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2019 JAMB Biology Past

Questions and Answers

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Which of the following is a behavioural adaptation that protects
prey from predators?

A Hibernation

B Shedding of leaves

C Secreting irritating fluid

D Dormancy

The period of inactivity seen in some animals during long
period of heat or drought is

A Migration

B Aestivation
C Hibernation

D Adaptation

The insect trapping movements of the leaves of the venus fly
trap is a behavioural adaptation for

A support

B surviving adverse weather conditions

C obtaining food

D dormancy

Animals are said to gregarious when

A they survive adverse conditions of cold weather

B they transmit information from one individual to another

C they are of the same species moving together in a group

they give an alarm to alert others to show the normal protective
behaviour of the group when danger threatens
The type of nutrition shown by spirogyra is

A Symbiosis

B Holozoic

C Chemosynthetic

D Holophytic

Raw materials required by green plants to manufacture their
food are

A mainly fluids

B inorganic substances

C living materials

D mainly gases

Which of the following pairs of organisms are photosynthetic?

A Amoeba and paramecium

B Euglena and chlamydomonas

C Volvox and Rhizopus

D Nostoc and plasmodium

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The type of nutrition in which two organisms of different
species live together and derive nutrients from each other is

A symbiotic nutrition

B saprophytic nutrition

C holozoic nutrition

D holophytic nutrition

Which of the following statement about the similarities in plant
and animal transport is correct?

A Materials and hormones are transported in fluid form

B The transport medium is made up of only tissues

C Their materials are transported in the same vessels

D Diffusion is not required

Which of the following describes the function of lymph

A Temperature regulation

B Production of antibodies

C Engulfing

D Body defence

One of the major ways in which the blood is able to defend the
body against disease causing organisms is

A Absorption of fatty acids and glycerol

B Clumping

C Single circulation

D Translocation

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Which of the following is not a transmittable character in plants
A Habit of growth

B Resistance to environmental factors

C Life span

D Haemophilia

Inheritable character/features possessed by an organism can
be referred to as

A Genes

B Locus

C Traits

D Allelo morphs

One of the following is a process of transmission of hereditary
characteristics by chromosomes

Genes relating to the same character occupy identical
locations on the chromosomes
Separation of homologous chromosomes into four daughter

C Separation of gametes during fertilization

Dictating the formation of a protein by a gene in a chromosome

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The attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus is called

A Ovulation

B Implantation

C Gametogenesis

D Placentation

Which of the reproductive system in mammals secretes a part
of the seminal fluid which raises the pH of the fluid in the
female reproductive system?

A Cowper's gland
B Prostate gland

C Vas deferens

D Seminal Vesicle


The part labelled a in the above diagram is used for

A Detection of pressure in water

B Maintaining buoyancy in water

C Gaseous exchange

D Movement in water


The above organism can be classified under which phylum in

the animal kingdom

A Nematoda
B Chordata

C Porifera

D Annelida

One important characteristics of green plant is that they

A possess specialized sense organs

B Are usually motile

C Are autotropic

D Respond slowly to stimuli

A virus can sometimes be regarded as a living organism
because it

A causes diseases in plants and animals

B It exists in a variety of shapes

C Is easily visible with the aid of an electron microscope

D Reproduces in living cells

A population is best described as

A A group of the same species of organisms living together

B A group of animals and plants living together

C A group of insects and grasses

D Different species of wild animals

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The number of times an organism occurs within a given area of
a habitat is referred to as

A Population growth rate

B Population frequency
C Population growth rate
D Population density

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Reading the verdict of a case by a magistrate is an example of

A A reflex action
B An instinct

C A conditioned reflex

D A voluntary action

Which of the following structures controls the activities of the
living cell?

A Nucleus

B Centrosome

C Mitochondrion

D Golgi body

Which of the following are components of glomerular filtrate?

A All the components of blood except mineral salts

B Water and salt only
C All the components of blood except plasma protein and
D Blood cells, amino acid, salts and nitrogenous wastes

The sum total of adaptive changes from pre-existing form that
have taken place over a long time resulting in diversity of
forms, structures and functions among organism is referred to

A Specification

B Inorganic Evolution

C Evolution

D Organic Evolution

The specific portion of a habitat which is occupied by a
particular species is referred to as

A Ecological population

B Ecological niche

C Biotic community

D Ecosystem

In plants, respiration occurs in

A The stomata and lenticel only

B Mesophyll cells only

C All living cells

D The root only

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Which of the following is an example of discontinous variatio?

A The range in height of a pea plant from 30cm to 50cm

B Offsprings including two male cats and three female cats

C The colour of pear plants grown in the dark

D The adult body weight ranging from 50kg to 95kg

Which of the following type of soil has the highest water
retaining capacity?

A Loam

B Laterite

C Clay

D Sand
Rabbits cannot survive in an aquatic habitat because they

A fore and hind limbs

B no gills

C no fins

D no scales

Which of the following substances pass through the root cell
membrane by osmosis?

A Ceil sap

B Carbon dioxide

C Oxygen

D Water

Trees in Savanna habitats usually have thick bark which
A Reduces the rate of transpiration

B Protect them from scorching sun

C Protect them from heavy winds

D Resist bush fires

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Competition among individuals of a population increases the

A Number of organisms

B Availability of nutrient supplied

C Survival of the fittest

D Enlargement of the territory

In natural selection, Darwin proposed that evolution occurred
because of the following conditions except

that nature selects those that will survive to reproduce their
B there is a fierce competition among the offspring

C that the weaker offspring are eliminated

D food and other needs are abundant

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Which of the following substances has the highest amount of
energy in joules per unit weight?

A Carbohydrates

B Fats

C Proteins

D Vitamins

Which of the following pairs of scientists discovered the Rhesis
factor in human blood?

A Hooke and Lavine

B Darwin and Landsteiner

C Landsteiner and Lavine

D Hooke and Darwin

The study of an individual organism or a single species of
organism and its environment is

A Autecology

B Ecological concepts

C Synecoloy

D Biotic composers

Which of the following is a nitrifying bacterium?

A Rhizobium

B Nictrobacter

C Azotobacter

D Pseudomonas

Which of the following is the effect of using artificial pollination
in plant breeding?
A Production of healthy crops

B Lengthening the maturity time of crops

C Making crops susceptible to disease

D Improvement of the variety of crops

Only specially adapted micro-organisms are found in

A Salty water

B Humid air

C Moist soil

D Mouth cavities

Plants which can survive in extremely dry places are called

A Mesophytes

B Xerophytes

C Hydrophytes

D Angiosperms
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The presence of ______ for swimming in a tad-pole enables it
to adapt in an aquatic habitat.

A Gills

B Swim bladder

C Tail

D Fins

Possession of thin membrane enables a tapeworm to

A Fasten themselves to the wall of the host's intestine

B Lay numerous eggs

Absorb digested food from the host's intestine to their system

Shield themselves inside the host's intestine with anti-enzymes
in order to avoid being digested
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Which of the following juices contains the enzyme ptyalin?

A Gastric juice

B Succus

C Pancreatic juice

D Saliva

Which of the following essential substance is contained in

A Chlorophyll

B Glucose

C Mineral Salts

D Carbon dioxide

Good quality food will perform the following functions in human
A Supplying energy

B Providing resistance against malaria

C Maintaining health

D Sustaining growth

Which of the following is considered to be the first product of

A Protein

B Starch

C Energised Chlorophyll

D Hydroxyl ions

Which of the blood corpusles are irregular and amoeloid in

A Leucocytes

B Erythrocytes

C Thrombocytes

D Plasma
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Which organ removes the largest quantity of water from the

A Lung

B Skin

C Kidney

D Intestine

The movement of blood between the heart and all other parts
of the body beside the lungs is

A Double circulatory system

B Pulmonary system

C Single circulation

D Systemic circulation

The change in the genetic make up of an organism resulting in
an inheritable characteristics which is new is

A Mutation

B Locus

C Hybrid

D Diploid

The organic molecule(s) present in the nucleus is/are


B Protein, DNA, RNA



Albinism is an expression of trait controlled by

A Chromosomes

B Recessive genes

C Dominant genes

D Mutation
The male sex cells also called gametes are produced in the
testes by a process called

A Gametogenesis

B Implantation

C Spermatogenesis

D Spermatozoa

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Which of the following describes an example of fertilization in
higher organisms

A Fusion of sperm and egg nuclei

B Pollen grain landing on a sticky stigma

C Ejaculation of the egg and pollen grain

D Ejaculation of sperm into the female body

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The part labeled III in the above diagram is

A Root

B Gills

C Hyphae

D Rhizoids


The organism shown can be found in

A Arid land

B Secluded environments

C Aquatic habitation
D Moist environments

The possession of chloroplast in Euglena virids enables it to

A Store starch

B Carry out photosynthesis

C Reproduce

D Respond to light

Viruses are pathogens of the following diseases except

A Tuberculosis

B Measles

C Small pox

D Poliomyelitis

The association between two organisms living together in
which only one benefits from the association while the other is
neither benefited nor harmed is
A Predation

B Competition

C Commensalism

D Dispersal

Which of the following will have the least effect on the rate of
change of the numbers in a population

A Mutation

B Food Supply

C Disease

D Predation

Which of the following controls all voluntary actions

A Olfactory lobes

B Cerebrum

C Hypothalamus

D Pons varolii
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Which of the following statement describes an autonomic
nervous system

A It always stimulates effectors

B Activities are voluntary

C It dials with external stimuli and their responses

D It affects glands, cardia muscles and smooth muscles

The glomerular filtrate contains the following except

A Water

B Urea

C Blood Corpuscles

D Glucose

One of the following is not the theory of natural selection stated
by Charles Dawin
Characteristics acquired through use or disuse are transmitted

B Variations appear by themselves in a population

C Heredity variations are transmitted to offspring

Species that are the fittest for the environment contribute more
offsprings to the next needs of the generation

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Ecology is best defined as the study of

A The characteristics of an environment

The inter-relationship between living organisms and the

C Living organisms in a particular area

D The habitats and wild life

The following processes are involved during expiration in man

A The inter costal muscles relax

B The thoracic activity first increases in volume

C The sternum moves inward

D The ribs are moved downwards and inwards

Which of the following is an example of continous variation?

A Human blood groups

B Sex difference in human

C Haemoglobin types

D Height in humans

One of the following is an effect of clay soil on vegetation

A Supports luxuriant vegetation such as forest

B Supports scanty vegetation

C Does not support light vegetation

D Support arid vegetation

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Which of the following factors is not considered in a terrestrial

A Temperature

B Sunlight

C Humidity

D Turbidity

What type of vertebrate assists in breathing alongside with the

A Sacral

B Caudal

C Thoracic

D Lumber

Which of the following statement is correct about Southern
Guinea Savanna in Nigeria

A It is the largest of all the biotic community in Nigeria

B It has plants species like Iroko, Opepe etc

C It has plants species like Iroko, Opepe etc

D It has no trees

In an ecosystem, the organism which changes light energy into
stored chemical energy is the

A Consumer

B Producer

C Decomposer

D Carnivore

In the theory of use and disuse Lamarck proposed that
evolution occurred because of the following except

A There is natural selection of offspring

B There is great changes in the environment

C Organism develop specialised characters

D The characters are inheritable


1. C

Secreting irritating fluid is a behavioural adaptation that

protects preys from predators.

2. B

Aestivation or æstivation is a state of animal dormancy, similar

to hibernation.

Aestivation is characterized by inactivity and a lowered

metabolic rate, that is entered in response to high
temperatures and arid conditions.[1] It takes place during times
of heat and dryness, the hot dry season, which are often the
summer months.


3. C
Insect traping movement of leaves is a behavioural adaptation
for obtaining food.

4. C

Gregarious behaviour is commonly associated with social

insects that live in communal colonies (see Sociality of
Insects). More

5. D

Spirogyra undergoes holophytic nutrition.

Spirogyra's mode of nutrition is photosynthesis.

This alga contains special cells called stomata that open and
close so the organism can take in carbon dioxide and release
oxygen during the chemical reaction in photosynthesis. It is
through the chlorophyll in the chloroplasts that Spirogyra
Longata absorbs light...


6. B

Chlorophyll, sunlight, and raw materials are the raw materials

needed by plants to manufacture their food.

Plants need chlorophyll to make their own food. They also
need light, and this is most present in the form of sunlight. To
see if a plant has chlorophyll, check to see if it is green, and if
it is, then it is likely to have chlorophyll and chloroplasts in its

Other factors include carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O).

When all of the four factors are present, the plant will be able
to make its own food, using a process called photosynthesis.

The general chemical equation for photosynthesis is:


− C6H12O6+6O2+ATP

As you can see here, glucose C6H12O6 is produced and also

oxygen (O2).


7. B

Euglena and Chlamydomonas are photosynthetic. They both

possess features of plants which enables them to produce
their food.

8. A
Symbiotic nutrition is the relationship between the organisms
in which they share their nutrition and shelter. This
relationship may or may not be beneficial to both the partners.
There are 3 types of symbiotic relationships: mutualism,
commensalism and parasitism. In mutualism where both
species get benefits.


9. A

Both animals and plants have more than one type of tissue
which is specialised to make transport an efficient process.
The vessels and tracheids in xylem are made up of dead,
lignified cells. Phloem tubes are living, as are all the
mammalian transport cells and tissues.

Plant Transport System

Plant takes in water & dissolved nutrients from soil via roots.
These substances are carried into specialized tissues in
plant stem that act as route for water & nutrients to be
carried to various parts of plant.
Xylem is specialized plant tissue. It is responsible for
carrying water & dissolved minerals taken in from roots.
Individual cylindrical vessels connected together make up
Structure responsible for translocation is phloem. It is made
up of cells that control passage of food in form of sugars
from leaves into different parts of plant. Phloem is
positioned just outside xylem.

Animals' Circulatory System

Oxygen is needed by animal body for various cellular

processes & activities. Animal's circulatory system is main
transport system in body.
Animal's circulatory system consists of heart, blood vessels
-- arteries, veins & capillaries -- & blood.
Heart is pump that pushes blood to move along arteries &
veins. Blood from heart & lungs passes thru arteries &
carries with it oxygen & nutrients to be distributed into many
organs & cells via capillaries.
Blood goes into veins & takes waste products, like carbon
dioxide & other chemical wastes, to be eliminated via
organs responsible for proper waste excretion.

Via quora
10. D

Lymph help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted

11. B

Agglutination or clumping is one of the ways in which the blood

is able to defend against disease.

12. D

Haemophilia is a mostly inherited genetic disorder that impairs

the body's ability to make blood clots, a process needed to
stop bleeding. This results in people bleeding for a longer time
after an injury, easy bruising, and an increased risk of bleeding
inside joints or the brain.


Transmittable Characters In Plants: Size or weight of Fruit.

Size of Leaf. Taste of Fruit. Food content of Fruit.

13. C

Trait is an inheritable character possessed by an organism.

14. D
The characteristics or traits of parents are transmitted to
their progeny (offsprings) through genes present on
their chromosomes during the process of sexual


15. B

Implantation is a process in which a developing embryo,

moving as a blastocyst through a uterus, makes contact with
the uterine wall and remains attached to it until birth. The
lining of the uterus (endometrium) prepares for the developing
blastocyst to attach to it via many internal changes


16. A

The Cowper's gland (also called Bulbourethral gland) is a

reproductive system in male which secretes a part of the
seminal fluid which raises the pH of the fluid in the female
reproductive system.

17. C
The operculum is a series of bones found in bony fish that
serves as a facial support structure and a protective covering
for the gills; it is also used for respiration and feeding.


18. B

The tilapia fish belongs to the class Chordata phylum in the

animal kingdom.

19. C

One of the important characteristics of green plants their ability

to manufacture their food through autotrophic modes of


those organisms that can make food themselves from simple

substances like carbon dioxide and water are called
autotrophs. Their mode of nutrition is referred to as

Characteristics of Plants

Cell Walls
20. D

Because a virus can reproduce in living cells. Viruses can also

be inanimate when not in living cells.

21. A

A population is the total number of organisms of the same

species living together in a given area at a particular time.

22. B

Population frequency refers to the number of times an

organism occurs within a given area of a habitat

23. D

Voluntary action is an action that is thought of and

consciously performed by the person

24. A

The nucleus of living cells contains the genetic material that

determines the entire structure and function of that cell. Inside
the nucleus lies the blueprint that dictates everything
a cell will do and all of the products it will make. This
information is stored within DNA.

25. C

Glomerular filtrate contains H2O, glucose, salts and urea and it

is identical to blood plasma that lacks most proteins.

26. D

Organic evolution The process by which changes in the

genetic composition of populations of organisms occur in
response to environmental changes. See
adaptation; evolution. Compare biochemical evolution

27. B

An ecological niche is the role and position a species has in

its environment; how it meets its needs for food and shelter,
how it survives, and how it reproduces. A
species' niche includes all of its interactions with the biotic and
abiotic factors of its environment


28. C

In the natural environment, plants produce their own food to

survive. As with photosynthesis, plants get oxygen from the air
through the stomata. Respiration takes place in the
mitochondria of the cell in the presence of oxygen,
which is called "aerobic respiration


29. B

Discontinuous variation is the differences of variations in

behaviour in organisms by which the organisms can be
grouped into two or more classes within a population without
any intermediates among them; examples: behaviour, ability to
roll tongue.

30. C

Clay soil has the highest water retaining capacity.

31. B

The reason is that rabbits do not have the adaptive features of

an aquatic habitat like gills therefore, it cannot survive in an
aquatic habitat.

32. D

Water passes through the root cell membrane of a plant in so

that osmosis to take place.

33. A
The reason why the rate of transpiration is reduced in
savannah forest is because of thick barks of the trees in
savannah forest.

34. C

35. D

The theory of evolution by natural selection, first formulated

in Darwin's book "On the Origin of Species" in 1859, is the
process by which organisms change over time as a result of
changes in heritable physical or behavioural traits.

36. B

Fats provide more energy to animals than carbohydrates do.

Fats, therefore, contains highest amount of energy in joules
per unit weight.

37. C

Landsteiner and Lavine are scientists that discovered the

Rhesus factor in human blood.

38. A

Autecology, also called Species Ecology, the study of the

interactions of an individual organism or a single species with
the living and nonliving factors of its environment.
39. B

Nitrobacter is a chemoautotrophic organism found in soil and

water responsible for the oxidation of ammonium to nitrite and
nitrite to nitrate.

Nitrifying bacteria are chemolithotrophic organisms that include

species of the genera Nitrosomonas, Nitrosococcus,
Nitrobacter and Nitrococcus. These bacteria get their energy
by the oxidation of inorganic nitrogen compounds. Types
include ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and nitrite-oxidizing


40. D

Artificial pollination in plant breeding improves the variety of


41. A

Halophiles, named after the Greek word for "salt-loving", are

extremophiles that thrive in high salt concentrations. While
most halophiles are classified into the domain Archaea, there
are also bacterial halophiles and some eukaryotic species,
such as the alga Dunaliella salina and fungus Wallemia

42. B

A xerophyte is a species of plant that has adaptations to

survive in an environment with little liquid water, such as a
desert or an ice- or snow-covered region in the Alps or the
Arctic. Popular examples of xerophytes are cacti, pineapple
and some Gymnosperm plants. Wikipedia

43. C

Tadpole's ability to swim and adapt to an aquatic habitat is

because it has a tail

44. C

The tapeworm possesses a thin membrane because of the

absorption of digested food from the intestine of the host.

45. D

Saliva contains the enzyme amylase, also called ptyalin,

which is capable of breaking down starch into simpler sugars
such as maltose and dextrin that can be further broken down in
the small intestine.

46. C

Vegetable contains mineral salts like magnesium, copper and

other substances which are very essential for body growth.

47. B

Good quality food cannot provide resistance to malaria

because being of good quality food does not mean it contains
anti-malaria substances.

48. B

The first product of photosynthesis is sugar and it is

converted into starch in all plants. The initial process
of photosynthesis is the decomposition of water into oxygen,
which is released and hydrogen. Direct light is required for this

49. A

Leucocytes, also called white blood cells, are irregular and

amoeboid in shape.

50. C
The kidney performs quite a number of function, including
helping to remove large quantity of water from the blood in
order to maintain normal balance in the body system

51. D

The systemic circulation provides the

functional blood supply to all body tissue. It carries oxygen
and nutrients to the cells and picks up carbon dioxide and
waste products. Systemic circulation carries
oxygenated blood from the left ventricle, through the arteries,
to the capillaries in the tissues of the body.


52. A

A gene mutation is a permanent alteration in the DNA

sequence that makes up a gene, such that the sequence
differs from what is found in most people. Mutations range in
size; they can affect anywhere from a single DNA building
block (base pair) to a large segment of a chromosome that
includes multiple genes


53. A

DNA is found in the nucleus of cells.

The DNA is responsible for the storage of organisms'
hereditary traits and helps in directing the day to day metabolic
activities of each cell in the organic.

54. B

Albinism is a congenital disorder characterized in humans by

the complete or partial absence of pigment in the skin, hair and
eyes. Albinism is associated with a number of vision defects,
such as photophobia, nystagmus, and amblyopia. Lack of skin
pigmentation makes for more susceptibility to sunburn and skin


55. C

Spermatogenesis is the process by which haploid

spermatozoa develop from germ cells in the seminiferous
tubules of the testis. This process starts with the mitotic
division of the stem cells located close to the basement
membrane of the tubules. These cells are called
spermatogonial stem cells. Wikipedia

56. D

Ejaculation of sperm from a male into the vagina of a female is

an example of fertilization in mammals.
57. C

Hyphae in a mushroom is a vegetative body parts made up of

time and delicate thread containing nuclei

58. D

It is found in moist environment because of its adaptive


59. B

Euglena vivids has chloroplast - plants feature, in order for it

to carry out photosynthesis

60. A

Tuberculosis is caused by bacteria, not virus.

61. C

Commensalism is a long-term biological interaction in which

members of one species gain benefits while those of the other
species neither benefit nor are harmed. Wikipedia

62. A
Mutation involves the changes in the gene resulting in an
inheritable character. This does not have an effect on the rate
of change of population.

63. B

With the assistance of the cerebellum, the cerebrum controls

all voluntary actions in the human body

64. D

The autonomic nervous system is the part of the nervous

system that supplies the internal organs, including the blood
vessels, stomach, intestine, liver, kidneys, bladder, genitals,
lungs, pupils, heart, and sweat, salivary, and digestive glands.


65. C

The main function of the glomerulus is to filter plasma to

produce glomerular filtrate, which passes down the length of
the nephron tubule to form urine.

66. A
Natural selection is the differential survival and reproduction of
individuals due to differences in phenotype. It is a key
mechanism of evolution, the change in the heritable traits
characteristic of a population over generations. Charles Darwin
popularised the term "natural selection", contrasting it with
artificial selection, which in his view is intentional, whereas
natural selection is not.


67. B

Ecology is a branch of biology concerning interactions among

organisms and their biophysical environment, which includes
both biotic and abiotic components. Wikipedia

68. B

For the respiration process in humans, during expiration, the

thoracic cavity does not increase in volume

69. D

Continuous variations are the variations that change gradually

within a population. A good example is height in humans.

70. A
Clay soil hold more water than sandy soils and are often high
in nutrients plants need. But clay soils can become so
waterlogged that they deprive plant roots of oxygen, or so dry
that they become too hard to dig in.

71. D

Terrestrial habitats are ones that are found on land, like

forests, grasslands, deserts, shorelines, and
wetlands. Terrestrial habitats also include man
made habitats, like farms, towns, and cities, and habitats that
are under the earth, like caves and mines

Turbidity is not a factor in terrestrial (aquatic) habitat. Turbidity

also means cloudy which is an aquatic factor.


72. C

The thoracic cavity has several functions, including providing

protection and support to the body's vital organs. The thoracic
cavity is surrounded by the rib cage and several layers of
membranes, which help keep the organs protected from any
dangers in the environment...


73. A
Southern Guinea Savanna is the largest of all biotic community
in Nigeria. It is found in Oyo, Osun, Ekiti, etc.

74. B

In a given ecosystem the organism which changes light energy

into stored chemical energy is the producer.

75. A

Lamarckism, or Lamarckian inheritance, also known as "Neo-

Lamarckism" is the notion that an organism can pass on to its
offspring physical characteristics that the parent organism
acquired through use or disuse during its lifetime.


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2018 JAMB Biology Past

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A group of closely related organisms capable of interbreeding
to produce the fertile offspring are known as members of a

A Kingdom
B class
C family
D species

A beaker of pond water containing few specimens of Euglena
was placed in a dark room for two weeks. At the end of this
period, the specimens of Euglena were still alive because they

A able to carry out holozoic nutrition

B able to carry out photosynthesis using carbon dioxide in the
pond water
C better adapted to life in darkness than to life in light
D not overcrowded

The cytoplasm of a cell is considered a very important
component because it
A regulates the amount of energy in the cell
B suspends all cell organelles
C is the outermost part of the cell
D is solely responsible for cell division

Use the diagram shown to answer the question. After an hour,

the level of water in the thistle funnel will

A rise
B fall
C remain the same
D double

Use the diagram shown to answer the question. The

experiment above is used to demonstrate the process of
A transportation
B water culture
C diffusion
D osmosis

Use the diagram shown to answer the question. In plant cells,

the role of the membrane is played by the

A nucleolus
B cell wall
C cytoplasm
D mitochondrion

Red blood cells were found to have burst open after being
placed in distill for an hour. This phenomenon is known as

A plasmolysis
B diffusion
C haemolysis
D wilting

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The curvature movement of plants in response to the stimulus
of water is called

A hydrotropism
B geotropism
C Phototropism
D thigmotropism

The overall reaction in glycolysis can be summarised as

A C6H12O6 -----> C3H4O3 + 4H + ATP

B C6H12O6 -----> 2C3H4O3 + 4H + 2ATP
C C6H12O6 -----> 2C3H4O3 + 4H + ADP
D C6H12O6 -----> 2C3H4O3 + 4H + 2ADP

The longest bone in the body is the
A humerous
B femur
C scapula
D tibia

Which of the following structures is not a skeletal material?

A Chitin
B Cartilage
C Bone
D Muscle

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The reason why the flow of blood through the capillaries is very
slow is

A because the walls of Capillaries are very thin

B to avoid high blood pressure
C to ensure that the individual does not get dizzy
D to allow adequate time for exchange of materials
Which of the following groups of organisms has kidney as the
excretory organ?

A Fishes, amphibians, birds, man

B Fishes, amphibians, annelids, insects
C Fishes, reptiles, birds, tapeworm
D Fishes, protozoans, amphibians, man

Which of the following features is not a characteristic of
arteries? Arteries

A possess valves at internals throughout their length

B have thick muscular and elastic walls
C carry blood away from the heart
D transport oxygenated blood with the exception of the
pulmonary artery

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The graph below shows the results of a laboratory
investigation which measured the body temperatures of a
lizard and a bird under changing artificial conditions. Use it to
answer the question.

Which of the statements below is valid?

A The bird's blood was always warmer than that of the lizard
B The body temperature of the bird varied less than that of
the lizard during changes in environmental temperature
C The body temperature of the bird remained constant
despite changes in environmental temperature
D The body temperature of the lizard was always close to that
of the environmental temperature

The graph below shows the results of a laboratory
investigation which measured the body temperatures of a
lizard and a bird under changing artificial conditions. Use it to
answer the question.

What physiological term can used to describe the regulation of

the body temperature of the of the Lizard?

A Homeostasis
B Homoithermy
C Poikilothermy
D Osmoregulation

The reason why hospitals use saline solutions as drip Instead
of water is

A because salt is a preservative

B to prevent contamination of the body
C to maintain the composition of body fluids
D to increase the number of blood cells

The part of the ear which contains nerve cells sensitive to
sound vibrations is the

A cochlea
B ampulla
C tympanum
D malleus

Spectacles with convex lenses correct long-sightedness by

A converging the light rays before they enter the eye

B diverging the light rays before they enter the eye
C reducing the light intensity before it enters the eye
D increasing the light intensity before it enters the eye

A seed of a flowering plant can best be described as

A radicle and plumule

B the developed ovule
C the embryo and endosperm
D developed ovary

Which of the following processes removes carbon from the

A putrefaction
B photosynthesis
C volcanic eruption
D burning of fuels

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Which of the following cycles involves the process of
precipitation and transpiration?

A water cycles
B carbon cycle
C nitrogen cycle
D oxygen cycle

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What is the critical limiting factor for plants below the photic
zone in an aquatic ecosystem?

A availability of nutrients
B availability of water
C intensity of light
D carbon dioxide concentration

Which of the following instruments is used to estimate the
number of plants in a habitat?

A pooter
B pitfall trap
C quadrant
D sweep net

Which of the following statements is true about sandy soil?

A has limited air space

B is light and easy to dig
C drains slowly
D is heavy and poorly aerated

Which of the following organisms is a primary consumer?

A dog
B sheep
C grass
D fungus

Study the diagram of a food chain shown and use; it to answer
the question.

P ---> Q ---> R ---> S ---> T

The organism designated P in the food chain above is normally

sustained by energy from

A sunlight
B carbohydrates
C green plants
D mineral salts

Study the diagram of a food chain shown and use; it to answer
the question.

P ---> Q ---> R ---> S ---> T

Which of the following statements best describes the organism

designated R? It

A feeds on S
B is a primary consumer
C is a producer as well as a consumer
D is a secondary consumer

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Which of the following diseases is not hereditary?

A Albinism
B Scabies
C Haemophilla
D Colour blindness

The immediate product of meiosis in flowering plants is the

A sporophyte
B gametophyte
C zygote
D pollen grains

DNA in eukaryotic cells is contained in the

A central vacuole
B nucleus
C lysosome
D golgi body

A man who is heterozygous for the disease haemophilia
marries a woman who is double recessive for haemophilia.
What percentage of their offspring would have the disease?

A 0%
B 25%
C 50%
D 75%

Cytokinesis of mitosis is a process that ensures that

A each daughter cell gets the necessary organelles

B there is distribution of a complete set of genes into each
daughter cell
C daughter cell inherit new genetic combinations
D worn out organelles are excluded from daughter cells

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An animal which is active during the day is known as a

A nocturnal animal
B diurnal animal
C terrestrial animal
D homortacmic animal

Evidence of evolution include the following except

A fossil records
B comparative anatomy
C mutation of genes
D geographical distribution of organisms

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Use the diagram to answer the question. The diagram shows
that the organisms are

A hermaphrodite
B viviparous
C oviparous
D ovoviparous


Use the diagram to answer the question. The breeding posture

illustrated in the diagram is knows as

A mating
B amplexus
C courtship display
D reproductive swimming

An accurate identification of a rapist can be carried out by

A RNA analysis
B DNA analysis
C blood group test
D behavioural tests

A boy who is fond of swimming in a pond finds himself passing
urine with traces of blood. He is like to have contracted?

A schistosomiasis
B onchocerciasis
C poliomyelitis
D salmonellosis

The flippers of a whale and the fins of a fish are examples of

A divergent evolution
B co-evolution
C continuous variation
D convergent evolution

What it the function of contractile vacuole in paramecium

A Produces Enzymes
B Gets rid of excreta
C Stores and digest food
D Gets rid of excess water

The yellowish colored liquid component of blood that normally
holds the blood cells in suspension is

A serum
B plasma
C water
D thrombocyte

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The function of pith in plant is

A Absorb mineral salt and nutrient from the soil

B Pith, or medulla, is a tissue in the stems of vascular plants.
Pith is composed of soft, spongy parenchyma cells, which
store and transport nutrients throughout the plant.
C trap chlorophyll from the sunlight
D Removal of waste product from the plant
A pollutant that is mostly associated with acid rain is

A Nitrogen (IV) oxide

B Ozone
C Flourine
D Carbony (IV) oxide

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What it the function of contractile vacuole in paramecium

A Produces Enzymes
B Gets rid of excreta
C Stores and digest food
D Gets rid of excess water

An organism which exhibit extracellular digestion is

A Spirogyra
B Paramecium
C Amoeba
D Rhizopus

How many days does is used for incubation of an egg to
release chick

A 21
B 22
C 20
D 23

The four classes of cnidarian include the following except

A Turbellaria
B Anthozoa
C Scyphozoa
D cubozoa

What would happen if solution Y is more concentrated than
solution X in fig 2

A The level of X would rise, Y would falls

B A. The level of X would rise, Y would rise
C The level of X and Y stands the same
D The level of Y would rise, X would fall.

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Physiological adaptation to very dry conditions in animal

A Xeromorphism
B Hibernation
C Aestivation
D Rejuvenation

The hormones secreted by pancreas serves to

A Facilitate the development of facial hairs

B Raise the level of calcium in the blood
C Lower blood glucose level
D Make the body react to emergencies

Blood circulation in a mammal is said to be double because

A It passes twice through the heart in a complete circuit

B It moves in both arteries and veins
C It circulates in both the hands and other organs
D The heart contains auricles and ventricles

Examples of animals with mammary glands include the
following except

A Cow
B Goat
C Pig
D Hen

The hygrometer is used for measuring

A Relative Humidity
B Specific Gravity
C Rainfall
D Salinity

Mineral salts can be absorbed into roots by

A Osmosis only
B Osmosis and diffusion
C Diffusion and active transport
D Imbition only

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Which is an Animal without red blood cells

A Frog
B Earthworm
C Snake
D Peacock
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The temporary union of two organisms and the exchange of
micronuclear elements is called

A Conjugation
B Binary fusion
C Extrapolation
D Interexchange

A plant tissue that carries water and mineral salt is

A Xylem
B Cortex
C Phloem
D Cambium

Which of the following relationship involves only one organism

A Saprophytism
B Commensalism
C Parasitism
D Symbiosis


1. D

An example of a species is all human beings. 2. A


Holozoic nutrition is a type of heterotrophic nutrition that is

characterized by the ingestion and internal processing of
gaseous, liquid or solid food particles. 3. B

Most of the important activities of the cell occur in the

cytoplasm. Cytoplasm contains molecules such as enzymes
which are responsible for breaking down waste and also aid in
metabolic activity. Cytoplasm is responsible for giving a cell its
shape. It helps to fill out the cell and keeps organelles in their
place. 4. A

5. D

Osmosis a process by which molecules of a solvent tend to

pass through a semipermeable membrane from a less
concentrated solution into a more concentrated one. 6. B

7. C

Haemolysis is the rupture or destruction of red blood cells. 8. A

9. B

10. B

Femur is your thighbone. It is the longest and strongest bone

in your body. Femur is so strong and usually takes a lot of
force to break it. 11. D

12. D

13. A

14. A

Artery: any of the muscular-walled tubes forming part of the

circulation system by which blood (mainly that which has been
oxygenated) is conveyed from the heart to all parts of the body.
15. C

16. C

Poikilothermy is the quality of having a body temperature that

varies or fluctuates, depending on the temperature of the
environment. 17. C
18. A

19. A

20. B

21. B

Photosynthesis removes CO2 from the atmosphere and

replaces it with O2. Respiration takes O2 from the atmosphere
and replaces it with CO2 22. A

Water cycle involves the continuous circulation of water in the

Earth-atmosphere system. The most important of this cycle are
evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation, and
runoff. 23. C

24. C

25. B

26. B

Consumers are organisms that generally obtain food by

feeding on another organism or organic matter. In a food chain,
primary consumers are generally herbivores. 27. A

28. D

29. B
Diseases that are NOT hereditary are ones significant genetic
causation can be ruled out with a high degree of confidence.
30. D

31. B

32. C

33. B

34. B

35. C

36. C

oviparous: an animal producing young by means of eggs which

are hatched after they have been laid by the parent, as in
birds. 37. A

38. B

39. A

Schistosomiasis is a disease caused by parasitic flatworms

called schistosomes. The urinary tract or the intestines may be
infected. Symptoms include bloody stool, or blood in the urine.
40. D

41. B
Osmoregulation. Paramecium and amoeba live in fresh water.
Their cytoplasm contains a greater concentration of solutes
than their surroundings and so they absorb water by osmosis.
The excess water is collected into a contractile vacuole which
swells and finally expels water through an opening in the cell
membrane. : Excretion in Paramecium is carried out by the
Contractile vacuoles 42. B

Blood plasma is a yellowish liquid component of blood that

normally holds the blood cells in whole blood in suspension. In
other words, it is the liquid part of the blood that carries cells
and proteins throughout the body. It makes up about 55% of
the body's total blood volume. ~ Wikipedia 43. C

44. A

Acid rain is caused by a chemical reaction that begins when

compounds like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are
released into the air. 45. B

Osmoregulation. Paramecium and amoeba live in fresh water.

Their cytoplasm contains a greater concentration of solutes
than their surroundings and so they absorb water by osmosis.
The excess water is collected into a contractile vacuole which
swells and finally expels water through an opening in the cell
membrane. < a href="http://www.biology-
resources.com/paramecium-01.html" target="_blank">biology-
resources.com 46. D

Extracellular digestion is a process in which saprobionts feed

by secreting enzymes through the cell membrane onto the
food. The enzymes catalyze the digestion of the food into
molecules small enough to be taken up by passive diffusion,
transport, or phagocytosis. Rhizopus use extracellular

47. A

On the 21st day of incubation the chick finishes its escape

from the shell. The initial break in the shell is made by the egg
tooth. This is referred to as external pipping

48. A

There are four major groups of cnidarians:

Anthozoa, which includes true corals, anemones, and sea
Cubozoa, the amazing box jellies with complex eyes and
potent toxins;
Hydrozoa, the most diverse group with siphonophores,
hydroids, fire corals, and many medusae; and
Scyphozoa, the true jellyfish. ucmp.berkeley.edu 49. A
Osmosis is the spontaneous net movement of solvent
molecules through a selectively permeable membrane into a
region of higher solute concentration, in the direction that tends
to equalize the solute concentrations on the two sides

The implication of this is that the level of Y (region of higher

concentration) would rise, X (region of lower concentration)
would fall to equalize the solute concentrations on the two
sides. 50. B

Xeromorphic describe the structural modifications of certain

plants (xerophytes) that enable them to reduce water loss,
particularly from their leaves and stems.

Hibernation is a state of inactivity and metabolic depression in

endotherms. Hibernation refers to a season of heterothermy
characterized by low body temperature, slow breathing and
heart rate, and low metabolic rate

51. C

The hormones function to lower glucose levels in the

bloodstream and promote the storage of glucose in fat,
muscle, liver and other body tissues. 52. A

Blood circulation in human beings is known as double

circulation just because the blood is pumped twice ( from two
different sections involving Deoxygenated and oxygenated
blood) simultaneously through heart, one carries out the
pulmonary circulation and other the heart- to- body- circulation.
53. D

Unlike the other animals listed, a hen does not have mammary

54. A

A hygrometer is weather instrument used to measure the

amount of humidity in the atmosphere. There are two main
types of hygrometers -- a dry and wet bulb psychrometer and a
mechanical hygrometer.

Humidity is the measure of the amount of moisture in the air. A

psychrometer is an example of a hygrometer.

55. C

The absorption is by the process called, Osmosis.... Root hairs

are made up of epidermal cells, which are present on the
surface of the root, they also increase the surface area for
absorption. They absorb minerals by active transport and
water by osmosis. These substances then move to the xylem.
56. B
Earthworm doesn't have red blood because they do gaseous
exchange with the help of skin.

The blood is red due to the presence of hemoglobin in the red

blood cell which helps in carrying oxygen

57. A

Conjugation consists of the temporary union of two organisms

and the exchange of micronuclear elements

58. A

Xylem transports water and mineral salts from the roots up to

other parts of the plant, while phloem transports sucrose and
amino acids between the leaves and other parts of the plant.

The xylem, vessels and tracheid’s of the roots, stems and

leaves are interconnected to form a continuous system of
water conducting channels reaching all parts of the plants.

59. A

saprophytism is the ability of certain plants to live in dead or

decaying organic matter.

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What is the primary function of cofactors?

A To aid in enzyme function

B To synthesize enzymes
C To inhibit enzymes
D To break down old enzymes

Use the diagram below to answer the question that follow:

The diagram represents a

A hygrometer
B Wind vane
C Anemometer
D rain gauge

Coloration of the eye is ______ variation

A physiological
B morphological
C adaptive
D recessive

Which of the following choices correctly describes the
composition of the cell membrane?

A contains only lipids

B contains lipids and protein
C contains lipids and cytosol
D contains only proteins

The feeding relationship among a set of members of a
community is referred to as _______?

A a food web
B pyramid of energy
C a food chain
D pyramid of member

Nitrogen is released into the atmosphere when ________

A plants absorbs mineral salt

B sugar is completely broken down
C through plant uptake
D when lightning strike

Size, colour and fingerprints are examples of ______

A physiological variation
B discontinuous variation
C morphological variation
D adaptive variation

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The level of organism in spirogyra and volvox is
A organ
B system
C cell
D Tissue

Which of the following scenarios is an example of cohesion?

A Water molecules stick to the surface of a mirror.

B Water sticks to the walls of blood vessels.
C Water molecules stay on the tip of a pine needle because
the water is attracted to the surface of the needle.
D Water molecules stick to one another and form a bead

The common thing in plant and animal cell is

A chloroplast
B cell wall
C nucleus
D centrioles

The modification in structure, physiology and behaviour of
plant and animal is called ______

A adaption
B evolution
C variation
D succession

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Use the diagram to answer the question that follows

The instrument is used to measure

A atmospheric pressure
B relative humidity
C direction of wind
D spread of wind

A bacteria that is spherically shaped is called?
A diplobacillus
B coccus
C bacillus
D vibrio

The flame cells are used for excretion in

A Fluke
B Nematode
C Bacteria
D Volvox

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Food chain refers to the feeding relationships between animals
in a ______?

A Family
B phylum
C community
D group
The host of Taenia Solium is _________

A cow
B pig
C sheep
D dog


Use the diagram to answer the question that follows.

The dentition is found in

A rat
B dog
C sheep
D man

When an ovary is placed on the receptacle above the other
floral parts it is referred to as

A half inferior ovary

B superior ovary
C inferior ovary
D half superior ovary

The type of nutrition exhibited when organism lives on the
body surface or inside the body of another type of organism is

A Holozoic
B parasitic
C saprohytic
D carnivores

An example of organism which exists as a colony is

A Volvox
B paramecium
C euglena
D chlamydomonas

The following are example of morphological variation except

A size
B ability to taste PTC
C color
D fingerprint

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Ability to taste PTC in some individuals is a character that is

A acquired
B heritable
C sex-linked
D morphological

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Agglutination is the _______ of the ________

A coagulation, white bloodcell

B coagulation, water
C white blood cells, red blood cell
D coagulation, red blood cell
What organelle is the site of photosynthesis in plants?

A Chloroplasts
B Ribosomes
C Cytoplasm
D Mitochondria

Which of the following is a characteristics of a bacteria except

A they can be seen under microscope

B they range from 0.5 µ m in diameter
C They are grouped accordingly to their cell shape
D they so not cause disease

The level of organization of Amoeba and Euglena cell is

A organ
B system
C cell
D tissue
The appendicular skeleton comprises of

A pectoral and pelvic girdles

B forelimbs, skull and pectoral girdle
C lungs and ribs
D skull and the vertebral column

The protista that is a producer is an aquatic food chain is

A trypanosome
B paramecium
C chamydomonas
D amoeba

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Which scenario would cause a covalent bond to form?

A Two atoms share electrons so they can fill their outer shells
B The constant motion of electrons and the creation of charge
imbalances bonds two molecules together
C A hydrogen atom with a slight positive charge is attracted
to a negative charge of another molecule or atom
D One atom loses one or more electrons and the other atom
gains one or more electrons

The difference in structure, morphological and behavior of
plant and animal is called

A adaptation
B evolution
C variation
D succession


Use the diagram to answer the question that follows

The structure is adapted for

A omnivores
B herbivores
C canivores
D omnivores and canivore

The product after the union of the male and female gamete in
animals is called

A sperm
B egg
C embryo
D zygote

The possession of scales, laying of eggs with shells and bony
structure of the head are characteristics shared by

A birds and reptiles

B fishes and birds
C reptiles and fishes
D birds and molluscs

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The lungs of the lung fish is an adaptation for respiration

A to complement gills while in water

B to complement gills while on land
C while on land
D while in water

Which of the following is an example of active transport?

A Oxygen exchanging between red blood cells and liver cells

B Carbon dioxide exchanging between muscle cells and red
blood cells
C Water moving out of the small intestine
D Sodium being reabsorbed in the kidney

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The key event in the transition of the amphibians from water to
land is the ________

A replacement of the gills with lungs

B possession of webbed limbs
C limbs
D possession of tympanic membrane

Erythrocytes are known as ________

A white blood cell

B red blood cells
C phagocytes
D leucocytes

Gregor Mendel is regarded as the father of ______

A variation
B genetics
C mycology
D natural selection

The most efficient respiratory structure used by free living
protozoan is ________

A body surface
B gills
C buccal cavity
D spiracle

Carbon (iv) oxide is added to the atmosphere when

A plants build-up organic compounds

B plants absorb mineral salts
C sugars are completely broken down in animals
D there is thunderstorm

The host of liver flake are ______?

A pig and snail

B pig and sheep
C sheep and snail
D pig

Use the diagram to answer the question that follows

The part labelled 1 is the ________

A carpel
B sepal
C petal
D stamen

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Which of the following factors can reduce the population of a

A Immigration
B edaphic
C predation
D mutualism

In mosses the structure which performs the function of water
absorption is the _________?

A root hairs
B rhizoids
C capsule
D hyphae

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How does an enzyme affect the rate of a reaction?

A It lowers the activation energy of the reaction, increasing

the reaction rate.
B It raises the activation energy of the reaction, decreasing
the reaction rate.
C It lowers the activation energy of the reaction, decreasing
the reaction rate.
D It raises the activation energy of the reaction, increasing
the reaction rate.

Insects that goes through adult stage without becoming pupa
are except ________

A crickets
B cockroach
C grasshopper
D bees

The matured sex cell which takes part in sexual reproduction is
referred to as

A gamete
B fetus
C embryo
D zygote

The biome that is characterized with large herbivores, few and
scattered fire resistant trees is

A savanna
B tropical rain forest
C montane forest
D desert

Red blood cells are also known as _________?

A erythrocytes
B thrombocytes
C phagocytes
D leucocytes

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The joint between the femur and tibia is known as ________?

A hinge joint
B ball-and-socket joint
C pivot joint
D gliding joint


1. A

Most enzymes do not function optimally, or even at all, unless

bound to other non-protein helper molecules called cofactors.
2. B
Wind vane is used to measure the direction of the wind. 3. B

Eye coloration is a caused by morphological variation 4. B


It consists of a lipid bi-layer with embedded proteins. The basic

function of the cell membrane is to protect the cell from its

The cell membrane controls the movement of substances in

and out of cells and organelles. In this way, it is selectively
permeable to ions and organic molecules 5. D

Feeding relationships between organisms in a community are

represented by food chains, which show the sequence in
which organisms feed on each other. The chain generally
begins with an autotroph such as a green plant (e.g. stinging
nettle ---> small tortoiseshell butterfly caterpillar --> house
sparrow --> sparrowhawk), or with dead organic matter
(detritus) (e.g. leaf litter --> earthworm --> young blackbird -->
fox). The arrows indicate the passage of food, and therefore
energy flow, from one organism to another.

Pyramids of energy are the most accurate representation of

feeding relationships in a community, providing information
about the amount of energy flowing through each trophic level
over a set period of time.
Food web involve many complex feeding relationship and most
most ecosystems are more complex than food chain 6. D

Nitrogen is essential to all living systems, which makes the

nitrogen cycle one of Earth's most important nutrient cycles.

Atmospheric nitrogen becomes part of living organisms in two

ways. The first is through bacteria in the soil that form nitrates
out of nitrogen in the air. The second is through lightning.
During electrical storms, large amounts of nitrogen are
oxidized and united with water to produce an acid that falls to
Earth in rainfall and deposits nitrates in the soil. 7. C

Morphological variation includes aspects of the outward

appearance i.e shape, structure, color, pattern, size which is in
contrast to physiology variation which deals primarily with

Morphological variation arises from a number of factors which

can be bluntly classified as either genetic or environmental
implanted into the process of evolution.

Discontinuous variation is variation that has distinct groups for

organisms to belong to i.e tongue rolling, finger prints, eye
color, blood groups 8. C
spirogyra and volvox are cells 9. D

Cohesion is an ability of water molecule to stick to one another

due to the presence of hydrogen bonding 10. C

Nucleus is a specialized structure occurring in most cells

(except bacteria and blue-green algae) and separated from the
rest of the cell by a double layer, the nuclear membrane. This
membrane seems to be continuous with the endoplasmic
reticulum (a membranous network) of the cell and has pores,
which probably permit the entrance of large molecules. The
nucleus controls and regulates the activities of the cell (e.g.,
growth and metabolism) and carries the genes, structures that
contain the hereditary information. 11. A

Adaptation is process by which an animal or plant species

becomes fitted to its environment; it is the result of natural
selection’s acting upon heritable variation. Even the simpler
organisms must be adapted in a great variety of ways: in their
structure, physiology, and genetics, in their locomotion or
dispersal, in their means of defense and attack, in their
reproduction and development, and in other respects.

Evolution explains how living things change over a long time,

and how they have come to be the way they are
Variation is any difference between cells, individual organisms,
or groups of organisms of any species caused either by
genetic differences (genotypic variation) or by the effect of
environmental factors on the expression of the genetic
potentials (phenotypic variation). Variation may be shown in
physical appearance, metabolism, fertility, mode of
reproduction, behaviour, learning and mental ability.

Succession is the process by which the structure of a

biological community evolves over time. Two different types of
succession—primary and secondary—have been
distinguished. Primary succession occurs in essentially lifeless
areas—regions in which the soil is incapable of sustaining life
as a result of such factors as lava flows, newly formed sand
dunes, or rocks left from a retreating glacier.

Secondary succession occurs in areas where a community

that previously existed has been removed; it is typified by
smaller-scale disturbances that do not eliminate all life and
nutrients from the environment. 12. C

Wind vane is an instrument for showing the direction of the

wind. 13. B

A coccus (plural cocci) is any bacterium that has a spherical,

ovoid, or generally round shape. A bacillus is any bacterium
that has a rod shape.
Vibrio is bacteria possessing a curved-rod shape

Diplobacillus is a rod-shaped bacterium occurring in pairs

linked end to end. 14. A

A flame cell is a specialized excretory cell found in the simplest

freshwater invertebrates, including flatworms (fluke, planaria)

Flame cells function like a kidney, removing waste materials.

Excretion of ammonia waste through the body wall, and is not
associated with any specific organs 15. C

Food chain refers to the sequence of transfers of matter and

energy in the form of food from organism to organism. Food
chains intertwine locally into a food web because most
organisms consume more than one type of animal or plant.
Plants, which convert solar energy to food by photosynthesis,
are the primary food source. In a predator chain, a plant-eating
animal is eaten by a flesh-eating animal. In a parasite chain, a
smaller organism consumes part of a larger host and may itself
be parasitized by even smaller organisms.

In a saprophytic chain, microorganisms live on dead organic

matter. 16. B
It is transmitted to pig through human feaces or contaminated
vegetation contaminated with human excreta. 17. D

18. B

A superior ovary is an ovary attached to the receptacle above

the attachment of other floral parts
A half-inferior ovary is embedded or surrounded by the

An inferior ovary lies below the attachment of other floral parts.

19. B

Parasitic nutrition is heterotrophic nutrition where a parasitic

organism lives on the body surface or inside the body of
another type of organism (a host) and gets nutrition directly
from the body of the host. Since these parasites derive
nourishment from their host, this symbiotic interaction is often
described as harmful to the host.
Saprotrophic nutrition is a process of chemoheterotrophic
extracellular digestion involved in the processing of decayed
organic matter.

The organism feeds on dead matter i.e fungi

A carnivore is an organism that derives its energy and nutrient
requirements from a diet consisting mainly or exclusively of
animal tissue, whether through predation or scavenging 20. A

Volvox is an example of organism thatforms spherical colonies

of up to 50,000 cells.
A colony is composed of two or more individuals living in close
association with, or connected to, one another, usually for
mutual benefit such as stronger defense or the ability to attack
bigger prey.

It is a cluster of identical cells (clones) on the surface of (or

within) a solid medium, usually derived from a single parent
cell. 21. B

Morphological variation includes aspects of the outward

appearance i.e shape, structure, color, pattern, size which is in
contrast to physiology variation which deals primarily with

Morphological variation arises from a number of factors which

can be bluntly classified as either genetic or environmental
implanted into the process of evolution. 22. B

PTC(phenylthiocarbamide) has the unusual property that it

either tastes very bitter or is virtually tasteless, depending on
the genetic makeup of the taster. The ability to taste PTC is
often treated as a dominant genetic trait, although inheritance
and expression of this trait are somewhat more complex.

To some people, small amounts of the compounds

phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) taste very bitter; other people do
not taste these compounds. The myth is that there are only two
kinds of people, tasters and non-tasters, and that the trait is
controlled by a single gene, with the allele for tasting dominant
over the allele for non-tasting.
∴ ability to taste PTC in some individuals is a character that is
heritable 23. D

The clumping of cells such as bacteria or red blood cells in the

presence of an antibody or complement.

During blood transfusions, the antibodies react with the

transfused blood group(if its of different blood group), the
erythrocytes clump up and stick together causing them to
agglutinate 24. A

Chloroplast is the combination of two biological terms, plastid

(an organelle in a plant cell), and chloros, which means green.
chlorophyll which is an important pigments for photosynthesis.

A ribosome is a complex cellular mechanism used to translate

genetic code into chains of amino acids. Long chains of amino
acids fold and function as proteins .
The jellylike material that makes up much of a cell inside the
cell membrane, and, in eukaryotic cells, surrounds the nucleus.

Mitochondrial is a spherical or elongated organelle in the

cytoplasm of nearly all eukaryotic cells, containing genetic
material and many enzymes important for cell metabolism,
including those responsible for the conversion of food to
usable energy 25. A

26. C

In unicellular organisms, the single cell performs all life

functions. Examples are Amoeba, Euglena
Life can be organised into several different levels of function
and complexity.

These functional levels are: cells, tissues, organs, systems and

Every living thing is made up of a cell or a number of cells. 27.

The appendicular skeleton is the portion of the skeleton of

vertebrates consisting of the bones that support the

The appendicular skeleton includes the skeletal elements

within the limbs, as well as supporting pectoral and pelvic

Pectoral girdles, arms and forearms, pelvis, thighs and legs,

feet and ankles 28. B

Protists are single celled organisms that contain chloroplasts to

aid photosynthesis.

→ Protozoa → Small Insects → Large aquatic Insects

→ Small fish → Large fish 29. A

Covalent bonds form so that atoms can become more stable.

They do this by sharing electrons, rather than fully gaining or
losing them. 30. C

Variation, in biology, any difference between cells, individual

organisms, or groups of organisms of any species caused
either by genetic differences (genotypic variation) or by the
effect of environmental factors on the expression of the genetic
potentials (phenotypic variation).

Variation may be shown in physical appearance, metabolism,

fertility, mode of reproduction, behaviour, learning and mental
ability, and other obvious or measurable characters. 31. A

32. D
Human fertilization is the union of a human egg and sperm,
usually occurring in the ampulla of the fallopian tube.

The result of this union is the production of a zygote cell, or

fertilized egg, initiating prenatal development. 33. A

Its long been recognized that birds and reptiles share many

Both have skulls that abut the first neck vertebra with a single
ball-and-socket joint.

Both birds and reptiles excrete nitrogenous wastes as uric

acid; mammals excrete urea, fish ammonia.

Both lay similar highly yolked eggs

Bird feather is homologous to the reptile scale. Both develop
from an epidermal elevation over a nourishing dermal core.
Scales flatten, feather buds roll into a cylinder shaped tube 34.

Lungfish are best known for retaining the ability to breathe air,
to survive drought 35. A

Although sodium ions are small, their charge prevents them

from moving across the cell membrane through simple
diffusion. They must be transported using active transport. 36.

Amphibians display some interesting and changing

characteristics as they metamorphose through various forms
on their way to adulthood. The frog, for instance, begins life
underwater as a larva with gills and becomes and air-breather
with lungs as an adult.
&therefore4; in case of draught, frog can amphibians can use
lungs to breathe on land 37. B

A red blood cell(erthyrocytes), which (in humans) is typically a

biconcave disc without a nucleus.

Erythrocytes contain the pigment haemoglobin, which imparts

the red colour to blood, and transport oxygen and carbon
dioxide to and from the tissues. 38. B

Gregor Mendel, through his work on pea plants, discovered the

fundamental laws of inheritance.

He deduced that genes come in pairs and are inherited as

distinct units, one from each parent. Mendel tracked the
segregation of parental genes and their appearance in the
offspring as dominant or recessive traits. 39. A
Protozoa do not have any organellae for the process of
respiration. The limiting permeable membrane (body surface)
acts as a respiratory surface.

The free molecular oxy¬gen from the surrounding media

enters into the body by diffusion. Presence of a cyto¬chrome
system has been demonstrated in protozoa. 40. A

Plant build of of organic compounds such as oil, coal and gas

is a great source of emission of carbon dioxide into the
Human activities such as the burning of oil, coal and gas, as
well as deforestation are the primary cause of the increased
carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere.
Other source such has respiration by animals, thunderstorm
release carbon dioxide in smaller quantities compare to 87% of
carbon dioxide emission from plants build-up organic
compounds through human activities 41. B

Liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) is a parasite affecting a range of

livestock and other species. Final hosts in which it can develop
to sexual maturity include livestock such as sheep, cattle,
horses, pigs, goats, alpacas and deer. People can be infected
by eating water cress growing along creeks in fluke-infested
country 42. D
43. C

Predation include all interactions in which one organism

consumes all or part of another. This includes predator-prey,
herbivore-plant, and parasite-host interactions.

Migration is the movement of individuals of a species from one

place to another.
Mutualism is the way two organisms of different species exist
in a relationship in which each individual benefits from the
activity of the other.

Edaphic factor is an abiotic factor relating to the physical or

chemical composition of the soil found in a particular area. 44.

Mosses do not have a proper roots, but have threadlike

rhizoids that anchor them to their substrate.

Rhizoids absorb water by capillary action, in which water

moves up between threads of rhizoids and not through each of
them as it does in roots.

hyphae are also important in the reproductive process in that

they produce new spores while root hairs are important for the
uptake of nutrients 45. A
Enzymes lower the activation energy of a reaction, increasing
the reaction rate. 46. D

The first stage of incomplete metamorphosis is the egg. During

this time, the insect will hatch into a form called a nymph.

The nymph is basically a small version of the adult insect. 47.


Gametes are reproductive cells (sex cells) that unite during

sexual reproduction to form a new cell called a zygote. Male
gametes are sperm and female gametes are ova (eggs).
Embryo is the stage of animal development in the uterus
before the animal is considered a fetus. In humans this is
equivalent to the first three months. 48. A

Savannas are quite low in tree species diversity because of

stringent ecological requirements but fairly high in diversity of
herbaceous plants. Tree growth is controlled not only by
rainfall but also by soil type; large areas of hardpan soils, allow
no tree roots to penetrate except through cracks, and the
cracks determine tree distribution.
Large mammals are at their most diverse in this open
environment, in which they can move about freely and yet find
shelter among woody vegetation. Large herbivores are
successful because of the tremendous biomass of herbaceous
vegetation produced annually, and there are many carnivores
to crop them in turn.
Tropical rain forests occur in areas of tropical rainforest climate
in which there is no dry season, distinct buttress roots of trees.
Montane forest refers to any ecosystem found in mountains.
These ecosystems are strongly affected by climate, which gets
colder as elevation increases.
A desert is a barren area of landscape where little precipitation
occurs and consequently living conditions are hostile for plant
and animal life. 49. A

Red blood cell aslo kn own as erythrocytea disk-shaped,

biconcave cell in the blood that contains hemoglobin, lacks a
nucleus, and transports oxygen and carbon dioxide to and
from the tissues

White blood cells or leukocytes, are cells of the immune

system involved in defending the body against both infectious
disease and foreign materials.

Platelets, or thrombocytes or yellow blood cells, are very small,

irregularly shaped clear cell fragments (i.e. cells that do not
have a nucleus containing DNA. Platelets are a natural source
of growth factors. They circulate in the blood of mammals and
are involved in hemostasis, leading to the formation of blood
Phagocytes are cells that protect the body by ingesting harmful
foreign particles, bacteria, and dead or dying cells 50. A

The knee joint is one of the strongest and most important joints
in the human body. It allows the lower leg to move relative to
the thigh while supporting the body’s weight.

Movements at the knee joint are essential to many everyday

activities, including walking, running, sitting and standing.

The knee, also known as the hinge joint(tibiofemoral joint)

formed between three bones: the femur, tibia, and patella.

A gliding joint, also known as a plane joint or planar joint, is a

common type ofjoint formed between bones that meet at flat or
nearly flat articular surfaces.

Pivot joint, also called rotary joint is a freely moveable joint that
allows only rotary movement around a single axis. Pivot joints
also provide for the twisting movement of the bones of the
forearm (radius and ulna) against the upper arm.

The ball and socket joint (or spheroidal joint) is a type of

synovial joint which enables the bone to move in many places
(nearly all directions). These are found in the hip.
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2016 JAMB Biology Past

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Which of the following conditions is NOT necessary for
photosynthesis to take place?

A ChlorophyII
B Light
C Carbon(II)oxide
D Carbon(IV)oxide

The insects in which the maxillae are modified into a long
coiled proboscis is

A housefly
B butterfly
C mosquito
D grasshopper

When a cell is placed in solution and the size of the cell
increases, the concentration of solution is said to be

A isotonic
B dilute
C hypotonic
D hypertonic

Which of the following plant hormone is responsible for
ripening of fruits?

A Gibberellins
B Abscisic acid
C Ethylene
D Cytokinins

The ability of a living organism to detect and respond to
changes in the environment is referred to as

A locomotion
B taxis
C irritability
D growth

An example of an endospermous seed is

A been seed
B cashew nut
C cotton seed
D maize grain

Which of the following theories was NOT considered by Darwin
in his evolutionary theory?

A variation
B survival of the fitest
C use and disuse
D competition
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Which of the following protects the essential parts of the flower
at bud stage?

A Stamens
B Sepals
C Petals
D Carpels

which of the following is an agent of a sexually transmitted

A Entamoeba histolytica
B Salmonella typhi
C Treponema pallidum
D Clostridium tetani

Which of the following animals has homodont dentition?

A Rat
B Man
C Lizard
D Pigeon

The movement of blood between the heart and all other parts
of the body besides the lung is known as

A systemic circulation
B closed circulatory system
C pulmonary circulation
D single circulation system

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If the cross of a red-flowered plant with a white flowered plant
produces a pink flowered plant, this is an example of

A codominance
B incomplete dominance
C mutation
D linkage
The largest amount of yolk is found in the egg of

A amphibians
B pisces
C repitles
D aves

Fibrinogen and prothrombin play important roles in the

A deamination of proteins
B clotting of blood
C detoxication of substances
D storage of vitamins

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The pathogen that cause smallpox is

A picornavirus
B peramyxovirus
C herpesvirus
D poxvirus

The vector for the malaria parasite is a

A female edes mosquito

B female Anopheles mosquito
C female culex mosquito
D female culex mosquito

Which of the following pairs are social insects?

A Termite and locust

B Ants and wap
C Cockroach and bee
D Termite and bee

Which of the following is NOT a method of conserving wild life?

A Indiscriminate poaching
B Establishment of zoological gardens
C Enacting wildlife conservation laws
D Establishment of game reserves

The importance of the mouth-brooding behaviour in Tilapia is
that it

A helps in keeping the young fish warm

B affords protection from predation for the young fish
C helps the fish to live in a social group
D provides regurgitated nourishment to the young fish

The type of asexual reproduction that is common to both
Paramecium and Protists is

A fragmentation
B budding
C sporulation
D fission

The micro-organisms that causes Typhoid disease is

A trypanosome gambiense
B Salmonella typhi
C entamocbahistolytica
D plasmodium sp

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A collection of population of all living organisms that exist in a
habitat is referred to as

A niche
B ecosystem
C community
D environment

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The theory of use and disuse of organs was promulgated by

A Alfred Wallace
B Charles Darwin
C Gene Lamarck
D Robert Hook
The theory of natural selection was postulated by

A Gregor Mendel
B Matthias Schleiden
C Charles Darwin
D Robert Hook

The movement response of a cockroach away from a light
source is

A negative phototropism
B positive phototaxism
C negative phototropism
D postive phototropism

Which of the following can cause shrinkage of living cells?

A Deionized water
B Hypotonic solution
C Isotonic solution
D Hypertonic solution
The ability of chemelon to change its colour rapidly is an
adaptation for

A obtaining food
B attraction mate
C communication
D escaping detection

The function of the red head in male Agama lizards is to

A scare other males from the territory

B warn predators of the distastefulness of the animal
C attract female lizards for mating purposes
D conceal and camouflage the animal from predators

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The activity of ptyalin is likely to decrease with an increase in
the concentration of

A oxygen
B starch
C protein
D acid

Seed plants are divided into

A monocoty ledons and dicotyledons

B tracheophytes and ferns
C angiosperms and gymnosperms
D thallophytes and bryophytes

The adaptive importance of the nuptial flight from termite
colonies is to

A ensure cross-breeding between members of one colony

and another
B disperse the reproductives in order to establish new
C provide abundant food for birds and other animals during
the early rains
D expel the reproductives so as to provide enough food for
other members
The sequence of the one-way gaseous exchange mechanism
in a fish is

⇢ operculum ⇢ mouth
A gills
B mouth ⇢ gills ⇢ operculum
C mouth ⇢ operculum ⇢ gills
D operculum ⇢ mouth ⇢ gills

In the nitrogen cycle, the nitrates in the soil are converted to
atmospheric nitrogen by

A puterfying bacteria
B nitrogen-fixing bacteria
C nitrifying bacteria
D denitrifying bacteria

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The relationship between a termite and the protozoam in its
intestine is described as

A predation
B saproplytism
C symbiosis
D parasitism

Exo-erythrocytic phase of the life cycle of malaria parasite
occurs in the

A liver of humans
B reticuloendothelial cells of humans
C Malphigian tubules of mosquito
D brain of humans

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Which of the following organs regulates the levels of water.
salts, hydrogen ions, and urea in the mammals?

A Kidney
B Colon
C Bladder
D Liver
The rate of transpiration is NOT affected by

A the weight of the stomata pores

B humidity
C temperature
D the size of the stomata pores

The crossing of individuals of the same species with different
genetic characters is

A croos breeding
B polygenic inheritance
C non-disjunctin
D inbreeding

The hereditary characters in plants and animals are located on

A gene
B mucleus
C chromosome
D cell
The arrangement of ovules attached to the sides of a
syncarpous ovary with a single chamber is referred to as

A free-central placentation
B axile placentation
C parietal placentation
D marginal placentation

When sickle cell carrier marries a normal woman, the
probability of them having a normal offspring is

A 0.75
B 0.25
C 0.5
D .1

In which of the following groups of vertebrates is parental care
mostly exhibited?

A Aves
B Reptilia
C Amphibia
D Mammalia

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An example of a non-bio degrable pollutants is

A dung
B bones
C ceramics
D woods

The bacteria that is found in the root nodules of leguminous
plants is

A clostridium
B rhizobium
C nostoc
D azotobacter

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Which of these organisms partly digest its food extracellularly?

A Housefly
B Cockroach
C Termite
D Mosquito

Strong short and concical beak to pick and crush seeds is an
adaptive feature of

A duck
B owl
C weaver bird
D hawk

The path followed by air as it passes through the lungs in
mammals is

A bronchi ⇢ trachea ⇢ alveoli ⇢ bronchioles

B bronchioles ⇢ alveoli ⇢ bronchi ⇢ trachea
C trachea ⇢ bronchi ⇢ bronchioles ⇢ alveoli
D trachea ⇢ bronchioles ⇢ bronchi ⇢alveoli
In which of the following species is the biomass of an individual
the smallest?

A Tilapia sp
B Agama sp
C Bufo sp
D Spirogvra sp

The path followed by air as it passes through the lungs in

A cochlea
B pinna
C perilymph
D vestibular system

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The part of the mammalian ear responsible for the
maintenance of balance is the
A cochlea
B pinna
C perilymph
D vestibular system


Which of the organisms represent are notable agricultural


A II and IV
B I and IV
C I and III
D II and III


1. C

2. B

3. C
4. C

5. C

6. D

7. C

8. B

9. C

10. C

11. A

12. B

13. D

14. B

15. D

16. B

17. D

18. A

19. B

20. D

21. B

22. C

23. C
24. C

25. A

26. D

27. D

28. C

29. D

30. C

31. B

32. B

33. D

34. C

35. A

36. A

37. A

38. A

39. C

40. C

41. D

42. D

43. C
44. B

45. C

46. C

47. C

48. D

49. D

50. D

51. B

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2015 JAMB Biology Past

Questions and Answers
EduNgr App has thousands of JAMB CBT past questions and
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A tissue is composed of a group of
A similar cells
B tissues
C systems
D related organs

The population of different organisms that exist together in a
habitat is called

A biomes
B biosphere
C community
D ecology

Which of the following serves as the brain box in man

A skeleton
B skull
C head
D spinal column

Which organ removes the largest amount of excess water from
the body?

A Liver
B Lung
C Kidney
D skin

The following parts are involved in breathing process, except

A mouth
B nostrils
C ribs
D diaphragm

Which of these is not a sampling method for determining
population size?

A capture and re-capture method

B complete census
C Transect method
D systematic sampling
A group of organisms of the same kind inhabiting the same
environment is called

A ecosystem
B habitat
C population
D species

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The light sensitive cells in the human eye is called the

A Choroid
B Sclerotic layer
C retina
D cones

The earliest form of life in animal kingdom is the

A class
B amphibian
C aves pisces
D reptilia

Which of the following disease is not sexually transmitted?

A Gonorrhea
B Herpes
C Influenza
D Syphilis

Which of the following is not a monocotyledonous seed?

A cowpea
B maize
C millet
D what

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The lowest unit of classification is the

A class
B genus
C phylum
D species

One of the following diseases is caused by fungi

A cassava mosaic
B coffee leaf rust
C leaf blight of cassava rossette
D disease of groundnut

The by-product of photosynthesis is

B O2
C C6H12O6

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Gaseous exchange in the lungs takes place in the

A alveoli
B bronchi
C bronchioles
D trachea

In eukaryotic cells,cellular respiration takes place in the

A nucleus
B cytoplasm
C centrioles
D mitochondrion

One of the following causes Ebola fever

A Bacteria
B Fungi
C Protozoa
D Viruses
The theory of survival of the fittest was propounded by …..

A Darwin
B Hooke
C Lamarck
D Linnaeus

The deficiency of vitamin D leads to

A beriberi
B pellagra
C ricket
D scurvy

One of these is used for excretion in earthworm

A Contractile vacuole
B Flame cell
C Malpighian tubule
D Nephridium
The following group of plants is the most advanced except

A bryophyte
B pteridophyta
C spermatophyte
D thallophytic

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Which of the following hormonal glands is located on top of the

A Adrenal
B gonads
C pancreas
D thyroid

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One of these is present in both plant and animal cell?
A Cell membrane
B Cell wall
C Chloroplast
D Large cell vacuole

When the solute concentration of the cell and its surrounding
medium are the same, the solution is said to be

A hypertonic
B hypotonic
C isotonic
D acidic

The primary consumer in the food chain below is ................

Green plants → Grasshopper → Lizard → Snake → Hawk

A Grass hopper
B green plants
C hawk
D lizard
Angiosperms belong to the class

A bryophyte
B pteredophyta
C spermatophyte
D thallophytic

In the kidney, both useful substances and wastes are removed
from the blood by

A Filtration
B selective absorption
C dialysis machine
D excretion

Which of the following is not part of the mammalian male
reproductive organ?

A Epididymis
B Vas deferens
C testis
D Vulva
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Which of the following reagent is used for testing the presence
of protein in food?

A Benedict solution
B Fetiling’s Solution
C Millon’s reagent
D Sudan III

The breaking down of food in the alimentary canal is called

A digestion
B egestion
C excretion
D ingestion

The followings are the functions of the kidneys, except

A Regulation of water content in the blood

B Maintenance of blood PH and homeostasis
C Excretion of CO2
D D. Removal of waste products from the blood

The following distrupts the balance in an ecosystem except

A afforestation
B deforestation
C migration
D pollution

The following animals are viviparous expect

A Cow
B Dog
C Goat
D Pigeon

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The following animals is an invertebrate except

A flat worms
B round worms
C chordate
D protozoan

The following are kidney diseases except

A diuresis
B hepatitis
C nephritis
D oedema

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The gland that releases hormones into the blood are part of

A digestive system
B endocrine system
C circulatory system
D respiratory system
One of the following is called emergency hormone in man.

A Adrenalin
B Prolactin
C Testosterone
D Thyroxine

Which of these responses is not voluntarily controlled by the

A Dancing
B Eating
C Sneezing
D Writing

The scientific study of life is

A Botany
B Biology
C Zoology
D Ecology
The artery supplying the liver with blood is called

A hepatic
B mesenteric
C renal
D subclavian

One of the following exist as colony

A euglena
B paramecium
C spirogyra
D volvox

The translucency spot in food test shows the presence of

A fats
B starch
C water
D protein
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The following are examples of oviparous animals except

A crocodile
B dove
C rat
D tilapia

The part of cell that is responsible for the production of energy

A cell membrane
B cytoplasm
C mitochondrion
D nucleus

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Hormones that help regulate blood calcium levels are
produced by the

A Adrenal
B thyroid
C pancreas
D parathyroid

Which of the following statements is not true of a fish?

A respires with the use of gills

B covered with scales
C they are homeothermic
D they are poikilothermic

Which of the following is NOT a waste product of plants?

A Auxins
B Gum
C Resins
D tanins

An association between bacteria and root nodules of legume is

A Commercialism
B mutualism
C parasitism
D saprophytism

Which of these is not detected by the nerve endings of the

A cold
B pain
C pressure
D weakness

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Behaviour conditioning was described by

A Felix Dujartin
B Gregormendel
C Ivan pavlov
D Mathias schnelden

The process by which organisms keep their internal condition
relatively stable is called

A metabolism
B evolution
C gametogenesis
D homeostasis

The following exist as free-living organisms except

A Amoeba
B Chlamydomonas
C Euglena
D Spirogyra

The basic functional unit of the kidney is the

A nephron
B bowman’s capsule
C glomerulus
D loop of henle

Snails belong to the phylum

A Annelida
B Mollusca
C Echinodermata
D nematode

Which of the following is not a pest of crops?

A Bird
B Rodent
C Bed bug
D Grasshopper

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Another name for a fertilized egg is a

A placenta
B zygote
C foetus
D ovum

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Plants that survive in marine habitats are called

A halophytes
B hydrophytes
C mesophytes
D xerophytes

The study of plants is called

A Zoology
B Entomology
C Parasitology
D Botany

The following are examples of air borne diseases, except

A Chicken pox
B Cholera
C common cold
D Whooping cough

Which of the following is the end product of the digestion of oil

A glucose
B Glycerol
C amino acid
D glycogen

The part that supplies food from the mother to the foetus is

A Amnion
B Chorion
C Umbilical Cord
D Placenta

Which of these is not the part of the eye?

A Cochlea
B Conjunctiva
C Cornea
D Iris

De-oxygenated blood is transported to the lungs through the

A renal vein
B hepatic portal vein
C pulmonary artery
D pulmonary vein

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One of the following is the unit of life

A cell
B tissues
C organ
D system
The following are examples of a true fruit, except

A mango
B oil palm
C orange
D pineapple

The vector that transmit trypanosome is the

A butterfly
B housefly
C mosquito
D tsetse fly

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The following are ductless glands except

A adrenal
B pancreatic
C parathyroid
D salivary

White blood cells are also known as

A erythrocytes
B leucocytes
C lymphocytes
D phagocytes

The removal of remnant particles of digestion from the body is

A assimilation
B egestion
C elimination
D excretion

Enzyme ptyalin acts on starch in the

A oesophagus
B large intestine
C mouth
D stomach

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1. A

2. C

Option A is wrong. This is because, a biome is a regional or

global land area that is characterized by the plants, animals
and climate in that area
Option B is wrong. This is because, biosphere is the part of the
earth that supports life.
Option C is correct. This is because, community consists of
different organisms living together in a habitat.
Option D is wrong. This is because ecology is the study of
organisms and their environment. 3. B

4. C

Lungs: Remove carbon dioxide

Skin: Sweat glands remove water, salts, and other wastes
Large intestine: Removes solid waste and some water in the
form of feces
Kidneys: Remove urea, salts, and excess water from the blood
5. A

The act of breathing has two stages – inhalation and


- Inhalation – the intake of air into the lungs through expansion

of chest volume.

- Exhalation – the expulsion of air from the lungs through

contraction of chest volume.

Inhalation and exhalation involves muscles:

- Rib muscles = the muscles between the ribs in the chest.

- Diaphragm muscle 6. D

7. D

8. D

Cone cells, or cones, are one of two types of photo-receptor

cells in the retina of the eye. They are responsible for color
vision and function best in relatively bright light, as opposed to
rod cells, which work better in dim light. Cone cells are densely
packed in the fovea centralis, a 0.3 mm diameter rod-free area
with very thin, densely packed cones which quickly reduce in
number towards the periphery of the retina. There are about
six to seven million cones in a human eye and are most
concentrated towards the macula 9. C

10. C

11. A

12. D

Option D is correct. This is because, species is the lowest unit

in the hierarchy of classifying living organisms.See the
illustration below.

From kingdom phylum → class → order → family → genus →

species 13. B

14. B

15. A

16. D

17. D

18. A

19. C

20. D

21. D

22. A
23. A

24. C

Option C is correct. This is because, any time there is the

same solute concentration of both cell and its surrounding
medium, the solution is said to be isotonic. So, there will be no
losing or gaining of water into the cell or the surrounding
medium. 25. A

26. C

27. A

28. D

29. C

30. A

31. C

Option C is correct. This is because, excretion of CO2 is done

by the lungs through the nostrils. 32. A

Option A is correct. This is because, the planting of trees

known as afforestation will prevents wind outbreak that can
affect humanity and their resources as well as preventing soil
erosion. 33. D
Option D is the correct answer. This is because, pigeon is an
oviparous animal that lays its egg before hatching. 34. C

35. B

36. B

37. A

38. C

39. B

40. A

41. D

42. A

43. C

44. C

45. D

46. C

47. A

48. B

Option B is correct.This is because, mutualism is an

association existing between two organisms benefiting from
each other 49. D

50. C
51. D

Option D is correct. This is because Homeostasis is any self-

regulating process by which biological systems tend to
maintain stability while adjusting to conditions that are optimal
for survival. 52. D

Option D is the correct answer. This is because, Spirogyra

exist as filament that occurs in rows or chains. 53. A

Option A is correct. This is because, the part that makes

kidney perform its osmoregulation function in man is the
nephron i.e. the production or formation of urine is done
through nephron in the kidney. 54. B

55. C

Option C is correct. This is because, bed bug is not an animal

pest that can affect crop plants in a farmland. It can only affect
animals like homo sapiens etc. 56. B

Option B is correct. This is because, when the male sperm and

female egg come in contact with each other, it becomes a
fertilized egg or cell. When this happen, it results to forms the
zygote. 57. A
Option A is correct. This is because halophytes are plants that
live successfully in a marine(salt water) habitat. 58. D

59. B

Option B is the correct answer. This is because, cholera is a

water borne disease (disease caused by contaminated water).
60. B

61. D

Option D is correct. This is because, placenta establishes an

intimate connection between the embryo and the mother. This
connects the placenta to transfer food,water and oxygen from
mother to the embryo or foetus 62. A

Option A is the correct answer. This is because, cochlea is the

structure of the mammalian hearing organ called ear. 63. C

Option C is correct. This is because for deoxygenated blood

(blood containing carbon (iv) oxide) in the heart to be returned
back to the lungs for the removal of the CO2,pulmonary artery
aids in the process. 64. A

Option A is correct. This is because, cell is the basic functional

and structural unit of life. 65. D
Options A, B and C are not correct. This is because, they are
all true fruits (i.e, the fruits that develops solely from a fertilized
Option D is correct. This is because, pineapple is a false fruit
(a fruit developed or formed from the ovary and other floral
parts of the plant or fruit flowers. 66. D

Option D is correct. This is because, tsetse fly is the vector that

transmits trypanosome that causes trypanosomiasis or
sleeping sickness. 67. D

Option D is correct. This is because, salivary glands are found

in the mouth, which secretes a juice called saliva that contains
an enzyme called ptyalin. 68. B

Option B is correct. This is because, leucocytes is another

name for white blood cells 69. B

Option B is correct. This is because, the removal of the

remnant particles of digestion called faeces is done through a
process called egestion. 70. C

Options A and B are not correct.

Option C is correct. This is because, the mouth is the location
where enzyme ptyalin acts on starchy food.
Option D is wrong. This is because, stomach is location for the
action of renin and pepsin enzymes.

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The lowest level of organization in living organisms is

A organ
B cell
C system
D tissue

Which of the following is the most complex according to their
cellular level of organization?

A Heart
B Hair
C Euglena
D Hydra

Which of the following organisms is multicellular?

A Chlamydomonas
B Spirogyra
C Amoeba
D Euglena

In bryophytes, sex organs are produced in the

A protonema
B sporophyte
C gametophyte
D rhizoid

Seed plants are the most dominant vegetation on land
because of

A their motile gamates

B their ability to photosynthesize
C efficient seed dispersal
D availability of water

Which of the following is an aboreal organism?

A Elephant
B Fish
C Antelope
D Bird

i2/1, c0/0, pm3/2, m3/3. The general formula above represent
that of

A an omnivore
B a detritus feeder
C a carnivore
D a herbivore
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A circulatory system is very essential in mammals but not in
smaller organisms like Amoeba because

A Amoeba lives in freshwater

B Diffusion is sufficient to transport materials in Amoeba
C Amoeba lacks blood containing haemoglobin
D Amoeba exibits anaerobic respiration

In vascular plants, the sieve tubes and companion cells are
present in the

A cambium
B cortex
C xylem
D phloem

The stomata of leaves are similar in function to the

A pharynx of humans
B scales of fish
C spiracle of insects
D trachea of toads

The use of moist skin for respiration in amphibians is known as

A cellular respiration
B cutaneous respiration
C buccal respiration
D pulmonary respiration

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Water in plants is removed as water vapour through the
process of

A diffusion
B osmosis
C evaporation
D transpiration

An example of an organ of perennation in plants is

A rhizome
B seed
C petal of a flower
D calyx of flower

Alternation of generation is a feature shown in

A mosses
B fungi
C grasses
D conifers

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Coordination and regulation of body activities in mammals are
achieved by the

A nerves and muscle

B nerves and hormones
C nerves only
D hormones only
The Cerebellum of the Brain controls

A Reflex Action
B Muscular Activity
C Emotional Expressions
D the Endocrine System

The part of the brain responsible for peristalsis is the

A Olfactory Lobe
B Medulla Oblongata
C Hypothallamus
D Thalamus

Which of the following instruments is used for measuring
atmospheric pressure?

A Hydrometer
B Hygrometer
C Thermometer
D Barometer
The influence of soil on organisms in a habitat is referred to as

A Edaphic
B Physiographic
C Biotic
D Topographic

The genetic make-up of an organism is described as

A Allele
B Chromosome
C Phenotype
D Genotype

The major limiting factor of productivity in the aquatic habitat is

A Food
B Temperature
C Water
D Sunlight
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Which of the following group of organisms feeds directly on
green plants?

A Primary Consumers
B Secondary Consumers
C Producers
D Decomposers

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A characteristic feature of tropical rainforest is that it

A Contains trees with narrow leaves

B Contains large number of plant species
C Contains fewer number of plant species
D Has total annual rainfall of less than 50cm

The study of how and why population size change over time is

A Population estimation
B Population dynamics
C Population ecology
D Population Cycle

A severe and long dry season is a characteristic feature of

A Sahel Savanna
B Mangrove Swamps
C Sudan Savanna
D Guinea Savanna

Which of the following is a nitrogen-fixing blue-green algae of

A Rhizobium
B Nitrosomonas
C Clostridium
D Anabaena

The soil with highest water-retaining capacity is

A Clayey Soil
B Stoney soil
C Sandy soil
D Loamy Soil

The causative agent of Poliomyelitis is

A Virus
B Fungus
C Protozoan
D Bacterium

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One of the ways of controlling noise pollution in urban areas is

A by siting industries away from residential areas

B that fuel should be completely combusted by engines
C by planting trees on both sides of the road
D by wearing ear devices
A constituent of the exhaust fumes from electricity generating
sets which causes serious pollution is

A Carbon (II) Oxide

B Water Vapour
C Ozone
D Carbon (IV) Oxide

Which of the following is true of small pox?

A It is transmitted by bacteria
B It can effectively be controlled with antibiotics
C It can effectively be controlled by vaccination
D It is a water-borne infection

A pollutant that is mostly associated with acid rain is

A Nitrogen (IV) Oxide

B Ozone
C Fluorine
D Carbon (IV) Oxide
When the adults have reach a certain degree of weakness, the
process of binary fission is replaced by conjugation in

A Paramecium
B Euglena
C Amoeba
D Plasmodium

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Whorls, arches, loops and compounds are types of variation in

A Colour
B Finger prints
C Hair Colour
D Blood group

A couple has 10 children, all female. Which of the following
best explains the situation

A The sex determination was by the man's X chromosome

B The man's sperm count is low
C The woman is not capable of producing male children
D The sex determination was by the man's Y chromosome

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A biological agent with antiviral property is

A Interferon
B enzyme
C antibiotic
D disinfectant

One of the advantages of outbreeding is

A pests tolerance
B disease resistance
C fast growth
D tall height

An individual with blood group AB can receive blood from
those in blood group(s)

A A, B, AB, O
B A, AB and O only
C AB only
D A and B only

The stream-lined shape of fishes is an adaptation for

A Securing mates
B easy movement
C obtaining food
D defence and attack

An example of a poikilothermic organism is a

A Lizard
B Cockroach
C rabbit
D bird

All living organisms are constantly involved in a struggle for
existence. This was proposed by

A Morgan
B Darwin
C Lamarck
D Wallace

Adaptive radiation is illustrated in

A modified insect mouthparts

B dentition in mammals
C wings in birds and bats
D appendages in insects

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i. Growth is mainly apical ii. Growth is specific with definite
shape iii. Growth is throughout life. Which of the above
correctly describes the growth pattern in plants?

A i, ii and iii only

B ii and iii only
C i and ii only
D i and iii only


Use the diagram to answer this question. The part labelled II is


A nucleus
B eyespot
C basal granule
D contractile vacuole

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Use the diagram above to answer this question. The part
responsible for photosynthesis is labelled



Use the diagram above to answer this question. The young

proglottid is represented by


In the diagram, the organs for attachments to the lining of the
host's intestine are labelled

A ii and iii
B iii and iv
C i and ii
D i and iii


In the diagram, the part labelled I is the

A xylem
B phleom
C root hairs
D cortex

The diagram is the transverse section of a

A monocotyledonous stem
B dicotyledonous stem
C monocotyledonous root
D dicotyledonous root

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1. B

2. B

3. B

4. C

5. C

6. D

7. D
8. B

9. D

10. C

11. B

12. D

13. A

14. A

15. B

16. B

17. B

18. D

19. A

20. D

21. A

22. A

23. B

24. B

25. A

26. D

27. A
28. A

29. A

30. A

31. C

32. A

33. A

34. B

35. A

36. A

37. B

38. A

39. B

40. A

41. B

42. C

43. D

44. D

45. A

46. B

47. A
48. C

49. D

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2013 JAMB Biology Past

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The process in which complex substances are broken down
into simpler ones is referred to as

A anabolism
B catabolism
C metabolism
D tropism

The organ which is sensitive to light in Euglena is the

A gullet
B flagellum
C chloroplast
D eyespot

The organelles present in cells that are actively respiring and
photosynthesizing are

A lysosomes and ribosomes

B Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum
C nucleus and centrioles
D mitrochondria and chloroplast

Taenia solium can be found in

A cow
B goat
C dog
D pig

Which of the following describes a characteristic of

A The organism finds it easy to grow freely

B the organism has a pair of jointed appendages
C the body is not divided into a number of segments seg
D the body is covered by chitin

Which of the following distinguishes a butterfly from a moth?

A the wings of butterfly rest horizontally but those of moth rest

B Both are active during the day
C they have similar antennae
D the abdomen of moth is fatter than that of butterfly

Which of the following types of feathers is used for flight in

A Quill
B Filoplume
C covert
D Down
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The plants that grow in deserts or very dry areas are referred
to as

A mesophytes
B hydrophytes
C epiphytes
D xerophytes

Which of the following is the simplest living organism?

A Paramecium
B Virus
C Amoeba
D Chlamydomonas

Proboscis is a structure that is mostly found in

A insects
B tapeworms
C amphibians
D molluses

The structural adaptation of desert plants for water
conservation is

A broad leaves with numerous stomata

B spongy mesophyll
C spiny leaves
D prominent stomata in leaves

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The long and sharp clawed feet of birds is an adaptation for

A crushing seeds
B scooping mud
C tearing flesh
D grasping prey

During the manufacture of food by plants, which of the
following organism use energy from the sun?

A anabaena
B sulfur bacteria
C nitrosomonas sp
D nitrobacter sp

Movement of minerals and chemical compounds with a plant
occurs during

A osmosis
B translocation
C transpiration
D diffusion

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The enzyme that is present in the saliva is

A rennin
B lipase
C pepsin
D ptyalin

Plants that have special devices for trapping and digesting
insects are

A carnivorous
B symbiotic
C parasitic
D saprophytic

The process of transforming the chemical energy of cellular
fuels into the high energy bonds of ATP in plants is

A autotrophism
B photosysnthesis
C photolysis
D respiration

Fungi are referred to as hetotrophs because they

A are filamentous
B lack chlorophyll
C have mycelium
D lack roots

An example of a parasitic protozoan is

A Paramecium
B Plasmodium
C Eughlena
D Chlamydomonas

Which blood cell are involved in the immune response of

A Phagoecytes
B lymphocytes
C erythrocytes
D monocytes

The blood circulatory system of vertebrates consists of

A heart, arteries, capillaries and veins

B heart, aorta, capillaries and veins
C heart, aorta, arteries and veins
D heart, vena cava, arteries, and veins

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A plant tissue that carries water and mineral salts is the

A cambium
B xylem
C cortex
D phloem

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Which of the following helps in the clotting of blood?

A Red blood cells

B White blood cells
C Plasma
D Platelets
The part of the mammalian skin involved in excretion is the

A sweat glands
B malpighian layer
C sebaceous gland
D horny layer

Which of the following forms about 55% of the volume of the
blood in man?

A leucocytes
B platelets
C plasma
D erythrocytes

Which of the following is a waste product of an insect?

A Alkaloids
B Uric acid
C Sweat
D Mucilage
The main structure in vertebrates that supports and protects
the body is the

A skeleton
B ligament
C muscle
D joint

The chitin in the exoskeleton of many arthropods is
strengthened by

A lids
B proteins
C calcium compounds
D organic salt

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The transfer of pollen grains from the anther to a sigma is

A propagation
B placentation
C pollination
D fertilization

The male reproductive organ of a flower is the

A carpel
B stamen
C petal
D sepal

The gland that is found just below the hypothalamus is the

A parathyroid
B adrenal
C pituitary
D thyroid

The most important plant hormone is

A cytokinin
B abscisic acid
C auxin
D gibberellin

The sensory cell that responds to dim light is referred to as the

A cone
B lens
C rod
D iris

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The absence of anti-diuretic hormone in humans results in

A decreasing dehydration
B drastic dehydration
C eliminating dehydration
D increasing dehydration

Oestrogen is a hormone that is synthesized in the

A ovaries
B testes
C anterior pituitary
D adrenal cortex

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The eye defect cause by the development of cloudy areas in
the lenses is

A presbyopia
B glaucoma
C cataract
D astigmatism

A pollutant that is biodegradable is

A crude oil
B heavy metals
C cellophane
D sewage
A tropical disease caused by Trypanosoma is

A sleeping sickness
B river blindness
C yellow fever
D malaria

The solid part of the ecosystem is referred to as the

A atmosphere
B hydrosphere
C biosphere
D lithosphere

Which of the following is caused by Treponema palladium?

A Gonorrhea
B Leprosy
C Tuberculosis
D Syphilis
To which blood group do universal recipients belong?


The clumping together of red blood cells is

A agglutination
B fussion
C transfusion
D compatibility

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Physiological adaptation to very dry conditions in animals

A rejuvenation
B xeromorphism
C hibernation
D aestivation

One of adaptation of Cactus opuntia to conserve water is the
reduction of

A internodes
B stem to leaves
C leaves to spine
D flower size

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Which of the following structure is adapted for feeding in a bird
of prey?

A Hooked break and sharp claws

B Smooth beak and strong claws
C Big beaks and strong feet
D Pointed beak and strong claws
The special pigment for colour change in chameleon is

A melanin
B carotenoid
C chromatin
D chromatophore

The behavioural adaptation in social insects could best be
described as

A symbiosis
B saprophytism
C parasitism
D commensalisms


In the diagram, the structure labelled II is the

A spermathecal pore
B cocoon
C clitellum
D chaetea


The organism is found in soils rich in

A mud
B humus
C clay
D sand

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1. B

2. D

3. D

4. D

5. D

6. A
7. A

8. D

9. B

If viruses, prions, satellites, nanobes, nanobacteria (non-free-

living sub-bacterial organisms) are excluded, the simplest free-
living organism known is Mycoplasma genitalium, with a
genome of only 580,000 base pairs and 482 protein-coding
genes. 10. A

11. C

12. D

13. A

14. B

15. D

16. A

17. D

18. B

19. B

20. B

21. A

22. B

23. D
24. A

25. C

26. B

27. A

28. C

29. C

30. B

31. C

32. B

Abscisic acid (also called ABA) is one of the most important

plant growth regulators. 33. C

34. A

35. A

36. C

37. D

38. A

39. D

40. D

41. D

42. A
43. D

44. C

45. A

46. D

47. A

48. C

49. B

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2012 JAMB Biology Past

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Which of the following is involved in secondary thickening in
A Collenchyma and xylem cells
B Vascular cambium
C Cork cambium and sclerenchyma
D Vascular cambium and cork cambium

An example of a fruit that develops from a single carpel is

A okro
B tomato
C bean
D orange

Plant growth can be artificially stimulated by the addition of

A gibberellin
B kinin
C abscisic acid
D ethylene

The autonomic nervous system consists of neurons that
control the
A voluntary muscles
B heart beat
C tongue
D hands

The water cycle is maintained mainly by

A evaporation of water in the environment

B evaporation and condensation of water in the environment
C condensation of water in the environment
D transpiration and respiration in plants

Plants of temperate origin can be grown in tropical areas in the
vegetation zones of the

A rain forest
B guinea savanna
C sudan savanna
D montane forest

Organisms living in an estuarine habitat are adapted to
A withstand wide fluctuations in temperature
B survive only in water with low salinity
C withstand wide fluctuations in salinity
D feed only on phytoplankton and dead organic matter

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The presence of stilt roots, pneumatophores, sunken stomata
and salt glands are adaptive features of plants found in the

A tropical rainforest
B mangrove swamps
C gressland
D montane forest

Which of the following animals can exist solely on the water
they get from food and metabolic reactions?

A forest arboreal dweller

B Desert dwellers
C forest-ground dweller
D rainforest dwellers
The most likely first colonizers of a bare rock are

A mosses
B ferns
C lichen
D fungi

The carrying capacity of a habitat is reached when the
population growth begins to

A increase slowly
B increase exponentially
C slow down
D remain steady

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The abiotic factors that control human population include

A disease and famine

B space and rainfall
C flooding and earthquake
D temperature and disease

An indigenous method of renewing and maintaining soil fertility
is by

A clearing farms by burning

B planting one crop type
C adding inorganic fertilizers yearly
D crop rotation and shifting cultivation

The diseases caused by water-borne pathogens include

A gonorrhoea and poliomyelitis

B typhoid and syphilis
C tuberculosis and cholera
D typhoid and cholera

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Which of the following is true in blood transfusion?

A person of blood group AB can donate blood only to another

person of blood group AB
B persons of blood groups A and B can donate or receive
blood from each other
C A person of blood group AB acn receive blood only from
persons of blood group A or B
D A person of blood group O can donate only to a person of
blood group O

A yellow maize is planted and all the fruits obtained are of
yellow seeds. When they are croos-bred, yellow seeds and
white seeds are obtained in a ratio 3:1 . The yellow seed is
said to be

A non-heritable
B sex-linked
C a recessive trait
D a dominant trait

When a colour-blind man marries a carrier woman. What is the
probability of their offspring being colour blind?
A 25%
B 50%
C 75%
D 100%

The correct base pairing for DNA is

A adenine → thymine and guanine → cytosine

B adenine → guanine and thymine → cytosine
C adenine → cytosine and guanine → thymine
D adenine → adenine and cytosine → cytosine

The short thick break in birds is an adaptation for

A crushing seeds
B sucking nectar
C tearing flash
D straining mud

The basking of Agama lizards in the sun is to
A change the colour of their body
B raise their body temperature to become active
C fight to defend their territories
D attract the female for courtship

The significance of a very large number of termites involved in
nuptial swarming is to

A provide birds with plenty of food

B ensure their perpetuation despite predatory pressure
C search for a favourable place to breed
D ensure that every individual gets a mate

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The use and disuse of body parts and the inheritance of
acquired traits were used to explain

A Darwin's theory
B Lamarek's theory
C genetic drift
D gene flow
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From his study of Galapagos finches, Darwin derived his
theory of evolution from

A comparative anatomy
B comparative physiology
C fossil remains
D comparative embryology


Use the diagram above to answer this question.

The organelle responsible for heredity is labelled

A l
B ll
C lll

Use the diagram above to answer this question.

The part labelled IV is the

A mitochondrion
B cell wall
C endoplasmic reticulum
D nucleus


Use the diagram above to answer this question.Arrows

represent directional movement materials.

Transportation in the xylem is represented by



Use the diagram above to answer this question. Arrows

represent directional movement materials.

The arrow labelled ll represents the

A release of oxygen
B intake of carbon (IV) oxide
C movement of photosynthates
D movement of nutrients


Use the diagram above to answer this question.

The developing embryo is usually contained in the part labelled


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Use the diagram above to answer this question.

The function of the part labelled lll is to

A produce egg cells

B protect sperms during fertilization
C secrete hormones during coitus
D protect the developing embryo

Use the diagram above to answer this question.

The graph illustrates

A the highest frequency for height of 2 metres

B a discontinuously varying character
C a continuously varying character
D total yield in a cassava farm


The largest number of cassava plants has an approximate

height of

A 1.4m
B 1.6m
C 1.8m
D 2.0m

The type of interaction shown is referred to as

A interspecific competition
B intraspecific competition
C mutualism
D cooperation


In the diagram, which of the following statement is true of the


A P aurelia is better adapted for obtaining food than P

B P caudatum is better adapted for obtaining food than P.
C both organisms cannot coexist
D both organisms cannot reproduce

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Which of the following is most advanced in the evolutionary
trend of animals?

A Liverfluke
B Earthworm
C Snail
D Cockroach

Which of the following is the lowest category of classification?

A class
B species
C family
D genus

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Plants that show secondary growth are usually found among

A thallophytes
B pteridophytes
C monocotyledons
D dicotyledons

The fungi are distinct group of eukaryote mainly because they

A spores
B no chlorophyll
C many fruiting bodies
D sexual and sexual reproduction

An arthropod that is destructive at early stage of its life cycle is

A butterfly
B mosquito
C bee
D millepede

An animal body that can be cut along its axis in any plane to
give two identical parts is said to be
A radially symmetrical
B bilaterally symmetrical
C asymmetrical
D symmetrical

Which of the following possesses mammary gland?

A Dogfish
B whale
C shark
D catfish

The feature that links birds to reptiles in evolution is the
possession of

A feathers
B break
C skeleton
D scales

Countershading is an adaptive feature that enables animals to
A fight enemies
B remain undetected
C warn enemies
D attract mates

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Which of the following plant structures lacks a waterproof

A leaf
B stem
C root
D shoot

In the mammalian male reproductive system, the part that
serves as a passage for both urine and semen is the

A urethra
B urter
C bladder
D seminal vesicle
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In plants which of the following is required in minute quantities
for growth?

A Copper
B Potassium
C Phosphorus
D Sodium

Which of the following organisms is both parasitic and

A Sundew
B Lorathus
C Rhizopus
D Tapeworm

A function of the hydrochloric acid produced in the human
stomach during digestion is to
A neutralise the effect of bile
B coagulate milk protein and emulsify fats
C stop the action of ptyalin
D break up food into smaller particles

Which of the following is a polysaccharide?

A Glucose
B Sucrose
C Maltose
D Cellulose

In the kidney of mammals, the site of ultrafiltration is the

A uriniferous tubule
B Bowman's capsule
C loop of Henle
D renal tubule

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1. D

2. C

3. A

4. B

5. B

6. B

7. C

8. B

9. B

10. C

11. D

12. C

13. D

14. D

15. A

16. D

17. B

18. A
19. A

20. B

21. B

22. B

23. B

24. B

25. C

26. D

27. A

28. C

29. A

30. B

31. B

32. A

33. C

34. D

35. B

36. D

37. A

38. A
39. A

40. B

41. D

42. B

43. C

44. A

45. A

46. A

47. C

48. D

49. B

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2011 JAMB Biology Past

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EduNgr App has thousands of JAMB CBT past questions and
answers for all subjects, JAMB syllabus, novels, etc., and
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The function of the red head in male Agama lizards is to

A conceal and camouflage the animal from predators

B scare other males from the territory
C attract female lizards for mating purposes
D warm predators of the distastefulness of the animal

In which of the following species is the biomass of an individual
the smallest ?

A Agama sp
B Bufo sp
C Spirogyra sp
D Tilapia sp

Seed plants are divided into

A trachephytes and ferns

B angiosperms and gymonsperms
C monocotyledons and dicotyledons
D thallophytes and bryophytes
In which of the following groups of vertebrates is parental care
mostly exhibited ?

A Reptilia
B Amphibia
C Aves
D Mammalia

The adaptive importance of nuptial flight from termite colonies
is to

A disperse the reproductives in order to establish new

B provide abundant food for birds and other animals during
the early rains
C ensure cross-breeding between members of one colony
and another
D expel the reproductives so as to provide enogh food for
other members

An example of an endospermous seed is
A maize gain
B cashew nut
C cotton seed
D been seed

Which of the following can cause shrinkage of living cells?

A Hypotonic solution
B Isotonic solution
C Deionized water
D Hypertonic solution

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Which of the following is true of leucocytes?

A they are respiratory pigments

B they are most numerous and ramify all cells
C they are large and nucleated
D they are involved in blood clotting

The conversion of a nutrient into a molecule in the body of a
consumer is referred to as

A digestion
B assimilation
C absorption
D inhibition

The ability of living organism to detect and respond to changes
in the environment is referred to as

A locomotion
B irritability
C growth
D taxis

In mammals, the exchange of nutrients and metabolic products
occurs in the

A lungs
B oesophagus
C trachea
D lymph
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In mammals, the exchange of nutrients and metabolic products
occurs in the

A lungs
B oesophagus
C trachea
D lymph

→ Sundew. ll. Autotrophism →Amoeba. III.
I. Parasitism
Saprophytism → Alga. IV Heterotrophism → Agama.

Which of the above modes of nutrition is correctly matched

with the organism that exhibits it?

A ll
B lll
C lV
D l
Use the following information to answer the question below.
I. Test tube containing cane sugar and water . ll. Test tube
containing cane sugar and diluted acid. III. Test tube containing
cane sugar and its degrading enzyme .
In which of the test tubes will glucose be detected after
complete hydrolysis?

A l and ll only
B ll and lll only
C l only
D l, ll and lll

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Use the following information to answer the question below.
I. Test tube containing cane sugar and water . ll. Test tube
containing cane sugar and diluted acid. III. Test tube containing
cane sugar and its degrading enzyme .
The enzyme involved in the hydrolysis is

A rennin
B erepsin
C sucrase
D maltase

The part of the mammalian ear responsible for the
maintenance of balance is the

A cochlea
B pinna
C perilymph
D vestibular system

The path followed by air as it passes through the lungs in
mammals is

A trachea → bronchi → bronchioles → alveoli

B bronchi → trachea → alveoli → bronchioles
C trachea → bronchioles → alveoli
D bronchioles → alveoli → bronchi →trachea

The movement response of a cockroach away from a light
source can be described as

A positive phototaxism
B negative phototaxism
C negative phototropism
D positive phototropism

The vascular tissues in higher plants are responsible for

A the movement of food and water

B suction pressure
C transpiration pull
D the transport of gases and water

Which of the following organs regulates the levels of water,
salts , hydrogen ions and urea in the mammalian blood?

A Liver
B Kidney
C Bladder
D Colon

The sequence of the one-way gaseous exchange mechanism
in a fish is
A operculum → gills → mouth
B gills → operculum → mouth
C mouth → operculum → gils
D mouth → gills → operculum

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The type of asexual reproduction that is common to both
Paramecium and protists is

A budding
B sporulation
C fragmentation
D fission

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In nature, plants and animals are perpetually engaged in
mutualism because

A they are rivals

B all animals rely on food produced by plants
C they utilize respiratory wastes of each other
D they are neighbours

In an experiment to determine the percentage of humus and
water in a soil sample, the following results were obtained
Weight of the evaporating basin alone = 80.5g
Weight of basin and soil = 101.5g
Weight after drying the soil in the oven = 99.0g
Weight of basin and roasted soil = 95.5g
The percentage of humus in the soil sample is

A 16.7%
B 17.6%
C 26.7%
D 16.2%

An example of a filter -feeding animal is

A shark
B butterfly
C whale
D mosquito
Which of the following is a feature of the population pyramid of
a developing country?

A long lifespan
B low birth rate
C low death rate
D short lifespan

The interaction of a community of organisms with its abiotic
environment constitutes

A niche
B a food chain
C an ecosystem
D a mirohabitat

The vector of the malaria parasite is

A female Aedes mosquito

B female Anophelous mosquito
C male Culex mosquito
D female Culex mosquito
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Which of the following instruments is used to measure relative

A Hydrometer
B Thermometer
C Hygrometer
D Anemometer

Exo-erythrocytic phase of the life cycle of malaria parasite
occurs in the

A liver of humans
B reticuloendothelial cells of humans
C Malphigian tubules of mosquito
D brain of humans

Habitats are generally classified into

A biotic and abiotic

B aquatic and terrestrial
C aboreal and marine biomes
D microhabitats and macrohabitats

Drancunculiasis can be contacted through

A eating contaminated food

B drinking contaminated water
C bathing in contaminated water
D bites of blackfly

Which of the following groups of environmental factors are

A Food, salinity, accumulation of matabolites and light

B Temperature, salinity predation and disease
C Food predation, disease and accumulation of metabolites
D Temperature food disease and light

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Millet , sorghum, maize and onions are common crops growth
in Nigeria in the

A tropical rainforests
B sudan savanna
C montane forests
D sahel savanna

In which of the following biomes is the south western part of
Nigeria located?

A Temperate forest
B Tropical rainforest
C Tropical woodland
D Desert

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The inheritable characters that are determined by a gene
located on the X-chromosome is

A recessive
B sex-linked
C homozygous
D dominant

Lack of space in a population could lead to an increase in

A water scarcity
B birth rate
C disease rate
D dought

If the cross of a red-flowered plant with a white-flowered plant
produces a pink-flowered plant, it is an example of

A codominance
B incomplete dominance
C mutation
D linkage

Which of the following theories was NOT considered by Darwin
in his evolutionary theory?

A Variation
B Survival of the fittest
C Use and disuse
D Competition

The crossing of individuals of the same species with different
genetic characters is

A cross breeding
B polygenic inheritance
C non-disjunction
D inbreeding

The number of alleles controlling blood groups in humans

A 3
B 4
C 5
D 2

During blood transfusion, agglutination may occur as a result
of the reaction between
A contrasting antigens and antibodies
B two different antigens
C two different antibodies
D similar antigens and antibodies

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The fallacy in Lamarck's evolutionary theory was the
assumption that

A traits are acquired through disuse of body parts

B acquried traits are heritable
C acquired traits are seldom formed
D traits are acquired through the use of body parts

The bright coloured eye spots on the wings of moth are an
example of

A warning colouration
B disruptive colouration
C crypsis
D mimicry
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The wings of a bat and those of a bird are examples of

A convergent evolution
B continuous variation
C coevolution
D divergent evolution


Use the diagram above to answer this question.

Which of the organisms represented are notable agricultural


A ll and IV
B l and IV
C ll and lll
D l and lll

Use the diagram above to answer this question.

The gas evolved in the process is

A carbon (IV) oxide

B nitrogen
C oxygen
D carbon (II) oxide


Use the diagram above to answer this question.

The experimental set-up above is used to demonstrate the

process of

A diffusion
B photosynthesis
C fermentation
D plasmolysis

An economic importance of the organism represented by IV is


A it transmit water borne disease to humans

B it is distructive to farm crops
C its faeces pollutes drinkng water
D it helps in the control of mosquito larvae

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The adult form of iii is a vector of

A sleeping sickness
B river blindness
C cholera
D elephantiasis
1. C

2. C

3. B

4. D

5. A

6. A

7. D

8. C

9. B

10. B

11. D

12. D

13. C

14. B

15. C

16. D
The inner ear is made up of both hearing (auditory) and
balance (vestibular) components. As already mentioned, the
cochlea is that part of the inner ear involved with hearing. (The
semicircular canals and the vestibular are the parts of the inner
ear involved with balance.) 17. A

18. B

19. A

20. B

21. D

22. D

23. C

24. A

Mass of Soil = 101.5 - 80.5 = 21.0g

Mass of humus = (99.0 - 95.5)g = 3.5g
% of humus = \(\frac{3.5}{21.0} \times \frac{100}{1}}
= 16.7% 25. D

26. C

27. C

28. B

29. C

30. A
31. B

32. B

33. C

34. B

35. B

36. B

37. C

38. B

39. C

40. D

41. A

42. A

43. B

44. D

45. A

46. B

47. A

48. C

49. B

50. D
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2010 JAMB Biology Past

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EduNgr App has thousands of JAMB CBT past questions and
answers for all subjects, JAMB syllabus, novels, etc., and
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Which of the following characterizes a mature plant cell?

A the nucleus is pushed to the centre of the cell

B the cell wall is made up of cellulose
C the nucleus is small and irregular in shape
D the cytoplasm fills up the entire cell space

Which of the following is NOT a function of the nucleus of a
A it translates genetic information for the manufacture of
B it stores and carries hereditary information
C it is reservoir of energy for the cell
D it controls the life processes of the cell

The dominant phase in the life cycle of a fern is the?

A prothallus
B sporophyte
C antheridium
D gametophyte

Parental care is exhibited by

A snails
B earthworms
C birds
D toads

Which of the following groups of cells is devoid of true nuclei
A algae
B monera
C fungi
D viruses

Which of the following is true of the transverse section of a
dicot system?

A the xylem is more interiory located than the phleom

B the cambium lies between the cortex and the vascular
C the vascular bundles are randomly scattered within the
D the epidemis is completely encircled by the cortex

Which of the following is lacking in the diet of a person with

A proteins
B carbohydrates
C minerals
D vitamins
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The mode of nutrition of sun dew and bladder wort can be
described as

A saprophytic
B holozoic
C chemosynthetic
D autotrophic

When the mixture of a food substance and Benedict's solution
was warmed, the solution changed from blue to black-red. This
indicates the presence of

A reducing sugar
B fatty acid
C sucrose
D amino acid

The primary structure responsible for pumping blood for
circulation through the mammalian circulatory systems is the
A veins
B right auricle
C arteries
D left ventricle

Circulation of blood to all parts of the body except the lungs is

A the pulmonary artery

B systemic circulation
C the lympahatic system
D pulmonary circulation

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Yeast respires anaerobically to convert simple sugar to carbon
(IV) oxide and

A alcohol
B acid
C oxygen
D water
The sheet of muscle that separates the thoracic and the
abdominal cavities is the

A diaphragm
B intercostal muscle
C pleural memberane
D pericardium

The oily substance that lubricates the mammalian hair to keep
it flexible and water repellent is secreted by the

A sweet glands
B sebaceous glands
C fatty cells
D granular layer

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The outer layer of the kidney where the Bowman's capsules
are found is the
A cortex
B peivis
C medulla
D pyramid

Which of the following stimuli is likely to elicit a nastic response
in an organism?

A Touch
B Light intensity
C Chemical substances
D Gravity

In the male reproductive system of a mammal, sperm is stored
in the

A van deferens
B urethra
C epididymis
D seminiferous tubules

Chemosynthetic organisms are capable of manufacturing their
food from simple inorganic substances through the process of

A oxidation
B denitrification
C reduction
D phosphorylation

The part of the human gut that has an acidic content is the

A stomach
B duodenum
C ileum
D colon

I. Stomata→ Spirogyro II. Alveoli → Earthworm III. Malpighian
tubule → Mammal IV. Contractile vacuole → Protozoa.
Which of the above structures is correctly matched with the
organisms in which it is found?

A lll
B ll
C l

A food chain always begins with a

A consumer
B decomposer
C producer
D primary consumer

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Mycorrhizae promote plant growth by

A absorbing inorganic ions from the soil

B protecting it from infection
C helping it to utilize atmospheric nitrogen
D serving as a growth regulator

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The barrier between maternal and foetal blood is the

A placenta
B liver
C umbilical chord
D uterine wall

The blood component that has the greatest affinity for oxygen
is the

A lymphocytes
B leucocytes
C erythrocytes
D thrombocytes

Which of the following organisms is mainly found in the marine

A Achatina
B Tilapia
C Dog fish
D Tortoise
The two halves of the pelvic girdle are joined together at the

A public symphysis
B ilium
C pubis
D obturator foramen

I. Adoption of appropriate nocturnal habits ll. Burrowing lll.
Adjusting their internal body temperature. IV Possession of
many sweat pores.
Which of the above are ways in which desert animals adapt to
extreme heat of the environment?

A I and IV only
B ll and lll only
C l and ll only
D l, ll and lll only

Low annual rainfall, sparse vegetation , high diurnal
temperatures and cold nights are characteristic features of the

A tropical rainforest
B desert
C montane forest
D guinea savanna

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The activity of an organism which affects the survival of
another organism in the same habitat constitutes

A an edaphic factor
B an abiotic factor
C a biotic factor
D a physiographic factor

The average number of individuals of a species per unit area
of the habitat is the

A population density
B population frequency
C population size
D population distribution
The vector for yellow fever is

A Aedes mosquito
B Anopheles mosquito
C tsetse fly
D blackfly

The loss of soil through erosion can be reduced by

A watering
B crop rotation
C manuring
D irrigation

The protozoan plasmodium falciparum is transmitted by

A female Anopheles mosquitoes

B female Aedes mosquitoes
C female Culex mosquitoes
D Female blackfly
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A dilute solution of phenylthiocarbamide tastes bitter to some
people and is tasteless to others. This is an example of

A taste bud variation

B discontinuous variation
C morphological variation
D continuous variation

Thyroxine and adrenalin are examples of hormones which

A blood grouping
B tongue rolling
C behavioural patterns
D colour variation

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A pair of genes that control a trait is referred to as

A an allele
B recessive
C dominant
D a hybird

The chromosome number of a cell before and after the
process of meiosis is conventionally represented as

A 2n → 2n
B n→n
C n → 2n
D 2n → n

At what stage in the life history of a mammal is the sex of an
individual set?

A at adolescence
B at puberty
C at birth
D at conception
The main distinguishing features between the soldier termite
and other members of the caste are the

A presence of wings, possession of a small head and large

B presence of wings, possession of a large thorax and a
small head
C absence of wings, possession of strong mandibles and a
large head
D absence of wings,possession of big head and the absence
of mandible

The flippers of a whale and the fins of a fish are examples of

A divergent evolution
B coevolution
C continous variation
D convergent evolution

If both parents are heterozygous for a trait, the probability that
an offspring will be recessive for that trait is
A 12
B 34
C 4
D 1


Use the diagram above to answer this question.In which

plantation are all the trees between the height of 2-4m?

A lll
B ll
C l
D lV

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Use the diagram above to answer this question.Which of the

following is a true feature of plantation ll?
A it has the highest number of trees of about 2m high.
B it has highest number of trees
C it has the highest number of tall trees
D the height of all its trees range between 2m and 6m


Use the diagram above to answer this question.The movement

of material in the xylem and phloem tissues of the plant are
represented by the arrows labelled

A lll and IV respectively

B ll and l respectively
C l and ll respectively
D l and lll respectively

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Use the diagram above to answer this question.During
photosynthesis, the arrow labelled ll represents the

A escape of mineral salts

B absorption of energy from the sun
C release of carbon (IV) oxide
D release of oxygen as a by-product


Use the diagram above to answer this question.The main

function of the feathers covering the part labelled is to

A prevent ectoparasites from attacking the animal

B generate heat to keep the animal warm
C provide some power for flight
D serve as insulator to maintain body heat

Use the diagram above to answer this question.Based on the

shape and structure of the beak and feet, the bird represented
is likely to feed mainly on

A flesh
B fruits
C seeds
D nectar


Use the diagram above to answer this question.With respect to

their decreasing dependence on aquatic conditions for
reproduction, which of the following is the correct arrangement
of the animals represented?

A l,IV,II and lll

B IV, lll, ll and l
C l, ll, IV and lll
D lll, ll, IV and l


In the diagram, which of the animals represents the oldest

creatures in terms of evolutionary history?

A iii
B ii
C i
D iv

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1. B

2. C

3. B
4. C

5. B

6. A

7. A

8. B

9. A

10. D

11. B

12. A

13. A

14. B

15. A

16. C

17. C

18. A

In biochemistry, chemosynthesis is the biological conversion of

one or more carbon molecules (usually carbon dioxide or
methane) and nutrients into organic matter using the oxidation
of inorganic (e.g. hydrogen gas, hydrogen sulfide) or methane
as a source of energy, rather than sunlight, as in
photosynthesis. 19. A
20. D

21. C

22. D

23. A

24. C

25. C

26. A

27. B

28. B

29. C

30. A

31. A

32. B

33. A

34. B

35. C

36. A

37. D

38. D

39. C
40. D

41. C

42. A

43. A

44. A

45. D

46. D

47. A

48. B

49. D

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2009 JAMB Biology Past

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What is the level of organization of an onion bulb?

A tissue
B organ
C systemic
D oranismal

A characteristics exhibited by all living organism is

A sexual reproduction
B aerobic respiration
C the ability to move from one place to another
D the ability to move unwanted substances

In a cell, the genres are carried by

A nuclear membranes
B chromatin threads
C lysosomes
D mitochondria
Alternation of asexual modes of reproduction is found in

A blue,green algae
B euglena
C fern
D maize

The first terrestrial vertebrates evolved from

A pisces
B reptilia
C amphibia
D mammalian

In plants, the structures that play roles similar to the arteries
and veins of animals are the

A xylem and phloem

B root hair and xylem
C lenticels and phloem
D roots and stems
A blue-green alga is not a protophyte because

A it is aquatic
B its cells are prokaryotic
C it cannot move
D it is not a green plant

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The features that makes locomotion in water easy for fish is

A scaly body
B slimy body
C streamlined body
D lateral line

Bird toes suitable for digging have claws that are

A blunt
B curved
C hooked
D sharp

Which of the following is an example of carnivorous plant?

A hydra
B bladderwort
C yeast
D spirogyra

The part of alimentary system of a bird where food is ground
into small particles is the

A cloaca
B stomach
C crop
D gizzard

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which of the following describes the sequence of blood flow
from the heart to a tissue?

A Heart→ artery→ arteriole →tissue?

B heart→ vein →venule →tissue
C heart →venule→ vein →tissue
D heart →arteriole →artery →tissue

The enzymes of the glycolytic pathway are located in the?

A mitochondria
B gastric juice
C plasma
D cytoplasm

In insects, the structures that performs the same function as
the kidney in man is the

A nephridrium
B flame cell
C malphigian tubule
D trachea
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The axial skeleton is found in the

A skull, ribs, vertebral column and breast bone

B skull, humerus,vertebral column and ribs
C breastbone, clavicle, ribs and vertebral column
D femur, sternum,ulna and skull

The reproductive system of a male mammal is made up of

A claspers, prostrate, gland, sperm duct and vas deferens

B testis, prostrate gland, sperm duct and vas deferens
C oviduct, urethra, testis and sperm duct
D testis, uterus, prostrate gland and sperm duct

In a bean seed, absorption of water at the beginning of
germination is through the

A hilium
B micropyle
C testa
D plumule

The most important ecological factor in a terrestrial
environment is

A rainfall
B humidity
C wind
D soil

The association between bacteria residing in the caecum and
the ruminant is

A parastitism
B predation
C saprophytism
D mutualism

A marine protozoan is likely to have no contractile vacuole
mainly because the cytoplasm is
A isotonic to sea water
B hypotonic to sea water
C hypertonic to sea water
D impervious to sea water

In fresh water marshes and swamps, the most important
abiotic factors that organisms have to adapt to is

A nature of substratum
B high salinity
C high temperature
D low pH

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Which of the following biomass could be characterized by very
low rainfall,cold nights, hot days, and fast blooming plants?

A northern guinea savanna

B sounthern guinea savanna
C tropical desert
D montane forest
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Mass of crucible = 10g
Mass of crucible and soil before heating = 29g
Mass of a crucible and soil after heating = 18g
From the information above, determine the percentage of
water in the given soil sample?

A 20%
B 25%
C 40%
D 50%

I. Onchocerciasis
II. Schistosomiasis
IV. Meningitis
which of the diseases listed above are associated with water?

A I and II only
B II, III and IV
C I, II and III
D II and IV

The major cause of global warning is the

A burning of fossil fuel

B construction of dams
C use of electricity
D exploration of space

The uniqueness of an individual organism in a population is
accounted for by

A evolution
B variation
C adaptation
D mutation

A phenotypic character with intermediate forms that can be
graded from one extreme to the other is referred to as

A discontinuous variation
B continuous variation
C a mutant
D a genome

A farmer's assumption that the seed from a good harvest will
produce a good yield is explained by the theory of

A evolution
B adaptation
C variation
D heredity

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In Mendelian inheritance, discontinuous characters are
controlled by the

A centromeres
B alleles
C chromosomes
D chromatids

A woman with the ability to roll her tongue (Tt) marries a man
who cannot roll his tongue(tt). what is the probability of each of
their children being a tongue roller?

A 100%
B 75%
C 50%
D 25%

A health condition that is known to have resulted from gene
mutation is

A haemophilia
B colour blindness
C sickle-cell anaemia
D anaemia

Plants that grow in an area that is neither too wet nor too dry

A xerophytes
B mesophytes
C epiphytes
D hydrophytes

The part of a domestic fowl responsible for preventing heat
loss is the

A filoplume
B contour feather
C down feather
D quill

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Which of the following animals is most adapted for water

A earthworms
B mammals
C flatworms
D insects

The specialized pigment cells that are involved in colouration
and colour change in animals

A xanthophyl
B chromatophores
C chromatophyll
D melanin

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news and more, visit EduNgr.com

During the dry season in the tropics, the body metabolism of
some animals slows to a minimal level in a process referred to

A hibernation
B aestivation
C dormancy
D senescense

According to Darwin, the driving force behind evolutionary
change is

A natural selection
B genetic drift
C mutation
D gene flow


Use the diagram above to answer this question.

The structure that controls loss of water vapour during

transpiration is labelled

A l
B ll
C lll
D lV


Use the diagram above to answer this question.

The part labelled l is the

A spongy mesophyll
B upper epidemis
C cuticle
D vein


Use the diagram above to answer this question.

Emulsification of fats takes place in the part labelled

A l
B ll
C lll
D lV


Use the diagram above to answer this question.

The content of the part labelled lll is usually

A neutral
B alkaline
C acidic
D saline


Use the diagram above to answer this question.

The zone of physiological stress is represented by

A l and ll
B ll only
C ll and lll
D l and lll

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Use the diagram above to answer this question.

The optimum temperature for the growth of the organism is

A 25oC
B 50oC
C 75oC
D 100oC


In the diagram, the structure labelled X is for

A attachment
B feeding
C seeing
D breathing

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various exams, subjects and courses

In the diagram, the habitat of the organism is

A slow moving streams and marshes

B the stomach of large mammals
C under leaf filter on forest floor
D the small intestine of large vertebrates


In the diagram, the male sex cells are contained in the part

A i
B ii
C iii
D iv

In the diagram, the likely pollinating agent of the flower is

A wind
B water
C insect
D man


In the diagram, the eye defect illustrated is

A myopia
B hypermetropia
C astigmaism
D cataract

In the diagram, the function of the correcting lens is to

A diverge incoming rays

B converge incoming rays
C reflect incoming rays
D screen incoming rays

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news and more, visit EduNgr.com

Chewing the cud is an adaptation peculiar to

A Herbivores
B Omnivores
C Rodents
D Ruminants


1. B
2. A

3. B

4. C

5. A

6. A

7. D

8. C

9. A

10. B

11. D

12. A

13. A

14. C

15. A

16. B

17. B

18. D

19. D

20. A

21. A
22. C

23. D

24. C

25. A

26. C

27. B

28. D

29. C

30. C

31. C

32. B

33. C

34. D

35. B

36. A

37. A

38. D

39. C

40. D

41. C
42. D

43. B

44. A

45. B

46. B

47. C

48. B

49. B

50. D

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2008 JAMB Biology Past

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In terms of the number of individuals, which of the following
taxa is most inclusive?

A order
B family
C class
D species

A characteristic that can possibly be shared by both living and
non living organisms is

A locomotion
B irritability
C increase in biomass
D increase in size

The cell of an onion bulb can be differentiated from a cheek
cell by the presence of

A plasmalemma
B chloroplast
C cell wall
D nucleus
In plants, the structure that performs a similar function with the
testis in mammals is the

A stigma
B filament
C anther
D receptance

The bacteria type that are arranged in chains are the

A staphylococci
B clostidia
C streptococci
D basilli

The most abundant group of organisms in the animal kingdom

A mammalia
B aves
C annelida
D insecta

Radial symmetry is a future common to

A platyhelminthes
B nematodes
C coelenterates
D arthropods

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news and more, visit EduNgr.com

Which of the following is used mainly for balancing in fish?

A the caudal fin
B the pectoral fin
C the anal fin
D the dorsal fin

The beak of a duck is structurally adapted for

A scooping and sieving food

B catching and grasping food
C picking and cracking food
D boring and sucking food

The most important characteristic that makes reptiles to
conquer terrestrial habitats is the possession of

A long tail
B scaly skin
C sharp claw
D amniotic egg

In a dicotyledonous stem, the zone between the epidermis and
the pericycle is the

A cortex
B stele
C xylem
D ploem

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The order of passage of food in the digestive system is?

A ileum → caecum → large intestine → rectum

B ileum → colon → caecum →rectum
C large intestine →ileum → caecum →rectum
D colon → caecum → ileum →rectum

insectivorous plants traps and kill their prey to derive

A phosphorous
B calcium
C nitrogen
D zinc

In the alimentary system of a bird, the function of teeth is
carried out by the

A crop
B beak
C gizzard
D tongue
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What will happen wen two equal sized pieces of unripe
pawpaw labelled X and Y are dropped into equal volumes of
concentrated salt solution and distilled water respectively?

A pawpaw X will become turgid

B both will increase in size
C pawpaw Y will become turgid
D both will decrease in size

Exhaled air differs from inhaled air in that it

A less amount of carbon(IV) oxide

B is usually lower in temperature
C often has more oxygen
D usually has more water vapour

In the mammalian kidney, the Bowman''s capsules is located in
A ureter
B pelvis
C cortex
D medulla

A plant parenchyma cell also acts as a supporting tissue when

A becomes flaccid
B contains crystals
C becomes turgid
D is pigmented

During ovulation, an egg is released from the

A corpus luteum
B ovarian funnel
C graafian follicle
D fallopian tube

The transmission of impulses along a nerve fibre is
characterized by

A hormonal and temperature changes

B electrical and ionic changes
C hormonal and changes
D electrostatic changes

The major consequences of bush burning in an ecosystem is

A the loss of water

B the loss of biological diversity
C a decrease in animal population
D an increase in soil fertility

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Which of the following associations is an example of mutualism

A hydra viridis and zoochlorellae

B human and lice
C shark and remora fish
D bread and rhizopus stolonifer
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In a typical freshwater habitat, the edge of the stream or pond
constitutes the

A tidal zone
B intertidal zone
C littoral zone
D euphotic zone

The main ecological problem facing intertidal organisms is

A desiccation
B floatation
C salinity
D humidity

Stomata of some plants are sunken and protected by hairs.
These are features of

A mesophytes
B epiphytes
C hydrophytes
D xerophytes

An ecological factor that will have the most limiting effects on
the abundance of phytoplankton in a turbid pond is

A pH
B oxygen
C light
D temperature

In an experiment to determine the percentage of air in a soil
sample, the following readings were recorded:

volume of water in measuring cylinder = 500 cm3

volume of soil added to water = 350 cm3

volume of water and soil after stirring = 800 cm3

the percentage of air in the soil sample is

A 6.25%
B 10.36%
C 14.28%
D 43.28%

A boy who is fond of swimming in a pond finds himself passing
urine with traces of blood. He is likely to have contacted

A schistosomiasis
B onchocerciasis
C poliomyelitis
D salmonellosis

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The easiest way to establish the level of pollution in a local
stream is to measure the level of

A oxygen
B carbon (IV) oxide
C ammonia
D alkalinity
The Rhesus factor of blood was first identified in a category of

A monkeys
B human females
C human males
D chimpanzees

Genetically modified food products have not become
universally accepted because

A they are not tasty as others produced by conventional

B they are usually costlier than others produced by
conventional means
C their effects on human consumers is not yet fully
D the technology can be applied only in developed countries

A major adaptive feature of endoparasites is the

A loss of the organ of movement

B presence of claws
C loss of the central nervous system
D presence of piercing mouthparts

The abilty of a chameleon to change its colour is an adaptive
future for

A attraction
B defence
C display
D attack

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Which of the following is the most advanced evolutionary
development in plants?

A possession of unicellular structures

B development of flowers
C dispersal of spores
D development of secondary thickening

Which of the following is a major cause of variation among

A Inbreeding
B Backcrossing
C Sexual reproduction
D Gene dominance

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Use the diagram above to answer this question. Which of the

organisms is characterised by the possession of a chitinous

A l
B ll
C lll
D lV

Use the diagram above to answer this question.The type of

reproduction illustrated in IV is

A sexual
B conjugation
C binary fission
D budding


Use the diagram above to answer this question.The vessel that

carries blood from l to ll is the

A pulmonary artery
B pulmonary vein
C carotid artery
D jugular vein


Use the diagram above to answer this question.Water

reabsorption takes place in

A ll and lll
B lll and lV
C l and IV
D l and lll


Use the diagram above to answer this question.Form the

graph above, it can be appropriately deduced that

A the body temperature in ll varies with that in l

B the body of temperature in l is independent of external
C l and ll maintain constant body temperature
D external temperatures affect the body temperature of l and


Use the diagram above to answer this question. The animal

represented by l is a

A poikilotherm
B homoiotherm
C carnivore
D herbivore

In the diagram, the illustration is a typical example of a plant
pollinated by

A wind
B man
C insects
D birds

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In the diagram, the part labelled I represents the

A stationary phase
B lag phase
C log phase
D steady phase

In the diagram, the part labelled IV indicated that the yeast
population has

A reached its maximum size

B reached senescence
C stopped metabolizing food
D started dying

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In the diagram, if species i, ii and iii interact in a community,

which of the following statement is true?

A the population of species ii is growing at a slow rate

B the population of species iii has reached its carrying
C the population of species I has become extinct
D the population of species I is always


In the diagram, the population size of species II on the 20th

day is

A 100
B 200
C 300
D 400


In the diagram, which of the four offspring of the cross will be

sort if T the gene for tallness is

A i
B ii
C iii
D iv


In the diagram, the genotypic ratio of the offspring of the cross


A 1:2
B 1:2:1
C 1:1:1:1
D 3:1


Use the diagram above to answer this question. The male

inflorescence is labelled
A i
B ii
C iii
D iv

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The natural process that produces adaptive evolutionary
changes is

A Mutation
B Gene flow
C Genetic drift
D Natural selection


1. C

2. B

3. C
4. C

5. C

6. D

7. C

8. D

Dorsal fins are found on the back of the fish. There may be up
to three of them. The fish uses this fin for balance in the water
and sudden movements. 9. A

10. D

11. A

12. A

13. C

14. C

15. C

16. D

17. C

18. C

19. C

20. B

21. B
22. A

23. C

24. B

25. D

26. C

27. A

volume of air in the soil = (350 + 500) - 800

= 850 - 800 = 50 cm3
% of air in the soil = (volume of air)/total volume x (100)/1 =
(50)/800 x 100 = 6.25% 28. A

29. A

30. A

31. C

32. D

33. B

34. B

35. D

36. A

37. D

38. A
39. B

40. B

41. B

42. A

43. B

44. A

45. C

46. B

47. D

48. B

49. A

50. D

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2007 JAMB Biology Past

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In which of the following Nigeria states can mountain
vegetation be found?

A Taraba
B Enugu
C Bauchi
D Plateau

Which of the following factors can bring about competition in

A dispersion
B emigration
C drought
D mortality

The theory which supports the view that the large muscles
developed by an athlete will be passed on to the offspring was
proposed by

A lamarck
B darwin
C mendel
D pasteur

In lizards, the lowering of the gular fold is used to

A catch insects
B attract mates
C defend their territory
D frighten enemies

Example of a fish that aestivates is

A shark
B croaker
C lung fish
D cat fish

In mammals, the organ directly on top of the kidney is the

A thyroid gland
B adrenal grand
C pancreas
D prostate gland

The photosynthetic pigments include

A chlorophll and carotenoids

B chloroplasts and cytochromes
C melanin and haemoglobin
D carotenoids and haemoglobin

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Monocot stem differ from dicot stems in that monocot have

A no cambium
B no pith
C fewer vascular bundles
D phloems with parenchyma
The opening and closing of the stoma are regulated by

A transpiration
B respiration
C diffusion
D osmosis

Stunted growth and poor root development are a result of a
deficiency in

A sulpur
B phosphorus
C calcium
D iron

The pancreas secretes enzymes for the digestion of

A fats, proteins and carbohydrates

B fats, vitamins and cellulose
C fats, carbohydrates and vitamins
D protein, cellulos and minerals
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Pineapple is an example of

A a dehiscent fruit
B an aggregate fruit
C a composite fruit
D a simple fruit

The correct sequence of the movement of urea during urine
formation is

A glomerulus → Bowman's capsule→ Convoluted tubules →

Henle's loop → collection tube
B glomerulus → Bowman''s capsule→ Convoluted tubules →
Henle's loop → convoluted tubule→ collecting tubule
C convoluted tubules → glomerulus → Henle's loop→
Bowman's capsule →collecting tubules
D convoluted tubule → Bowman's capsule → Henle's loop
→glomerulus → collecting tubule
The waste product of plants used in the conversion of hide to
leather is

A gum
B alkaloid
C tannin
D resin

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Which of the following used diffusion as the principal method of
gaseous exchange?

A lizard
B grasshopper
C rat
D earthworm

Which of the following has the most primitive respiratory

A snail
B fish
C insect
D mouse

A water medium is necessary for fertilization in

A fungi
B conifers
C ferns
D angiosperms

The chromosomes of members of the kingdom Monera are
within the

A nucleoplasm
B cytoplasm
C nucleus
D nucleolus

The process of shedding the exoskeleton of an arthropod is
known as
A metamorphosis
B instar formation
C ecdysis
D tagmosis

Which of the following is the common to the mosquito, housefly
and blackfly?

A they undergo complete metamorphosis

B they are parasites of man
C their immature stages are aquatic
D their adults have two pairs of wings

An accurate identification of a rapist can be carried out by
conducting a

A RNA analysis
B DNA analysis
C blood group text
D behavioural traits test
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which of the following is true of cloning?

A it is welcomed as an ethical and morally sound science

B only one cell of the original organism is needed to initiate
the process
C the clone is similar to but not exactly like the original
D it involves the asexual multiplication of the tissues of the
original organism

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An example of a sex linked trait is the

A ability to grow long hair in females

B colour of the skin in humans
C ability to roll the tongue
D possession of facial hair in adult humans

Use the diagram above to answer this question. The type of
protective adaptation exhibited by the animal is

A disruptive colouration
B flash colouration
C countershading colouration
D warning colouration


Use the diagram above to answer this question. The structure

labelled l is

A photosensitive
B radiosensitive
C chemoreceptive
D tactile

Use the diagram above to answer this question.Insulin is
produced by the endocrine organ labelled



Use the diagram above to answer this question. The function

of the structure labelled l is to

A stimulate the development of secondary sexual characters

B prepare the body for any emergency
C maintain proper glucose concentration in the blood
D regulate the activities of other endocrine glands

Use the diagram above to answer this question.Oxygenated

blood is pumped to the entire body from the part labelled

B lll
C ll
D l

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Use the diagram above to answer this question. The part

labelled l is the

A pulmonary artery
B vena cava
C aorta
D bicuspid valve


Use the diagram above to answer this question.The part

labelled lV is responsible for

A osmoregulation
B respiration
C ingestion
D locomotion


Use the diagram above to answer this question. The organelle

responsible for sexual reproduction is

A ll
B l
C lV
D lll

Use the diagram above to answer this question.

The process illustrated is

A gametogenesis
B sporulation
C sexual reproduction in Spirogyra
D sexual reproduction in Rhizopus


Use the diagram above to answer this question.

The structure labelled l is the

A sporangium
B hypha
C zygospore
D conidiospore

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Use the diagram above to answer this question.

If the dogs are offspring of a monohybird cross and the gene G

for grey head is dominant cross over its allele g, the individual
whose genotype is likely to be gg is

A ll
B l
D lll

Use the diagram above to answer this question.

Which of the following will be true of dog ll which lost its tail in
an accident if it mates with dog lll.

A None of its offspring will be born without a tail

B 3/4 of its offspring will be born without tails
C All its offspiring will be born without tails
D 1/4 of its offspring will be born without tails

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In the diagram, it shows that the orgasms are

A hermaphrodite
B viviparous
C oviparous
D ovoviviparous


The breeding posture illustrated in the diagram is known as

A mating
B amplexus
C courtship display
D reproductive swimming


In the diagram, the experiment demonstrates

A geotropism
B thigmotropism
C phototropism
D hydrotropism

In the diagram, the part marked I will contain a high
concentration of

A ascorbic acid
B abscisic acid
C ethylene
D auxin


In the diagram, the organelle responsible for heredity is

A iii
B iv
C ii
D i

In the diagram, the part labelled I is the

A nuclear membrane
B cell wall
C endoplasmic recticulum
D plasmellema

The organs that will be most useful to giant African rats in
finding their way in underground habitats are the

A vibrissae
B nostrils
C eyes
D tails

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The increasing order of the particle size in following soil type is

A clay → sand → silt →gravel

B silt → sand → clay → gravel
C clay → silt → sand → gravel
D silt → clay → sand → gravel

The causative agent of bird flu is a

A protozoan
B virus
C bacterium
D fungus

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Which of the following is an example of parasitism

A fungai growing on a dead tree branch

B a squirrel living in an abondoned nest of a bird
C mistletoe growing on an orange tree
D cattle egrets taking ticks from the body of cattle

One adaptation shown by hydrophytes in freshwater habitats is

A leaves reduced to spines

B poor development of roots and xylem tissues
C waxy cuticle on shoot surface
D well developed roots and supporting system

A crucible of 5 g m weighed 10 gm after filling with fresh soil. it
is then heated in an oven at 100°c for 1 hour. After cooling in a
desiccator, the weight was 8 gm. The percentage of water in
the soil is

A 80%
B 60%
C 20%
D 40%

The highest level of ecological organization is the

A ecosystem
B population
C biosphere
D niche

The mangrove swamp in Nigeria is restricted to the

A sahel savana
B sudan savanna
C guinea savanna
D tropical rain forest

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A biotic factor which affects the distribution and abundance of
organisms in a terrestrial habitat is

A temperature
B competition
C pH
D light


1. A

2. C

3. A

4. B

Male anoles have a retractable gular fold that is used to attract

mates and to chase off rivals. 5. C

6. B

7. A

8. A

9. D

10. C

11. A

12. C

13. A

14. C

15. D

16. A

17. C

18. B

19. C
20. A

21. B

22. D

23. D

24. C

25. D

26. B

27. D

28. A

29. C

30. A

31. D

32. D

33. C

34. B

35. A

36. C

37. B

38. D

39. D
40. A

41. D

42. A

43. C

44. B

45. C

46. B

47. D

48. C

The biosphere is the global sum of all ecosystems. The two

joined words are "bio" and "sphere". It can also be termed as
the zone of life on Earth, a closed system, and largely self-
regulating. 49. D

50. B

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Night-blindness result from a deficiency of

A vitamin E
B Vitamin A
C Vitamin K
D Vitamin C

The product of excretion common to the mammalian kidney,
lung and skin is

A mineral salt
B carbon (IV) oxide
C water
D urea

An increase in air pressure in the lungs is due to the

A increase in the volume of the thoracic cavity

B upward movement of he ribs
C relaxation of the diaphragm
D contraction of the intercostal musles

One basic similarity between nervous and endocrine system is
that they both

A produce widespread effects

B transmit very fast impulses
C involve the use of chemical substances
D produce precise and short-lived effect

The organ situated in the pericardia cavity of a mammal is the

A heart
B liver
C stomach
D spleen

A unique characteristics of the cervical vertebrate is the
presence of
A large centrum
B long transverse processes
C zgapophysis
D vertebrartarial canal

In rabbit the chamber of the heart that receives oxygenated
blood from the lungs is the

A left ventrictle
B left auricle
C right ventricle
D right auricle

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The formation of water in the tissue respiration results from the

A breakdown of water molecules

B reduction of oxygen by hydrogen
C reduction of carbon(IV) oxide
D combination of water molecules
Water is necessary for a germinating seed because it

A promotes aerobic respiration

B activate the enzymes
C wets the soil for proper germination
D protects the seed from disiccation

Which of the following produces both hormones and enzymes

A lleum
B pancreas
C gall bladder
D kidney

The mammalian vein which starts with and ends in a capillary
network is the

A pulmonary vein
B mesenteric vein
C renal vein
D hepatic potal vein
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In the transverse of a dicot sperm, the region lying between the
endodermis and the vascular bundle is the

A parenchyma
B pericycle
C phloem
D hypodermis

The two normal types of sex chromosomes are


B XX and XYY
C XY and XXY
D XXand XY

One advantage of variation in a species population is that

A with favoured traits become dominant

B easily reach their reproductive age
C are easily recognised by mates
D are better adapted to changes

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Mendel's second law of inheritance states that

A alleles combine randomly

B alleles segregates independently
C alleles seperate predictably
D chromosomes segregates independently

The intensity of competition among animals in a given area will
increase with

A an increase in the frequency of disease outbreaks

B an increase in population size
C a decrease in immigration rate
D an increase in the emigration rate

The part of the mammalian skin involved in temperature
regulation is the

A sweat gland
B hair papilla
C hair follicle
D sebaceous gland

The role of the Golgi complex in a eukaryotic cell is to

A conduct irons in and out of the cells

B transport genetic materials out of the cell
C provide attachment for ribosomal granules
D transport organic materials in and out of the cells

The dominant phase in the life cycle of a bryophyte is the

A gametangium
B sporophyte
C gametophyte
D prothallus

The evidence that supports the advancement of ferns over
mosses is derive from

A comparative anatomy
B molecular records
C biochemical similarities
D physiological records

Which of the following vertebrates has the most simple
structured heart

A reptile
B fish
C mammal
D amphibian

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One primitive feature of the coelenterates is the possession of

A a dorsal mouth
B radial symmetry
C bilateral symmetry
D a false foot

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A characteristic that best exemplifies the evolutionary
advancement of mammals over other vertebrates is the

A vivparous mode of reproduction

B possession of paired limbs
C terrestrial mode of life
D possession of a heart

An organism which exhibits extracellular digestion is

A spirogyra
B paramecium
C amoeba
D rhizopus

The causative agent of typhoid fever is
A salmonella
B entamoeba
C escherichia
D shigella

Grasses recover quickly from bush fires in the savanna
because of their

A perennating organs
B rapid growth rate
C fibrous roots
D succulent stems

Climax communities in a biotic succession are usually
characterized by

A a constant change in the appearance of the communities

B different species that are constantly changing
C a stable composition of plant and animal species
D rapid changes in the plant and animal species

The soil type that contain nutrients which are not readily
available for plants is

A alluvial
B clayey
C sandy
D loamy

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A population that doubles in size at constant intervals is an
indication of

A sigmoid growth
B exponential growth
C population explosion
D rapid growth

Hassan and Hussain are identical twins but Hassan grows
taller and fatter from Hussain. This is probably because

A Hassain inherits genes for tallness and fattness from the

B They have dissimilar genotypes
C Hussain is endowed with genes for shortness and thinness
D They are raised in different environment


The organ through which the embryo receives food, water and
oxygen is labelled


Mammals are capable of producing hypertonic urine mainly
because of re-absorption in the

A Bowmans capsule
B Urethra
C Ureter
D Loop of henle

Using the diagram, sexual reproduction is illustrated in

A ii
B i
C iii
D iv

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Using the diagram, A plant that exhibits the type of

reproduction shown in IV is

A cola
B ginger
C bryophyllum
D sugar cane


Using the diagram, the part labelled IV is for

A excretion
B nourishment
C protection
D respiration

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In the diagram, the organ through which the embryo receives

food, water and oxygen is labelled
A iii
B iv
C ii
D i


The diagram represents the structure of

A proteins
B chromosones

In the diagram, the part labelled I represents the

A base pairs
B ribose sugar
C phosphate linkage
D deoxyri-bose sugar


In the diagram, the change in the length of the neck of the

giraffes shown was brought about by

A geographical isolation
B predation
C symbiosis
D natural selection


In the diagram, the variation illustration is

A discontinuous
B morphological
C physiological
D biochemical


In the diagram, The economic importance of the larva is that it

A is eaten by birds
B develop into a moth
C resembles the plant on which it lives
D feeds on the leaves of crops


In the diagram, the type of adaptation shown in the larva is

A mimicry
B countershading
C flash colaration
D cisruptive colaration

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In the diagram, The maxillary palp is labelled

A ii
B iv
C i
D ii


In the diagram, the structure labelled I is sensitive to

A light and touch

B chemicals only
C light only
D chemicals and touch

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In the diagram, A unique characteristic that distinguishes the

class of vertebrates represented from other vertebrates is the
presence of

A two pair of limbs

B scales on the lower legs
C a pair of wings
D a covering of feathers

In the diagram, the structures used for offense and defense
are labelled

A i and iv
B i and ii
C ii and iii
D iii and iv


In the diagram, Which of the following can be decided from the


A species II is found only in locations where it rains all year

B species III inreases in number as rainfall increases
C the distribution of species IV is not dependent on rainfall
D species I thrives under conditions of moderate to high

In the diagram, the species whose distribution is not affected

by rainfall is

A ii
B iv
C i
D iii


In the diagram, the importance of the association to the fungus

is that it obtains

A a partner for reproduction

B anchorage from the algea
C oxgen and carbohydrates from the algae
D water and mineral salts from the algae

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In the diagram, the association illustrated demonstrates

A parasitism
B commensalism
C saprophytism
D mutualism


1. B

2. C

3. C

4. C

5. A

6. D

7. B

8. B
9. B

10. B

11. D

12. B

13. D

14. A

15. B

16. B

17. A

18. D

19. C

20. A

21. B

22. B

23. A

24. D

25. A

26. A

27. C

28. B
29. B

30. B

31. C

32. D

33. B

34. C

35. C

36. C

37. D

38. A

39. D

40. B

41. D

42. D

43. B

44. A

45. D

46. B

47. D

48. A
49. C

50. D

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The organelle common to both plant and animal cells is the

A centrioles
B plasmalemma
C cell wall
D chloroplast

Which of the following is likely to have a higher concentration
of the mitochondria?

A Sperm cell
B white blood cell
C Egg cell
D Red blood cell

The hyphal wall of fungi is rigid owing to the

A cell wall
B lignin
C cellulose
D chitin

Angiosperms and gymnosperms belong to the class

A schizophyta
B spermatophyta
C pteridophyta
D bryophyta

An example of radially symmetric organism is

A planera
B Hydra
C tape worm
D round worm

The leech and the earthworm belong to the

A mollusces
B crustaceans
C arachnides
D annelides

I. Rattus rattus II. Agama agama III. Bufo regularis IV.
tilipia zilli
the order of evolutionary advancement to the above
vertebrates is

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From the diagram above the angle between the parts labelled
II and III is the

A bud
B node
C internode
D axil

The part of the plant where photosynthesis is least likely to

take place is


The stage in the life history of a moth responsible for the
destruction of agricultural crops is the

A nymph
B imago
C pupa
D caterpillar

The blackfly is a vector of

A malaria
B trypanosomiasis
C onchocerciasis
D yellow fever

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The transition from amphibians to mammals involves the limb
becoming arranged to support the weight more effectively
requiring modifications in the

A collar bones and coccyx

B pectoral and pelvic girdles
C scapulae and clavicles
D vertebrae and sternum

The main function of the caudal fin in Tilapia is to

A propel it forward in water

B steer it while changing direction
C balance it in water
D enable it to float in water

In the root vascular system, the stele is directly surrounded by

A pericycle
B cortex
C endodermis
D parenchyma
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From the diagram above the part labelled IV represents the

A colon
B ileum
C caecum
D duodenum


From the diagram above, The bile is stored in the part labelled

The only vein that carriers pure oxygenated blood is the

A renal vein
B pulmonary vein
C hepatic vein
D sciatic vein

The function of the fluid - filled pericadium is to

A reduce the friction caused by the pumping movements of

the heart
B supply the heart with organisms from attacking the heart
C prevent disease organism from attacking the heart
D reduce the intensity of the pumping

The mammalian lung is made air tight by the

A pleural cavity
B mucous membrane
C pleural membrane
D diaphragm
A test tube containing yeast in glucose solution containing
alkaline pyrogallol. The bubbles of carbon (IV) oxide produced
indicates that the yeast cells are

A respiring in the absence of oxygen

B liberating oxygen on their own
C living and consuming oxygen
D being killed by the alcohol produced

The urinary tubules of the kidney function through

A osmosis and diffusion

B active transport and osmosis
C ultrfiltration and selective reabsorption
D active transport and cytoplasmic streaming

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Excess water in plants is excreted as water vapour and
droplets respectively through
A respiration and guttation
B transpiration and guttation
C photosynthesis and guttation
D guttation and condensation

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When bacteria swim from cold to warm regions this is known

A negative chemotaxis
B positive thermotaxis
C positive phototaxis
D negative phototaxis

Hydrostatic skeleton is the type of supporting system found in

A mammals
B reptiles
C oligochaetes
D arthropods

from the diagram above the structure labelled I originates from


A liver
B kidney
C small intestine
D stomach


From the diagram above Birth control by vasectomy is

achieved by severing the structure labelled


The main function of the structure labelled I is to

A store food for the young plant

B pull the young shoot above the ground
C store water for the seedling
D protect the young plumule


The type of germination illustrated is termed

A hypogeal
B epicotyl
C epigeal
D hypocotyl

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From the diagram above The structure labelled I is the

A incus
B malleus
C hammer
D stapes


A function of the part labelled II is to

A equalize pressure on both sides of the tympanum

B conduct sound waves to the brain
C help the animal maintain balance or posture
D transform sound waves into electric impulses

Which of the following is a homostatic response in humans?
A Withdrawing the hand from a hot object
B The mouth getting watery when food is sighted
C yawning owing to tiredness
D shivering in a cold environment


from the diagram above the optimal temperature for breeding

cockroaches is

A 15oC
B 19oC
C 24oC
D 33oC


At which temperature will cockroaches not survive after 10


A 15oC
B 19oC
C 24oC
D 33oC

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Evapouration and transpiration are respectively represented by

the components labelled

A I and II
B II and III
C III and IV
D IV and I


The main reservoir of water in the circle is the

A cloud
B ground water
C plant
D ocean

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The Mambila plateau is a unique Nigerian biome located in

A Plateau state
B Borno state
C Taraba state
D Benue state

In Nigeria, the guinea savanna belt borders the

A mangrove swamps and the sahel savanna

B rainforests and the sudan savanna
C desert and the sudan savanna
D rainforests and the deserts

The population density of Tridex in an abandoned square farm
land of side 200 m was found to be 5 plants per m2. The
population size of the plant on the farm is
A 40
B 1000
C 40000
D 200000

Secondary succession is much faster than primary succession

A pioneer colonizers are more in number

B soil is already present
C secondary seres require less nutrients
D species competition is increased

which of the following is used to test for the presence of lime in
a soil sample?

A H2SO4(aq)
B NaOH(aq)
C HCl(aq)
D HNO3(aq)

The importance of practising crop rotation in agriculture is to

A maintain soil fertility

B improve the nutritional value of crops
C control soil erosion
D ensure the growth of crops

The recycling method of solid waste disposal is unsuitable for

A organic matter
B glass
C plastic
D metal scraps

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A non - renewable alternative source of energy is

A wind generator
B solar panels
C nuclear energy
D hydroelectric power
Which of the following is the best explanation for a child who is
phenotypically short and born of two tall parents

A The father possesses a gene for shortness

B The mother posesses a gene for shortness
C Nature makes the child short
D Both parents possess gene for shortness

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A yellow maize is crossed with a white maize and the first filial
generation produce yellow maize only. The white trait is said to

A dominance
B recessiveness
C codominance
D incomplete dominance

The association in which one member benefits and the other is
relatively unaffected by the interaction is termed
A symbiosis
B parasitism
C commensalism
D mutualism

When a peacock displays its colourful feathers, it is

A ready for a fight

B protecting itself from predators
C protecting its mate from predators
D courting a female

When an animal has a dark-coloured dorsal surface and a
light-colouration ventral surface, this is an adaptation called

A concealment colouration
B countershading
C colour blending
D disruptive colouration

The only caste in the termite colony are the members can feed
themselves are the

A reproductives
B workers
C nymphs
D soldiers

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An evidence of a common ancestral for fishes, amphibians,
reptiles, birds and mammals is the

A possession of wings by birds and bats

B cold-bloodedness of fishes, amphibians and reptile
C presence of gilll clefts in vertebrate embryos
D possession of scale by fish and reptiles


1. B

2. A
3. D

4. B

5. B

6. D

7. D

8. D

9. D

10. D

11. C

12. B

13. A

14. A

15. D

16. B

17. B

18. A

19. C

20. A

21. C

22. B
23. B

24. C

25. B

26. C

27. D

28. C

29. D

30. A

31. D

32. C

33. A

34. A

35. D

36. C

37. B

38. D

39. A

Secondary succession is usually much quicker than primary

succession for the following reasons:
There is already an existing seed bank of suitable plants in the

Root systems undisturbed in the soil, stumps and other plant

parts from previously existing plants can rapidly regenerate.

The fertility and structure of the soil has also already been
substantially modified by previous organisms to make it more
suitable for growth and colonization. 40. B

41. A

42. A

43. C

44. D

45. B

46. C

47. D

48. B

49. B

50. C

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The endoplasmic reticulum is represented by the part labelled


The part labelled II is responsible for

A photosynthesis
B respiration
C protein synthesis
D excretion

The rods in the retina of the eyes are examples of

A cells
B tissues
C organs
D systems

The absence of special food and water-conducting systems
restricts the body size in

A algae, liverworts and mosses

B liverworts, mosses and ferns
C the bryophytes and the pteridophytes
D the thallophytes and pteridophytes

A plant-like feature in Euglena is the
A pellicle
B pigment spot
C large spot
D gullet

The most common characteristic of the fungal hyphae is the
possession of

A cell-like compartment with one nucleus each

B cell walls that are both rigid and chitinous
C a multicellular mycelium in the substrate
D cell-like partitions formed by cross-walls

Insects are considered the most successful among the
invertebrates because they

A possession of exoskeletons
B survive in various environmental conditions
C have wings for flight
D possess the ability to change their forms
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the larval stage of a mosquito is called

A wriggler
B grub
C maggot
D caterpillar

the function of the long-winged reproductives of the termites
colony is to

A disperse the population

B feed the young
C participate in swarming
D protect the young

A peculiar characteristics of mammals is that they

A have teeth
B are warm-blooded
C have lungs
D have sabaceous glands

In the internal structure of plants, a wide pith in the centre is
common to

A dicot stems and monocot stems

B dicot stem and monocot roots
C dicot roots and monocot roots
D dicot roots and monocot stems

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The gall bladder of mammal has a duct connected to the

A liver
B duodenum
C small intestine
D pancreas

All living cells require water because it
A is a medium for all metabolic reactions
B is a medium that neutralizes the acids in cells
C is the main source of energy for the cell
D prevents the development of dieseases in cells

The breakdown of fats and oils into simpler absorbable
compounds is catalyzed by the group of enzymes called

A lipases
B hydrolases
C amylases
D peptidases

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Yam is used in this set-up because it

A is a permeable to the salt solution

B is a plant material
C acts as a storage organ
D acts as a semi-permeable membrane


Which of the following results is to be expected if the set up is

left for several hours?

A decrease in the size of the yam

B movement of the salt solution into the water
C decrease in the volume of water inside the yam
D movement of water from the salt solution into the yam

The surface of an alveolus in a mammal is well supplied with
tiny blood vessels known as

A arterioles
B venules
C arteries
D capillaries
The anaerobic fermentation of a glucose molecule yields

A 38 ATP molecules
B 2 ATP molecules and alcohol
C pyruvic acid and alcohol
D water and carbon (IV) oxide

The opening of the stoma is controlled by the

A presence of a pore
B increase in solute concentration in the guard cells
C presence of guard cells
D decrease in solute concentration in the guard cells


The sweat gland is the structure labelled



The function of the part labelled III is to

A contract to pull the hair erect

B conduct nervous impulses
C carry blood and nitrogenous waste
D produce oil for the skin

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The type of reproduction that is common to both Hydra and

A conjugation
B binary fission
C grafting
D budding
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The eggs of birds contains relatively larger quantities of yolk
than those of amphibians and reptiles because

A birds are generally bigger in size

B embryonic development is longer in birds
C those of birds are fertilized internally
D birds lay shelled eggs

Epigeal germination of a seed is characterized by

A more rapid elongation of the hypocotyl than the epicotyl

B more rapid elongation of the epicotyl than the hypocotyl
C equal growth of both the hypocotyl and epicotyl
D lack of growth of the hypocotyl

Nervous control differs from hormonal control in that the former

A involves only chemical transmision

B is a lower process
C produces short-term changes
D has no specific pathway

If a nursing mother is not producing enough milk, her hormonal
system is probably deficient in

A prolactin
B testosterone
C thyroxin
D insulin

The two keys cation involved in the action potential of nervous
transmissions are

A Na+ an Fe2+
B Mg2+ and K+
C Na+ and K+
D Fe2+ and Mg2+

A caterpillar and an aphid living in different parts of the same
plant can be said to

A occupy the same ecological niche

B be in different habitat
C occupy different ecological niche
D be in the same microhabitats

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Ecological ZoneTemperature (oC)Rainfall
From the table above high relative humidity will be expected in

A I and III
B I and IV
C II and III
D II and IV

Ecological Zone Temperature (oC)Rainfall (mm)
I 45 300
II 32 2000
III 30 2200
IV 15 800

From the table above which of the zones is likely to be desert?


The association between termites and the cellulose - digesting
protozoans in their guts is an example of

A saprophytism
B mutualism
C parasitism
D commensalism

The progressive loss of energy at each level in a food chain
leads to

A an increase in biomas at each successive level

B a decrease in biomass at each successive level
C an increase in the number of organism at each successive
D an increase in the total number of organisms at each
successive level

One of the adaptation of reptile to water loss is the presences

A keratinous scale
B claws on limbs
C long tails
D long sticky tongues

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A state in Nigeria that is most susceptible to desert
encroachment is

A Kwara
B Taraba
C Kaduna
D Katsina
The scarcity of food causes a sudden decrease in population
size by

A decreasing the reproductive rate

B bringing about immigration
C raising the mortalility rate
D minimizing the rate of competition

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The soil type that will be most difficult to plough in a wet
season is one that is

A loamy
B clayey
C sandy
D silty

A farm practice that result in the loss of soil fertility is

A mixed farming
B bush fallowing
C shifting cultivation
D continous cropping

Paternity dispute can most accurately be resolved through the
use of

A Finger printing
B blood group typing
C DNA analysis
D tongue-rolling

In a Mendelian cross of red and white varieties of the four
O"clock plants, the F1 generation expresses incomplete
dominance by having flower which are

A white
B red
C pink
D multicoloured

Identical twins inherit their genes from

A different eggs and sperms

B the same egg and sperm
C two eggs and a sperm
D one egg and two sperms

Sex - linked genes are located on

A Y - chromosomes
B X - and Y - chromosomes
C homologous chromosome
D X - chromosome

Which of the following is an example of intraspecific

A a lizard and an ant-eater chasing an insect

B a worker termite and a soldier in a limited
C a hawk and an eagle targeting the same chicken
D yam and potato shots growing out through the same
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Plants survive hot dry conditions by

A storing water in large parenchyma cells

B producing numerous leaves
C having numerous stomata
D having evergreen leaves

Rodents gnaw on food with their

A molar teeth
B strong jaws
C flat-ridged teeth
D chisel - like front teeth

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The spots and stripes of the leopard and tiger are example of

A cryptic colouration
B warning colouration
C disruptive colouration
D counter shading

An evidence of the relationship between living organisms and
their extinct relatives can best be obtained from

A embryology
B comparative anatomy
C comparative physiology
D palaeontology


The process of pollination involves the transfer of pollens from

B IV to I
C I to II

The part labelled II is the

A stigma
B anther
C filament
D style


The bones labelled II are called

A lumbar vertebrae
B thoracic vertebrae
C cervical vertebrae
D sacral vertebrae

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The type of joint between adjacent bones in the part labelled II

is the

A hinge joint
B ball and socket joint
C suture joint
D sliding joint


1. D

2. B

3. A

4. A

5. B

6. A

7. C
8. A

9. A

10. D

11. B

12. A

13. A

14. A

15. D

16. C

17. D

18. B

19. B

20. D

21. A

22. D

23. B

24. A

25. C

26. A

27. C
28. A

29. C

30. A

31. B

32. B

33. A

34. D

35. C

36. B

37. D

38. C

39. C

40. B

41. B

42. D

43. A

44. D

45. C

46. D

47. A
48. B

49. A

50. D

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The structure that are common to both plant and animal cells
are labelled

A IV and I
B II and IV
C II and III
D I and II

Food is stored in the structure labelled


One distinctive feature in the life history of liverworts is that
they exhibit

A Alternation of generation
B Vegetative reproduction
C Asexual reproduction
D Sexual reproduction

A noticeable adaptation of the animal to its aquatic habitat is
the possession of

A a wide mouth
B large eyes
C webbed digits
D fore limbs

The process of water loss and intake indicated by the arrow

labelled I and II are respectively

A exhalation and osmosis

B urination and diffusion
C osmosis and diffusion
D evaporation and osmosis

The umbrella shaped fruiting body of a fully developed
mushroom is the

A Pileus
B Mycelium
C Basidium
D Stipe

The similarity among organisms belonging to the same group
will be least within each

A family
B order
C kingdom
D species

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Hermophroditic reproduction can be found among the

A Arthropods and nematodes

B Pisces and amphibians
C Annelids and molluscs
D coelenterates and platyhelminthes

An insect whose economic importance is both harmful and
beneficial is the

A Tsetsefly
B Blackfly
C Mosquito
D Butterfly

The cell component that is present in a prokaryotic cell is the

A Chloroplast
B Ribosome
C Mitochondrion
D Nuclear envelope

The stunted growth of a leguminous plant suffering from
nitrogen deficiency may be corrected by inoculating the soil

A denitrifying bacteria
B Saprophytic bacteria
C Rhizobium
D Nitrosomonas

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If water that has been coloured red is poured at the base of a
wilting plant, it will appear as a red stain in the cells of the

A xylem
B epidermis
C phloem
D parenchyma


The aim of the experiment is to demonstrate

A that in mammal gaseous exchange takes place in the lungs

B the part played by the pleural cavity and diaphragm in
C that a large amount of oxygen is absorbed by the lungs
D the presence of carbon (IV) oxide in the exhaled air


In the experimental set-up, the rubber sheet represents the

organ called

A pleural cavity
B lungs
C diaphragm
D intercostal muscles

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The dark reaction of photosynthesis involves the

A reduction of carbon(IV)oxide to organic

B release of oxygen and the splitting of water
C photolysis of water and the production of starch
D splitting of water into hydrogen

The experiment is used to demonstrate that

A plants lose water through guttation

B transpiration occurs through the leaves
C water is necessary for photosynthesis
D leaves are important to photosynthesis


In the experiment, the layer of oil serves to prevent water loss

A transpiration
B evaporation
C osmosis
D guttation

Organisms I, II, III and IV have surface/volume ratios of 1:2,
1:3, 1:4 and 1:5 respectively. The organism that is likely to
have the most complex transport system is


The part of the mammalian digestive system where absorption
of nutrient takes place is the

A ileum
B colon
C oesophagus
D duodenum

The best method of propagating sugarcane is by

A Seeding sowing
B Layering
C Grafting
D Stem cuttings
In mammalian males, the excretory and reproductive systems
share the

A Ureter
B vas deferens
C Urethra
D Testes

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Metabolic production of urea is carried out in the

A urinary bladder and kidney

B Liver
C Pancreas
D Kidney and malphigian tubule

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The structure can be found in the

A Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems

B Peripheral and central nervous system
C Peripheral nervous system only
D Central nervous system only


The point marked I is referred to as

A myelin sheath
B dendrites
C axon
D node of Ranvier

Homologous pairs of chromosome separate during

A Cytolysis
B Cleavage
C Mitosis
D Meiosis

An example of a caryopsis is

A Guava
B Maize grain
C Coconut
D Tomato

The response of plants to external stimuli in a non-directional
manner is known as

A Tactic movement
B Phototropism
C Geotropism
D Nastic movement

The most important hormone that induces the ripening of fruit
A Ethylene
B Indole acetic acid
C Gibberallin
D Cytokinin

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A density-dependent factor that regulates the population size
of organism is

A Disease
B Sudden flood
C Drought
D Fire outbreak

One example of fossil fuels is

A Limestone
B Coral
C Coal
D Firewood
The most effective method of dealing with non-biodegradable
pollutant is by

A Dumping
B Recycling
C Incineration
D Burying

The correct sequence of biomes from northern to southern
Nigeria is

A Guinea savanna → sudan savanna → tropical rain forest →

sahel savanna→ estuarine
B Estuarine → tropical rain forest → guinea savanna → sahel
C Sahel savanna → tropical rain forest → estuarine → guinea
D Sahel savanna → sudan savanna → guinea savanna →
tropical rain forest → estuarine

Mycorriza is an associationn between fungi and
A protozoans
B Roots of higher plants
C Bacteria
D Filamentous algae

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A limited factor in a plant population near a chemical factory is
likely to be

A Light
B Humidity
C wind
D pH

Soil fertility can best be conserved by the activities of

A Earthworm
B Man
C Rodent
D Microbes
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The pioneer organisms in ecological succession are usually

A mosses
B ilohens
C ferns
D algae

If a DNA strand has a base sequence TCA, its complementary
strand must be


A man and his wife are both heterozyous for the sickle-cell
trait. The likely percentage of their offspring that will be either
carriers or sicklers is
A 75%
B 50%
C 25%
D 100%

If the pair of alleles for baldness is given as Bb, a female
carrier will be denoted by


An organism that has been extensively used to test the
chromosomes theory of heredity is

A Drosophila melanogaster
B Muscar domestica
C Zea mays
D Homo sapiens

A feature associated with the Y-chromosome in human is

A long eyelashes
B prominent fingernails
C facial hairs
D enlarged breast

The type of reproduction that leads to variation animal and
plant population is

A budding
B sexual
C vegetative
D asexual

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An insect with a mandibulate mouth part will obtain its food by

A biting and chewing

B chewing and sucking
C chewing
D sucking
An argument against Lamarck's theory of evolution is that

A disuse of body part cannot weaken the part

B disused part is dropped off in the offspring
C acquired traits cannot be passed on to the offspring
D trait cannot be acquired through constant use of body parts

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The presence of sunken stomata and the folding of leaves are
adaptations to

A Prevent entry of pathogens

B Reduce water loss
C Remove excess water
D Prevent guttation

Spines and shells on animals are adaptation for

A camouglage
B chemical defence
C physical defence
D mimicry

An example of cryptic colouration is the

A Mottled colours on the moths that rest in lichens

B bright colour of an insect pollinated flower
C Green colour of a plant
D Bright marks on poisonous tropical frog on veriegated

Which of the following requires the use of carbon dating to
prove that evolution has occurred?

A Comparative anatomy
B Biochemical similarities
C molecular records
D Fossil records

the inactive state exhibited by an animal during hot dry
seasons is termed

A Aestivation
B Dormancy
C Resting
D Hibernation

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In the egg of a bird, the embryo is located in the

A Yolk
B Embryo disc IV
C Chalaza
D Albumen


1. C

2. C

3. A
4. C

5. D

6. A

7. C

8. D

9. D

10. B

11. C

12. A

13. B

14. C

15. A

16. B

17. B

18. A

19. A

20. D

21. C

22. B
All the metabolic wastes are excreted in a form of water
solutes through the excretory organs (nephridia, Malpighian
tubules, kidneys), with the exception of CO2, which is excreted
together with the water vapor throughout the lungs. The
elimination of these compounds enables the chemical
homeostasis of the organism. Urea is produced in the liver and
is a metabolite 23. B

24. D

25. D

26. B

27. D

Plant movements that are independent of the direction of the

stimulus or that are caused by non-directional stimuli are called
nastic movements or nasties 28. A

29. A

30. C

31. B

32. D

33. B

34. D

35. D

36. B
37. D

38. A

39. D

40. A

41. C

42. B

43. A

44. C

45. B

46. C

47. A

48. D

49. A

50. A

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When oil is poured into the breeding site of mosquitoes, it

A deprives the larvae of water

B kills the adults
C suffocates the pupae
D slows doen egg development

The structure found only in the plant cells are

A cell membrane and cytoplasm

B chromatin and nucleolus
C cell wall and chloroplast
D cell membrane and lysosome

A flower that has both stamens and pistils is said to be

A staminate
B pistillate
C perfect
D imperfect

In the diagram, the hawk is

A an omnivore
B a primary consumer
C a tertiary onsumer
D a scavenger

Example of competitors are

A lizard and mouse

B snake and lizard
C grasshopper and mouse
D rabbit and snake

one of the adaptation of life on trees by a monkey is its
possession of digits which are

A extensible
B big
C opposable
D long

The community of plants in which the same species occur from
year to year is the

A annual species
B pioneer vegetation
C perennial species
D climax vegetation

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The most common means of transmiting the Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is

A from mother to child

B through blood transfusion
C through sexual intercourse
D through the sharing of needles

Plants tend to prevent overcrowding by means of efficient

A water uptake
B seed germination
C pollination
D seed dispersal

The physical and climatic factors of a region primarily
determine the

A kinds of animal inhabiting the area

B types of plants found in the area
C nature of the soil in that region
D community of organisms in the region

A step in the movement of energy through an ecosystem is a
description that best fits the term

A food chain
B trophic level
C pyramid of numbers
D food web

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In a field experiment, the frequency of water leaf was observed
to be 48 after 20 tosses of a 2m2 quadrat. What is the density
of the plants in the field?

A 1.2 per m2
B 2.4 per m2
C 4.8 per m2
D 9.6 per m2

The supporting tissue in xylem is most poorly developed in

A mangrove swamp plants

B grassland plants
C submerged water plants
D desert plants
The addition of lime to clayed soil serves to

A aid water retention

B close up the texture
C prevent water logging
D improve capillary action

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The excessive use of agro-chemicals could lead to the
pollution of

A the lithosphere
B the atmosphere
C fresh water
D space

In a population study using the transect method, a student is
likely to record the highest number of species in

A a tropical rain forest

B a guinea savanna
C a sahel savanna
D an estuarine swamp

In his theory of evolution, Darwin implied that

A the struggle for existence among living organisms is

B the most successful organisms are those that best adapt to
their environment
C organs of the body which are not regularly used by an
organism will disappear
D any traits acquired by an organism during its lifetime can be
passed on its offspring

The carnassial teeth of a carnivorous animal consist of the

A last upper premolar and the first lower molar

B last upper molar and the last lower molar
C first upper premolar and the lower molar
D first upper molar and the first lower molar
Birds which are large with long straight pointed beaks, long
necks and long legs are likely to be

A insect eaters
B fish catchers
C nectar feeders
D fruit eaters

A feature of the caste system of bees and termites ia that

A the workers are sterile

B the kings are bigger than the queens
C only the worker perform duties
D nuptial flight is performed by all members

The structure that is common in the embryos of mammals,
amphibians, birds, fishes and reptiles and which is an evidence
of their common ancestry is the

A eye
B chorion
C allantois
D gill-silts

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Animals aestivate when the environment in which they live

A hot and dry

B cold and wet
C warm and humid
D windy and snowy

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Examples of organisms in which extracellular digestion occurs

A fungus, loranthus and housefly

B rhizopus, sponges and earthworm
C roundworm, tapeworm and hydra
D rhizopus, housefly and hydra
The mammalian erythrocytes differ from the leucocytes at
maturity because the erythrocytes are

A discoid and nucleated

B discoid and enucleated
C amoeboid and nucleated
D amoeboid and enucleated

The presence of endoskeleton is characteristic of

A invertebrata
B vertebrata
C insecta
D coelenterata

The capture and digestion of insects by a pitcher plant is a
special form of nutrition termed

A autotrophic
B heterotrophic
C chemosynthetic
D saprophytic

Which of the following statement is correct about the


A The flask must be of the conical type

B Caustic soda can be replaced with distilled water
C The enclosed leaf will lose its green colour
D The leaves outside the flask serve as control


The experimental set-up can be used to demonstrate that

A light is necessary for photosynthesis

B oxygen is necessary for photosynthesis
C photosynthesis occurs in the leaves of plants
D carbon (IV) oxide is necessary for photosynthesis
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When a marine fish was taken from the ocean and put in a
tank of fresh water, it died after a short period because

A the tank was too small compare to the large ocean

B the body cells of the fish swelled and burst as a result of
the hypotonic fresh water
C the body cells of the fish shrank as their sap was
hypertonic to the fresh water
D there was no food in the tank, so the starved.

Which of the following pairs of organ is located in the anterior
half of the mammalian body cavity?

A Kidneys and lungs

B Heart and ovary
C Lungs and heart
D Kidneys and heart

The mode of nutrition exhibited by a tapeworm is
A symbiotic
B saprophytic
C parasitic
D holozoic

The organ located within the duodenal loop in the mamal is the

A spleen
B pancreas
C liver
D gall bladder

In which of the following groups of fruits is the pericarp
inseparable from the seed coat?

A Nut
B Follicle
C Cypsela
D Crayopsis

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A person that is obese must avoid meals containing

A `carrots and oranges

B margarine and butter
C beaf and beans
D rice and yam

Tissue respiration is important for the

A absorption of oxygen into the alveoli

B release of carbon (IV) oxide into the lungs
C release of energy for the body use
D exhalation of carbon(IV) oxide from the lungs

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The function of the absorption is performed by the structure



The structure labelled I represented the

A phloem
B xylem
C cortex
D pericycle


The gland usually found in the position labelled I is the

A adrenal
B thyriod
C pancreatic
D pituitary

To select and retain the desirable trait of large body size which
a farmer has observed in his herd, the farmer needs to

A feed the animals in the herd with more food

B cross-breed his animals with a different herd
C inbreed the animals in his herd
D prevent disease in herd

In a population of living things, the parameters of size, height,
weight and colour are examples of

A discontinuous variation
B continuous variation
C physiological variation
D non-heritable variation

If XN is the dominant allele for normal vision and Xn the
recessive allele for colour blindness, a boy with the genotype
YXn will be

A have normal vision

B be colour-blind
C be totally blind
D be a carrier of colour blindness

The first four children of a couple were all girls. The probability
that the fifth will also be a girl is

A 1/5
B 1/4
C 1/3
D 1/2

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Genetic counselling is important when a marriage is planned
between a

A Rh- woman and Rhman+

B Rh- woman and Rh- man
C Rh+ woman and Rh+ man
D Rh+ woman and Rh- man

What proportion of the offspring of a cross between two
heterozygous parents will exhibit the recessive condition

A 1/4
B 1/2
C 3/4
D 4/4

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A hormone secreted at IV serves to

A make the body react to emergencies

B lower blood glucose level
C raise the level of calcium ions in the blood
D facilitate the development of facial hairs


Ovoviparity is the type of fertilization exhibited by the organism



The correct evolutionary sequence of the organisms
represented is


An amoeba and an unlaid chicken egg are

A anial tissue
B organelles
C single cell
D organisms

In corns, food is usually stored in the

A leaves
B stems
C roots
D buds
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The animals that move by means of flagella include

A Chlamydomonas and Euglena

B Planeria and Amoeba
C Amoeba and Hydra
D Paramecium and Planeria


1. C

2. C

3. C

4. C

5. B

6. C

7. D

8. C

9. D
10. D

11. B

12. A

13. C

14. D

15. C

16. A

17. B

18. A

19. C

20. A

21. D

22. A

23. C

24. B

25. B

26. B

27. D

28. D

29. B
30. C

31. C

32. B

33. D

34. B

35. C

36. B

37. D

38. D

39. C

40. B

41. B

42. D

43. A

Most people — about 85% — are Rh positive. But if a woman

who is Rh negative and a man who is Rh positive conceive a
baby, there is the potential for a baby to have a health
problem. The baby growing inside the Rh-negative mother may
have Rh-positive blood, inherited from the father.
Approximately half of the children born to an Rh-negative
mother and Rh-positive father will be Rh positive 44. A
45. D

46. C

47. A

48. C

49. B

50. A

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An association between the root nodule of a leguminous plant
and rhizobium sp, is known as

A commmensalism
B mycorrhiza
C parastism
D symbiosis

Amphibian are normally found

A on dry land and water

B in water and on moist land
C on moist land
D in water

Viviparity occurs mainly in the

A mammals
B reptiles
C aves
D amphibians

The jointed structure in insects that bears organs which are
sensitive to touch, smell and vibration is the

A maxilla
B labium
C antenna
D abdomen

Which of following groups is the most advanced?

A Pteridophytes
B Bryophytes
C Thallophytes
D Gymnosperm

Most monocots are easily recognized by their

A short leaves with petioles

B long and sword-like leaves
C long and palm like leaves
D short with veinlets

Water fleas, wood lice and barnacles belong to the group

A arachnida
B crustacea
C insecta
D chilopoda

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The mode of feeding in Amoeba and Hydra is

A heterotrophic
B holophytic
C autotrophic
D symbiotic

Which of the following organisms does not exist as a single
free living cell?

A Paramecium
B Volvox
C Amoeba
D Chlamydomonas

The center for learning and memory in the human brain is the
A medulla oblongata
B cerebellum
C cerebrum
D olfactory lobe

Urea formation occurs in the

A heart
B liver
C lung
D kidney

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The structure that holds the yolk in position is labelled



The part labelled IV is the

A albumen
B germinal disc
C yolk
D air space

The gas produced during tissue respiration can be identified by

A calcium hydroxide
B copper sulphate
C calcium carbonate
D sodium hydroxide

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A seedling grown in the dark is likely to be

A etiolated
B dormant
C sturdy
D stunted

The enzyme invertase will hydrolyze sucrose to give

A maltose and glucose

B glycerol and fatty acid
C glucose and fructose
D mannose and galactose

When yeast respire anaerobically, it converts simple sugar to
carbon (IV) oxide and

A oxygen
B acid
C alcohol
D water
The transportation of oxygen and carbon (IV) oxide in
mammals is carried out by

A leucocytes
B thrombocytes
C phagocytes
D erythrocytes

The veins of the leaf are formed by the

A vascular bundles
B cambium cells
C palisade tissue
D spongy mesophyll


The parts which function together to bring about hearing are

A IV, V and VI
B I, II, IV and VI
C I, II, III and IV
D I, II and IV


The part labelled II is the

A fenestra ovalis
B middle ear canal
C internal auditrory meatus
D ear ossicles

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When specimen X is mixed with few drops of iodine solution,
the appearance of a blue-black colour confirms that X is

A galactose
B starch
C sucrose
D glucose

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The structure above represents a

A caudal vertebra
B lumbar vertebra
C thoracic vertebra
D cervical vertebra


Blood vessel usually pass through the structure labelled


Salts and water are absorbed in the roots and transported to
leaves by

A diffusion through the xylem tissues

B osmosis through the phloem tissues
C diffusion through the phloem tissues
D osmosis through the xylem tissues

The number of plants species obtained from a population study
of a garden is as follows: Guinea grass (15), Ipomea spp (5),
sida spp (7) and Imperata spp (23). What is the percentage of
occurrence of Imperata spp?

A 35%
B 16%
C 46%
D 23%

Carbon (IV) oxide content of the atmosphere is least affected

A cutting down and clearing of forests

B forest fires
C burning of fossil fuels
D plant and animal respiration

The factor that least affects food shortages in sub-saharan
Africa is

A flooding
B pests
C mixed-cropping
D drought

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The epiphytic habitat can best be described as

A arboreal
B estaurine
C aquatic
D terrestrial

The highest percentage of energy in an ecosystem occurs at
the level of the

A secondary consumer
B decomposers
C producers
D primary consumers

The greatest influence on a stable ecosystem in nature is
exerted by

A man
B pollution
C animals
D rainfall

The physical space occupied by an organism together with its
functional role in community can be described as

A environment
B biome
C niche
D habitat

A freshwater pond may contain

A tadpole, water boatman, leeches and crab

B water beetle, shrimps, water snail and water bug
C water lily, fish, water scorpion and dragon larva
D pon skater, water lily, shark and mosquito larva

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The hygrometer is used for measuring

A relative humudity
B specific gravity
C rainfall
D salinity

The distribution of plants in a rain forest is governed mainly by

A vegetation
B soil types
C amount of sunlight
D rainfall pattern

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Both recessive and dominant characters are found

A on different chromosomes in the cell

B at the same locus of a homologous chromosome
C at different loci of a homologous chromosome
D on the same chromatid in a chromosome

The probability of a baby being a boy or a girl depends on the
contribution of the

A father's sex cell

B father's somatic chromosome
C mother's sex cell
D mother's X-chromosome
Which of the following statements is true of blood groups and
blood transfusion?

A Group O is the universal recipient

B Group A can donate to group A only
C Group AB is the universal recipient
D Group B can donate to group B only

Which of the following is likely to encourage inbreeding in

A Dioecious
B Protandrous
C Monoecious
D Hermaphrodite

A tall plants crossed with a dwarf one produces offspring of
which half are tall and half are dwarf. What are the genotypes
of the parents?

B Tt, tt
C TT, tt
D Tt, Tt

In man, the ability to roll the tongue is a variation classified as

A anatomical
B physiological
C structural
D morphological

Darwin is considered the first scientist who correctly explained
the theory of

A special creation
B spontaneous generation
C use and disuse
D organic evolution

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The stem of a typical aqautic plant usually has many

A air cavities
B intercellular space
C water cavities
D water conducting cells

The role of the male adult honey bee is to

A clean the hive

B ventilates the hive
C mate with the queen
D care for the young

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The ability of an organism to live successfully in an
environment is known as

A resistance
B competetion
C succession
D adaptation
The most important adaptation of xerophytes is the ability of
the protoplasm to

A resist being damaged by loss of water

B store sugar and minerals in the vacuoles
C absorbs water and swell
D shrink from the cell wall

A green snake in green grass is able to escape notice from
predators because of its

A disruptive colouration
B counter shading
C warning colouration
D cryptic colouration

For heterotrophic organisms, competition is least caused by
the inadequacy of

A mates
B space
C light
D nutrients


1. D

2. B

3. A

4. C

5. D

6. B

7. B

8. A

9. B

10. C

11. B

12. D

13. B

14. A

15. A
16. C

17. C

18. D

19. A

20. C

21. D

22. B

23. D

24. C

25. D

26. C

27. A

28. C

29. A

30. C

31. B

32. C

33. C

34. A

35. D
36. B

37. A

38. C

39. C

40. B

41. B

42. D

43. A

44. C

45. D

46. A

47. D

48. C

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The part that will develop into an organ for feeling is labelled


The part labelled II is the

A silk thread
B thorax
C fore wing
D anchor
Which of the following features are all associated with

A Fibrous root system, branched network of veins and one

seed leaf
B Fibrous root system, two seed leaves and floral parts in
C One seed leaf, petals in threes or group of thees and
parallel venation of leaves
D One seed leaf, net-veined leaves and petals in threes or
multiple of three

The set of fins that control steering, balancing and change of
direction and pitch in fish is

A dorsal and anal

B pectoral and pelvics
C caudal and dorsal
D anal and pelvics

The most recently evolved structure in animals is the
A hair
B cilium
C scale
D feather

Coelom is absent in the class of animals termed

A mollusca
B reptilia
C arthropoda
D coelenterata

A characteristic of vertebrates that is unique to mammals is

A the presence of pentadctyl limbs

B parental care
C the possession of scrotum
D pulmonary circulation

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Th order in which organic evolution has progressed in plants is

A thallophyta, schizophyta, bryophyta, pteridophyta and

B schizophyta, thallophyta, bryophyta, pteridophyta and
C pteridophyta, spermatophyta, thallophyta, schizophyta and
D bryophyta, pteridophyta, spermatphyta, thallophyta and

In which part of the human body does the secretion of the
growth hormone occur?

A Head region
B Waist region
C Neck region
D Gonads


The parts labelled I and II make up the

A glomerulus
B convoluted tubules
C Malpighian body
D Bowman's capsule


In mammals, reabsorption of salt takes place in


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The part of the brain that controls body posture in mammals is

A thalamus
B cerebellum
C spinal cord
D cerebrum

Peripherals arrangement of vascular tissues in dicots is a
characteristic of the internal structure of the

A leaf
B petiole
C stem
D root


The substance labelled II originates from

A III only
B IV only
C I and IV
D III and Iv
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The gas occupying the space labelled I is

A carbon (IV) oxide

B nitrogen
C hydrogen
D oxygen

The scapula and the ischium are part of the

A pectoral girdle
B pelvic girdle
C appendicular skeleton
D hind limb

Bacteria in the large intestine of man are important in the
A synthesis of vitamins K and B2
B digestion of vegetables
C synthesis of vitamins A and D
D absorption of water

Short-sightedness can be corrected by lenses which are

A convex
B biconvex
C plano-convex
D concave

The inner ear contains two main organs, namely, the

A eardrum and eustachian tube

B cochlea and semi-circular canals
C oval window and ossicles
D pinna and cochlea

For growth to occur in organisms, the rate of
A food storage must be low
B catabolism must exceed that of anabolism
C anabolism must exceed that of catabolism
D food storage must be high

The production of violet colouration, when dilute NaOH
solution is added to a solution of food substance, followed by
drops of 1% CuSO4 solution while shaking, indicates the
presence of

A protein
B carbohydrates
C fats
D reducing

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The greatest amount of energy will be obtained by the
oxidation of 100kg of

A meat
B butter
C sugar
D biscuits

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The chamber of the mammalian heart with the thickest wall is

A right ventricles
B left auricle
C right auricle
D left ventricle

Serum differs from blood plasma because

A contains blood cells and fibrinogen

B contains soluble food and mineral salt
C lacks the blood protein and fibrinogen
D lacks blood cells and albumin

The part labelled II is the

A mesocarp
B pericarp
C endocarp
D epicarp


The fruit represented is mainly dispersed by

A animals
B water
C wind
D birds

In an experiment to estimate the volume of air in a soil sample
using a measuring cylinder, it was found that:
initial volume of water .... = p cm3
volume of soil before mixing with water = q cm3
Final volume of water after adding soil = r cm3
From the data above, which of the following deductions is

A r=p+q
B r>p+q
C q=r-p
D r< p + q

An ecological succcession often leads to

A an increase in species diversity

B decrease in species diversity
C an unstable community
D the dispersal of species

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Atmospheric nitrogen is converted to soil nitrogen for plant use

A nitrification and combustion

B putrefaction and lightning
C lightning and nitrification
D combustion and putrefaction

I. High birth rate and high immigration rate II. Low birth rate
and high immigration rate II. Low mortality rate and low
emigration IV. High mortality rate and high emigration rate.
Which combination of the above can cause rapid over-
crowding in climax biotic communities and human settlements?

A II and III
B I and III
C I and IV
D I and II


The soil becomes toxic to plants when the concentration of its

essential elements is in the range labelled



The range at which soil essential elements concentration is

recorded for optimal plant growth is marked


Which of the following growth activities in plants is brought
about by gibberellins?

A Rapid cell division

B Tropic response
C Cell elongation
D Main cell elongation
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Which of the following are adaptations of animals to aquatic

A Gills, streamlined bodies and lateral lines

B Lateral line, streamlined bodies and lungs
C Gills, scaly skin and lungs
D Gills, streamlined bodies and spiracles

Which of the following is an adaptation of forest species?

A Few stomata
B Thick bark
C Buttress roots
D Reduced leaves

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In a food chain, each succeeding level in a forward direction

A an increase in the number of individuals

B a decrease in the number of individuals
C an increase in the biomass of individuals
D a gain in the total energy being transferred

The disaster that would have the least destructive impact on
animal life and balance in nature is

A chemical pollution
B forest fires
C oil spillage
D grasshopper pests

The legs and beak of an egret resemble those of the heron
because they

A both feed on fishes

B are both birds
C occupy similar niche
D occupy the same trophic level
The factors that determine the distribution of vegetation zones

A temperature, light, rain and humidity

B light, humidity, air and mist
C temperature, light, air and humidity
D humidity, snow, frost and dew

A cross between an albino female and a genetically normal
male will result in offspring that are

A all albino
B all phenotypically normal
C all genetically normal
D half albino and half normal

The pollutants that contribute to the depletion of the ozone
layer in the atmosphere are

A radioactive materials
B oxides of sulphur
C oxides of carbon
D chlorofluorocarbons

The surest way to combine the best qualities of both parents in
the offspring is by

A cross-breeding
B inbreeding
C selective breeding
D pure breeding

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Blood grouping in human beings is derived from combinations

A two different alleles

B four different alleles
C three different alleles
D two different genes

The older fossil-bearing rocks, in contrast to the more recent
ones, are more likely to contain

A animal rather than plant remains

B invertebrates rather than birds
C flowering plants rather than mosses
D reptiles rather than fishes

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In a group of male Agama lizards, the one with the brightest
head colour is the

A dominant
B youngest
C oldest
D largest

Example of water-borne and sex linked diseases are

A taeniasis and malaria

B cholera and gonorrhoea
C typhoid and syphilis
D dracunculiasis and haemophilia

The mutation theory of organic evolution was propounded by

A Gregor Mendel
B Hugo de Vries
C Jean Lamarck
D Charles Darwin

A certain savanna grasshopper changes colour from green
during the rainy season to brown during the dry season and
black after dry season bush fires. The reason for these colour
changes is that the

A grasshopper is getting older

B environmental temperature is changing
C grasshopper is avoiding predation
D grasshopper is frequently moulting

Complex social behaviour and organization are found mostly in

A insects
B birds
C reptiles
D mammals

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Which of the following structural features are adapted for uses
other than water conservation?

A Succulent stems
B Scales in animals
C Spines in plants
D Feathers in birds


1. D

2. A

3. C

4. B
5. A

6. D

7. C

8. B

9. A

10. C

11. B

12. B

13. C

14. A

15. D

16. C

17. A

Bacteria in the large intestine also make some important

substances, such as vitamin K (see Vitamin K), which plays an
important role in blood clotting. 18. D

19. B

20. C

21. A

22. B
23. D

24. C

25. A

26. B

27. A

28. A

29. B

30. B

31. A

32. B

33. C

34. A

35. C

36. C

37. D

38. A

39. A

40. B

41. D

42. A
43. B

All humans and many other primates can be typed for the ABO
blood group. There are four principal types: A, B, AB, and O.
There are two antigens and two antibodies that are mostly
responsible for the ABO types. The specific combination of
these four components determines an individual's type in most
cases 44. A

45. A

46. D

47. B

48. C

49. D

50. A

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The organism that has a hydrostatic skeleton is

A Tilapia
B Hydra
C mosquito larva
D earthworm

The possession of scales, laying of eggs with shells and bony
structure of the head are characteristics shared by

A birds and reptiles

B fishes and birds
C reptiles and fishes
D birds and molluscs

The group of Arthropods that has no antennae is the

A Crustacea
B Chilpoda
C Arachnida
D Diplopoda

The structure that is most commonly identified in all living cells
under the light microscope is the

A mitochondrion
B chloroplast
C nucleus
D ribosome

Which of the following is an organ?

A Guard cell
B Liver
C Xylem bundle
D Blood

The structure labelled II is used for

A tasting
B feeling
C biting
D sucking

The structure labelled III represents the

A mandible
B palp
C proboscis
D labium

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The division of a body into two equal halves along a
longitudinal plane is called

A bilateral symmetary
B transverse section
C radial symmetry
D longitudinal section

In which of the following organisms does each cell combine the
function of nutrition, reproduction and growth?

A Rhizophus
B Dryopteris
C Brachymenium
D Spirogyra

They key event in the transition of the amphibians from water
to land is the

A replacement of the gills with lungs

B possession of webbed limbs
C development of long hing limbs
D possession of tympanic membrane

In plant cells, the chloroplast are located

A inside the cell wall

B outside the protoplasm
C within the vacuole
D within the cytoplasm

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In the woody stems, gaseous exchange takes place through

A micropyles
B stomata
C lenticels
D vessels

Substance manufactured by the leaves are transported to
other parts of the plant through the
A xylem
B companion cells
C sieve tubes
D cambium

After a meal of yam has been digested, the highest
concentration of glucose is to be found in the

A hepatic artery
B pulmonary vein
C hepatic portal vein
D posterior vena cava

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The dark reaction of photosynthesis involves

A fixation of carbon (IV) oxide to give six-carbon sugar

B fixation of carbon (IV) oxide with the help of oxygen
C use of carbon (IV) oxide to produce glucose using ATP
D fixation of carbon (IV) oxide on chlorophyll using hydrogen
Mammals acclimatize to reduced oxygen content at high
altitudes by

A the stimulation of marrow to reduce the amount of

erythrocytes produced
B increasing the rate at which erythrocytes are destroyed
C the stimulation of marrow to produce more erythrocytes
D increasing the break down of the protein portion of the

The modes of nutrition in Nitrobacter, Ascaris and Homo
sapiens respectively are

A photosynthetic , parasitic and holozoic

B chemosynthetic, parasitic and holozoic
C photosynthetic, parasitic and heterophytic
D chemosynthetic, holophytic and holozoic

The richest source of vitamin A are

A palm oil and groundnut oil

B palm oil and carrot
C rice and groundnut oil
D oranges and carrot

The force that holds water together in the form of a stream
within the xylem tube is the

A cohesion of water molecules to one another by hydrogen

B force of gravity attacking the water molecules through the
hydrogen bonds
C attraction between the water and xylem osmotic force
D normal flow of water from the ground with help of
gravitational force

Yellowing of leaves is a symptom associated with deficiency of

A iron, calcium and magnesium

B nitrogen, sulphur and potassium
C sulphur, phosphorus and iron
D magnesium, nitrogen and iron

The lymphatic system of mammals rejoins the blood circulatory
system at the

A hepatic vein
B subclavian vein
C renal vein
D common iliac vein

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In dissection, the rib cage of mammal has to be opened in
order to expose the

A diaphragm
B liver
C heart
D sternum

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Fertilization in humans usually takes place in the

A lower part of the uterus

B upper part of the uterus
C lower part of the oviduct
D upper part of the oviduct

Insects visit flowers in order to

A feed on the nectar

B deposit pollen on the stigma
C pollinate the flowers
D transfer pollen from anthers

In epigeal germination, the cotyledons are

A carried above the ground by the elongation hypocotyl

B pulled underground by the elongating epicotyl
C pulled underground by the elongating epicotyl
D carried above the ground by the elongating epicotyl

Bacteria multiply rapidly by means of

A budding
B fragmentation
C binary fission
D spore formation

The correct sequence for the perception of smell in mammals

A chemicals → olfactory nerve endings → brain

B dissolved chemicals → nasal sensory cell → brain
C chemicals → mucus membrane → sensory cells→ brain
D dissolved chemicals → sensory cells → olfactory nerve →


The part labelled III is for

A protection
B insulation
C lubrication
D growth
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The structure labelled II is known as

A sweat gland
B lymph vessel
C blood vessel
D nerve ending

In mammals, the organ which performs digestive and
endocrine functions is the

A liver
B pancreas
C gastric gland
D salivary gland

Th chitin in the exoskeleton of many arthropods is
strengthened by

A calcium compounds
B organic salts
C lipids
D proteins


The structure labelled II articulates with III to form

A sliding joint
B hinge joint
C pivot joint
D ball-and-socket joint


Which of the bones is the radius?


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The construction of dams may lead to an increase in the
prevalence of

A typhoid fever, measles and yellow fever

B tuberculosis, leprosy and trypanosomiasis
C guinea worm, malaria and tuberculosis
D malaria, bilharziasis and onchocerciasis

Floating microscopic heterotrophs are mostly grouped as

A phytoplankton
B zooplankton
C microbes
D nekton
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Vaccination is carried out in order to

A check the production of poison

B increase the activity of white blood cells
C increase the number of red blood cells
D stimulate the production of antibodies

A soil consisting of alumina and iron (II)oxide is known as

A loamy soil
B clayey soil
C laterite
D podzol

The sign + is used to indicate an association where an
organism gains, while 0 is used where an organism is
unaffected. An association indicated as +0 is known as

A predation
B commensalism
C parasitism
D competition


Primary consumers are found in

A 1, 2 and 3
B 1, 3 and 7
C 2, 3 and 7
D 2, 4 and 5


The biomass is likely to increase in the sequence

A 1 →2→4→5
B 1→3→4→5
C 3 → 5 → 6 →7
D 5→4→3→1
Which of the following characterizes the white mangrove?

A Prop roots
B Buttress roots
C Breathing roots
D Stilt roots

If the offspring of a cross between a brown mouse (bb) and a
black mouse (BB) are allowed to interbreed, how many
different genotypes would result?

A 2
B 3
C 4
D 5

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The biological factor that is unique to each individual is the

B eye colour
C blood group

From evolutionary standpoint , the older a fossil-bearing rocks
is, the more likely it is to contain

A aves as opposed to amphibians

B invertebrates as opposed to vertebrates
C angiosperms as opposed to algae
D vertebrates as opposed to invertebrates

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The very bright colours in some types of mushroom

A are warning that they may be poisonous

B indicate they are very taste
C attract potential transporters of the spores
D perform the same function as bright colours in flowers

The least adaptive feature of aboreal life is the

A possession of fouur limbs

B possession of claws
C development of long tail
D shading of coat colour

Which of the following is one of Lamarck's theories?

A Some variations are more favourable to existence in a

given environment than others
B All living organisms are constantly involved in a struggle to
C The size of a given population remains fairly constant
D New species originates through the inheritance of acquired

The loud cry made by a brooding hen when a predator is
around is meant to

A alert the poultry attendants

B attract cocks to come and fight the predator
C advertise the boundaries of its territory to intruders
D warn its chicks and other chickens of impending danger

The most important environment factor which epiphytes in the
rain forest compete for is

A water
B nutrients
C light
D cabinet minister

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The habitat of the cysticercus of taenia solium is

A Alimentary canal of cattle

B Muscles of pig
C Alimentary canal of pig
D Muscles of cattle


1. D

2. C

3. C

4. C

5. B

6. B

7. C

8. A

9. D

10. A

11. D

12. C

13. A

14. C

15. C

16. A

17. B

18. B

19. A

20. D
21. B

22. C

23. D

24. A

25. A

26. C

27. D

28. B

29. B

30. B

31. A

32. B

33. D

34. D

35. B

36. D

37. C

38. B

39. C

40. D
41. C

42. B

43. A

44. B

45. A

46. D

47. D

48. D

49. C

50. B

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