Revise Edexcel GCSE Computer Science Revision Workbook - For The 9-1 Exams

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Series Consultant: Harry Smith
Author: Navtej Marwaha

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Problem-solving Computers
Algorithms 47 \nput—processing—output
Algorithms: pseudo-code 48 The central processing unit
Algorithms: flowcharts 49 Components of the CPU
Purpose of an algorithm 50 Fetch-decode-—execute cycle
Completing algorithms 51 Memory
Interpreting correct output 52 Magnetic and optical storage
Using trace tables 53 Solid-state memory
Identifying and correcting errors 54 Cloud storage
= Linear search 55 Embedded systems
o) Binary search 56 Logic
—>= Comparing linear and binary searches 57 Logic circuits
12 Bubble sort 58 Operating system 1
13 Merge sort 5929 Operating system 2
14 Decomposition and abstraction GO Utility software 1
61 Utility software 2
Programming 62 Simulation and modelling
15 Variables and constants 63 Programming languages
16 Arithmetic operators 64 Translators
17 Relational operators
Communication and the internet
16 Logical operators
65 LANs and WANs
I) Seleeues
66 Client-server and peer-to-peer networks
20 |teration
67 Wired and wireless connectivity
21 Data types
66 Connecting computers to a LAN
22 String manipulation
69 Data transmission
23 Arrays
70 Protocols
24 File handling operations
71 Network topologies 1
25 Records
72 Network topologies 2
26 Subprograms1
73 Network security 1
27 Subprograms 2
74 Network security 2
28 Validation
75. Cyberattacks
229 Testing and test plans
76 Identifying vulnerabilities
77 Protecting software systems
76 The internet
30. Using binary
72 The world wide web
31 Converting from denary to binary
32 Converting from binary to denary and binaryaddition The bigger picture
33 Logical shifts
60 Environmental issues
34 Signed integers
61 Ethical impact
35 Arithmetic shifts
62 Privacy issues
36 Hexadecimal and binary
63 Legislation
37 Characters
84 Proprietary and open-source software
36 Bitmap images
39 Sound 55 Practice paper 1
40 Units
93 Practice paper 2
41 Data compression
42 Run-length encoding 104 Answers

43 Encryption
44 Structured and unstructured data
A small bit of small print
Edexcel publishes Sample Assessment Material and the
A5 Attributes and tables Specification on its website. This is the official content
4G Relational databases and this book should be used in conjunction with it. The
questions have been written to help you practise every
topic in the book. Remember: the real exam questions
may not look like this.

Hadago || Nearly there [|] Nailed it! []

= !

G k) 1 (a) What is an ‘algorithm’?


I 55 0 aia ny Sc ap ersely Sanh cadder ts ccs lai RO tohans een dere iain oe env emlagemese eaornees (1 mark)
ae %

3 “, (b) The three programming constructs used in algorithms are sequence, selection and iteration.
a The table below shows an algorithm for authenticating a user’s login name and
password, which allows only three attempts.
Enter sequence, selection or iteration in the blank cell. (5 marks)

Line Instruction Sequence,

number selection or
e iteration
If username is not recognised, inform the user that the
username is not recognised
2 Return to step |
If username is recognised, set number of attempts to 1
Enter password
If password does not match the stored password and
the number of attempts is equal to 3, inform the user
that the password is incorrect
Increase number of attempts by 1
Return to step 4
If password does not match the stored password and
the number of attempts is equal to 3, inform the user
they have had three attempts

ey (c) An algorithm can be written and displayed as plain, written text.

State two other ways of displaying algorithms.

Dae pee 2G ue Ria AR ce ae oO ots aed AM cia et sen ceil cet at ce ee aa eee

Pe syrah Bh oa sil sakes hen tide Bea Sacen GMC UnS ceca eee ea

Ne hI orca 2" aa chia dv vapawends' capa aaeiers uals seautto dye asia SOene a eae ey eee (2 marks)
deci ae . Hadago[]| Nearly there [] Nailed it! [|
solving __

Algorithms: pseudo-code
1 (a) State what is meant by the term “pseudo-code’.

ujuatductacsvavescdanasesesodsnenQeetien tac Sbset01-61100 nellRae diaD Maras sc teeeteteniate ete tte an ae eee (2 marks)

(b) Write an algorithm to convert an 8-bit binary number into a denary number.
You can assume that the binary number is correctly formatted as 1s and 0s and
has the correct number of digits so that validation is not required.
Use pseudo-code.

The algorithm should examine each of the 8 binary digits and multiply them by their place
values. It should then find the total of these multiplications. See page 32 of the Revision
Guide for a reminder on converting binary to denary.
You will have a copy of the pseudo-code command set in the exam. Make sure your
pseudo-code is clear, concise and accurate, and answers the question.

Ceetauvanensensscsersersstecuhaessaesaincusentnaianviens an sttse <any seas ee Saetaee ee (6 marks)

Hadago[]| Nearly there [| Nailed it! []

Algorithms: flowcharts
1 The algorithm for a game simulates the throwing of three dice to find the player’s score.
* If all three are equal, then the score is the total of the dice.
* If two are equal, the score is equal to the sum of the two equal dice minus the third.
* If none are equal, then the score is zero.
Here is part of a flowchart for the algorithm.

Are the three

dice equal?

Score = dice 1 +
dice 2 + dice 3


o% (a) Complete the flowchart for the algorithm. (6 marks)

e.) (b) Use the algorithm to calculate the score from the following dice throws.


RP aE ree Kea es Maddy coi dn ceiAto osana aa rnorienc nang Maal Sena eg techie en pee ee (2 marks)
! - (c) Itis possible to obtain a negative score using the algorithm.
State three dice numbers which would result in a negative score.

em Ney aces 10 acho saviscszbennn neiceLoneodeaesnaegsind aha donsncomenicanadan nen nk (1 mark)

Problem- Hadago[] Nearly there [] Nailed it! [|
Purpose of an algorithm
1 Examine the following algorithm. In this algorithm, ‘names’ is an array.
SEND ‘Please enter the first name.’ TO DISPLAY
SEND ‘Please enter the family name.’ TO DISPLAY
SEND ‘Please enter the last two digits of the intake year.’ TO DISPLAY
SEND ‘Please enter tutor group.’ TO DISPLAY
SEL undex: 10rd
SET unique TO false
WHILE unique = false DO
loginName = intYear & familyName & firstName(@) & tutorGroup & index
FOR check FROM @ TO LENGTH(names) - 1 DO
IF names[check] = loginName THEN
SET index TO" index + 1
SET unique TO true

oo (a) State the purpose of this algorithm.

(c) An array named ‘names’ is used in the algorithm. State the role of the variable
named ‘check’.

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winiete wicluisierere

(d) State the login name for the following: Rosie Cooper in the intake year of 2001
and in tutor group Red. Assume that her login name is unique.

sfadandsanandaacareresseneeusinnsanstaieaeds nis Nie as MNGrEN «Nn SSG et On pStADpee ealetes Hee aE ESC eee ene eneee ene (5 marks)
(ec) State four facts that you can deduce about the following student: 02GranthamOBlue3.

© (010m (016(61019 8 Era)d 8:816 616j67s bse\u ep wieinluiv, W\bie/s\n(6)5|51s}o 01h p(s\a/b.ele plate win\ainyoi nie 6.bipieie
inlets ste) viele, «iste

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Hadago [| Nearly there [] Nailed it! []

Completing algorithms
1 Complete the following algorithm which is designed to find the largest of three numbers.


Is number]
> number2? “‘number3 is
the largest’

No Output
‘number3 is
the largest’


Output Ey
‘number! is C
the largest’

End End

emer ewer eee c reer e cesar esersecesereseeeesesesssssseseres ee er iy

SII ME rem re Fn ey lc hie Ga Phas Saale dane aS Tease eatssan Uo umleinec daaatstie «a GoRavante Hone (3 marks)
Problen! : Hadago[]| Nearly there [| Nailed it! i"
solving _
Interpreting correct output
\% ae ;
‘Y "@ 1 Rosie is writing an algorithm to work out the change to be given to a customer 1n a Car
park payment system.
This flowchart is incomplete and does not show all the possible combinations of
notes and coins.

Read the flowchart

carefullyto see how the
change is calculated,
then apply the method
to the £5 note and coins.

Is payment
>= charge?

change =
payment — charge

Is change
>= 10?

£10 note

Complete the flowchart to show how the numbers of £5 notes and £2 and £1 coins
in the change will be calculated. Write your answer in the empty symbols. (9 marks)
Hadago [| Nearlythere [|] Nailed it! []

Using trace tables

1 Here is an algorithm expressed in pseudo-code.
TOF PSE PUTT Se? TON [SV Aos M24 6h) Hay
3 SET found TO false
4 FOR search FROM @ to LENGTH(list) DO
5 IF item = list[search] THEN
6 found = true
9 IF found = true THEN
1@ SEND ‘The item is in the list.’ TO DISPLAY

12 SEND ‘The item is not in the list.’ TO DISPLAY


Before you start, read through the algorithm very carefully. Make sure that you understand
what the algorithm is intended to do. That will help you to find the error in the pseudo-
code in part (b).

(a) Identify the data structure used to store the numbers in the list.

1 sa ESS ec Te eo en eRe APE MeePetry Ie IV a ICRP See cRHAARee. yg (1 mark)

(b) There is an error in the pseudo-code.

(1) State the number of the line in which there is an error.

UR AR Cem ASAE: einen AOE EE OE OER OED TTS Be PEE dS acca doiiod ah cecvtin anes (1 mark)

(ii) Give the correct version of this pseudo-code.

a ase aT anyseh hav aad Sed aS Soe Ae HON USD wed DRG Mee NE Ned AROS ERE OEED SealOr ae CSR aCe ae ee (i mark)

(c) Complete the trace table to show the execution of the algorithm if the search
item is 13. You may not need to fill in all the rows in the table.

oS Ses eae
a ee
2 ee eee
ar a ee
e Eel Hadago[] Nearlythere [] Nailed it! [|
Identifying and correcting errors
"Sg 1 Part of an algorithm that a student has created to simulate the change given by a payment
ans system is shown below. A user enters their payment and the algorithm determines the notes and
coins that should be returned.
1 SET charge to RANDOM(@, 50)
2 SET payment TO @
3 SET money TO @
4 SEND ‘Please enter payment’ TO DISPLAY
6 SET payment TO payment + money
7 WHILE payment < charge DO
8 SEND ‘The charge is ‘ & charge & ‘. Please enter more money.’ TO DISPLAY
9 RECEIVE money FROM (REAL) keyboard
10 SET payment TO payment - money
12 SET change TO payment - charge
13 SEND ‘Thank you. Change required is £ & change TO DISPLAY
14 WHILE change >= 10.0@ DO
tS SEND ‘£10 note’ TO DISPLAY
16 SET change TO change - 10.00
18 WHILE change > 5 DO
Als) SEND’ £65; note’ TO DISPLAY
20 SET change TO change - 5.00
22 WHILE change >= 2.00 DO
23 SEND: “£2 coin’ TO DISPLAY
24 SET change TO change + 2.00

There are five errors in this algorithm. Some are logic errors and some are syntax
errors. Identify the line numbers and correct the errors.
Hadago [| Nearly there [| Nailed it! []

Linear search
1 (a) Describe how a linear search algorithm works.

Be eS Aoteerelnale eames ara cls si ayrnie wrinatbl SGT Gt inte a ew EBA le lett See or (2 marks)

(b) David has compiled a list of all the people invited to his party and has stored
the names in an array called partyList.
Write an algorithm in pseudo-code to check whether Elaine’s name is on the list.
Use pseudo-code.

The answer should, if possible, be written in the Edexcel pseudo-code, but you may use
any style of pseudo-code providing its meaning can be understood by a competent

Wie(alélwisiele'e'a\cleleis clei syatliu cia «\6 6/00 a\e(n\e ejtle 6.s\b 2 5 ¢'e'\ 0,0)¢\0\e/0\0 eictolaleielalaie cinieisieieib/e niu(erwlala si@/a/ulaeiereiuis/s\e
seis e/s\e(a)sje\e\ee 1p \6(o/s"s\616)s/¢ (16(\niniviw.6.e)@s# 69/014 (5:5) 8)afa/Ri® (6 marks)
Problem- Hadago[] Nearly there [] Nailed it! [_]
solving ~S

Binary search
tf % 1 Describe the stages of a binary search on a list of items sorted in ascending order.

(4 marks)

2 A student has the following list of friends.

SHOW tesiages oy7 binary search You should indicate which item will be selected
to find the name ‘Stephen’ from the ; ;
: ; each time and then show the new sub-list.
data shown in the list.

Big bt ae peeh ele CSL a ts CleeSet a Cole Nie ee a erence Rn at ee (4 marks)

3 Show the stages of a binary search to find the number ‘9’ from the data shown in
this table.

reps [as [as [a [oe [6 ae ee es Loe

O/050/e(e:b) 0/6\6\e\b (oie:n\n 6 0/6 s/s\5)e 0:6.8/6.n| ¥\u,615/015) 9181n)w\81¥81616°s\o win\oie'e ple s'6\Sibisieie) si 'aleiere

Hhstedsacsauanassevseasessos sored cesisaca thdabecevesstysnidaslellunyec tu lnel SEEmn eR ene Renee REE aaa (4 marks)

Hadago|[| Nearly there {| Nailed it! []

Comparing linear and binary

: searches
1 Complete the flowchart of a binary search by labelling the empty symbols. (5 marks)

Is median Output
item equal
to search ae HOF
aan in list’

No Select sub-list
at right of


2 (a) When searching a list of 100 items, the largest number of comparisons a linear
search would have to make would be 100.
Show that the maximum possible number of comparisons made using a binary
search of the same list would be 7. Show your working.

OR ee I i is raisrins nontndeoinlaasnmntan evsencuis aga Snes \ wistalwenastetaeasn sania (4 marks)

(b) A binary search is generally more efficient than a linear search. However, this is
not always the case.
Explain why using a linear search may be quicker than using a binary search in
some circumstances.

NN Pe oo anc cab a gseen snob rhcownne Moubetidauann sn duwidoaalanowssdonsksvoass (2 marks)

Problem- _ Hadago[] Nearlythere [] Nailed it! |_|
solving |

Bubble sort
sO 1. This list of numbers must be sorted You should label each pass and
eal into ascending order. remember to compare each pair of
20 | is oe Sen oe ee eee numbers and switch them round if
they are not in the correct order.
Show the stages of a bubble sort when
applied to the data shown in the list.

sa wal nn USES 6a ok Ts oa TOLTD LSI ae eeepc ae a Sede ce (4 marks)

8 2 The table below shows an algorithm for carrying out a bubble sort, but the lines are
atl not in the correct order.
Complete the table to show the correct order of the lines.

A loop will need to be set

up to move through the list
] SET swapped to True to compare the adjacent
values and swap them if

se a
END FOR they are in the wrong order.
It will have to run until
there are no swaps.
The best responses should:
* place the start and end
of the while loop in the
correct positions
* order the lines of the
swap correctly
* put the start and end of
ae temp TO list[index] - 1 the if statements in the
correct positions
|i Swapped = True
set the value of the
SET list[index - 1] TO list[index] swapped variable

SET list[index] TO temp

(5 marks)

Hadago || Nearlythere {| Nailed it! []

Merge sort
om 1 The merge sort algorithm divides up a list into smaller and smaller sections and
then sorts them into order before putting them back together again.
Explain the advantage of using this technique.

Be go astra hse clon seres vy om wile’on ego snin vasasib cersg AS aig Sat Ae (2 marks)

2 Use a merge sort to put the data shown below into ascending order.
Show all the stages of the process.

esi | eS 2 Oe ee ee

eet Soe oso Fa socane ise adenicha teasssiunaoe severe aanaaaesug a SN aga eet (6 marks)

ded Hadago[] Nearlythere [] Nailed it! [ |
solving _

Decomposition and abstraction

1 Danika is creating a computer version of the > \
game ‘rock-paper-scissors’. The rules for ejisse ees
winning are shown in the figure. beat the paper
* Rock ‘blunts’ scissors. Rock wins.
¢ Scissors ‘cut’ the paper. Scissors win.
¢ Paper ‘covers’ the rock. Paper wins.
In Danika’s game, the computer will take the Rock ‘blunts’ Paper ‘covers’
and beats and beats
place of one of the human players and will the scissors the rock
randomly generate a letter (R, S or P) to
represent one of the objects.
She has created a subprogram named
‘computerTurn’ to generate the computer’s letter.
(a) State what is meant by abstraction.

schueios swe sass wedaso¥ eilunine guauMbadaBandageallgekuawenaeAee soe aPnnN Ng ace ee eee (1 mark)

ss eecknteds aisleneee dnlniemanmimsaps gatedncos dtsaus Coenenad cond eeauE scat ee (2 marks)
(c) When both the player and the computer have made a choice, another
subprogram decides who has won and returns its decision to the main program.
Write an algorithm for this subprogram.

You have been asked to write a subprogram - either a procedure or a function. The choices
of the player and the computer must be passed to it as parameters and if you are using a
function, whether the player has won or lost must be returned to the main program.
You should add comments to explain your pseudo-code.

seesseedenaeenisaeeeectseunetsss sats sareasetencerances Coceesnustlbe caMleges sateen

(6 marks)
Hadago [| Nearlythere[] Nailed it! [] Programming

Variables and constants

1 Program code makes use of variables and constants.
7M : : ‘
af yy) (a) Explain what is meant by a variable.
f Tt f

ee Tar emcee grates se eee een al SL enantio (2 marks)

3€» (b) State how a constant differs from a variable.

a i ee (1 mark)
ey (c) State why variables and constants should be given meaningful names.

Pine Des. ster! zenLE aren on emt te RM eM re eaten |)jim)

(d) The algorithm shown below searches for a value in a list.
1 SET mysteryNumber TO 6
2 SET correct TO False
3 WHILE correct = False DO
5 IF guess = mysteryNumber THEN
6 set correct to True

Complete the table to show the variables used and why they are used in the program.

Read the algorithm carefully to identify the variables and to understand why they
have been used. The first one has been done for you.

Use within the program

mysteryNumber | This is used to hold the number which must be guessed.

—_— aaa
Hadago([] Nearlythere |] Nailed it! []

Arithmetic operators
C 1 Calculate the result of the following expression using the correct order of operations.
Ty Show the result of each stage.
The first one has been done for you.
result = 68/2 45(15= O)emses

vi0.6 0 0c be 8 6-6 « 6.01610) 0/6 610,618, 0;0,0 18 610.6, 0616. 0.61p1.010(016)9)0\0 10)Gia Bis (ew eh ia) 0s S16 016/612) u 1s)? MS) e 6 Cie ele eee
result = 6 "6/2494 o 3 616.6 ©

uisvia snd nun euvceinae-ad ona costae ebidcloulebiels'lei-sie Sls St cae plage Sa eee oraa ee cc te (4 marks)

2 Complete the table below by filling in the value of number after each line of code is
executed. The first one has been done for you.

Code Resultnumber
number = 12 + 6/2 number = 15
= 6 * 3/2

number = 6 * 2 (nae

3 A number trick asks you to think of a number, double it, add six, divide it in half
and then subtract the number you started with. The result should always be 3.
Write an algorithm using pseudo-code that asks a user to input a number, then carries
out each of the operations and outputs the result.

Read the question very carefully to identify all the arithmetic operations needed. You
should see that you will need two variables to store the numbers!
Do a dry run of your algorithm to check that the result is correct.

Hadago || Nearlythere {| Nailed it! []

Relational operators
=e | 1 Complete the table below by evaluating each of the statements listed and stating whether it is
aa True or False.
The first one has been done for you.

Statement True/False
= Oey
You first need to work out the
ote etEe results of the calculations and then
DS Rh AT compare them using the operators.

10+ 15>=6*5
(5 marks)

2 Alina has stolred her computer science marks in an array named ‘marks’.
Write an algorithm using pseudo-code that prompts Alina to enter a new mark and
then outputs the number of marks in the array that are:
equal to it
less than it
greater than it.

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Riel cvavataveiotetalararetecataliniaverere se \aiele' olatafa/lola\o\alstsleicin'ei'alesleXe/avave(aleleiulelelets eipia!s ieee ate/aiulersiojateya,aie.4/acsieisyatalalelejeisiulaleseleivicjsleie

Se veveccccceccee dees cece secesenseescesecesessucosesese

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ee!sis)#1.0\¥ (9
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lele/Wretal efalelataveta’ 6leteliataa'a\pialulele'sie(eie(a)s/e0's\a/e\n\a\s.o'a(ele\eie)e «iuipielerees\ele 1 e.0°0)s9.6


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(6 marks)
: Programming : Hadago[] Nearlythere [| Nailed it! Pa

Logical operators
“ 1 Complete the table below to show the output of each algorithm.
Peas? The first solution has been completed for you.

Read and work through the algorithms carefully and write the expected outcome in the
second column.

Algorithm Output
SET number TO 3 Out of range.
IF number > @ AND number < 2 THEN
SEND ‘Within range.’ TO DISPLAY

SEND ‘Out of range.’ TO DISPLAY

SET number TO 6
IF NOT(number = 3) OR number <> 5 THEN
SEND ‘Number is acceptable.’ TO DISPLAY
SEND ‘Number is not acceptable.’ TO DISPLAY

SET colour TO ‘red?’

SEI size’ 10) £m?
SET. price to=25
hENeoloun =. pues ORs Colouire= mu COmANDInGdezZ Ce — meant
AND price <= 30 THEN
SEND ‘This would be OK.’ TO DISPLAY

SET number1 TO 6
SET number2 TO 9
IF (number1 <= 9 OR number2 >=10) AND NOT(number1 *
number2 <5@) AND (number2 - number1 = 3) THEN
SEND ‘These numbers are OK.’ TO DISPLAY


(3 marks)

Hadago [| Nearly there Nailed it! [_]

1 A teacher wants a program that will output a
The algorithm should allow
comment when a mark is input, according to
the teacher to enter a mark
the following rules.

and then use comparison
operators to decide the range
the mark is in and display the
appropriate comment.
70 to 89 Very good Be careful when you are
selecting the ranges. A mark
60 to 69 Good
can only be put in one range.
50 to 59 Satisfactory
Below 50 Unsatisfactory

Write an algorithm using pseudo-code that prompts the teacher to enter a mark and
then displays the appropriate comment.


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UTC pS) mie)0)oc¥
ST Tie(ac8/ar6's-A)e le viey qie.eae a wa) eve,66): 0)/6x0 0),76 a-8 O07 8958 (018 a6 60a HAS eRe Slee ie Rceieieisie/eieceisihieitse & (5 marks)

Programming Hadago[]| Nearlythere [| Nailed it! [|

1 The algorithm shown below searches for a value in a list.
Gay SET ‘List. TO, [5,202 eee]
SEND ‘Please enter the search item.’ TO DISPLAY
SET found TO False
FOR search FROM @ TO LENGTH(list) -1 DO
IF item = list[search] THEN
SET found TO True
IF found = True THEN
SEND ‘The item is in the list.’ TO DISPLAY
SEND ‘The item is not in the list.’ TO DISPLAY

The algorithm is not very efficient because it

You need to change the algorithm
continues iterating through the list even if the
so that it breaks out of the loop if
search item has been found. the item is found.
Rewrite the algorithm to improve the efficiency
Remember - there is another
by stopping the search when the item has
type of loop!
been found.

eielel ei lehgidivie(el/e\eie ele\-ei® aa. /e\e' nialn isisie (eiele/ele ereXp!e)a.vGiasuinca\els sm Gib @ Ole\s\u nfalm bia bjainiei0/e. 6,8 p:8:eie b¥ane wiechiel bib bik)
w/asalsatare menipreieieteraiereiere


SANE ESO RO). A IeO18 A B76 8)0/88) Rim:WW Em HILR Lb ¢rare.81816.45 \N6;oQ1R 6/81650 B/N BCI RIS/@) GIA)SA) 6aIRI6 8)(acm.b 1h e/e(nivi spells! wiaimix eleiscal adiorcterenipre acre ierete

4;010,6)0 0010) 0)8 6:00; 6.6.8:8 6,01a's B19)6/6)010,6) 0,0 6.6:0)0:616 6/0:6.9.6(6.8/b/6/a\atele Rial elu/bib)6/a/n/a\b'6(a/6)4cuib) sie
VK)N Telelela eraiete eee weer eee eeesens


Hadago [| Nearlythere [| Nailed it! [] ‘Programming

Data types
1 The following algorithm allows a user to enter data about themselves and the number
of whole hours they worked each day for a week.
SEND ‘Please enter your name.’ TO DISPLAY
SEND ‘Please enter your gender as ‘F’? or~‘M’.? TO DISPLAY
SEND ‘Enter the number of days you worked this week.’ TO DISPLAY
IF daysWorked = 5 THEN
SET fullWeek TO True
IF fullWeek = True THEN
SET hoursWorked TO @
FOR day FROM 1 to 5 DO
SEND ‘Please enter complete hours worked for day.’ & day & ‘.’ TO DISPLAY
SET hoursWorked TO hoursWorked + oneDay
SET meanHoursWorked TO hoursWorked / 5
SEND ‘Mean hours worked per day this week = ‘ & meanHoursWorked TO DISPLAY
SEND ‘Five day week not worked.’ TO DISPLAY

(a) Complete the table below by giving an example of a variable used in the algorithm above
for each of the data types listed. One has been done for you.


Character (@nnie

(b) The algorithm is to be extended to calculate the user’s weekly pay.

State two additional variables that will be needed and identify the data type of each.
Variable 1

Gle\6 orb) vlalelelaials sles eisipie'sls/sleein\a e/a\e\oislola.cvele e6\¢ 0l6\¢1610:4 010 ja\h.e #)6 61016 6 5/0\0)@\0 016 ©)aie(0 /0\e\e'e 0 a)s(e/sis/0/e see

ee ele @ nb Goble Se cele ae es cleiwD 66 6b Cab EGO See CveWE COCO CeCe COS a OS Cue teeese Oe HES Oa BMS ope Cnc

Programming Hadago([] Nearlythere [] Nailed it! [ |

String manipulation
@ 1.= The following algorithm is designed to manipulate a string.
‘ae SET subject TO ‘Computer Science’
FOR index = @ TO LENGTH(subject) - 1
IF subject(index) = ‘ * THEN
SET position TO index

Complete the table below by stating the values of the variables listed.



(2 marks)

2 Write an algorithm using pseudo-code that will analyse a sentence entered by a user
and output the number of times each vowel occurs in the sentence.

You need to find the length of the string so that the algorithm can traverse it to find the
Remember that vowels are the letters a, e, i, o and u. The algorithm must be able to count
upper and lower case letters as the same vowel.

shiashantnansdeenvedeessdepesinuesaseseowess ons ¥ peau deW elo Valleset

(5 marks)

Hadago [| Nearly there Nailed it! [|

(a) Describe what is meant by an array.

ae Sige aMeY aeleig GAS INE vtec dus Say nod'se Gs ceases c alste on Gate ER OORT OEE an ne eee (2 marks)

Jack has taken his temperature every day for a week and has stored the readings in an array
named ‘temp’.
The data for the week has already been entered and stored in ‘temp’.

(b) Write an algorithm using pseudo-code to display the minimum and maximum
temperatures stored in the array.

Tareas ae oe Sane aRa eis Pa La Wd Cag g Booed Tinin IM Gels ep ante RUA IVE Gon aS Lane O aa roe Rte eaeetee eee ae (4 marks)

The figure shows a black and white bitmap image.

The image can be encoded using | to represent black pixels
and 0 to represent white pixels.
Complete the matrix below to show how the pixel data could
be stored in a two-dimensional array.
The first row has been done for you.

(3 marks)

Hadago[] Nearly there || Nailed it! eh

File handling operations

The figure shows a black and white bitmap image.
This image can be encoded into a string named ‘pixels’ using
1 to represent black and 0 to represent white pixels.
(a) Write an algorithm using pseudo-code to store the pixel
data in a text file named ‘shape.txt’.

stated dpapdiunsidawascganoaaivdiesuiseaien dultesce REGSM Jee Ei #0 aay ieee aa are og ate (4 marks

(b) Write an algorithm using pseudo-code that would read the data from the file
‘shape.txt’ into a two-dimensional array named ‘matrix’.

Even if you aren't sure if you can answer the whole question, there may be parts you do
know. For example, if you can’t write the whole algorithm, you may pick up marks for
opening and closing files correctly.

nubenand naaitced scedten sh sees oasovw nave’ gaieas.slasaneennaonine Omnis fal RSs cede tee sea (6 marks

Hadago || Nearlythere [| Nailed it! []

1 (a) Both records and arrays are data structures.
State one similarity and one difference between arrays and records.

aN Picea gn een eR ORCLLE NE NDE Re OCG Oct PAS eR TAT Ota acer 8

Seen aR Nate 4 IRR RY 5 SURE ss Soa tE EG torte SUES ROU LIC SR BSE a (2 marks)

(b) Dorothy Jackson is opening a cattery to look after animals when their owners
go on holiday.
She wants to store information about the cats in a suitable data structure.
The data is shown in the table below.

Weight (kg) | Numberof days — | Special diet?

Pee F
(i) Explain why records would be a more suitable data structure for storing this
data than arrays.

Terre rere eee eee eee eee eee ee ee ee ee ee er iy

(2 marks)


Pa Cece c calcd save vecoss eee sess ereeeressevenresedeegeecccesegescvesve (2 marks)

Perce erence sees se seeereseressesesecseresesessesesssesssssasreseees eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee Heese esses ereseseseseseseees


ee ee aid)alava(e-wlele)aivle.wle(6ia16)o! 6:5(a)s/s\e;eis/a(e\0\e/sis\n>aiaj/wie.si9\e/6\0\a\e)0\ 6)8'610)6/0)6(0\6\>10)61 610)610 6/e\6

sialal claire) bibie) a)aleleln;evviciesibie/e) 6.elecatila: ele a/ale)oe)e s/6\aeie)s)@ «ins (ee: 810/66 \0)sieim ee e's ree errr
(66\a 6.a0m eee eee eee ee eee ee (4 marks)

| Programming Hadago[] Nearlythere || Nailed it! [|

Subprograms l
1 When writing programs, computer scientists make use of subprograms.
(a) Explain what is meant by a subprogram.

(2 marks)

(c) Two types of subprogram are functions and procedures.

State one difference between these types of subprogram.

(1 mark)

2 This is a function to convert centimetres to inches.

1 FUNCTION centimetresToInches (measurement )

3) newMeasurement = measurement/2.54


(a) State the name of one parameter used in the function.

SARTONA ONOEB IOI N#\O 0010/01 0ia 0.6.61 818)0:46) 8)0.0\0/0,0.0)6) 6.8/4: 6X6)610,0(m.B)e)6:816)0 016,00) 4/8.Sinn DR 0.8)m)6)¥,0/616\6\W)m/e/8 mie M/A Bi8)m[a\m/s/8\eiNid/6\an\e/6ce(wi aie]G.uleia
wip 4/516) Niblelulipiuisiaiapeia/e/etaieinturetersistete ii (1 mark)

BIE Bie(ale Siero) 8616/6 efeie) 818,a1, 0/016 (6/0,5)6/4(6.0) 6,om a.) 6/6 0616. 6.u,0)6°816\b oi ein/nieie BU-/6 GreTEEIB RTGTE IRIE
COC m meee ere ese eseser ees eneeeeesreneneeeseeee seen reseseraeeeuseveneese (1 mark)

© 90's viole Ge/e's 0)6 Gini nvm 6m) 0 8/00! 8)0 8\u\aie)b\ 50/6 eib/s,5)e/6\aih 6160/0, oj5lmie leis) 6 elN pis)tlelsimi wisieiucel
wiaie eisiaie

9 G)\610(6.0 6 6/6i0/0)6\ 0/4/00 8ve(0}e.6.4)616\6\01n\a\n/n!6 a]6/8/5\6\4:6)0/a\s)0\s 618 Sleleisiviaiaieleisisieera, (2 marks) |
Hadago|[]| Nearly there {| Nailed it! []

subprograms 2

1 The algorithm below uses a subprogram to find the area and circumference of rectangles.
1 FUNCTION calculate(length, width)
3 SET area TO length * width
4 SET circumference TO 2*length + 2*width
5 RETURN area, circumference
6 END function
7 #This is the main program
11 SEND recArea & recCircumference TO DISPLAY

(a) Identify two global variables used in the algorithm.

NR ae Steet LST tac anh 9s vA citiss ndemes A giegu ede eon I Oe (2 marks)

BON NGA eet a ry eh ae AE as veadetenes Amana dae eauisidas Shc ane ie eRe Ct et (2 marks)

PARE re xh ei sci A at, Da Ee AP ea AE RE PM RMN Pe Poe PERT Be SAK aN Se Se MCERGCR secs (2 marks)

(d) Line 10 is missing.

Complete line 10 to call the function.

PAS) Pista EO eC ee CY Nas RO ID ITE Ae MN RAR BRECON Piree cee doodle (2 marks)

Write an algorithm using pseudo-code that uses a function to find the larger of any
two different numbers entered by a user.

Biwtaldlel ais) opie) oie!olw. 696,00 ele) 6 aba 4)d.a 60/0 oie)6:ol0,4.016 06:9 6/66 0)0\s, 0.0 © 5 oo) 6)6, 6 016. 8,a0 eleiale, ole. w\enele eee) eiers6)e}0/d) 8,4\0\0/eie) ee) ed) 8sea

eee ewe e rere nate e reser sees sess aseseseseesesassssesessses

peewee rece e sere renee reser eereseseeresessesessssssssesesesesrene

errr ttre eee eee eee eee ee eee ee

See weer eee seers r essere enter eresesecresessasereseseoesreres

Pec ew cere reer cere ese s sess ersseereserssnesesssseene ee ec eee cree eee ne eee eee eee esse ese es ee eeseesesesessnesesssseresesessseseseere

Re er ie BGO OOIDIOCIOICIIOIO IG IIC CIO io IO iin ion i a iii (6 marks)

Programming Hadago[]| Nearlythere [| Nailed it! [|

1 Advika has decided to incorporate user authentication into her program. Users must
register a username and password. A password must have at least eight characters,
at least one of which must be an upper case letter.
Use pseudo-code to write a suitable password creation algorithm for Advika’s program.
The algorithm should include validation to check that a password has been entered,
a check on the password requirements and suitable error messages.

ccc cee ee meee ener reece reer eee rere eee ee eee sere es ese se SeEe Hse sESEDEMPOH EO SETH wSVasEseeeeSssesesessssesesesecsenessssesesress


CO i i rs

Ce i i i iid

PPR m mmm meee e eraser eee esas esas eee eeeseseseseseseseeeseeeseesese Seem m eee meme e ease rer ee nee ee eraser eee sees eeeeeeeeeeesesessess

Seem eee eee ene nearer aces e er eneneneee Ce a od Ce i ed

iis Dee eee

eee ee ee ee i is ee i ei ii i iis

Hemme eee eee eee n seen eeeeeee ee ee Ce iis tte eee eee eeene Steet ee eee wees tenet e ee

i ii ir aay iy Femme me meas ere renee cnseeeeeseseseseesesesees

i ie ie i ey PHO m eee meee ene eeeeeesessneesssecsssesssseees

PP e eee ee erececsssseseesesesees Peete eee eee ewe ewes i i i ie ii eras

Cc iis (8 marks)

Hadago || Nearlythere {| Nailed it! []

Testing and test plans

1 Mr Smart has written a program so that he can input the students’ exam percentages
into an array named ‘marks’ in the same order as the students’ names stored in an
array named ‘students’ that already contains their surnames. The program should
also output the name of the student with the highest percentage.
1 SET maximum TO @
2 FOR index FROM @ TO LENGTH(students)
3 SEND ‘Please enter the percentage mark for’ & students[index] TO DISPLAY
5 WHILE percentage > 10@ OR percentage < @ THEN
6 SEND ‘Percentage must be 10@ or less. Please enter the percentage mark for’ +
students [index ])
S=— SET marks[@] TO percentage
1@ IF percentage < maximum THEN
ital SET maximum TO index
12) END! £F


14 SEND ‘The student with the maximum mark is’ & students[maximum ]

Mr Smart has selected some data to test the program.

(a) Complete the table below to show the type of test and the expected result, based
on the given test data.

Look at page 29 of the Revision Guide to identify the type of test carried out in each
case and then state the expected results. Will the data be accepted or not?

Type of test Test data Expected result

el ee
LTE 120
(6 marks)

(b) There are three errors in Mr Smart’s code.

Write down the line numbers and the correct versions of the code in the
table below.

(6 marks)

Hadago([] Nearly there |] Nailed it! ral

Using binary
Mey Explain why all instructions and data used by a computer are represented in binary.

You should explain the components used by the computer to carry out (execute) instructions
and how they operate, the digits of the binary system and then how they relate to each other.

If 4 binary digits are used to represent a colour in a graphics program, how many

different colours can be represented?
[|A 4
ee: ‘|

Ble i
ives (1 mark) |

If 3 binary digits are used to represent a character, show the different combinations
of digits that are possible.

You should write down all of the unique combinations where each digit can be either a0 ora 1.


(3 marks) |


The denary value of each binary digit is given by its place value.
Complete the table below to show the denary value represented by each of the digits.

The denary value is given by the binary digit multiplied by its place value.

(1 mark) ©

The same combination of digits can be used to represent many different items such
as a program instruction, a character or a colour.
Explain how a computer interprets the combination as the correct item.

PES C Dees eee secre sate ee Rete se madeessteesseesetseseces ©

© S940 0:00. 0 OES 6.6 B09)ems B80) 6.0/6(0\¥6 8158] 019,6 0\0\U) a 6.8 68D le «lume. n)u/4/ea)ere/s\oi6iniwislvia/e alee)
© wielalers sare

0/6 0 6/0\e)e/6,0\0:616\0 wib)s 6/.ahu,0\0)0.6 01/0 e\e\6 b(n/0\0)6(e]u\b\0\0)6/eiaiuie ials (eiuly © bi0'6 © misipiwinieiuieisioteralele

© 00.86/90 0/8 0:0 010 014.0) e\0\s 0/6 u\els| 010,016! e\e 0 vip 01016141610 o)e\s\s aisinislajataiejsie sielaisisipielele
(2 marks)
Hadago|[| Nearly there {]| Nailedit! [] | Jata

Converting from denary to binary

a" 1 Convert the denary number 199 into an 8-bit binary number.
CL You must show your working.

Remember to compare the denary number with the binary place value and calculate the
You should always show your working in questions involving calculations. You may get
some credit for showing that you understand the method even if the answer you come up
with is wrong.

(2 marks)

2 Write an algorithm in pseudo-code to convert a whole denary number between 0 and

255 into an 8-bit binary number.

You might want to use a data structure to store the place values that you are going to use
and another one to store the digits of the binary number.

eluaidieisieisle elec Aisibis aie eiclvlielsie|e ¥ 00 ter¥qe vee ss teccecesicesseeesesee

(8 marks)
Hadago[] Nearlythere || Nailed it! [ |

Converting from binary to denary

and binary addition
el ‘a 1 Convert the 8-bit binary number 10010111 into a denary number.
You must show your working.

Remember to multiply the binary digits by their place values. You could use a table to help
you to do this.

(2 marks) |

2 Add the following 8-bit binary numbers. |

Give your answer in 8-bit binary form.
0 1 0 1 0 1 ] l
0 l 0 1 1 1 1 1 |
(2 marks) |

Lsdedunhevav edna se ntvdisines 142s a0 euniaia i eninsiFat Soo NCSI RES ee ae ae (2 marks) |

4 A student was asked to add the 8-bit binary numbers, 01010111 and 01001010. |
Their answer was 10110001.
Was their answer correct or incorrect? Show working to explain how you know.

snvpnhg ye Dal peo ne |

sassutitatseavesave dptes teu obatueaiiaa dai tro pela epee (3 marks) |
Hadago|[| Nearly there [|] Nailed it! [|

Logical shifts

“3 1 (a) Explain what is meant by a logical shift.

You are being asked to ‘explain’, so you should give a detailed answer with at least
two items of information.

PRA Reals sitytniacygeea RGus gOS chy ede eens talecs pubs Me Eaves eogee (2 marks)

(b) Complete a 2 place logical shift left on the binary number 10101011.

oe ecg Fe Slats oo pacts aati cig Baraat nn Nome SET pears Sava icv ¥ alos olleste SPO MaR Sa een ee (2 marks)

6) 2 (a) State the effect of performing a 2 place logical shift right on a binary number.

Ortega at adh ae upc ds aso wanliet x lidisnaienndeooaranteksate miehiaes ote Aactets Tieee so ee (1 mark)

(b) Complete the following table to show the effect of performing a 2 place logical shift
right on the binary number 10101101 and the denary equivalents of
the number and the result.

You must carry out the logical shift and also convert the numbers to decimal. This
will help you to check that you have carried out the shift correctly.

Binary number after a 2

[0101101 Decimal equivalent
Decimal equivalent
place logical shift right (3 marks)
(c) Explain the results shown in the table.

You should state the divisor being used in a 2 place logical shift and any difference
between the actual result and what would be expected if that divisor were used on
the decimal number.

PN a deo Kc sa heweag aucties ge devenantp bees uueae Rca dtdein ca scale ee (2 marks)

Hadago[] Nearly there [_| Nailed it! [_]

Signed integers
1 (a) Explain how ‘sign and magnitude’ is used to indicate whether a binary
is positive or negative.

2 Complete the table to show the denary number 24 using 8-bit notation and the two’s
complement of that binary number.

Two’s |
complement (2 ark! |

BE 3 (a) Complete the table to calculate adding 30 in denary to —15 in denary using 8-bit |
notation and two’s complement.

(3 marks) |

values _

4 Complete the table to calculate adding —10 in denary to —20 in denary using 8-bit
notation and two’s complement. |

(3 marks) |

Hadago|| Nearly there {| Nailed it! []

Arithmetic shifts
&? 1 (a) Describe the result of carrying out an arithmetic shift right to an 8-bit signed binary

You are being asked to ‘describe’ and so you should give a detailed answer with at
least two items of information in this case.

sEAR eS cass Datatype ai tills to beaten AEG a Lah WO acl ded hn SRO apie AGE ech Rels cle I oe (2 marks)

(b) Describe the result of carrying out an arithmetic shift left to an 8-bit signed binary number.

Ber eer Ne erate ce SMe hc cB aioe ox casas divas ode aha ual sinokac RASA GED WOE CS we Le (2 marks)

22| 2 Complete the table to show the effect of carrying out an arithmetic shift right, 3
os places on the binary number 10010101 which is in two’s complement format.

Remember that this is an arithmetic shift on a signed number and not a logical shift.

Result of shift (2 marks)

“8 3 Complete the table to show the effect of carrying out an arithmetic shift left, 2 places
on the binary number 10010101 which is in two’s complement format.

(2 marks)

} a 4 Complete the table to show the effect of multiplying denary —35 in two’s
complement format by 4.

(3 marks)

Hadago[]| Nearly there [| Nailed it! ie

Hexadecimal and binary

ae /
pee * 1 (a) Explain why hexadecimal numbers are sometimes used to represent values stored in
computers, even though computers do not use hexadecimal numbers.

cauvadudecescantaadasdusedusehcensls suluplledpeau bblesaoun cellAe pallds see USS onal of ete ese et a ee eee et eee (2 marks)

(b) Convert the hexadecimal number C3 into an 8-bit binary number.

You must show your working.

Remember to first convert the two digits into denary numbers if they are letters.
These can then be converted into the two nibbles of the binary number.

svesjawascnuth isacese tebdelscas dtl Se ac.svovseeclonesdhonucw ee ag ene eae |

Pinsaaginoaebiee vas wea ents was cys tly.MeleeSi cme cet ge ces rr (3 marks) |
(c) ae a 8 eebinary numbers 11010101 and Ramember ke ieeecuvere |
into exadecimal numbers. the 8-bit number to nibbles
You must show your working. and then convert each of
(i) 11010101 these into a denary number.

(Ean snawad vin vated ses cosnbs se deasudedab aden anecsuadaNan sale cenmhee aoe ane nya aUe ec coe ete sea (2 marks)
(ii) 10111101

sssonesesvondnowanasinvnnudi nase gu eadtsitephciledouilessuede boluses cane RO en I ERE eter |

sees Wivageddaavesensssednesadensesecaeanaetsinnalnbiles's va ¢oieasla eels iseni eee One RE nea (2 marks)

Hadago || Nearlythere [| Nailed it! []

<2. 1 (a) Explain what is meant by the character set of a computer.

iaicciess Ae Be Ss eae ee ER OR oc scesr0 ca bai Kesha vUawrdnauaslormneeaxsmoweacs . eC RS)

(b) Explain how ASCII is used to represent text in a computer system.

You should say how many bits are used in the ASCII code and how many characters
and actions can be represented.

eR tee Fai Mrs cleteas bashes Bist be aa ks oud ooentgsoh se eee ROR aa eed Ree AC (3 marks)

? 2 A student has written a function named ASC() that will take a character as a parameter and
return the ASCII code in denary of that character.
Write a program using pseudo-code that will ask a user to enter a sentence and then output a
string containing the ASCII codes.


tateletalesiataiciaelaieidieyuiwieia(e/elw elele/esd) ees! 9 eisiate wieicl ules o's(alWia)o/e'siele'b.wie a\2\6:4\s|n)u\s\s\p) e(acs/e! 60a) 6.0/0)4|0/0/s'61s:a.8 nia'e\0\a)mi0)0)e.n\0/)p\s/6\0 (eye eels) @\aia\6/s)2\b\8)s)i0\0)010/0)0/aid)e\ejn ein ais

610(6\e,ereisvexeie7s)0\e sisi91e
Praisiei ate-ateeievercie/nialuvele ais ee) a(diecSverd/6\dis\e'alalse/wie'ehé/6\e\p:avale(ainie_o\e/ara\dis\s.9 0/0/e\je)0/0, o(@\o\0/6:0,0e]0)e)0/¢()e,ule(einisivieiaibis! sie(ele 0]e/S Sie e/€ru\s\e)s\aimre 9.exe,eis-e)e

(4,4)4\)815) 05s s)5/s\e)m)a\nisia)s a,ayaru)n)elim isis)sie mina

Siavapateta aciele eiatata siavalvin)olehetalavele\si'd lalate ale)eiavaieielw(oala(alalie’nlsin aiie\alace,«/6:e\s/b a/4\s(e}0}6)e)e/4)/n\eie.ele)e(9\)e)s)* a) x \ajniain.w)le,e\e/6)0/0/ 15)


sisim.eie:miwishe.eiefaisieis) ele nio.#in\ein|sieisielsiessretelelelsiessin)s iis

Srevalasal ctataiictettchala/olave dhareleinrarore retetsTeial statute Satara icin oiech ie) aia aii!minllin isle(sie/@ terete seiainse)sja°,e/eiseai@.<ie(a, e\e\oisis1s\eeiais,

e\s,dVe)eie;niesale. aissha agabetesare.sieete\eisisisvessiaietals) o(elsieleis.s)ecnis

Mer elerctatohetortictalaaieiatatatatorater staiaversiel sieia) otekecoter 21sleusvsletieletvaleis:91 47/a)'ei6/mre ci4reeve) re)o\s\einrausrers ¢:41s eje)e)aieinre)e eheisiese

ree ne ariel alate itera evarareiatuleveraieiaiaieveyatel bialc)istaevetsiae sisiaiannialuia/a\eie(e)¥\e 15101018016) ¢1¢\e\s{ele\ese/ace\e)siejsisinis) ees aiae/eie;s/ajsieje}s\aisiaja)steleseiainieielais/ehaiale/als\ein


Se ee eta ante ental atalebarohana) shepeteisic7eieletel stalase) a mlin/et 6;«iciavs)sinis'n ee a erevainle e\o\ese/ o/s e<e/nie,eieidteie\a)s)sis\0a)/¢ie.nia/ejeieajeiciefeiulsleisie\a.skrie/aieirnieivirle.s/e(e\eiareielieis)sis/hic:s


A eyed Cr Ee RIL ae Cue oul Rea fo GIES UT COINCIDE SINC Ebrs AC

Prarard aiaial ularataisate Wietelsiiayats' aielele\eleia/n,a\elole [4 6\6lee) 0is16\n\ 06/610 \4/s)a\6,e'sje\e\e(6\

eee eee 60/0/0100
>)4:6.0\¢/0/0)0. ee meee tem reese eee see sseresereneereresssessesssssssesssesssessssse (6 marks)

Hadago[]| Nearlythere [| Nailed it! 4

Bitmap images
1 Figure | is a bitmap image.

j Figure |
LS: / 2
ce’ (a) State what is meant by the following terms. ||
The size of an image .

The resolution of an image |


ia grb da coca cou eee anon rc ee BE rans solos-oe as2nct ceaneoasnesecpayadascngeasevestera

Boos (2 marks) |
“3 (b) The number of colours represented in an image depends on the colour depth used.
Ne Complete the table to show the number of colours that can be represented using
the following colour depths.

Colour depth | Number of colours represented

a ee a
er ee ee i
a a ee | (3 marks)
(c) The image in Figure 1| has the following properties: width = 2000; height = 3000: |
colour depth = 24. |
Construct an expression to calculate the size of the image file in megabytes. |

Wuia'dh lds atorsginaan'eands <vsigignin aina'eswviboae Pb BQ pe Vea se eggS Se 8 SS (3 marks) |

Hadago|[| Nearly there {| Nailed it! []


Sound can be represented digitally by taking samples of the original sound.

(a) State what is meant by sampling frequency.

(b) Describe the effect of increasing the sampling frequency.

SI Son sss mls cesta see cn pa + Snel wndnn be daseseacod eee a eeese ea UE ne (2 marks)

(a) Explain what is meant by the bit depth of a recording.

APRS aie SEROUS as ot Ae eter sia: bah A ee ae a eels Det ligaT Sol Oyen’ oh bet ss Peale hoe a5 ee (2 marks)
(b) State the effect of increasing the bit depth of a recording.

Loi aloes CL as oT Se edn ak eee EEE REA Ser ee Reena eteto eA: Ser carn (1 mark)

The sampling frequency and bit depth affect the size of the file produced.
Name two other factors which will affect the size of the file.

) alae A Re eon Rat SI cre RE PP rT ERM rr RE MIS EG ae es cep EAE TR Oc crest coc

DR RF ct a es ic ae Woe Fa haath wk sale Ao Say ce ok watasaE eae rae La ce eee (2 marks)

Construct an expression to calculate the file size, in megabytes, of a 100 second

recording with a sampling frequency of 44.1 kHz if 16 bits are used to encode
each sample.

You should always show your working in questions involving calculations. You may
get some credit for showing that you understand the method even if your final
answer is wrong.

PII ie sede recat ged penisvend os sas sparen hc awed vagus Veoadvccnondeadnbuadeaveent (3 marks)
Hadago[]| Nearly there [| Nailed it! [|

(a) State the format required for data to be processed by a computer.
(1 mark)


(2 marks)

2 The following table shows the units of data storage capacity.

Complete the table to show the order of magnitude
of the units, from smallest to largest. iyo Na Be

bit kilobyte | gigabyte

ae en (3 marks) —

3 A file has a size of 72000000000 bits. .

Construct an expression to express this in megabytes. i

(2 marks) |

4 Construct an expression to show the number of bits in a file of size 20 terabytes.

(1 mark) |
Hadago [| Nearly there [] Nailed it! []

Data compression
1 Leah is sending files to her brother Ollie, while he is away on holiday, by attaching them
to emails. The files include images, music, and PDF and word-processed documents.
(a) Identify two advantages for Leah and Ollie of compressing the files.

BUR Se havin nab thyldce tam dddce od sa tereds mtb OE AALS TC. INL as IN A ee ee Re ee 8 Oe (2 marks)

=e| (b) Two types of compression are lossless and lossy.

Describe the difference between lossless and lossy compression.

SB sidelines ee cnc ow a REPROD ci iar oN (4 marks)

a: (c) State which type of compression is appropriate for each of the following files
that Leah sends and explain why it is appropriate.
A PDF file of a novel.
Type of compression

emcee eee eee eee eee ee eee Reet eee eee H eRe eee eH EH eE HEE HEE Esese rere eeseeseseeeHesEsesesEEeEeESEeseseesEeHsEserseeererseseres

i a ee i i i i i i i io iii ici aoa

Images of her trip to London.

Type of compression

eee emcee ere c cere rere sess e seve sreeesseseesscssesens cere ee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee Heese ees HES eneseseseneseseeserssesesesesenes®

o\e\4/4\6)6\0,8/ ee) 8)e\e\sialw aja)6(ys\\0)6/4{a\e/e)

Setar reat eterevever teigts (alatetalcle crefetel cisiatsts|aisl co's jn'wiwiw sie\eisls,slaleaiaieleiatecaie o(s)eaiein/alers 9)6)0 14:6(eln\#ieieiaie\eie (6/xTe)

Tee Teac
inis)e\alieijelaia\elelejsieieie sie\# eie/e ette) bie)2
roll hated aieteia Cinbstal etorollctre alataloNi7 eis 6?olate)(e/¢i-isi'a:ave)isi@\eile\@) ele aleis)e)e\0.¢ie(ece/e)a).s) =e (01e\e/e,#14\6.a).5))s)8\8 0 <0:6)\s)is) ewe) eis(ale
(4 marks)

Hadago[] Nearlythere || Nailed it! [|

Run-length encoding
1 (a) Run-length encoding (RLE) is a compression algorithm that checks for redundancy in data files.
S Explain what is meant by redundancy in a data file.

souuwudalgaseuacanacdahawtdsa audlhQoisdesgtncd eset saQae nete hOsHae?aS0 eSeERe Reo Seng eee eee eee (2 marks) |

(b) Explain why run-length encoding would be more suitable for black and white image files
rather than full colour ones.

Sevcdvsdoksesandeceea)pevosdeiceceeteeeltieseeeeee an ne ee (2 marks) |

2 The following is a black and white image consisting of 36 pixels.

(a) Complete the table to show how the encoded data for this image can be compressed using
run-length encoding.

Encode data Compressed using run-length encoding

(3 marks)
(b) If one byte is needed to encode each character, state the number of characters needed before |
and after run-length encoding. |

ddghweeseitetic nse veed éxduinaes «nah si sipyllaas intl TEREMIEMe 5 it ae ar (2 marks)

Hadago || Nearly there Nailed it! [_]

se. 1 (a) Explain what is meant by data

Ser setae aa Ss a nan dsssb catacB Brews suigtsWhere Becklaus Sdgeees tackecas ENA ak Ae el tee ee (2 marks)
(b) Explain why data encryption is needed.

You must make two valid points as there are two marks for this question.

eda a aoe Nee ena a PADD CORR tune EE a? cess kta: PRs A Be RUM IW NSE R ERR LE ES ESR Bo (2 marks)

o% 2 Complete the table using a Caesar cipher to encrypt the text.

If you are unsure, check to see which way the letters are shifted for + ana - or right and
left shifts.

Plain text Cipher text

The battle is won + 3 or right 3 2s uly. ote gnee eleae
[Sendmoretroops | -3orleft3 La (2 marks)

cy 3 Complete the table to decrypt the cipher text that has been encrypted using a Caesar cipher.

In this question you have to do the reverse of an encryption. The letters in the cipher text
have been shifted and you must move them back.

Plain text Cipher text

Gzzgiq ot znk iktzxk + 6 or right 6 ee Oe Wi tee
Yorlcdx eopb “Boren 3 haar (2 marks)

Hadago[] Nearlythere [] Nailed it! [|

Structured and unstructured data

1 (a) Describe the difference between structured and unstructured data.

(2 marks)

(2 marks) |

me 2 Which one of the following is the best definition of an ‘entity’?

[ | A Any physical object
[ | B A thing with an independent existence
ie Any physical object or idea
Fae eas: A thing with an independent existence about which data can be stored (1 mark)

“3 3 A student is creating a system to help run a school library where information about
books borrowed by students can be stored.
List the three entities she could identify for this library system.


Entity 2

Entity 3 (3 marks) |

4 A newsagent is creating a database to assist in newspaper deliveries. He has identified

the following entities.

Daily delivery

Draw arrowed lines on the diagram to show how these entities are related. (3 marks)

Hadago || Nearlythere [| Nailed it! []

Attributes and tables

Which of the following statements best defines what is meant by an attribute in a database?
| | A The properties of an entity
& B_ Different examples of an entity
|_| C A physical thing
|_| D A link between entities (1 mark)

A student who is creating a library database has identified ‘Books’ as an entity.

Identify three suitable attributes of this entity.

You are being asked to identify three suitable identifiable properties of this entity.

Attribute 1

Attribute 2

PREETI DOES Boo o0)s ccc occa aka cee Ceshw, poe ee OR eae EB 5 ee aa ee (3 marks)

A database has the following table.

[Hyundai |i20_ [2013 | Red_ | Petrol |Manual

|S ee nore eee etmeen ener emee eter a Maen Rn ot enre MO Mccroncmmter ntiheercodrs (2 marks)

(b) Each table must have a primary key.

Explain what is meant by a primary field and why it is needed.

There are two parts to this question. You are being asked to state what is meant by a key
field and then say why it is required by the database software.

(2 marks)

(c) Explain why none of the fields in the table would make a suitable primary field
and how the designers of the database could overcome this problem.


(0,0/s)e0ia\9)ei$iee[8/6:s\e/4i8 0,4)014
par atatave iaiaveleteieialetdcatarwialeliloTaveiniaia-efald/e\aze!etals) ele/vle\seia/aialale\s)y/s/e\@iaje'6) 0)s\a/a_a\s/m:eeie/e1e0|6.4

Pe pie clclacavelave cv cieralelereisislelutele clela s]p'clclee K vlee 0\6 0s belele ce sisjeih's vleeeeiee vices /sseisigeielsia eis @ esis be/0\eele's ule eie/sie vie oie

belo. Vibe eleiwle eisls 4 Secs cade svesPclesdecissrsassesetsecesese

(2 marks)

Hadago[]| Nearlythere [| Nailed it! le

Relational databases
1 Explain what is meant by a relational database.
You are being asked to explain a specific type of database. So do not just give the general
definition of a database.

(2 marks)

2 Which of the following statements best defines what is meant by a foreign key in a database?
[| A. A field in one database linked to the primary key of another database
A field in a table other than the primary key

= A field in one table linked to the primary key of another

A field that is next to the primary key
00 (1 mark) |

3 An organisation uses a relational database to keep track of orders.

tblStaff tblOrders tblCustomers
First_name Order_Number Customer_Id
Surname Order_date Customer_Name
Department Customer_Id Customer_Address

ce.) (a) Give two reasons for choosing to structure the business data.
I i iccapsiniudeinaaideen scabies dndnss ta CrutA ala Stas ai cciereat ea aie ai ee ee

(b) (i) The field Staff_Id has a specific function in tblStaff.
State the name of this specific function.

(ii) The field Customer_Id has a specific function in tblOrders.

State the name of this specific function.

(iii) The field Customer_Id in tblOrders has a specific function in the database.
State why this field is necessary.

(c) Order_Number is a positive number, 8 bits in length.

Identify the range of values that can be represented.

O\e)0)6 80 6 0'9)0\ 016 eu'e0)0 00 0 ecb ewe 0 v0 4\6'e vivins a's 6)6\6\slcie sls a)66
Hadago || Nearlythere [| Nailed it! []

1 Complete the diagram by adding six arrows to indicate the input and output relationships
between the devices.


Processing | Mouse

(3 marks)

2 One of the stages in the input—processing—output model is processing.

Explain what is meant by ‘processing’.

TNR eae a IN Rr en PER eat eT eDI ETE PRET Ee ERE Ia its, ScaleSunbednte “neonate (2 marks)

o% 3 Complete the table to indicate which stage of the input—processing-output model involves the
4 following devices. One has been done for you.

Central processing unit
(2 marks)

Hadago[] Nearlythere |] Nailed it! Ba

The central processing unit

1 The table below shows some internal hardware components and their functions.
Complete the table below by filling in the missing information.
Internal hardware Function
CU (control unit)

Controls the rate at which program instructions are carried


ALU (arithmetic
logic unit)

Stores frequently used program instructions and data so the

processor isn’t kept waiting for them to be transferred from
the main memory.

(5 marks)

2 Alva is buying a new laptop.

The sales assistant recommends one You need to explain why the sales assistant
with a 3GHz CPU. would think that a 3 GHz processor will
give better performance, but also mention
He claims that it will always out-perform
other factors that can affect performance
one with a 2 GHz CPU.
that Alva should consider.
Explain why this may not be the case.

Cee e creme rere r ens ease reser eseresesesessseeeresenssseeeedeseens SHH H ee eee m reese eee teense aeer eee seseeeereseretseesese eee eee wees

Peewee reece reece ese ce reser esse eedsseroveseceseseces

OOF SCS e eee cede erence seers eee eres reweensnecesesecesneD

0,000 )6)\8(9)0/0 9. 6 9/0\e{ei6e, b\a\0\6 6/6 b\b 1014\6\5,8/o 6/0 /4\6\8 iin) W\niuie) e\elpidisialale) (6 marks)
Hadago || Nearlythere [| Nailed it! []

Components of the CPU

1 Explain what is meant by ‘the Von Neumann model’.

ree a eatee Ss scars hose haaieelsh sa sleenfeces tees Suioans GU ins c dame a eGR ORE a ee (2 marks)

3 3 2 List two components with
£ men he GOPLUNGree to reese The question is asking about other components of
program instructions. the computer, not components of the CPU itself.

Nee eee Eee ye Nee ane ee eee en ee rePPME NI an Nc Seyt hic cedeencnenk

7M ie anne ee Pe eR Re ee TO Me Ea Se ete occute eae (2 marks)

3 Describe the role of the CU (control This question is asking you to ‘describe’ and not
unit) and the ALU (arithmetic logic just state the functions of the components. You
unit) in the fetch-decode-execute cycle. must make at least two points about each one.

OO ao scicotces ROR RS ARIEL GONG AM pihe ad RANGE PRETO OAES LOO Raed cht aan eae ee

pee Net a nites APT, Rese os os da soins is Senda Seda ceo gga seein dees cate aie etna a


“3 4 Within the CPU are memory locations called registers.

Describe their role in the fetch-decode—execute cycle.

are ea Fics ot 8s oa crew dius ts scabies wah dahes daa hat Sea coaenaa nes Lau zas ve tererraaa eaemeReRIRO RS Ree eae (2 marks)

°3 5 Describe the role of the decoder in the fetch-decode-—execute cycle.

elec ca diate ncch Siaced ssa stiontatn genes whee ries candaninnnnd Sundee se sdeeneplet (2 marks)

Hadago[] Nearly there [] Nailed it! [|

Fetch-decode—execute cycle
s 1 State the names of two buses involved in the fetch-decode-execute cycle and the role of each.

Bus 1... ccccessccesesestcunsldee alee ater ates islets ttle sees eReIe GR ot INE ri Ses a ee a tate eee

BUS 2... coscccccozssescdach noes seriaectnenc dc ateeetve eeeeae cia ect coat = eee acy te oe a nT sar ee

2 The Von Neumann model carries out computer programs using the
fetch-decode-—execute cycle.
(a) The table below describes stages in the fetch-decode—execute cycle but they
are not 1n order.
Write the numbers 1-4 in the empty cells to show the correct order.


The next instruction is sent from the RAM to the CPU.

The instruction is carried out.

The CU interprets the instruction.

The CPU sends a signal to the RAM requesting the next

instruction. (2 marks) |

(1 mark) |

2s (c) Annotate the diagram to show the role of the CU and ALU in the
: fetch—decode-—execute cycle. (2 marks) |

CU (control unit) ALU (arithmetic logic unit)

The CU the instructions. are carried out in

If a calculation is needed, the CU the ALU.
instructs the

Hadago [| Nearlythere [| Nailed it! []

1 The main memory of a computer consists of both volatile and non-volatile memory.
LS i

CB» (a) Define what is meant by ‘volatile memory’.

Rae oy See a ee god neath Sha Mea Saat a OE MERA TM leanne ees Cee atic ea eea eee ee (i mark)
ome (b) State what non-volatile main memory is used for. ‘

SERPS CY eae gE RCCE RECT teeter een eeeeR ee eer ocr ta rember occa caaenepcecmarracoure (1 mark)

oN 2 Complete this table by placing a tick in the column next to the true statements.

RAM stands for Random Access Memory

ROM is volatile

Data can be read from and written to ROM

Program instructions and data are stored in RAM

The sets of instructions needed for a computer to start are stored <i
in ROM (5 marks)

3 Acomputer’s main memory consists of both RAM and ROM.

Compare RAM and ROM.

You have been asked to ‘compare’ RAM and ROM. Remember to refer to both of them
‘for each difference or similarity. There are three marks for this question, so your answer
should have three differences or similarities.

(3 marks)

elese sle\elee/els.eieie.s\eisiele eieisceieia isis

EU VetH icra atatatcinvates cfeielcvaiardiaiaia rielefeiets?elaiare.etm/srs)sie/siulvi nia)se)e{e\s)s/e7s's)ais)= [s\0/4/6ie\ele.eeie\e) s/s 6:07418|a\a © ¢/8]a/sie,sinie s)9\e\e\e/e\e|siuio\e)e)

(1 mark)

Hadago[] Nearly there [] Nailed it! [|

Magnetic and optical storage

1 Most computer systems use at least one secondary storage device.
:3 (a) Give two reasons why a secondary storage device is needed in most computer systems.

= Reet eeeeeneReeel steedtcneecitul

D cloccccscccsscceceneesesueessugnosetad ae ae
tee tase tate ete ettcle

ae ee ar
ge enesesepr eoateCe et eaeessdewasle
dabeopAegis teaun snedunvisi
2D cincscnennncaesenaen da

Mey hie SetijuhSaues cows evns vedindsvedaccntiundiyshavge eal uopen Sea aee omnes elites eRe aia ae ea ey ae ae eet (2 marks)

These questions ask you to ‘describe’ how data is stored on magnetic and optical drives.
You will not gain the marks by just stating that the data is stored ‘by magnetism’ or ‘by
laser’; you will need to describe the structure of the devices and explain how the data is |
written and read. |

(i) Describe how data is stored on magnetic storage devices. |

- Lasizin.sdived clgedSdn hale 42d delsLotspnahee ctbakbun dpa ed ateaid (Hd Re RE ee )

wavsiadaiied ease dzagduetenne nde hued sehen eee quteabes sees toueed Seen ae ee ete cee nee aes =e (2 marks) |
(11) Describe how data is stored on optical storage devices.


ek sou wd sis vatoelbgiegen si ledseeelinad SuaNWe Beebe PaeOun Oia SASS daennd ae Ov tare eee | |

ke bese pe etek bs LL cot EEE cee (2 marks) |

es a _(c) Explain why magnetic devices 1
are used in preference to optical This question is worth 2 marks so your
ones as the main storage devices answer should include two different points )
in most computer systems. and should include a justification. |

Javomdaeolarscutisrans Sow bet beniay el Cgeid inset Sateen OR Cea eet |

sido wave nnbtstienan¥Gaddytuchsaaaacosivsve lcd Guu ces uénalNatdy [eke IRS eke eee |

wiadsnaaed daaraigas’ id dae yn das UR SLR@BEAERERE AS RRRGAEAT CSR REREE eT REOROL Sa nec ea ee (2 marks) ©

2 Noah has 200 photos that he wants to put on a CD or DVD. Each photo is 8 MB in size.
Calculate whether all his photos can be saved on a single CD or on a single DVD. |

sneneensausuavaneushevevensgoebeesetisdeatensessenseanyoseutieadtes UlteBe omen eee (2 marks) |

Hadago || Nearlythere [| Nailed it! [|

solid-state memory
Describe how data is stored on a solid-state drive.

Book cL aes tice een EE TEEPE PEECHET EETCEE EEE TERR TT a ees (3 marks)

An SD card is an example of a solid-state storage device.

(a) Give one reason why it is called a ‘solid-state’ storage device.

DR eps s cceg ones bestia eg So aeison sh quae «aie Resa Ade asraetoa aereed co (1 mark)

(b) Apart from SD cards, state two other uses of solid-state storage.

1 rice oan aT ee RR ie ne Ne eA Rae BSA AO Teo oN IRE MEET ARC or c Sian innbasons

CPG ATs A ale i Ras tsa entails AER Gs Oy ated aa oles as Fasaance

CREE ts Jk ee me Ee se EN BOM 5 inn cha Src aif OER Et Pe Peta oe CR me eet EEN rie cS (2 marks)

Complete the table with the names of the category of secondary storage described in
each row.

It is a category of storage that is needed, not a type of storage device. Responses such as
‘hard disc’, ‘CD’ or ‘flash drive’ will not gain any mark.

Category of secondary storage Uses metal platters coated in iron oxide. The platters
rotate at high speed.
Small pits are burned in patterns onto a flat surface.
A laser can be used to interpret light reflected from
the flat or pitted surface.
a eS No moving parts; data is stored as an electrical charge. (3 marks)

Gloria has removed the hard disk drive from her laptop and replaced it with
a solid-state drive.
Give two reasons why this is a suitable upgrade.

Riera ialclai pialadshotsicrcalelclare clas vavaye\e\sio avec cisl-siallstiels\n/el/aie o°¥ @,4.09 s/ele.e (se.9e,ayeie'e\e lava ehnfe eal \¢:4.8 QW onei6,0) 0 eaiaeie a/esb)e// eleiahaye/e\e/s7e)e/ ajace'o{ bis\a/aileraya/ apa:al€\a.'s) ses 6's)eKoisie

Svgtat tata sisal vterdiavets alate ceniciealdrats alalerarats wisteiciciaialbwie)'a.e 616\6i6)e/a)s 10sla-ni¢ie‘ein\siubreje/s sla'eiuie 6 e\e\eihjeie @ieieaheiaia,e)eieis (0:8\e)S\aie)sie)s/avajajaie/aieis)4

aidiujalalelelsleje\slele/s)s/a.a/s\p a\s/efais afeTe 6.60 016 «\s'e\e\v'o/m.nia v.0/6\e¢ieeje esters 0/6 oeisjcie eae ce

aiaicielstciciniciavshelattte’slsicleis/a(ateto\siaiete(ele\s\s)a's ale|sie<e.s siu(s\ele,6)66/6!6 sia\elece.erelo 0\e/0/e)e)0\e/e.0)a) a.9i6eler¥)4/¢/o)e\eie;ajereiaie

oie (2 marks)

Computers _ Hadago[] Nearly there [| Nailed it! CJ

Cloud storage
1 Many organisations now store and back up their data using cloud storage rather
than to devices connected to their servers.
aes |
. % (a) Explain what is meant by ‘cloud storage’.

hota lauwnecsvaesesesie on'nnaswe inde dona nnuleeduatues de poaslnes «Alplan dtc aces es Bees i eae nee te nee (2 marks)

(b) When saving data, compare the use of cloud storage with devices connected
to a local server.

You are being asked to compare the two methods and so you should not just list the |
advantages and disadvantages of each method. .

COO TO TUCO IIIT IOI IOC ii ICC Ssio Oi nr Rio Cio n irre sir iii nian iar PM mm mmm ween eee n en ner er ene ee eeeeeenasesseees

s[e’s)sieip) 0/9\plels{elsi6ieisie'elsje 0's m winistejo' else Biolele 6\0'u) 0 /aku)e\aiv.i b)e\elelwine\b iee)ec4l a)t a winiA/aim m pipleia Stas Scatabi Gie-<\wia7h/e ("be .ete TOP meee eee e eer erer eens eeeeereeeeenee

DCO COC OTC OUIC IIIT INCI iri Cin SSO CI Icirie iii aii id

CP e eee meee e eee nee eres eee ne nee sense esse eeeneeeseseseeseneesesesencs Cn rai

(Sid 6 a i6i@\ oieine.0/a)0\d (6)e\6/a\n) a:eiele/¥jeie/a\e:9/4(6.6)\6.0 16bib e/aih vieiam BiRNE Comore eres eee een eran ne eeae es eeeseseesseenesecesereessnce Pee meee eee e wees eeeeseees

Poem ere e meme erase cee nerecee see eves eeeeneneseessesese Pomme meee r ener eee sess e nsec esese eee ewww eee


SO6.8)0) 81010 00.0) 5) 4)5 6.610 6 G60. 6.0 60s wa alae nN a)4)Sr5)6l6 8/8leCOON OU a IC AOA a CI aC ecient

Cem ee meee ees eresescceeseseeeesvecenesses


teevedebvaneteeeedetnsecucnacaseessscesseesenbenetunnesqndscdvusny ryaaeAit/ Rn One (6 marks)

Hadago || Nearly there {| Nailed it! []

Embedded systems
50 1 (a) Elaine has been told that her digital camera is controlled by an embedded system.
LY Define what is meant by an ‘embedded system’.

RE ROC IDAs 1S Se eR AALS (ee Oe DRY ORRIN: He ne MOOG One OO |e ORME RRA Tye ci eZ (1 mark)

=e| (b) Identify three components of an embedded system.

You have been asked to ‘identify’ components. There are more possibilities than you have
been asked for.

Di ype eds aw She eed sh ose vw oon aaswonsiie cLaeLa avs RON ote ee eee

DP ONG A BS Ses stars Su Ns xs Os Wada SRT aN IG stp t as ONG SaaS. ne oe

SO ee ee © WS RT jnhitwie uae ie RES sop Ne STEN oa oT EO (3 marks)

28 (c) List two other devices that contain embedded systems.

ed Fe Roe ee eR See OM Tt TREC EMIT Rue PRPS EAM od Soocc chic Gconcars (2 marks)

2 Desktop computers are referred to as ‘general purpose machines’ and embedded

systems are called “special purpose machines’.
3 (a) Explain the difference between these two types of system.

ha eee Tig rotons earn ame Pamena 8 Cer Rehrme Megha A ae Wh Ara pelle te eo aN a a (2 marks)

20, (b) Explain why embedded systems are also referred to as ‘real-time’ systems.

fe fet tbs pera Rete ee en eC REET ER STE nein ern ee et (2 marks)

low-level | such as
> Rea ea ay low leven auelages ee For a reminder on assembly language,
assembly language are used for writing ie ;
look at page 63 of the Revision Guide.
the programs for embedded systems.

/ SI ceca 5s vineethe cles pues deste onlvuuitellSoen no Ranmgewdv'vat dnorWaualianlaeadeatey (2 marks)

Hadago[] Nearlythere [] Nailed it! [|

1 Truth tables are used to show how digital output relates to input.
. H (a) Complete the truth table for the OR statement.


™ Pee x! (33 marks)


(2 marks) |

2 Complete the truth table for the following logic statement. .


(4 marks)

3 Complete the truth table for the following logic statement.


(4 marks)

Hadago|[| Nearly there [] Nailed it! []

Logic circuits
1 A conveyor belt in a factory can be turned on by either switch A or switch B.
To ensure the safety of the workers there is also an override switch which must be
in the off position before the belt will move.
(a) Construct a logic statement to represent the logic of this behaviour, using the
symbols A, B and C.

PORDAS apes PERCE SOLE Mee TGR ANTS OE ATER | MEN Ore NOON A chon Mente seh Ce ae ae GR te (2 marks)

(b) Complete the truth table for this statement where P represents the movement of
the belt.

ee ee

a Pipieia tw | (4 marks)
An automatic watering system for a greenhouse uses a light sensor (A) and a moisture sensor
(B), which will emit a signal when the soil is wet, to ensure that the sprinklers (P) are turned on
only at night and only when the soil is dry.
(a) Create a logic statement for this system.

(2 marks)

(2 marks)

Computers _ Hadago[] Nearlythere |] Nailed it! []

Operating system I
You are expected to give a general

1 Describe the role of systems software in a


e %
bs A

computer system overview of ‘systems software’.


(2 marks)

2 (a) Explain the role of the operating system in memory management and

Use the number of marks as a guide to how much to write. Part (a) is worth 4 marks, and
parts (b) and (c) are worth 2 marks each, so your answer to part (a) should be longer than
your answers to parts (b) and (c).

(4 marks)

Ce i i i as

(2 marks) |
(c) Explain how file permissions are used on shared computer systems or on
a network.

POEM eee mere eerste eee eee e essere nen eee esses ee eeeeeeeeeEeeEseeneessesese SU i i i ii ie

SOP m meee errr reer essere renersnereseseseeeeeserereesereresesesssoess SOM meee ere e rere r ese es ee eeeeeereersesseeeese

i i i iii Pee mm eer eee e ewe as ence reese eseses

$/018\0\ 0)0/0 oie) €:¢\6,0/0\e\a/b)8,6/8)6(0)p)0)4/6(m 6/6,0.ui0inju/8 Nia\b)b) 6.61u ih)61618\e1s hime) mis/uibiosuialetnreleyarata See weer wrens asesscsercsccs (2 marks)

Hadago|[]| Nearlythere [| Nailed it! []

Operating system 2

1 Two of the functions of the operating system are to manage the computer users and
provide an interface between them and the hardware and software of the computer

Even though these functions are linked, you must comment on both.
In your answer, you should avoid simply rewriting information already given in the
question. This will save you time in the exam. For example, you would not get a mark for
writing ‘On shared computers, the operating system manages users.’
Make sure you read the question properly and only write relevant information.

(a) Explain how an operating system manages computer users.

Pe ane Ar eats Ped SNe y ahd Lead Seasick aca Rasa NI SGA rc SSGAOE Sat Aaa RE BU aah a Mee aae boats Lae enna eee (3 marks)

(b) Explain how an operating system provides an interface between computer users and the
hardware and software of the computer system.

Pern 1 ae Ear ta eae God psa Rerate tokcacd Sau y ae Ae ME ee (3 marks)

. 5@) 2 Peripheral devices are used to input data and output information into and out of a
computer system.
Explain how the operating system manages peripheral devices.

(2 marks)

Computers — Hadago[] Nearlythere |] Nailed it! [_]|

Utility software l
et 4% 1 Stephen’s computer is running slowly and he thinks it’s because his hard disk drive is
CTV fragmented.

(a) State what is meant by ‘fragmented’.

sdas-sdannecanse ona csedmawacuennien fe lpia s'est bliss uiaie dadeot ate pete ps eae ee ae ea eect ee ea (1 mark)

(b) Explain how defragmentation software will help to make the computer run more

oF. | autnasnehan shaesaa hosed calleslates Galtecwins 4a nui Sahai ic REO a ene ane a ta es (2 marks) |
OE |
se ? (c) Stephen is advised to use data compression software to create more space on |
“aU? his hard disk drive.
(i) Give another instance when Stephen should use compression software.

misivlelalelelelele:vialelelels\slulaterelslelalaielelelwisYe\elcielejolelelstaleta/elelleinlsteveinlslolerelelato/elaisioleretutmtoveis\elateleletet eratetelatnta{eletet stale lelets tetater eat tt tedden

saan dib dawhd gd Rua hatdteentin Mewes Silsitehte dca, Lda s CONS HIER RNa (1 mark)
(ii) Describe the difference between lossless and lossy compression.

OR (2 marks)
=e: (d) Stephen wants to make copies of all of his programs and files using backup software.
The software allows Stephen to make a full backup whenever he wants. .
(i) State the name of a different backup strategy that Stephen could use. |
scons 5 ye Seat tage ed eh ll a RS ec (1 mark) |

ievsicedeoneaassunns'ghasdeeaigyaedas benea GnlkdSelene SRO eRMEe cout tadtd Gey kere eee tn (2 marks)

CeCe ee eee ee eereee ones set eeersneceseseen

S)9'@,0:0(0'e.0)0'0 56 aie\5/n/m(ue)8,0\B\¥. Siete 6)91d.s1e'618/o 016 eipiw eles e\b(a/bia sc5[s\erele



sessceniedssensontdhebedatsheandlcedeley spsadlgaeg neha (2 marks)

Hadago || Nearly there [| Nailed it! [| Computers a

Utility software 2
Any software that has been designed to gain unauthorised access to a computer system in order
to disrupt its functioning or collect information is an example of:
ea A avirus program
[tape a malware program
& C a trojan program
[| D_ aspyware program. (1 mark)

Viruses and spyware are both examples of malware.

Describe how a computer system can be infected by each one and the harm that it can do.

EL NUS BS i ane ad EE ag a ee

= cl il a Ah RR en” ite Pe RNR A GC AEE Soo gcse (2 marks)

GTR SONY WUD ooh ctanny gudio ace tes oe aaa ay eee a ed eee ee

PENSE, Mie. SER ER oa Eee ROMER ES Cire 3 ROMA EMEP EEE ee LS (2 marks)

Anti-virus software is a type of utility software.

Describe two methods that this software uses to identify malware.

I Ie I ete aR ee RAST eet Bt ANAS AS IIR RL vas ae OU Os AC eR RM (4 marks)

Stephen transfers a video from his computer to his tablet but the media player will not accept it.
He should use:
el A anti-malware software
fey B file repair software
ey C_ file conversion software
aad) anti-virus software. (1 mark)

= Computers . Hadago[] Nearly there [| Nailed it! &

Simulation and modelling

1 Catherine is making a computer model of her finances.
L/ ; >
=e ‘s (a) Explain what is meant by a “computer model’.

Cesbielu is vacsceceesensndnaishs abuSedhenclbveas vant: bxyapaydlen deo dGee? seat mastle ste tits a eee (2 marks)

(b) State two other examples of computer models, other than financial models.

You have been asked to state two examples, so you just need to name them and do
not need to describe them. Make sure you give models other than financial models. .

Example]... ccc soceecuctitees « sean scl tteamar sas tn ete «eae op cre ee |

Exxatnple 2 viconvcddssnoses stein edvavce unit eseyacuetesatamnsade se csget SSRs ete ee (2 marks) |
(c) Computer models are widely used in all industries.
Explain two advantages to those industries of using computer models.

You are being asked to explain the advantages and so a one-word answer will not be |
sufficient to obtain the marks available. )

Advantage 1 )

BeGva tla wees2 ee isa dis dvi cnwidSeunti Nile dbl sch teal walle oe ae a te .|
ee ee ee Se eM Se ee .

i RSE ER A EIR oe Pare Sener (4 marks) |

ce. (d) Describe two drawbacks of creating and using computer models. |
Daya vais cuitssain ethical anoles doy aa aon See eae |

Drawback 2.3.02ionssesscahs
uonaeypneensega snesdnnrs |


sceesaaceaeeessdeneiiudisdeees sl seaeiveunelsauaddtwedsdesu stndalled yey lee eee si eam (4 marks)

Hadago|[|| Nearly there [] Nailed it! [|

Programming languages

: the tay peer has been You need to be able to recognise low- and high-level
written in three different languages and the form in which they are written.
languages, as shown below.

Language 1 Language 2 Language 3

firstNumber = 1 LD 1 00111110
secondNumber = 2 ADD 2 00000001
total=a+t+b STORE 3 00000110

(a) State thenameof laneudee)t:<x sive teasiltuerseerS

cere een eee (1 mark)

Coiestate the name ol Van Guage. ~ cnc sencasnccanivnnces

oor (1 mark)

(c) Explain why Language | is a high-level language, while Languages 2 and 3 are
low-level languages.


(d) (a) Describe two advantages for a programmer of writing programs in a

high-level language.

|SE oh SRS na ee nN oe eR RE MEU ROD Pe SMEAR HP me SS

PAE SR a ROMO TEE BR TT Ne My te! Rae i Wer mene ere Sh a SS

Diese he risers ee a ea eh ea AR tt eae RE A (4 marks)

(ii) Describe two advantages for a programmer of writing programs in a
low-level language.

Lee aa ord fuck canna snuegsle Cove ta pan cea ee os On ttre Ons Soca ae Re

PT a hn rsh igh e eis COTE HRN Pa voce a Sean tn hen aan cae

TI ee geen 9 Sel 9G das Ren bc pit nea dhfeysdndineaWnns sgngeontsounpaed ohSieke (4 marks)

“Computers | Hadago[]| Nearlythere [| Nailed it! my

1 Computers can only execute instructions written in machine code.
(a) State the name of the software used to translate a program written in assembly
language into machine code.

cuucacuvacencavavanasanauatsandonetole illo ddslrcsiae od nes/velssois cteeelgin ea NDE Nee i sn etc a ae te ene eee (1 mark)

(b) Both compilers and interpreters translate high-level program code into
machine code.
Compare the method of translation used by each.

bsisaustn uni wane sco ws uteri waite oj i URE MEE ARO oc Bp ren a te ) |

‘peGlacdaw utbecae Goa s bn'saieaic'n abc one'soe detescenes] Hc OPS Eales TEE SN Oa Rar eee (2 marks) |

(c) Outline one advantage and one disadvantage of each method for programmers
and users.

Compiler |


sds ue txnweabaetanduned fwegtiy acetals Hallas waa Pewrabed<Wlsa a degen ees ta Recto oe ate eee ee |

said dptconing a ua ua Gt erat tia Saat Vso ee AR eres a od mS ER ao GORI © Re (4 marks)

o% 2 A programmer is writing software for a new set-top receiver for satellite TV. |
Explain why the programmer should use a compiler instead of an interpreter to
translate the code.

fghinihenesnd ye cdwsalseneduand neal an ijdunosiadnannnpaapehaeos daca Ohgnee Rae DRA te ae Ree eee (2 marks)

Hadago [| Nearlythere [| Nailed it! []

LANs and WANs

1 A small business has six standalone computers, a printer and an internet connection in
an office. The office manager is thinking of linking the computers to form a network.
Ca (a) Describe what is meant by a network.

Reese hrn aotss < aoagedead nappa seca hand £2 ace ate ba eens Sip Sa ts Leek AUC RD USCA RAE SL dA eg Reg aaee (2 marks)

(b) State two advantages of connecting the computers to form a network.

BR ra asec Sg 4 ne tein loa oe anode TAB ARN aRSITah wed sap<Stedtei 21 duabt desta naa

DEO | ce 58 gh aE Reed EERE: oS PP PDEE MEER PRE RET ERE OMEN En son ER Ge heer eictiacccrscrnre


You are being asked to ‘describe’ the characteristics of a LAN and a WAN so don't just state
what each one is. You must describe some of the features of each one. Use the number of
marks as a guide for the number of points you need to make.

ey 2 Two types of network are a LAN (local area network) and a WAN (wide area network).
(a) Describe the characteristics of a LAN.

Me eB Se cosets het Af fav n sven Beet vies vod oye Bota eaauan aaa psa NleyGekaeea hu SeTEmE eae eR ane Taee eevee CaRTE (3 marks)
(b) Describe the characteristics of a WAN.

NNR TEIN retreat ean ee ot end ab ccn miata taeeeid Ahannnd Mig moawannwndadabinaeagesareMoaae (3 marks)

s Hadago[] Nearly there [] Nailed it! [|
and thernes
eage internet_

Client-server and peer-to-peer

1 Acomputer consultant, giving advice on office networks, suggested that a small company
with only six computers should install a peer-to-peer network but suggested that a large
company with over one hundred computers should install a client-server network.

Make sure you read each question carefully.

(a) Describe the characteristics of a ‘peer-to-peer’ network.

Nain dalsabbennesexictse dealvadecebobints Blcdcceell al aio Tek Rrra comeemerrecrs a eenereae ee (3 marks) |
(b) Explain two benefits to the small company of installing a peer-to-peer network |
rather than a client-server one. |
You are not being asked about the benefits of using a network but about the benefits to a |
small company of installing a peer-to-peer network rather than a client-server network.

Ri ae ae ES Pe oh ects iySnr gro chycn cts she omciie 2 ososuesgcssoo -

OM mete tes ee OR SURE I Conse i ay | }

Sense vay iia Lena Cheeses ade a asbaat aGtaas VeoGe ee (4 marks) |
cy (c) The consultant advised the large company to install a client-server network. |
Give two reasons why the consultant might have given this advice.

© '6/6'0)0-0/ 6165.0 '0 8ie\aiej6.6/910|6.6\9\6\¥\u\u 8 \u\uie/6,0.6)0\e\tipie.n oib\6 oivia bias

Pee emma reece reece esses eesscesesene

(038/8:0:0)0, 06,0) e,« B(W/a).e 0)66,08) #16160)"; wipe ass eUstWLW,e)b 9)swlelatm (a's, s7canrer stereraye a

Deemer eee eee reser se eseees

COICO Lh MICOS ional nicd ||

” Sebo tueeesneoseanadeecsescestustesueessdasscinveopisileriouey seiner SERUnM RIG Engen ttn Ee ee (4 marks) ) |

Hadago|[| Nearly there |] Nailed it! []

Wired and wireless connectivity

1 Devices on a network communicate using copper
wired cable or fibre optic cable. When you compare two items
you must specifically refer to
(a) Compare the method of data transmission
them by name in the answer.
in the two types of cable.

DS et ie ana Sr chase a eieisSoS Li sea wate AOS seo y oS EEE FHS WOT Talat LRT SCRE (2 marks)

(b) State one advantage and one disadvantage of using fibre optic cable rather than
copper cable.

eee eee eee eee ee eee eee ee ee eee eee ee eee ee ee ee

Pe et i Ec 52k wadate das dn Sie MSPMRSUER ANG Shey Weide ams ot cos desens doleCae te Can eee (2 marks)

Network data can be transmitted over wireless networks using radio waves.
(a) State the range of frequencies commonly used for data transmission in wireless

Fe ga ceter ar Asean | Aa tA eh EAE A REE cote ae eee ve Deel i Robe eA de Mer (Rte anne aS. C0 (1 mark)

(b) A network device is advertised as transmitting on channel 6.

Explain what is meant by a channel.

| EE ee ote eee rte RETR eee eRe hr RMON Peres ny retort eesa onde (2 marks)

Compare the use of cable or wireless as the transmission medium by considering:

(a) Security

shecerakers) ¢/a)eyere(ele) 65aisiete) sce) 91) 2ia]eie abo

MEET recive ehtinte nicl eietaiicld sVs aiaiatefajeletaisrovs(eielaraj as cialelalWAin)'e'«sinletefe e)Bin'ole/she 8(6 ne ¥'a[sseluininyel\ vis)eLarm atsssruveca)sieie7ereze) sislaie/s,

i'e\ahsi slseinisais)s,ciee) ¢,sle/seraiaiaraie,s,eise/e's\e\eke/a/sialelnieistetelein.sis/sie/s eels)

DHraie yaloe ateNetelgis)oioiahoatalulninllciéia(eis\s)e/s/aisiinlateiale/p!aiexetalha wieie:eja\e[b/s\e\s\s's eieimaie/sis.0j0)8.a/a'eie.s/sisla\e)a

eee ee eee eee ee er eg

Binal eletel ciecevavelalalelw is wiélelaclaia e éiejeie\bie (6 pe \0\s/e.ein ae 0.e.6'6.6:6 6.0/6 8/0\6.0/0\6\0\/8\5 0

a7m 61,0) 6,6)4 8,e/a)e.e)0's)'8) 0/8)#,e\e' 9)eieie/ 4/0)9.0\8) 6/88)

rey aiete eles:
eiele’era die eieisle\sia, Sie)a/.0/s\ece 9/6/s/a' 2(0:n) wie s)p/e'6.0\e\0)p\a\s\ arate 616,610 00 6) ole a/Wrare(nToleis\s|s\e/s(esiniu(njuiela(a)s)e\ele/mjsjeince(a\bioi6(0.s)eje)e\siay
craicie 6

lalelalata) aia(atwsale/dtoleielevtselsis\ete/eials)eie\s}s/6'e\n\x\e (salu tele/e.6{0,ala\s\ej 5's!e/¢.0 dieieiwieceie)

eee ee ee meee
6)6"4i8)e,¢ cere reese eee es esanessseeeererereesssssssssssssssesesesese (6 marks)

Hadago[] Nearlythere [| Nailed it! L]
and the m
oo internet_

Connecting computers to a LAN

you to )
On this page there are ‘describe’ and ‘explain’ questions with 2, 3 or 4 marks. These questions require
make several points in the answer. The first one has been done for you as an example.
: |/ * .

A % 1 (a) Describe the role of NICs (network interface There are 2 marks for this
Oy controllers) in connecting devices to computer question so two points should
networks be made in the description.

iMe mes ened Ae te aes ee :LiducCaw bedmlshiig bee de theetuenele toa ite ctnke TRO eter Cnt tee ee eeEeeeenee (2 marks)

succes a'albslcs duis sng Ve wit dSae ERRVORmineaU eliliprdte de xGlted Siernc Sa eh eee ee (2 marks) |

ae ;
“3 2 Devices on a network can be linked using switches.
“ Explain why using a switch to connect devices on a network is preferable to using a hub.

sésete tijensseeped cinmewSaeiinsan Sead aderasiee ed eudn Cbde giOME A SOGU Ed” ane oN EArt ee eae (3 marks)

3. When Anika takes her laptop to school, she can connect it without using a cable to
mre | |
the school’s cable network. .
(a) State the role of a wireless access point in a network.

ee ne en eee ee (1 mark)
(b) Anika’s family has a home network.
Explain the role of the router in Anika’s home network.

There are 4 marks for this question, so you cannot just say ‘it connects networks together’, ‘|
You must name the networks that are being connected and explain how the router |
ensures that all members of the household receive the correct data.

strsteeteseessonseseseasneusuoessonanetadacice (ainsiadhaseisbuealiiealsapjcele onc ieme pe Ione ee nT eine (4 marks)

Hadago [| Nearlythere [| Nailed it! []

Data transmission
1 When data is transmitted across a network it is split into packets,
(a) State one reason why data is split into packets.

ROC CEE NE EDS. CORR oR CR eee ee AOE ERE OP ROOFS eA RON, Dene DT Aa Prey wt ye (1 mark)

(b) Give three components of each packet and state one function of each.

CEUOTVSUA Loh Se ereac 5s decoy juin3 cece acer abe v RE On


NGI G2 rn, te eehsia sa ns Sim soa Sao oa daha s ba en ctenid ne iamber coal Re ee Ig aoa ee

RE UOD jcosucesscccs Beate salt at sasaki oo AEE Sn SING au ap dslegiuiniine Anse R

Gompomeit3 1.25 i ces cosassamemanen cade cgeuart mere sceeraiia aT ER RO

PUNCHOR «vial ond bee seats ob Gobet eRGuaaissomice ets dene 6ee ee

SEES OdOE eRe EEROSES ES EPEC eer ne cer Meee ore Creare err cree OMe PUR eS secccmocein cto Sc (6 marks)

The following table shows the layers of the TCP/IP protocol stack, the purpose of each layer and
one protocol in each layer.
Complete the table.

Name of layer Purpose One protocol in the layer

Application layer

Divides data sent from application

layer into packets.
Checks that data sent has been
received and notifies sender that
data has been received.
Internet layer


(5 marks)

ie ie
Communication Hadago[] Nearly there [] Nailed it! []
and the internet _

1 When computers on a network communicate with each other they need to use the
same protocols.

Ky 3 (a) Describe three functions of protocols in controlling how data is sent across networks.

siautgilows ntdavon boe'vendw ain trode sede bieuSepUele aegiag deletes eg eG te eae er eae ee (6 marks)

(b) This table lists some of the protocols used by computers when communicating
over the internet. |
Complete the table by inserting the protocol next to its function. The first one |
has been done for you.

HTTPS | Used when communications between a client and host have to be

and then from server to server until they reach their destination.

internet and by web servers when requesting and supplying information.

(3 marks)
(c) Two protocols used in networks are TCP and IP.

(1) State what the initials TCP and IP stand for.


2 °elb) $e) 0:46(b/00 OTe abe ein) Bye\Nrore beret 5)p's)e'9.61e bib8 C Aluih Sih win u/Wiy Biy-ele's Wie biarersie nib aie ule elerehe

VARS Seca ec een eeVecervesRUeeEeerebnoseceevesneenis

B/Gim <A e 9 10/e 0 8106) 6.6 en \nit'D6 610/8/6 eb: 8\616,0,8)01610'0 6 b)0)b 618.5, e &\0/e)6/0'ks6\ 6/6) ip ie'e
einiw e/biw wietarata sipieiece (elkrere Pewee eee e essences

O10 S109) 8 asarh jee iaihib/ OY Nia)OISIUis [a|e/e 8/e 6 :a\b\6.016 (G6 be ihwie w S/O]¥re/BIF WISIN Sialnibieinl
w Wihip yhalleletaleietyreinrale tiotery

ss0s60sene coeeeagduassdanets ssecndsceusiededee sc vsonouuaeudileeale dieneon” SUlen tat a (4 marks)

Hadago|[]| Nearly there [] Nailed it! [] : nication
nd the internet _

Network topologies 1
1 A small business is going to connect its standalone
computers together using a star topology. te t
Pe NEED te dla an anne ater
diagram with descriptions of
(a) With the aid of a diagram, describe a star the components.

: (2 marks)
: (b) Give three reasons why the business would choose to use a star topology.



RT LAO Ler14s seisSieitts gaihoos Suna dlonagec viene thea BL Cie ak AR goo I

L So hc ee ee ee ee ee ee

cok he aire cultuyebvmeeeireenrvornieosi
Bedarra “Sune atone ecepht dd ReGade SARS cette aE, EURO Othe EMS Oo
sednaeinsenynpeontienenenesereneneeneecsers a eS (3 marks)
q | 71
Communication Hadago[]| Nearly there [] Nailed it! [|
_and the internet

Network topologies 2
1 Ring and bus are examples of network topologies.
\. :
LX al (a) Draw and label diagrams to illustrate these topologies.

| You can represent a computer by a box, as long as you label it. You do not have to draw a
diagram of a computer.

Ring topology Bus topology

e (4 marks) |
(b) One advantage of a ring network over a bus. network is that there are no data collisions.
ce (i) Explain what is meant by a data collision. )

= Soe ste th oh ct a ee a (2 marks) |

0 | (ii) Explain why there are no data collisions on a ring network.

neubosinaiepandadidatvves' sledauags dd tuedeexiae it ou ticle ASN SEMI eRe eR ERTS C ERE MUG: etne (2 marks) |

OM 2 The table shows characteristics of different network topologies.

Complete the table.

Network topology Characteristic

Each device is connected to a central switch.
ae Each device is connected to a central cable with a T-piece.
Each device has a dedicated connection to all other devices
on the network.
Nodes cooperate to take turns sending data.
(4 marks)
Hadago || Nearly there [| Nailed it! []

Network security 1
1 The security of their network is vitally important for all organisations.
Suggest the reasons for network security and why it is so important for organisations.

Your answer should demonstrate comprehensive knowledge and understanding by selecting

relevant knowledge and understanding of key concepts and principles of computer science to
support the discussion being presented. Think about what you want to say and make a plan
before you start writing your answer.
You might find it useful to use headings to remind you of the different topics you need to write
about. Your reasons should be given in a sensible ordered sequence rather than being random.

(6 marks)

(a) One method of implementing network security is the validation of users by the
use of passwords.
Give three rules that users should follow when creating and using passwords.

(3 marks)

er ara avare wisieyainiere wale blelele[e/die/e/a614,e/4avnia/ e's ole) 014:6C6}0\e)@:0°elule)s)s/e/s\e)0\sipia'a\s)e's/a's\ ee e0/e)s/a/e/s/ele\a.n/0)v\ nieis/s vi0\6 6's

eee merece rere reece eee eessesececeeseeseesesseeesssseees

eee cect rem ese cee s eee eeeevessessecenesessceresesese


cece cence rece sv esse sees ereseseereessessene

(3 marks)

peer s Hadago[]| Nearlythere [] Nailed it! [|
and the internet —

Network security 2
1 An organisation is planning a new network and computer suite for its main site
where data that is essential for the running of the whole organisation is stored and

ca, | (a) Describe three physical security measures that the organisation could implement to ensure
the safety of their suite and help to prevent unauthorised access.

You are being asked to describe the security measures and therefore you should write
about each method rather than just stating the name of each one.

Measure booic:dccseccisveesatoamniateasonaducmec
ceemaecte aeaun deeiste ceceeaa oerieee e eat near

dapieip nsw idan dinreaddaw neuen deie'sa dui gale Cetera aa dae Ree ane meee ae ee (6 marks)
(b) A firewall can help to prevent unauthorised access of data stored on the network.
Explain how a firewall is used to do this.

There are four marks for this question and you should mention the types of firewall and
how they prevent unauthorised access.

Lucaanenacsecesessooevensaeddsesiasu sad dieys o4dte use OU2 EWN MNO gos Hea nt aRORER OTT tn aan (4 marks)

Hadago [| Nearly there [|] Nailed it! [] Communication
Cyberattacks often target the users of a system, using social engineering techniques rather than
any technical weaknesses in security.
Describe two social engineering techniques used by hackers.

Technique |

ROE ES CR or ae eR Deere DLT nL Hae SME Ree RT NM OR II er rE as cl: 2... (4marks)

An organisation is concerned that its network communications are being intercepted

and the information is being sold to a rival company.
(a) State the name for this type of cyberattack.

pee fect St ib iis ennai pe weg Bscicad Sasian es ASAE eee Re (1 mark)

(b) Explain how this type of cyberattack is carried out.

Me Feet etcows net eosin el Moa ukewlene latory hen Ole Bie ae eee ste (2 marks)
(c) State one precaution that the organisation should take to ensure any intercepted
data is of no value to the hackers.

PO MBIT AN 85 le de Sct ¢ casrGraesas be Wancin wp veieetals on uRSG HOTA aa Nenaat ca aA een cae (1 mark)

é “3 3 Explain why the proliferation of smart devices in the home is providing opportunities for
hackers to launch cyberattacks.

Sie eee erate Coon eyofalaveigcaleial aibis.ei score) e\eis) ara biele/eislsa/a’s\alwia(sle a aie/6\a(sie'h ps)8\618/s\a's/a\9/0ia/ 6)diale @is\0.8/0/9.s19/sisieieie/a/s.9 siete) 9/9)0\0\4ie/9)¥\9\5' 9/8) \e | p.9/0\8\8\e sv imls me wines v16

eee c cece cere ses eeresesveseseeecese Pete meee tree reer esesesesessessessesers eee eee eee

I reer ee cle acne vane 9 aie warp naedew ana dvne ewe Maeaagsnana ary mnned see (2 marks)

Communication — [| Nailed it! [|
Hadago[]| Nearlythere
and the internet _

Identifying vulnerabilities
t € “s 1 (a) Jamail has started work at a new company and has been asked to read and sign
"46 7 the network policies.

All companies should have network policies and should review them frequently.
State three items that should be covered in a company’s network policies.

The question asks you to ‘state’ three items so explanations are not required.

1 dis sdbssusesesvennashoniisauiswnandindumels
«neat AdleeSole BoetscaSeSGREe SEOeTINCe aaoe a eea

Dis cieinus evan nue ansigi eis stcista ya hewuhunten tu avec eit ah cuit ga ee UN nan Ane ne

3 Lisdee evansinadeesiesens coandedduy SDvwsi ia asian oes Side geet ee ae AO te ON Ce eS ea

sb ias sua sbduuclpeboidin vias sunedi na bulbsiok pant eiuaatiny Gubal nd nee yea tet Sees Disa Gg NOOR a ses ane tee eatin (3 marks) |
(b) The company has asked a team of consultants to assess its network security by
carrying out a penetration test.
Explain the role of penetration testing in assessing network security.

You are being asked to ‘explain’ so just saying what a penetration test is will not be
sufficient to obtain the 2 marks. .

Hol cubrantnts yee gasagembnsnacs uanes seen ans ona yew tres naearvotee ee Sane cere fee eet eae eee ee (2 marks) |
cy (c) The consultants also used commercial analysis tools to assess the security of the network. |
; Explain the role of commercial analysis tools. |

PSORLST I Tlohscopten ag stag dade Hel eU EG Ph MMOD BAN wiaat EN Tex Ri NU GEE re Le en (2 marks)
OM (d) The company has been contacted by an ethical hacker regarding their network security.

Explain what is meant by ‘ethical hacking’.

0.5/0 )e BC WD's TiEi0 6 iweb s(6 81616 0,0) 0/u/wh\0\0, 6-6)p's um 6/0ib/ere ein aie

Scee\a Te:418,6 veie)6\0'6ie)* s)s/e\e\6) 0)5)a/s/e/e\ ¥16)6\ sien e164) aie.e)o/8)¢, ¢:a/p\0)'e)u (ami bisiviale [oye 8a:atoiaiwtstetstainyei sisi
ateretercrarstein tarereiaerararene Seve cece eres secerescessses
(2 marks) |
Hadago [| Nearlythere [|] Nailed it! []

Protecting software systems


State three security issues that programmers should consider when they are designing
new software.

The question asks you to ‘state’ three items so explanations are not required.

Pe esta Pa a PE w Rn xt Guten Soma R A eat HATS ee AAO aug ORS PEO Noid (3 marks)

Describe two ways in which security flaws in software can be identified and removed when a
program is being designed and coded.

1%: FolGLYO?e al hd son nent NAIC set, | CCM We 2, MOMENT Sr mn Ray CUR ee enh

IR Re eA a ete Chace nea A eet TH Uae oc seis nee han Dla Ghee eee ee (4 marks)

Describe the importance of audit trails in network security.

rate eta ates A Cai Smale Sh pdicaiuptes aa om Mao mance ce icca aa eac (2 marks)

2, Alice has set the operating system of her laptop to automatic update.
Explain why this is good practice.

ey fate Pe esa nc a cve8A08 5s vans sie sShngias ld dccheven canned end ia se ukiiaaaNneies (2 marks)
- Communication 5 vs
and tic internet Hadago[]| Nearlythere [| Nailed it! [|

The internet
1 Ayana is using her computer to access the internet.
(a) Explain why Ayana will need to select an ISP (internet service provider).

dadiadsibdsnhwusssscevevassvecucagassusanndatdesoasiesle venues meee mene peer nae h cs NET: Geet ed tet tnt eae eae (2 marks)

' (b) The ISP provides Ayana’s computer with an IP address.

me (i) Explain why Ayana’s computer needs an IP address.

i Lode ceainasde aziewieansiai’ ain abe gailial aoa aa ete a oeRU aa am see (2 marks)

gy % (11) Compare the structure of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. |

vide {adhe esaad a intbbstenenaeede Cased clOAde se Tes veine b0tieeccile Rae seme ate tr ene SA

spdiasalvs diainibieidia oudlgitigtrsiy snnnelonib head. ouaeras Halo ae Sr etCG age aaean Ae EER etee 2 cee ere a (2 marks)

2 Data is transmitted on the internet in packets.

(a) Explain what is meant by a ‘packet’. |
salsa inguin Binetip ela aatddalh Gohlc e Rs thea va ar a a |

sinatra ee ola I re lo a (2 marks) |

(b) Describe how the packets are transmitted across the internet and the role of

s cobbesesusinainusfllulescedasennsgueseanSieaessscssf000L Rltsuee ean (4 marks)

Hadago|[| Nearly there |] nication
Nailed it! []
_and the n
The world wide web
1 Lianne is using the world wide web to find information for her homework.
&Y (a) Explain what is meant by the world wide web (WWW).

This requires a precise definition explaining the pages of information, where they are
stored and how they are connected.

| RN 5p css ates a tese to ccon- ipa aver eatiewd ond vaeenseKiacbe sisAd-a Baerga span sieo ue aeenc eae aoe ee (2 marks)

Sgatcicd abcess MORE SMe Os, Salen SO nate anemone ted dS i eee ae (1 mark)

(c) Name one protocol that Lianne’s computer uses to access information on the

Mae Pe ah a fa acrsee Ws Sy. latinWa asa 4nin daeSaaTE wn Sanna elo aa (1 mark)

(d) When Lianne enters the address of a website she wants to visit, she enters its
URL rather than its IP address.
Explain why URLs are used instead of IP addresses.

1 USSR Se oe ERR CRSP S ree Pree See are PMR one ee Peeper et sae sgckoinichse (2 marks)

(e) Explain the role of the Domain Name Service when Lianne requests access to a website.

ee ee ee ee eee ee eee ee ee

Dem wm eee eee rete meee weer ee eeeeeeseeseeues eee ee ee eee ee ee i i i a

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ralelaiaie ele cicle s'ele'u e 6'6,6 0 06-6:s14 a) a de a cisiele «61010 0,6.0, 10 6 5:10:56 0.800 6109 .0)0s toes 6st vives coe Seuesisiesesce sen eae


HCA Ci i i i ii

Palaver diatatatatetatalelatareieleletelavaleia/eja/e(ale\etestia/elniatein) aislule/slw\w:0/s«/0)/ele\@ia70!4)#ia {0/0 \0\9\0/0) 670)6/4-¥1s)6) e/#(0'sisie)s\wio/0]e\e\eiuls,

6)€1¢.0]9/0\9!eieisiei¥6\o/6 (4 marks)

: The bigger ; ay
"picture Hadago[] Nearly there [] Nailed it! [_|

Environmental issues
1 Discuss the positive and negative effects of computer science technology on
the environment.

Remember that you will need an introduction and a conclusion.

Think about what you want to say and make a plan before you start writing your answer.
You might find it useful to use headings to remind you of the different topics you need to
write about.
Your arguments should be given in a sensibly ordered sequence rather than being random.

PPR eee w eee meee ene nese esses eseeeeeseseseeeeseeseseenesessesesees

Cee eee OOOO OOO SOC C OD AUT A HO Oe CeO CRD OD EERO COU SSG nenee er secnuese

DO Oi i iii iii

Pee remem reser ereesaresesereeseseseeeereseesseeseeseces

Cee eer erase cee cenecc ese e ser eceeesvesesees

nnn (6 marks) |
Hadago|[]| Nearly there [| Nailed it! [|]

Ethical impact
People often argue that many developments in technology allow or encourage
behaviour that is not ethical.
(a) State what is meant by ‘ethical behaviour’.

Sets coeds bas Bei sais ache Meck a Scahans) ae wate ara tayaahace dss Kern ae eee AY
(b) One ethical consideration is often referred to as the ‘digital divide’.
(i) Explain what is meant by the ‘digital divide’.

je ae vassal noite caaaessv Sls ewuci a.» osiltas sa xh osea dun ie aytbape gst savers en a eR

(ii) Describe the negative impact on society of the digital divide and ways in which
technology has had positive impacts on social inclusion.

ee NES 8 a Ceres er ch ered PaO Se HAE esa is nemtl eaenieaanen Giaha aeaen ectoa ceER (6 marks)

A computer scientist has several client companies, both large and small. When she gets requests
for assistance and to fix bugs in her software, she has to prioritise how she responds. She could:
1 solve each one as it is received
2 solve the ones for the large companies first as they pay more money
3. decide which are the most serious and solve them first.

Discuss these options with regard to working in an ethical way.

e/9/e/MLejeleie(e)s¢\6)e)0|*)8\0{¢\e\s/e/s\ein seine e)ai8

abate ietetelsrelatelaie otdtctacatelsl sels) dieiays’aiefoleve wlelefele\eieia/alels!svels\e/eleie/a'e/ale's\oleio, (6 1016\0/6)9 810.0)6(416;01¢/m\s\e @le\aia\e.aisie/0(e.e.e:ei9/sieieiwiv

ae s)a/s\e\sisie)<{ei.s\s/s)9/e)eie}4).8)5)5)5/6
averse otsietorelg/ aiaetaraler aici olelclete) s/xists/aiaio\s\lo/e7slwe/aleleielnie.a/eheiwlniajelwi@is e/016/6,e(aselaisla/ea/s.s\¢1¢]e\e\e)"\w.s/> mleersir/misveieie 9\rie)eiel6ieis\e)mi0,416,0\8\6/0(a:#

iscreeis)s «'s)eiaje\eiaia ase), sijes/a/e/siuisisje/eie.6isie'e/e e'n\e)eila\eje)e e/siate

Peer cTeccta ete Crate covaterelet chatsie)Otalele/efat ale atovata) eit'a[oiuluioltel wena) ele>awoleleve.eiele7>| elleiejaie,8, 4/0 ale\e\sioisle\e.eie)sieinieieiy.r

Beare etara areraar erSrateraie eretelalotd visie siuistaisini=/alafalalelatele/aisistn\s)sleve/ viele) piss s/eis'eiere e\ejeie/6\e a)nie) is nielehnlain a\siy-a7ein/

| ahe bigger Hadago([]| Nearlythere |] Nailedit! al

Privacy issues
me, oo
A 8 1 Many people assert that some uses of computer science technology have infringed ©
‘ay their right to privacy but others argues that they are beneficial for society.
Discuss how some uses of computer science technology have an impact on an
individual’s privacy and how these could also be beneficial for society.

You could start by making a list of the uses of some relevant computer science
technologies, for example surveillance cameras. You then need to consider the impact
these have on a person’s privacy as well as their benefits.

Hadago|[| Nearlythere [|] Nailed it! [1]

rm IG The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act (1988) is intended to protect the rights of
pet ne
certain individuals.
(a) What kinds of work are protected under this Act?

Boreas on eas seas ich ees bral ced sen merge amen diosa oso Maem area ateee o gene ee (1 mark)

A Seepiek Sed painaae aiftenlaleP ene acispnics vinatdie’ bulkasa 00 gs AR RRE Rae CEE Re TENE ate a CES oR aera SrA ne NR 7 or (1 mark)
(c) If internet users illegally download works covered by the Act, legal sanctions
can be taken against them.
List two of the sanctions.

Pe ag OO il RNG Melia Se ca paaatiaat gah ulatemtiea i lamer rieNE OLAS, Ne ee ae ee (2 marks)

Some copyright holders grant users of their works Creative Commons licences.
Give two reasons why a content creator might consider using a Creative Commons
licence to make their work available to others.

Nfs Fea eg ck in st Soa onlo a Spd ov dlnnb e Rea dene OO 0ae og ne ees a eo a (2 marks)

The Computer Misuse Act 1990 identifies three types of offence:

A Unauthorised access to computer material.
B Unauthorised modification of computer material.
C Unauthorised access with intent to commit further offences.
The table below lists some actions that take place in a school.
Complete the table by entering A, B or C in the box beside each action to state the
type of offence being committed.

Action Type of offence

A student guesses the login names and passwords of other

students and logs into their accounts.
| A student gains access to class results and changes their own
-| marks and grades.
As a challenge, a student manages to guess the password of one of
the administrative staff to gain entry to the management system. (5 marks)

Hadago[] Nearly there [] Nailed it! |_|

Proprietary and open-source

1 TicToc manufactures smart watches. It uses proprietary software to develop apps for
the watch.
(a) What is meant by ‘proprietary software’?

(1 mark)
(b) Explain one advantage to TicToc of using proprietary software rather than
open-source software to develop apps.

(2 marks) |
(c) TicToc is considering using open-source software to develop its apps instead of
proprietary software.
Describe one benefit to users of the smart watch if TicToc decides to use
open-source software.

(2 marks) |

eas 2 This table shows some statements about proprietary and open-source software.
Tick the column to show whether the statements apply to proprietary or
open-source software. |
Statement Proprietary |Open-source
The source code cannot be modified by anyone except
the person, team or organisation that created it.
It is free to use.
Users can modify the source code to adapt it to their
needs and can pass it on to other users free of charge.
The software must be paid for.

software works.
It may need specialist knowledge to install the
The support and updates may be expensive.
The software will be developed carefully and tested
thoroughly because people will be paying money to
use it and they will be cross if it doesn’t work.

(4 marks) |
Hadago|[]| Nearly there [| Nailed it! [|

Practice Paper 1
Principles of computer science
Answer ALL questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided.

1 Jamila has just bought a new laptop.

Figure 1

The laptop was advertised as having a 2.6 GHz CPU with a 6 megabyte cache,
16 gigabytes of RAM and a 512 gigabyte solid state drive.
(a) The role of the CPU is to process program instructions using the
fetch—decode-—execute cycle.
Complete the table to give the role of the following components of the CPU in
this cycle. (6)

CU (control unit)

Address bus

ALU (arithmetic logic unit)

Data bus

Braeace Hadago[] Nearly there [] Nailed it! |_|
_ papers _
(b) In addition to RAM, the laptop’s memory also contains ROM.
Tick one box in each row of the table to show whether each of the statements is
true for ROM or RAM. (3) |

Program instructions and data

are stored here
It is used to boot up the laptop
when it is switched on
It is volatile

(c) The CPU has 6 megabytes of cache memory.

Explain how the cache improves the performance of the processor.

(d) Identify the type of secondary storage used by the computer. (1)
z A Magnetic storage
[| B_ Optical storage
EE C Electrical storage
Galea Dynamic storage
(Total for Question 1 = 12 marks) .

2 A design company with 100 employees has decided to install a network to improve
communications and productivity.
They have decided to use a client-server network with a star topology.
(a) Draw and label a diagram to show how the computers and any required
equipment could be connected using a star topology. (3)

Hadago — Practice
[| Nearlythere [| Nailed it! [|
(b) Describe two roles of a server in a client-server network. (4)
USGI ys hare aac femsl tent By ee ee a ee a a Eee eee

A ob a hare na Oar aie iar raha heteve eeeveriaeanicea ad eR ei ReRRA ener m ree neo os

(c) (1) When computers communicate with each other on a network they must use
the same protocol.
State what is meant by a ‘protocol’. (2)

(11) Identify a network protocol that is used for data transmission on a local
area network. (1)
ee eee EEEEP
eo TCer
[| D_ Ethernet

(d) Describe validation and authentication techniques that could be used to ensure
the security of a network. (6)

wee e ee eee eect eee ee eres eee eee neces see ese esses eseeeseeeseseeeseseseseseeeeseeeseEseeeeEEsEsereDensseEssesesesassssssseees


Giacorbia\ slblellela, ketal’ ee ocala aje\plele eels #'s)dia 6 o:0 0 .nje.nis\sale)n v oes 0° eles» a 0.0\6,0 binieis)p, 00/0 '6)6 6 6.4.0 n)0)0\4 ¥/616)6 160) 8 0184/0 (8md 8 a\0 a)a26:9/0\¥\.0)0)'9)\") 0/00 006108008) 8)ain:s ele,

feeiblareu.acibieje-vivlu ve\0.6 6.0 « 5\60 ele an 0a 6 ou,v,cl0clehee teu ce 6 se 0 eu 0s 96006 0'0 6 0S.e vise 6 0 S00 6.0/9 010.6016 6 4 8\4/6/e n\6\5\8(6\n(6 0)a\n\0/ejeie\nicisj/eisjeiain ee

a jalelareialcvcvalavatavescleiera(e'si bic ¢/a\elu)e)a/alei\9/6/4:0;e(6\0\o/e/eje\e)v.e/e!sie a, u\uje7s/019 ¢16(9,0\0\'ais\a 0/¢,0)n\0 6.616,6.0\8)0)8,0\0\0)6)6)s'0:5]0, 6.a.0\u\o/a\0ie 6\0/u's10is\@ 9.0/41619.0)0.¥s>-x-ars7e [n)9\0 im o\e =16/6)

6.8\8s8) 6\¢le\s/s/ ace

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is ie[e/e\eisjs. nie
SlatelsJujatclavc cists’: ele(@iajarain etele!sie/e/6 s(a/stulaisfo(eleielala's(a’s]s\s\e(e(0\e\9(s/6/6 01s a\=\¥iui6/0 10,9/a)s/Sia\n) 0p\n/s/0\e\0/8/0\ 68:0 ,4.(0(0)ai ny 6\e\ejm\n 6 \a\ein(s 6 e\aia\0i8i¥ie\u\e\e\0)0/a/0\8\e

PR ie a tere eae aleraieteratecciciale!eia?siniaiialis\si alsislolelelsielsiviw\elaibc) eels. a.e(s/«[oj¥i)s) s\n) bis e\ejale e166 9018/0 4\elsia\ es (0)sje/a\elereje a)ele/e\a's\s\sjaie;s/0'4\6)9/8\e)e e]e\s\v'e1e) #/6/8\6/"/= 819)

e\m!8/«/0\ 6.6 0/6ie\eie 0is)e)bieieje Bie minicie

eee elasdtataiaesiavasciainiotere clevelecevele/\aleleiers otela:s\u\e}atetsl oiBiu)e[a?d) a\6\e)6/u'sja\u/e-s)niv/s/0\¥\0 (8)6/418 (e018, 9\9/8\6<v: 64:6 ¢ (010 6\0 B/elu\e\e\e)ei0\6)6i¥ 6 6ie.a\s)

(Total for Question 2 = 16 marks)

cleels Hadago[] Nearly there [] Nailed it! [|

3 A team of programmers is developing an online game that can be played on different

devices including computers, tablets and smartphones.
(a) The program is being written in a high-level language and then translated into
machine code.
(i) Describe two differences between high-level code and machine code. (4)

(ii) Explain two advantages to the team of using a high-level language to

develop the game. (4)

L cccoaih Parasite oe AAG Poa aceite wasn neice ateRirnecos tara ISL Oe ee ea fal te |

Di sabldsdicsvadaivesinansenedatewvnniindaaSeielundldaioa
tin hap eeeelsntweed sree eee eeCe Oe ee

sissies vats abe sen cea: Bape Seaactes Woche cla ara | Dah ca ae eee |
(b) One type of translator to convert high-level to machine code is an interpreter. |
(i) Describe how an interpreter converts high-level code to machine code. (2) |

(1i) State the name of a different type of translator which can be used to convert high-level
code to machine code. (1)

i i i i i iy i iis

(Total for Question 3 = 11 marks)

Hadago [| Nearly there |] Practice -
Nailed it! []

4 (a) Explain why data is stored in computers in a binary format. (2)

(b) (i) Add the following two 8-bit binary numbers. (2)

numbers. (1)

(c) Convert the binary number 10111011 to decimal, showing your working. (2)

(d) True-colour colour codes consist of three 8-bit numbers. The code for Ferrari
red is shown below.
11110111 00001101 00011010
Programmers prefer to use hexadecimal to enter the codes into programs.
(i) When the binary code is converted into hexadecimal some of the digits are
shown below.
Complete the table to show the first two digits. (2)

11110111 00001101 00011010

Hexadecimal [Sd] SSSA
(ii) Explain why programmers prefer to use hexadecimal. . (2)


cla umlcielelels o'slee 6\s/e.61a ules e/e\aitielcl# else sin oci0\bel0 61s © e(o o\s\biesiae.ap 01n 06 0'n0 0000.6 600.610 6 00¢.c0.0 6.6.0)p\0 0100.0 6\6.0\e\ele\c\ele\siele bee .e/elc\eisie ee niesitie se ce sjiee


web ace c See OSS e Nace ee ee eee eee er Uae Ree Dae res eew es ess Eee Corre EOE Re see Deena neESaneereeseneseseeeeenscesecessesacecescivecie

(Total for Question 4 = 11 marks)

Practice — Hadago[] Nearly there [] Nailed it! [|
papers |

5 Figure 2 is a bitmap image that Ann took with her camera during her trip to the seaside and
downloaded to her laptop.
Figure 2

(a) The operating system gives the properties of the image as having a width of
4288 and a height of 2484 and a colour depth of 24.
(i) State the units in which the width and height are measured. (i)

(ii) Explain what is meant by ‘colour depth’. (2) |

(iii) Construct an expression to calculate the size of the image file in megabytes. .
You do not need to carry out the calculation. (4)

Tee eee eee ee eee ee eee ee ee re rs

(b) Lossy compression algorithms are often used to reduce the files sizes of image files.
(1) Explain what is meant by ‘lossy compression’. (2)

(ii) Explain why these algorithms are suitable for image files but should not be i
used to reduce the sizes of text files. (2)

OO 014,06 0)0 65. 6:6 6 016 0.0)0\c\n nu Bele see 6 ae 6 auc bele est ee svialnwes aes ae
SO alae a6 a9\e. ae Wielea: e/8 6 5Hib (alS) wei yal Aie'/e50\0\6/0j0)v ia! 620i)
5.816914) aiaiefalelwiele) sta\@ietere\wleti stataloiieiote afore

PPR ee wee eww were wees ee eeeeeeesesereseeresesene Poem e weer eee eee eresesseesesseas
© 0:6 8/00) 6/e'e Be) S68 6)ewe wie 816 061s an 6 6 laleieiasieveiy\s\bisisleWleipia voles cin pianists

(Total for Question 5 = 11 marks).

Hadago Practice
[| Nearly there [} Nailed it! []
6 Stephen has stored the names of the countries he has visited in an array named
Part of the data is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 a

(a) Explain why an array is a suitable data structure to store this data. (2)

(b) Show the stages of a bubble sort when applied to the data shown in Figure 3 to
sort them into ascending order. (3)

(c) After the sort, the countries are in the order shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4

- Give the sequence of values visited to find Peru using a binary search. (3)

© aie el5.e1e 6 0010.4) 6.010] 0.0.h18.0.0 po 410/06, v0\c.n-a%6\0 60 6.00 010100619. 0.6)6\6/6/5 ain) D0 6.06 0le:8 )B a\eie 6 0 0/00 ¥19.0)0'4) 6 0\0)6:610\4\0)4)¢)0\a\e(e (eae ele)e ee ¢)sicie.a(sefelajaielejejeis#/a)mie)e.<\e)6ia

(Total for Question 6 = 8 marks)

Brechee - Hadago[] Nearly there [] Nailed it! |_|
papers —
7 (a) Complete a truth table for the logic statement P = (A AND B) OR Cc (4)

(b) The launch of a missile has the following control system to ensure it is not launched without
authorisation. :

A No-Launch switch (N) is permanently switched on and the missile will not launch until
it is switched off. Two independent operators must also both turn switches A and B to their
‘on’ positions.
(i) Construct a logic statement to represent the logic of this behaviour, using the symbols
N, A and B. (2)

(Total for Question 6 = 10 marks)

Hadago || Nearly there [| Nailed it! [1]

Practice Paper 2
Application of computational
Answer ALL questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided.
Questions in this paper are based on a scenario.

WeDriveAny Where
WeDriveAny Where is a taxi firm based in a town near London.
Customers can phone or hail one of the taxis outside local railway stations and town and shopping
They also offer airport trips and offer contracts for regular users so that they can obtain discounts.
They have a fixed number of full-time drivers and part-timers who they can call on when there is
greatest demand.
They charge customers according to the distance, the time of day, the time taken and the number of
Drivers are paid according to the number of trips they make and the distance they drive.

1 Computer programs are used to store data about the journeys.

(a) Identify two variables from the scenario that need to be created to store this data. (2)

(b) Local journeys are charged at a basic rate of £3 plus 50 pence per mile and 20
pence per minute.
Construct a general expression to calculate the cost of each journey. (2)

(c) A computer program can be used to determine information about the journeys
and the drivers.
Complete the table to show an input, a process and an output. (3)

Sum times for each

duty of drivers on duty
(Total for Question 1 = 7 marks)

q 93
Practice : Hadago[] Nearly there [] Nailed it! [ |

2 WeDriveAnyWhere employs part-time drivers according to the number of journeys

they expect each day.
An algorithm is used to calculate this. Part of it is shown below.

SET days TO [300, 700, 600, 700, 800, 1000, 1500 ]

WHILE use = ‘yes’ DO

SEND ‘Enter day number (Sunday = @)’? TO DISPLAY
SET journeys TO days[dayNUMBER ]
SET driversNeeded TO journeys DIV 60
SET partTime TO driversNeeded - 3

SEND ‘Do you want to enter another day (yes or no)?’ TO DISPLAY |
(a) State how many journeys are expected on Thursday. (1).

sts has DES AOI cis eaters NE Tae SERRE BEERS Er i

(b) The algorithm has a logical error.
Identify this error and explain how it could be corrected. (2).

asgivsva apeskasiagnab ass(Guasecrusted Sedaescte osasd osareperle Beelopiaie 6 wr¥lbcce apesSueaelotolerneisle ae Sra Te ea ekealseloke ea Ole eRe Ee Re cS eto |

Cee meme emcee eee eee te eee eee eee eee e eee eee eee ses He eee dees eeE see esses EEE sees ES EES EEH SSeS EES eeS esses esseessesessesssssesese |

anna dele sdugeamumnionte cocaares em weecaneext hilesp se bh alindebetet tae em er aceite irsae rast cp ie ih an

(c) (i) There is a further error in the algorithm. |

State the line number of this error and what the error is. ~ @)}

Line number :.s0.0 Sic een BE eee |

Ert Or ccecepesaialt a Sota ee

snl iva al Hs Da Sete va gD RR Rl cr |

(11) State what this type of error is called. (1)

(d) (i) State the number of journeys that each driver is expected to make each day. (1)

(ii) Explain why the DIV operator has been used on line 6. (2) |

B16 6'06'BelW/m/ e/a Ui 6's ioe wy eb 6 Siw\b Uivl wim)s MU pie eiw nib,6

Som eee ee eer ere cce reeves neers seeeseseessssennsDIDI OOO DOC UO L ROO ty MOS O OO RICCO rc

Come mee eae cee eee cee erste e ene ee nce reseecerece Pee reer creer seen essere ssensessccs

Pere eee errr eressecr sence eesscecece PP eee mere rere res ecceeeecencese Pomme eee ern e erence reesererescene Seem eee eee eer cece seseesenseeee

Hadago || Nearly there Nailed it! [| papers
(ec) Complete line 9 so that a sentence is displayed on the monitor stating the
number of part time drivers required, like this.
The number of part-time drivers required is *** (2)

CTO H Pe eee meee eee reese reese eee eraser eee nese eee er ener ee er eee eee ee EOE Eee EHD De HEH Eee es E HOES Eee seer sees eeesesceneowensesesereoece

i eee eee ee ee ee ee er rr ii

(f) Using the algorithm, calculate how many part-time staff will be needed on
Thursday. (2)
ee i is

Ce i i i ri)

(Total for Question 2 = 13 marks)

po PESSRee - Hadago[] Nearly there [] Nailed it! [|
i eee
of their journeys and the |
3 A program has been written for the drivers to keep track of the number
times taken using the following algorithm.

#This is the main program

SET totalTime TO @
SET numberJourneys TO @
SET repeat TO ‘y’
WHILE repeat = ‘y’ DO
SET journeyTime, repeat TO elapsedTime()
SET totalTime TO totalTime + journeyTime
SET numberJourneys TO numberJourneys + 1
SEND ‘You have driven ‘ & numberJourneys & ‘ for ‘° &
SEND ‘Hope you enjoyed your shift.’ TO DISPLAY
#This is a function
FUNCTION elapsedTime()
SET startTime TO getTime() #The getTime() function returns
the current time when the driver presses a button at the start
of the journey
16 SET endTime TO getTime() #The getTime() function returns the
time again when the driver presses the button at the end of
the journey.
SET tripTime TO endTime - startTime
SEND ‘Are you going to drive another journey? (‘y’ or ‘n’)’ TO
RECEIVE reply FROM KEYBOARD #The data type has deliberately
not been stated.

(b) (i) Complete the table which lists variables and their data types. (3)

cipTing cial
repeat. aa al
(ii) State one example of one global and one local variable used in the algorithm. (2),
Global variable

Local variable Co ee eee ccs e reset seseeeseces

Hadago|[| Nearly there [| Nailed it! [|
(c) The programmer has used a subprogram within the program.
(i) State two benefits of using subprograms within programs. (2)
Benefit 1

BON eit es: Grier yen hen rae ees eI BAe Wa ine a A EO

(ii) The type of subprogram used in this algorithm is a function.

State the name of another type of subprogram and state how it is different
to a function. (2)
TSS OL SUDDLO SEAM ae cy eri iow sts Sacer eecnia ee iemC

TAQ METS (CVGLOLCDI co. saetica sate Ragdd cancion onc axedare

(d) The manager of WeDriveAnyWhere would like the program to calculate the mean time for
each journey in a variable named meanTime and then store the number of journeys, the
total time and the mean time in a text file named DrivingData when the driver has finished
his shift. .
Add the pseudo-code needed to do this. (3)

PR eee eee ee eee ee eee EH EH EHH HEHEHE EE EE HEHEHE HEHEHE EEE HEHEHE EEE E EE EEE EEE EHH SHEE HEED Hee He eeeeeEeeeeeeeeeeeseeene

(Total for Question 3 = 15 marks)

‘ oat
Practice Nearlythere [| Nailed it: bal
papers Hadago[]|
drivers this
4 At the end of the year, WeDriveAnyWhere pay a bonus to their drivers. For full-time
paid for each full year
depends on the number of years they have worked for the firm and £100 is
of service up to a maximum of £500.
For part-time drivers it depends on the number of hours worked in the year over 100 hours.
bonus is then £50 for every 100 hours worked up to a total of £300.
Complete the flowchart to show the process of determining the bonus for a driver.

Is driver full

(Total for Question 4 = 6 marks)

Hadago[] Nearly there [] Nailed it! (| [iaa iimniam
_ papers
5 Every year the firm has an annual dinner where an award is presented to the ‘driver of the year’.
: The winner is the driver who has driven the greatest number of miles.
: Here is a pseudo-code algorithm that identifies the ‘driver of the year’.
i drivers TO [‘Smith’, ‘Hamid’, ‘Cooper’, ‘Grantham’, ‘Parry’ ]
[2 SET miles TO [10000, 15000, 1200e@, 20000, ay eee
co mileage TO @
14 | FOR count FROM @ TO LENGTH(mileage) - 1 DO
IF miles[count] > mileage THEN
mileage = miles[count]
SET. position TO count
8 | END IF
10 | SEND ‘The winner is ‘ & drivers[position] & ‘ with a mileage
ae of
& miles[position] TO DISPLAY

(a) The driver and mileage data have been stored in arrays.
(1) Describe two benefits of storing the data in arrays rather than using separate
variables. (4)
EOE oe eae ok ihe nec is sin EARS OME a Jal en eae eee

(ii) Explain why two 1-dimensional arrays have been used rather than one
2-dimensional array. (2)

(b) Explain why, in line 5, the loop runs from 0 to LENGTH (mileage) — | rather
than to LENGTH(mileage). (2)

6/4)808 6
Eieeeral ale alinlatatuiataleleteletctatsla)aletacy elbinie'e eiats/eieieiu olds /e(elscalwiere)e a(n s/o)s\s)6 a\e\m\4-@)a u's ele 0/010/6.6)6/0\a\a]uiwisie em m's/sin)vie)niaie.a/0/ 4 6.6\es6/e/6)6{8/414)8\8/

ee emer were eee eee ween eee ress eeeeeeenseees cece cee meee ee here eee emer ee eee e seer ere ressressesesenesesenesesesereseneeseees

wee eer e rere erence er erese esses enessereesesssseseseee cee e eee eer e ew eee eee ee eres ener eseeeesesesssesesenesesecsessesneseseese

Sialeleie s\e/siejbiai ale 6.6 e\wiein oe © e(djc.0c wie weiss ee ee eeuiniee Sulda(é ele s.4]e:b ee 6 6\0.0)0\a\e.a/d.n/a51@ 6/0000 10/6)a\0\s,616|5\9(0) 010\n\e\n\61v\¢/0)0/sjn.s uroiueia\e 1s © /0.0\6)0 610010 © ni0js\s/aisa\p

Frganee Hadago[] Nearly there [] Nailed it! L]

(c) Complete the trace table to show the execution of the pseudo-code.
You may not need to fill in all of the rows of the table. (6).
miles[count] mileage | position drivers[position] |Mileage[position]

(Total for Question 5 = 14 marks)


Hadago || Nearly there [| Nailed it! [] Practice
6 WeDriveAnyWhere store data about trips made by contract customers in database tables. Data
about the trips is stored in one table and details about the contract customers are stored in another.

: Customer_Id
nee oe
(a) (i) Complete the diagram by adding a field from tbl CUSTOMER to tbl_TRIP
to form a relationship between the two tables. (1)

(ii) Explain why the relationship between the two tables is called a one-to-many
relationship. (2)

(b) The firm would also like to be able to link driver details to the trips.
¢ Add a suitable table to the diagram containing three fields.
¢ Link the tables.
¢ Show the relationship between them. (5)
(Total for Question 6 = 8 marks)

Practice Hadago[] Nearlythere [] Nailed it! [|
7 When the drivers start work each day they must enter details into a computer program.
They must enter

» Their Driver_Id, which is in a standard format consisting of the first three letters of their
surname, their initial and a digit between | and 9.

¢ The number of the taxi that they are using. The firm has 20 taxis.
These entries are validated and the text ERROR is displayed on the screen if they fail.
Part of the program is shown in the table below.

1 SEND ‘Please enter your driverID’ TO DISPLAY



6 SEND ‘Please enter the taxi number.’ TO DISPLAY


Complete the table by entering the missing lines required to validate the two entries. (6)
(Total for Question 7 = 6 marks)

Hadago|| _ Practice
Nearlythere [| Nailed it! []
_ papers
8 WeDriveAnywhere needs a program to calculate the price of each trip according to the following
| * There is a basic charge of £3 with additional charges of
| o 50 pence per mile for trips over 3 miles.

o 20 pence per minute over 5 minutes.

¢ From 11pm and up to 6am the total charges are doubled.
* Customers with a contract are given a 25 per cent discount. When users take out a
: contract they are given codes which are stored in a text file named Codes.txt. The driver
must check that the code given by the user is valid.
: Write an algorithm to meet the requirements.

Use pseudo-code or a programming language with which you are familiar. (11)

le aaielddisiste wiuls nialvisielele cls.s.¢/s(aleteinele slals(elalele(n/e/s\s!p/4\e/e¥e 0 a oie ujai0)e!eie ninie nle.0\nieie\yleio.e oi0ia/¥(elgjere’eiei¥/eia\d’s\e\alsluie)e eje/e s\0\eie sie 9 e(alese(e/s\areiaie im

cece cence ee meee eee e eee a seer eee es eseseeerareessrersersseeesesssssesesssssesseeee

ie iala/aleliclvlwisturore’a\s/aliiele u\elele\ie\cre)e(e 6)veisied_o\ 6,0inie)e)e/6ie/e1¢1s)s/4\4:9\s\s)8/0\ a14

eee eee eee tetra e erence eee e eee ee ee ee eens

stslg(a/dle' wis)<s)elajsiaisioveld e/scle/clelsiejere e e{o)s/o)6)e)sialsis}s/wininielw)e'w (vyeis\#(4:0)6.0\s\si0/6:8/0/6

ee cece rece ee ee eee etree eee teeter eeaeee ese esenesereereaseesssesesees

Rislalcia\ a/ois a/elltuse' alsleleloteveveio(e/elsivie eiels 0.0/slelardfesivie'wisjeieigi¢ie.nie(a/das)e «esas

vaetai aSTcia
@,e-eiai8 svavalelathiaisis.e.a Onn
oit'd.eleis'Sya) so: 0:sfelu\elsievernaiaraleiaie: 61s O/016/615 {a(m)a/Bip: © ib\e)maa) she) ee) 9 0,6/e(900/801 Or.6 Giai piace 8,mS PhO,B)SA ard 2)©

ee eee ee wee eee ee eee eee eee nee eee ewe eee ee eee eee e en eeeeeeeeesees
eee wee eee eee ween eee seene

(Total for Question 8 = 11 marks)


1. Algorithms 4. Purpose of an algorithm
1 (a) An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure for solving 1 (a) To create login names for the students of a school.
problems. (b) Their first name, family name, intake year and tutor
(b) 1 selection; 2 iteration; 3 selection; 4 sequence; 5
(c) ‘check’ is used to count the number of times the loop is
selection; 6 sequence; 7 iteration; 8 selection; 9 iteration;
10 selection
(d) 01CooperRRed1
(c) Two of: pseudo-code, flowcharts, draft program code (e) Four from:
Intake year = 2002
2. Algorithms: pseudo-code Family name = Grantham
1 (a) Pseudo-code is similar to a high-level programming First name begins with the letter O.
language, but does not require exact syntax/indentation Tutor group = Blue
to be used. The programmer can concentrate on getting There are two other students with a similar login name.
the logic of the program correct before turning it into
executable code. 5. Completing algorithms
(b) SEND ‘Please enter a binary number.’ TO 1 A: Is number2 > number3?
DISPLAY B: Is number! > number3?
RECEIVE binaryNumber FROM (STRING) KEYBOARD C: Output ‘number? is the largest’
SET placeValues TO [128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4,
2 #An array stores the place values
of the digits
SET denaryNumber TO @
#The digits will now be multiplied by their
place values
FOR index FROM @ TO LENGTH(binaryNumber) - 1
SET denaryNumber TO denaryNumber +
(binaryNumber(index) * placeValues[index])
SEND denaryNumber TO DISPLAY

3. Algorithms: flowcharts
1 (a)

Are the three Are two

Score = 0
dice equal? dice equal?

Score =
Score = dice | +
dicewata dices sum of two; equal dice —
third dice

Output Output
score score

(b) 363 = 0
(c) Any suitable answer, e.g. 1 1 3;114;115;116;225;

6. Interpreting correct output

charge =
random (1, 20)


Is payment
>= charge?

change =
payment — charge

Is change >= 10? Is change >= 5? Is change >= 2?

es es es

7. Using trace tables (b) SET found TO False

SET index TO @
1 (a) an array
WHILE found = False AND index <=
(b) (i) line 4
LENGTH(partyList) - 1 DO
(ii) FOR search FROM @ TO LENGTH(list) - 1 DO
IF partyList[index] = “Elaine” THEN
SET found TO True
SET index TO index + 1
IF found = True THEN
SEND ‘Elaine is on the list.’ TO DISPLAY
SEND ‘Elaine is not on the list.’ TO

10. Binary search

“The item is 1 Select the middle item (the median).
in the list.’ Compare this value with your search criterion. If they are
equal, then stop.
8. Identifying and correcting errors If your search criterion is lower, repeat with the left-hand
side of the list.
If it is higher, repeat with the right-hand side of the list.
PP iimesl SET charge to RANDOM(5@)
Repeat these steps until the search criterion is found or
2 Line 10 SET payment TO payment + money
there are no more items in the list to search.
3 Line 13 SEND ‘Thank you. Change required is £7
Ahmed Ann Claire David Mary Matt Peter Stephen Zoe
& change TO DISPLAY
Select the median item — Mary
4 Line 18 WHILE change >= 5.00 DO
Compare ‘Stephen’ with ‘Mary’
5 Line 24 SET change TO change - 2.00
New sub-list is Matt, Peter, Stephen, Zoe
9. Linear search Compare ‘Stephen’ with ‘Peter’
New sub-list is Stephen, Zoe
1 (a) A linear search algorithm starts at the beginning of a
Compare ‘Stephen’ with ‘Stephen’ — search item found
list and moves through item by item until it finds the
Compare 9 with 28
matching item or reaches the end of the list.
New sub-list is 1, 6, 9, 13, 15, 21
Compare 9 with 9 — search item found


11. Comparing linear and binary


Is median Are there Output

item equal any items left “Item not
to search to check?
in list’

‘Item is Is median Select sub-list
in the list’ item less than at right of
search item? median

Select sub-list
at left of

Marks for Bubble sort question 2 will be awarded for the

D5 (Ge petedene SO ee cccwane 100 first median is 50 following:
aera ere DJ aoeesee 49 second median is 25
* | mark for getting the start and end of the ‘while’ loop in
Wes osae dnote 24 third median is 12
the correct positions
I ectcleestetict Grecian 11 fourth median is 6
iNReporte Seeks Aes 5 fifth median is 3 ¢ | mark for getting the lines of the ‘swap’ in the correct
ileeceerttees Iie Sree 2 sixth median is | order
There is only one number left (2) to select and therefore ¢ | mark for getting the start and end of the ‘if’ statement in
the maximum number of selections 1s 7. the correct positions
(b) For a binary search, the data must first be sorted into
* | mark for setting the value of ‘swapped’ correctly
ascending order. Sorting the data will take time so, for a
small number of search items, a linear search might find * 5Smarks for getting all lines correct.
the search item more quickly.
A linear search would be more efficient than a binary
13. Merge sort
search if the item being searched for is the first item in 1 Each small ‘sub-problem’ is easier to solve than one large
the list. problem.
It is more efficient to combine the solutions than to try to
12. Bubble sort solve the main problem without using any techniques.

33]25|45]2 |s [os]9|
se|25[46 i ioe pees
sa[25] es a eee
ENE ae
pealaal[alee Lele) ley
[2|25}3fas] [2]9[os]
[2|8[9|2s]s3] as]oo
14. Decomposition and abstraction
1 (a) Abstraction means removing unnecessary detail to focus on
the important elements. ;
(b) ‘computerTurn’ is an abstraction because it is a model
or simulation of a real-life activity. The programmer
doesn’t need to know how the subprogram works — only
that it returns an appropriate value.
(c) One possible algorithm is shown below. All solutions
should compare the computer and player choices and
decide who is the winner.

FUNCTION gameWinner(computerChoice, playerChoice) 3 SEND ‘Please enter a number.’ TO DISPLAY
#The choices of the computer and player are passed RECEIVE number FROM (STRING) KEYBOARD
to the function SET result TO number * 2
BEGIN FUNCTION SET result TO result + 6
#A check is first made to see if the game is a draw. SET result TO result / 2
IF playerChoice = computerChoice THEN SET result TO result | number
SET result TO ‘Draw’ SEND result TO DISPLAY
b7 #Now all the possible combinations are checked
EESE 17. Relational operators
IF playerChoice = ‘R’ AND computerChoice
SET result TO ‘Player wins?’
ELSE 6+10'>8* 2 True
IF playerChoice = ‘R’? AND computerChoice = OES Bice NOS
= 7) True
*P? THEN 10+ 15>=6*5
SET result TO ‘Player loses?’
2 SEND ‘Please enter the new mark.’ TO DISPLAY
IF playerChoice = ‘S’ AND computerChoice =
SET equal TO @
SET result TO ‘Player loses’
ELSE SET less TO @
SET greater TO @
IF playerChoice = ‘S’ AND computerChoice
FOR index FROM @ TO LENGTH(marks) - 1 DO
IF marks[index] = newMark THEN
SET result TO ‘Player wins’
BESE 2 SET equal TO equal +1
ELSE IF marks[index] < newMark THEN
IF playerChoice = ‘P’ AND computerChoice
SET less TO less + 1 :
SET result TO ‘Player wins?’
SET greater TO greater + 1
IF playerChoice = ‘P’ AND computerChoice
SEND ‘Equal = * & equal & ‘Less = * & less &
SET result TO ‘Player loses?’
‘Greater = ‘ & greater TO DISPLAY
RETURN result #The result is returned to the 18. Logical operators
main program
X‘‘ END FUNCTION Algorithm
SET number TO 3
15. Variables and constants IF number > @ AND number < 2 THEN
1 (a) A variable is a container which 1s used to store values SEND ‘Within range.’ TO DISPLAY
which can change as the program is running. ELSE
(b) The value stored in a variable can change during SEND ‘Out of range.’ TO DISPLAY
program execution, whereas the value of a constant END IF
always stays the same.
SET number TO 6 Numberis
(c) They should be given meaningful names so that anyone
IF NOT(number = 3) OR number <> 5 acceptable
reading the code will be given an indication of the types
‘of value they are intended to contain, e.g. ‘studentAge’
SEND ‘Number is acceptable.’ TO
rather than just *X’.
(d) Use within the program ELSE
SEND ‘Number is not acceptable.’
This is a ‘flag’ used to indicate
whether the search item is in SET colour TO ‘red’ This
the list when it changes to True. SET size TO ‘m’ wouldbe
SETp acute tee, ZS OK
This is used so that the user can LE colour = “blue OR Veolourn c=
enter a number. ‘red’ AND size = ‘m’ AND price <=
16. Arithmetic operators SEND ‘This would be OK.’ TO
1 result = 6 * 8/2 + (15 —6) + 343 (Brackets) DISPLAY
result = 6 * 8/2 +9 + 343 (Indices) ELSE
result = 6 * 8/2 + 9 + 9 (Division) SEND ‘Not OK.” TO DISPLAY
result = 6 * 4+ 9 + 9 (Multiplication) END IF
result = 24 + 9 + 9 (Addition)
SET number1 TO 6 These
result = 42
SET number2 TO 9 numbers
IF (number1 <= 9 OR number2 >=10) are OK
AND NOT(number1 * number2 <5@) AND
(number2 - number1 = 3) THEN
SEND ‘These numbers are OK.’ TO
number = 6 * 2 END IF


ELSE IF sentence(index) = ‘0’? THEN

19. Selection
SET (0 T0;07F
1 SEND ‘Please enter a mark between @ and 100.’
ELSE IF sentence(index) = ‘u’ THEN
SET UO RUm aaa
IF result >= 90 THEN
SEND ‘Excellent’? TO DISPLAY
SEND “a =. ° & al Quilmes eG em ll nie cae Gc re
ELSE IF result >= 7@ AND result <= 89 THEN
ELSE IF result >= 6@ AND result <= 69 THEN
23. Arrays
1 (a) An array is a data structure that can store multiple items of
ELSE IF result >= 5@ AND result <= 59 THEN
data, called elements, which are all of the same data type.
SEND ‘Satisfactory’ TO DISPLAY
(b) SET max TO @
SET min TO temp[@]
SEND ‘Unsatisfactory’ TO DISPLAY
FOR index FROM @ to LENGTH(temp) - 1 DO
IF temp[index] > max THEN
20. Iteration SET max TO temp[index]
IP Sey US ee) 5 Os 5 Se a3)
IF temp[index] < min THEN
SEND ‘Please enter the search item.’ TO DISPLAY
SET min TO temp[index]
SET found TO False
SET search TO @
SEND ‘Maximum = © & max & © and minimum = ‘ &
WHILE found = False AND search <= LENGTH(item)
- 1 DO
IF item = list[search] THEN
SET found TO True
SET search TO search + 1
IF found = True THEN
SEND ‘The item is in the list.’ TO DISPLAY
ELSE 24. File handling operations
SEND ‘The item is not in the list.’ TO
1 (a) FOR index FROM @ TO LENGTH(pixels) - 1
WRITE shape.txt(pixels (index) )
(b) FOR row FROM @ to 3 #A loop is set up for the
21. Data types
4 rows of the matrix.
fo) Data type | Variable FOR index FROM @ to 3 #A nested loop is set |
up for the 4 items in each row
SET matrix[row, index] TO READ shape.txt
Boolean | fullWeek
Record #The saved data is read into each |
Character | gender, name END FOR
(b) Variables will be needed for the pay per hour and the
pay for the week. 25. Records
Variable 1: payPerHour 1 (a) Both arrays and records can store multiple data items
Data type: Real in one structure. In arrays, the elements must be of the
Variable 2: payForWeek same data type but there can be elements of different
Data type: Real data types in the same record.
(b) (i) A record would be better as different data types can
22. String manipulation be stored in the same record.
Variable (ii) In a two-dimensional array the ‘Weight’ and
“Number of days’ data would have to be stored as

strings rather than real or integer data types.
position (iii) An array could be used for the string data — Name,
Gender and Special diet?.
2 SEND ‘Please enter a sentence in lower case.’
Another array could be used for the integer data —
Number of days. |
SET a TO 0
Another array could be used for the real data —
SET e TO @
The items within each array would have to be in the
SET i TO @
same order,
SET o TO @
SET u TO @ 26. Subprograms 1
FOR index FROM @ TO LENGTH(sentence) - 1 DO
1 (a) Asubprogram is a self-contained sequence of program
IF sentence(index) = ‘a’ THEN
instructions that performs a specific task and is called
SET a TOa+1
whenever it is needed to carry out that task.
ELSE IF sentence(index) = ‘e’ THEN
(b) | They make programs shorter. The code only needs to be
SET e TOe +1
written once and can be called as many times as needed.
ELSE IF sentence(index) = ‘i’ THEN
2 They make testing easier as each section of code only has
SEtene 1Om iat
to be tested once even though it is used many times.

(c) A function returns data to the main program but a
(b) Line Correct version
procedure does not.
2 (a) measurement
(b) newMeasurement 2 FOR index FROM @ TO
(c) RETURN newMeasurement LENGTH(students) - 1

27. Subprograms 2 gt ret SET marks[index] TO percentage

1 (a) Any two from: recLength, recWidth, recArea, IF percentage > maximum THEN
(b) length, width
30. Using binary
(c) area, circumference 1 The processor which executes the program instructions
(d) SET recArea, recCircumference TO consist of billions of transistors.
calculate(recLength, recWidth) Each transistor has two states — either it transmits an
2 FUNCTION findLargest(one, two) electric current (it is on) or it doesn’t (it is off).
BEGIN FUNCTION The binary system has two digits — 1 and 0.
IF one > two THEN Digit 1 can represent the on state and digit 0 the off state.
SET largest TO one Cc
BESE 000, 001, 010, O11, 100, 101, 110, 111
SET largest TO two
RETURN largest
#Main program The answer is the context in which the computer uses the
SEND ‘Please enter the first number.’ TO DISPLAY binary code and the program instructions it is following.
RECEIVE numberOne FROM (INTEGER) KEYBOARD If it sends the code to a speaker, sound is produced. If it
SEND ‘Please enter the second number.’ TO sends the code to a monitor, a pixel on the monitor will be
DISPLAY populated with the colour of that code, etc.
31. Converting from denary to binary
SET largestNumber TO findlargest(numberOne,
SEND largestNumber TO DISPLAY

28. Validation
1 SET validated TO False
WHILE validated = False DO
SET validated TO True
SEND ‘Please enter a password.’ TO DISPLAY
WHILE password = ‘’? DO
SEND ‘You have not made an entry.’ TO
SEND ‘Please enter a password.’ TO DISPLAY
SEND ‘Please enter the denary number.’ TO
IF LENGTH(password) < 8 THEN
SEND ‘Password is less than 8 characters
SEliebinagy TO) c>
in length.’ TO DISPLAY
SET placeValues TO [128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2,
SET validated TO False
FOR index FROM @ to LENGTH(placeValues) - 1 DO
SET numberUpper TO @
IF placeValues[index] >= denary THEN
FOR index FROM @ to LENGTH(password) - 1
SET binary TO binary & ‘1?’
IF password(index) >= ‘A’ AND
SET denary TO denary - placeValues[index]
password(index)) <= ‘Z’ THEN
SET numberUpper TO numberUpper + 1
binary = binary & ‘@’
IF numberUpper = @ THEN
SEND ‘No upper case letters.’ TO DISPLAY
SET validated TO False 32. Converting from binary to denary
and binary addition
Binary 1 fo fo tr fo [a [tt |
29. Testing and test plans « [2 fielela[|
Test Type of Test | Expected result [Decimat —[128 [o_o fie [o [4 ]2|i|
number | test data The answer can be calculated using a table like the one shown
here. However, you don’t need to use a table, but you must
i Normal Data will be accepted
show the additions of the separate place values:
data test Decimal = 128+ 16+4+2+1=151
2 Boundary Data will be accepted On Or ai Oy ab a a
data test
ORO alle Dlg
Erroneous Data will not be
as Otel TO iee lier)
data test accepted and an error
message will be shown

hor er Ww Gh wt tt rofo[1 fo
La al OO
© wl @
(b) (i) overflow error
(ii) The result produces a number that is greater than
can be represented by 8 bits, so 9 bits are required. In
denary, the number is greater than 255.
mo alee
4 Incorrect . BERDBE
LO @ 1) ©
Result of

36. Hexadecimal and binary

33. Logical shifts 1 (a) Hexadecimal is used because people get confused with |
1 (a) A binary shift is used when a binary number is being large binary numbers. Binary numbers can be simplified by
multiplied or divided by powers of 2. Shifts to the left writing them in hexadecimal notation, which means that
are used for multiplication. Shifts to the right are used for fewer numbers are needed.
division. A | place shift multiplies or divides by 2! (2). A 2 (b) C3 is equal to the denary numbers 12 and 3.
place shift multiplies or divides by 2? (4). 12 and 3 represent the two nibbles of the binary number.
(b) 10101100 Therefore the binary number = 1100 and 0011 = 11000011.
2 (a) The binary number would be divided by 4. (c) (i) 11010101 = the two nibbles 1101 and 0101. |
These are equal to the two denary numbers 13 and S.
(0) Binary number | 10101101 | Denary
Therefore the hexadecimal number = DS.
(ii) 10111101 = 1011 and 1101 = 11 and 13 = BD.
Binary number 00101011 | Denary
after a 2 place equivalent 37. Characters
logical right shift 1~ (a) The character set is the list of binary codes that can be
(c) In a 2 place logical right shift, the binary number is recognised by the computer hardware and software.
being divided by 4. The expected answer would be 43.2 (b) ASCII is a 7-bit code. There are 128 code sequences |
but there is a loss of precision as the result in binary representing English characters and control actions such
is given to the nearest lower integer (whole number) as SPACE and SHIFT. The codes are grouped according !
because the answer does not have decimal places. to function, e.g. codes 65 to 90 represent the upper case
letters of the alphabet.
34. Signed integers 2* (SEd) codess 10a:
1 (a) The leftmost bit, which is known as the most significant SEND ‘Please enter a sentence.’ TO DISPLAY
bit (MSB), is used to indicate whether a number is RECEIVE sentence FROM (STRING) KEYBOARD
positive (0) or negative (1). The MSB is the sign, and FOR index FROM @ TO LENGTH(sentence) - 1 DO )
the rest of the bits indicate the size or magnitude of the SET codes TO codes + ASC(sentence(index) )
number. IF index = < LENGTH(string) THEN
(b) Zero can be either positive or negative OR Additions do SET codes TO codes &° £ #This will adda
not always give the correct result. space unless it is the last character in

the string.


38. Bitmap images

> © ee [eof
_ eae aa
1 (a) The size of an image is given as the number of pixels in
its width (W) and height (H).

co ae Co The resolution of an image is the number of pixels per unit

area of the display.
() Colour depth Number of colours represented

(c) File size = W x H X colour depth = 2000 x 3000 x 24

= 2000 * 3000 x 24/8 / 1024/ 1024

39. Sound
1 (a) The sampling frequency describes the number of sound
35. Arithmetic shifts samples that are taken each second. |
1 (a) When carrying out an arithmetic shift right to an (b) Increasing the sampling frequency gives a more accurate
8-bit signed binary number, the bits are shifted to the reproduction of the analogue wave, as more samples are
right but are replaced at the left by copies of the most taken with less time between them.
significant bit. The result is that the number is divided 2 (a) The bit depth describes the number of bits used to
by the number of shifts. encode the data taken in each sample.
(b) When carrying out an arithmetic shift left to an 8-bit (b) A high bit depth allows more data to be stored and
signed binary number, the most significant bit is left in allows the dynamic range of the sound to be more
place and the other bits are shifted left. The places at the accurately represented.
right are replaced with 0s. The result is that the number 3 Length of recording and number of channels (e.g. mono or
is multiplied by the number of shifts. stereo).

4 File size (bits) = sample frequency x bit depth x recording
length = 100 x 44100 x 16/8/1024 / 1024
Gzzgiq ot znk iktzxk | + 6 or right 6 |Attack in the
40. Units centre
1 (a) binary
Yofkd x elopb —3 or left 3 Bring a horse
(b) Processing is carried out by billions of transistors which
operate in one of two states, on and off, equivalent to | 44. Structured and unstructured data
and 0.

> Tipe oes

1 (a) Structured data is data that is stored in an organised
way according to similarities and differences between the
3 5
Unstructured data is not stored in any organised way. As
3 72.000 000 000 / 8 / 1024/ 1024 new data is acquired it is just added without trying to fit
4 20 1024 x 1024 x 1024x 1024 x 8 it in with existing data.
(b) When data is structured, links can be made between the
41. Data compression items of information so that it can be searched to create
1 (a) Any two ofthe following. information and reports.
* It uses less internet bandwidth when they are sent and 7a 1D)
received. 3 books, students, borrowing
* The transfer speed is quicker. 4
* The files take up less storage space on their computers.
(b) Lossless compression reduces file sizes without deleting
any data. When the file is decompressed, it is exactly
the same as the original. Nothing is lost. Lossless
compression looks for redundancy, where the same Daily
data is stored many times, and groups this data into one delivery
reference in the file.
Lossy compression reduces the file size by deleting some
data. The original can never be reconstituted when it is
45. Attributes and tables
decompressed as it has been irreversibly changed.
2 Any suitable, such as Title, Author, Publisher, ISBN,
(c) PDF file: lossless.
Length, Genre
The novel would be impossible to read if some of the data
3 (a) Ais record and B is field
(words) were removed permanently.
(b) A primary field is a field which holds unique data or
Images of her trip to London: lossy.
information in each record. It is needed by the database
Areas with very similar colours are merged into one to
software to be able to identify each record.
reduce file size. People cannot distinguish these small
(c) None of the fields will hold unique data, e.g. there could
differences and so are not aware that the data has been
be many of the same make, with the same colour, using
the same fuel etc.
42. Run-length encoding The designers could add a field to store unique
information, e.g. ‘Registration Number’ or give each
1 (a) Data redundancy in a data file is where the same item of
record its own unique number in the table such as ‘Car
data is repeated many times, e.g. in a text file each letter
is repeated many times.
(b) Run-length encoding would be more suitable for a black 46. Relational databases
and white image as there are only two items of data and
1 A relational database allows data elements in one table to
there will be runs of the same item of data. In a full-
be related to any piece of data in another table, as long as
colour image there are millions of different items of data
both tables contain a common element.
and so there will be fewer, if any, runs of the same data.
N Cc
2 (a) Compressed using run-length encoding 3 (a) Any two of: easier to sort, search, produce reports,
analyse data, keep the data organised.
(b) G) primary key
(1) foreign key
1b4wlb (iii) One of: to form relationships (links) between the
tables; to allow queries across the tables; to relate
the records in one table with the records in another.
bwwwwb 1b4wlb (c) 0 to 255

47. Input—processing-output
(b) before 36 bytes; after 28 bytes
43. Encryption
1 (a) Encryption is the encoding/scrambling of data into
a form that cannot be understood by unauthorised
(b) When data is transmitted between authorised users it
can be intercepted and also when it is stored it can be Secondar ue
accessed by unauthorised personnel. The data should y |.’ | Processing
Storage Unit
therefore be converted into a form that they cannot

The battle is won | + 3 or right 3 |wkh edwwoh lv zrq

—3orleft3 | Pbka jlob qollmp

2 The computer performs a series of actions on the input data 50. Fetch-decode-execute cycle
according to the instructions in the program it is following. 1 Any two from:
This is done by the CPU (central processing unit) in the * control bus; during the fetch cycle, the control unit sends a
processor. ‘read’ signal to the RAM along the control bus
+ address bus; the control unit uses the address bus to send
Device Stage
signals specifying the required memory location in the RAM
Keyboard Input + data bus; contents of a memory location are transferred to
ait the CPU along the data bus.
Microphone Input
2 (a) Description
Printer Output
The next instruction is sent from the RAM D
Central processing unit Processing to the CPU.
Speakers Output
Monitor Output
The CPU sends a signal to the RAM
requesting the next instruction.
48.The central processing unit
(b) RAM is where the program instructions and data are
Internal hardware Function stored until they are needed.
(©) CU (control unit) ALU (arithmetic
CU (control unit) Controls the other components of
The CU decodes logic unit)
the CPU.
the instructions. Calculations are
Clock Controls the rate at which program If a calculation is —_ carried out in the
instructions are carried out. needed, the CU ALU.
ALU (arithmetic Performs arithmetic and logical instructs the ALU.
logic unit) Operations to carry out program
instructions. 51. Memory
Stores frequently used program 1 (a) Volatile memory provides temporary storage for program
instructions and data so the instructions and data. It loses its content when the electrical
processor isn’t kept waiting for power is switched off.
them to be transferred from the (b) Non-volatile main memory is used for instructions that
main memory. do not need to be changed in normal use. For example,
the sets of instructions needed for a computer to start
Memory locations. Some perform
are stored in ROM.
special functions in the fetch—
decode—execute cycle.
2 A laptop with a 3 GHz CPU could have a better performance
as it has a higher clock speed. This means that it will process
program instructions more quickly than a computer with a 2
GHz processor, so programs will run faster.
However, the 2 GHz computer could have more cache memory
to store frequently used instructions. It could also have a
greater number of cores, which improve performance by
allowing multitasking and parallel processing.
The 2 GHz computer could also have more RAM, which would
improve performance because the CPU would not have to use 3 RAM is volatile but ROM is non-volatile.
RAM can be written to and read from, but ROM can only be
virtual memory.
read from.
49. Components of the CPU RAM stores program instructions and data, but ROM is used to
1 The Von Neumann model describes the way in which the store the sets of instructions needed for a computer to start.
CPU is designed and carries out instructions with other 4 One from: Sets of instructions needed for the computer to start;
components. It is an architecture in which both the data and Data used by a program when it is executing.
instructions are stored in memory.
2 Any two from:
52. Magnetic and optical storage
* memory to store program data and instructions 1 (a) Two reasons which could include:
* program counter * Data that is stored in RAM is lost when the power is
* input and output devices (could include secondary storage turned off because RAM is volatile.
devices, keyboard mouse, printer, loudspeaker etc.). * A secondary storage device, such as a hard drive,
3 The CU coordinates the actions of the computer. It sends provides permanent storage for data that would
out control signals to other parts of the CPU and to other otherwise be lost when the power is turned off.
components of the computer. * Data can be moved between computers using
The ALU performs arithmetic and logical operations. It secondary storage devices.
carries out activities such as: (b) (i) Magnetic storage devices use electromagnets in their
* addition, subtraction, multiplication and division read/write heads to read and write the data, which
* comparisons between two different numbers. is encoded as opposing magnetic polarities on the
4 Registers are memory locations within the CPU where data surface of the disk or tape.
is stored so that it can be accessed very quickly. Some of (ii) Optical disks use a laser to read and write data. The
these perform special functions, e.g. storing the memory data is encoded as a series of pits in a spiral track
address for the next instruction, but others are general running from the inside to the outside of the disk.
purpose. (c) Data can be written to and read from magnetic devices
5 The decoder works out what the program instructions mean far more rapidly than from optical devices. This
or the actions that they require the CPU to carry out. improves the performance of the data processing.

2 200 photos at 8 MB each needs a total of 200 x 8 MB = (c) Examples of devices that have embedded systems
1600 MB = 1.6 GB. include: washing machine, microwave oven, television,
A single CD can store 700 MB, so Noah’s photos cannot be camera.
saved on a single CD. 2 (a) Desktop computers are designed to run a range of different
A single DVD can store 4.7 GB, so his photos can be saved on applications, such as word processors, spreadsheets, DVD
a single DVD. players, games, while each embedded system is designed
to perform a small, specific range of functions linked to the
53. Solid-state memor y device it is embedded into.
1 Solid-state drives consist of flash memory. (b) Embedded systems are described as real-time systems
Flash memory consists of transistors that keep their charge because they must guarantee a response almost
even when the power is switched off. immediately in order for the system to react to different
At first, all transistors are charged (set to 1) but when a save situations.
operation begins, current is blocked to some transistors, (c) Assembly language is used so that the hardware can
switching them to 0. be directly controlled by the programs written. This is
2 (a) It is called a solid-state storage device because it has no far more efficient than using a high-level language that
moving parts. needs an interpreter or compiler.
(b) solid-state drives; USB drives
3 magnetic, optical, solid state 56. Logic
4 Any two from: lighter and more portable; no moving parts
that can be damaged if dropped; data access speeds are
faster than for magnetic storage.

54. Cloud storage

1 (a) Cloud storage is off-site storage made available to users
over a network, usually the internet.
(b) In your exam, your answers to 6-mark questions will (b)
be marked on how well you present and organise INPUT OUTPUT :
your response, as well as content containing the relevant 0 1
knowledge and concepts. Your responses should contain
most or all of the points given in the answers below, but
you should also make sure that you show how the points
link to each other, and structure your response in a clear
and logical way.
Answers could include the following points.

If data is stored in the ‘cloud’ then users will need an

internet connection to access them.
Users wili not need an internet connection if they are 3
stored locally.

If data is stored in the ‘cloud’ then users can access the

data from anywhere in the world.
If data is stored locally then users can access it only on site.

If data is stored in the ‘cloud’ then access times are

-affected by the speed of an internet connection.
If data is stored locally access speeds are not affected by
the internet connection.

Employees of the organisation will be responsible for i ‘ 5

backing up and restoring data if it is stored locally. Si. Logic circuits
The ‘cloud’ storage provider will be responsible for 1 (a) (AOR B) AND NOT (C)
backing up and restoring data.

The organisation will be responsible for buying,

maintaining and upgrading devices for storing the data
if it is stored locally.
The ‘cloud’ storage provider will be responsible for this.

The organisation will be responsible for the security of

the data if it is stored locally.
The ‘cloud’ storage provider will be responsible for this.

When working collaboratively, files can be synced

automatically between users when it is stored in the
‘cloud’ wherever they are in the world.
This cannot be done if it is stored locally.

55. Embedded systems

1 (a) Anembedded system is a computer system built into
another device in order to control it.
(b) For example: processor, memory, input and output

7 | 113
| Answers _

58. Operating system 1 3 One type scans for viruses using a database of known virus
definitions (also called signatures) which should be kept
1 Systems software’s role is to control the operation of the
up to date. They identify viruses by comparing them to the
computer hardware, allow software to run, provide an interface
for computer users, maintain the computer system and manage
Another type uses a set of rules to detect viruses by looking
user interactions with the computer system.
at their behaviour, such as a program which tries to copy
2 (a) The operating system checks that memory requests are
itself into another program or a program which tries to
valid, allocates memory to processes when needed and
remain resident in memory after it has finished executing.
frees up memory for other uses when no longer needed.
It also swaps out data to the virtual memory when the main
memory is full. 62. Simulation and modelling
(b) File management is used to create a folder and file
1 (a) Acomputer model attempts to abstract the rules and
structure for data. This makes it easier for users to
mechanisms that control real-life systems and apply
organise and find data in a systematic way.
them in computer programs so that they can be used to
(c) File permissions control who can create a file, who can
simulate the behaviour of those systems under different
see or open a file, who can write to a file or edit it and
who can delete a file.
(b) Any two suitable examples such as a flight simulator,
59. Operating system 2 weather forecasting, traffic flow.
NOT financial models.
1 (a) The operating system:
(c) Any two from:
* requires a login name for each individual user of a
Safety — ability to experiment without harming people
or the environment.
* requires each user to provide a password for security
Financial — new products can be tested without having
* creates folders in which users can store their work.
to build prototypes, e.g. cars and aeroplanes.
When a user installs software, the operating system allows
Repetition — tests can be quickly repeated to ensure
them to install it just for themselves or for all users.
similar outcomes.
(b) The user interface:
Adjustments — changes to the rules and input data can
* allows the user to communicate with the computer
be made quickly to see the outcomes.
* translates user input by the keyboard or mouse into
(d) Any two from:
a form that the computer hardware and software can
The mathematical calculations may be too complex to
understand and execute.
model ‘real-life’ situations.
Many operating systems provide a graphical user interface
It may be difficult to identify all of the rules correctly.
(GUI) while others allow the user to type in commands.
The model is not reality so the answers might not be
These are called command line interfaces.
2 Peripherals are controlled by the operating system using
correct; reality might turn out differently.
The processing power needed to run the model may be
programs called drivers. The drivers carry out the necessary
greater than what is available.
translations to allow the CPU and the devices to communicate
63. Programming languages
60. Utility software 1 1. (a) Assembly language
1 (a) Data is fragmented when parts of files are saved to different (b) Machine language or machine code
parts of the hard disk. (c) Language | is a high-level language as it is very similar
(b) Defragmentation software reorganises files which to a human language. It has to be translated before it
have been split across different parts of the disk by can be processed by the CPU. Language 2 is a low-level
putting pieces of related data back together. Fewer disk language as it is very similar to machine code and each
accesses are then needed to read the data. This improves command represents a similar command in language 3.
performance and can free up more space on the hard disk. Language 3 is a low-level language because it can be
(c) (i) When he is attaching a file to an email or uploading directly processed by the CPU.
it to a website. You could also answer by saying that languages 2 and 3 are
(ii) Lossless compression reduces the file size without at a low level of abstraction while language | is at a high
discarding any of the data and the original file is level of abstraction.
restored when it is decompressed. (d) (i) 1 High-level programs are less time-consuming to
Lossy compression reduces the file size by discarding write and also to test as the language is similar to a |

some of the data, so the original file cannot be restored human language.
when it is decompressed. 2 High-level programs are portable from one machine
(d) (1) incremental backup to another as they are independent of the CPU.
(ii) Not all of the files are backed up each time — only (ii) | Programs written in low-level languages require
the ones that have been added to or changed since less memory and execution time.
the last backup. 2 Low-level languages allow the programmer to directly
2 Encryption software is used to scramble data into a form that control system hardware and are used extensively for
cannot be used by unauthorised users. This protects the data programming embedded systems.
from unauthorised use.
64. Translators
61. Utility software 2 1 (a) an assembler
i] JB! (b) A compiler translates the source code into a standalone,
2 (a) Virus —it enters the computer system hidden within machine code program (object code) which can then be
another program. executed by the processor. An interpreter translates the
It can corrupt or delete data on a disk. high-level code line by line. It is needed each time the
(b) Spyware — it comes packaged with other software, such program is run.
as free software. (c) An advantage of a compiler is that the program is
It spies on users by sending screenshots and key translated once only and as a separate process. When
presses to the hacker’s computer, so revealing details of it is run, it is already translated into machine code so
passwords. it is executed more rapidly. A disadvantage is that you
cannot change the program without going back to

the original source code, editing that source code and 3 (a) Security is good in a cable network as each computer has to
recompiling. An advantage of an interpreter is that when be physically plugged into the network using a cable.
an error is found, the interpreter reports it and stops so Security is poor in a wireless network as anyone within
the programmer knows where the error has occurred. A range could log into the network.
disadvantage is that every line has to be translated each (b) There is no interference in a cable network as the
time it is executed and it is therefore slower. cables through which the data is transmitted can be
2 The set-top receiver must process data quickly and so a shielded.
compiler is used because compiled code runs faster than In a wireless network, signals can be affected by other
interpreted code. electronic equipment and obstacles such as walls.
(c) Ina cable network bandwidth is high — up to 10 Gbps.
65. LANs and WANs
In a wireless network bandwidth is lower — up to 600
1 (a) Anetwork is a group of computer systems and devices Mbps.
linked together so that they can communicate and share
resources. 68. Connecting computers to a LAN
(b) 1 The users can share resources such as printers and 1 (a) ANIC provides a physical connection to either a wired or
internet connections. a wireless network for a device on the network. The NIC
2 Files can be shared by users across the network formats the data so that it can be transmitted and received
allowing users to work collaboratively. across the network.
2 (a) (b) Every NIC is created with its own unique media access
¢ A LAN is a network in a small area such as a home, control (MAC) number programmed into it. Because
school, office building or group of buildings on a all devices on the same network have different MAC
single site. addresses it enables the senders and recipients of data to
* A LAN is usually managed by a local manager or be uniquely identified.
team at the site. 2 Aswitch transmits the data to the intended recipient only,
* It is owned by the organisation that uses it. whereas a hub broadcasts it to all the devices on the network.
(b) Sending the data to only the expected recipient reduces the
* A WAN connects separate LANs over a large network traffic and improves the efficiency of the network.
geographical area to form a network of networks. The 3 (a) A wireless access point enables wireless devices to connect
internet is a WAN. to cabled networks.
* Computers ina WAN can communicate with (b) The router connects two networks — the home network
computers and users in other locations. and the internet link provided by the family’s internet
¢ A WAN is managed by several different people or service provider.
parts of an organisation working together. The router sends the requests from each of the home
computers to internet servers and distributes the incoming
66. Client-server and peer-to-peer data to the correct computers as identified by their IP
networks addresses.
1 (a)
¢ In peer-to-peer networks, there is only one type 69. Data transmission
of computer and there is no server to manage the 1 (a) So that a high bandwidth isn’t needed for large files.
network. (b) Component |: header
¢ All the computers are equal and they can communicate Function: contains the source and destination addresses
with each other directly without having to go through and the position of the packet in the complete message.
a server. Component 1: body
¢ Each user can give other users access to their computer Function: contains some of the data.
and their programs and to any devices attached to Component 1: footer
them, such as printers. Function: to inform the receiving device that this is the
(b) Any two from: end of the packet.
¢ Expensive server and network operating systems are Name of layer |Purpose One protocol
not required, so it is cheaper. in the layer
° Specialist staff are not required to administer and Application Provides services to HIETP
maintain the network, which saves money.
layer applications such as
+ A peer-to-peer network is much easier and requires web browsers and email
less specialist knowledge to set up. clients.
(c) 1 All data can be saved on the file server, so it can all be
backed up at the same time without having to back up Transport Divides data sent from TCP or UDP
the data on each computer separately. layer application layer into
2 Network security is stronger because access to file servers packets.
is controlled centrally using login names and passwords. Checks that data sent
has been received and
67. Wired and wireless connectivity notifies sender that data
1 (a) Data is transmitted along copper cables as electric signals. has been received.
In fibre optic cables, data are transmitted as pulses of light Internet layer Adds the source and
generated by a light emitting diode (LED) or a laser. destination.
(b) Advantage: Signals are transmitted over longer distances IP addresses to the data
and at faster speeds. and routes it to the
Disadvantage: It is more expensive than copper cable. recipient computer.
2 (a) Radio waves are used to transmit data across networks
Network Uses network-specific Ethernet
using frequencies of between 2.4 and 5 GHz.
access layer protocols
(b) Each frequency range is divided into separate channels. to ensure correct
For example, in the 2.4 GHz range used by most
networks, there are 14 channels spaced 5 MHz apart.
of data through the local
Users can change the operating channel of their Wi-Fi
device to prevent interference.

10. Protocols (b) (i) A data collision is where data packets collide
with each other because two or more devices have
1 (a) Protocols are used to control:
transmitted packets at the same time.
* data formats, to ensure that data can be exchanged
(ii) There are no data collisions on a ring network
consistently and accurately
because all data travels in one direction from node to
* address formats, to identify senders and recipients and
node until it reaches its destination.
to ensure that data goes to the right addresses
* routing, to provide the right information so that data
Devices can only use a token if it is empty.
can flow through networks correctly.
Network | Characteristic
Function topology
Used when communications between a Each device is connected to a central switch.
client and host have to be encrypted.
Bus | Each device is connected to a central cable
Provides the rules for sending email with a T-piece.
messages from client to server and then
Mesh Each device has a dedicated connection to all
from server to server until they reach their
other devices on the network.
Nodes cooperate to take turns sending data.
Provides the rules to be followed by web
browsers when accessing websites and 73. Network security 1
by web servers when requesting and
1 Your answer could include some of the following ideas.
supplying information.
* Network security protects the data stored by organisations
Provides the rules for transferring files and ensures that only authorised users can access the
between computers. network and its resources.
(c) (i) transmission control protocol/internet protocol It ensures that users can only access files relevant
(ii) TCP divides data sent from the application layer into to themselves and not others to which they are not
packets. It checks that data has been sent correctly authorised. This prevents misuse such as deleting
and has been received, or notifies the sender that information and copying and removing data.
data has not been received. The safe storage of personal data such as names,
IP adds the source and destination IP addresses to the addresses and health and financial information is
data and routes it to the recipient computer. important as it is a legal requirement to ensure its security
under The Data Protection Act.
71. Network topologies 1 Data stored on the network is important to the
1 (a) functioning of an organisation and if it is stolen, deleted
Cable connecting each Device connected to the network, or corrupted then the organisation may fail.
device to the switch e.g. computer or printer The loss of data may have financial implications as it may
individually. Data can contain details of new products or marketing campaigns
Ibelsemtito the amie
sc © Carre which would be of value to competitors.
recipient rather than All organisations rely on the programs and data stored on
Central point — file their networks; without it they are not able to function as
being broadcast to
server or switch they usually do not have any paper-based copies.
all devices.
2 (a) Any three from:
* Use strong passwords of at least 8 characters including
Device connected to the Device connected to non-alphanumeric characters, such as ! or ?
network, e.g. computer the network, e.g. * Regularly change the password.
or printer computer or printer
* Never reuse old passwords.
(b) Three reasons could include: Do not use personal information, e.g. date of birth or
1 Data is sent directly to only the intended computer and other memorable dates, children’s names etc.
therefore network traffic is kept to a minimum. ¢ Never write down a password.
2 If one link fails, all the other devices will continue to * Use different passwords for each secure environment.
operate, as data is sent to each computer individually. (b) Access control is used to set a network user’s rights to
3 It is easy to add new devices without disrupting the the files and data stored. This ensures that confidential
network, as each device has its own communications cable. data is seen only by the required users. This means that
files cannot be viewed, edited, modified or deleted by
12. Network topologies 2 unauthorised users.
1 (a) Diagrams similar to the following.

Ring topology Bus topology


Flow of

714. Network security 2 (b) Penetration testing is the testing of a computer system,
1 (a) Any three from: network or web application to find vulnerabilities that
* Keep access doors locked and fit them with security an attacker could exploit. The test then indicates how
recognition measures, for example keypads or those vulnerabilities could be exploited to demonstrate
biometric systéms such as fingerprint pads or iris the havoc that could be caused. The test finds
scanners to prevent unauthorised access. vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks that
* Use swipe cards containing users’ details to an attacker could exploit and tests the effectiveness of
authenticate users entering the building. network security policies.
Install closed-circuit television to monitor the exterior (c) These software tools are also called ‘vulnerability
and interior of the building. scanners’ and assess computers, computer systems,
Install burglar alarms and monitors in all rooms to networks or applications for known security weaknesses
warn if anyone is accessing an area that should be that have already been identified in other systems
empty. or software. They must therefore be updated as new
Fit radio frequency identification (RFID) chips to weaknesses are identified.
all equipment so that an alarm will sound if the (d) Ethical hacking is carried out by a computer and
equipment is taken out of the building. networking expert who systematically attempts to
* Use chains and locks to attach equipment to work penetrate a computer system or network without written
benches to prevent equipment from being removed permission, or on behalf of its owners, for the purpose
from the building. of finding security vulnerabilities that a malicious hacker
(b) Firewalls are either software or hardware devices that could potentially exploit. They then notify the owner of
protect against unauthorised access to a network, and the system about these security flaws.
are primarily used to prevent unauthorised access from
17. Protecting software systems
the internet.
They can be configured to prevent communications from 1 Your answer could include three of the following security
entering the network and also to prevent programs and issues.
users from accessing the internet from the network. * Whether the software will be exposed to hackers.
A firewall can inspect the incoming packets and reject ¢ If authentication is required.
those that are from IP address not on a trusted list or ¢ Whether access control is required.
block communication to certain external IP addresses. ¢ What warnings will be given to users if they try to delete
15. Cyberattacks ¢ Whether data will need to be encrypted.
1 Your answer could include two of the following techniques. 2 Code reviews look at security vulnerabilities in the code.
* Phishing is when fraudsters send emails claiming to be Reviews can be carried out by other programmers (or
from an actual organisation such as a bank or e-commerce teams of programmers) or automated reviews by specialist
site in order to find out personal and financial details. software which highlights potential security vulnerabilities.
The emails usually have false links where the recipients are Modular testing — a module is an independent block of code
asked to click on a link which leads to a website controlled that implements a small number of routines. As only a small
amount of data is being tested, any security issues can be
by the criminals.
easier to identify and fix.
‘Shoulder-surfing’ involves finding login names,
3 An audit trail provides a record of all network activity.
passwords, credit card and PIN (personal information
It allows a technician to study which user has accessed
numbers) details by direct observation, e.g. by someone
programs and data, when they accessed them and what they
in an office watching others entering passwords or an
did. It also shows what has happened during a cyberattack.
employee at a shop or petrol station watching a PIN being
4 Assecurity issues are identified in operating systems,
entered. Binoculars or closed-circuit television can be used
software patches are produced to rectify them. Most
to watch from a distance or record users entering sensitive
users rarely search for these updates and install them. It is
therefore better to have them automatically applied without
2 (a) eavesdropping or ‘data interception and theft’
the user having to be proactive.
(b) Criminals use programs called packet analysers or
‘packet sniffers’ to intercept the packets travelling on 78. The internet
a network, which are then analysed and their data are
1 (a) Ayana will need to use the infrastructure — the backbone
decoded. The criminals can therefore steal sensitive data
and cables — of the internet for which there is a charge.
such as logins, passwords, credit card numbers and PINs.
ISPs pay the organisations who create and maintain
(c) The organisation should encrypt all data on the
this infrastructure and then charge individual users like
Ayana for their use. The ISP also provides Ayana with
3 + Smart devices in homes have IP addresses and can be
an IP address.
connected to home networks and the internet.
* Most people do not bother to change the administrator (b) i) This is a unique software address to identify
password and hackers can take charge of the devices and Ayana’s computer. When she requests pages and
use them for distributed denial of service attacks where communicates with websites they use this address to
they flood websites with login requests and cause them to which to send the data.
crash. (ii) For version 4 addresses (IPv4), IP addresses consist
of 4, 8-bit numbers separated by full stops, e.g.
192.168. 169.13. This is 32 bits in total. Version
76. Identifying vulnerabilities IPv6, which is being introduced, uses 128 binary bits
1 (a) Your answer could include three of the following. to create the address, so that more are available for
¢ What users can and cannot do on the network. devices.
* When backups will be made and where they will be kept. 2 (a) When data is transmitted, it is split into segments which
* When and who is responsible for applying software are incorporated into packets. Each packet consists
patches and operating system updates. of a header, containing the destination and source IP
* What should be done if there is a problem or breach addresses, a body containing the data and a footer to
of security. inform the receiving device that it has reached the end of
¢ Any other suitable response. the packet successfully.

(b) The packets of data are transmitted using a technique 81. Ethical impact
called packet switching whereby they are sent by 1 (a) Ethical behaviour means acting in ways that are
different routes depending on the state of the internet considered good or moral by society.
—a part of the internet may not be functioning or there
(b) (i) The ‘digital divide’ describes the gap between the
may be congestion.
digital ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’; between those who
Routers have routing tables which are essentially lists
can access digital technology and those who cannot.
of rules stating where to send packets for different
(ii) Your answer could include some of the following
destinations. When a router receives a packet it looks in
the packet header for the destination address and then
uses the rules within the routing table to decide where
* The digital divide can be caused by many factors, :
such as a lack of access to broadband, being unable
to send it. A packet will need to be forwarded between
to afford to access it or having very low IT literacy. |
several routers before it reaches its destination.
It can have many negative impacts such as poor
79. The world wide web employment prospects by having low IT literacy.
A lack of access means that households without
(a) The WWW is a network of online content which is
internet access have to pay far more as they cannot
hosted on servers throughout the internet.
shop or pay bills online.
The content is made up of web pages which are linked
A lack of access can lead to social isolation, as
together by hypertext links.
people with no access to the internet are less likely
(b) HTML is a markup language. The scripting language
to keep in touch with family and friends.
typically used is javascript.
On a national level, economic growth is poor in
(c) HTTP or HyperText Transfer Protocol
countries with poor access to technology as they
(d) The URL is a textual representation of the protocol to
be used and the IP address and is easier to remember and
cannot compete with countries that do have access.
e Technology also makes for a more inclusive society
enter than 32 binary numbers or their denary equivalent.
The part of the URL containing the IP address 1s called for people who are able to access it. For example,
the domain name. people can access online education, adaptive
(e) When Lianne enters the URL her computer sends a technologies allow people with disabilities to
request to a server of the Domain Name Service to participate more fully in society. The technology
resolve the domain name back into its IP address. links people with common interests wherever they
If the server does not have that domain name in its are in the world promoting a feeling of belonging.
database, it sends a request to another DNS server and 2 She could prioritise the requests in the following ways:
so on until the IP address is returned to the first server. ¢ Response 3 would be the most ethical as she is considering
The IP address is returned to Lianne’s computer which which would be the most harmful and she is not taking
then uses the IP address to contact the website. into consideration how much she will be paid.
* Response | is less ethical as she is not acting in a
80. Environmental issues professional way as she is not fully using her knowledge
1 Your answer could include some of the following ideas. and experience to the benefit of her clients.
Energy * Response 2 would be the least ethical as she is considering
¢ Manufacture and use of devices uses energy. her payment over the needs of all of her customers.
Manufacturing involves energy-intensive mining and
processing of minerals. The use of devices involves the 82. Privacy issues
energy used by the devices themselves, but also by data 1 Your answer could include some of the following ideas.
centres. These data centres generate heat, so energy is * Technology allows companies and government
needed to keep them cool. organisations to find out details of people’s activities and
Much of the energy used comes from non-renewable to track their movements.
sources such as gas and coal. Surveillance cameras are commonplace in most towns
* Computer science is used in efficient energy production. and cities in Britain. With the advent of number plate
Computer software is used to design, model and test recognition, it has been claimed that a person can be
efficient devices to produce electricity from wind, wave tracked on a journey through London in a car and on
and solar power. foot. Britain has more surveillance cameras per head of
* Energy use can be reduced using smart technologies, such population than any other country in Europe.
as light-sensitive switches that turn off lights when they Many people have complained that being tracked,
are not needed. filmed and photographed without their permission is an
- Efficient transport planning using computer modelling infringement of their privacy.
and analysis can reduce fuel use. * Mobile phone use allows people’s movements to be tracked
as they move to different cells or mobile phone masts. This
* Digital devices use many different chemical elements. Some
can be considered as an infringement of one’s privacy.
of these are rare and will be in short supply as they are used
Internet service providers and companies, such as Google,
up. It is difficult to recycle devices to reuse these elements. record every search carried out and website visited. This can
be used to find out what users are interested in and target
* Electronic devices are difficult to recycle and are often
advertisements directly at them. This can be considered as
disposed of in landfill sites as e-waste.
an infringement of privacy, especially if the companies hand
* Landfill sites take up areas of land that could be used for
other purposes. over this information to the government authorities.
* Toxic substances such as lead, mercury and cobalt can get Surveillance cameras help prevent antisocial behaviour. If
into the soil and the water supply from the landfill sites criminals know they are being filmed, they will not attack
and cause health problems. people and property. Criminal acts can also be stopped if they )

Data analysis are seen on surveillance cameras. Videos from surveillance

* Computer science technology can be used to monitor cameras can be used as evidence in criminal prosecutions,
environmental factors by transmitting and analysing data. Surveillance cameras can help to find missing people.
This data can be shared by scientists around the world Some people say that people shouldn’t be worried if they
who can collaborate to find solutions to problems. are not doing anything wrong but others argue that it is
* Computers can be used to develop models to forecast dangerous for governments to be able to know exactly
environmental behaviour and identify options for action. what you are doing and where you are.

* Tracking a person using their mobile phone can help to
solve crimes and verify that criminals were in a particular
area. The source code cannot
* People’s search history can be used to find out what users be modified by anyone
are interested in and target advertisements directly at but the person, team, or
them. organisation that created it.
* The analysis of huge amounts of personal data can lead It is free to use.
to better-informed decision making and planning such as
improvements in public health and smarter cities geared Users can modify the
to the movements of their inhabitants. source code to adapt it to
their needs and can pass
83. Legislation it on to other users free of
1 (a) All original work, including images, music, documents and charge.
videos. The software must be paid
(b) The person who creates the work owns the copyright. for.
(c) For example:
Users can study the source A
1 The person could be sent to prison.
code to see how the
2 The person could be prevented from using the internet by
software works.
their internet service provider.
2 For example: It may need specialist A
1 So that others can include their work and include it knowledge to install the
within their own with or without attribution depending on software.
the type of licence. The support and updates
2 So that others can OGY and build upon their work and may be expensive.
redistribute it.
The software will be
Type of developed carefully and
offence tested thoroughly because
people will be paying
A student accesses another student’s money to use it and they
Za email account without permission. will be cross if it doesn’t
A user accesses parents’ stored credit
card numbers and security codes in There is a community
order to buy goods online fraudulently. of dedicated enthusiasts
who will provide help and
A student guesses the login names and support.
passwords of other students and logs
into their accounts. Practice Paper 1
A student gains access to class results Principles of computer =eclence
and changes their own marks and
grades. ce
As a challenge, a student manages CU (control The CU controls the other
to guess the password of one of the unit) components
: of the CPU and
a: F staff to gain: entry to the
administrative coordinates
nt the fetch-decode—
management system. SAPSUIG:
Address bus The address bus carries memory
- addresses from the CPU and the
84. Proprietary and open-source eitorhiondtiidnaiy iden ike
software memory address to be used.
1 (a) Proprietary software is commercially produced by an The clock emits a pulse'abrepular
; organisation for a profit. intervals to synchronise the
(b) Any one from: actions of other parts of the CPU.
° Soke is developed professionally and carefully Romer: ROG eae erase eee
fo inside the CPU used to hold an
* Support will be provided to keep customers happy so instruction, an address or other
that they will continue to use the software. single item of data.
* There will be books, magazine articles and online The ALU performs arithmetic and
tutorials. (arithmetic logical operations to carry out
* Updates and bug fixes meet the needs and suggestions logic unit) program instructions.
of the users. Data bus The data bus carries the item of
(c) Any one from: data to be read from or written to
* Users can study the source code to see how the memory to or from the CPU.
software works. (b)
* Users can change and upgrade the software.
Program instructions and data are
* It is free to use.
stored here.
* There is a community of dedicated enthusiasts who
It is used to boot up the laptop
will provide help and support.
when it is switched on.
(c) Frequently used instructions are stored in the cache (ii) * The program can be written more quickly as the
which contains memory which is faster than that used in programmers are using a language more like their
own natural language.
the RAM. These instructions can therefore be ‘fetched’
more quickly and improve performance. * There will be fewer errors in the code as the
(d) C programmers are using a familiar language.
+ The programmers will not have to write completely
2 (ai)
new code for each device the game is to be played on.
Computer (b) (i) Translates one line of code at a time and executes it.
Jy It stops when it finds an error and can be resumed. .
(ii) compiler
(a) The CPU of a computer which executes program
instructions contains billions of transistors acting as
They are either on or off. They have only two states: they
either transmit an electric current or they do not.
As there are only two states (off or on), they can be
represented by the two digits of the binary system: 0 and 1.

(b) Two of the following but each point should be (b) (i) 100100101 (1 mark for each 4 digits)
developed. (ii) Overflow error.
¢ The server is responsible for network security by (c) 128+ 32+16+8+2+1=187
allocating login names and passwords to users. (d) @) F7
¢ The server can allocate the access rights of the users so (ii) There are 4 bits for each hexadecimal digit and so it
that different users can read, edit or delete different files. is easy to convert.
¢ The server stores all of the programs and files for the There are less digits and so easier to remember and enter.
users so that they can be accessed from any of the
(a) (i) pixels
workstations. (ii) The colour depth states the number of bits used to
¢ The server can centrally back up all data that is stored represent the colour value of each pixel.
so that each client workstation does not have to be (iii) Either: 4288 x 2482 x 24/(8 x 1024 x 1024)
backed up independently. Or: 4288 x 2482 x 24/8/ 1024/1024
(c) (i) A protocol is a set of rules for formatting data that is
sent over a network so that it can be understood by
(b) (i) The file size is reduced by removing some of the
information and so when the file is decompressed it
the sending and receiving computers. is not the same as the original. |
(ii) D (ii) Areas with very similar colours are merged into one to
(d) Answer to include items listed in the specification for reduce file size. People cannot distinguish these small
this — access control, physical security and firewalls. differences and so do not realise the data has been .
* Authentication is the process of determining whether removed. If data is removed from text files there will |
someone trying to log into the network is who they be missing letters and it may become unintelligible. |
claim to be. This is commonly accomplished by giving
all users a login name and password. The organisation
(a) An array allows multiple items of data to be stored
under one identifier or name.
should have a policy for the use of passwords, e.g.
it should be strong — at least eight characters and
include non-alphanumeric characters such as ! or ? It
should also be changed regularly, never written down
or shared and old passwords should never be reused.
Multifactor authentication involves two or more pieces
of information, e.g. knowledge of a password plus a
[Laos [Nepal[Peru
(c) India, Nepal, Peru
biometric identification or knowledge of a secret fact 7 (a)P=(AANDB)ORC
such as the first school attended.
Physical security is often the first line of defence
to prevent unauthorised people from entering the
buildings where the network equipment is located.
Precautions should include keeping access doors
locked and fitting them with security recognition
measures, such as keypads or biometric systems (e.g.
fingerprint pads, iris scanners). Swipe cards containing
users’ details for entry to the building should be issued
and closed circuit television to monitor the exterior
and interior of the building should be installed.
A firewall protects a network connected to a WAN
such as the internet. Firewalls can be software or
hardware based and are used to prevent access from
computers with unknown IP addresses. They can also
prevent employees accessing undesirable websites. ae Coe
3 (a) (i) peae aot
* Instructions in high-level code use words whereas
in machine code instructions are in binary code.
ON ar
* High level code can be portable/translated for
different machines whereas machine code is specific chy cdot si 3
to a particular machine. Rie ee ata
* High-level code is designed to be read by human
programmers whereas machine code is to be read
and executed by the computer.
ae ees
Practice Paper 2
Application of computational thinking
1 (a) Any suitable such as car, driver, time, distance, cost.
(b) cost = 3 + (miles x 0.5) + (minutes * 0.2)

Process Bonus = 50 x
Is driver full- (number of hours
Time for Sum times foreach | Total time time? worked DIV 100)
each journey | journey driven

Total money | Total money Mean charge

taken during | taken / Number of | per journey
the day journeys
Bonus = number of
Number of Number of trips / Mean number years’ service X 100 Is bonus >
drivers on Number of drivers | of journeys per
duty on duty driver

2 (a) 800 Bonus = 300

(b) The variable ‘yes’ on line 2 has not been initialised Is bonus > Bonus = 500
before the start of the loop. 500?
The following line should be inserted between lines 1
and 2:
SET use to ‘yes?
(c) (i) 5
The variable dayNumber has been written as Finish
(ii) syntax error 5 (a) (i) An array requires only one identifier (name) whereas
(d) @) 60 variables would each require their own individual ones.
(ii) The DIV operator returns an integer and only whole An array requires only one loop whereas each
people are required. variable would require separate ones.
(e) SEND ‘The number of part-time drivers (1i) All the data in an array must be of the same type
required is ‘ & partTime TO DISPLAY and in this case both integer and string data types
(f) 10 have been used. They cannot both be included in a
2-dimensional array.

foie ‘(3
Feature Line number (b) The index of the array starts at 0 and the last index will
therefore be | less than the length of the array, e.g. if the
length of the array is 4 then the indexes will be 0, 1, 2
and 3.
(c) miles | mileage | position | drivers Mileage
Indentation Any of 6 to 9 and 15 to 20 [count] [position] | [position]

(b) (i)
fo | 10000 | 10000 |0 —
15000 |15000 | 1 an

(ii) Global — one of: numberJourneys, journeyTime,

totalTime, repeat
Local — one of: startTime, endTime, tripTime, reply 6 (a) (i) Customer_Id
(ii) It is called a one-to-many relationship because each
(c) (i) Any two of:
customer appears only once in tbl CUSTOMER but
* allow the production of structured code
many times in tbl_TRIP.
* make programs shorter — the code only needs to
be written once and can be called as many times as tbl DRIVER tb1_TRIP tbl CUSTOMER
¢ make program code easier to read and test
¢ shorten the development time of a program
¢ make testing easier
[pate | |accross|
¢ make code more readable.
(ii) Type of subprogram: Procedure
How it is different: Does not return a value to the
main program Any suitable fields and field names for the driver table.
(d) SET meanTime TO totalTime/numberJourneys 7 3 IF LENGTH(Driver_Id) <>5 THEN
WRITE DrivingData.txt numberJourneys, 4 SEND ‘ERROR’? TO DISPLAY
totalTime, meanTime 5 END IF
WRITE DrivingData.txt numberJourneys, 8 IF taxiNumber < 1 OR taxiNumber > 2@ THEN
totalTime, meanTime 9 SEND ‘ERROR’? TO DISPLAY
Note that the variables must be in the correct order. 10 END IF

_ Answers
(2 marks for each line involving operators, and | mark for IF hour >= 23 OR hour <= 6 THEN
SET charge TO charge * 2
each of lines 4,5 and 9,10, if both lines are correct.)
As this is an algorithm represented in pseudo-code or a END IF
SEND ‘Does the user have a contract (y or n)??’
programming language, there is no ‘correct’ solution.
The ‘ideal’ is one that meets all of the requirements as TO DISPLAY
accurately and efficiently as possible.
The following is a sample solution. IF contract = ‘y’ THEN
SEND ‘Enter the customer’s code.’ TO DISPLAY
SEND ‘Enter distance (miles)’ TO DISPLAY
SET found to False
SEND ‘Enter duration of trip (minutes)? TO
WHILE found = False DO
FOR EACH Record FROM Codes.txt DO
READ Codes.txt Record
IF distance > 3 THEN
IF Record = code THEN
SET charge TO 3 + ((distance - 3) * 0.5)
SET found TO True
SET charge to charge -
SET charge to 3
IF duration > 5 THEN
SET charge TO charge + ((duration - 5) *
SEND ‘The cost of the trip is ‘ & charge TO
SEND ‘Please enter the hour as on a 24 hour
clock’? TO DISPLAY

Published by Pearson Education Limited, 80 Strand, London, WC2R ORL.
Copies of official specifications for all Pearson qualifications may be found on the website: qualifications
Text and illustrations © Pearson Education Ltd 2017
Typeset and illustrated by Tech-Set Ltd, Gateshead
Produced by Out of House Publishing
Cover illustration by Miriam Sturdee
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The right of David Waller to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the
and Patents Act 1988.

First published 2017

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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 978 1 292 13119 1
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1. While the publishers have made every attempt to ensure that advice on the qualification and its assessment is accurate, the official
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