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Class- VI

Marks-80 Geography Time: 2hrs


This Question paper has 4 printed pages.

You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in
reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
Part I – ( Question 1 to 5 ) Answer all questions-
Part – II (Question 6 to 10 ) Answer any 4 questions out of 5 questions


Part –I ( Compulsory)

Question 1
Mark the following in the map of North America [10]
a) Pacific Ocean
b) Atlantic Ocean
c) Greenland
d) River Yukon
e) Gulf of California
f)Beaufort Sea
g) Isthmus of Panama
h) Arctic Ocean
i )River Missouri
j) Great Lakes
Question 2

Multiple Choice Questions- (1x10=10)

i) These maps are based on particular theme -

a) Physical b) Thematic c) Political d) None of these.

ii) A flat Map is called a __________

a) Plan b)Sketch c) Map Projection d) Globe

iii) ___________Sea is an example of marginal sea.

a)Arabian sea b) Black Sea c) Mediterranean Sea d) Baltic Sea

iv) We can find directions at night with the help of.____________

a) Sun b) Moon c) Great Bear d) Pole Star

v) Ural mountains is an example of ___________________mountain.

a) Block b) Volcanic c) Young Fold d) Old fold

vi)These minerals do not contain iron. These are ______

a) ferrous minerals b) Non- ferrous c) Ore d) Metallic Minerals

vii) It is very fertile and extremely suitable for the cultivation of crops

a) Volcano b) Plain c) Plateau d) Block mountain

viii) In this method surface layers are removed off to extract the ore -

a) Open pit mining b) Strip mining c) Quarrying d) Shaft mining

ix) The _________ ______ lies between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.

a) Grand Canyon b) Caribbean Sea c) Niagara Falls d) None of these

x) ____________ is a busy navigation route for large deep sea-ships

a)Missouri b) Mackenzie c)Colorado d) St. Lawrence

Question 3

Write short answers. (Answers must be in full sentence) [1x10=10]

a) What are conventional signs?

b) State the formula of Representative Fraction.

c) How are fold mountains formed?

d) State two varieties of coal.

e) What is meant by ore?

f) Which is one of the world’s most biggest and most fertile plains?

g) What is the other name of Appalachian Mountain?

h) Mention one characteristic of Central Lowlands.

i) Which is widely used for cooking and heating?

j) Write the full form CNG.

Question 4.

Match the following. [1x5=5]

[Write the correct word of Column B with Column A]

i) Vosges , Vindhyas a) Grand Canyon
ii) Malwa Plateau b) National Parks
iii)Gorges c) solar power
iv) Appalachian d) Lava plateau
v) Renewable sources of energy e) Block mountain

Question 5.

Write True and False [1x5= 5]

a) Islands provide sites for fishing and port activities.
b) The rift valleys are formed because of volcanic eruptions.
c) North America lies entirely in the southern hemisphere.
d) There are national forests and national parks in the Appalachian.
e) Himalayan mountains are volcanic mountains.

Part -II

[Answer any FOUR questions out of five questions]-

Question 6

a] Define a map? What is called a language of a map? (3)

b] Distinguish between map and a globe (2)

c] What is directional relation? What s the tp of the arrow marked with? (3)
d] Mention the four intermediate directions (2)

Question 7

a] Mention any three characteristics of young fold mountain . (3)

b] How is the soil in the bottom of the valleys? (2)

c] How are Lava plateaus formed? Mention two examples (2+1)

d]Name the three types of plains .What type of plain is the valley of Kashmir? (2)

Question 8

a] What is the other name of Central Lowlands? Which two rivers drain the southern part of
Central Lowlands? (1+2))

b] Which is called as the New World? (2)

c] Discuss the course of the river Colorado. Mention its important feature (2+1)

d] What is the significance of the St. Lawrence river? (2)


Question 9

a] Explain in brief underground/shaft mining. (3)

b] What is meant by mining? (2)

c] What are ferrous minerals? Give two examples . (3)

d] How are minerals formed? (2)

Question 10

a] Explain any three characteristics of the Indian Ocean (3)

b] What is marginal sea? Give any one example of marginal sea. (2)

c] Mention any three importances of rivers. (3)

d] Where is the Southern ocean located? Name its southernmost part. (2)

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