Sociology Paper - 3

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Sociology Honours (paper-3)

Important Question
1.) Define Social Psychology, it's scope and relationship between sociology and social
2.) Define Motivation, its main types and and role in the development of Human
3.) Define Socialization and discuss its main agencies. Explain Cooley Theory.
4.) Describe major determinants of attitude change.
5.) Define Group and its main types. Explain the difference between primary and
secondary group.
6.) What do you understand by Culture? Explain the relationship between culture and
personality. (Personality is output of Culture. Explain.)
7.) Define Crowd, its characteristics. Write theories of Crowd Behaviour.
8.) Explain Concept of leadership, types of Leadership. Differentiate between Autocratic
and democratic leadership.
9.) Types of Rumour. Define the psychological aspect of rumour.
10.) Discuss the techniques of propaganda.
11.) Describe Formation of Public Opinion.

● Group Dynamics
● Biogenic Motive
● Rumour Tool

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