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Form 1 Cambridge

1. Define the following a) matter

b) mixture
c) Compound
d) Element (4)

2. Differentiate between a mixture and a compound (3)

3. Give 2 examples of each
i) Mixture
ii)Compound (4)
4. State the methods that can be used to separate the following mixtures
i) A solution of sugar and water
ii) Sand + iron fillings
iii) Oil and Water (3)
5. Name the process by which ice changes directly to a gas (1)
6. a)State the 3 states of matter (3)
b) Write any 2 properties of a gas (2)
c) What does the kinetic theory of matter state (2)
7. a)Define solubility (2)
b)State and explain any 2 factors affecting solubility of a substance (4)
8. Give 2 properties of each of the following
a) Acid
b) Base (4)
9. a)Define the term neutralisation (2)
b) State any 3 applications of neutralisation reactions (3)
10. . a) Give the name of a vertical column on the period table
b) What name is given to a row on the periodic table (1)
c) Give the chemical symbol and 1 use for each of the following elements
i) Oxygen
ii) Hydrogen
iii ) Neon (6)
11. Give any 3 properties of metals (3)
12. a)Name the 3 types of rocks and explain each type (6)
b) Give an example of each type of rock (3)
c) What is a metal ore. Give an example (2)
d) State any 2 properties of soil (2)

13. i) State the 3 main parts of the earth (3)

ii) What keeps the inner core liquid (1)
b) Define weathering (1)
c) Describe 2 processes involved in physical weathering of rocks (4)
d) Define a mineral (1)
e) Give 2 examples of single elements that exist as minerals (2)

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