty, unemployment, social isolation, and trauma are just a
few social and environmental factors impacting mental health. Addressing these underlying
issues, such as poverty reduction programs or community support services, can help individuals
manage their mental health and prevent future issues from arising. . Watch the following videos
that layout potential solutions to various mental health issues.
Danny Morrison: No Health Without Mental Health

Elena Man: Mental Health: The 20/20 Challenge and Solutions within Reach

Andy Blackwell: Artificial Intelligence Meets Mental Health Therapy

Nicholas Allen: Digital Mental Health Solutions

Dr Tim Bono: How Can We Solve the College Student Mental Health Crisis?

Answer the following questions in (250) words.

Are cultural attitudes towards mental health in your country positive? How can individuals,
communities, and governments work together to reduce the stigma associated with mental
health and substance use disorders, and promote greater awareness and understanding of these
issues? Are mental health resources accessible and approachable for young people in your
country? What role can institutions like schools, community centers, NGOs, digital platforms
play in addressing mental health issues among youth? How can you break down the stigma
surrounding mental health and encourage more open conversations about it? What can we do
to support friends or family members who are struggling with mental health issues? How can
technology be used to promote mental health and well-being? What policies or changes do you
think society can make to better support those with mental health issues? How can we address
systemic issues that contribute to mental health issues, such as poverty or lack of education?
What can you do to promote a culture of empathy and understanding towards mental health
issues in your country?

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