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• Differential Protection Relay

• Definition: The relay whose operation depends on the phase difference of two or
more electrical quantities is known as the differential protection relay.
• It works on the principle of comparison between the phase angle and the
magnitude of the same electrical quantities.
• For example: Consider the comparison of the input and output current of the
transmission line.
• If the magnitude of the input current of the transmission line is more than that of
output current that means the additional current flows through it because of the
• The difference in the current can operate the differential protection relay.
• The following are the essential condition requires for the working
of the differential protection relay:
• The network in which the relay use should have two or more similar
electrical quantities.
• The quantities have the phase displacement of approximately 180º.
• The differential protection relay is used for the protection of the
generator, transformer, feeder, large motor, bus-bars etc.
• The following are the classification of the differential protection relay:
• Current Differential Relay
• Voltage Differential Relay
• Biased or Percentage Differential Relay
• Voltage Balance Differential Relay
• Current Differential Relay:
• Fig shows an arrangement of an OC relay connected to operate as a differential
• A pair of identical CTs connected on either end of the section to be protected
(alternator winding in this case)
• The secondaries of CTs are connected in series in such a way that they carry the
induced currents in the same direction
• The operating coil of the OC relay is connected across the CTs secondary
• This differential relay comprises the current at the two ends of the alternator
• Under normal operating condition, suppose the alternator winding carries a
normal current of 1000A
• Then the currents in the two secondaries of CTs are equal.
• These currents will merely circulate b/n the two CTs and No current will flow
through the differential relay , therefore the relay will remain inoperative.
• If the ground fault occurs on the alternator winding as shown in the figure.
• The two secondary current will not be equal and & the current flows through the
operating coil of the relay causing the relay to operate.
• The amount of current through the relay will depend upon the way the fault
being fed.
• If some current (500 A in this case) flow out of one side while a large current
(2000A) enter the other side.
• Then the difference of the CTs secondary currents I e 10 – 2.5 =7.5 A will flow
through the relay.
• If current flow to the fault from both sides, then sum of CT secondary currents
is 10+5=15 A will flow through the relay.
• Disadvantages:
• The impedance of the pilot cables generally comes a slight difference b/n the
current at the two ends of the section to be protected.
• If the relay is very sensitive , then the small differential current flowing through
the relay may cause it to operate even under no fault conditions.
• Pilot cable capacitance cause incorrect operation of the relay when large through
current flows.
• Accurate matching of CTs cannot be achieved due to pilot circuit impedance ,the
above disadvantages are over come by a biased beam relay.
• The Biased beam relay is also called percentage differential relay is designed to
respond to the differential current in terms of its fractional relation to the current
flowing through the protected section.
• It is essentially an over current balanced beam relay type with an additional
restraining coil produces a biased force in the opposite direction to the operating
• Under normal & through load conditions, the bias force due to restraining coil is
greater than the operating force.
• Therefore the relay remains inoperative. When an internal force occurs the
operating force exceeds the bias force ,the trip contacts are closed to open the CB.
• The bias force can be adjusted by varying the number of turns on the restraining
• The differential current in the operating coil is proportional to (I2-I1) & the
equivalent current in the restraining coil is proportional to (I1+I2)/2
• Since the operating coil is connected to the mid point of the restraining coil.
• It is clear that greater the current flow through the restraining coil , the higher the
value of current acquired in the operating winding to trip the relay.
• Thus under a heavy load, a greater differential current through the relay operating
coil is required for operation than under light load conditions.
• This relay is called percentage relay because the operating current required to
trip can be expressed as a percentage of load current.
• The operating characteristics of this type of relay is shown the figure
• It can be seen that except at low currents, the characteristics is a straight line .
• Thus the ratio of the differential operating current to the average restraining
current is fixed percentage. Hence the relay name is percentage differential relay.
• The relay with constant slope characteristics are called constant slope
percentage differential relay.
• Voltage balance difference relay: Figure shows the voltage balance protection ,
in this scheme of protection two similar CTs are connected at either side of the
element to be protected (i.e alternator winding) by means of pilot wires.
• The secondaries of CTs are connected in series with a relay in such a way that
under normal conditions, their induced emf’s are in opposition .
• Under healthy conditions, equal currents (I1= I2) flows in both primary
• Therefore, the secondary voltages of the two transformers are balanced against
each other, and no current will flow through the relay operating coil.
• When the fault occurs in the protected zone, the current in the two primaries will
differ from one another (i.e I1 ≠ I2) and their secondary voltages will no longer
be in balance.
• This voltage difference will cause a current to flow through the operating coil of
the relay which closes the trip circuit.
• Disadvantages:
• A multi- gap transformer construction is required to achieve accurate balance b/n
CTs pairs.
• The system is suitable for protection of cables of relatively short lengths due to
the capacitance of pilot wires.
• On long cables the charging current may be sufficient to operate the relay even it
is perfect balance of CTs is attained.
• Problem 1:An alternator stator winding protected by a percentage differential
relay is shown in the figure. The relay has 15% slope of characteristics (I1 –I2)
against (I1+ I2)/2 . The resistance ground fault has occurred near the grounded
neutral end of the generator winding while the generator carrying load. The
current flowing at each end of the generator winding are also shown . Assuming
CT ratio to be 500/5, will the relay operate to trip the CB ?.
• Soln:
• From the given current at ends, let us calculate CT secondary currents at two
300+𝑗0 5 5
• 𝑖1 = x =3A & 𝑖2 = (340 + j0) x = 3.4 A
500 500
• The current flowing through relay coil is (i1-i2)
• (i1-i2) = 3 -3.4 = -0.4 A :
𝑖1 + 𝑖2 (3+3.4)
• While = = 3.2 A
2 2
𝑖1 + 𝑖2
• From the characteristics of 15% slop, corresponding to .
• The out of balance current required is
𝑖1 + 𝑖2
• (i1 –i2) =slope x
• = 0.15 x 3.2 = 0.48 A
• Thus (i1 –i2) must be more than 0.48 A i.e above the line to operate the relay,
but actual point is located below the line in negative torque region. Hence the
relay will not operate.
• The figure shows the percentage differential relay used for the protection of an
alternator winding. The relay has minimum pickup current of 0.25 A and has a %
slope 10%. A resistance ground fault occur near the grounded neutral end of the
generator winding with the current distribution as shown in the figure. Assume a
CT ratio of 400/5, determine if relay will operate

• Solution:From the given current at ends, let us calculate CT secondary currents at

two ends.
• i1 = (380+j0) x 5/400 = 4.75 A & i2 = (340+j0) x5/400 = 4.25 A
• The current flowing through relay coil is (i1-i2)
• (i1-i2) = 4.75-4.25 = 0.5 A :
• While (I1+ I2)/2 = 4.75+4.25/2 = 4.5 A

• So (i1-i2) current flows through operating coil while 4.5 A flows through the
restraining coil.
• With the minimum pick up of 0.25 A & slope 10%, the operating characteristics
is as shown in figure.
• The equation of characteristic is ,
• y= mx+c
• At origin , x=0 but y=0.25
• y= c = 0.25
𝑖1 + 𝑖2
• Hence characteristic equation is (I1 –I2) =m x +0.25: where m is slope
𝑖1 + 𝑖2
• (I1 –I2) =0.1 x + 0.25
𝑖1 + 𝑖2
• For = 4.5 A
• (I1 –I2) =(0.1x 4.5) + 0.25 =0.7A
𝑖1 + 𝑖2
• Thus to operate the relay, (I1 –I2) must be greater than 0.7 A when is 4.5 A
• But actually (I1 –I2) =0.5A . It is located below the line in negative torque region
,hence relay will not operate.

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