Damien Sanchez Persuasive Project-Revised Draft 1

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The Importance of Acknowledging the Resources Available

Sometimes we don't acknowledge and aren't aware of the resources that are available to

us, the public. Most of us ignore and avoid resources and help that is available because it doesn't

imply to us possibly at the moment. What happens if it does later on, or if it is happening to one

of your loved ones currently? This is where it plays a critical role in understanding what is

occurring and ways you can help. It is important that we understand the resources and help

available to us and inform ourselves of the signs of the issue.

I would like to focus on sexual abuse in this writing due to the lack of acknowledgement

and awareness of this issue. In specific sexual abuse within the youth, this is an issue that is very

common, serious and it can be difficult for us to see

signs that they are going through it. According to

rainn.org, it states that, “In FY16 alone, Child

Protective Services agencies substantiated, or found

strong evidence to indicate that, 57,329 children

were victims of sexual abuse.”

It's never too late to find help and resources

for yourself or loved ones as there can be leading

effects such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, suicidal ideation, severe distress, substance use

disorder and increased risk of unplanned

pregnancy or STI’s. We need to acknowledge the

resources available such as centers and programs.

Helpguide.org states, “The trauma of being raped

or sexually assaulted can be shattering, leaving

you feeling scared, ashamed, and alone or plagued by nightmares, flashbacks, and other

unpleasant memories.” Many rape survivors feel helplessness, shame, self-blame, defectiveness,

lost of trust, and fear. These effects can last years, decades, after the abuse has stopped.

“The silence was killing me.

And that's all there ever was. Silence. It was all I knew. Keep quiet. Pretend nothing had

happened, that nothing was wrong. And look how well that was turning out.”

― J. Lynn, Wait for You

We all can play a critical role in the healing process by being understanding and patient.

Every survivor heals differently and will be willing to find resources and help at the right time.

Informing yourself with resources that are available online

can create a difference and play a critical role in helping a

survivor in their healing process. According to saprea.org

it states, “Understanding the impact of trauma can help

you make sense of some of the things you do, feel, or

experience—all of which can help reinforce that you are normal and that you aren’t alone.”

Being able to understand a survivor correctly will result in comfort and a faster healing process.

“No amount of me trying to explain myself was doing any good. I didn't even know what

was going on inside of me, so how could I have explained it to them?”

― Sierra D. Waters, Debbie.

My cousin is a sexual abuse survivor and being able to be there for her for comfort really

played a critical role, she said. I was able to use the internet to my ability in a way that I can help

and demonstrate my empathy for her. One of the biggest impactful actions was not pressuring
and giving her own time. Understanding everything that my cousin was going through deep

inside really opened my perspective of sexual abuse and the effects it can create. I was able to be

a part of my cousin's healing process and prevent/help effects that could’ve led to lifelong. My

cousin was so grateful for the amount of support and comfort she received from her family.

Taking the time to inform ourselves is truly the key to helping survivors and helping them in

their coping process.

Many survivors tend to keep their abuse a secret because they can feel ashamed, scared,

nervous, fragile, weak, etc. A survivor should never silently suffer from its long term impacts.

According to pubmed it mentions, “Such hidden abuse may have devastating effects on the

development of personal identity, self-esteem, attitudes, behaviors, and interpersonal

relationships that may persist and set a pattern for a troubled adulthood.” Finding resources and

informing yourself is crucial as you can help prevent

these longer effects on survivors, making their healing

process more faster and comfortable. Being able to

find resources can result in avoiding, recognizing and

helping sexual abuse for yourself or your loved ones.


Children and Teens: Statistics | RAINN. (n.d.).





Smith, M., MA. (2024, February 5). Recovering from Rape and Sexual Trauma. HelpGuide.org.



Saprea. (2023, November 21). Understand the issue of child sexual abuse | Saprea.


Massie, M. E., & Johnson, S. M. (1989). The importance of recognizing a history of sexual abuse

in female adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health Care, 10(3), 184–191.


Sexual Abuse Quotes (706 quotes). (n.d.). https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/sexual-abuse

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