Progress Test4343

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You will hear eight short sentences. For each one, choose the best reply. You will
hear each sentence twice.
1. My arm hurts
a. What a relief.
b. Oh, dear. Really
c. No, I don't think so.
2. Do you have any allergies
a. Phew, that's good to hear.
b. Yes, I had a broken leg.
c. No, I don't think so.
3. My back hurts
a. I feel exhausted.
b. Are you taking anything for the pain?
c. Well, I usually go to the gym after work.
4. Can i have a look at your …… then
a. What a relief.
b. Yes, I've got a cold.
c. Sure, Doctor.
5. Where does it hurt?
a. I can't get to sleep.
b. Here, in this area.
c. I feel sick.
6. It’s very paiful and i can’t concéntrate on my work
a. When did this problem start?
b. What does it do?
c. I've taken some aspirin.
7. So, What’s the problem?
a. He's gone to the chemist.
b. It really hurts when I walk.
c. No, I don't think so.
8. I’m really overweight and i don’t know why
a. Where does it hurt?
b. Do you do any exercise?
c. Can I have a look?
Read the sentences about changes. Choose the best word for each space.
9. People often join a gym to lose weight.
10. An old friend from school got in touch with me last week.
11. In her first job, Alice got to know some important people.
12. Tom is a big man and often acts in roles as men who are slightly overweight .
13. Don't stay in that job because you will never get rich.
14. People who eat cakes every day often put on weight.
15. If you smoke 15 cigarettes a day, I think you're a regular smoker now.
16. They're so proud because their daughter's just got a place at Oxford
Read the sentences about changes in people's lives. What are the missing
words? Some letters are already there.
There is one space for each other letter. Complete the words.
17. I've lost 5 kilos, but I didn't go on a d i e t - I started running.
18. Do you get p a i d more money now than you used to in your old job?
19. Leo wants to get f i t but he doesn't like doing exercise!
20. They were unhappily married for 15 years so they got d i v o r c e d last
21. Max gets on w e l l with all the other boys in his new school.
22. Amanda and Tim got t o g e t h e r after they met at the tennis club.
23. He's trying to g i v e u p smoking but he started 10 years ago when he
24. It's easy to keep in s h a p e if you do sport regularly.
Read the text about Michelle Obama. Choose the correct answer for each

Michelle Obama
Michelle LaVaughn Robinson was born in 1964 in Chicago, USA. She had a
brother, Craig, who was older 25 than her and the family lived in a one-bedroom
apartment in Chicago. They were a happy family who got on well together, but they
26 didn’t use to have a lot of money. However, the Robinson children learned two
things from their parents: the first was that you must do the 27 best you can in
school to get a good education and the second was that it's 28 more important to
work hard than to make a lot of money.
So Michelle used to 29 study hard every day and got a place at Princeton
University. She trained as a lawyer and used 30 to work in a Chicago company,
where she got to know her future husband, Barack Obama. They got married in
1992. However, after he became US President, she worked less often on her own
career in order to support her husband.
Michelle 31 used to be unknown but she has become one of the 32 most famous
women in the world.

25. –
a. than b. - < c. - <
26. -
a. Don’t use b. not used c. didn’t use
27. –
a. best b. - < c. - <
28. –
a. more important b. - < c. - <
29. –
a. study b. - < c. - <
30. –
a. to work b. - < c. - <
31. –
a. used b. - < c. - <
32. –
a. most famous b. - < c. - <
Here are some sentences about changes. For each question, complete the second sentence so
that it means the same as the first.
Use no more than three words. Write only the missing words.

33. For a healthier life, eating well is more important than anything else.
The most important thing for a healthy life is eating well.

34. My grandfather was a smoker, but he stopped for health reasons.

My grandfather used to smoke, but he stopped for health reasons.

35. Terry's diet was worse ten years ago.

Terry's diet is better now than it was ten years ago.

36. In the 1950s, people thought less about what they ate.
In the 1950s, people didn't use to think so much about what they ate.

37. I've never had such an easy job.

This is the easiest job I've had.

38. Were gyms popular in the 1980s?

Did many people use to go to the gym in the 1980s?

39. I'm 1.80 metres tall now and my older brother is 1.81.
I'm almost as tall as my older brother now.

40. Aunt Sarah didn't live in New York before but she does now.
Aunt Sarah didn’t use to live in New York.

1. I’m really sorry, i haven’t call you
a. Long time no see!
b. How nice.
c. It doesn't matter.
2. Why didn´t you contact your dad last week
a. I can't do Wednesday.
b. Why don't I deal with this?
c. I had to work until 10 every night.
3. It’s not your foult
a. Oh, dear. Really?
b. No, there's no excuse.
c. I'll just check.
4. I was going to call you but i didn’t have my pone
a. That's OK.
b. I think you should.
c. Are you busy?
5. I was going to get you a birthday present but i was sick
a. That's good to hear.
b. Well, it's not your fault.
c. I don't think so.
6. I’m sorry i haven’t called you i’ve been so busy
a. I don't think that's a good idea.
b. Don't worry about it.
c. Can I have a look?
7. Why didn’t you come to my party on Saturday?
a. Sorry. I meant to call you.
b. I don't think that's a good idea.
c. Well, how about Thursday?
8. I’m so sorry i’m late again, that’s no excuse
a. What a relief.
b. I suppose so.
c. No really, it's fine.
Read the sentences about changes. Choose the best word for each space.
9. I thought that that film was directed by Robert Redford but I was wrong.
10. Are you watching that TV series about art that's on every Wednesday
11. In the winter, lots of people go snowboarding and skiing in the mountains.
12. The hills and mountains here are great for rock climbing.
13. The new art gallery was designed by a Scottish architect.
14. If you like running, jumping and throwing, why not join the athletics club?
15. The first concert was performed at the arts centre in 1979.
16. People who go surfing can ride waves up to 20 metres high.

Read the sentences about changes in people's lives. What are the missing
words? Some letters are already there.
There is one space for each other letter. Complete the words.
17. When I went s c u b a d i v i n g in the Red Sea, I saw lots of
amazing fish.
18. I'm reading a great n o v e l set in the future.
19. Kim and I love running and we go j o g g i n g in the park together
every weekend.
20. My boyfriend's very romantic - he often writes love p o e m s or me.
21. The sea along the coast here is perfect for sports like w i n d s u r f i
n g , sailing and waterskiing.
22. I went i c e s k a t i n g on the lake this winter - it was wonderful.
23. Jon's interested in a r c h i t e c t u r e , so he reads a lot about both old
and modern buildings.
24. Can I take a p h o t o g r a p h of you with my new camera?.
Read the text about Michelle Obama. Choose the correct answer for each

The 11 year old artista

Daniel Johnson is an 11 year old artist. Recently, one of his paintings 25 ...…… sold
for £30,000. The painting shows a winter snow scene near his home in Scotland,
where the young artist has 26 ……….. all his life. Daniel 27……….. been an artist
since he first started painting scenes of nature on a family holiday at the age of 5.
His abilities 28…………quickly recognised by his parents and when his pictures
were 29 ………… to art experts, they agreed the boy had something special.
A local artist gave Daniel lessons and he learned fast, and got a lot of attention from
the media. When his paintings go on sale, they 30 …………bought for very large
amounts of money by people from places like the USA and South Africa. Daniel's
parents 31………….known for a long time that they need to make sure that he has a
normal childhood. Daniel has always loved football, and has been a member of the
school football team 32…………everal years.

25. –
a. was b. - < c. - <
26. -
a. lived b. - < c. - <
27. –
a. has b. - < c. - <
28. –
a. Were b. have c. are
29. –
a. show b. showing c. shown
30. –
a. are b. have c. was
31. –
a. have b. were c. are
32. –
a. For b. - < c. - <
Here are some sentences about changes. For each question, complete the second
sentence so that it means the same as the first.
Use no more than three words. Write only the missing words.
33. JK Rowling wrote seven books about Harry Potter.
The seven Harry Potter books were written by JK Rowling.

34. Someone stole the museum's most famous painting in 1931.

The museum's most famous painting was stolen in 1931.
35. Michelangelo didn't paint the Mona Lisa.
The Mona Lisa wasn't painted by Michelangelo.

36. When did JK Rowling start writing novels?

How long has JK Rowling been a writer of novels?
37. Nigel's love of music started when he was a young child.
Nigel has loved music since he was a young child.

38. They performed the play for the first time in 1858.
The play was performed for the first time in 1858..

39. Peter became a professional musician in 2003.

Peter's been a professional musician since 2003.

40. Maria was a teenager when she became an actor.

Maria has been an actor since she was a teenager.

1. Can i call you back later
d. See you tomorrow.
e. I'll ask him to call you.
f. OK, no problem.
2. I good go
a. OK, speak to you soon.
b. We really must go.
c. That's fantastic news
3. Who’s calling, please?
a. I'll just put you through.
b. This is Kate Taylor speaking.
c. My name's Mark, by the way.
4. Is now a good time
a. It's Martin here.
b. Well, I'm a bit busy.
c. Speak to you soon
5. Is it posible to speak to Mark Riley
a. I've got to go.
b. I'm afraid he's not available.
c. Is now a good time?.
6. Hi, is that Annie
a. Yes?
b. Nice to meet you.
c. I'll just check.
7. Can i take a massage?
a. Has he got your number?
b. Shall I ask him to call you back?
c. Please tell him I called.
8. Is now a good time
a. Sorry, can I call you back?
b. No, there's no excuse.
c. Sorry, just one more thing.
Read the sentences about changes. Choose the best word for each space.
9. If you don't work hard, you might fail your exams.
10. I want to be an accountant, so I need to do a degree in maths.
11. When you are revising for an exam, you should avoid watching too much
12. Shona's revising for her exams, so she can't come to the cinema this evening.
13. I really regret not finishing university.
14. Can you imagine asking a law student to write an essay about the
15. It may seem to be impossible to get a degree, but if you work hard, anything
is possible.
16. It can be hard to get a place at a top university.

Read the sentences about changes in people's lives. What are the missing
words? Some letters are already there.
There is one space for each other letter. Complete the words.
17. You don't need to study d r a m a at university to become a famous actor.
18. To study m e d i c i n n at university, you need to get very good marks
in biology at school.
19. A lot of people d i s l i k e studying law, but I love it..
20. We should a r r a n g e to meet so that we can talk about the project..
21. I'm going to study e d u c a t i o n , at university because I want to
become a teacher..
22. Alice studied e n g i n e e r i n g at university and now she's
building bridges in Germany.
23. I r e c o m m e n d , studying in the morning rather than late at
24. My little brother hates school and he r e f u s e s to do his homework!

Read the text about Michelle Obama. Choose the correct answer for each space.

Email to Lee
Hi Lee,
Hope you're well. I'm sorry I haven't written for a few weeks, but I'm very busy
revising for my exams at the moment. If 25 ………………..them all, I'll get a place
at university! I'd like to do a degree in art. I love painting and drawing, and can't
imagine 26………………. anything else! My mother often asks me, 'What kind of
job 27 ………………. get if you do a degree in art?' She seems 28 ……………. I
should study something more useful, but I'm sure I'll manage 29 ………….. a job
after university.
My brother's studying engineering, and he's working hard at the moment too. If 30
………………. lucky, he'll get an exciting job abroad. Of course I'll be pleased for
him, but I'll miss 31……………. time with him.
How are your family? I'm sure that even if 32 ……………… come to Edinburgh
this year, you'll be able to visit one day. That'll be so great!
Write soon,
25. –
a. I’ll pass b. i pass c. i’m passing
26. -
a. doing b. to do c. I do
27. –
a. Will you b. won’t you c. you will
28. –
a. thinking b. to think c. think
29. –
a. find b. to find c. finding
30. –
a. He’s going to be b. He ‘ll be c. He’s
31. –
a. To spend b. spending c. apend
32. –
a. You’ll b. you aren’t c. you can’t
Here are some sentences about changes. For each question, complete the second
sentence so that it means the same as the first.
Use no more than three words. Write only the missing words.
33. I'm meeting my teacher in the library at ten o'clock.
I've arranged to meet my teacher in the library at ten o'clock.

34. Louise doesn't want to live at home when she's at university.

Louise wants to avoid linving at home when she's at university.

35. I must revise for my exams, or I might fail them.

If I don’t revise for my exams, I might fail them.

36. Sarah's trying to save enough money to go travelling before she starts university.
If Sarah has enough money, she will go travelling before she starts university

37. Darren wants to get good marks, or he'll be unhappy.

Darren won’t be happy if he gets bad marks.

38. Jill says the library is the best place to study.

Jill recommends studying in the library.

39. Geta's mother says: 'If you study law, you'll enjoy it!'
Geta's mother says that if she studies law, she'll enjoy it..

40. Clara didn't work hard last year and now she is sorry.
Clara regrets not working hard last year.
You will hear eight short sentences. For each one, choose the best reply. You will
hear each sentence twice.
1. Could you help me please?
a. Of course, what seems to be the problem?.
b. I've changed my mind.
c. This isn't what I ordered.
2. This isn’t what I ordered
a. I'd like to exchange it for something else.
b. I've changed my mind.
c. I'll replace it immediately.
3. It doesn’t work
a. Could I speak to the manager, please?.
b. Sorry, just one more thing
c. I'm terribly sorry.
4. Could i speak to the manager please?
a. Who's next, please?.
b. Just a moment.
c. Is there anything else I can help you with?.
5. I like a refund
a. Do you have a receipt?.
b. How can I help you?.
c. Do you have anything cheaper?.
6. It doesn’t work
a. I'll ask someone to look at that for you right away.
b. It's a bit slow.
c. I'd like to make a complaint.
7. I’ll replace it immediately
a. Oh dear, really?.
b. It's not very polite.
c. That's very kind.
8. It was a present but i don’t really like it
a. I'm terribly sorry.
b. I'll give you a full refund.
c. It doesn't work.
Read the sentences about changes. Choose the best word for each space.
9. I'm trying to eat healthily but I really feel like a pizza tonight.
10. Raymond has put off making a decision about which car to buy until next week.
11. He turned down her invitation to the party.
12. Nina forgot to pass on an important message, but she doesn't want to tell anybody.
13. Oh no, I forgot to look after Jennie's plant and now it's dead.
14. Michael and Miriam have broken up because they had a huge argument last week.
15. Do you think it's wrong to carry on driving when you see an accident?.
16. Why don't you join in our game? It'll be fun.
Read the sentences about changes in people's lives. What are the missing
words? Some letters are already there.
There is one space for each other letter. Complete the words.
17. Customers should not need to wait for more than 20 minutes for their pizza d e l
i v e r y
18. Poor service can spoil customers' e n j o y m e n t of a meal in a
19. Your d e s c r i p t i o n of the film was so interesting I decided to see it
20. I don't like waiting in a q u e u e for more than five minutes.
21. If you're late, you should give an e x p l a n a t i o n
22. Do you always make a c o m p l a i n t when you aren't happy with
something you've bought?.
23. There isn't a good c h o i c e we need to go somewhere bigger.
24. Have you made a d e c i s i o n about which job to take?.

Read the text about Michelle Obama. Choose the correct answer for each

Hi Phil
Can you recommend a good restaurant for my Mum's birthday next month? I know
we'd regret it if we 25………… the same restaurant as last year. It was terrible!
There were so many problems. First, there were 26………… waiters so we had to
wait a long time for our food. Then, when it came, the food was 27 ..…….. cold to
eat. There was 28 …………… salt in it as well. I think if they used less, 29 ………
be much nicer. There wasn't 30 …………water on the table, so we ordered some
drinks, but the waiter forgot our order and we had to ask him three times.
Honestly, I never want to go back there again. Where 31 ……… go, if you were
me? You would make my Mum very happy if we 32 ………. a good Italian
restaurant. Can you email me soon, so I can book a table? Thanks!
25. –
a. choose b. chose c. didn’t choose
26. -
a. not enough b. not much c. any
27. –
a. too much b. a lot of c. too
28. –
a. too much b. too many c. how much
29. –
a. the food would b. would the food c. the food would
30. –
a. some b. any c. no
31. –
a. Were you b. you would c. would you
32. –
a. Could find b. will find c. wouldn’t find
Here are some sentences about changes. For each question, complete the second sentence
so that it means the same as the first.
Use no more than three words. Write only the missing words.

33. I only go to the cinema to see good films.

I wouldn't go to the cinema if it wasn’t a good film.

34. There was no fresh fruit for breakfast at the hotel.

The hotel didn't offer any fresh fruit for breakfast.

35. When there aren't many shop assistants, managers should serve customers.
When there are only a few shop assistants, managers should serve customers.

36. I don't think I would steal paper from work because I would feel bad.
If I stole paper from work, I would feel bad.

37. It wouldn't be right to complain in a restaurant unless the service was bad.
I wouln’t complain in a restaurant if the service was good.

38. This dessert has a lot of sugar in it and I don't like it.
There is to much sugar in this dessert.

39. People drive faster than they should sometimes.

Sometimes people drive too fast..

40. I could eat there, but it's very expensive.

If I ate there, it would be very expensive.

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