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English Colonies in America

iBook; section 2
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I. Directions; Fill in the blank using the word bank provided. Use section 2 of the iBook as a

1. A contract granted by the King or a business to start a new colony is called a _________.
2. A business made up of a group of investors who want to start a for pro!t colony in America is called
a ____________________.
3. This for-pro!t business company founded the Jamestown colony. __________
4. A form of economic system where the empire controls the trade, imports and exports of goods. It is
dependent on constant expansion and growth of new colonies. _____________________
5. A type of colonial economy where only a few crops are grown. A high risk/high reward type of
economics used in the southern colonies. __________________
6. A type of colonial economy, used in the New England and Middle colonies, where there is wide
variety of economics, such as farming, specialized labor, industry, shipbuilding and banking.

7. Name of the trade route from Europe, to Africa, to the Americas. ________________________
8. 1585-1590 English !rst a"empt to start a colony in America. It failed, and is known as the “Lost
Colony” because the se"lers disappeared. ___________
9. 1607, !rst permanent English colony in America. _____________
10. The strict leader of the Jamestown colony who kept it from failing with his tough leadership. “No
work, no food!”. ______________
11. A form of labor in the colonies where an immigrant from Europe couldn’t a#ord the journey
overseas, agreed to 5-7-year contract to work o# the journey, housing and food was called an

12. Tobacco, co"on & indigo were these types of products grown in the southern colonies for pro!t
(Singular economy). ___________________

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