Science Unit Test Set 1

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Give one word for the following:

a. Part of the plant that holds the plant upright
b. The process by which a plant prepares its food
c. The broad, flat, green part of the leaf
d. The minute pores on the surface of leaves
e. The part which connects leaf to the stem
f. The main vein of the leaf
g. The part of the stem from where the leaf arises
h. A plant which traps and digests insects
i. Type of leaf where lamina is divided into leaflets
j. Fine lines forming different patterns on lamina
k. A plant with scaly leaves
l. Disease caused due to deficiency of Iodine
m. Banana is a source of
n. Low count of blood cell is a symptom of
o. Outer thick and fleshy part of fruit
p. Process of transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma
q. The uppermost swollen part of the flower stalk
r. Fusion of male and female gametes
s. Leaf like structures present in seed
t. The flowers in which both stamens and pistils are present

2. Fill in the blanks:

a. _____________ system grows below the ground

b. The flat green portion of the leaf is called ____________
c. Small pores on the surface of a leaf are called _____________
d. Peepal leaves show _________ venation
e. A pitcher plant gets _____________from insects
f. ____________ is the female reproductive part of a flower

3. What is the function of a flower?

4. Write any two functions of fruits
5. Name the four whorls of a flower
6. i. What is meant by fertilisation?
ii. Name the part of the flower where fertilisation takes place
iii. Name the cell formed as a result of fertilisation
7. Differentiate between a. Reticulate venation and Parallel venation b. Simple Leaf
and Compound leaf c. Epicarp and Endocarp d. Dry fruit and Fleshy fruit
8. What are the conditions required for the germination of seeds
9. Why do flowers of plants like rice, maize and grass produce dry and light pollens in
large quantities?
10. i. Define Allergens. Give examples
ii. Name some diseases caused by allergens
11. Why is proper rest and sufficient sleep important for us?
12. Write the importance of physical exercise
13. Define i. Rachis ii. Axillary bud iii. Personal hygiene iv. Plumule v. Seed coat
14. Write 4 measures that we can take to keep our community clean
15. Give reasons:
a. Petals of insect pollinated flowers are colourful and attractive
b. Water is required for germination of seeds
c. We should eat seasonal fruits and vegetables
d. We should brush our teeth regularly
e. We should not allow water to accumulate in or around the house
f. We should keep our nose clean
g. We should not insert any sharp and pointed object into ears
h. We should not keep long nails
i. We should wash our hair with a good quality shampoo

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