(A1-A2) At-A-Supermarket-British-English-Teacher

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1 Warm up

When you visit a new supermarket, it’s sometimes difficult to find what you’re looking for. You can
read the signs over the aisles to help you find things.

Add the items in the box to the correct aisle in the supermarket.

cakes / cheese / cooked meat / ice cream / mustard / sweets / tomatoes / water

Can you think of any other items you might find in these aisles?

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2 Listening
Part A: Listen to three conversations: customers are asking staff for help in the supermarket. Draw a
line to match the item, the section, the aisle number and the location for each one. One item in each
column is extra.
Dialogue 1

Dialogue 2

Dialogue 3

Part B: Listen again and choose the words you need to complete the conversations.

Dialogue one

Customer: Excuse me / I, do you work here?

Staff: Yes, I do. Can I help you?

Customer: Yes. I needing / need some pastries.

Staff: The pastries are in the bakery section - that’s in aisle 7. They’re next to the bread.

Customer: Ok, thanks / thank you.

Dialogue two

Customer: Excuse me, could I ask you / me a question?

Staff: Of course. What can I do for you?

Customer: Where can / have I find some butter?

Staff: The butter is over there, where it says dairy. It’s in aisle 3, on the left.

Customer: I see. Thanks for you / your help.

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Dialogue three

Customer: Excuse me, can you help me / help to me, please?

Staff: I’ll try!

Customer: I’ve / ‘m looking for some apples.

Staff: The produce section is in aisle 1, at the front of store, near the door where you came
Customer: Sorry, can / may you repeat that?

Staff: Of course. Go to the front of the store, and near the door, where you came in, you’ll
see the fruit and vegetables.
Customer: Right. Got it. Thanks so much.

3 Language point

Read the examples and tips in the boxes and complete the activities.

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Practise saying all the customer sentences.

Now, work in pairs. Test your partner with the prepositions that we use when giving directions, as in
the example:

A: The left or the right.

B: On the left, on the right.
A: Correct!

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4 Practice

Put the words in bold in the right order to complete the conversations.

Dialogue A

Customer: can / help / me / please / you →

Staff: What can I do for you?

Customer: can / pizza / I / find / some / where →
Staff: frozen / in / is / pizza / section / the / the. That’s aisle 9. →

Customer: Great! Thanks so much.

Dialogue B

Customer: here / work / you / do →

Staff: Yes, I do. Do you need help?

Customer: Yes, please. for / juice/ some / looking / I’m →

Staff: What kind of juice?

Customer: I need some orange juice.

Staff: It’s in the beverages section in aisle 6, on the right. But if you want cold juice to
drink now, at / it’s / store / of / the / the / front, in the cooler near the checkout. →

Customer: Thanks for your help.

Dialogue C

Customer: I / ask / could / a / question / you →

Staff: Of course. How can I help you?

Customer: tomatoes / need / I / some → Where are they?

Staff: They’re in the produce aisle. next / onions / the / they’re / to →


Customer: Ok, thank you.

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5 Speaking

Work in A/B pairs. Complete your part of the first conversation using the words you are given in
brackets. You can look back at the Warm up vocabulary and you can imagine some details as well.
Then speak together. When you finish, write your partner’s sentences.

Now change roles and try the second conversation.

Try the final conversation. Choose your own roles and use different phrases.

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6 Self-evaluation
Tick the box that shows what you can do after this lesson.

I can all the time sometimes I need more practice

with this

understand signs in a

get someone’s
attention in a shop

ask where something


understand the
directions so I can find
the item

say thank you


use prepositions of
place correctly

• Do you have any questions for your teacher?

• What’s your favourite new word or phrase from this lesson?
• Which word or phrase do you need to practie pronouncing clearly?

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7 Optional extension

What else can you find in the produce section of the supermarket? Complete this crossword.

1. Which fruit is your favourite?

2. What other fruit names do you know?
3. Can you think of three red fruits, three yellow fruits, three green fruits and three orange fruits?

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2. Listening

Customer: Excuse me, do you work here?

Staff: Yes, I do. Can I help you?

Customer: Yes. I need some pastries.

Staff: The pastries are in the bakery section - that’s in aisle 7. They’re next to the bread.

Customer: Ok, thank you.

3. Language point

Customer: Excuse me, could I ask you a question?

Staff: Of course. What can I do for you?

Customer: Where can I find some butter?

Staff: The butter is over there, where it says dairy. It’s in aisle 3, on the left.

Customer: I see. Thanks for your help.

4. Practice

Customer: Excuse me, can you help me, please?

Staff: I’ll try!

Customer: I’m looking for some apples.

Staff: The produce section is in aisle 1, at the front of store, near the door where you came in.

Customer: Sorry, can you repeat that?

Staff: Of course. Go to the front of the store, and near the door, where you came in, you’ll see
the fruit and vegetables.

Customer: Right. Got it. Thanks so much.

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1. Warm up

10 mins.
Go over the introduction and elicit or explain the meaning of the word aisle using the header image. Make sure
students pronounce this word correctly - the s is silent: /aIl/. Being able to understand these signs enables students
to use supermarkets independently. Demonstrate the exercise with the first row in the table and students can
continue alone or in pairs. Check answers, including pronunciation - stressed syllables are underlined. Be careful
with cooked (one syllable), and the long /eI/ sound in bakery and pastries. You may also wish to point out to students
that the a in tomatoes is pronounced as /A:/ in British English and /eI/ in American English. Pose the follow-up
question to the class to elicit some brief answers.
Answers to the table:
1→ tomatoes; 2→ cooked meat; 3→ mustard; 4→ water; 5→ cheese; 6→ cakes; 7→ sweets; 8→ ice cream

2. Listening

10 mins.
Part A
Students will listen to the recording twice. The first time, they listen for main idea – explain the context and go
over the instructions and items in the table. You might ask them to cover the bottom of the page, which contains
exercises related to the second listening activity. Make sure students understand there is one extra item in each
column. Play the recording and check answers.
Answers: 1) pastries / bakery / 7 / next to the bread; 2) butter / dairy / 3 / on the left; 3) apples / produce / 1 /
near the door; extra) pizza / frozen / 2 at the back of the shop.
Then students listen again for detailed information, choosing the correct words. Give students a minute to look
through the sentences and recall what they heard before you play the recording/video the second time. If students
need to listen again, that’s fine. Check answers. If you have time, students can read the dialogues out loud in pairs.
Part B
Dialogue 1 answers → me; need; thank
Dialogue 2 answers → you; can; your
Dialogue 3 answers → help me; ’m; can

3. Language point

10 mins.
This activity has four sections; go through them one by one, focusing on the examples, questions and tip. The
target language in the second point uses some because it works with both types of nouns in this context. You may
need to remind students or briefly explain what countable and uncountable nouns are or you may decide to skip
this part of the explanation if you think it’s too much for your class to take in.
Drill the example customer’s sentences with the class and set up some quick pair work drills for the prepositions
- even though these are what the staff say, students at this level should be able to use these accurately in other
Answers to the tables:

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Getting someone’s attention → could;

Asking where something is → down;
Giving directions → You may need to demonstrate this, but next to means at the side of, near means it’s close, and
opposite means you have to turn around to find it.
Saying thank you → formal

4. Practice

10 mins.
Ask students to read through each dialogue first before they attempt the exercise. Demonstrate with the first item
- they need to add punctuation like capital letters and full stops, so this is also useful writing practice. Students can
work alone at first, and then check answers in pairs. When you check answers with the class, make sure students
are using clear pronunciation. If you have time, students could then read the dialogues in pairs.
Dialogue A

1. Can you help me please?

2. Where can I find some pizza?
3. The pizza is in the frozen section.
Dialogue B

1. Do you work here?

2. I’m looking for some juice.
3. it’s at the front of the store
Dialogue C

1. Could I ask you a 2. I need some tomatoes. 3. They’re next to the

question? onions.

5. Speaking

15 mins.
Students will activate the functional language from the lesson in a speaking activity with three stages. Go over the
instructions for the first roleplay and demonstrate with the first two items to start students off. Set up A/B pairs
and give students a few minutes to work alone to complete the missing information on their side of the table.
Monitor and support students as necessary; encourage them to look back at the worksheet for support if they
need to and invent any details about what an item is next to, etc. After a few minutes, ask students to try the
roleplay in pairs and then record their partner’s answers as well. Finally, go over the first roleplay with the whole
class to check answers. Correct and drill any mistakes you hear.
In the second stage, students work alone to write the missing words from the other role before repeating the
roleplay in the same way, and in the third they must work without key words, if possible, using functional language
that wasn’t used in the previous two roleplay.
First Dialogue
1. Excuse me, do you work here?
2. Yes, I do. What do you need?
3. I’m looking for some milk.
4. It’s in aisle 8, the dairy section. It’s next to the cheese. (sample answer)

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5. Thanks / thank you so much.

Second Dialogue
1. Excuse me, could I ask you a question?
2. What can I do for you?
3. Where can I find the chocolate?
4. It’s in the confectionery section in aisle 5. It’s opposite the sweets. (sample answer);
5. Thanks / thank you for your help.

6. Self-evaluation

5 mins.
This cooler/filler offers a useful opportunity for students to evaluate their own progress. Monitor and support to
get some idea of how individuals and the group are feeling and use this information to plan future sessions. Pose
the follow-up questions to round off the lesson.

7. Optional extension

10 mins.
Use this extra activity if you have time in your lesson. It provides a useful review of fruit vocabulary and spelling.
You can also drill pronunciation and pose the follow-up questions to extend this activity further.
1 grape, 2 strawberry, 3 watermelon, 4 pomegranate, 5 lemon, 6 apple, 7 pear, 8 pineapple, 9 orange, 10 banana.

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