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Suffixes Suffixes are word endings that, like prefixes, change the meaning of the words. Latin suffixes tend to indicate the parts of speech; e.g., derivatives with the suffix, “ous” are adjectives while “ly” words are adverbs. Common suffixes taught at the lower levels, of the language include “ed,” “ing,” “er,” “est,” “ly,” “ful,” “able,” “less,” “ness,” “ish,” “es,” and “ment.” Shortly thereafter, the following three rules for adding suffixes are taught: 1, 1-1-1- or Doubling Rule: In a one-syllable word with one vowel and ending with one consonant, you will double the final consonant when adding a suffix beginning with a vowel; e.g., trip + ing = tripping. If the suffix begins with a consonant, just add the suffix to the word; e. drip + less = dripless. 2. Silent-e Rule: Ina word ending with a silent “e,” you will drop the “e” when adding a suffix that begins with a vowel; e.g., make + ing = ‘making. If the suffix begins with a consonant just add it to the base word; ¢.g., shape + less = shapeless. There are a number of exceptions that need to be taught later to the students such as those words in which removal of the “e” changes the sound of “c” or “g”; e.g., “manageable.” 3. The Y-I Rule: In words ending with a “y” preceded by a consonant, change the “y” to “i” when adding a suffix except if the suffix begins carrying. If with an “i”; e.g., carry + ed = carried, BUT, carry + in; there is a vowel before the “y,” just add the suffix. cards whereby the teacher shows the suffix and Suffixes can also be introduced says the unit, The students repeat and write it in their composition books as they say the unit, Students can brainstorm words that have the suffix, which are then written down or the teacher can prepare a list for students. Visual/auditory drills and games described earlier can also be utilized for review. However, care needs to be taken in having students memorize the meanings of all suffixes except those that can be readily grasped such as “ed” which indicates past tense or “ful” which means full offhaving, etc. There are a number of these morphemes which mean “state of,” or “quality,” that are difficult for the students to grasp and often cause more confusion. Similar-sounding Suffixes: Later in the language continuum, the teacher begins to instruct students on suffixes that sound alike but are spelled differently. For example, “ist” and “est” are pronounced the same but have different meanings/roles; “ist” indicates a person who as in “typist,” while “est” designates superlative as in “largest.” Unless there is a strong association between the suffix and its meaning/parts of speech, spelling errors will occur frequently. Other similar-sounding suffix combinations that can be presented initially are: “tion” ys. “sion” vs. “cian” nation” vs. “tension” vs. “musician”) “ys” —a noun ending vs . “ous” — adjective suffix vs. “ess” — ferninine octopus” vs. “joyous” vs. “stewardess”) “cal” ~ adjective ending vs. “cle” noun ending (magical” vs. “uncle”) “able” ys. “ible” “portable” vs. “credible” There are, fortunately, some generalizations that can be helpful for students, however students need prior instruction in parts of speech. Similar-sounding suffixes should be taught incrementally or in small steps to prevent confusion. For example, “us” would be the topic of one lesson with subsequent instruction in "ous" the next day. The third lesson would focus on review of the wo suffixes and providing practice for students in making choices between the two. Depending on the performance of the students, the teacher may now introduce “ess.” Such structured presentations enhance the success of students in building as well as spelling words with suffixes, particularly those that sound alike. Suffix: A unit added to the end of a word or root that changes the meaning of the word. Latin suffixes generally indicate parts of speech (e.g., words with “ous” are adjectives). Common Suffixes to Introduce: -ed = past tense ing = indicates doing now one who, that which +s = plural -ly = how (adverbs) Other Suffixes to T state of tate of, act of, result of having, full of ible to m = belief, doctrine make (verb) ery small mall feminine relating to, state of, result of -dom = state, quality -hood = state, condition -ine = nature of, related to -th = ordinal number -ciate/-tiate = make -tude = condition of, quality of -ent = one who, state or quality -aney/-ance = state of, quality -ery = relating to, place -ory = place where, relating, quality -ule = small ation = state of, result of -en = made of -ia/-ial/-ian = related to ull of, having without superlative person who able to ish = quality of ull of; quality or state of act of, state of state of act of, result of -ward = direction of -ic = like, nature of -ive = relating to, like -or = one who, that which -mony = result of action -ity = state, quality -cian = person who -ar = relating to -eer = one who sian = relating to -ship = quality, state, office -cial/-tial = relating to ‘ous/-tious = full of, having -ant = one who -ary = relating to, place -eney/-ence = state or quality -fy = make -some = tending to, group -ate = relating to, to make, one who -cy = quality, state -eous = having, full of sion = act of, state of Suffixes Similar-sounding Suffixes: Morphemes that sound alike but are spelled differently. A systematic ‘approach must be used when teaching these suffixes. There are some generalizations that help students make appropriate choices. est (superlative) (one who does; indicates people) -cle -cal (noun) (adjective or describing) -able -ible (ation companion word) (tion/sion companion word) ous -ous ess, -ice (noun) (adjective) (feminine) (nouns) -tion -sion -cian, (root words end with “t”) (root word ends with ‘s”) (root word ends with “c”, indicates person) “ey vy see (part of root) (suffix indicating quality) (indicating a person) -ary -ery -ory (nouns/adjectives) (usually nouns) (preceded by “s” or “t”, usually nouns) sar ver -or (Latin words after “I (comparing, occupation, keep (Latin words ending in “s” or “c” and”g” soft, ending for “v’, companion ~ate or ~ation word) -cial/-cious (“e” in original word) (“t” in original word or ~ence words) SUFFIX MEANING able able to related to action, fruit drink relating to, state of, result of relating to relating to, person state of, quality PARTS OF SPEECH adjective adjective, noun noun adjective adjective, noun DERIVATIVES acceptable adaptable bendable dependable expendable almanac cardiac accolade blockade brocade calvacade advantage average bandage breakage cabbage carriage cottage animal aural cerebral formal frontal infernal African Alaskan American accordance alliance annoyance arrogance assistance avoidance fixable movable payable portable readable hemophiliac maniac grenade lemonade masquerade parade courage damage forage image language message passage legal mental natural normal optional personal Cuban Mexican partisan clearance continuance elegance endurance entrance extravagant remarkable suitable trainable touchable usable workable zodiac renegade serenade pillage salvage storage village visage voyage phenomenal referral sensual tidal usual vocal Roman urban performance resemblance substance ‘substance MEANING quality, state of ‘one who or that which relating to obscure relating to, place relating to, to make, ‘one who, that which PARTS OF SPEECH noun noun, adjective noun, adjective noun, adjective noun, verb (ate) DERIVATIVES constancy discrepancy expectancy accountant applicant contestant descendant dominant emigrant angular beggar burglar calendar cellar coward custard gizzard haggard arbitrary boundary commentary diary dictionary documentary imaginary advocate candidate climate concentrate decorate dedicate deviate dictate flagrancy hesitancy infancy hesitant important merchant ‘occupant pliant servant collar grammar liar lunar muscular hazard mustard orchard library military momentary necessary ordinary primary salary educate emanate emancipate enumerate fascinate graduate immigrate infiltrate occupancy truancy vacancy significant tenant truant tyrant vacant nectar regular solar stellar sugar placard standard wizard secretary stationary summary temporary visionary vocabulary voluntary integrate intimate moderate phosphate private segregate senate SUFFIX ation MEANING PARTS OF SPEECH state of, noun result of relation to adjective person who quality or adjective state of full of, adjective having quality, state of state, quality DERIVATIVES adaptation application appreciation combination commendation communication duration education artificial beneficial commercial crucial beautician diagnostician dietitian magician appreciate associate denunciate depreciate ancient deficient audacious auspicious conscious delicious fallacious ferocious bankruptcy infancy boredom earldom freedom examination ‘exportation generation imagination negotiation operation organization plantation facial financial glacial judicial mathematician mortician musician optician dissociate emaciate enunciate excruciate efficient omniscient judicious malicious mendacious officious pernicious precious normalcy policy kingdom martyrdom random probation reformation separation taxation valuation variation provincial racial sacrificial special physician politician tactician technician glaciate officiate proficient sufficient precocious pugnacious spacious suspicious vicious prophecy secrecy serfdom stardom wisdom MEANING PARTSOF DERIVATIVES SPEECH past tense verb hunted roamed lifted smelled loaned sneered dripped mended stamped graded reached stopped granted refrained helped rented absentee divorcee referee addressee employee refugee appointee mortgagee trustee deportee nominee devotee payee noun, engineer profiteer volunteer verb pioneer adjective, brazen lengthen toughen verb broaden molten whiten frighten sharpen wooden frozen sicken woolen golden soften happen tighten state, competence difference magnificence quality conference existence presence consequence independence _ transference convenience influence violence dependence innocence ascendancy emergency regency cogency frequency tendency contingency potency urgency decency pungency MEANING PARTSOF DERIVATIVES SPEECH state, noun, cogent evident precedent quality, adjective coherent expedient president one who confident inherent prominent consistent intelligent resident current negligent detergent permanent having, adjective bounteous gaseous hideous full of hideous gorgeous igneous igneous heterogeneous person, noun, darker painter smaller thing adjective faster reporter softer father sharper speller harder shoulder teacher importer singer weather informer sleeper writer longer slower relating to, archery drapery pottery place where bravery forgery robbery celery grocery slavery cutlery imagery surgery delivery machinery treachery delivery misery winery discovery mockery feminine baroness heiress priestess countess hostess princess duchess lioness seamstress goddess mistress stewardess governess poetess waitress basket jacket tablet blanket owlet trinket bucket picket hatchet pocket MEANING PARTSOF DERIVATIVES SPEECH full of having adjective beautiful graceful powerful careful grateful restful cheerful harmful shameful cupful helpful successful deceitful hopeful tearful doubtful joyful vengeful forceful pitiful amplify purify specify calcity qualify testify diversify ratify unify fortify signify verify identify simplify state, boyhood livelihood sisterhood condition brotherhood = manhood statehood childhood motherhood knighthood sainthood related to amnesia dysgraphia malaria anemia gardenia petunia bulimia hysteria criteria insomnia related to adjective colonial industrial material custodial janitorial remedial denial jovial trivial related to amphibian guardian pedestrian comedian historian ruffian custodian librarian adjective accessible credible permissible collectible flexible possible conductible forcible sensible convertible legible terrible MEANING like, nature of state, quality related to, capable of nature of, related to PARTS OF SPEECH adjective, noun adjective, noun adjective, noun, verb DERIVATIVES acrobatic. atomic caustic classic comic electric epidemic fabric fanatic crevice jaundice justice arid frigid horrid humid livid agile docile fertile fragile futile determine discipline doctrine examine famine feminine fanatic frolic garlic graphic gymnastic hectic magic magnetic music malice notice novice lucid morbid orchid rapid tepid hostile infantile juvenile mercantile mobile gasoline genuine imagine machine magazine masculine nitric patriotic phonic. tonic traffic tragic tropic pumice service projectile reptile tactile versatile volatile medicine routine turbine turpentine MEANING present tense act of, state of resembling, origin resembling, origin belief, doctrine, condition PARTS OF SPEECH verb, noun, adjective noun, adjective adjective DERIVATIVES boating constructing draping hunting insisting billion bunion carrion champion ‘communion companion cushion behavior exterior interior interior banish boyish brutish childish clownish Danish alcoholism baptism barbarism capitalism communism despotism heroism hypnotism mending renting singing speaking spelling dominion fashion legion million oblivion onion opinion junior posterior savior senior famish feverish foolish grayish greenish Irish jingoism mannerism metabolism nationalism Nazism optimism organism ostracism stepping throwing writing rebellion region religion scorpion stallion trillion union superior warrior outlandish publish selfish sheepish Swedish vanish pessimism plagiarism realism romanticism stoicism terrorism MEANING PARTS OF SPEECH person who noun native of, quality, mineral native of, quality, mineral chemical, element, obscure relating to, adjective like DERIVATIVES artist biologist botanist cellist chemist dentist appetite composite definite dynamite expedite activity amenity antiquity authority captivity clarity curiosity dignity elasticity auditorium, condominium delirium emporium equilibrium abusive active affirmative aggressive assertive cooperative excessive florist humorist journalist naturalist, optometrist racist exquisite favorite granite graphite eternity festivity fraternity frugality gravity humidity insanity majority minority helium magnesium plutonium potassium premium, exhaustive expensive explosive fugitive inquisitive massive native scientist sociologist typist violinist hypocrite infinite pyrite suburbanite necessity normality personality rapidity reality rigidity security sincerity radium sodium stadium negative positive primitive restrictive sensitive successive MEANING make without very small like, manner of act of, state of, result of, action PARTS OF SPEECH verb adjective noun, adjective adverb, adjective DERIVATIVES authorize baptize categorize centralize civilize blameless bookless careless countless harmless hopeless booklet doublet gauntlet hamlet darling duckling fledgling bravely brotherly closely completely finely gently gladly alignment apartment appointment attainment compliment emphasize idolize itemize memorize mesmerize joyless noiseless painless pointless restless shameless inlet leaflet outlet pamphlet foundling gosling nestling kindly largely likely lovely madly mildly narrowly confinement contentment ‘employment excitement instrument modernize neutralize realize verbalize vocalize shiftless sleepless smokeless speechless tasteless thoughtless piglet tablet seedling underling yearling nicely partly recently sadly sharply slowly widely nourishment resentment statement testament SUFFIX mony most MEANING PARTS OF SPEECH result of, noun action most adjective state of ‘one who, that which place where, noun, relating, adjective quality quality of having, adjective full of DERIVATIVES acrimony alimony foremost innermost business coarseness conciseness costliness fitness goodness greatness actor ancestor color conductor dictator doctor educator category ‘compulsory depository directory dormitory curiosity generosity courageous covetous dangerous generous glamorous hazardous ceremony harmony outmost topmost happiness kindness lifelessness likeness restlessness ripeness sameness equator error favor honor incubator labor motor factory history mandatory memory reformatory luminosity humorous joyous murderous nervous numerous prosperous matrimony testimony uppermost utmost sharpness shyness slimness thickness weakness operator professor terror tractor tutor valor victor satisfactory sensory victory verbosity rigorous ruinous strenuous thunderous tremendous MEANING quality, state state, office state of, act of, result of tending to, group person who ordinal number, state, quality relating to PARTS OF SPEECH noun noun, adjective noun, adjective adjective DERIVATIVES authorship championship courtship dictatorship confusion depression session suspension television tension vision bothersome burdensome fearsome gangster mobster monster breadth depth fifth growth circumstantial confidential consequential credential essential experiential impartial fellowship friendship hardship kingship invasion mansion pension permission procession progression recession handsome lonesome tiresome oldster prankster songster sixth strength tenth truth inferential influential initial martial partial potential preferential lordship showmanship sportsmanship township session suspension television tension vision twosome venturesome wholesome spinster teamster youngster wealth width presidential providential prudential residential sequential substantial MEANING PARTS OF DERIVATIVES ‘SPEECH make, cause verb differentiate _licentiate substantiate expatiate negotiate Vitiate ingratiate propitiate initiate satiate act of, noun action fiction perfection state of, attention inflation pollution result of camation injection portion commotion intention promotion completion location reaction condition lotion reflection convention mention section devotion motion selection donation mutation station duration nation traction extraction notation tradition faction ovation full of, adjective ambitious fictitious propitious having cautious flirtatious repetitious conscientious infectious sententious contentious nutritious superstitious contentious ostentatious: ‘surreptitious expeditious pretentious —_vexatious condition of, noun altitude gratitude rectitude quality aptitude latitude servitude attitude longitude solitude fortitude multitude state of, noun amnesty liberty property quality of, anxiety loyalty royalty tens certainty majesty safety fidgety plenty thirty fifty poverty twenty SUFFIX MEANING PARTS OF DERIVATIVES ‘SPEECH ule small noun, capsule module ridicule verb granule molecule schedule minuscule nodule state of, adverb, composure figure pressure result of adjective demure fissure procedure erasure measure tenure failure pleasure treasure /choo o/ actual habitual punctual effectual intellectual ritual eventual mutual spiritual factual perpetual /choo ate/ fluctuate punctuate situate infatuate saturate adventure fracture pasture agriculture furniture picture capture future: rapture conjecture gesture sculpture creature lecture structure culture legislature temperature denture manufacture torture departure mixture. vulture feature moisture fixture nature ward direction of adjective, afterward inward skyward adverb backward leeward southward downward northward toward forward onward upward homeward seaward MEANING tend to, quality of, small PARTS OF SPEECH adjective, noun DERIVATIVES agony arty cheery cloudy crafty dirty drafty dreary dusty entreaty foxy funny hairy juicy misty puppy -est (superlative) biggest bleakest brightest cheapest coolest darkest dearest fewest hardest highest hottest largest loudest neatest noblest oldest safest smallest smoothest softest sliffest strongest thickest weakest » sigt? Similar Sounding Suffixes -ist (one who does; indicates people) artist biologist botanist capitalist cellist chemist columnist communist conformist dentist dramatist druggist evangelist finalist florist geologist humorist journalist linguist ‘monopolist motorist naturalist optimist organist pianist populist publicist racist radiologist scientist sexist soloist tourist violinist zoologist “cle, -cle (noun) article bicycle chronicle circle cubicle clavicle cuticle follicle manacle miracle monocie obstacle particle pinnacle receptacle spectacle tentacle tricycle uncle unicycle vehicle ventricle cal” Similar Sounding Suffixes -cal (describing) alphabetical botanical chemical chronological clerical clinical comical cubical economical ethical electrical fanatical fiscal focal historical local logical lyrical magical mathematical mechanical medical musical mystical rrautical political practical radical reciprocal satirical symmetrical surgical theoretical tropical typical vertical vocal whimsical zoological Similar Sounding Suffixes s,” “ous,” “ess,” “ice” Note: Teach -us and~ous spellings first. Introduce -ess spelling next. This will present litle problem if the ‘meaning of the suffix is understood. Teach ~ ice last. -us - ous -ess -ice (noun) (adjective) (feminine) (nouns) abacus advantageous actress accomplice alumnus. cautious authoress apprentice bonus contagious baroness armistice cactus continuous countess auspice caucus copious duchess avarice circus courageous: goddess cowardice consensus credulous governess crevice crocus dangerous heiress jaundice exodus ‘enormous lioness justice focus fabulous murderess. malice fungus famous peeress notice genius generous poetess novice hiatus glamorous. princess practice hibiscus gregarious prophetess. precipice hippopotamus hazardous stewardess prejudice humus hilarious temptress pumice isthmus horrendous waitress service locus humorous lotus industrious minus jealous nucleus joyous octopus laborious radius marvelous sinus miraculous stimulus miscellaneous syllabus momentous terminus mountainous mysterious outrageous nervous perilous poisonous. porous raucous ridiculous righteous. rigorous strenuous tedious thunderous victorious Similar Sounding Suffixes -ee : indicating a oot indicating state or (suffix: in few (suffix: indicat al ere Latin wore) ually) 0 simone me addressee me cheery appointee ee dreary assignee te on devotee ee omy divorcee fet fancy emcee reer nee ‘employee pe be ‘endorse fae oe mortgagee ‘o bed nominee i ay parolee met nary payee rent on referee rene ‘a = Paley inquiry slippery pn oy a Similar Sounding Suffixes “tion,” “sion,” “cian” -cian (root word ends with ¢; indicates a person) - sion =/shun/ (root word ends with s or ss) - sion=/zhun/ (-sion usually says /zhun/ after vowels and sometimes after r: a, 0, u are long and i is usually short) “after. - tion (root words end with t; 1" choice) ‘after vowels action attention conduction connection constitution contention contradiction convention convietion correction definition description diction digestion direction distortion emotion eruption fiction fraction instruction intention intuition invention junction mation ration objection option prevention Portion protection question reception section subtraction ‘admission commission concession confession concussion depression discussion ‘expansion ‘expression impression obsession omission percussion permission possession procession profession progression recession regression repression session succession tension transgression transmission addition condition devotion education execution expedition explanation abrasion adhesion ‘cohesion collusion confusion derision diffusion division erosion evasion exclusion explosion fusion implosion inclusion intrusion invasion lesion ‘occasion persuasion precision profusion propulsion provision revision ignition location mention pollution revolution solution starvation aspersion diversion excursion inversion version beautician diagnostician dietitian electrician magician mathematician mortician musician obstetrician optician Patrician Pediatrician politician physician tactician statistician elon coercion suspicion ‘complexion (part of root) - cise - mise demise surmise - vise advise devise improvise revise supervise = prise surprise cnterprise (to cut) (to send) (to see) (to take) Similar Sounding Suffixes - ize (suffix added to root) agonize authorize capitalize civilize criticize ‘economize externalize generalize harmonize immortalize internalize legalize minimize mobilize moralize organize recognize standardize tranqulize visualize (-ation ——> acceptation adaptation ‘admiration adoration application appreciation ‘commendation ‘communication consideration dispensation duration ‘education ‘exportation imagination importation negotiation operation separation taxation toleration, transmutation valuation variation ~able) acceptable adaptable admirable adorable applicable appreciable ‘commendable communicable considerable dispensable indispensable durable educable exportable imaginable importable negotiable operable inoperable separable inseparable taxable tolerable intolerable transmutable valuable variable invariable “able,” “ible,” “able” _(short words) bendable comfortable fashionable fixable laudable likeable movable passable payable playable readable suitable teachable touchable unbeatable usable workable (c &g hard) amicable despicable explicable impeccable navigable indefatigable ce&ge changeable chargeable manageable noticeable peaceable serviceable traceable Similar Sounding Suffixes yto irule cerlfiable charitable equitable heritable justifiable pliable teliable remediable Similar Sounding Suffixes “able,” “ible,” -ible (- sion/ -tion ——p _-ible accession admission apprehension audition collection combustion conduction congestion comprehension compression. connection contraction conversion corruption. destruction digestion disruption division exhaustion erosion expression extension flexion ignition imposition perception permission prevention suggestion suppression transmission accessible admissible apprehensible audible collectible combustible ‘conductible congestible ‘comprehensible ‘compressible connectible contractible convertible corruptible destructible digestible disruptibie divisible exhaustible erodible expressible extendible flexible ignitible impossible perceptible permissible preventibie reversible suggestible suppressible transmissible (words that do not stand alone) credible edible fallible formidable gullible horrible incredible plausible terrible possible susceptible softe & softa coorcible convincible crucible deductible forcibie invincible producible reducible Similar Sounding Suffixes “ance,” “ancy,” “ant,” and “ence,” “ency,” “ent,” ance, ancy, ant (ation) -» (-ance, -ancy, -ant) (keep c & g hard) (personal titles) continuation continuance arrogance applicant accountant continuant arrogant significance applicant domination dominance elegance significant assistant dominant elegant vacant attendant expectation expectance extravagance vacancy defendant expectant extravagant descendant hesitation hesitance emigrant hesitancy verb ——>_noun immigrant hesitant lieutenant importation importance accord accordance ‘merchant important accordant ‘occupant mutation mutant acquaint acquaintance sergeant Participation participant appear appearance servant precipitation precipitance assure assurance supplicant precipitancy ignore ignorance tenant precipitant ignorant truant radiation radiance inherit inheritance vagrant radiant insure insurance revelation relevance perform performance relevant resemble resemblance stimulation stimulant toleration tolerance tolerant president variation variance student variant superintendent yaoi alliance compliance compliant defiance defiant luxuriant pliant reliance (keep c and g soft) adjacent complacency complacent indecency innocence innocent magnificence magnificent reminiscence reminiscent reticence reticency reticent translucent cogency cogent contingence ‘contingency ‘contingent convergence convergent detergent diligence dligent divergence indigence indulgency indulgent inteligent intelligence negligent negligence pungency pungent regent regency resurgency resurgent tangent urgency urgent “ence,” “ency, ‘ambient ambience audience convenience convenient cexpedience expedient ‘ent” Similar Sounding Suffixes (stems ending in | or fic) ‘cipiency incipient obedience resilience resilient transience transient ci or fici deficiency deficient efficiency proficiency proficient sufficient insufficient sufficiency (qu) consequence consequent delinquency delinquent ‘eloquence eloquent frequence frequency frequently sequence subsequence sequent subsequent(ly) “ence,” “ency, -esce (becoming or state of) acquiescence acquiescent adolescence adolescent convalescence convalescent effervescence effervescent fluorescence fluorescent incandescence incandescent iridescence iridescent luminescence luminescent obsolescence cobsolescent phosphorescence phosphorescent ” “ent? Similar Sounding Suffixes (several Latin roots) cur: to run ‘concurrence ‘concurrent currency current incurrence incurrent occurrence occurrent recurrence recurrent reoccurrence reoccurrent fer: to bring, carry circumference conference deference difference (indifference) different (indifferent) efferent cexception* inference preference reference referent sufferance transference fid: trust confidence confident diffidence diffident flu: flow affluence affluent confluence confluent fluent fluency influent influence haer, her(e): stick adherence adherent coherence coherent incoherence incoherent inherence inherent (min: project) “ence, (sist: stand) ” “ency,” “ent” (spond: answer) Similar Sounding Suixes (vid: see) eminence eminent imminence imminent preeminence preeminent prominence prominent Exceptions: assistance desistance resistance consistence consistency consistent existence existent insistence insistent persistence persistent subsistence subsistency subsistent (assistant) (resistant) “Resistance to assistance led to desistance.” correspondence correspondent despondence despondent respondence respondent evidence evident providence provident -ary (nouns and adjectives) adjectives adversary" alimentary arbitrary anniversary auxiliary” contemporary* contrary culinary customary dietary elementary extraordinary imaginary literary military” momentary monetary necessary primary” pulmonary revolutionary* sanitary secondary solitary stationary supplementary temporary veterinary visionary voluntary ry,” “ery,” “ory -ery (usually nouns) Business- ‘occupation/place of business/article sold archery arillery bakery battery bootery brewery cannery celery cemetery cookery creamery cutlery delivery distillery drapery ‘embroidery fishery finery grocery gunnery hatchery hosiery machinery millinery nunnery nursery pottery refinery rookery scenery stationary surgery tannery winery Exceptions: secretary missionary ‘Similar Sounding Suffixes -ory (preceded by s ort; usually adjectives) adiectives advisory ‘compulsory conciliatory contradictory cursory derogatory exclamatory explanatory expository iilusory laudatory mandatory migratory obligatory perfunctory recursory preparatory promissory refractory satisfactory sensory transitory -ary (nouns and adjectives) nouns actuary apiary apothecary aviary beneficiary boundary ‘commentary diary dictionary dignitary dispensary documentary estuary glossary judiciary" infirmary itinerary lapidary library luminary mercenary missionary" notary obituary ovary penitentiary reactionary” rotary salary sanctuary summary vocabulary “also adjectives “ary,” “ery,” “ory” -ery (usually nouns) a tract wor conveys an idea bravery drudgery fattery forgery imagery misery mockery mystery robbery slavery thievery treachery trickery Similar Sounding Suffixes -ory preceded by s ort; usually nouns nouns accessory conservatory depository directory dormitory factory inventory laboratory lavatory memory observatory oratory rectory territory theory trajectory victory “ar,” “er, ar (Latin words after |) calendar caterpillar collar collar globular granular insular jocular jugular lunar modular muscular ocular particular perpendicular pillar Polar poplar popular propeller rectangular regular scholar secular similar singular solar seminar stellar tubular vascular vernacular other Latin words. not ending in| familiar peculiar vicar vulgar Similar Sounding Suffixes ‘or, (nouns/ adjectives) angular beggar burglar cedar circular dollar grammar hangar liar nectar sugar vinegar Similar Sounding Suffixes “ar,” “er,” “or” er (Anglo-Saxon words with ow, wh, wr, gh, ck, k, dge, teh, th, (added to “place (keep ¢ and g (comparitive) aught) nouns/adjectives) (occupation) soft) bigger badger Berliner baker avenger bolder blocker foreigner barber announcer cooler catcher islander builder bouncer faster cracker northerner butcher ginger flatter daughter southerner caterer manager gentler dispatcher Vermonter ‘commander officer greater dodger villager consumer passenger greener father dancer racer herder ether discoverer wager higher fighter driver hotter freighter entertainer kinder hatcher farmer larger knocker gardener fitter ledger golfer milder lighter herder narrower odger laborer ricer ‘mother lawyer poorer mower lecturer richer neither ‘manager sharper power miner shorter rower officer simpler sighter partner slimmer talker player smaller thunder producer sweeter tower promoter taller walker reader thinner wheeler reporter wider weather runner writer speller swimmer Anglo-Saxon wordsidoul taxpayer of consonants tester in the middle of word ‘worshiper clutter platter flutter shatter muffler shudder pepper shutter Similar Sounding Suffixes “ar,” “er,” “or” or Note: Integrate with teaching of Latin roots (Latin words (companion — ate, or -ation word) (other - abstract ending in s ort) nouns) actor accelerate accelerator author aggressor adjudicate adjudicator candor ancestor coordinate coordinator color bisector create creator error captor decorate decoration favor collector denominate denominator honor competitor dictate dictator horror conductor duplicate duplicator humor constructor educate educator labor contractor equate equator minor creditor glaciate gladiator neighbor debtor incubate incubator odor defector indicate indicator pallor deflector instigate senator director interrogate interrogator terror dissector moderate moderator valor doctor motivate motivator vigor ejector navigate navigator vigor elector nominate nominator extractor numerate numerator factor operate operator injector orate orator inspector radiate radiator instructor refrigerate refrigerator inventor speciation spectator investor speculate speculator janitor translate transtator objector vibrate vibrator pastor predictor professor projector protector receptor reflector scissor selector tractor tutor Similar Sounding Suffixes “al,” “el,” “ile” -el -al -al (not a suffix: (usually adj.: noun to noun) adi.) (verb) ———p (noun) barrel accidental acquit acquittal agile bowel actual appraise appraisal docile bushel annual approve approval fertile camel bridal arrive arrival fragile caramel brutal betray betrayed futile channel* central deny denial hostile chisel* centrifugal dispose disposal imbecile damsel cerebral peruse perusal juvenile drivel coastal propose proposal missile enamel* cordial recite recital mobile flannel criminal refuse refusal projectile funnel dental rehearse rehearsal sterile hotel ‘exceptional renew renewal versatile jewel fatal reverse reversal virile kennel feudal try trial volatile label fraternal lapel frontal level* frugal Note: See -cal-cle section for more ~ al words ‘mackerel general marvel global model" habitual mongrel legal morse! liberal motel literal nickel maternal novel mortal quarrel" municipal parallel national parcel" natural personnel neutral pommel* nominal rebel” normal scoundrel occasional sequel optional shovel" ordinal swivel* oriental travel* original tunnel* oral weasel" paternal personal primal regal zaL(cont'd,) signal universal spiral verbal structural visual *nouns & verbs tidal vital Similar Sounding Suffixes » tial” - cial ial (cin original word) (tin original word or “ence” word) artifice artificial confidence confidential benefice beneficial confident ‘commerce commercial ‘consequence consequential face facial essence essential finance financial essence essential glacier glacial inference inferential justice judicial Influence influential office. official initiate initial prejudice prejudicial part partial province provincial potent potential race racial preference preferential sacrifice sacrificial prudence prudential specy special prudent residence residential atin root: resident facies superficial Exceptions: Exception: space spatial benefit beneficial palace palatial substance substantial delicate efficacious fierce grace judiciary space vice - cious delicious. efficacy ferocious. gracious, judicious spacious “cious,” “tious” ambition content disputation Infect perspicacy Similar Sounding Suffixes - tious ambitious contentious disputatious fractious infectious perspicacious Similar Sounding Suffixes “ain,” “an,” “en,” “on” -an -en -on (indicating a (nouns: not person) usually a sfx) again ‘American beaten accordion engine against artisan bitten button feminine bargain civilian blacken common, genuine captain comedian brighton cotton masculine chaplain Cuban broken dragon medicine certain custodian burden lesson saccharine curtain guardian cheapen ‘mutton fountain Indian chicken reason ‘mountain librarian darken season metropolitan deepen wagon pedestrian drunken bullion vegetarian eaten milion fallen rebellion flatten legion flaxen region forgiven religion forgotten freshen frighten given gladden golden happen hidden lengthen lesson lighten loosen mistaken quicken sadden sharpen slacken spoken stiffen stolen sunken taken thicken tighten waken weaken widen “ate,” “ite,” “et” -ate - ite (adjective) (adjective) appropriate definite chocolate exquisite considerate favorite deliberate infinite delicate ‘opposite desolate requisite desperate elaborate (noun) fortunate iterate ‘composite immaculate granite immediate hypocrite intricate predicate private separate subordinate temperate noun) alternate duplicate frigate graduate Palate pirate senate Not “ate” will say /atelfor verbs: ©.g,, relegates Similar Sounding Suffixes -et (diminutive, usually wi Anglo-Saxon words) basket blanket booklet bucket bracket cficket docket jacket locket packet picket pocket racket rocket socket sprocket thicket ticket -ian civilian custodial guardian historian librarian pedestrian reptilian ruffian ior” Similar Sounding Suffixes -ion accordion battalion billion bullion ‘communion ‘companion dominion ‘medallion milion oblivion opinion pavilion rebellion scorpion stallion ability ality an ance ancy ant ar ard arian arious arium ary ate ation ative atory cial cian ciate ciency cient cious cy dom ed eet eer en ence ent eous ert ery* es* ess* est* et ful* ty hood* ia ial ian ible ict ical ice id ile ine ing* ion ior ise ish" ism ist* ite ity ium ive ize less* let ling ly" ment* mony most ness* oid oon or* ory osity ous* s ship* sion* some ster th tial tiate tion* tious tude ty ular ule ure ward* wise __y* * Suffixes to teach first. jlar-sounding suffixes: __ablelible ___ain/anlenfon ___allelfile ___ ance/ancy/ant vs. ence/ency/ent arlerlor arylerylory cialitial ciousitious clelcal estlist eylylee iselize tion/sion/cian us/ous/ess/ice Name: Date: -able Use -able /able/ if there is a corresponding -ation word DIRECTIONS Read the -ation word. Change the word by dropping -ation and adding -able. -ation word -able word adoration adorable duration taxation admiration operation valuation toleration imagination adaptation education communication variation dispensation commendation Name: -able Date: -able /e ble/ is a suffix that means “able to” DIRECTIONS Write the word that matches the meaning able able able able able able able able able bend > bendable pay ——> work ———» pass ——> train. ———> HHP -age ge is a suffix that means "relating to’ ge says /i Directions: Underline the ending, -age, in each word and read it. village garbage shortage cabbage savage message bandage package image manage salvage cottage Directions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate letters to make a word that matches the meaning. a vegetable cabb_ a communication sent between people me_ sage a small town —____llage less than what was expected —___ortage rescue of ship and cargo from shipwreck sa age parcel; wrapped box ge is a suffix that means "relating to" ge says /ij Directions: Underline the ending, -age, in each word and read it. voyage courage baggage passage savage storage bandage damage image manage cribbage cottage Directions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate letters to make a word that matches the meaning. wild; fierce . _. age to have charge of; direct fon oan na oe a small house ____ tage a game Le bage a long trip by water voy bags of traveler ba__ __sage bravery Name: Date: -al zal is a suffix. Words with -al are usually adjectives. )) 2) 3) 4) 8) 9) DIRECTIONS Underline the -al in each word and read them. municipal general liberal global central frugal coastal normal nominal optional paternal legal original brutal occasional neutral DIRECTIONS Fill in the blanks with the above words to match the meanings. Comumiony,Teeular (synoryon)) 4044 sete tt ee maternal (antonym) —=— wasteful/spendthrift (antonym) §=§ —-—_ ________ conservative (antonym) novel/new (synonym) compulsory (antonym) = Se savage(synonym) frequent (antonym) a unlawful (antonym) ——

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