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MES languages school Science department primary 4

1)........ and ...... can be used in the electric power station to generate electricity
a. Coal and oil. b. Wind and Gasoline. c. Water and coal
2)..... causes the movement of the turbine in the electric power station
a. Water. b. Coal. c. Steam
3) When the fuel is burned , it produces....... energy
a. Kinetic. b. Thermal. c. Electric
4) ........ changes kinetic energy into electric energy in electric power station
a. Turbine. b. Generator. c. Lamp
5) inside electric power station, heating of ...... produces steam.
a. Turbines. b. Fuel. c. Water
6) Air pollution is usually caused due to ...... of fuel
a. Freezing. b. Cooling. c. Burning
7) Smog causes irritation of ...... and ....... of humans
a. Eyes and stomach b. Eyes and lungs. c. Lungs and stomach
8) acid rain is formed when ........ gas combined (mixed) with the water of rain.
a. Carbon dioxide. b. Oxygen. c. Nitrogen
9) Fossil fuels need ....... to be formed
a. Hundreds of years. b. Millions of years. c. Fifteen years
10) Water and wind are ........ sources of energy
a. Non renewable b. Renewable c. Limited amount

MES languages school Science department primary 4

11) The solar energy changed into …… in the greenhouse.

A. Thermal energy. B. Electric energy. C. Kinetic energy
12) Both water and wind have ……. Energy
A. Kinetic. B. Light. C. Thermal
13) ……. Used from hundreds of years to crush grains
A. Wind mill. B. Water turbine C. Wind turbine
14) Modern wind turbines have blades ……. Than old wind mills
A. More. B. Less. C. Same
15) We must conserve fossil fuel by……………….
a. using bicycles instead of cars
b. using cars instead of bicycles
c. turn on all lights
16) from the disadvantages of windmill is ………………………….
a. low cost b. wind doesn’t blow c. renewable resource
17) increasing the amount of carbon dioxide can cause ………………
a. acid rain global warming c. a and b
18) ……………….. used to cook food by using the energy of sun
a. concave mirror b. solar heater c. solar panel

Put true or false:

1. Water is non-renewable source of energy ( )
2. The amount of fossil fuel is limited on earth ( )

MES languages school Science department primary 4

3. We must turn off light, that we don’t need ( )

4. Water falls are renewable resource ( )
5. The modern wind turbine the shorter than old windmill ( )
6. Solar panel consists of small solar cells ( )
7. Greenhouse grows plants that need cold climate ( )
8. Solar water heater is placed at the top (roof) of house ( )
9. Natural gas is renewable source of energy ( )
10. The kinetic energy of water can move the wind turbine ( )

Scientific terms:
1. A natural resource that takes a short to be renewed in nature ( )
2. A natural resource that takes a very long time to be replaced in nature ( )
3. A device changes the kinetic energy into electric energy in the electric power
station ( )
4. A device produces the kinetic energy to turn the generator ( )
5. A gas released , when fossil fuel is burned ( )
6. A type of rain that can kill fish and trees ( )
7. The increase in temperature of earth that caused by carbon dioxide ( )
8. The gas that tarps heat and increase the earth’s temperature ( )
9. A phenomenon of increasing of the temperature of earth ( )
10. A system that is damaged due to breathing the smog ( )
11. It causes irritation of eyes and lungs and damage the respiratory system ( )
12. It causes soil and water pollution when farmers use it ( )
13. A type of fuel that causes air pollution when they are burned ( )
14. A renewable resource of energy ( )
15. A panel that changes solar energy into electric energy ( )
16. A type of energy produced from the sun and carried by sunrays ( )
17. mill use the kinetic energy of wind ( )

MES languages school Science department primary 4

18. A mill use the kinetic energy of water ( )

19. A turbine use the kinetic energy of wind to generate electricity ( )
20. A turbine use the kinetic energy of water to generate electricity ( )
21. A type of electric energy generated by the water turbine ( )
22. A type of dam that is used to generate electricity ( )
23. The energy of the wind that used to rotate the blades ( )
24. The energy generated from the water turbine or wind turbine ( )
25. A mirror use the sunlight to cook food ( )
26. A glass house used to plant crops that need warm climate ( )
27. A natural movement of air produced due to the difference in temperature
between hot and cold air ( )
28. A device changes the solar energy into thermal or heat energy to heat the water
( )

1. Fossil fuels that are used in electric power station are considered as ……………
of energy
2. Water is ……………… resource of energy while oil is ……………….. resource of
3. When water is heated in electric power station, it produces ……………….
4. Generator changes ………….. into ………………energy
5. Burning of fossil fuel produce ………….. energy, while the movement of turbine
produces …………… energy
6. Smog causes …………….. of eyes and lungs, while pesticides cause ………..
pollution and ………….. pollution.
7. Burning of fossil fuel produces ……………….. gas
8. Acid rain causes death of ………… and …….. fish.

MES languages school Science department primary 4

9. Global warming increases the ……………… of earth, because ……… gas tarps
10. …………. Resource of energy cost a lot of money
11. Both ……………. And ……………….. used from hundreds of years to crush grains
12. The movement of water and wind produce ………… energy to generate
………….. energy
13. The solar energy coming from the ………….. ,while …………. Energy is carried by
14. Greenhouse changes radiant energy into ……………… energy to plant crops
that only grow in ……….. climate
15. Solar panels changes ………… energy into …………. energy
16. Wind blows due to the difference in …………… between cold and hot air
17. When the ………… energy of wind increases, the speed of blades will …………….
18. The number of blades of wind mill …….. than the modern wind turbine
19. Modern wind turbine is ………. Than old wind mill
20. Renewable resources are ……………,………………. And ……………..
21. The type of electric energy produces by the flowing water is called ………..
22. Hydroelectric dam increase the …………… energy of water
23. In water cycle the first process is ………….. then ………………. And finally ………….
24. Evaporation is the change from …………. Into ............…... while condensation is
the change from ……………… into …………………..
25. Clouds is forms due to the ……………. Process

Give a reason for the following:

1) Oil and coal (fossil fuel) are a non-renewable resources of energy?
2) Water and wind are a renewable resource of energy?

MES languages school Science department primary 4

3) Generator is very important in the electric power station or the generator has
an important role?
4) We must turn of lights when we don’t need?
5) Smog has a bad or negative effect on the human health?
6) We must decrease the usage of pesticides?
7) Acid rain has a bad effect on the environment?
8) Burning of fossil fuel causes global warming?
9) Burning of fossil fuel causes acid rain?
10) Some devices have a solar panel?
11) Farmer use the green house?
12) From hundreds of year ago, people used the windmill and water mill?
13) We can’t see the sun at night, but we can feel warm?
14) Sometimes, we can’t use the wind turbine (become useless)?
15) Hydroelectric dam are built on the river?
16) Water turbine are placed in Waterfalls areas?

MES languages school Science department primary 4


What happens if?

1. The generator is damaged?
2. Pesticides mixed with water and soil?
3. Water of rain mixed with the carbon dioxide gas?
4. The carbon dioxide gas increases in air? ( concerning the earth temperature)
5. We don’t conserve fossil fuels?
6. Sunlight falls on the solar panel?
7. The kinetic energy of wind increases?
8. The radiant energy enters the greenhouse?
9. The wind doesn’t blow in the wind turbines area?


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