RBPT, SEC Warpora, 30.04.2024

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Noorbagh (Lane-5), New DSHO Complex, Baramulla (193101)
: 01952355424; : +91 84939 69585; : dilsrhbla@gmail.com


Dr Tauseef Ahmad Malik Clinician: Dr Asif (M VSc) Incharge: Altaf Hussain Bhat
MVSc (Vet Clin Med) Veterinary Assistant Surgeon Phone number: 9797292921
Laboratory Officer (Baramu lla) SDB: Dangerpora SEC: Warpora
Phone number: 8493969585 Phone number: 7006082563 Owner: Faizan Ah. Mir
Ref: DIL/ Bla/2024-25/27 Ref: VAS/Dpr/ 2024-25/41-42 R/O: Hathlangoo , Warpora
Date of dispatch: 30.04.2024 Dated: 27.04.2024 Phone number: 9149813431


Case history/Anamnesis of the animal/s or flock sampled ***

Date of collection of samples 27.04.2024
Date of receipt of samples at DIL Baramu lla 30.04.2024
Total number of samples received 11
Type of samples received Seru m
Type of samples used for laboratory analysis Seru m
Date of testing of laboratory samples 30.04.2024
Any special test/investigation requested by the clinician/owner ***


Laboratory Officer
Disease Investigation Laboratory
Noorbagh Baramu lla
I. Rose Bengal Plate Test

Ti me of
Conditi on of Conditi on of
S.No. Tag/Brand No. Species Sex Age Test result reaction
sample recei ved sample tested
1 F1 Ovine Female *** Clear Clear +ve ≤4
2 F2 Ovine Female *** Clear Clear +ve ≤4
3 F3 Ovine Female *** Clear Clear +ve ≤4
4 F4 Ovine Female *** Clear Clear +ve ≤4
5 F5 Ovine Female *** Clear Clear +ve ≤4
6 F6 Ovine Female *** Clear Clear +ve ≤4
7 F7 Ovine Female *** Clear Clear +ve ≤4
8 F8 Ovine Female *** Clear Clear +ve ≤4
9 F9 Ovine Female *** Clear Clear +ve ≤4
10 F10 Ovine Female *** Clear Clear +ve ≤4
11 RAM Ovine Male *** Clear Clear +ve ≤4

II. A note to the Clinician:

a) The Rose Bengal Plate Test (RBPT), in principle, is essentially a serological variant of plate/slide
agglutination test (visible clu mping observed in ≤4 minutes) in which killed Gram negative bacilli
namely Brucella abortus organisms stained with acidified Rose Bengal dye (containing 0.95g/ L of
Sodiu m azide as a preservative and buffered at pH=3.6) are used as antigen for direct detection of
Brucella agglutinins / antibodies in the serum of the suspected ruminant animal (A m. J. vet res, 18:
550(1957); J A m Vet Med Assoc: 151: 1778(1967); Co mp . Immune M icrobiol Infect Dis, 1 107
b) This Antigen is reactive with both immunoglobulin G (detected earlier especially in subclinical
infections) and immunoglobulin M.
c) It is a quick yet inexpensive and highly effective test for screening of the livestock for Brucellosis,
with a d iagnostic specificity sometimes approaching 100% (OIE, 1995).
d) No test is 100% sensitive and/or specific. RBPT has a tendency to give False Negative results (WHO
Tech. Rep. Ser., 740 (1986) 62-63; J. Clin. Microbiol., 36 (1998) 1425-1427; Proc. Final Res. Coord.
Meet. FAO/IAEA/SIDA, Austria (1990) 151-162) due to low antibody titres, observer bias and
prozone phenomenon.
e) Many biochemical conditions such as vaccination with strain-19, Covid-19 infections, Tularaemia
infections, Yersinia enterocolitica O:9 infections, Escherichia coli infections, Salmonella group N
(O:30) infections and Hyperbilirubinaemia may affect the reaction results; however Hemoglobin levels
and Lipaemic conditions do not seem to be among the interfering factors.
f) Disease Investigation Laboratory Baramulla publishes results keeping in view the probabilit ies of false
positive and false negative results arising due to a plethora of factors as can be imagined under a given
set of field and/or laboratory conditions. The results published by DIL Baramu lla must be carefully
compared and correlated with the pertinent clinical signs and symptoms in the animal/s under
investigation. In case the test results do not seem to be complying with the clinical picture, the a nimals
can be resampled and retested at DIL Srinagar using ELISA fo r confirmation (J. Bacteriol. Res., 1 (3)
(2009) 30-33; Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 37 (2013) 1-5) to provide a better clinical understanding of the
investigative process.

III. A note to the Breeder/Owner/Animal Attendant:

a) The RBPT test when performed under standard, controlled conditions can yield highly specific results.
Once the sera samples submitted to the Disease Investigation Laboratory Noorbagh Baramu lla are
declared as showing a Brucellosis positive reaction to the test antigen, the infected animals have to be
disposed off to stop the infection from spreading to other animals and humans However it can also
spread by other routes such as by consuming raw infected milk fro m ru minants, handling infected
animal t issues such as uterine secretions, placentae and fetuses or by entering skin wounds, cuts or
intact mucous memb ranes and handling infected laboratory samp les .
b) In animals it causes poor reproductive performance such as abortions, still births, retention of
placenta, repeat breeding and decreased libido in males . So me an imals may recover, parturate normally
and produce offspring folowing treatment with antibiotic drugs. However, they may continue shedding
the Brucellotic bacilli for a pro longed period thereafter.
c) Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease, meaning that it can infect and clinically affect humans as well,
causing a febrile disease known as Undulant Fever wherein it causes severe debilitating problems such
as fatigue, irregular fever, headache, asthenia (Weakness, weight loss), profuse sweating (foul s melling
perspiration), chills, mig ratory arthralgia (sacroilit is, osteomyelit is, spondylodescitis, septic arthritis,
epidural abscess), infertility (Epid idy mo-Orchitis), ly mphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, blindness
(uveitis, keratoconjunctivitis, iridocyclitis, optic neuritis, cataract) and death (pericardit is,


Laboratory Officer
Disease Investigation Laboratory
Noorbagh Baramu lla

…….because diagnosis is everything…….

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