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Shelly and Sharon

It was Sunday.
The sun was shining.
Shelly and Sharon went to the sea shore.
At the sea they saw fish.
They saw yellow fish, blue fish and red fish.
They took their shoes off and sat on the
They found some sea shells.
Shelly liked the short shells.
Far away, they saw a ship.
Suddenly, a man with a yellow shirt and
green shorts came out of the water and
shouted that he saw a shark.
Shelly and Sharon were so scared, they ran
as fast as they could, when they got home,
Sharon found out that she forgot her shoe.

/s/ sound /sh/ sound

‫ידי רונית חצרוני‬-‫נוצר על‬

Fill in:

1. Sharon and shelly _________ to the sea shore.

2. At the sea they _________ fish.
3. They took their ________ off.
4. They found some sea ________.
5. They saw ______ fish, _____ fish and ____ fish.
6. Sharon found out that ___ forgot her ______.


1. It was Saturday ____

2. It was raining ______
3. The fish had one color ______
4. Shelly liked the short shell. ____
5. A man saw a shark. _____
6. Shelly and Sharon were afraid of the shark. ____


sea fish shoes

a shark a Ship Sea shells

‫ידי רונית חצרוני‬-‫נוצר על‬

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