Visual Rhetorical Analysis Final Draft

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Lamia Salsabil Rodshi

Vee Kennedy



The Power of Imagery: Analyzing Visual Rhetoric

In present times, the representation of visual communication has evolved significantly due to

advancements in technology and changes in media consumption. The digital era has provided a

new mode of reaching the target audience through the use of social media, websites, and

multimedia presentations, expanding the range of visual rhetoric. The entire process of

understanding how advertisements are represented too and presented to the audience is called

Visual Rhetorical Analysis. Visual rhetorical analysis involves examining and interpreting visual

elements, such as images, advertisements, videos, or any visual artifacts, to understand how they

communicate messages and persuade an audience.

Even though the thought and idea of visual rhetorical analysis have remained consistent over the

years, the tools, platforms, and accessibility of visual communication have evolved. This has

changed how advertisements are represented and this changes the perspective of the

advertisement towards the audience. In simple words, the target audience changes. "Bitzer

includes the possibility of multiple exigencies and constraints, but he seems to assume a solitary

rotor and a single audience." On the contrary, this quotation from the text passage of Keith

Grant-Davie expresses how the audience and the rhetoric are only one.
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“Constraints are the hardest of the rhetorical situation components to define neatly because they

can include so many different things. Bitzer devotes just one paragraph to them, defining them

as "persons, events, objects, and relations which are parts of the situation because they have the

power to constrain decision and action needed to modify the exigence.” This emphasizes the

constraints and their difficulty. This summarizes how a visual rhetorical analysis is not only

about the image but also many other factors that may influence it.

Toothpaste Advertisement

For instance, toothpaste, a crucial daily necessity, comes in a wide variety of brands and varieties

with varying tastes and nutritional compositions. One of them currently sticks out from the rest

due to how they presented their toothpaste to the audience. The company is called “closeup.”

Now, when we first look at this image. It seems clear who the target audience is and what the

product is trying to imply. Closeup toothpaste employs a visual rhetoric strategy designed to

appeal to a youthful audience through its vibrant and energetic advertising. The use of bold,

dynamic colors, such as red and white, conveys a sense of vitality and confidence. It has also
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appeared in the sense of being aesthetically pleasing. This visual rhetoric aligns with the desires

of a youthful demographic seeking both functional and aesthetic benefits from their toothpaste.

Now, when we look at this part of the image, the only collective audience for this toothpaste is

young adults and teenagers, evident in the imagery featuring smiling, attractive individuals with

flawless teeth.


This advertisement keeps in clear mind of the viewer’s emotions by the presentation of the

smiling couple with bright, radiant smiles. The choice of visuals implies that using Closeup will

not only result in excellent oral hygiene but also enhance one's overall attractiveness and self-

assurance. This was brought to an exception when the advertisements started to feature young,

diverse models showcasing their bright and confident smiles after using Closeup. By showcasing
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the transformative power of Close-Up toothpaste in enhancing smiles, the advertisement dives

deep into the viewer's desire for confidence and attractiveness.


The advertisement is also being reasoning by highlighting the product's key features and

benefits. For instance, the inclusion of phrases such as "Triple Fresh Formula" and "Advanced

Whitening Power" suggests that Close-Up toothpaste offers superior oral hygiene and teeth-

whitening properties compared to its competitors.

After all these factors are taken into consideration, the advertisement finally appeals to the last

resort, which is social media. Given the target audience, teenagers, the advertisement may

include icons or references to popular social media platforms, emphasizing the product's

relevance in the lives of teenagers who are often active on these platforms. By analyzing these

visual elements, we can gain insights into how Closeup employs visual rhetoric to connect with

its teenage audience, creating an advertisement that is not only visually appealing but also

resonates with the lifestyle of the target audience. Through its strategic visual composition and

compelling imagery, the advertisement leaves a lasting impression on the viewer, prompting

them to take action and invest in the product.

Memes: Two Faced Entertainment

Meme is a tiny part of Genz culture that spreads like wildfire, evolving and changing as it goes.

Meme is a joke but with pictures and captions instead of words. It is the way of the internet to

share laughter without any boundaries. We are going to dissect one of the internet's favorite

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The meme above, “Distracting boyfriend”, has been circulating the internet since 2017, and has

remained strong at its game. The title of the meme is given by how the meme appears to be, a

boyfriend being distracted with another lady while being with his girlfriend. This entire meme

has been targeted with two important factors, power of attention and misdirection.

The image features a guy walking with his girlfriend, but he diverts his attention toward another

woman who steals the spotlight. This subtle act of looking away introduces a humorous element.

The girlfriend also acknowledged her boyfriend’s distraction emphasizing how tense the

situation is. This part of the meme adds a layer of irony to grab the audience's attention.


The distracted boyfriend represents inconstancy and wandering attention. His gaze towards the

other woman signifies his temptation and potential infidelity. The current partner embodies
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stability and commitment. Her disapproving expression reflects betrayal and disappointment.

The other woman represents allure and novelty. Her provocative attire and confident stance

symbolize temptation and the unknown.

Cultural Context

The meme's effectiveness relies on its resonance with cultural norms and expectations

surrounding relationships and fidelity. It taps into universal themes of temptation, betrayal, and

desire, making it relatable to a wide audience.

This image has been re-used many times, in many ways where it was used to depict situations of

many instances. For example, in the example below, this image was used to depict a situation

about millennials and their obsession with avocado toast. This can be considered an inside joke

where only millennials can relate to this meme, and it might seem irrelevant to other people.

This is how memes are generally made. Despite what the real situation is, these images are used

to represent situations that are very relatable to certain groups of people only. With the use of the

internet and social media, everyone has the chance to represent their idea and vision using this

simple image, and hope that many people can relate to that event or situation.
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For this meme, the “Distracted Boyfriend”, the reality is quite different from what the image is

trying to represent. The boyfriend is quite faithful and is not even a boyfriend. These three

people in the image are three models. They were photographed by an Italian photographer,

Antonio Guillem, who said he took a series of images to represent the different types of

relationships in a fun and creative way. And among those series of pictures, this picture took a

wild hit in the year 2015. “Globally, millions of user-generated images (UGI) are shared each

minute, and the numbers are predicted to rise given the pervasiveness of online networking

platforms and mobile devices fitted with cameras.” With the use of a single camera, laughter,

and the spark of different ideas.

Ultimately, the "Distracted Boyfriend" meme transcends its initial context to become a timeless

symbol of the human condition. Whether used humorously or critically, the meme invites us to

ponder the broader implications of our actions, challenging us to confront the alluring

distractions that vie for our attention in an increasingly fast-paced and interconnected world.

In conclusion, studying visual rhetoric helps us understand how pictures and designs influence

what we think and feel. By looking closely at things like colors, symbols, and how images are

arranged, we can see how they persuade us. Learning about visual rhetoric gives us the tools to

think more carefully about the messages all around us, making us smarter consumers of media

and better able to express our own ideas.

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Works Cited

Keith Grant-Davie, Rhetoric Review, Spring, 1997, Vol. 15, No. 2 (Spring, 1997), pp. 264-279

Taylor & Francis, Ltd. Stable URL:

Bakri, Marlini, et al. “Examining Sojourners as Visual Influencers in VFR (Visiting Friends and

Relatives) Tourism: A Rhetorical Analysis of User-Generated Images.” Journal

of Travel Research, vol. 62, no. 8, 2023, pp. 1685–706,

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