NECROPOLIS AD&D Conversion Notes

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Mythus to AD&D Conversion Notes


Alignments: The Ethos of Sunlight corresponds to
Money: 1 BUC = 1 s.p. (and 10 BUCs = 1 e.p., 20 BUCs Neutral Good alignment, the Ethos of Shadowy
= 1 g.p., and 100 BUCs = 1 p.p.). This conversation rate Darkness corresponds to Lawful Good and Lawful
applies to all prices and treasures in the adventure. Neutral alignments, the Ethos of Balance corresponds to
However, note that the coin values in the adventure do True Neutral alignment, the Ethos of Moonlight
not match the above, and the following should be used corresponds to Chaotic Good and Chaotic Neutral
for coins: alignments, and the Ethos of Gloomy Darkness
1 tin maash = ½ c.p. corresponds to all Evil alignments.
1 brass abt = 2 ½ c.p.
1 bronze dinar = 1 s.p. Stat Conversion Guidelines:
1 copper tek = 5 s.p. (or ½ e.p.) BAC 25 = THAC0 20+
1 silver crescent = 1 g.p. BAC 40 = THAC0 18
1 electrum neb = 10 g.p. (or 2 p.p.) BAC 50 = THAC0 16
1 gold drachma = 25 g.p. (5 p.p.) BAC 75 = THAC0 11
1 gold aten = 50 g.p. gem BAC 90 = THAC0 8
1 platinum ankhen = 75 g.p. (or 15 p.p.)
So, by way of example, the treasure of the merchant Average Armor Protection 0 = AC 10
Hept-f-Hra (p. 28) is as follows: Armor 2 = AC 9
1000-1500 s.p., 1100-2000 g.p., 100-150 p.p., and 30-39 Armor 6 = AC 8
50 g.p. gems Armor 8 = AC 7
Armor 10 = AC 6
Time: In Mythus time is divided into AT (5 minutes), BT Armor 12 = AC 5
(30 seconds), and CT (3 seconds). In AD&D terms 1 AT Armor 18 = AC 4
= 1 turn, 1 BT = 1 round, and 1 CT = 1 segment, Armor 24 = AC 3
depending on the specific situation. Thus things in AD&D Armor 30 = AC 2
will generally occur at half the speed they would in Armor 40 = AC 1
Mythus. Where this feels inappropriate, half the number
when converting (so if something is listed as taking 1d6
BT to occur, it could instead take 1d3 rounds).

Avoidance: Avoidance rolls in Mythus are saving throws

in AD&D. Type is at the DM’s discretion and is usually
self-evident in context but in general Mental = spells,
Spiritual = death magic, and Physical = wands or breath.
Difficulty is typically ignored, but a very high difficulty
avoidance roll may be handled as a negative modifier on
the corresponding saving throw.

Perception: Perception rolls in Mythus become surprise

checks, secret door checks, find traps checks, or (if none
of the above seem applicable) checks against Int or Wis,
in AD&D. Difficulty is typically ignored - easy checks
should be automatic if the character looks in the proper
spot or performs the appropriate action, other checks are
as per the appropriate AD&D rule.

Damage: Weapon damage is converted to AD&D

equivalent by weapon type, monster damage is
converted case-by-case. Trap damage is converted
either straight or case by case. Poison is typically all or
nothing (i.e. save or die); weak (low damage) poison is
reflected by a bonus to the saving throw.

Joss: For the sake of this adventure, Joss is added to

AD&D as a special rule (see The Heroic Legendarium
pp. 29-30)
II. RAHOTEP’S TOMB: ROOM-SPECIFIC Side Rooms: masks’ metal value 500 GP each, art
NOTES value = 50,000 GP each; illusions at level 24
casting; evil influence save vs spells to don mask
1. Roll to spot cartouches = automatic if checked (save at -4 if ceremony completed); non-evil
influence save vs spells at +4 to feel revulsion;
2A. Poison = save or die, those beyond 10’ distant save successful grapple attack to remove mask
at +4 Results & Rewards: -3 on future saving throws if
masks retained, restore all spells and hp if masks
2F. Within 3 rounds all within the sealed area take are destroyed
1-6d6 damage; magic weapons have base 50% +
10% per plus to halt descent 13. Save vs petrification to avoid falling statue or suffer
10d10 damage
2G. Initial acid damage 5d10; those within well suffer
5d6 damage, but immersion causes 3d6 damage 13B. Container value = 3d6x10 GP each
per segment
14. 1d6+3 electrical damage from touching bars; 2d6
2H. Save vs. spells to avoid enthrallment damage from poison gas (under 4’ height save vs
poison or suffer additional 2d6 damage)
3. Treasure value “a million BUCs” = 50,000 GP;
damage for touching crook = 3d6 hp, damage for 15. Other contents: Flasks inflict 2d6 damage each
touching flail = 3d6 hp; mummy jewel value = Fire!: Smoke damage 1d4+1 per round
500-1,000 GP each Statues: Each statue AC 5 and 30 hp
Broken Container: (1) explosion for 2d8 damage
4. Metal value = 1,000 GP (save for ½); (2) save vs poison or 4d6 damage; (3)
minor combustion 1d4 dmg; (6) curative fumes heal
5. +2 mace & +2 axe; jewelry value = 15,000 + 3d6+3 damage
1d10x100 GP Treasure: 6 potions (½ effectiveness): Longevity,
Diminution, Hill Giant Strength, Invisibility, Speed,
6. Treasure value = 25,000 GP; jewels from mummy = Sweet Water; 3 scrolls (6 MU spells: Knock, Blink,
1d3x100 GP each; value of mask = 25,000 GP, Infravision, Transmute Rock to Mud, Monster
10,000 GP if damaged, 2,500 GP metal value Summoning V, Sequester; 2 Cleric spell: Protection
from Evil 10’ radius, Stone Tell; 5 Cleric spells:
Interlude - Avoidance: save vs. death ray to avoid curse; Create Water, Detect Evil, Speak with Dead,
Cursed Death - only level 7 spell (Resurrection) will Conjure Animals, Aerial Servant); Periapt of Proof
restore life Against Poison +2, Chime of Interruption, Amulet of
Life Protection, Flail +2, 1 Arrow +4
7A. Falling into pit = 10d6 falling damage + 1d10 per
spike 15C. Valuable items = 500-1,000 GP each

8. Falling into pit as above (10d6 + 1d10/spike) 17. Crypt: ivory coffers value 500 GP each, contents
value 25-100,000 GP each
9. Spear attacks = THAC0 8; 1d10+1 damage + save Arrival: Aldinach = Graz’zt; wreckage value =
or die poison; dart attacks = THAC0 11, 1d6 10,000 GP; mask value = 25,000 GP (or 250 GP
damage + save vs poison at +3 or die; find traps roll metal value), gem values 500-1,000 GP each
to locate The Great Column: in tunnel - save vs breath to
suffer 8d8 damage (otherwise instant death); within
10. Cursed weapons = -2 on initiative, hit, & saving column suffer 8d8 damage (save vs breath for ½)
throws; remove curse must overcome level 24 Return of the Khu: energy blast = 6 hp damage
casting; +2 to hit & damage against evil foes after Secret Tunnel: 2nd rank characters save vs petrify
curse removed to avoid fall

12. Coffers: figurines value 500 GP each; altar pieces = 20. Throne: Ancient gold coins = 50 GP each (250 GP
650 GP each; plain clerical vestments = 800 GP each to collector)
each, those with precious stones are worth Hieroglyphs: Eye - save vs breath or disintegrate;
5d10x100 GP more Scorpion - 5d8 damage; Heart - 5d8 damage
Touching Things: save vs spells to avoid ceremony;
save vs spells to avoid revulsion, touch = 1d6 21. Spider bites = save vs poison at +3 or die
damage per item, save vs spells to avoid message
if under Evil Influence 22. Soul Object - if washed in holy water, 9 points of
Ceremony: save vs spells to avoid joining, those blunt damage to destroy; if prisoners abandoned -1
compelled to join = -2 to subsequent saving throws to all saving throws
23. Victim of 5th curse save vs death ray to suffer 3d4
24. Light Bubbles: explosion = 3d6 damage; skeletons
electrical damage = 1d4+1

25. Ignoring the Acid: save vs spells at -2 to disbelieve;

rolled 20 allows re-save for others; failed save - 1d3
damage per segment, rolled 1 = no re-save allowed

25A&B. Mummy-zombies surprise 1-4 in 6; concubines’

jewelry value: 10,000 GP to antiquarian or 1,000
GP metal value; potions (1d6+1d4): gaseous form,
elixir of health, oil of slipperiness, poison,
ventriloquism, poison, levitation, oil of
disenchantment, clairvoyance, invisibility

25C&D. Potions: philter of glibness, sweet water, flying,

polymorph, treasure finding, clairvoyance, healing,
hill giant strength, elixir of life, poison

26. Gholl = Yeenoghu; find secret doors roll to discover

hidden compartment

26A. Str, Dex, Con reduced to ½ by stench

28. Roll Int or Wis or less on 1d20 to recognize vulture

form; no Mental Perception roll needed if PCs react
to breathing, roll 5+ on 1d6 to surprise for 1-2
segments (roll 5 = 1, roll 6 = 2); otherwise monster
gets +2 on initiative; serpent death throes = 2d10
damage; 1% chance to notice collar; collar gems =
5,000 GP each; 5% chance to notice talismans on

29. Reward = robe of stars

30. Reward = plate mail of ethereality

31. Find secret door roll to discover protruding stone.

32. Find secret door roll to identify cracks

The Secret Door: found automatically if searched

33. Combined Str of 50 to move slab

34. Int or less on 1d20 to recognize khaibet and sahu;

automatic to identify cracks if searched

35. Orbs: THAC0 13, 1d4+1 fire damage; AC 6, 13 hp


37. Save vs spells (at -1 per voice) to ignore voices

Statue: 66 hp + 13 hp/pillar; no damage from
piercing or non-magic weapons; 75% magic
Treasure: 15,000 GP per PC; rod = staff of power,
crook = rod of resurrection, flail = rod of lordly might
Move: 15”
Move: 9” HD 12 (72 hp each)
AC 0 MR 50%
HD 8 (50 hp each) #AT 3 or 1 (THAC0 9)
#AT 2 (THAC0 12) Claw x 2 - dmg 1d6+1
Fist - dmg 1d12 Bite - dmg 1d6
Lotus-aso - dmg 1d6+1+poison (always attacks first, Weapon: axe - dmg 2d6+2; severs head on hit by
20 hp dmg to disable asp) 4+ over required
SD: immune to poison, cold, disease, electricity; min. Mace - dmg 2d6+2; destroys armor and auto-kill on
damage from piercing weapons; ½ damage from hit by 4+ over required
slashing weapons & fire Sword - dmg 2d6+2; severs weapon arm on hit by
4+ over required
6. LIGHTNING-QUICK MUMMY SD: +2 or better weapon to hit; immune to
Move: 24” chemicals, cold, disease, fire/heat, poison
AC 2 Abilities: infravision, wall of fog (3/day), regenerate 3
HD 10 (60 hp) hp/round, magic missile (3d4+3, 3/day), jump (20’
#AT 2 (THAC0 10) - always strikes first in round forward or 10’ back), shape shift (1/turn)
Crook - dmg 1d6 + hold (bend bars check to break
free) 11A. KING COBRA
Flail - dmg 2d4 + 1d3 electricity (randomly targeted Move: 9”
against 3 targets within 1”) AC 6
SA: spit scarab beetle on even-numbered rounds; HD 3 (15 hp each)
always hit 1 target within 1” - effects as below #AT 1 (THAC0 16)
SD: +1 or better weapon to hit, immune to cold, Bite - dmg 1d3 + poison (save or die)
poison, disease, ½ dmg from piercing weapons, turn SA: spit poison - 1” range, save or die, 3/hour
as Vampire; if mask removed move reduced to 6”,
AC to 5, and no longer spit beetles 13. GIANT RED AMOEBOID
White scarab - dmg 1d6; mage or cleric blinded for Move: 3”
1d6 rounds AC 6
Purple scarab - dmg 1d8; mage will miscast next HD 18 (140 hp)
spell to target self/allies #AT 1 (THAC0 5)
Blue scarab - dmg 1d10; cleric forgets all spells for Pseudopod - 2d10 acid (destroys armor in 10 rds)
1d10 rounds SD: ½ dmg from blunt weapons, electricity double
Black scarab - dmg 1d12; thief paralyzed for 1d12 move rate & attacks each hit, immune to chemicals,
rounds cold, disease, poison
Green scarab - dmg 2d6; against non-cleric burrows Suffers double damage from fire
into flesh causing death in 10 rounds unless slain or
removed 15. SLAVE WARRIORS (12)
Red scarab - dmg 3d6; if fighter, next attack hits ally Move: 9”
AC 7 (studded) or 6 (studded & shield)
(p. 113) MUMMY-ZOMBIE Fighter 3 (30 hp each)
Move: 12” #AT 1 or 2 (THAC0 18)
AC as armor worn +3 2H club - dmg 1d8+1
HD 10 (50 hp) Spear - dmg 1d6
#AT 3 (THAC0 10) Comp. short bow - ROF 2, dmg 1d6
Claw x2 - dmg 1d8+2
Bite - dmg 1d3 + poison (anyone killed by 15B. DEVA (ETHOS OF SHADOWY DARKNESS)
mummy-zombie poison becomes a mummy-zombie See Movanic Deva (MM2, p. 43)
in 3d3 turns)
SA: surprise 1-3, climb 60% 15F. SPHINX
SD: +1 or better weapon to hit, immune to cold, See Gynosphinx (MM, p. 89)
disease, poison, ½ dmg from piercing weapons, turn
as Ghost 17. ALDINACH
Exposure to sunlight or equivalent causes 1d3 See Graz’zt (MM2, p. 39)
20. UTAT-NEBBU 2 fists - dmg 1d12 + disease (save or fatal in 1-6
Appears as Dispater (MM, p. 21) months, wounds heal at 1/10 normal rate, cure
Move: 18”/fly 18” disease within 6 turns if killed)
AC 1 SA: Fear - save (+2 for humans) or paralyzed for
HD 12 (85 hp) 1d4 rounds
MR 35% SD: turned as Vampires, +1 or better weapon
#AT 1 (THAC0 9) required to hit, immune to sleep, charm, hold,
Claw - dmg 1d6+4 + 2 level energy drain paralysis, poison, cold, ½ damage from all weapons
SD: cannot be Turned, +1 or better weapon to hit, Susceptible to fire - 1d3 for torch, 1d8/2d8 for oil, +1
immune to chemical, cold, disease, fire, electricity, damage/die from magical fire, 2d4 for holy water
and poison Spell Reflection - all spells (1/rd) are absorbed and
Abilities: regenerate 3 hp/round, assume gaseous cast back at caster next round
form, shape change to bat, charm gaze (-2 save), Vampiric Attack - Mummy gains 1 hp for each point
summon 10d10 bats or rats, detect lies, illusory form of damage inflicted, if hp exceed max, #AT doubled
(3/day), create illusions (3” x 3” area, 1 hr duration, (to 4)
3/day), hold portal (3/day), pyrotechnics (3/day),
invisibility in shadows, feign death (3/day), 25B & D. CONCUBINES OF RAHOTEP (10)
anti-magic shell (1/day), living garments (all loose Move: 15”
clothing sweeps up to entangle, obscure vision, and AC 2
impede movement - 1/day), power word - stun HD 9+3 (70 hp each)
(1/day) MR 25%
#AT 1 (THAC0 10)
22. VAMPIRETTES (6) Claws - dmg 1d6+4 + 2 level energy drain
See Vampire (MM. p. 99) SA: charm gaze (-2 save), assume gaseous form,
Move: 12” / fly 18” shapechange to rat, summon 10d10 rats or bats
AC 1 SD: turned as Lich, +1 or better weapon required to
HD 8+3 (50 hp each) hit, regenerates 3 hp/round, immune to sleep,
#AT 1 (THAC0 12) charm, hold, poison, paralysis, ½ damage from cold
Claw - dmg 1d6+4 + 2 level energy drain and electricity
SD: +1 or better weapon required to hit, immune to
sleep, charm, hold, poison, and paralysis, ½ damage 26. GHOLL
from cold & electricity See Yeenoghu (MM p. 19)
Abilities: regenerate 3 hp/rd, gaze charm (-2 save),
assume gaseous form, shapechange to bat, 26A. GHOLLES (10)
summon 10d10 rats or bats See Ghilan (Heroic Legendarium p. 138)


Move: 1”/ fly 6”
HD ½ (3 hp each) NO. APPEARING: 1
#AT 1 (THAC0 20) ARMOR CLASS: -3
Sting - dmg 1 + poison (save or die) MOVE: 15”
HIT DICE: 18 (80 hp)
Move: 6” TREASURE TYPE: C, G, S, T
HD 3+1 (25 hp each) DAMAGE/ATTACK: 7-12/7-12/5-12
#AT 1 (THAC0 16) SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below
Spear - dmg 1d6 + 1d4+1 electrical SPECIAL DEFENSES: +1 or better
SD: immune to cold, disease, electricity, poison; weapon to hit
striking with metal weapon inflicts 1d4+1 electric MAGIC RESISTANCE: 75%
damage on attacker, minimum damage from piercing INTELLIGENCE: Exceptional
weapons, electrical attacks heal damage ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
SIZE: L (12’ tall)
See Mummy (MM, p. 72) Attack/Defense Modes: All/all
Move: 9” LEVEL/X.P. VALUE:
AC 3 X/20,000*
HD 6+3 (50 hp each)
#AT 2 (THAC0 13) The demoness Ghul is a servant of Demon Lord of
Gnolls, occasional consort to the Ghoul King, and is the
mother of all ghulaz. She attacks with claws and sharp
canine teeth. If both claw attacks hit, she inflicts an Or Kick - dmg 4d10+4
additional 1-8 points of rending damage. Against Or Stomp - dmg 4d10+4
opponents who are prone or have been successfully SD: Edged weapons striking must save vs crushing
grappled she also attacks with her two hind claws for blow (6+)
5-12 points of damage each. Ghul is normally
accompanied by 2-8 ghulaz, and can summon an 29. SEKHEM OF RAHOTEP
additional 2-12 ghulaz, 2-8 gholles, or 3-18 ghasts, who Move: 15”
will arrive in one turn.
AC -5
Ghul exudes a foul stench of death and corruption HD 10 (70 hp)
similar to (but even worse than) that of a ghast. Anyone #AT 1 (THAC0 10)
who comes within 20’ of her must make a saving throw Touch - save vs death or drained of all levels
vs. poison or suffer -2 from “to hit” rolls and saving SD: +3 or better weapon required to hit, immune to
throws for 13-28 (3d6+10) rounds. Additionally, her chemical, cold, disease, fire, poison; appears 1 seg
spittle has a 2” range, and a paralytic effect on anyone it before attacking and vanishes 2 seg after attacking -
strikes (including elves) for a duration of 3-18 rounds.
when vanished cannot be seen or targeted
Ghul is immune to the effects of electricity and poison,
and only suffers half damage from acid.
At will, once per round, Ghul is able to use any of the Move: 15”
following spell-like abilities at 18th level of ability: create AC -5
ghulaz (one slain creature within 3” range rises as a HD 11 (88 hp)
ghulaz in 1 round), darkness (10’ radius), detect good, #AT 1 (THAC0 10)
detect invisible, detect magic, dispel magic, fear (as
Touch - dmg 3d10 + 3 spells (or 3 points of Wis)
wand), pyrotechnics, read languages, read magic,
suggestion, symbol (any), telekinesis (7,500 gp weight), drained
teleport, wall of fire, and gate in, with 70% chance of SD: +3 or better weapon to hit, immune to cold,
success 2-8 Type I demons (75%) or 1-2 Type V chemical, disease, fire, poison; any weapon striking
demons (25%). must make save vs crushing blow (6+) with no
bonus for magic or shatter; any spell targeted at
Description: Ghul’s bestial face combines the worst
Sahu will reflect upon caster
features of a hound, baboon, and woman, twisted in a
leering, fanged visage. Her long arms are corded with
muscle and terminate in clawed hands; her feet are 37. UNMORTAL RAHOTEP
similarly ugly and clawed. Move: 15”
AC 0
27A. GHULAZ (12) MU 22/ Cleric 27 (75 hp)
See Ghul (Heroic Legendarium, p. 138) (-2 MU levels if Sekhem defeated; -4 Cleric levels if
Sahu defeated)
Move: 15” MR 50% (total immunity to level 1-3 spells)
AC 4 #AT 1 (THAC0 10)
HD 40 (320 hp) Touch - Drain 2 levels (save vs spells or drain 4
MR 40% levels)
#AT 5 (THAC0 1) SD: +3 or better weapon to hit, immune to chemical,
Bite - dmg 3d6+3 cold, disease, fire, poison
Pincers x 2 - dmg 1d6+1 (only when not moving)
Abilities: spellcasting - cleric spells to level 7, MU
Constrict - dmg 1d10/round (automatic after 1st hit)
Sting - dmg 1d8 + poison (+4 to hit opponents in spells to level 9, illusionist spells to level 6, druid
coils) spells to level 5
SA: Darkness (9” diameter, 1/day), shape shift to Fear - range 2”; save vs spells or flee for 1d3 rounds
human (2/day), cast spells as level 8 cleric Produce Fire - range 12”; 1d6 dmg/round for 1 turn
SD: regenerate 3 hp/round, +1 or better weapon Darkness - 12” radius, 1/day
required to hit, immune to sleep, hold, charm,
Heal self - 3d6 points, 1/day
poison, paralysis, chemical, cold, disease, fire/heat
Spell Reflection - any spell reflected back at caster,
GOLEM IDOL OF RAHOTEP max. 3 times/turn
Move: 9” Shape shift to any animal form 3/day
AC 0 Vampiric Gaze - 12” range; save vs spells or drained
HD 12 (100 hp) 2 levels
#AT 1 (THAC0 9)
Fist - dmg 4d6+4
Demigod Status: -2 AC, Double healing, Double MR
(immune to level 1-6 spells), Fly (move 15”),
Temeport w/o Error (2/day), Invisibility in Shadows,
Insanity by Gaze (12” range, save vs spells)

Lesser God Status: -4 AC (immune to electricity),

Triple Healing, Triple MR (immune to level 1-8
spells), become ethereal (9/day), death gaze (save
vs death), plane shift (2/day), grant limited wish
(1/month), telepathy, telekinesis (2000#), summon
2d3 hordlings (1/day), move from shadow to shadow

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