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Comenzado el Thursday, 2 de February de 2023, 21:03

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Thursday, 2 de February de 2023, 21:34
Tiempo empleado 31 minutos 44 segundos
Puntos 29,00/30,00
Calificación 14,50 de 15,00 (97%)

Pregunta 1

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

How ___________ he like it

Seleccione una:
a. Does
b. Will
c. Don´t
d. Do
Pregunta 2

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

A doctor has an interesting job = A doctor´s job is interesting

Seleccione una:

Pregunta 3

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

When you don’t feel well you go to the __________________________

Seleccione una:
a. Vendor
b. Taxi Driver
c. Doctor
d. Dentist
Pregunta 4

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

What do you do?

Seleccione una:
a. I never work
b. You work at school
c. I don’t work anywhere
d. I am a student
Pregunta 5

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Read the conversation and answer the questions

What does Ricard do? He is a Windows washer

What does Stepanie do She is a Teacher

Pregunta 6

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Is your job interesting?

Seleccione una:
a. Yes it is very boring
b. No it isn’t interested
c. Yes it is
d. Yes I am
Pregunta 7

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

The _______________________________Is a professional person who performs accounting functions such as audits or financial statement

Seleccione una:
a. Management
b. Business Person
c. Manager
d. Accountant

Pregunta 8

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

What hotel ____________ he work for?

Seleccione una:
a. Didn´t
b. worked
c. Does
d. don´t work
Pregunta 9

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

The _______________________________ is the measurement, processing, and communication of financial information about economic
entities such as businesses and corporations.

Seleccione una:
a. Accountant
b. Accounting
c. Marketing
d. Management

Pregunta 10

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

If you don’t have a car to go home you call a ________________________

Seleccione una:
a. Taxi Driver
b. Nurse
c. Dentist
d. Doctor
Pregunta 11

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Read the conversation and answer the questions

What does Rachel´s broter do? He is a Front desk clerk

What does Angela´s broter do? He is a Manager

Pregunta 12

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

When does she finish works

Seleccione una:
a. she is a beautiful girl
b. she study at night
c. She finishes work at 10: 00
d. She starts dork at 7:am
Pregunta 13

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

What does she do after work?

Seleccione una:
a. she love it
b. She goes to bed
c. I play baseball
d. I don’t work

Pregunta 14

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

What does he do at the hotel?

Seleccione una:
a. He isn’t there
b. Actually he’s the manager
c. He doesn’t work there
d. He don’t do nothing
Pregunta 15

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

The ______________ is the person who handle the money in a company

Seleccione una:
a. Manager
b. Salesperson
c. Accountant
d. Vendor
Pregunta 16

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Do you have a job?

Seleccione una:
a. Yes I do
b. Yes I does
c. Yes she does
d. No you don’t
Pregunta 17

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

What time do you start work?

Seleccione una:
a. I never work
b. I don’t work
c. She goes to work at 8: am
d. I start work at 7: am
Pregunta 18

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Does she like her job?

Seleccione una:
a. yes she do
b. yes she is
c. yes she loves it
d. No she don’t
Pregunta 19

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

The ______________ is the person who receive the customers in a hotel

Seleccione una:
a. Manager
b. Receptionist
c. Salesperson
d. Accountant
Pregunta 20

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

How ___________ he like it

Seleccione una:
a. Would
b. Do
c. Does
d. will

Pregunta 21

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

The _________________________________ is the administration of an organization, whether it be a business, or not-for-profit organization, or

government body.

Seleccione una:
a. Accountant
b. Business Man
c. Salesperson
d. Management
Pregunta 22

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

He _________ like the manager at all

Seleccione una:
a. Don´t
b. Doesn´t
c. won.t
d. wouldn´t
Pregunta 23

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

The ________________________________ is the person who has the control or direction of an institution, business, etc.

Seleccione una:
a. Accountant
b. Manager
c. Bookkeeper
d. Business Man

Pregunta 24

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

What does he do at the hotel?

Seleccione una:
a. He doesn’t work there
b. He isn’t there
c. Actually he’s the manager
d. He don’t do nothing
Pregunta 25

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Where does your sister work?

Seleccione una:
a. She goes to work at 8: am
b. She don’t work
c. She works at school
d. She starts work at 7: am

Pregunta 26

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

A _______________ is a person who sell clothes in a store

Seleccione una:
a. Salesperson
b. Businessman
c. Manager
d. Receptionist
Pregunta 27

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

What does she do exactly?

Seleccione una:
a. She is a teacher
b. she likes her job
c. She works at school
d. she studies hard

Pregunta 28

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

_____________ Your parents like their job?

Seleccione una:
a. Do
b. Don´t
c. Does
d. would
Pregunta 29

Se puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

the _________________________________ is a man who works in business, especially one who has a high position in a company.

Seleccione una:
a. Businesman
b. Salesperson
c. Accountant
d. Manager

Pregunta 30

Se puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

Where do you work?

Seleccione una:
a. I don’t work, I study
b. I works in a big company
c. I doesn’t work anywhere
d. You work in a store
 

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