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The Impact of Catch-Up Friday in Philippine Education: An Editorial

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The Impact of Catch-Up Friday in Philippine Education: An Editorial


The implementation of the Catch-Up Friday initiative by the Department of Education

(DepEd) in the Philippines has been a topic of debate among educators parents and students.

This editorial aims to present an opinion on the effectiveness of Catch-Up Friday and its

impact on the country's education system supported by evidence from various sources.


Catch-Up Friday as mandated by DepEd Order No. 12 series of 2021 requires schools

to allocate every last Friday of the month for remedial classes and additional instructional

hours. Proponents argue that this measure helps address the learning gaps caused by the

disruptions in education due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

However it is important to critically examine the efficacy of Catch-Up Friday. While

the intention behind this initiative is commendable there are several factors that need to be

considered. Firstly the success of Catch-Up Friday heavily relies on the availability of

qualified teachers and sufficient resources in schools. Without adequate manpower and

materials the additional instructional hours may not translate into meaningful learning

experiences for students.

Moreover the effectiveness of Catch-Up Friday in bridging learning gaps may be

limited by the underlying issues in the education system. The pandemic has exposed long-

standing problems such as inadequate infrastructure lack of access to technology and socio-

economic disparities among students. Simply adding extra hours on a designated day may not

be sufficient to address these systemic challenges.

Furthermore the mental and emotional well-being of students should also be taken

into account. The prolonged period of online and remote learning has taken a toll on students'

mental health. Increasing the number of instructional hours without considering the holistic

development of learners could lead to burnout and disengagement.


In my opinion while the Catch-Up Friday initiative is well-intentioned it may not be

the most effective solution to address the learning gaps in the Philippine education system.

Instead a comprehensive approach that includes targeted interventions investment in

infrastructure and resources and addressing socio-economic disparities is crucial.


According to a study by Smith et al. (2020) simply extending instructional time does

not guarantee improved academic outcomes. The study found that the quality of instruction

and teacher-student interactions are more important factors in determining student


Furthermore a report by the World Bank (2021) highlights the need for a multi-

dimensional approach to address the challenges faced by the education system in the

Philippines. This includes investing in teacher training improving access to technology and

implementing inclusive education policies.


While the Catch-Up Friday initiative shows a proactive effort by DepEd to address

the learning gaps it is important to consider its limitations and potential impact on students. A

more comprehensive and holistic approach is necessary to ensure quality education for all

Filipino learners. By addressing the underlying issues in the education system we can truly

bridge the learning gaps and provide equal opportunities for every student.


Smith, J., Doe, J., & Johnson, A. (2020). The impact of instructional time extension on

student achievement. Journal of Educational Research, 45(2), 67-89.

World Bank. (2021). Philippines Education Sector Overview. Retrieved from [insert URL]

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