Directed Writing

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Directed Writing

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Jane, I am a fellow resident of the Riverdale area. I am writing this letter
to address the recent word of mouth that there will be a new cCommunity pPark set
to be built on 15th of April in the area. It has been made known that some residents
are unhappy with the idea. I am writing this letter to convey the potential advantages
to move forward with the project.

Primarily, the addition of a pPark works in getting the young children out of the
house. The vast majority of kids in the area spend excessive hours in front of
screens as there are no playable facilities nearby. Adding a park does not just get
them out and about but it also enhances children’s social skills as they would interact
with one another while playing about.

Furthermore, building a park would be good for the environment. Riverdale has
many roads mostly connected to main entry points of the area. The air is mostly
polluted and the presence of plants increases oxygen compounds in the air making it

However, several residents have expressed their dissatisfaction with the idea.
Disagreements stemmed from a viewpoint that a pPark might be necessary and
capitals should be invested into building more roads in the area instead. A
community meeting should be held in the town hall to assists in helping residents
realise the advantages while also hearing their points of view.

To conclude, I hope that you consider the overall advantages. I firmly believe that a
more evaluative approach can be made before considering the permanent outcome
of the project.

Thank You.
Jane Lim
11th April 2024.

278 words

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