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Summer Training Report


Study Of Sales And Marketing At IFortis Worldwide

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for the Award of the

Degree of Bachelors of Business Administration (2021-2024)

Under the Supervision of: Submitted By:

Dr. Shallu Aggarwal Shambhavi Sandilya

University Enrollment No. 13314701721

Student Declaration

This is to certify that I,Shambhavi Sandilya have completed the Summer Training Report titled
“Study Of Sales And Marketing At IFortis Worldwide” under the guidance of “DR. Shallu
Aggarwal” in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of Degree of BBA at Maharaja
Agrasen Institute of Management Studies, Delhi. This is an original piece of work & I have not
submitted it earlier elsewhere.

Signature :

Name of the Student : Shambhavi Sandilya

University Enrolment NO.: 133134701721

Program : Bachelor's of Business Administration

Batch : 2021-2024

Date :


Signature :

Name of Internal Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Shallu Aggarwal

Designation :

Date :

Training Certificate


Guidance, inspiration and motivation have always played a key role in the success of any
venture. I would like to pay my sincere regards to all those who guided me in my project work.

I would like to avail this opportunity to pay my sincere gratitude and regards to Prof.(Dr.) Rajni
Malhotra Dhingra, Director and Dr. Manoj Verma, HOD, Business Administration, Maharaja
Agrasen Institute of Management Studies for providing me such a wonderful opportunity to
widen the horizons of my knowledge. I would also like to express my heartfelt thanks to my
Project Supervisor Dr. Shallu Aggarwal, <DESIGNATION> for giving her support, guidance
and encouragement throughout the project work.

Last but not the least I would like to thank my parents, family and friends who have directly or
indirectly contributed in making this project a success.

Name of the Student : Shambhavi Sandilya

University Enrolment No.: 13314701721

Program & Section : Bachelor’s of Business Administration, 5C

Batch : 2021-2024

Executive Summary

The summer training project undertaken encapsulates a comprehensive exploration of real-world

business operations. The project focused on analysing the marketing strategies of a prominent

consumer goods company, delving into market research, competitor analysis, and consumer
behavior trends. Key focus areas include market analysis, customer engagement, and
implementing data-driven sales strategies. Through this hands-on experience, I gained practical
insights into the dynamic landscape of modern business and developed crucial skills in data
interpretation, strategic thinking, and effective communication. This project not only enriched
my theoretical knowledge but also provided a valuable platform to apply classroom learning to
actual business scenarios, enhancing my overall academic and professional growth.

The summer training project revolved around an immersive study of supply chain management
within the retail sector. The project aimed to dissect the logistical intricacies of a leading retail
chain, investigating inventory management, distribution networks, and operational efficiencies.
Engaging with real-world challenges, I honed my problem-solving abilities, learned to navigate
complex business environments, and gained a deeper appreciation for the importance of
streamlined operations. This practical endeavor not only expanded my comprehension of supply
chain dynamics but also fostered a holistic understanding of how businesses operate, positioning
me to excel in future endeavors within the realm of business administration.

Table Of Contents

Contents Page No.

Student Declaration
Training Certificate
Executive Summary

Chapter 1- Introduction

Chapter 2- Company Profile

Chapter 3- Research Methodology
Chapter 4- Data Analysis and Interpretation
Chapter 5- Conclusion and Suggestions


What is Marketing?

Marketing refers to activities a company undertakes to promote the buying or selling of a

product or service. Marketing includes advertising, selling, and delivering products to consumers
or other businesses. Some marketing is done by affiliates on behalf of a company. Professionals
who work in a corporation's marketing and promotion departments seek to get the attention of
key potential audiences through advertising. Promotions are targeted to certain audiences and
may involve celebrity endorsements, catchy phrases or slogans, memorable packaging or graphic
designs and overall media exposure.

Understanding Marketing

Marketing as a discipline involves all the actions a company undertakes to draw in customers
and maintain relationships with them. Networking with potential or past clients is part of the
work too, and may include writing thank you emails, playing golf with prospective clients,
returning calls and emails quickly, and meeting with clients for coffee or a meal. At its most
basic level, marketing seeks to match a company's products and services to customers who want
access to those products. Matching products to customers ultimately ensures profitability.

4 P’s Of Marketing

Product, price, place, and promotion are the Four Ps of marketing. The Four Ps collectively make
up the essential mix a company needs to market a product or service. Neil Borden popularized
the idea of the marketing mix and the concept of the Four Ps in the 1950s.


Product refers to an item or items the business plans to offer to customers. The product should
seek to fulfill an absence in the market, or fulfill consumer demand for a greater amount of a
product already available. Before they can prepare an appropriate campaign, marketers need to
understand what product is being sold, how it stands out from its competitors, whether the
product can also be paired with a secondary product or product line, and whether there are
substitute products in the market.


Price refers to how much the company will sell the product for. When establishing a price,
companies must consider the unit cost price, marketing costs, and distribution expenses.
Companies must also consider the price of competing products in the marketplace and whether
their proposed price point is sufficient to represent a reasonable alternative for consumers.


Place refers to the distribution of the product. Key considerations include whether the company
will sell the product through a physical storefront, online, or through both distribution channels.
When it's sold in a storefront, what kind of physical product placement does it get? When it's
sold online, what kind of digital product placement does it get?


Promotion, the fourth P, is the integrated marketing communications campaign. Promotion
includes a variety of activities such as advertising, selling, sales promotions, public relations,
direct marketing, sponsorship, and guerrilla marketing. Promotions vary depending on what
stage of the product life cycle the product is in. Marketers understand that consumers associate a
product’s price and distribution with its quality, and they take this into account when devising
the overall marketing strategy.

Structure of Indian Marketing

Indian markets and economic structure are as varied as it's diverse and pluralistic ways of life.
However, the basics — supply - demand - supply cycles -with a significant influence of
monsoons, play important role. Please consult plenty of materials, fully researched, available in
the internet.

The Indian microfinance sector has experienced fundamental changes in the structure of
ownership and management of microfinance institutions (MFIs). The current study seeks to
evaluate the competition level of the Indian microfinance sector during the period 2005–2017
and attempts to find the cause-and effect relationship between concentration and competition.
Furthermore, it analyzes the performance of leading MFIs to explore if there is evidence of
exploitation of clients by these institutions. The study is the first of its kind with explicit focus on
the market structure of the Indian microfinance market. The study uses unbalanced panel data
sets generated from the microfinance information exchange (MIX) data source. The
representative sample includes firm specific data of 127 MFIs of different legal statuses and
sizes. The dynamic equation model is estimated applying the difference generalized methods of
moments (GMM). The results of the empirical investigation find a rise in the concentration with
a decrease in competition in the Indian microfinance market during recent years. Intense
competition in the past and introduction of new regulations in the wake of sectoral crisis are
responsible for this transition. High concentration gives large MFI market powers to exploit the
customers. However, the study fails to find any evidence of any such exploitation from the
conduct of the leading MFIs. The survey highlights the potential connection between the drop in
the competitiveness of the sector and the first appearance of new regulations in light of the

sectoral crisis. It is imperative that regulators keep a tight vigil on the operations of leading MFIs
and take necessary actions to ensure a healthy competitive environment in the sector.
Furthermore, existing rules should be modified to help small MFIs as they play a very crucial
role in the fulfilment of the primary objective of the microfinance.

Microfinance was initiated with the objective to alleviate poverty by income-generating small
loans to the unbanked poor. The success was recognized by the world, as evidenced with the
United Nations (UN) declaring the year 2005 as the ‘International Year of Microcredit’. In the
very next year, 2006, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh
and its founder Dr Muhammad Yunus. This led to the commercialization of the sector which
speed up the sectoral growth rate. The success of microfinance institutions (MFIs) with high
repayment rates led to many commercial entities and mainstream financial institutions operating
in microfinance. The funding for microfinance is no more solely dependent on grants and
subsidized loans. Microfinance institutions are raising funds from commercial sources and many
institutions have become self-sustainable. These advances changed the very nature of the sector
all over the world.

The Indian microfinance sector, one of the leading markets in the world, has also experienced
fundamental changes in the structure of ownership, control, and management of modern-day
MFIs, as well as in changing stakeholder commitments (Nair, 2010). The sector has expanded
enormously over the last 2 decades. However, the sector also witnessed its greatest ever shock,
the Andhra Pradesh crisis, during 2005–2017. The crisis brought numerous regulations in
response, which altered the dynamics of the Indian microfinance market. It is crucial to analyze
the effect of these developments in the market structure on the competitiveness of the sector.

Table 1 depicts the Herfindahl–Hirschman Index (HHI) and the kth concentration ratio of the
Indian microfinance sector. The calculation is based on asset size. The concentration of top 10
MFIs remains about three fourths of the total assets throughout the period with an increasing
trend in later years. Out of these top 10 MFIs, the top five MFIs hold more than half of the entire
assets of the sector. The values of the HHI index show an overall declining trend during the
period 2005–2011.

However, during 2012–2017, the index depicts an increasing trend. In 2016, 80 per cent of the
total assets are owned by the top 10 MFIs and, out of which the top five MFIs hold 66 per cent of

the total assets. All these statistics point out towards an increase in the process of consolidation
with few MFIs holding the major share of the business. The current study attempts to measure
the competition level in the Indian microfinance sector in the light of the rise in the consolidation
of the sector during 2005–2017.

Goals Of Marketing

The goals of marketing encompass a range of objectives aimed at promoting a product, service,
or brand, and ultimately contributing to the overall success of the organization. The specific
goals may vary based on the nature of the business, industry, and market conditions. Here are
some common goals of marketing:

• Build Brand Awareness:

Increase recognition and familiarity with the brand among the target audience to enhance

• Generate Leads:

Attract potential customers and initiate interest in the products or services offered.

• Drive Sales:

Contribute to the revenue generation by influencing and facilitating the purchase decision-
making process.

• Increase Market Share:

Expand the business's presence in the market and gain a larger share compared to competitors.

• Enhance Customer Engagement:

Foster meaningful interactions and relationships with customers through various channels.

• Educate the Market:

Provide information about products or services to help customers understand their features,
benefits, and applications.

• Differentiate from Competitors:

Highlight unique selling points and competitive advantages to stand out in the market.

• Improve Customer Loyalty:

Encourage repeat business and brand advocacy by delivering consistent value and positive

• Launch New Products or Services:

Successfully introduce and promote new offerings in the market.

• Optimize Marketing ROI:

Ensure that marketing efforts deliver a positive return on investment by maximizing the
efficiency of campaigns.

• Enhance Online Presence:

Improve visibility and engagement on digital platforms through strategies like search engine
optimization (SEO) and social media marketing.

• Understand Customer Needs:

Gather insights into customer preferences, behaviors, and needs to tailor marketing strategies

• Create Compelling Content:

Develop engaging and relevant content that resonates with the target audience.

• Build Credibility and Trust:

Establish the brand as a trustworthy and reliable choice in the eyes of consumers.

• Adapt to Market Changes:

Stay agile and responsive to evolving market trends and consumer behaviors.

• Measure and Analyze Performance:

Utilize metrics and analytics to assess the effectiveness of marketing strategies and make data-
driven improvements.

• Expand Market Reach:

Identify and explore new markets or segments for potential growth opportunities.

• Support Sales Efforts:

Provide sales teams with the necessary tools, materials, and information to facilitate the selling

• Social Responsibility and Impact:

Contribute to social and environmental causes, reflecting positively on the brand image and
resonating with socially conscious consumers.

By pursuing these goals, marketing efforts aim to create a strong market presence, connect with
the target audience, and drive sustainable business growth.

Types Of Marketing

Marketing revolves round the needs of consumers. All marketing efforts are put to meet
manifold needs of the customers. Consumer is the king in modern marketing concept. Consumer
needs are shaped by culture, society, family, work group or the like. Any change in surroundings
will affect the need and consumption pattern of consumer.

Marketing as a discipline is constantly evolving. The existing concepts are analyzed and updated
to suit the current economic and social trends. Newer concepts also emerge as a result of
technological innovations and marketing research. The older marketing theories which were
widely accepted a few decades ago are no longer relevant in today’s scenario.

The requirements of the contemporary marketing environment necessitate the development of

new practices and theories that will help organizations in successfully marketing themselves in
modern times.

The different types of marketing are as follows:

• Green Marketing
• E-Marketing
• Social Marketing
• Service Marketing
• Holistic Marketing
• Direct Marketing
• Internal Marketing
• External Marketing

1. Green Marketing

Green marketing, also known as environmental or sustainable marketing, is an approach that

focuses on promoting products and services that have environmentally friendly attributes. The
goal of green marketing is to encourage consumers to make more sustainable choices and to
reduce the overall environmental impact of consumption.

Here are some key principles and aspects of green marketing:

• Product Lifecycle Assessment (PLA):

Principle: Green marketing involves assessing the environmental impact of a product throughout
its entire lifecycle, including raw material extraction, production, distribution, use, and disposal.
Application: Companies should strive to minimize the negative environmental effects at each
stage of the product lifecycle and communicate these efforts to consumers.

• Sustainable Sourcing:

Principle: Green marketing emphasizes the use of environmentally friendly and sustainably
sourced materials.
Application: Companies can promote products made from recycled materials, responsibly
sourced wood, or other sustainable resources.

• Energy Efficiency and Conservation:

Principle: Green marketing encourages the use of energy-efficient technologies in the production
and use of products.
Application: Companies can highlight energy-saving features in their products and promote
energy conservation practices.

• Waste Reduction and Recycling:

Principle: Green marketing promotes the reduction of waste generation and the use of recyclable
Application: Companies can design products with minimal packaging, encourage recycling, and
provide information on how to properly dispose of their products.

• Transparency and Credibility:

Principle: Green marketing requires transparency about a company's environmental practices and
a commitment to credibility.
Application: Companies should provide accurate and verifiable information about their eco-
friendly initiatives, certifications, and achievements to build trust with consumers.

• Educational Campaigns:

Principle: Green marketing involves educating consumers about the environmental impact of
their choices and the benefits of choosing sustainable products.
Application: Companies can engage in marketing campaigns that raise awareness about
environmental issues and promote the benefits of making green choices.

• Certifications and Standards:

Principle: Green marketing often involves adhering to recognized environmental certifications

and standards.
Application: Companies can obtain certifications like Energy Star, Fair Trade, or Forest
Stewardship Council (FSC) certification to validate their commitment to sustainability.

• Long-Term Perspective:

Principle: Green marketing encourages businesses to adopt a long-term perspective on

environmental sustainability rather than focusing solely on short-term gains.
Application: Companies should invest in research and development to create innovative and
sustainable solutions for the future.

• Consumer Engagement:

Principle: Green marketing seeks to engage consumers in the sustainability journey and
encourage them to be part of the solution.
Application: Companies can involve consumers through initiatives such as eco-friendly
challenges, product take-back programs, or feedback mechanisms.

• Continuous Improvement:

Principle: Green marketing requires a commitment to continuous improvement in environmental

Application: Companies should regularly assess their environmental impact, set targets for
improvement, and communicate their progress to stakeholders.

By adhering to these principles, businesses can integrate environmental sustainability into their
marketing strategies, meet consumer demand for eco-friendly products, and contribute to a more
sustainable and responsible marketplace

2. Electronic Marketing

Electronic marketing, or e-marketing, refers to the use of digital channels and technologies to
promote products and services. It encompasses a wide range of online activities and strategies
aimed at reaching and engaging target audiences. E-marketing leverages the internet and electronic
devices such as computers, smartphones, and tablets to connect with consumers.

Here are the principles of e-marketing:

• Digital Presence:

Establish a strong online presence through a website, social media platforms, and other digital
Ensure that your online presence reflects your brand identity and values.

• Target Audience:

Identify and understand your target audience.

Tailor your e-marketing strategies to appeal to the specific needs and preferences of your target

• Content Marketing:

Create valuable, relevant, and engaging content that resonates with your audience.
Use various content formats such as articles, blog posts, videos, infographics, and more to convey
your messages.

• Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

Optimize your website and online content for search engines to improve visibility and rankings.
Use relevant keywords, meta tags, and other SEO best practices to enhance your online presence.

• Email Marketing:

Build and maintain an email subscriber list.

Send targeted and personalized email campaigns to nurture relationships with your audience,
promote products, and provide valuable information.

• Social Media Marketing:

Leverage social media platforms to connect with your audience.

Create and share engaging content, run social media advertising campaigns, and interact with
followers to build brand loyalty.

• Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising:

Use paid advertising models, such as Google Ads, to drive targeted traffic to your website.
Set budget limits and carefully select keywords to optimize the effectiveness of your PPC

• Analytics and Data Analysis:

Implement tools and analytics platforms to track and measure the performance of your e-marketing
Analyze data to gain insights into customer behavior, campaign effectiveness, and overall ROI.

• Mobile Optimization:

Ensure that your online content and campaigns are optimized for mobile devices.
With the increasing use of smartphones, it's essential to provide a seamless experience for mobile

• User Experience (UX):

Focus on creating a positive and user-friendly experience on your website and digital platforms.
Optimize website navigation, page load times, and overall design to enhance user satisfaction.

• Security and Privacy:

Prioritize the security of customer data and ensure compliance with privacy regulations.
Build trust with your audience by implementing secure online transactions and clearly
communicating your privacy policies.

• Adaptability and Innovation:

Stay current with industry trends and technology advancements.

Be flexible and ready to adapt your e-marketing strategies to changing market conditions and
consumer behaviors.

By following these principles, businesses can create effective e-marketing strategies that reach and
engage their target audience in the digital landscape.

3. Social Marketing

Social marketing is a strategic communication and behavior change approach that aims to
influence individuals and communities to adopt beneficial behaviors for the greater social good. It
applies marketing principles to address societal issues and promote positive change. Unlike
commercial marketing, which seeks to sell products or services, social marketing focuses on
promoting behaviors, attitudes, and practices that enhance well-being and benefit society as a

Here are the key principles of social marketing:

• Consumer Orientation: Social marketing begins with a thorough understanding of the target
audience, including their needs, attitudes, and behaviors. By adopting a consumer-centric
approach, social marketers can tailor their interventions to resonate with the target audience.
• Behavioral Focus: The primary goal of social marketing is to promote positive behavioral
change. This involves identifying specific behaviors that contribute to societal issues and
developing strategies to encourage the adoption of healthier, more beneficial behaviors.
• Insight and Research: Social marketers conduct in-depth research to gain insights into the
target audience's motivations, barriers, and influencers. This research guides the development
ofeffective communication strategies and interventions
• Segmentation: Target audiences are not homogenous; they vary in terms of demographics,
psychographics, and behaviors. Social marketers use segmentation to divide the population
into smaller, more manageable groups, allowing for more targeted and customized
• Exchange Theory: Social marketing often leverages the concept of exchange, where
individuals weigh the benefits and costs of adopting a behavior. Marketers seek to enhance the
perceived benefits and reduce the perceived costs to encourage behavior change.
• Marketing Mix (4Ps):

Product: In social marketing, the "product" is the behavior or action being promoted. The goal is
to make the desired behavior attractive and beneficial.
Price: The "price" refers to the perceived costs associated with adopting the behavior. Social
marketers aim to minimize real and perceived barriers to change.
Place: This involves making the behavior accessible and convenient for the target audience. It
includes considerations of where and when the behavior can occur.
Promotion: Communication strategies are employed to raise awareness, create interest, and
motivate the target audience to adopt the desired behavior.

• Communication Strategies: Effective communication is crucial in social marketing.

Messages should be clear, persuasive, and tailored to the target audience. Various channels,
including social media, traditional media, and community engagement, may be utilized.
• Feedback and Evaluation: Social marketing campaigns should incorporate mechanisms for
ongoing feedback and evaluation. Monitoring and evaluation help assess the effectiveness of
interventions and inform adjustments for continuous improvement.
• Ethics: Social marketers must adhere to ethical standards and ensure that interventions do not
harm the target audience or contribute to social inequalities. Transparency and honesty in
communication are essential.
• Long-term Perspective: Social marketing recognizes that behavior change takes time.
Sustainable change often requires ongoing efforts, and campaigns may need to be adapted to
evolving social and cultural contexts.

By applying these principles, social marketing aims to address complex social issues and
contribute to positive societal change. It has been successfully employed in areas such as public
health, environmental conservation, and community development.

4. Service Marketing

Service marketing refers to the activities and strategies that organizations use to promote, sell
and deliver intangible services to consumers. Unlike physical products, services are intangible
and often involve a customer experience. Therefore, marketing services requires a different
approach compared to marketing tangible goods.

Here are some key principles of service marketing:

• Intangibility:

Services are intangible, meaning they cannot be seen, touched, or felt before purchase. This
makes it challenging to convey the value of the service to potential customers. Marketers need to
focus on creating a tangible representation of the service through branding, communication, and
customer testimonials.

• Inseparability:

Services are often produced and consumed simultaneously, and the customer is often involved in
the service delivery process. This creates a direct interaction between the service provider and
the customer. Managing this interaction and ensuring a positive experience is crucial in service

• Variability:

Services are highly variable because they are often delivered by people, and human performance
can vary. Maintaining consistency in service quality is a challenge, and marketers need to
implement processes and training to minimize variability and ensure a consistent customer

• Perishability:

Unlike physical products, services cannot be stored. They are perishable and must be consumed
at the time of production. This creates challenges in managing demand and capacity. Marketers
need to develop strategies to match supply and demand, such as pricing incentives during off-
peak times.

• Customer Involvement:

Customers often play a role in the service delivery process. Their participation can impact the
overall service experience. Service marketers need to understand customer needs, preferences,
and expectations to tailor services accordingly. Building strong relationships with customers is
crucial for long-term success.

• Relationship Marketing:

Given the intangible and interactive nature of services, building and maintaining long-term
relationships with customers is essential. Relationship marketing focuses on creating customer
loyalty through personalized communication, excellent service, and ongoing support.

• People as a Key Asset:

In service marketing, employees are a crucial component as they directly interact with
customers. Hiring, training, and motivating employees to deliver exceptional service is vital.
Employees become a key part of the brand and contribute significantly to the overall customer

• Service Blueprinting:

Service blueprinting is a tool used to visually map out the service delivery process, identifying
key touchpoints and interactions between customers and service providers. This helps in
understanding the customer journey and optimizing service processes.

• Service Quality:

Service quality is a critical factor in service marketing. Marketers should focus on consistently
delivering high-quality services to meet or exceed customer expectations. Tools like
SERVQUAL (Service Quality) model are often used to measure and improve service quality.

• Word of Mouth and Referral Marketing:

Due to the personal and experiential nature of services, word of mouth plays a significant role in
service marketing. Positive customer experiences lead to recommendations and referrals, making
customer satisfaction a key marketing tool.

In summary, service marketing involves addressing the unique characteristics of services,

managing customer interactions, and creating positive customer experiences. Success in service

marketing requires a customer-centric approach, effective communication, and the ability to
consistently deliver high-quality services.

5. Holistic Marketing

Holistic marketing is a comprehensive approach to marketing that considers and integrates all
aspects of a business to create a unified and seamless experience for customers. It goes beyond
traditional marketing strategies by incorporating various elements such as internal marketing,
integrated marketing, relationship marketing, and societal marketing. The goal of holistic
marketing is to build strong and long-lasting relationships with customers while considering the
broader impact on society and the environment.

Here are the key principles of holistic marketing:

• Integrated Marketing:

Holistic marketing emphasizes the importance of integrating various marketing elements such as
advertising, public relations, sales promotion, direct marketing, and online marketing. The idea is
to create a consistent and unified message across all channels to enhance the overall customer

• Internal Marketing:

Employees are considered internal customers, and their satisfaction is crucial for delivering a
positive customer experience. Holistic marketing recognizes the importance of aligning the
internal culture, values, and behavior of employees with the external marketing efforts to ensure
a consistent brand image.

• Relationship Marketing:

Building and maintaining long-term relationships with customers is a core principle of holistic
marketing. This involves understanding customer needs, providing personalized experiences, and
fostering loyalty. Relationship marketing goes beyond transactional interactions and focuses on
creating emotional connections with customers.

• Socially Responsible Marketing:

Holistic marketing acknowledges the impact of business activities on society and the
environment. Companies are encouraged to adopt ethical business practices, contribute to social
causes, and minimize their environmental footprint. Socially responsible marketing considers the
broader consequences of marketing decisions on all stakeholders.

• Performance Marketing:

Holistic marketing emphasizes the importance of measuring and analyzing the performance of
marketing strategies. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are used to evaluate the effectiveness of
marketing efforts and make data-driven decisions for continuous improvement.

• Customer-Centric Approach:

Understanding and meeting customer needs is at the core of holistic marketing. This involves
conducting market research, gathering customer feedback, and adapting marketing strategies to
align with customer preferences. The focus is on creating value for customers and addressing
their concerns.

• Brand Consistency:

Maintaining a consistent and cohesive brand image is crucial in holistic marketing. This
consistency extends across all touchpoints, including advertising, product packaging, customer
service, and online presence. A strong and consistent brand helps build trust and recognition.

• Innovative and Creative Thinking:

Holistic marketing encourages creativity and innovation in developing marketing strategies. This
involves thinking outside the box, exploring new ideas, and staying ahead of market trends.
Innovative approaches can set a business apart from competitors and resonate with customers.

By adopting these principles, businesses can create a holistic marketing strategy that not only
attracts and retains customers but also contributes positively to the overall well-being of society
and the environment.

6. Direct Marketing

Direct marketing is a form of advertising where organizations communicate directly with

customers through a variety of media including mail, email, social media, and other promotional
channels. The goal is to promote products or services to a targeted audience and elicit a specific,
measurable response.

Here are the key principles and components of direct marketing:

• Targeted Audience:

Identification of Target Market: Direct marketing begins with the identification of a specific
target audience. This could be done based on demographics, psychographics, behavior, or a
combination of these factors.
Segmentation: The target audience is often divided into segments based on common
characteristics. This allows for more personalized and effective communication.

• Database Management:

Data Collection: Direct marketing relies heavily on accurate and up-to-date customer data. This
includes information such as names, addresses, contact details, purchase history, and preferences.
Database Maintenance: Regular updates and maintenance of the database are crucial to ensure
that the information remains current and accurate.

• Personalization:

Customized Communication: Direct marketing aims to deliver personalized messages to
individuals or specific segments of the audience. This customization is based on the data
collected about each recipient.
Relevance: Messages should be relevant and resonate with the recipient, addressing their specific
needs or preferences.

• Multi-Channel Integration:

Utilization of Various Channels: Direct marketing is not limited to a single channel. It can
include direct mail, email, social media, SMS, and more. Integration across multiple channels
ensures a comprehensive and effective campaign.

• Clear Call-to-Action (CTA):

Specific and Measurable Action: Each direct marketing message should include a clear and
compelling call-to-action. This could be making a purchase, filling out a form, subscribing to a
newsletter, etc.
Easy Response Mechanism: The response mechanism should be simple and easy for the recipient
to follow, whether it's a phone number to call, a website to visit, or a coupon to redeem.

• Testing and Analytics:

A/B Testing: Direct marketers often conduct A/B testing to compare different versions of a
campaign element (e.g., subject lines, offers) to determine the most effective approach.
Analytics and Measurement: Robust analytics are used to measure the success of a campaign.
Metrics such as response rates, conversion rates, and return on investment (ROI) help evaluate

• Compliance with Regulations:

Data Protection and Privacy: Direct marketers must adhere to data protection and privacy
regulations. Obtaining consent for data usage and ensuring compliance with laws like GDPR
(General Data Protection Regulation) is critical.

• Customer Relationship Management (CRM):

Building Long-Term Relationships: Direct marketing is not just about one-time transactions; it
focuses on building long-term relationships with customers. CRM systems help manage and
nurture these relationships over time.

• Feedback and Continuous Improvement:

Feedback Mechanisms: Direct marketing campaigns should include mechanisms for collecting
feedback from customers. This information is valuable for making improvements to future
Continuous Evaluation: Marketers should regularly evaluate the performance of their direct
marketing efforts and adjust strategies based on insights gained from data analysis.

By adhering to these principles, organizations can create effective and targeted direct marketing
campaigns that engage customers and drive desired actions.

7. Internal Marketing

Internal marketing, also known as employee marketing or in-house marketing, is a set of

strategies and activities aimed at promoting and aligning employees with the values, goals, and
objectives of an organization. The focus is on treating employees as internal customers,
recognizing their importance in achieving external marketing and business objectives. Effective
internal marketing can lead to improved employee satisfaction, engagement, and overall
organizational performance.

Here are some principles and key aspects of internal marketing:

• Employee-Centric Approach:

Internal marketing starts with recognizing employees as internal customers. It emphasizes

understanding and meeting their needs, expectations, and motivations.
Employees should be treated as valued stakeholders in the organization, and efforts should be
made to create a positive and engaging work environment.

• Clear Communication:

Transparent and effective communication is crucial. Employees should be well-informed about

the company's mission, vision, values, and goals.
Regular communication channels, such as newsletters, intranet, team meetings, and town hall
sessions, should be utilized to keep employees updated and engaged.

• Employee Training and Development:

Investing in employee training and development not only enhances individual skills but also
contributes to the overall growth of the organization.
Employees should be given opportunities to acquire new skills, attend workshops, and participate
in ongoing learning programs.

• Recognition and Rewards:

Recognizing and rewarding employee contributions fosters a positive work culture. It can be in
the form of verbal praise, awards, bonuses, promotions, or other incentives.
A well-structured recognition and rewards system helps in boosting employee morale and

• Employee Involvement:

Encouraging employee involvement in decision-making processes fosters a sense of ownership

and commitment.
Soliciting feedback and ideas from employees not only improves the decision-making process
but also enhances employee satisfaction and engagement.

• Alignment with Brand Values:

Internal marketing should align with the overall brand values and image of the organization.
Employees who identify with the brand are more likely to become brand ambassadors.
It's essential to ensure that employees understand and embrace the values and culture of the

• Cross-Functional Collaboration:

Encourage collaboration and communication between different departments and teams. Cross-
functional collaboration can lead to innovative solutions and a more cohesive work environment.
Team-building activities and events can help break down silos and improve internal

• Measuring and Monitoring:

Regularly assess and measure the effectiveness of internal marketing strategies. Use employee
surveys, feedback mechanisms, and key performance indicators to gauge employee satisfaction
and engagement.
Monitoring the impact of internal marketing efforts allows for continuous improvement and

• Leadership Involvement:

Leadership plays a crucial role in internal marketing. Leaders should exemplify the values they
want employees to embrace and actively participate in internal communication and engagement
Leading by example helps build trust and credibility among employees.

• Continuous Improvement:

Internal marketing is an ongoing process. Organizations should continuously evaluate and

improve their strategies based on changing internal and external factors.
Adaptability and flexibility in internal marketing efforts ensure that they remain effective over

8. External Marketing

External marketing, also known as outbound marketing, refers to the activities a company
undertakes to promote its products or services to potential customers outside of its organization.
This type of marketing is aimed at reaching a wider audience and generating leads or sales.
External marketing can take various forms, including traditional advertising, public relations,
direct mail, and digital marketing.

Here are some principles and aspects of external marketing:

• Understanding the Target Audience:

External marketing begins with a clear understanding of the target audience. Marketers need to
identify the demographics, interests, and behaviors of the audience they want to reach.

• Developing a Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

A USP is a distinctive feature or benefit that sets a product or service apart from its competitors.
External marketing should highlight this unique selling proposition to attract the attention of
potential customers.

• Clear Communication:

External marketing messages should be clear, concise, and compelling. Whether it's through
advertising, press releases, or digital content, the communication should convey the value of the
product or service in a way that resonates with the target audience.

• Consistency Across Channels:

Companies often use multiple channels for external marketing, including print media, television,
radio, online advertising, and social media. It's essential to maintain a consistent brand message
and image across all these channels to build a strong and unified brand identity.

• Utilizing Various Marketing Channels:

External marketing involves reaching out to potential customers through various channels. This
may include traditional channels like TV, radio, and print, as well as digital channels such as
social media, email marketing, search engine marketing, and display advertising.

• Building Brand Awareness:

External marketing plays a crucial role in building and enhancing brand awareness. The goal is
to make the brand memorable and recognizable, so customers think of it when they are in need of
products or services in a particular category.

• Measuring and Analyzing Results:

Marketers need to track the performance of their external marketing efforts. This involves
measuring key performance indicators (KPIs) such as reach, engagement, conversion rates, and
return on investment (ROI). Analyzing these metrics helps in refining future marketing

• Adapting to Market Changes:

External marketing strategies should be flexible and adaptable to changes in the market,
consumer behavior, and technology. Marketers should stay informed about industry trends and
be ready to adjust their approach accordingly.

• Compliance with Regulations:

External marketing efforts should comply with relevant laws and regulations. This includes
advertising standards, data protection laws, and industry-specific regulations.

By adhering to these principles, companies can develop effective external marketing strategies
that connect with their target audience and contribute to business growth. Keep in mind that the
effectiveness of external marketing can vary based on the industry, target audience, and overall
business goals.

Advantages Of Marketing

Marketing is a crucial aspect of business that involves various activities aimed at promoting and
selling products or services. The advantages of marketing are extensive and play a significant
role in the success and growth of a business. Here are some detailed advantages of marketing:

• Increased Sales:

One of the primary objectives of marketing is to boost sales. Effective marketing strategies help
businesses reach a wider audience, generate leads, and convert them into customers, leading to
increased sales and revenue.

• Brand Recognition and Loyalty:

Marketing helps build brand awareness, making consumers more familiar with a company's
products or services. Consistent and positive brand exposure contributes to brand loyalty,
encouraging repeat business and customer retention.

• Market Expansion:

Marketing facilitates the expansion of the market by reaching new customer segments or
entering new geographical areas. This can lead to increased market share and a broader customer

• Competitive Advantage:

Effective marketing strategies enable a company to differentiate itself from competitors.
Highlighting unique selling propositions (USPs) and showcasing value propositions can give a
business a competitive edge in the market.

• Customer Education:

Marketing helps in educating consumers about products or services, their features, benefits, and
uses. This information is crucial for making informed purchasing decisions, especially in
industries with complex or innovative products.

• Product Development and Improvement:

Customer feedback obtained through marketing efforts can be valuable for product development
and improvement. Understanding customer needs and preferences allows businesses to enhance
their offerings and stay relevant in the market.

• Cost Efficiency:

Targeted marketing campaigns are more cost-effective than broad, untargeted approaches. By
focusing efforts on specific demographics or market segments, businesses can optimize their
marketing budgets and achieve better returns on investment (ROI).

• Relationship Building:

Marketing is not only about transactions but also about building relationships with customers.
Engaging in two-way communication through social media, email, and other channels fosters a
sense of community and trust.

• Innovation Promotion:

Marketing encourages innovation as businesses strive to create new and improved products or
services to meet changing customer demands. The need to stay competitive often drives
companies to innovate and stay ahead of the curve.

• Data Collection and Analysis:

Marketing activities generate valuable data about customer behavior, preferences, and market
trends. Analyzing this data allows businesses to make informed decisions, refine their strategies,
and adapt to changing market conditions.

• Economic Growth:

A thriving marketing ecosystem contributes to economic growth by stimulating demand, creating

jobs, and fostering entrepreneurship. Healthy competition in the marketplace benefits both
businesses and consumers.

In summary, marketing is a multifaceted tool that goes beyond just selling products or services.
It's about creating value for customers, building relationships, and strategically positioning a
business for long-term success in the marketplace.

Disadvantages Of Marketing

While marketing is a crucial aspect of business success, there are several disadvantages or
challenges associated with it. Here are some common disadvantages of marketing:

• Costs:

Marketing can be expensive, especially for small businesses with limited budgets. Advertising,
promotions, and other marketing activities often require significant financial investment.

• Uncertain ROI:

It can be challenging to measure the return on investment (ROI) for certain marketing activities.
Determining the direct impact of marketing efforts on sales or brand awareness is not always

• Saturation:

In some markets, there can be saturation, where numerous competitors are vying for the attention
of the same target audience. This makes it harder for a company to stand out and reach its
potential customers effectively.

• Ethical Concerns:

Some marketing practices may be perceived as unethical, leading to negative public perception.
Examples include deceptive advertising, manipulation of emotions, or targeting vulnerable

• Customer Resistance:

Consumers are becoming increasingly resistant to traditional forms of advertising. Ad-blockers,
spam filters, and the ability to skip or ignore ads can make it difficult for marketers to reach their

• Rapid Technological Changes:

The marketing landscape is continually evolving with advancements in technology. Keeping up

with new tools and platforms can be challenging for businesses, and failure to do so may result in
losing touch with the target audience.

• Risk of Miscommunication:

There is always a risk of miscommunication or misinterpretation of marketing messages. A

poorly executed campaign or messaging that is not well-received by the target audience can harm
a brand's reputation.

• Dependency on External Factors:

External factors such as economic conditions, cultural shifts, or changes in consumer behavior
can significantly impact the success of marketing efforts. Businesses may struggle to adapt
quickly to these changes.

• Short-Term Focus:

Some marketing strategies may focus on short-term gains rather than building long-term
customer relationships. This can lead to a lack of brand loyalty and sustainability.

• Legal and Regulatory Challenges:

Marketers need to navigate various laws and regulations related to advertising, data privacy, and
consumer protection. Non-compliance can result in legal consequences and damage the brand's

It's essential for businesses to carefully plan and execute their marketing strategies, considering
these disadvantages and mitigating potential risks to ensure a more effective and ethical


What is IFortis?

IFortis Corporate has grown into one of India's leading Corporate. In its infancy, IFortis was in
the business of IT Services & Marketing Services. As time evolved, dependence on the
technology began to hinder IFortis's ability to guarantee competitive pricing and provide
innovative services.

IFortis also noticed the lack of communication that had become an industry standard. As a
result, a strategic decision was made to set up its own headquarters in India in order to better
satisfy the needs of IFortis's customers.Based upon demographic and geographic research,
IFortis chose India, as the location to begin it's facility. As time went on, IFortis's principals of
transparency, timely communication, quality of services and competitive pricing allowed for
significant expansion. As a result, IFortis is now one of India's leading corporate.

To build trust among various stakeholders and also the customers, employees , local
communities and business partners, the only way to look up at this is ethical management.

Practicing fair and transparent corporate management is the only aim of IFortis Corporate.
IFortis Corporate continues training its employees and operates monitoring systems.

It also conducts events namely Arise and Aarambh which has its name in ‘International book of
Records' and it was the world’s and India’s largest youth festival. It provided internships in
the field of HR, marketing and sales, Android developer, Full Stack developer, project
manager, senior iOS developer.

IFortis Worldwide is a subsidiary of American Ruler Private Limited. Since its infancy,

IFortis Worldwide has believed in a continual evolution. It has not only expanded its horizon
from providing technical to managerial services, but also has taken this platform worldwide
in order to better satisfy the needs of its customers with an aim to become one of the most
leading companies of the world.

With IFortis Worldwide, strategies, builds nifty technology and develops a market that
supports modernized processes for businesses as well as produce new mediums that help in
generating fast revenues for start-ups or established businesses alike.

A steadfast and proven software process coupled with a certain methodology can be your
company9s key to success. With a head-strong team of self-reliant women, IFortis Worldwide
delivers IT projects to businesses and technical solutions along with intuitive services in sales
and marketing consultancy that improve business efficiency.

It believes that ethical management is not only a tool for responding to the rapid changes in
the global business environment, but also a vehicle for building trust with its various
stakeholders including customers, employees, business partners and local communities.
With an aim to become one of the most leading companies in the world, IFortis Worldwide
continues to train its employees and operate monitoring systems, while practicing fair and
transparent corporate management. As a result, IFortis Worldwide is now one of India’s
leading corporations

Divisions in which IFortis works:

• Digital
• IT services
• Consultancy
• Sales and Marketing

Founder of the company

Rohit Naidu, the CEO of IFortis Worldwide, the largest women-led organization in India, has
been vividly promoting the idea of self-reliance among women through his bold yet
thoughtful women program initiative. The self-made young entrepreneur is an optimistic soul
and a zealous confidence cultivator for all students and women worldwide. With 98% women
joining his grand expedition and 124+ global clients, his company, as well as his intellectual
initiatives, are set to leave their mark globally.

Rohit Naidu is an immensely dedicated individual and an eminent global corporate citizen.
He is always up for a challenge and is never belittled by one. Instead of breaking his will, the
coronavirus pandemic has only encouraged him to overcome societal and environmental
issues such as poverty, hunger, unemployment, and growing inequality in workspaces for
women. The pandemic gave him a lot of time to reflect on his life and goals, and ultimately,
motivated him to become a capable entrepreneur.

The young and successful entrepreneur has always been eager to learn from people,
experiences, and vigorous market research. He believes eagerness to learn from practical life
situations paves way for some incredibly innovative and highly effective management ideas.
“I am very goal-driven", says the venturesome entrepreneur and CEO of IFortis Worldwide.

CEO of IFortis Worldwide, Naidu, has always been consistent about cultivating the right
skill-set of qualities and values in people who join him.

From employees to students, he ensures they all work towards a sustainable future that is
ready to face stressful situations such as the coronavirus pandemic more confidently. He
plans on cultivating eco-friendly management and youthful ventures to fulfil his
responsibility towards society. IFortis Worldwide, a subsidiary of American Ruler Private
Limited, is a well-established, Tirunelveli-based company which provides top-notch HR
Consultancy, Information Technology, and Marketing services to clients across the globe.

Naidu shares that his team of women leaders and his family have been the most encouraging

factors during the company’s expansion phase. He looks up to his inspiration, the chairman of
Augustan Group, Mr Aathimoolam Naidu’s life and work whenever he is low on motivation.
Under Rohit Naidu’s leadership, IFortis continuously launches exclusive evidence-based
programs for young entrepreneurs, especially for women across the globe. These
revolutionary entrepreneurship programs are for women, youth, and men alike. Mainly
because Naidu believes practiced learning and well-structured experiments are the best way
to train and develop today’s generation.
One such brilliant initiative by him is the IFortis Worldwide HR Traineeship program. The
exclusive women’s program targets ambitious and career-driven women across the globe.
The program helps self-reliant women get hands-on experience in recruiting cycle, man-
management, and employee relations. It gives them a golden opportunity to represent
themselves as the women ambassadors of IFortis Worldwide.

Deepti Mehta, working as an Marketing Officer at IFortis Worldwide, says, “The Sales and
Marketing traineeship
programme at IFortis has helped me become the best version
of myself. At IFortis, one can learn about the various skills that are important in our career
growth. The company has made me shed all inhibitions and made me a strong, independent,
and confident woman. It provided me with a platform to have one-to-one as well as group
conversations where I could open up easily. In short, joining IFortis was the best decision of
my life, and I’m sure this is going to help me in the long run.”

Ameera Hasan, another trainee at IFortis, says, “The HR traineeship

programme at IFortis Worldwide gave me a golden opportunity to work in one of India's
leading firms and polished my communication and administrative skills. I feel honoured to
have been working in IFortis Worldwide under the guidance of Rohit sir. His exemplary and
visionary mentorship made everything easier to grasp and inspired me to do better every day.
From learning new skills, polishing existing ones, and gaining new experiences, my time at
IFortis Worldwide has provided me with a strong foundation for my future endeavours.”

Many women have achieved their dream life, just like Deepti Mehta and Ameera Hassan.
They have successfully broken through the age-old chains of confinement. They have paved

the way for equally recognized and fortunate corporate lives just as their male counterparts.
The initiative has given strong and determined women a stirring level of leadership.
Rohit Naidu, CEO of IFortis Worldwide, and a self-made entrepreneur, is set on expanding
his company and fulfilling his social responsibility, especially towards women, through his
continuous and strenuous efforts.

Business module of IFortis

IFortis believes businesses have a responsibility to contribute to a sustainable future for work, for
the workers and for the world. IFortis is driven to lead by example, and it is guided by everything
it does by its values by its Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and the Sustainable
Development Goals.

This is how IFortis attracts and retain the best talent and creates a culture of conscious
inclusions that fosters innovations, enables high performance and allows everyone to achieve
their potential.

• Respect the dignity and diversity of individuals.

• Compete fairly in accordance with law and business ethics.
• Make customer satisfaction our top priority.
• Make efforts for the improvement of the ‘quality of life’ of our employees.
• Pursue eco-friendly management.

• Build relationships of co-existence and co-prosperity with business partners.

• Mission of the company:

IFortis is stepping into Apparel Manufacturing Industry (Textile & Manufacturing Industry) with
an ambitious mission to create more employment opportunities for women & youth across India

and helping them to become self-reliant with an obsessive focus on the quality, worker's safety &
welfare, social responsibility.

Vision of the company:

The clear vision of IFortis is: To be a global firm of uniquely skilled executives who can build a
better future. Principles of IFortis make it clear for the people working in the company about the
values to be looked upon. They respect the dignity and diversity of individuals.

Goal of the company:

The goal of IFortis is to develop integrated values, to create economic value by maximizing
profits and shareholder value while also taking on a greater social role as a global citizen.

Strategic Objectives of IFortis corporate:

• Create more employment for women and youth.

• Workers safety and welfare responsibility.
• Improved productivity motivation and retention.

• Reduced corporate training time and increase return on investment.

Work Culture of the company:

A company’s work culture is basically its overall personality. It9s a combination of a variety
of elements that create an intangible ecosystem where people can work to the best of their
capabilities and creative skills.

IFortis Worldwide is a subsidiary of American Ruler Private Limited. Since its infancy,

IFORTIS WORLDWIDE has believed in continual evolution. It has not only expanded its
horizon from providing technical to managerial services, but also has taken this platform
worldwide in order to better satisfy the needs of its customers with an aim to become one of
the most leading companies of the world.

The company believes that ethical management is not only a tool for responding to the rapid
changes in the global business environment, but also a vehicle for building trust with its various
stakeholders including customers, employees, business partners and local communities. With
an aim to become one of the most leading companies in the world, IFORTIS WORLDWIDE
continues to train its employees and operate monitoring systems, while practicing fair and
transparent corporate management. As a result, IFORTIS WORLDWIDE is now one of India’s
leading corporations.

• Team work and collaboration

Employees are continuously encouraged to work as a team, have each other’s back, and bring
the best outcomes in every project. When people feel supported and know that someone has
their back, they’re able to do great things.

• Flexible work environment

The company provides flexible work timings as well as enough time to complete the tasks. It
also provides employees the option to work from home.

• Moderate stress
There is moderate work pressure in day-to-day tasks that need to be performed by the
employees. Ifortis Worldwide has positive work culture that significantly reduces workplace
stress and helps to boost both the health and performance of employees at work.

• Feedback for Mentoring

The company believes in making feedback sharing a regular practice creates a transparent
work environment where everyone helps each other to get the most of their abilities.

• Self-Evaluation
Weekly reports about the work progress helped interns to evaluate themselves and their
performance. It gave an overall evaluation about the weekly tasks, challenges faced while doing
the same, the steps taken to overcome those challenges, as well as the things that one learnt.

• Clear communication
Positive work culture facilitates social interaction and open communication that led everyone
to some amazing results in the future. The company has a well-structured and clear channel of

Events Organised by the company:

IFortis organizes various virtual events for all age groups. These are the following events:
• Arise
• Abhimaan
• Aarambh
Events that were held during the internship period were Arise and Aarambh.


The 1st edition of the ARISE "World´s First & Largest Virtual School Carnival" by IFORTIS
WORLDWIDE was held on 25th & 26th August 2023. Bringing together the dazzling
school age students, from all over the world and providing the spotlight to make it beam even
brighter! The event consisted of numerous competitions wherein the students got an
opportunity to showcase their talent.


The special edition of the AARAMBH "World´s First & Largest Virtual Youth Festival" by
IFORTIS WORLDWIDE was held on 21 September 2023. It brought together the dazzling
school age students, from all over the world and provided them the spotlight to make it beam
even brighter!

The participants were provided with a dashboard after their successful registration for the
contest wherein all the further details were mentioned. The participant could access their
welcoming kit, profile, deadline for submission as well as they could also share the link for
collecting votes. They could further track the number of votes.

Names of various contests held in these events were:

• Dance Contest
• Singing Contest
• Art Contest
• Photography
• Speech Writing
• Story Writing
• Slam Poetry
• Talent Show
• Fancy Dress
• Young Scientist Challenge

• Rap Battle
• Standup Comedy
• Fashion Show
• Magic Show
• Solution for tomorrow


Research Methodology

Research is one of the most vital part of the survey and is related to collection of information and
knowledge. Marketing Research is defined as the systematic design, collection, analysis, and
reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company.

Research Design

A research design is the set of methods and procedures used in collecting and analysing
measures of the variables specified in the problem research. The design of a study defines the
study type (descriptive, correlational, semi-experimental, experimental, review, meta-analytic)
and sub-type (e.g., descriptive-longitudinal case study, hypotheses, independent and dependent
variables, experimental design), and, if applicable, data collection methods and a statistical
analysis plan. A research design is a framework that has been created to find answers to research


• To study the role of Corporate Sector

• What type of partners and Investors are associated with the company.
• How they co-relate with the partners and clients.
• Why the investors and advisors needs to choose this organization.
• Company’s structure and business policy.
• How they approach the clients.
• The key areas where the company focuses the most.

Scope of this Study

The research is applicable in the area of customer perception towards the Sales and Marketing
strategies used by IFortis Worldwide. The scope of research also helps in understanding the
preferences of the customers. It would help us to study the factors which makes an impact on the
decisions made by the company. This will help IFortis to improve their business model and
design their marketing strategies to tap the potential customers/market. For this purpose, Delhi
NCR was selected and the data was collected through a structured questionnaire.

Type of Study: Descriptive method

This research is completely based on the description of the demographic factors that lead to the
customer decision making process and their perception towards Smart Hotels. It is basically
valued on the various parameters which include personal details of customers, their occupation,
income levels etc. Here the need is to find parameters which describe the consumer satisfaction
levels most effectively.

Sources of Data Collection

The source of data is Primary data. Primary data is collected with specific objective, especially to
address the research problem. The data is gathered by distributing a questionnaire to the people
chosen beforehand (Biased Sampling).

Sample Size

The sample size for the study is 64 respondents.

Sampling Techniques

• Probability Sampling is a sampling technique in which sample from a larger population are
chosen using a method based on the theory of probability. For a participant to be considered
as a probability sample, he/she must be selected using a random selection. Some of its type
are :

Simple random sampling: as the name suggests is a completely random method of selecting the
sample. This sampling method is as easy as assigning numbers to the individuals (sample) and
then randomly choosing from those numbers through an automated process.

Stratified Random sampling: it involves a method where a larger population can be divided into
smaller groups, that usually don’t overlap but represent the entire population together. While
sampling these groups can be organized and then draw a sample from each group separately.

Cluster random sampling: it is a way to randomly select participants when they are
geographically spread out. For example, if you wanted to choose 100 participants from the entire
population of the U.S., it is likely impossible to get a complete list of everyone. Instead, the
researcher randomly selects areas (i.e. cities or counties) and randomly selects from within those

• Non-probability sampling is a sampling technique where the odds of any member being
selected for a sample cannot be calculated. It’s the opposite of probability sampling, does not
involves random selection and relies on the subjective judgment of the researcher. Some of
its type are :

Convenience Sampling: as the name suggests, this involves collecting a sample from somewhere
convenient to you: the mall, your local school, your church. Sometimes called accidental
sampling, opportunity sampling or grab sampling.

Haphazard Sampling: where a researcher chooses items haphazardly, trying to simulate

randomness. However, the result may not be random at all and is often tainted by selection bias.

Purposive Sampling: where the researcher chooses a sample based on their knowledge about the
population and the study itself. The study participants are chosen based on the study’s purpose.

So, in this report Convenience Sampling from the population was used as a sampling technique.
All are selected according to convenience. This technique was used so that data could be
collected swiftly and begin the calculations. Very little preparations were needed to use this
technique for collection. The data was readily available to collect and technique was found cost


The tools used for analysing data are rating method; graphs, pie charts etc. Questionnaire is
distributed to the individual respondents and special care has been taken to make him/her feel
comfortable so that, he/she could answer all the questions. This method is followed to get
unbiased answers.

Techniques of Analysis

The data collected from the customer are analyzed by statistical tools by drawing tables and
graphs, Interpretation were drawn on a marketing concept and conversation. Based on the
respondent’s choices findings of the research were driven and recommendations were made.


• The consumers were very reluctant to answer the questions.
• Lack of previous research studies on the topic.
• The study cannot be concluded completely with such a small sample size.
• Time and resources constraints.



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