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Rules and Procedure Manual

Haylee McCullough
Student Teaching
EDUC 474
Table of Contents
Letter to Family (Page 3)

Classroom Rules (Page 4)

Classroom Procedures (Page 5-10)

Classroom Rewards (Page 11)

Classroom Consequences (Page 12)

Rules and Procedures Contract

(English and Spanish) (Page 13-14)
Dear Families,

My name is Ms. McCullough. I want to express how excited I am to be your

child’s teacher this school year. I am a graduate of Stetson University with a
bachelor's degree in Elementary Education. While at Stetson I had the
opportunity to intern in kindergarten, third, and fourth grade. When I am not
teaching, I enjoy reading, going to the beach, and cooking.

I am excited to grow and learn alongside your child! My goal for this school year is
to fill your children with a lots of love, lots of kindness, lots of laughter, and a mind
that continues to want to grow and explore the world. I will continuously work to
build a safe, positive environment for all my students. In my classroom, we will
create a family who will help and care for each other. I believe relationships foster
the best learning environments, therefore, we will spend our time creating our
classroom family.
This manual reflects the ins and outs of the rules and procedures that will be in the
classroom every day. It is my classroom management plan. Our rules apply
throughout the day, unless stated otherwise to ensure the safety of our students.
Our procedures are the expected behavior students have throughout specific parts
of our day. I expect each student to be kind and ready to learn every single day!

In our class, we will have rewards and consequences as a result of how students
follow the rules and procedures throughout the day and week. Students may be
rewarded individually or as a whole class. Consequences will be implemented when
necessary. All students are expected to follow these rules and procedures.

I can’t wait to see how much your child will grow this year. If you have any
questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at
Best wishes,

Ms. McCullough
Classroom Rules
Be kind to others in our class by
saying please, thank you, excuse me,
and practicing patience.

Listen attentively when the teacher and

other students are speaking by having
eyes on speaker, mouth closed, and sit
up straight.

Keep your hands, feet, and elbows to


Be prepared for class this looks like this:

Turning in your homework to the bin
Having your supplies at your table
which include pencils, erasers,
crayons, glue sticks, and scissors
Completing your morning work at
your seat until Morning Meeting Time

Morning Arrival
1. Line up outside of the door and
choose your greeting to start your
2. Hang up your backpack in your area
3. Place the homework folder on top of
your desk.
4. Get ready for the morning meeting
and find your spot on the rug.

Hi Parents, here is an example of

choices each student can pick from
each morning.
Classroom Procedures

Morning Meeting
1. Walking feet to your spot on the rug.
2. Crisscross apple sauce hands in your lap.
3. Eyes are watching.
4. Ears are listening.
5. Ready for meeting time

Hi Parents, here is our class

buddy. He reminds us how we
sit on the carpet.
Classroom Procedures

Signals for class

1. Figure out what it is you need to ask.
2. Look at the poster on the wall for the
3. Quietly lift your signal in the air and wait
for me to see.

Hi Parents, here is an example

of the hand signals we can use
in class.
Classroom Procedures

Lining up
1. When called by me, line up by your
2. Walking feet to your spot in line.
3. Face forward and hands behind your
4. Bubbles in your mouth.
5. Walking feet in the halls, keeping hands,
and feet to yourself.
Hi Parents, here is an example
of how we standing line and act
in the hallway.
Classroom Procedures

1. Grab your center folder.
2. Sit down at your first center.
3. Work at a level 1 or 2 voice with your
4. When you hear the music, clean up your
5. Grab your folder, stand up, push in your
chair, and wait to rotate.
6. Place folder in the basket at the end of
center rotations.

Hi Parents, here is an example

of our center expectations.
Classroom Procedures

Cleaning up your table

1. Look all around our table.
2. Pick up all trash around your table area
and put it in a pile on your desk.
3. Make sure it's ready for the trash helper
to come around.
4. Gently put trash in the bin.

Hi Parents, here is an example

of cleaning expectations.
Classroom Rewards

1. Stickers
2. Candy/snacks
3. Treasure chest
4. Educational game time
5. No homework pass
6. Positive Parent phone call
7. Dojo points (whole class and individual)

Hi Parents, here is an example

some of the examples of
rewards in our class.
Classroom Consequences

Whole class:
1. Point to rules (nonverbally)
2. Verbally remind about rules
3. Verbal warning

1. Point to rules (nonverbally)
2. Verbal warning
3. Private conversion
4. Call/Text to a parent

Hi Parents, here is an example

of the hand signals we can use
in class.
Rules and Procedures Contract

I, ______ (Student’s Name), have reviewed the information

provided by Ms. McCullough’s Rules and Procedures Manual.

I, ______ (Student’s Name), understand the rules, procedures,

rewards, and expectations in Ms. McCullough’s class. By signing this
paper, I am agreeing to follow these rules and procedures.

*Please keep this manual as a guide throughout the school year

regarding our rules, procedures, rewards, and consequences.

*Please sign below and return this sheet to school.

Student’s Name

Parent/Guardian’s Name: Printed

__________________________________Hi Parents, here is an example

Parent/Guardian’s Name: Signature of the hand signals we can use
in class.

Contact information:
Phone number: ____________
Email: ____________
Contrato de Normas y Procedimientos

I, ______ (El nombre del estudiante), he revisado la información

proporcionada por el Manual de Reglas y Procedimientos de la
Sra. McCullough.

I, ______ (El nombre del estudiante), comprender las reglas,

procedimientos, recompensas y expectativas en la clase de la Sra.
McCullough. Al firmar este documento, acepto seguir estas reglas y
*Conserve este manual como guía durante todo el año escolar sobre
nuestras reglas, procedimientos, recompensas y consecuencias.

*Por favor firme a continuación y devuelva esta hoja a la escuela.

Student’s Name/El nombre del estudiante

Parent/Guardian’s Name: Printed/ Nombre del padre/tutor: impreso

__________________________________ Hi Parents, here is an example

of the hand signals we can use
Parent/Guardian’s Name: Signature/Nombre del padre/tutor: Firma
in class.

Contact information:/Información del contacto

Phone number/número de teléfono: ______________
Email/correo electrónico: ______________

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