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14 Step Program Plan Assessment

PBH 684 Assessment and Evaluation

Culminating Summative Product – 130 pts

Please provide the information for this template to identify all aspects of your program plan. We have been working on this
throughout the semester. I have indicated below which module the information should be from or which assessment. This
plan is outlined in detail in Chapter 4 of Hodges.

Name Sidney Central School District

The agency/School, Name: Eben Bullock (SuperIntendent)
name of contact and Address: 95 West Main St Sidney NY 13838
contact information Phone: 607.563.2135
(this was identified in
your needs assessment)

Topic: The needs assessment will collect and evaluate data on students' mental health and how it may lead to drug and alcohol use in
From your Needs teenagers grade 9th through 12th.

Step 1: Review Needs Summary of needs assessment: Sidney Central School District sees the importance of learning and explains that good health
Assessment is a vital role in this. The school offers free breakfast and lunch for students in grades K-12. Research showed that students at
Summary/reflection of Sidney Central School District High School students have multiple opportunities for success such as participating in multiple
your needs assessment clubs. For example some uniques consist of trap teams, they also have multiple AP classes, sports and after school activities
and a link to the needs such as working in the gardens throughout the district. However, research also shows areas of growth such as engagement in
assessment document. drugs and alcohol as well as students suffering from mental health incidents and suicidal rates.The goal of this needs
assessment is to collect data on the mental health status and how that may relate to drug/alcohol use of high school students
more specifically grades 9th through 12th at Sidney High School, located in Delaware County, New York. After the collection
of data, the district will be provided with supportive information of the importance of providing a curriculum and educational
support with drug and alcohol use and the importance of mental health. By the start of the 2024-2025 school year, students
will receive multiple different skills that will be targeted based upon the New York State Guidance Document and the
overarching data that will be provided. Students will also be provided opportunities for extracurricular activities as well as
different clubs or groups for them to associate and understand the importance of mental health. The data that is collected will
be evaluated from secondary data as well as any qualitative data that will be collected from students' responses to their mental
health as well as their alcohol and drug use. Due to secondary data collection, the data sources consist of YRBS, NYSED and
Needs assessment links:

Step 2: Advisory Panel Megan (Myself-Physical Education Teacher)

or Planning Committee Contact:
Names with roles and Address: 95 West Main St Sidney NY 13838
contact information Phone: 607.563.2135 ext. 4087
(address, phone, email) Mackensie– High School Physical Education Teacher
from needs assessment. Contact:
Phone: 607.563.2135
Address: 95 West Main St Sidney NY 13838
Jon – High School Health Teacher
Address: 95 West Main St Sidney NY 13838
Phone: 607.563.2135
Ruth and Nicole – High/Elementary School Nurse
Phone: 607.563.2135 ext. 4100
Address: 95 West Main St Sidney NY 13838
Maggie/Katie – High School Principal/Assistant Principal
Phone: 607.563.2135
Address: 95 West Main St Sidney NY 13838
Ann– High School Social Worker
Phone: 607.563.2135
Address: 95 West Main St Sidney NY 13838
Jody – High School Guidance Counselor
Phone: 607.563.2135
Address: 95 West Main St Sidney NY 13838
Tony – Director of Physical Education and Health
Phone: 607.563.2135
Address: 95 West Main St Sidney NY 13838
Jim - Director of Athletics
Phone: 607.563.2135 ext. 4740
Address: 95 West Main St Sidney NY 13838
Beth - Parent in the community
Phone: 607.563.2135 ext. 3405
Address: 95 West Main St Sidney NY 13838
Gabby - Student in the District
Address: 95 West Main St Sidney NY 13838
Phone: N/A

Step 3 & 8: Assess and Heading Line Items Internal Funding External Funding
establish a budget for
your program plan and Supplies and Meeting Supplies Meeting Supplies:
implementation Services Program Supplies 100-200
Advertising Program Supplies:
- Media 100-200
Pages 110 & 113 Advertising:
Examples Pages 114 & 250
Rental Space Rental Space:
- Conference 500
- Program

Equipment Copier Purchasing 200

Travel Staff Meeting 1,000-3,000
Data Collection
Advisory Group

Salaries Coordinator 2000

Advisory team
Tech support

Other Insurance 800

Research Fees

Step 4: Written mission To educate individuals by promoting mental health, prevention of substance misuse, and provide different means of treatment
statement for your that foster recovery while also ensuring better outcomes and access.
program plan

Step 5: Program Goals Goal:

and Objectives - By the start of the 2024-2025 school year, students will receive multiple different skills that will be targeted based
upon the New York State Guidance Document and the overarching data that will be provided. Students will also be
provided opportunities for extracurricular activities as well as different clubs or groups for them to associate and
understand the importance of mental health.

- Discuss and analyze the importance of drug and alcohol abuse and how that relates to students' mental health based
upon the survey.
- Research and find different resources that support mental health as well as finding different health education programs
that fulfill the needs of mental health and drug and alcohol use and abuse.
- Create a yearlong health education curriculum that focuses on mental health needs and drug/alcohol use. (examples of
this may be researched and supported by data from the surveys)
- Offer any professional development activities for individuals to participate in to better educate themselves on the new
health curriculum. For instance, any health education teachers as well as any teachers associated with health and
- Create different programs for individuals to participate in. These programs will include but not limited to, additional
counseling, extracurricular clubs and support systems as well as community nights to educate all.

Step 6: Theory for

program basis – To educate individuals by promoting mental health, prevention of substance misuse, and provide different means of treatment
describe the theory and that foster recovery while also ensuring better outcomes and access. The above mission statement was chosen for this specific
why it was chosen for plan because in the area the students live in poverty where resources and education may be limited. Data shows that 12.8
your plan. percent of individuals in Delaware county live in poverty compared to 12.7 percent of New Yorkers. The theory of this plan is
in place to strive towards the goal of providing students with the opportunity of expressing their mental health issues as well
as giving them opportunities for counseling or a program that promotes mental health and communication of drug and alcohol

Step 7: Promoting Mental Health and Preventing Substance Abuse Action Plan
Review other programs - The program goal is to promote mental, emotional and behavioral well-being in communities by early childhood
and generate a list of a home visitation, evidence-based behavioral kernels, good behavior games, and positive behavioral interventions and
minimum of three (3) supports
alternatives WITH
Prevent Substance Abuse and other Mental Emotional Behavioral Disorders
PROGRAM. - The goal of the program is to prevent underage drinking, non-medical use of prescription pain relievers by youth, and
Pages 112-113 Hodges excessive alcohol consumption by adults, prevent and reduce occurrence of mental, emotional, and behavioral
15 Points disorders among youth and adults, prevent suicides among youth and adult and reduce tobacco use among adults who
report poor mental health

Department of Health. Promoting Mental Health and Preventing Substance Abuse Action Plan - Recommended
Evidence-Based Programs, Policies and Practices. (n.d.).

Substance use recovery, treatment, and prevention, all in one place.

- The goal of the program is to help find support group meeting that meet students needs, provide connections to mental
health professionals, provide information on family and background, connect students to fellow peers in recovery and
being a personal advocate and cheerleader for student recovery successes.
Substance use recovery, treatment, and prevention. all in one place. Substance Use Recovery, Treatment, and Prevention. All
in one place • Student Health Services • UCF. (n.d.).

Step 9: Date Activity Responsible Party

Estimate of time for
program implementation
(CREATE A TIMELINE) Classroom teachers as well as students
Page 116 Hodges Beginning of school Students will complete the survey
10 points year (SeptemÍber (listed above)

End of October The survey will be analyzed and
(2024) discussed with the committee
members (8-10 people).

Beginning of Discuss and analyze the
November (2024) importance of drug and alcohol
abuse and how that relates to
students mental health based upon
the survey. After data is collected
and analyzed, the members of the
committee will research and find
different resources that support
mental health as well as finding
different health education
programs that fulfill the needs of
mental health and drug and
alcohol use and abuse.
Presenter: Myself, Director of Physical Education and Health,
End of November Present the needs assessment and HS Counselor, HS Principal
(2024) (Before research to the Board of
Thanksgiving break) Education and administrators. The
research and presentation needs to
involve all and any solutions as
well as how to implement the new
health education curriculum for
the upcoming school year.

Committee and Board of Education

Beginning of The committee needs to be able to
December (2024) get the health education approved
to be implemented by the
2025-2026 school year.

Health Educator, Director of PE and Health, Committee

January (2025) - Create a yearlong health
March (2025) education curriculum that focuses
on mental health needs and
drug/alcohol use. (examples of
this may be researched and
supported by data from the

HS Principal, Director of PE and Health, Superintendent

April (2025) Ask administration to offer any
professional development
activities for individuals to
participate in to better educate
themselves on the new health
curriculum. For instance, any
health education teachers as well
as any teachers associated with
health and wellness.

May-June (2025) The committee as well as others
will be working towards creating
different programs for individuals
to participate in. These programs
will include but not limited to,
additional counseling,
extracurricular clubs and support
systems as well as community
nights to educate all.

Committee and District

September (2025) Begin the yearlong health
education program with the focus
on mental health needs and drug
and alcohol use and abuse.

Step 10 & 13: Strategies and

Activities Family Engagement Night
Select Strategies and
Activities, then Example: Parent night
Kindness Club
Behavior and Learning
Objectives SADD

Pages 116-119 Hodges

20 Points
Journal Club
Component-Specific Family Engagement Night: Students will be able to state and educate the members of the community as
Behavior and Learning well as any family member on the dangers of alcohol and drug use through experiments through the
Objectives impairment goggles throughout each station. After doing so, all participants will take part in a survey and
Example: Students see if learning occurred and how to improve for any future engagement nights. Students will reach the
will educate ALL goal when they can state why the use of alcohol and drugs can affect mental health.
parents and the
community on the Kindness Club: Students will be able to unite and create a positive environment that the entire school
dangers of vaping can benefit from by spreading random acts of kindness and creating a kindness movement. This can be
through interactive done by teaching kindness, compassion, empathy, and generosity during the formative ages of
stations activities at adolescence. Students will take a survey after each month and decide what the club can do as a whole
the parent night. All to improve and how it can continue to spread kindness.
attendee’s will
participate in a brief
survey to identify SADD: Students will be able to collaborate in order to create a healthier and safer world. Students will
increase in learning, be able to engage in positive change through leadership and smart decision making. The goal of SADD is
and changes for our to create role models to younger students through different decision making activities. Students will
next night. have to demonstrate positive decision making skills and apply it in different activities that are done
throughout the year.

Journal Club: Students will be able to write down their feelings and any other events that may have
happened throughout their day. After writing down their feelings, they will be able to write down two
goals of how to improve or daily routines to help improve their mental health or decision making skills of
use of drug and alcohol use.

Step 11: Assessment Plan Summary

Summary of Evaluation - The Authentic Assessment I have created will be utilizing standards-based grading. Standard based grading is
and Assessment Plan considered an educational system that focuses on the instruction as well as the effectiveness of it. Not only that, but it
with links to plans helps determine the skills and/or standards for the specific subject such as health education and how that may affect
(Module 10-13)
Points 10
individuals drug and alcohol use (Bouchrika, 2016). Standard based grading is used to help students become
motivated about their academics as well as it helps guide teachers to create and engage meaningful lessons. Because
of this, in the lesson plan an activity was created as a skill based activity for the students to engage in. This type of
grading is proven to increase achievement in student learning. Not only that, but standard based grading fosters a
positive environment (What is Standard Based Grading, n.d). The following lesson was graded based upon NYS
standard 2 and National Standard 2. In order to justify standard based grading, students had to reflect upon a journal
prompt that reflected upon skill-based activities.
Assessment Plan Links:

Evaluation Plan Summary:

The design that will be used during this evaluation is an outcome/effectiveness evaluation. This type of design will measure
the program effects in the target population by assessing the progress in the outcomes or outcome objectives that the program
may have achieved or is achieving. When using the outcome objective program, it is important to use the program after it has
made contact with at least one person or group member from the targeted population. The evaluation process shows the
degree of effect to which the program is having on the target population’s behavior and it tells whether the program is
effective in meeting the objectives that were created for the program. The outcome evaluation focuses on whether or not the
long-term goal of the program was attained. Not only that, but Hodges and Videto state that it is also important to ensure
measurement of any unintended outcomes that arise as a result of the program (Hodges & Videto, 2011). Questions that will
be asked involve questions that are effective and relevant to the program materials.

Evaluation Plan Links:

Step 12: Bassett HealthCare Network

Cooperative Linkages A
minimum of five (5)
SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions)
agencies outside of the
school or agency you
have identified, that can NAMI (National Alliance Mental Illness)
assist you with your
implementation plan.
NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health)
Page 118
10 Points
MHANYS (Mental Health Association of New York State)

Steps 14:
You would pilot test your
implementation plan
with a small group in the
field agency or school.
Step 15:
Full implementation of
your modified program
plan based off pilot
evaluation and
assessment results.
Reflection: Finally, when submitting your template to this assignment, please reflect on the plan and how cohesively you feel you can
implement this plan in the future. Let me know any barriers you think you could face along with ways to overcome those barriers.

The Sidney Central School District is looking for ways to better improve the health of all students. After looking at the YRBS

data and any other data in the community and county students are struggling with their mental health as well as the use of drugs and

alcohol. The committee as well as the district and other community members have decided to come up with a program plan and

implementation to help the students of the district. The program first starts off with the necessity of the program which results in the

data of the community. Once this is done, the committee will have to gather the data and see what the committee can do to be

successful at the implementation. In order to do so, it is important to have the right people on the committee that can implement the

program successfully in the community and in the classroom settings. The timeline of the plan as well as the cost of the plan will be

the most important when it comes to the board and community approval. The ultimate goal of the plan is to provide resources for

students to better improve their mental health and limit the use of alcohol and drugs with proper decision making skills. In order to do

so, the program plan is to implement a new curriculum by the 2025 school year.

The timeline of the plan will be the most successful during this process. I feel as if everyone on the committee is looking for

the ultimate goal which is to better the health of the students. In order to do so, it is important that the plan has a timeline. The first

piece of the program that is needed is to review the data. Once the data is reviewed then the rest will follow. The next element is to

create a yearlong health education curriculum that focuses on mental health needs and drug and alcohol use. The curriculum that the

committee as well as any other members associated with curriculum research, can be implemented in Sidney Central School District.
A health curriculum that focuses on mental health as well as decision making skills is lacked upon in the district, therefore this is

something that will be pushed an implemented in the district.

When discussing implementation of the program, there are some barriers that may be difficult for the committee to overcome.

One issue that may be seen with the board and other members of the district may be the cost of the program. After doing research and

breaking down the cost of different elements, the total cost of the implementation of the program is estimated to be 6,000 dollars. If

this becomes a barrier to the program, the committee will be asked to write different grants to show the importance of the program and

why the students of the district may need this for their success. In order to successfully do this, it is crucial for the committee to

provide any data as well as exactly what they will be needing and the cost to be successful. The program will be successful and

implemented in future years of 2025 if the committee works together as well as provides supported data and benchmarks of when

different materials need to be reviewed and completed.

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