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Logic development

16 December 2022 13:44

Syllabus - 2 days
Pseudo codes
Array 2d arrays
Insert delete op
Cohesion and coupling

Flow chart : graphical representation of code.


read i/p o/p





Modularity :
Design software by dividing into parts (sub problems / modules)
These arrangements are coupling and cohesion
~Low coupling
~High cohesion

**coupling is measure of dependencies between two modules.

**Dependencies should be low.
Types of coupling :

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Data coupling :
If modules are communicated by passing only data is called data coupled

Stamp coupling :

If ds(structure, objects) is passed to one module to another module then its stamp coupling

Control coupling :

Passing the control of module to another module then its control coupling

Sort comparison

Control of sort();

External coupling :

Modules depend on another modules , and externally depend on

Any other software or hardware to run.
Example :
This is related to communication to external tools and devices.

Common coupling :

If modules are sharing global data then its common coupling.

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So if we change in global the effect will be seen modules.. (this can be its disadvantages)

Content coupling :

When a module try to change the data or flow of control of another module.

Cohesion :

Cohesion is measure of elements are function related.

Its determines the how elements are performing a single task as team .
Cohesion should be high.

Types of cohesion

Functional cohesion :

To execute any function in module if all necessary elements are present then its
Functional cohesion.

Sequential Cohesion:

If element's output in module becomes the input to the other elements within modules
Is called sequential cohesion
It can be seen in most of functional programming lang.

Communicational cohesion :

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Communicational cohesion :

If two elements operate on single i/p or o/p.

Procedural cohesion :

Temporal cohesion :

If the elements of modules are taking same time for executing is called
Temporal cohesion

Logical cohesion :

If elements are logically related and not functionally

Example : reading data from keyboard , scanner ,

Coincidental cohesion :

If elements are not related

** worst form of cohesion

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