4 Glycolysis

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Cellular Respiration

The Mitochondrion
 The “powerhouse” of the cell

 Only found in eukaryotic cells

(prokaryotic cells carry out all stages of
cellular respiration in the cytoplasm)
The folds of the inner membrane =
cristae (sing. crista)
Contain many proteins and enzymes
needed for cellular respiration

Image: http://www.saylor.org/content/BIO_Kimball/users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/C/CellularRespiration.html
Stages of Aerobic Cellular Respiration
 The breakdown of glucose can be broken down into 4 stages

1. GLYCOLYSIS- 10 steps; occurs in the cytosol

2. PYRUVATE OXIDATION- 1 step; occurs in the

mitochondrial matrix

3. CITRIC ACID CYCLE (OR KREBS CYCLE)- 8 step cyclical

process; occurs in the mitochondrial matrix


multi-step process; occurs in the cristae
Stage 1: Glycolysis
 Greek for “sugar splitting”
Glucose is oxidized to form PYRUVATE
 Occurs in the cytosol; does not require oxygen and is therefore anaerobic
Steps 1-5: Glucose is phosphorylated (substrate-level phosphorylation) to
harvest its energy
 Steps 5-10: Initial energy invested (2 ATP) is released, producing 4 ATP
2 NAD+ are reduced to 2 NADH
2 molecules of pyruvate produced
ATP can be used immediately by the cell
NADH will be oxidized back to NAD+ later in the ETC to be recycled 
* Each arrow signifies
another enzyme

(G6P) Steps 1-5: Energy investment phase

• 2 ATP are invested resulting in the
formation of two, 3 carbon sugar
(F6P) molecules called glyceraldehyde 3-
phosphate ( or G3P)

triosephosphate Steps 6-10: Energy payoff phase
• 4 ATP are produced through
substrate-level phosphorylation
phosphoglycerate (when an enzyme transfers a
phosphate group from a high energy
substrate to ADP)
phosphoglucomutase • 2 NADH molecules are produced
when NAD+ accepts H+ from G3P
• NADH molecules are a source of
enolase energy that will be used later on
in cellular respiration to
synthesize more ATP
pyruvate kinase • 2 pyruvate molecules result that still
contain the majority of the energy
available from 1 glucose molecule
Overview of Glycolysis
 10 Enzymes break down 1 molecule of glucose into 2 molecules of pyruvate
 Some high energy ATP (via substrate-level phosphorylation) and NADH are synthesized
Energy investment phase Energy payoff phase

2 ATP 4 ADP + 4 Pi 2 NAD+ The two molecules of pyruvate

produced, contain approximately 75% of
the energy found in one molecule of
C6H12O6 2 pyruvate glucose. The extraction of the remaining
glucose free energy from pyruvate continues in
the next 2 stages (pyruvate oxidation
and the citric acid cycle).
2 ADP + 2 Pi 4 ATP 2 NADH

Steps 1 to 5 Steps 6 to 10

Adapted from figure 1 p. 172

Overall Reaction
glucose + 2 ADP + 2 Pi + 2 NAD+  2 pyruvate + 2 ATP + 2 NADH + 2 H2O

2.2% of the energy in glucose was converted to ATP

Most of the remaining energy is stored in the 2 pyruvates
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