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Twinkl Education TIME 10:00 - 11:00

THEME World of Self, Family and Friends TOPIC All About My New Class
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to:
describe their class, including the names of their classmates, the classroom environment,
and common activities they do together.
Pupils are able to:

SUCCESS 1. Students can identify their classmates by name.

2. Students can describe at least one thing they like about their classroom.
3. Students demonstrate understanding of vocabulary related to classroom objects and
Attitude Movement (Pergerakan Mengikut
21ST CENTURY Sing Song (Nyanyi Lagu)
Games (Permainan) Think - Pair - Share (Fikir - Pasang - Kongsi)
Introduction (5 minutes):
• Greet the students and gather them in a circle or at their desks.
• Introduce the topic: "Today, we're going to talk about our class and all the fun things we do together!"
Classroom Discussion (10 minutes):
• Ask students to share what they know about their class.
❖ Guide the discussion with questions like:
❖ "Who are your classmates?"
❖ "What do you like about our classroom?"
❖ "What activities do we do together?"
❖ "What are some rules we follow in class?"
Classroom Activity (15 minutes):
• Have students create name tags for themselves using markers and paper.
• Once everyone has their name tags, ask them to stand up and introduce themselves to the class.
• Encourage each student to share one thing they like about their class or one activity they enjoy doing.
Visual Aid (10 minutes):
• Show pictures of different classroom activities (e.g., reading, drawing, playing games).
• Ask students to identify each activity and talk about whether they enjoy it or not.
• Use this as an opportunity to reinforce vocabulary related to classroom objects and activities.
Group Activity: Class Scavenger Hunt (15 minutes):
• Divide the class into small groups. Give each group a printed list of classroom items.
• Set a timer for the scavenger hunt (e.g., 10 minutes).
• Instruct groups to nd and check off as many items as they can within the time limit.
• Encourage teamwork and communication among group members.After the time is up, review the items found
by each group.
Conclusion (5 minutes):
• After the time is up, review the items found by each group.
• Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson.
• Encourage students to continue sharing and learning about their classmates and classroom environment.


☐___ / ___ pupils are able to achieve objective and will be given enrichment activity.
☐___ / ___ pupils are not able to achieve objective and will be given remedial activity.
☐ Teaching and learning activity is postponed because: -
and will be carried out next lesson.
All about my new class

My name is

and I am in class

My school is called
This is my English
teacher. She is called

This is who I sit next to.

She is called

There are children in

my class.
All about my new class

My name is

and I am in class

My school is called
This is my English
teacher. She is called

This is who I sit next to.

She is called

There are children in

my class.

Twinkl Education TIME 10:00 - 11:00
Bouncing Back to Class: Question
THEME World of Self, Family and Friends TOPIC
Cards for Conversation Practice
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to:
engage in conversation practice using question cards to enhance communication skills and
build con dence in expressing themselves.
Pupils are able to:

1. Students actively engage in conversation with their peers, taking turns asking and
answering questions.

Attitude Movement (Pergerakan Mengikut

21ST CENTURY Sing Song (Nyanyi Lagu)
Games (Permainan) Think - Pair - Share (Fikir - Pasang - Kongsi)
Engage (5 minutes):
• Start with a brief discussion about the importance of communication and how it helps us learn and understand
each other.
• Introduce the topic of the lesson: "Today, we're going to practice our conversation skills using question cards to
help us bounce back into the classroom routine.”

Explore (10 minutes):

• Divide the class into pairs or small groups.
• Distribute question cards to each group. Explain that each card contains a question related to different topics.
• Instruct students to take turns asking and answering the questions with their partner/group. Encourage them to
listen actively and respond thoughtfully.

Explain (10 minutes):

• After the activity, gather the class together.
• Ask some volunteers to share their favourite question and their partner's response.
• Discuss the importance of active listening and how it helps in effective communication.

Elaborate (15 minutes):

• Introduce a new set of question cards, but this time, allow students to create their own questions related to a
given topic.
• Encourage creativity and critical thinking as they come up with their questions.
• Once they have created their questions, have them exchange cards with another group to answer the questions.

Evaluate (5 minutes):
• Conclude the lesson by asking students to re ect on what they learned about effective communication during the
• Provide positive feedback and reinforcement for their efforts in engaging with the conversation practice.


☐___ / ___ pupils are able to achieve objective and will be given enrichment activity.
☐___ / ___ pupils are not able to achieve objective and will be given remedial activity.
☐ Teaching and learning activity is postponed because: -
and will be carried out next lesson.
Questions for Conversation Practice
1. Do you like apples or bananas better? Why?
2. Would you rather play with blocks or dolls? Why?
3. Do you like to colour with crayons or markers? Why?
4. Do you prefer playing inside or outside? Why?
5. Would you rather have a pet cat or a pet dog? Why?
6. Do you like to play in the sand or in the water? Why?
7. Would you rather have a big birthday party or a small one? Why?
8. Do you like to wear sneakers or sandals? Why?
9. Do you prefer sunny days or snowy days? Why?
10. Would you rather have chocolate ice cream or vanilla ice cream? Why?
11. Do you like to read books or listen to stories? Why?
12. Would you rather ride a bike or a scooter? Why?
13. Do you like to play with puzzles or board games? Why?
14. Do you prefer to play with friends or by yourself? Why?
15. Would you rather go to the zoo or the aquarium? Why?
16. Do you like to play with toy cars or toy trains? Why?
17. Do you prefer to play in the morning or in the afternoon? Why?
18. Would you rather have a picnic or go to a restaurant? Why?
19. Do you like to jump in puddles or avoid them? Why?
20. Would you rather have a hot dog or a hamburger? Why?
21. Do you prefer to dress up in costumes or wear regular clothes? Why?
22. Would you rather have a birthday cake or cupcakes? Why?
23. Do you like to play in the rain or stay inside? Why?
24. Would you rather have a playdate with friends or go to the playground? Why?
25. Do you like to watch cartoons or movies? Why?
26. Would you rather have a bubble bath or a shower? Why?
27. Do you prefer to play with toy dinosaurs or toy robots? Why?
28. Would you rather have a bedtime story or a bedtime song? Why?
29. Do you like to play with play dough or clay? Why?
30. Would you rather have a kite or a balloon? Why?
31. Do you prefer to colour with bright colours or pastel colours? Why?
32. Would you rather have a big cookie or a small cookie? Why?
33. Do you like to play in the grass or on the sidewalk? Why?
34. Would you rather have a picnic in the park or at the beach? Why?
35. Do you prefer to play in a sandbox or on swings? Why?
36. Would you rather have a teddy bear or a doll? Why?
37. Do you like to play with bubbles or balloons? Why?
38. Would you rather have a chocolate milkshake or a strawberry milkshake? Why?
39. Do you prefer to draw with markers or coloured pencils? Why?
40. Would you rather have a day at the zoo or a day at the amusement park? Why?
Suggestion answers
1. I like bananas better because they are sweet.
2. I prefer playing with blocks because I can build tall towers.
3. I like colouring with crayons because they have many colours.
4. I like playing outside because I can run and play with my friends.
5. I would rather have a pet dog because they are playful.
6. I like playing in the sand because I can build sandcastles.
7. I would rather have a small birthday party because I like spending time with close friends.
8. I prefer wearing sneakers because they are comfy.
9. I like sunny days because I can play outside.
10. I would rather have chocolate ice cream because it's yummy.
11. I like listening to stories because they are fun.
12. I prefer riding a bike because I can go fast.
13. I like playing with puzzles because I can solve them.
14. I like playing with friends because we have fun together.
15. I would rather go to the zoo because I can see lots of animals.
16. I like playing with toy cars because I can make them go vroom.
17. I prefer playing in the morning because I have more energy.
18. I would rather have a picnic because I like eating outside.
19. I like jumping in puddles because it's fun and splashy.
20. I would rather have a hamburger because it's tasty.
21. I like dressing up in costumes because I can pretend to be someone else.
22. I would rather have cupcakes because they are small and cute.
23. I like playing in the rain because I can wear my raincoat and boots.
24. I would rather have a playdate with friends because we can play together.
25. I like watching cartoons because they are funny.
26. I prefer having a bubble bath because I can play with bubbles.
27. I like playing with toy dinosaurs because they roar.
28. I would rather have a bedtime story because it helps me sleep.
29. I like playing with play dough because I can make shapes.
30. I would rather have a balloon because it floats.
31. I prefer colouring with bright colours because they are pretty.
32. I would rather have a big cookie because I like lots of cookies.
33. I like playing in the grass because it's soft.
34. I would rather have a picnic in the park because there's lots of space to run.
35. I prefer playing on swings because I can go high.
36. I would rather have a teddy bear because it's cuddly.
37. I like playing with bubbles because they float in the air.
38. I would rather have a chocolate milkshake because it's yummy.
39. I prefer drawing with markers because they are colourful.
40. I would rather have a day at the amusement park because there are lots of rides.
12 Mac 2024

Twinkl Education TIME 11:30 - 12:30

THEME World of Self, Family and Friends TOPIC Flags of the states in Malaysia
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to:
recognize and identify the ags of the states in Malaysia, understand their signi cance in
representing different regions.
Pupils are able to:

1. Students correctly identify at least 80% of the ags of the states in Malaysia when
presented with images.

Attitude Movement (Pergerakan Mengikut

21ST CENTURY Sing Song (Nyanyi Lagu)
Games (Permainan) Think - Pair - Share (Fikir - Pasang - Kongsi)
1. Engage:
• Introduction (5 minutes): Show the students pictures of different ags from around the world. Ask
them if they know what these ags represent and if they can recognize any of them.
• Focus (5 minutes): Introduce the concept of ags representing different countries or regions. Tell them
that just like countries have ags, states or regions within a country can have their own ags too.
2. Explore:
• Activity (10 minutes): Provide each student with a worksheet containing pictures of the ags of the
states in Malaysia. Encourage them to identify and color each ag correctly. You can also include the
names of the states for recognition.
• Discussion (5 minutes): After completing the activity, discuss with the students what they have learned.
Ask them to share any interesting facts they discovered about the ags.
3. Explain:
• Presentation (10 minutes): Display pictures of each state ag one by one and explain the signi cance
of the colors and symbols used. Provide simple explanations appropriate for primary 2 students.
• Discussion (5 minutes): Encourage students to ask questions about the ags and discuss their thoughts
on what they've learned.
4. Elaborate:
• Activity (15 minutes): Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with a blank sheet of
paper and coloring materials. Instruct them to design their own ag for a ctional state, considering what
symbols and colors they would use to represent their state.
• Presentation (10 minutes): Allow each group to present their ag design to the class. Encourage
them to explain the meanings behind their choices.
5. Evaluate:
• Assessment (10 minutes): Distribute a short quiz or worksheet containing questions about the ags of
the states in Malaysia. Include questions about the colors, symbols, and meanings of the ags.
• Discussion (5 minutes): Review the quiz answers with the class, addressing any misconceptions or
areas where further explanation is needed.
☐___ / ___ pupils are able to achieve objective and will be given enrichment activity.
☐___ / ___ pupils are not able to achieve objective and will be given remedial activity.
☐ Teaching and learning activity is postponed because: -
and will be carried out next lesson.
Write the name of the states below each flag.

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